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Families of Elements

Alkali Metals
● Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, Cesium, Francium
● The alkali metals are located in group 1
● Some physical properties are they have a low melting and boiling points, they
are soft and can be cut easily, and they have low densities.
● Some chemical properties are they are highly reactive, explode when
exposed to water, and only have one electron on outer energy level.
● Alkali metals uses are: batteries, glass, gunpowder, fertilizer, explosives.
Alkali Earth Metals
● Beryllium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, Barium, Radium
● These elements are located in group 2
● Some physical properties are shiny, low densities, low melting and boiling
● Chemical properties are: reactive, there is two electrons in the outermost
● Some of the uses are: car engines, food, color, medicine.
Transition Metals
● These metals are located in groups 3-12
● Some physcial properties are; higher density, not very reactive; high melting
● They form positive ions by losing electrons.
● Some uses are; building structures. Aircraft, and water pipes.

Noble Gases
● Helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, radon
● They are located in group 18
● Nobles gases are not reactive at all, they don't form compounds.
● They never form ions.
● Helium is used to be an air substance, neon is used to make things glow.
● Flourine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, and astatine
● They are located in group 17
● They are very reactive nonmetals
● They are never found unless in compound
● Flourine is used in toothpaste, Chlorine is used in drinking water and in pools.
● Boron, silicon, germanium, arsenic, antimony, tellurium
● They are located in groups 13-16
● They have properties of both metals and non metals. They are usually dull
colored or brittle. They conduct electricity.
● They are used on many dfferent electrical appliances

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