Radio Show.: Geography, Fifth Semester. Third Period Project

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Geography, fifth semester. Third Period Project.

Radio Show.
Objective: Students will create a short radio show from scratch, including the typical components of a
standard show, with the aim of informing the public about any news of their choice corresponding to the
area of human geography.

1. Although the show must be created in teams, part of the score for this project will be individual
depending on the performance of each person.
2. The length of the show must be anywhere from 12 to 18 minutes, including commercials. The news
must be the focal point of the show.
3. Every student included in the team must participate to have the right to a grade.
4. Evaluation will be according to the rubric included in the second part of this document and will
consist of two parts: a co-evaluation and the evaluation from the teacher.
5. The shows will be presented in class with the help of the projector for everyone to hear.

 Students can create a podcast if they prefer, however it must include video.
 When possible, students will be given class time to research and plan their show. This is not
granted for different school events and instructions may result in alterations of schedule. In this
case, students must complete the project outside the school.
 If any misdemeanor or complaint arises during the creation of the show, the team must report it in
time for the teacher to take action. If not reported, the solving of the conflict by the teacher is not
granted and the whole team may result affected.
 The show will be presented on the last week of classes OR the week before Area exams dates (prior
agreement with the groups).
 Every student must bring a printed rubric on the day of the presentation to have the right to be

Radio Show.
Geography, fifth semester. Third Period Project.

Radio Show Rubric.

Name: ______________________________________________________________________

Team: ______________________________________________________________________

Aspect Total Points Obtained Points

The length of the show is within the accepted 5
time (12-18 mins.)
Show: includes commercial, jingles and 10
Podcast: includes video and good sound.
The focal point of the project is the presented 5

The selected news are relevant and included 5

in the branch of human geography.

The team followed a script and planned their 5

show with anticipation.

The news include background, location, date, 10

people involved, and descriptions.

The performance of the student was clear, 5

with correct grammar and enunciation.

The student worked during the course and 5

contributed to the creation of the show in
time and manner.
Total points: 50

Grade (max. 50%): 50%

Radio Show.

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