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Name .......................................

Summer Fun 2 Mark .......................

September Test 1
Reading 20 points

A Read the holiday information. Then complete the sentences below. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

Micky’s Holiday Page

 Ask Micky’s advice about the right holiday for you!

Dear Micky, Dear Claire,

I want to stay on the smallest island If you want your own private island, you will enjoy staying
in the world. Can you help me find it? on Dunbar Rock. Dunbar Rock in the Caribbean is probably
the smallest holiday island in the world. It’s a small rock near
Claire, Boston the island of Guanaja and it’s got a small hotel.

The rock is a great place for a holiday. You can swim in the
ocean and see colourful fish, underwater caves, canyons and
1. T here‘s a small ................................
volcanoes. There are also sharks and dolphins near the rock,
on Dunbar Rock. and you can see them from your hotel window!
2. Y
 ou can ................................ in the
ocean. Are you ready for some hard work? If so, you can search for
treasure. According to legend, the famous pirate Blackbeard
3. F rom the hotel window, you can see stopped on Dunbar Rock. While he was staying there, he hid
................................ in the water. his treasure in a cave under the ground. So take a spade and
4. B
 lackbeard was a famous start digging. If you find the treasure, you'll be very rich!
................................ . Good luck!
5. According
 to legend, Blackbeard Micky
hid the treasure in a ............................ .

B Answer the questions. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1.  here does Claire want to stay?
W 4. N
 ame three geographical features you can
............................................................... see under the water.
2. Where is Dunbar Rock? ...............................................................
............................................................... 5. Who stayed on Dunbar Rock?
3. Which two activities can you do on the ...............................................................

 Summer Fun ESO 2 Photocopiable © B Burlington Books

September Test 1
Vocabulary 20 points Grammar 50 points

A Match the words with their definitions. A Circle the correct answers. (5 x 1 = 5 points)
(10 x 1 = 10 points)
A B  e is / are very excited about the trip
1. W
1. bicycle ...... a. not young
2. We has got / have got a new car.
2. boring ...... b. a cold season
3. Have you got my pen? Yes, you can have it /
3. island ...... c. our planet him back.
4. old ...... d. not dangerous 4. There aren’t / There isn’t a church here.
5. Are there some / any museums in the town?
5. swimming ...... e. not exciting
6. Earth ...... f. a place with water around it B Complete the sentences with the correct
7. winter ...... g. you wear it in the winter form of the verbs in brackets. Use the
Present Simple. (5 x 1 = 5 points)
8. coat ...... h. an activity in the water
...... i. not fast 1. I usually ....................... (wear) sandals in the
9. safe
10. slow ...... j. it’s got two wheels 2. My parents ....................... (not like) water-
B Circle the correct answers. 3. ....................... Jim ....................... (see) a film
(10 x 1 = 10 points) at the cinema every week?
1. I can‘t buy those shoes. They‘re too stormy / 4. It never ....................... (snow) in August.
expensive. 5. ....................... you usually ....................... (go)
2. We explored the cave / moon under the on holiday with your friends?
3. We used a mountain / telescope to look at C Circle the correct answers. (5 x 1 = 5 points)
the stars. 1.  en isn’t swimming / doesn’t swim now.
4. Summer is the season before autumn / 2. We often visit / are visiting the old castle.
3. The sun is shining / shines at the moment.
5. There is a snake in / under that rock.
4. Arethe girls playing / Do the girls play
6. The tourists didn‘t see any lions today. They basketball on Mondays?
were disappointed / excited.
5. I am not watching / don’t watch the game
7. It‘s grey and adventurous / cloudy today. right now.
Do you think it will rain?
8. We can go horse riding / snorkelling and
see some beautiful fish.
9. There are some small fish in the hill / stream.
10. My father drives a big lorry / boat.

 Summer Fun ESO 2 Photocopiable © B Burlington Books

September Test 1
D Complete the sentences with the correct G Complete the sentences with correct form
form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past of the verbs in brackets. Use the tense
Simple. (5 x 1 = 5 points) indicated. (6 x 1 = 6 points)

1. W
 e ................................ (plan) this trip a year Future: be going to
ago. 1. You ......................................... (see) the lake
2. I ................................ (not catch) any fish last soon.
Sunday. 2. The girls ......................................... (not go)
3. The lorry ................................ (drive) over the swimming tomorrow.
bridge. Present Continuous with future meaning
4. ................................ they ................................ 3. Cathy ......................................... (not come)
(win) the game yesterday? later.
5. We ................................ (take) the camera on 4. ....................... your friends .......................
the trip. (eat) in a restaurant this evening?
Future: will
E  omplete the sentences with the correct
5. ....................... robots ....................... (do) all
form of There was / There were.
the hard work in the future?
(4 x 1 = 4 points)
6. I think you ....................... (enjoy) the concert.
1. ................................ any cheese cakes in the
bakery. H Complete the sentences with the correct
2. ................................ a hotel on the island? form of the verbs in brackets. Use the First
3. ................................ some water in the bottle. Conditional. (5 x 1 = 5 points)
4. ................................ any people in the park? 1. If Tony gets up late, he ....................... (not
catch) the train.
F  omplete the sentences with the correct
C 2. If you ....................... (look) at the map, you
form of the adjectives in brackets. will find the park.
(5 x 1 = 5 points)
3. If you ....................... (not join) the team, we
1. Is Mexico City ......................................... (big) won’t win the competition.
city in the world? 4. ....................... we ....................... (find) the
2. This is ......................................... (beautiful) treasure if we look carefully?
park in the country. 5. We‘ll go to the beach if it .......................
3. Spain is ......................................... (hot) (not rain) this afternoon.
4. We‘ve got ......................................... (good) I  omplete the sentences with the correct
football team in the country. form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Past
Simple or Past Continuous. (5 x 1 = 5 points)
5. Manchester is .........................................
(busy) York. 1. R
 on ....................... (walk) in the forest when
it started to snow.
2. While I was relaxing by the lake, I
....................... (see) a bear.
3. ....................... you ....................... (watch)
while the band was playing?
4. Lisa ....................... (not travel) on the train at
ten o‘clock last night.
5. The players were practising when we
....................... (arrive).

 Summer Fun ESO 2 Photocopiable © B Burlington Books

September Test 1
J Circle the correct answers. (5 x 1 = 5 points)

1. Could / Must / Can you play the guitar when

you ten?
2. We can’t / mustn’t / couldn’t forget to take
a camera.
3. Jack won't win the race. He shouldn’t / can’t /
mustn’t run quickly.
4. How often could / can / should I feed my dog?
5. You can / could / must listen to your teacher.

Writing 10 points

Write the sentences again, correcting the

underlined mistakes. (5 x 2 = 10 points)

1. I looked for the treasure and I couldn‘t find us.

2. Are you going to visit the castle on 5.00!
3. Finally, Ron and I ate breakfast. Then we walked
around london.
4. We‘ll see you in wednesday morning at 8.00.
5. Please wash the dishes later you the meal finish.

 Summer Fun ESO 2 Photocopiable © B Burlington Books

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