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Library Rules for Students

Do not lend your Library Books to your friends. You are responsible for
books you sign out. If your friend wants to read a book, he/she may reserve it,
and sign it out from the Library at their next Library Class.

Return books on time. Books should be returned into your classroom bins
as soon as you are finished reading them. They will be due at your next Library
Class. If you are not finished reading a book, you may renew it at your next
class, to a maximum of 3 times. Students will receive notice of overdue books.
Parents will be called for books more than 2 weeks overdue, and will be sent a
bill for books more than 30 days overdue. Students with books overdue more
than two weeks willl not be allowed to sign out new books until they are
returned, or paid for.

Do not eat while reading, and make sure your hands are clean. When
sticky books are returned, they make other books sticky, and are a lot of
work for Mrs. Lyss to clean. Arborgate is also a Nut and Fish Safe School, and
we want to ensure that our Library books are clean and safe for all students.
You will be asked to clean any books that are returned dirty.

Use a bookmark. Always mark your place and close your book to keep it in
good condition. If you don’t have a book mark you can use a piece of paper,
ribbon, feather, etc. Please do not use a post it note or flag, as these can tear
pages, and remove ink from certain types of books. Mrs. Lyss always has a
supply of Bookmark paper on hand for students who need a Bookmark.

Report any damage to the Librarian. Our books are well-used. Pages
sometimes rip or fall out as a result. If this happens, please DO NOT try to fix
it, as this can actually make the problem worse. Most household tape has
adhesives that can cause paper to turn yellow and become brittle. Mrs. Lyss has
special tape and glue to fix these types of “injuries”. If a book is dropped in
water, and is given to Mrs. Lyss right away, she might be able to save it, as long
as the pages have not started to stick or tear. If pages are lost, it is drawn in, or
chewed on, it can’t be fixed, and you will have to pay for a replacement.

Shhh… During your Library Class, students should be sitting and reading
quietly. If you are not signing out books, you are expected to take one of the
books on display to read.

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