3 Youth Forum On SDG Implementation Application Form: Sardor Juraev 26/07/1997

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3rd Youth Forum on SDG Implementation

Application Form
Name Sardor Juraev
Date of Birth 26/07/1997
Position / Organization Student/Inha University
Nationality Uzbekistan
Address in Korea 인천 미추홀구 용현동 142
Mobile number 010-7567-2607
Email Address mail-sardor@mail.ru
Essay Title Reforestation of Uzbekistan

Leveraging Public Governance and Engaging all Stakeholders to Accelerate the
Achievement of the SDGs – How can the youth contribute?

Essay Guiding Questions

What policy/government program would you like to propose?
 What challenges within public governance will need to be addressed to implement the
proposal successfully?
 How will the youth and other marginalized groups be engaged?
 What partnerships would be most helpful in continuous success? (NGOs, NPOs, CSOs,
local/national government, private sector, etc)

*You may refer to specific SDG goals and indicators that will be directly addressed.

Environment plays a crucial role for our existence on the Earth. Everything we utilize for
our lives is from the environment. Coming to the 21st century pollution of the environment
is having a notorious impact on our lives physically, emotionally, socially, economically, and
intellectually. It has already become an insurmountable worldwide problem which cannot be
tackled by the effort of one organization or government. For example, some countries and
some organizations are not accomplishing their responsibilities. As I am from Uzbekistan, I
decided to write about the policy that I want Uzbekistan Government should impose. Firstly,
to give a glimpse about the situation Uzbekistan was ranked as the 16th most polluted
country in the world in 2018 with 34.3 score, with the air in 2018 was classified as
“moderate”. Nevertheless, after just one year at 14:43 (local time) on March 07, 2019
Tashkent on 169 score was the most polluted city in the world, with the air was classified as
“very unhealthy( Live Air Quality City Ranking). The reason of this notorious change was
due to deforestation and building new cities. As I was admitted to Inha university in South
Korea in 2017 I have been living in Incheon for 2 years. And 06 2019 I visited my country
Uzbekistan for a month. And I have seen that there has been a catastrophic deforestation
almost every region of Uzbekistan. And I came up with a policy that makes insurmountable
improvement to the environment of Uzbekistan.
What policy/government program would you like to propose?

The policy I want to propose is reforestation of Uzbekistan with the help of young generation
and organizations. Firstly, Uzbekistan should stop logging and deforestation with outlawing
cutting trees. Currently in Uzbekistan there is no enforcing law to protect trees. Thus, people
are every year cutting trees especially in Winter season. Moreover, in order to modernize
cities special Building companies are also being part of the deforestation.
What challenges within public governance will need to be addressed to implement the
proposal successfully?
Coming to the challenges that will be faced by within public governance there are several
difficulties and steps to overcome them. For example: education, land, responsible
organization and permanent workers are examples of challenges for reforestation.
To overcome these obstacles firstly, Uzbekistan should educate people about the impacts of
deforestation. Schools of Uzbekistan whether in the Capital city (Tashkent) or in a small
village lag behind teaching about the environment and the media does not teach about the
effects. So, it is necessary to develop Uzbekistan education system about the Environment
Secondly, as tree lands are occupied by cities it is crucial to separate special lands in
Uzbekistan for planting trees, namely tree plantations. Currently there are few tree
plantations in Uzbekistan which are located remote regions of Uzbekistan.
Thirdly, the Uzbekistan government should specify responsible organizations for that
plantations. I believe that one organization cannot rule and manage all the plantations
because it is hard to control. For this reason, the Uzbekistan government should create new
organizations to manage all the plantations.
Fourthly, permanent workers should be hired to protect and take care of the tree plantations.
I have seen such plantations where there were not permanent workers who guard and take
care of the trees so illegal logging was in its peak
How will the youth and other marginalized groups be engaged?
Firstly, the Uzbekistan government should instruct youth by special programs. For example,
I believe that it is required to organize special lessons and programs about the ecology and
its impacts to the word. Moreover, there should be contests for the most effective participants
of the programs. Also, there should be point based system where the students should get
points for their every planting tree. In exchange for points the Uzbekistan should give
incentives such as money or free transportation tickets. In that way youth will get motivation
and soon Uzbekistan will be one of the beautiful and green countries again.

What partnerships would be helpful in continuous success? (NGOs, NPOs, CSOs,

local/national government, private sector, etc)

I believe that to accomplish abovementioned tasks not only the Uzbekistan government, but
also private organizations and NGOs should participate in this task as a performer. For
example, NGOs such as the UN, Greenpeace and International Association for Ecology have
enough experience in reforestation activities and can serve as an instructor and a partner for
the Uzbekistan government in the way of reforestation. Moreover, private organizations such
as building companies being responsible for much of the deforestation should serve in the
way of reforestation by several ways. For example, they should pay for the reforestation
activities to accomplish their social responsibilities.

In conclusion, as people are considered to be the most intelligent creatures on Earth who are
able to learn new things in the universe, we should behave accordingly by caring about the
environment. Nowadays we can see that the effects of pollution are devastative and one of
the reasons is deforestation. Every person on our planet should take a little step to save our
environment and maintain its originality. Particularly, governments, NGO’s, private
organizations, young generation and marginalized groups should take care of the trees by
planting a tree for each tree that is cut.

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