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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III
Sarmiento Homes, Muzon, City of San Jose del Monte, Bulacan


S.Y. 2019-2020

Match the words in Column A with their meanings in Column B by writing the letter (together with the word) of
your choice on the space provided for before each number:
Column A Column B
___________1. betwixt a. to think of; to expect; to hope
___________2. tomorn b. between
___________3. mewling c. crying weakly
___________4. sans d. tomorrow
___________5. weened e. without
f. challenge
A.Read the text below, then answer the questions that follow:

Based on the poem “The Seven Ages of Man” (from As You Like It by William Shakespeare), all the world’s a
stage and all men and women are merely players. Accordingly, all of us go through seven stages or ages which are
seemingly inevitable.First the infant mewling and puking in the nurse’s arms followed by the whining school. Then the
lover sighing like furnace with a woeful ballad followed by the soldier bearded like the pard. And then the justice full
of wise saws which shifts into the sixth age as the old man with spectacles. Finally, the super old man – sans teeth,
sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything ends the journey of man.

6. Which of the following statements best describes the main idea of the text?
* Life is short and has no spare.
* In life, all of us have various roles to play or portray.
* Life is best enjoyed when we live it to the fullest.
* Life is God’s greatest gift to mankind.
7. All the world’s a stage is an example of _______.
* simile *metaphor *hyperbole *personification
8. The words first…then…finally as used in the text are examples of
* sequence markers *literary devices *figures of speech * idioms
9. Which word is synonymous with woeful?
*gloomy *ecstatic *elated *exhilarated
10. San teeth, san eyes, sans taste, sans everything is an alliterative line. Alliteration is
*the repetition of vowel sounds within words
*the repetition of consonant sounds within and at the end of the words
*the repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of the words
* the repetition of vowel sounds at the end of the words

B. Scan the poem below, then work on the questions which follow:
“Mother to Son” (by Langston Hughes)

Well, son, I’ll tell you: And turnin’ corners,

Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair. And sometimes goin’ in the dark
It’s had tacks in it, Where there ain’t been no light.
And splinters, So, boy, don’t you turn back.
And boards torn up, Don’t you set down on the steps.
And places with no carpet on the floor— ‘Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.
Bare. Don’t you fall now—
But all the time For I’se still goin’ , honey,
I’se been a-climbin’ on, I’se still climbin’ ,
And reachin’ landin’s, And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair

11. To what does the mother compare her life?

* crystal chair *crystal water *crystal stair *crystal clear
12. Which statement best explains the poem’s central idea?
* Life is like a crystal clear water
* Life is full of challenges
* Life is like a bed of roses without thorns
* Life is full of joy
13. What term do we use to identify the expressions that use apostrophe (‘) in place of omitted letter/s?
*construction *contraction *contradiction *contrast
14. What does the persona in the poem tell her son?
* live life the way you want it
*cry if you must when faced with challenges
* rest if you must but never quit
* live life to the fullest
15. The repeated line “life for me ain’t been no crystal stair” is an example of
*extended metaphor *extended simile *metaphor *simile

A. Identify the sound deviceof the following: (onomatopoeia, alliteration, assonance, consonance)
16. The hissing of the snake made me shoo it away,
17. Doubting, drearing dreams no mortal enter dared to dream before.
18. Along the window sill, the lipstick stabs glittered in their steel shell.
19. Some late visitors entreating entrance at my chamber door.
20. The bubbling brook breaks.

B. Fill each blank with a single letter to form these pairs of words into synonyms:
21. __actual __true
22. __roun __oil
23. __ally __core
24. __welling __bode
25. __limb __scent

C. Punctuate the words/phrases below with a hyphen:

26. over the counter
27. a six or eight cylinder engine
28. a two thirds majority of the vote
29. the ruling passion of his life
30. one hundred ninety nine

D. Choose the correct sequence markers:

31. When cooking a meal, ____ (first, then, finally) prepare all the needed ingredients.
32. Cris keeps his surrounding clean, ______ (similarly, likewise, by way of contrast) his neighbors throw their garbage
33. Yesterday, Roberto was very active in class, ______ (similarly, on the contrary, by way of contrast) his classmates
followed suit or tried to do the same.
34. Once the ingredients are prepared, ______ (to begin, then, to end) follow all the cooking procedure.
35. ______ (Finally, Then, First) taste the meal and serve.

E. Correct each error in the use of contraction and possessive pronoun:

36. Who’se it’s author?
37. Have you accepted they’re opinion in coping with challenges?
38. You most work for your dreams now before its too late.
39. Challenges dont last forever.
40. With God in control, He keeps us standin.

F. Punctuate the following with a colon or semi-colon:

41. Last summer I went to different places across the country Batanes, Oriental Mindoro, Occidental Mindoro, and
42. Your first essay is themed “121st Philippine Independence” Day What does freedom mean to me?
43. Begin your formal letter with “To Whom It May Concern”
44. “I asked Voltaire to go to the mall with me last week he told me no.”
45. “So Verino and I went to the movies instead however, we missed the film that we wanted to see.”


Arrange the following events chronologically using letters (A-E)
46. King Arthur, together with his knights, chased Lancelot in France.
47. Lancelot had an illicit affair with King Arthur’s Queen Guinevere.
48. King Arthur’s illegitimate son Mordred seized the throne and wanted Guinevere to be his queen.
49. The King and his illegitimate son Mordred smote each other to death.
50. Sir Gawain and Lancelot eventually ended their feud before the former succumbed to death.

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