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Practice 1

A. Complete each sentence with a that clause. The first one has been done for you as
an example.

1. A comparison of the size of glaciers and icebergs over the past hundred years
reveals that they are shrinKing in size.

2. Scientists believe that there will be a flying car in 2030.

3. Environmentalists warn that the environment in Jakarta is now in the worst condition
of all time.

4. People living near seacoasts and on low-lying islands are worried that there will be
an extreme floods coming. is certain that the theory of Isaac Newton’s Law has been proven.

6. The idea that he told us to rewrite this whole book is nonsense.

7. Our teacher was very proud that we could finish the assignment on time.

B. Write each sentence so that it begins with it and ends with a that clause. The first
one has been done for you as an example.

1. That air temperatures are rising is significant.

It is significant that air temperatures are rising.

2. That ocean levels are rising is undeniable.

It is undeniable that ocean levels are rising.

3. That burning fossil fuels is a cause of global warming has been well documented.

it has been well documented that burning fossil fuels is a cause of global warming.

4. Rewrite sentence 5 from Part A.

- it is nonsense that he told us the idea to rewrite this whole book.

- it is certain that the theory of Isaac Newton’s Law has been proven

- It has been warn that the environment in Jakarta is now in the worst condition.
- it is believed that there will be a flying car in 2030

- it is a proud moment for our teacher that we could finish the assignmenton time

Practice 2

1. Experts agree that neither sex is more intelligent than the other.
2. It has been known for a long time that women learn languages more easily than
men do.
3. Researchers prove that men are better at reading map.
4. Scientists reassure that men is not as good as women in remember certain
5. It has often observed that men show superior ability at math and reasoning.
6. It has been thought by many scientists that men’s brain were programmed to
follow routes.
7. It has been known that women have more brain cells in language area then
man do.
8. It has been thought by many scientists that men’s and women’s brain
developed different spatial skills because of the different task they perfomed is
prehistoric time

Chapter 12 Practice 3

2. What will the water department demand?

The water department demands the restriction on water use.

3. What is necessary?

It is necessary to conserve water wherever possible.

4. What does the water department propose for city dwellers?

The water department propose for city dwellers to limit their showers to 5 minutes.

5. What is required of farmers?

It is required of farmers to cut their water use by 25 percent.

6. What is suggested for farmers?

It is suggested for farmers to install a drip irrigation system.

7. What does the water department urge for people living in suburban areas?

Write three sentences of your own using a different verb or adjective from the chart in
the independent clause.

8. It is insisted that people in suburbs must not use water to wash cars, sidewalks, or

9. It is ordered for every family to reduce its water use by 40 percent.

10. It is mandatory for every individual to decrease water use

Practice 4

9. Is there a side effects by doing acupuncture?

10. What if this acupuncture does not work well with my body?


2. Whether the needles are made of stainless steel or some other metal?
3. If the needles will hurt when they are inserted?
4. If the effectiveness of acupuncture in relieving pain ever be documented?
5. Wheter acupuncture strengthen the immune system?
6. Iif acupuncture use the body’s energy to promote healing?
7. Whether you study acupuncture in China or in the US
8. If you ever used acupuncuture during an operation
9. If there is a side effects by doing acupuncture?
10. Whether this acupuncture going to work well with my body?
Practice 5

11. How did the band gather the personel?

12. Why did you choose the name Behind Bars?

1. When and where the concert would take place

2. When they last performed in Fog City
3. How many years have they been together as a group
4. Who wrote their songs
5. Where they practiced on the road
6. How many songs they have recorded
7. which company produces their CDs
8. How many grammys they had
9. How the band gathered the personel
10. Why they chose the name Behind Bars

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