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Computational Thinking

Part 1
➔ Skill supports
➔ Fundamental knowledgeof
Computational Thinking
➔ Example of CT usage
➔ Simple dailyexamples
➔ CT support to write small scale of code
➔ Use precise vocabulary / tools to be able to
understand program in some domain
➔ Why we need to understand program?

Skills (cont)
➔ In order to build another application
➔ Capability & limitationabout
➔ Map real problem to computational

Problem solving technique that consists of decomposition

of setof possible solution for hugeproblem & decompose
to a little pieces
The important part of CT is pattern recognition. Output of
CT is algorithm design which covers step of solution to
overcome the problem
Computational Thinking

➔ Basic mindset to think like computer


➔ Consist of reading, writing, and


➔ Brainware need to adapt how

computer work using computational

➔ Use for research and education

Specific problem solving skills like think logically,
algorithmically and recursively

3 dimension of CT
1. Computational concept
Computational concept that are
common in many programming
languages (sequence, loops,
parallelism, events, conditionals,
operators and data)

2. Computational Practice
Incremental and iterative, testing,
debugging, reusing, remixing,
abstracting and modularizing

3. Computational Perspectives

Expressing, connecting and

Example of CT
➔ Data collection
◆ allow to use technology to
collect data (tag, FB
➔ Automation
◆ Help people to accomplish
repetitive task (calculate
discount, search engine)
➔ Analysis
◆ Make sense of data, recognize
trends and creating inference
Example of CT in dailylife
➔ Search name in your smartphone
◆ linear : start at top
◆ binary search : start in the middle
➔ Standing inqueue
◆ Task Scheduling
➔ Cooking the gourmet meal
◆ Manage time so all food
cooked perfectly and not
cold while waiting

Example of CT in dailylife
➔ Storing Legopieces
◆ Sort based on size and colour
➔ Cleaning outgarage
◆ Keep only important things
◆ Throw unimportant stuff

Task description
Based on youtube video : Facilitating
Software and Game Development through
Abstraction (Odd teams)

Based on youtube video : Improving the

world’s videos with Algorithm and the
Internet (Eventeams)
4 Cornerstone of CT

Each cornerstone is as important as the others.

Correctly applying all techniques will help
when programming on computer
Computational Thinking
➔ Decomposition : breaking down a
complex problem or system into smaller
more manageable solution.
➔ Abstraction : Focussing on the important
information only and ignoring irrelevant
➔ Pattern recognition : Looking for
similarities within problems
➔ Algorithm Design : Developing step by

step solution or rules to solve the
the algorithm and rules that is used to program a
computer to help solve the complex problem in the
best way

Thinking Computationally
➔ is notprogramming
➔ is not thinking like computer
➔ programming is telling computer what
to do and how to do it.

➔ enable to give an idea what to tell the

computer to do
CT Illustration in real world
➔ Meet someone in a certain
place where you never been
➔ Plan the route to go to the destination.

➔ Consider the routes possible and choose which

route is the“best”
➔ It can be the shortest path, quickest, or path
which past by favorite shop in the way
➔ Than just follow step by step direction to get
there programming

CT as a team workproblem

➔ Your group like different things

➔ what you could do
➔ where you could go
➔ who wants to do what
➔ what you have previously done that has
been a success in the past
➔ how much money you have and the cost
of any of the options
➔ what the weather might be doing
➔ how much time you have
CT for Games
➔ whatitemsyouneedtocollect,howyoucan
collect them, and how long you have in which
to collect them

➔ where the exit is and the best route to

reach it in the quickest time possible
➔ what kinds of enemies there are and their
weak points

CT aspects

➔ Decomposition :game>howtowin,where
togo, what amission.
➔ Abstraction : Location of exit, enemies,
➔ Patternrecognition :samesolutionto
accomplish alevel
➔ Algorithm : step-by-step plan of actions

Part 4

Collection of diverse skills to do with problem

solving that result from studying the natureof
CT concept and approaches
Characteristic of CT

➔ Formulating problems in the way that

enable us to use computer and other
tools to help solve them.
➔ Logically organizing and analyzing
➔ Representing data through
abstractions (model and simulation)
Characteristic of CT

➔ Automating solutions through

algorithmic thinking (a series of ordered
➔ Identifying, analyzing, testing and
implementing possible solutions with
the goal of achieving the most efficient
and effective combination of steps and
➔ Generalizing and transferring this
problem solving
process to a wide variety of problems


Brain science

➔ Modeling brain as computer

➔ Vision as feedback loop
➔ Analyzing fMRI data with machine
➔ Modeling the earth’s surface to the
sun, from the inner core to the surface

➔ Abstraction boundaries and

hierarchies of complexity model the earth
and our atmosphere
Medical, Economie and Social

➔ Scientific visualization enables virtual

➔ Automatic design underlies e-
➔ Statistical machine learning for
recommendation and reputation
services ie.Netflix
Astronomy, engineering

➔ Sloan digital Sky serverbrings telescope

to every children
➔ Boeing 777 tested via computer
simulation alone not in a wind tunnel

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