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| NAUVEEM Yangw . WeLoxme pane weldtog ¢ Ae fs proces “in Which Locolls ed Rermomend erate cam be groduted Wh ge wttvoulm Oppicection a set, whinge witrowk ape cation Present OF eyearune Aone And witty er voltnoud AR PLicadion Gvven materi Yoo fering, a Aivilan om ALC enter Nos, Welding . \ L a or aie p> Explosive p> Uittrosonic. ahs [Rertetance] ‘ enue P Frictton Flux cored G os } Forge Subererged Rik a Ldikuston ! Swielded op ft Mm Tyre 4 lok ence py Burt Soot: Reinforce ment ' ieee Toe Re Penetration : cw aale! ; wad bead ‘ | * LNG 7 i fr Rent gp a ) Wve weed Toe 8 tH Bw she funckion blu Weld Gace cmd we [p+ Xd QE aan + Root 2 Th Bate botad of ee peat benetretion fo Generar a Kitek, ° Wyrook 8 Fh Ws Khe horteg nen Kalomte jw voot and i wad Gre , U4 ds te weaker Acctton fa a Reb. 6 Weld Rook 2 amound a Niguid meted blw 4wo volp belore fefring , s weld bed 2 Ye sy ammount of smakertal whkh Ga oddad Yate Ane Wp dua Angle pas. + Retfonement = Amount a Moreno volhich Go profectest Brom Be bare mnodental. « Rew hen 5 .. “enctestien Js Bre Sek Upto vohtch Glen vated ean qenetreeted (to tne. Te etn * Rook ong f AK Ae tne Ahortert Bronte blo a w boore ‘etring.. erwld daporitton vate 2 14 Sa amount added Sato sre Pring pat ch Pree welding, @) woterica Umi cu SIP RA Uv ome (i) q ve wr G (carne ea) Ba> axe Length aes : Jae (5 is)a JRAARANARANARMARAARARANRANANRARARARANKDNRANDNANRAHRAABRN ~-v rw ew www Ve UHH eWUdgWTdIdIdYd * Wren tne electrode Gs In womak with, wp due ro choad CRreuts elect ave with be genarated to Aome one Ga maintaned bw Laledvode ond One Rengn (Be) Wnen the electrons ane movin comMnve tne one Wp Awown ov, from ceived 3 to Omob cry , are Heat Gy Br Hecked oa onodo $e due bo Moment f we tons [vom anode to cathode ded A Weal Wi) be Qramated en cotvedk Pur to ee Changing folonty. wnifoom Yeo Yevsnotton will dake Place on -He Rlectrede amd wpe QW ord to concentroe rove Weak on Hectrode and work Bece RK one on can be used. DE. fire werdtog. Adyaiqht Rolasicty a) Reveme lonivy, =e a Rowen eae Af a = wr \ Soe mee ave 3 =ve + Direck cacrent Revere o Direck current Greate ht Polos (DcRe) Poroni! (vese) + Dive currenk Elect ode + Direct “Cuerent Electrode Fostive (cep) Megative (pce N) © €leckrode =$ awe + wip = -ve s move Heok will be ov + Cledvode = —ve Wevkbiece =) ve + More Heat wit) be onane Rlectvock when comboned wip when Combord to Jo | ‘ Clecrvode . + Used for weldin 4 leg + Vaed Sow welaiag nigh Anicknes 5 Mow MP. modentals AWickney Omd. qe MP, wmoktaials a . Depry Sl Penetration ay more. s weld deposition rate cu lets Depry of) Renetvadion ed hal DcEN fre Arc blew ‘ Cleric owe wth Dar to Dellectton ol be Quin We wp ot the Sans ws Kmowy S One by 6 . & «Debs o\ genetvatton va ¢ Loxs s 6 « weld dehositon rovte Gt ¢ more . “< ¢ ¢ ‘ ‘ < 4 DCEP : elechromeanehe Mux Uned deflected to wonds ‘ng, omd and ow, => Due to anc blow heed fonceatrotton on ane. wlp WIN be less od tye beigming « omd and . Sud weld Abate WAM be formed . 4 Reme Avex, ‘ Se esehy ‘ 4 ‘ 4 4 4 € ¢ c « D Provide Some exteo, moteud¢ ok Ming ot amd Jap * Knoron oa OTSA. ty 2 Tabod! D Redure tye Lotenss iavaed Omd We emo \y wed « ‘ arene Seignring K ie 4 “dp 3) provi (uy Cowl ‘ ome electrode CV 4 « wT TT Websiing Aechsiques “hme are 2 movemen for the electrode . D Rumor movement eh electrode wert. Lolp. Known oy Vrean welding, Avecd, 2) down wond rmovemens af elatrode tp usond, ‘lp Constant are Kemoptiy , te wernlaly > SY Me two Movemenk e the Vlecvrode one controiied aman Walt aAMen EIS Called manned FKC_welUug tedani we, > Ame 3}. movemen A eettots ane contested) ay wing machines Aen Ida called ubomatle =ctding seh tye = R ome Movement vk Controlled cera ON one by matiine than Vs called ewe Quate mart wording bedi SE RR Teo Ge “Types, of and emoathine Va = +200 Ve Constant cuwnene Auge As Const. vadiage type Baal eee Corby Cenean) get?) ~ Vv 7 N 4 \ c L % For & dmall change Pa one > For a mal) chomge tw Voltage comreshon ding Cranage ane voltage correnponding We CGanak 23 alee” Venu twa}, Cromgar vn Cum de vey | = Wear om Wed in mono Wig. | are weding, technique > Tre ann aed iy Oucomadhc ay *reenuiquia ie oben Creu volkage (We) oe verked vetlage Heo oben terminals gov wet con be -mrammed acroe unde no Weeding condition, QA cy generally eo anon Cc & Sword chredt Curren (Ty) c Tas Marine voted Cammront “mak can be alowed “Prove Ave SR Mmechine . a. Dury cue i+ Gs Ane Kage of Mme dunin wainich ome SA on Wittrocd- overeating, elements fr a ekdlni methine — Axe on Ame Dury cyde = Arc ondtme idle me Be Bey ain a b Na = A+ BA, nak => Randand welding Awe = mn, 8 gor dH = A4ER, l tae > Stable an PPIDPPPANRANHRNAHANANNANPANANARE ALND a ag Ww ea Ave lengtn Voltage clhanactenieared oF ven ty Nae 24% 40q V-L chonachenihtcr g Rowm oune cm be omumed oy eer T=" Detamine optimum, ont \enath bem mox\ mum por er Ms at. 20 $08 Vv. _ oe Bo 7 foe US .° ws T= 600- £e¢y tea I= 60e0- oy Pe vn ° = Vv xfgoo- 1o ¥ ae Re 6oov - Sy ap 2 Eo) wt 680 -\SxXV +o ave S Se he = . - (ax Ga ay eae sp 16 = 4 2 has 4a Vee oo Sx (600 = \AxKvw VL Ononactenichtes BQ ewe source dh often 2 T= ~$00Cu~ 60°) + Pee Manackenisha ane Aven Ta= BO CV-18) | Debermine Pocuen Of Rivble ance ee (ve Wey 32) = —~600V + 600K60 Mee + 1oU4es ~ \ngeev a —heev + Bose 2 ee oe ee ees Ve Wee J 6526) * = F07, 22.408 mee Sse po 0% Gy ot contidemd = bey TL wilt be “VE Se, Te ol r3-4og — 1G SNE NE m—? PH VE = ugarex Ts-oe = SICVM Ww = B.Mse KW | Pre Leng voltage chenacteniattes ci given by Va> 20d, Pre tenghh I welding Precery chomges from Simm fe baw ! nd cece meee) Chen yo Krom Gy toyed fA. ' ee Lr fos Dwveny Rowen Lorre + Gi Wa WS Vote = 34 Ves Vote 6= UY *%,b oy Ve Te 1 Bbiy A aI WH, 30 Ly | Vo te Ve er e 365s; +MSVe= MoT, = Une, a Urov, (3) = gees ( p- sn) | so ss | ViBb st 08 (oro ~ 1) i No = TJOxo.ws azz ROV Ds Gro) = (=) ESD T1000 A Ame me eee ee eee MA ye welding mic with a Dinear Powe -kounce CManadtertttrc govidar open cmon vetiage " S0V =u Ts= Poo A dusting welding anc \engty SHOMGA fro, S wn Ap mm “and currenk chomaea from tgo + S60 Amp. Whe Bd Uneon vollage Chara ebodetic * welding anc. Solu’ © aon Ve > gov Tr @ eg eo LiClO T= fOof anes | Sr — —_ v Soe we 7 coo | =? Nv = Rov a+ ae \ > Ves 34v Ro = af/kSh pa 20 +Xb HzaQab > GD Functions & (tux Coating we a> 2o co eg JIN \ vuveUvuVUUUUOUUHOUVUUHTHCUVUHOKOUOKOeUdUTUUUY Do Mur Coating materials wit adiag eokatsena Bs By govt Tre alog Wass : > paedu 88 RES medal day a weld p00 cam be 2 Sr wil control “Tha viccod oe oe bee Ate Bauid metag, : re Wed — Rook ta Wmomafen Woke al Dtquhd wrelad in Po 2 Th wih Pacvene Ane Atrength ypint. ; > By vrducing Heed twang oy Joset | head (ontertration on w)p wit 2 Yeveared Flay Conting omatentals \. De-oxdisery oyraghite — Alumina, — Fero-gliton — Feno- mon gomerR Slag formation Compounds 2. Tron oxide ~ Bon Uoxrde ~ Vilaniuw oxide — Bea Mowe — Coidcium Slo de 38, Ave - Mali Mises To- Sodlum onide — CScium oxide = Riromstuw Aa Ucabs 4. ANouing element ~ Corom\um — Nerd = whol = Vomadion, 5) ox Aeeaing, cmodenta 2 caldum canbonedte, — BMullose Welding Ah niques boued 20 Rosition Electrode Specification (Designation | [Geune f fa dian Sema (Qs E \ 2 \ gar Pr E =S Type a electrode mom {uchertng, {es Extrucion) > Tuge 4 ux me \s Wan cellulose A= High HManium CRatile) 2 >> Poston H electrode [o = 1 ay uron except ovenher. B= Flak Bg MOA Yon ad sy a) Sen \" pris peep 32% 2) SArength 4 electrokh (z- Sendle Arrenairh Tal Renecke | A= Wretd arrengty (senfor) ye Perced of elongation waed for alt ane gestions | J Ps Specifte informedton nepadiny electrode SWielded Gan Bre welding + Tungsten Sree Gor Tig) LQ Taw] DCEN DcER Roar fee) a Ww { . ‘ { ( 4 . EN ek Se oe pie mead 4 ( 4 ( © DCEP ay mot used for ALAM . bea, electrode wilt tant melting Ao AC Aoune ca Wed for “ a Se My K AQ | wed %& P Smay Ss GV needed, eo Pre Ga Aimaked bys non ~ Crtewmatbile Awnghen clectrale, ond work Piece, . For een A Bete Amen Cuan Aickneds, a workpiece motevad net Gs no meed a Mpplyine 4 River mosenta. Foy ES Somme —s Viton on, avsos Abed asctematly Liquid metal une ne Wed foal can be, protecked’ * oreo oe gas Admorprers * Por welding, Of AN Hae smodentals Reed AL g aon, PCSP Can be Weds For weld\n AQ mg, allows AC POR Arpply By Wed tn wate’ \o nal Atha cygle due to Atrafofd polaut oxide KR US Com formed 07 tame work Ce. WHE Next roll wre cyde duets TELVLUE Pallant Oxide Sowens com le Cleaned . Tw Sa Known O% corto dic Cleaning Lrpications ~ 1+ iS used lor welding ol Aluwtntuuy ; ms B& 3 ows \n Frrospace Ando mobile ond Choma} cad Vadushs ex, R Wortunr AO alloygd wiht ~rongysten elechrads 4 te Eneneone Sy meting, gow n~nnnaunmnmnmemnmnnmner © Zivconvum - 7 7 7 ~~~ wes ew wwuvuUNUNVUUUUUY 8) Wetad nent Gor (mg) LIM Aw DERE ae |. -| - electrode wire dig = | HOS mw D Droplet atremiten. Lok tov canned] > only en ity C4 Ee D See Pe Lak nye comand magne Buld, magn ee force => Pinch eeck & ME S> grail, ‘horce tBS => Are Ga apamated bw a Conewmald\e eVect eeetrode Ga WM form eee Wie Omd Sa continous jeed Tere “Mrrous(n “Me movemorsk & oTlerg , wolleuy, MOV eMenk com be. controlled ey eon = y Seniibteers F Mapid mead im ‘me wel good com fe proreded — f Prout ee wee = Freex eo jor’s Ape Breas" SE Eo lee j q P= VE =~ #( gs0- &3)T \S Poser — zyt (sT ae gs condivion (ow Maximun Oa sees Cchemiead B[CEY- Ree ene” | Primany cation Gata Oy —? BLO + Hy + Bh, Le tox\O=z zoe a PovbL= YMoxzoo = 12 KW Re wer (ximreon foun Sounve, easton) eee Pipe CaMy Oxygen QOsmg) Qs mPa) amt me aeenaaoeoenmeumwnennbananmwnen:tc a eee EE Eee nNEEEE SE EEEEEE SEER EEO EEEE SEE EECE ST OOTTSEECTESSOEEECOSOSESEE TSEC SESEEOE SEE ESESEEECOSEESERSEOEEEES Ge condeny, meackion Aco +My + Zo. 7 AW, + Made Ah x + AN CoM, + 30 ——> Aco © Mas | Gos Games D Neutral Ramer [russing Seund’] msc tren ame }\a45"c —? [ou rs souks Seah low contoon reek Ss Bmediun Centon a On 2 \ Arg fuwen cone Laacce | CHa, Back wary eee (NE bag ao) 2) otidigiog, Paws [Ronin wr] Gah — C4, Zinc, Brass yaner Cone (2206"c) 2) Conbusigs *3, QYame [no send A aS VA is, saimesiate Same = ORS to OAT Hicker Arto , ows High Ceabon Steed Trae cone (asee’e ) engin Tndicade > > > Dk produced way > > > > ) > U » 7 Gaa weld'ng techwiqures 1 D Pore hand = a \ 2 AW Anis red que welding from ~TQE to lee. Daring me process Fromm wne I mena ne bore materia) omd over Mame do Pre- Neola the Rone wmeteri oh vdpre words wed 1s movin: Dueio ani ky wedudna He Aiferunce of temig” , toes vebe “sh cooling “aol fete plate, dua to AM (oonte aroun Arcsin db formed amd ALO Ino wotertah bo Ayn ma amd ora formotion compe Aha banc metal will be headed, phe Kindling Semls” (ab is minimus creme od comic, gels Oateead -) Alten hls By veleaing Wig minimised can be used dor nerkeod. Kom e. ome with be mekeral con be amvetentol, due te “n a Rak hand —=_ - Row healing, 6 In Anis technique welding torch aXe moving, from \eQ\ te wae during, Me \proceg Sane cone ws melting AME matnial ond @uken (ame fo veheakin awe eH Svendy welded eS Non duere mis ~ny Adres dwelobed Io-tne Joint can be weleowed . Cmeating) => ™ core ak cok iron dude Jagd Tate gh tooling Wee form A We canton will be converted Wrto canbides , To werwome ~AWy Ff can be any welded ey ge wuldirg Wr Vereen : ¢ « « 4 € Ours Coppen Cheeks ang weldod nentrod Ylrame wh ¢ arene cnum bron Ve Vire bub weld wed « found a be dyetive ye dy rewelded using, onde Kame . whet © Awe Consumbiion {ona = Contamon Ss Lis te VS Oo, > Ursxe® Xo SS AQ Ww ND “Thesis wedding, WS XB Riares stone BFe,Oy FRAL—F Ae FAALO, Amite, _scnaf Ao) — Feoy 2 AL —> 21 Q@yooas) CuO, + AQ Cg 0, SAR + These waxdare con be Heated oy a Crusble Upte 10% by wk Ma eds | Re Mis Sempre dus to son weet heak wil) be produced unma Atwiy Wea fron can be mmersed nd it wilt be Snto the. ggg Vio 3 wlp f ey paicala Ome amount Neoae meted Raid emetad wi\\Q be oltowed fe Aatiahy . Alo, man be onktng, Or Oo 0g, ¢ 4 4 4 4 ‘ 4 ( ( +d erage ee eres tee ourme ceeded tena teen otrue canna Prete 2 rece Pl Ropicatton y— year works rrailwey yanls - dering 4 Wigh MEK mess Sl — Broken cov! AO. Atomic, wyvogen ne 4, ——> H+ H + An, Wet —> ty ang shongutre CHa omed elelivede Fire Ts generated blu & NO Donsumable tangten electrodes by Aupelying Fre hydeo gen agi to ane owe due do ynove eat Wyre gen molecules writ be Lrsoctoted thts Nysroaen atoms by wontuming, Some Neat Krom the arc. When ‘hey ono Aiking on Te cald aunigte ol) volp, due to Laastaroity rey WIN recombine as Musrogen amoleculos , Busing sme brocexs Aue 4d exstnamic ceadtion heol va Produced this Head With be Aubbbied to Ane wp ee mating tne martenial, oH OPA Wil ke aching ag Heath agent Ar Wi choad OX ant sp. +e Protech Ane Baud -metad ‘from the dwesphenic Gps Dopchtons 1 Balnina oh tsk heey — Me ARs - Regain Wesky 4 cutting too, red ve Resictante w sing % Ayr weldl 29, Pressure ¥v AMiknes ss t- 2m & I= \0,000 - $0,000 A eed t= QO\— OS sec. af Ste . 2 Rock Rg SS BBR, | | 1 ‘ | ‘ 1 | c 4 4 « < € ‘ y S= Sdureeze Hime’ < Peesuuna F >--—--7 7 We weld dime [Sir ¢ wo time ¢ Ke Hold Yme Os oK At | kas © R wlp which ong qo be welded wit be held blu cu electrodes which ane In the orm OMS oF wohedds | By AW Peging, Nigh mode. 4 current Trou Ane eLochrade ok Ane contac gq ‘wo fuafeces Head wR be award Alsen gern, Fo\inrctent- Owounk 4 neat hy veteting she TONE contimowly , WUgmeb can be pooduced Ond dus to overlapping, e. yr RAK proof fot cm be posible , + Woelalag thead very Wigs «DF com be aed To mass S _Rreduckton Applications + - Fabrication 4 frat Aan - osack\ne Re | : woul{\as wsed om exaust prpes | 3) Projection weldin i Sg cu electrode si ane arom, + Produce no. 8 Projection on the Aneet materfal Uky embossn | technique . By Providiny Q2Mmeers bw a Copper electrode Welders Wigh wate of curmunt can lo Eupelied to tne 9] BA the (ontack 4 projections Heal wi) be generated fo ! Arey MAU be melted ty aie lk me powey Anan _ Rxtemal gressune con be agPlied Ao Produce nuggets og | the peje chon 5 | . Ne. A muggers cam be Frduced vw 4 shale Oxle, tag 1; 2 Me Indentadton bo electrode ond Kheed marten ah Nee tuyed only tr amax — grednetion . , Applicattow, :- Fabri cation asl re mex ~ Jetning ry Meaded Acrews K aus be the Aner makesal . 4 con, RRR ee RR RRR RRR RR RRR KAKA NIH ve - ++ ewvuy He= 2-9 Thus R= tx ® ye Ne ae = WF. O8F Wid pe a xy ws > PM RT = eons x Fede 8 = Yor Nan = WHR BSL OIL Yes = ae.\uery vo O16 Ce, zu T= tot A KZ » = 601 see de Wun R= Sox ws a RS Hse SOON ve MW Wx? 3 Mm = 35-5] x0 x Poe N@= MCAT EML. 2 Q.suct x5" ky Swe = 4m" *9 = mi CAnd L) > 35).ES583 Mm = SSS = oO Vh ews > FO3b% cero Le Vee re etx _ wy = Rooo yd AR. UR KS * ‘es Jos = HAZ HRe m(Cat ) F SoU DS os | a zm T= Lsde°o A | “YU = oo Lz See &. = Hes 10 Blu? Wet Vv = Po baw mG Ra BEV XI] oe | => Bei9\ way2 aa ous “J ye = a mC cAT EL) = AM. & ( 816 KEBO 4 BiB020) Ne OO. 0° S@NUR Ww = Z- AX wm Floss Batt wetaing wae lath welding Sem CeCS T= go.00e A 40,060 A flan \outr welding “a Wolp which ane te be welded ut be elettyede holdens pore will be mova e@ . Prarvraed blo 2 Copper, Hrd omd sme wi be By making the wo Beds Close 4. each other, veakstonce Gx dwelsped vo A wlp wh tte oa Sani c 7 by Aupplying Wig vere al current: due de Contac Tertstance hrak-wi\ oe Qevinsded of st comack A Awle alien geting Amfiisient omount gf Head, by dew tachin Pow an Supply, extemal PreK cam be Agged se Produce Jk Ww two end & wp . Heed genenation ws becouse af clecteFcad ~rextntonie Flath weldin: . By Providing 2 wp blu & electrode holdens 7 POW Ary Wi be ated. Buy mol ing Comet Qo hos vo}y due to shoot Bratt ane will be Qprercdt te continue “the ant fom 9eQ da montened bo Ane hwo w]e Oma heat Qernred oy WW Heke glove otdne 2 emds Are wp bea K eheahoicag one . + Pre ged lf Genk Ove unk —§ Weog- by fwvieh off Gowen mes cackomal presume com be apedied Sd Yroduce athe font YS Lise objeck | Roplicrtons Toe eaty cou] = dpinivg AAW oljerls wd fo md ewerbon reeds, medium carbon reals /AWSY2d Atos be Qusse boo Vika ACO mmr Anchdo, eweber ond Wo oth Mameder ors ‘punk ‘oy Rea bgt Wed Aedhwieue Ud Bov CS. ak hy Wwe face Vm gf wratentet wht be vet from eadh RIPE which hos YnsmoQ rer Once 4a oe Heok required for welieg a C44 “Shut + Hye Vege red for welding y volich am vada ve Q Bam x Loy Edkh = Vives & v 5 Si oes Vo Pa Lev lo = a Os Tey = VD aioe 2 ue Rk SN e . < Sues foe Apot weldtog fa ated el Bam Mhidoes & T= jot a y b= O% cee ¢ Meh Aisatpeted to base ¢ metal Sy loco + Wee QO Suns 7 R= Joona © whe Y vel. m{ wed wreath nage Sou’ du m at i ore Cte) XK VEOKID K Oe, 3 Hs = Yooo Jooo = sooo Vel = Boe 2 yous te T= (ooo A + = Sd -200 mm BCR RRARARKRHAARANANRANNAANRANHNHANDNOHANA “re joining, Wah ticknes object “ wewerd necdon tw Aechnique . Vonerked blu a fonimeatble Wortyode ona fre ‘ Mets Twig by aN Te olechrmdo fone ‘ Me®eQ com be Produced tea adding tre ah Hawt WAL be Poodued, 8 - | ¢ RARE Lo eye venta Om lee Je iS) > © ° > > > > > b , , , ' + By Seumeantng the hagur oh ste Gat anvetal wher Yh Ba contack Wty ualectte ONG dua to Anerk Brent one WI be extinguialud « By aubply in TA eta wate 9, one Coan noualy Through -tne Aiag, te rexintomce atetne, Alsg, heat genaation wilt be Sastwor, continued, WebSing WW bbe taker Place venticaily cas uguand dist SC AC on ned po welding FA) Norge HI obyeks more, womben gh electrodes one re usta more povowL Fours. Reppicatiory ¢ =e aeintog of high Thicknem ale yecks neh wound ~ Fabwicatton of Pres Lrames . Rotting, rof\\ Bands, Cod sare welding. Dy Cxplostue wedding. Tut — TNT = Pramonium witei be ~ Dyromtes poke d= Stond, ff Uslance a | 4 ° For ‘pray A he objecks — Awnhare +o Arunare ay SAA, Alek , Aechviqneg can ve sed , Q objects enich | On to be wetdad om with be Rred Cranget plake) | Oma otra do movable {lye plate), BY exgieding. | how veloc explosive cmotenials aloove =the Ry ‘ Poke chs ty Topadsmenga , Yue plete uti! be lored on Aanget peke., Bue to plastic daformetion otstha contact Aw Soares jot fowmertion Can be tatces ¢ Pe. Srrengin Aw Joint dopenda om amount Gf | im pad fore . Flyer Plate Js amolateiined Aome_ ‘ detance witn “Roget plete. to pion ~vo momenta, | Flym qlate da moinksiwad Gorne EadBnotion wit. — ¢ Nori zenlad Glome +o brovtde divechou Sor wekding. § Tn & ve heok affected Qone . ; ¢ Appiicahton - Siing A Wig Arena ond Rous Rreenghy ¢ Wwotemals LKe alum detteniuu, § OMnd lumivrbue to cree ~ Gaddiny A Me objec de Inereoue cormmodve Yemsemcte | Ustwa Sonic welding chowty Wickes <1-R mor (Lotls) $= 20- Gown, For Soins Ke Jeining J ess thickness voter bo Ske, Qotle , Wis Tem niqne On be , ted | High (reaency ‘UlTESe ate Vilonett hen “* a one Produced by wang Waster. Ths With be Frey Yo lp through tne amp, c « « « « 6 « & « r ¢ c « < ¢ ° ~vvvwevvevuevugvVVUUUOOOCOOCEOEdddddIYd Ate conbade 4 swe Avndates dua fo ultvaromic Vibvettons Mubbing atten will sake Place. Burto stmie beerh whl be genncnd. A\rer CeNerating Go —So% Aomdsia Area br by valving she Atatic Joad Joint con be foome byw tne oo wp * Accunacy ofthe pink da vey Wen, Applications - Fobrication Y Stodm cmd rfedes tm eflecvonic Om busier — Fabrication Yous ~ Solving @) Aimilon Gnd diceiwilar anaterials, Fricton welding N= Wooo 6002 YR eters | F- fA = Fe 4 — Tee kA eR Re dha ok witch nee T- ne Sey R= Ys tony “Go + For fining of ois Agmmelic obleds amd ay amd “Mis teclantqune com oe Used, One objek do Kxed ond atin os oa weotehionel omd axta& amevemenk, Qy makin we Coniel arose obyek voy Krxed oes wil dow +d saben arton erida Sogn On we cleaned . Bw tncveat! dhe contack dua to bofchion Wheat ust be erected aN (Conieck & aWoo Auaees . © Ake reaching Me crystallisation dee ey aebbing =the votetion arte Qregana, com oe appdted to Produc ® Ko vad Assak b) us gros |p. i “ 4 Th 5 Strengin A twe pint B® maximum | Ae can be used (os AMOR f] DISd wn\lon wmakenials Ayplitetion <- Axle ¢ Hule ~ pipes & valves — BABE 2 Crank Fricton aatvr welding fs wed Ap CWE on | Vettead Unk lt den two Liwiten Yorhy “amc aN wwokabug ond aT Bluo two objec, A Fowag welding Th fe Gud Afmlan do blackemith kerqivg oberation . “me wlp will be Weated 80 eo lorge Upto Te crystaluitation trem pr amd by groviding, onrme Prvil. Extennal Ham ing Kore wm be appdied te deform che objed too noguiiced arabe ead Spe Ahir nig by appliging the Howmmanin forte ab tw. ends Kame oGedk joa con be. wreduced | Peewna. owed Ahrenghe 4 4 tre jth SN Ggemds on aay aoet She oberstor “tans lh & pombbiitry Q oxida formention. 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