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Preschool AC Report Card Comment

Term 3

Class : Kindergarden 1

No. Student’s Name Comment

1. Adshkan Adskhan makes a sincere effort and works hard in class.
Kurniawan He has an excellent attitude and is always willing to lend
a hand. He is a positive role model for other students in
class. I appreciate his motivation to do well and we have
enjoyed being his teachers. Great job Adskhan, keep on
2. Adam Ahmed Adam has shown improvement. He enjoys participating in
Mudheher class and has done well so far, he is also becoming more
independent when doing class activities. He has started
to follow direction and tries to give good feedback. Good
job, Adam! Keep improving next term.
3. Nafiz Ghosan Ale makes a sincere effort and works hard in class. He
Alfaleriza interacts well with his friends. He has made progress
following directions and he’s working on self-control. He is
able to focus and stay on task during independent work
times. Keep improving Ale, we are happy to have you in
4. Jude Ahmed I’m glad Jude is eager to participate in the classroom. He
Mudheher has made wonderful progress and is gaining more self-
confidence. He shows perseverance in all he does. He
manages his feelings and emotions well in the classroom.
5. William Chai William has gained so much confidence in class and
interacts well with friends. He displays an enthusiasm for
learning. He follows directions and he works and plays
with great control. He is able to focus and stays on task
during independent working time. Great improvement
William, keep progressing.

Class : Preparatory

No. Student’s Name Comment

1. Felly Evelyn Chai Felly is a conscientious, hard working student. She puts
her best effort into almost all assigments. She is well
prepared for class each day. She has set an example of
excellence in behavior and cooperation. She shows
initiative and looks for new ways to get involved and show
anthusiasm for classroom activities. Great job Felly
2. Henry Ibrahim Henry is an energetic and cooperative student. He tackles
Arsyad classroom assignments, tasks and group work in an
organized manner. He treats other students with fairness
and understanding. He makes a valuable contribution and
has shown an encouraging desire to better himself in his
academic and physical abilities. It’s has been wonderful
having him in my class. Excellent job Henry!.
3. Thor Einarsson Thor is courteous and shows good manners in the
classroom, he has a positive attitude towards school. He
is a quick learner and has made great progress. He
follows rules and directions quite well. Thor shows great
social skills when interacting with other students
throughout the school day. Keep up the great job Thor!.

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