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Sabtu-Minggu, 23-24 Maret 2019

Sabtu, 23 Maret 2019

07.00 - 07.15 Registrasi Ulang Peserta
07.15 - 08.30 Pembukaan Acara - Ketua Panitia
Moderator : Prof. dr. Bambang Irawan, SpPD, K-KV, SpJP
07.30 - 08.00 Breakfast Simposium : Comprehensive Management of Acute Heart Failure and Cardiogenic Shock - Prof. Salvatore Di
Somma, MD, PhD.
08.00 - 08.55 Simposium I
tema : Topic: All NOACs Are Not Created Equally: How Does Edoxaban Compare to Other NOACs?
Moderator 1 : Dr. dr. Hariadi Hariawan, SpPD, SpJP(K)
Moderator 2 : dr. Hasanah Mumpuni, SpPD, SpJP
1. Translating ENGAGE-AF trial results into routine clinical practice - Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Yuli Setianto, SpPD,K-KV, SpJP(K)
08.00 - 08.15 2. Therapeutic approach in AF patients that have suffered a stroke with greater assurance - Dr. dr. Ismail Setyopranoto, SpS(K)
08.15 - 08.30 3. How to navigate anticoagulation in patients with cancer-associated thrombosis - dr. Ibnu Purwanto, SpPD, K-HOM
08.55 - 09.50 Simposium II
tema : New Paradigma Clinical Practice in Internal Medicine
Moderator 1 : Prof. dr. Siti Nurdjanah, M.Kes, SpPD, K-GEH
Moderator 2 : Dr. dr. Deddy Nur Wachid, SpPD, K-R
1. What's New COPD Guidelines Based on GOLD 2019 - dr. Ika Trisnawati, M.Sc, SpPD, K-P
09.00 - 09.15 2. High Dose Fosfomycin for Septic Patients in Critical Care Setting - dr. Doni Priambodo W, SpPD, K-PTI
3. Complimnetary Alternative medication for Liver Disorder - Dr. dr. Neneng Ratnasari, SpPD, K-GEH
09.50 - 10.45 Simposium III
Tema : Clinical Practice Guidelines on Lung Cancer
Moderator 1 : dr. Sutanto Maduseno, SpPD, K-GEH
Moderator 2 : dr. Ika Trisnawati, M.Sc, SpPD, K-P
1. Screening and diagnosis for Lung Cancer - dr. Eko Budiono, SpPD, K-P
10.00 - 10.15 2. Management Lung Cancer : Past, Present and Future - dr. Kartika Widayati, SpPD, K-HOM
3. Immunotherapy in Lung Cancer - dr. Susana Hilda Hutajulu, Ph.D, SpPD, K-HOM
10.45 - 11.40 Simposium IV
Tema :
Moderator 1 : dr. Hemi Sinorita, SpPD, K-EMD
Moderator 2 : Dr. dr. Agus Siswanto, SpPD, K-Psi
1. The role of Rapid Acting insulin Analog in Diabetes Management : Focus on Glulisine Clinical Evidance - dr. M. Robikhul Ikhsan,
M.Kes, SpPD, K-EMD
2. From Randomized Control Trial to Advanced Real World Evidences : What Big Data is Teaching Us from Next Generation of Basal Insulin
10.45 - 11.00
Gla 300 - dr. R. Bowo Pramono, SpPD, K-EMD

11.40 - 12.35 Simposium V Lunch

Tema : Clinical Value of Earlier Treatment for T2DM Patients
Moderator 1 : dr. R. Bowo Pramono, SpPD, K-EMD
Moderator 2 : dr. M. Robikhul Ikhsan, M.Kes., SpPD, K-EMD
1. Making Choices : DPP4i or other OAD - dr. Hemi Sinorita, SpPD, K-EMD
13.15 - 13.30 2. New Insight for Clinician Choices in the treatment of patients with T2DM - dr. Tjokorda Dalem Pamayun, SpPD, K-EMD
12.35 - 13.30 ISOMA
13.30 - 15.30 Paralel Workshop

Minggu, 24 Maret 2019

08.00 - 08.55 Simposium VI
tema : The Role of Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) Inhibitor
Moderator 1 : dr. Irsad Andi Arso, SpPD, SpJP
Moderator 2 : dr. Budi Anggoro, Ph.D, SpPD, SpJP
1. Is Pulmonary Hypertension a Terminal Illness? - dr. Vita Yanti Anggrahini, Ph.D, SpPD, SpJP
2. Management of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension (PAH) crisis - Dr. dr. Lucia Kris Dinarti, SpPD, SPJP(K)
08.15 - 08.30 3. The Role of Phosphodiesterase-5 (PDE5) Inhibitor in Erectile Dysfunction - Dr. dr. I Dewa Putu Pramantara, SpPD, K-GER
08.55 - 09.50 Simposium VII
tema : Kidney Transplantation : Challenging The Future
Moderator 1 : Prof. dr. Barmawi Hisyam, SpPD, K-P
Moderator 2 : dr. Metalia Puspitasari, M.Sc, SpPD
1. Kidney Transplantation : Preparation and Donor Selection - dr. R. Heru Prasanto, SpPD, K-GH
09.00 - 09.15 2. Surgical Aspect of Kidney Transplantation - dr. Tanaya Ghinorawa, SpU
09.15 - 09.30 3. Immunosuppressive Drugs in Kidney Transplantation - dr. Iri Kuswadi, SpPD, K-GH
09.50 - 10.45 Simposium VIII
Tema : Managing Diabetes & Thyroid Disorders: How to Optimize Patient's Benefit?
Moderator 1 : Prof. dr. Ahmad Husein Asdie, SpPD, K-EMD
Moderator 2 : dr. Faisal Heryono, SpPD
09.45 - 10.00 1. The Importance of Diabetes Management: Right from the Start - dr. Harli Amir, SpPD, K-EMD
2. The Importance of Thyroid Disorders Management:Early Diagnose, Early Treaemt for optimal Benefit - dr. M. Robikhul Ikhsan,
10.00 - 10.15
M.Kes, SpPD, K-EMD
10.45 - 11.50 Simposium IX
Tema : The Role of Agonist Thrombopoietin Receptor In Hematological Disorder
Moderator 1 : dr. Ibnu Purwanto, SpPD, K-HOM
Moderator 2 : dr. Yanri Wijayanti, Ph.D, SpPD, K-PTI
10.30 - 10.45 1. Importance of CML early detection - dr. Kartika Widayati, SpPD, K-HOM
10.45 - 11.00 2. Role of Eltrombopag in the Comprehensive Management of Chronic ITP - dr. Mardiah Suci Hardianti, Ph.D, SpPD, K-HOM
11.50 - 12.45 Simposium X Lunch
Tema : Shaping Decision Making in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Moderator 1 : dr. Hemi Sinorita, SpPD, K-EMD
Moderator 2 : Dr. dr. Probosuseno, SpPD, K-GER
1. Glucose Lowering Drugs and CV Outcomes: What We Have Learned and Where Are We Going? - dr. M. Robikhul Ikhsan, M.Kes,
13.00 - 13.15
13.15 - 13.30 2. Cardiovascular Mortality in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Old Challenge, New Opportunities - dr. R. Bowo Pramono, SpPD, K-EMD
3. Prof. Dr. dr. Budi Yuli Setianto, SpPD, K-KV, SpJP(K)
12.45 - 14.00 ISOMA
14.00 - 16.00 Paralel Workshop
Sabtu, 23 Maret 2019
WAKTU Endokrin Reumato
Premix Insulin : From initiation to
13.30-14.45 Overview and Management Autoimmune Disease
Mod: dr. M. Robikhul Ikhsan, M.Kes, SpPD, K-EMD Mod: dr. Anna Anggrahini, SpPD, K-PTI

Strategies to Initiate Insulin Therapy with Premix Emergency in Autoimmune Reumatic Disease - Prof. Dr. dr.
Insulin - dr. R. Bowo Pramono, SpPD, K-EMD Nyoman Kertia, SpPD, K-R
Insulin Intensification : Where Does High Mix Insulin SLE Management : What is The Best Target ? Remission or
13.50-14.10 Fit in The Therapy dr. Vina Yanti S, Ph.D, SpPD, K- Low Disease Activity - dr. Deddy Nur Wachid A, M.Kes,
Mix Insulin 50 : 50 - dr. Hemi Sinorita, SpPD, K- Treatment for Refractory Lupus Nephritis: What is The
EMD Current Evidence - dr. Ayu Paramaeswari, SpPD, K-R
14.30-14.45 Discussion Discussion

WAKTU Pulmo Nefro

13.30-14.45 Is Asthma Considered a Serious Illness ? Management Complication of CAPD
Mod : dr. Heni Retnowulan, M.Kes, SpPD, K-P Mod : dr. Yulia Wardhani, SpPD

Management of Asthma Exacerbation - dr. Eko Peritoneal Dialysis Associated Infection - dr. Iri Kuswadi,
Budiono, SpPD, K-P SpPD, K-GH
Asthma in pregnancy : Effect on Patient and Safe Non Infectious Complication of CAPD - dr. R. Heru
Treatment - dr. Ika Trisnawati, M.Sc, SpPD, K-P Prasanto, SpPD, K-GH
Managing Severe, High Risk and Difficult to Control Demo Pemberian Obat Intraperitoneal - Tim CAPD RSUP
Asthma Patient - dr. Sumardi, SpPD, K-P Dr. Sardjito
14.30-14.45 Case Presentation - dr. Tri Setiana, SpPD Case Illustration : Interactive Clinical Case Discussion

13.30-14.45 GERD : Diagnosis and Treatment
Mod : dr. Sutanto Maduseno, SpPD, K-GEH
How to Diagnose GERD - dr. Catharina
Triwikatmani, M.Kes, SpPD, K-GEH
GERD Management in Clinical Practice - dr. Putut
Bayupurnama, SpPD, K-GEH
14.10-14.30 Case Presentation
14.30-14.45 Discussion


Minggu, 24 Maret 2019

WAKTU Endokrin Paru TB

Tata Laksana Terapi Inisiasi Insulin,
Optimalisasi Insulin, dan Intensifikasi dengan
14.00 - 15.15 How Dangereous is Tuberculosis?
Insulin Menuju Cakupan 100% Universal
Health Coverage (UHC)
Mod : dr. M. Robikhul Ikhsan, M.Kes, SpPD, K-EMD Mod : Prof. dr. Barmawi Hisyam, SpPD, K-P
Diskusi Panel: Situasi dan Kebijakan Tata Laksana Diabetes
Management of Side Effect Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment - dr.
14.00 - 14.20 Melitus di Indonesia Menuju Cakupan 100% Universal
Health Coverage (UHC) - Dinkes dan/ BPJS Bambang Sigit R, SpPD, K-P

Inisiasi dan optimalisasi Terapi Insulin & Diskusi kasus Tuberculosis in Special Clinical Situation and Commorbidities -
14.20 - 14.40
- dr. Hemi Sinorita, SpPD, K-EMD dr. Heni Retnowulan, M.Kes, SpPD, K-P
Intensifikasi terapi insulin & Diskusi kasus - dr. R. How is MDR TB diagnosed and Completely Cured? - dr.
14.40 - 15.00
Bowo Pramono, SpPD, K-EMD Sumardi, SpPD, K-P
15.00 - 15.15 Discussion Case Presentation - dr. Nur Rahmi Ananda, SpPD

WAKTU Gastro -Psiko Infeksi - Gastro - Alergi Immunologi

14.00 - 15.15 Nutrition in Elderly and Palliative Care Patients

Mod : dr. Sutanto Maduseno, SpPD, K-GEH Mod : dr. Eko Aribowo, M.Kes, SPPD, K-GER
Management of Nutrition in Hepatic Disorder - dr. Management of Skin and Soft Tissue Infection - dr. Rizka
14.00 - 14.20
Fahmi Indrarti, SpPD, K-GEH Humardewayanti Asdie, SpPD, K-PTI
Fluid and Nutrition Therapy in Critical Ill - dr. Doni Management of GI Bleeding - dr. Putut Bayu Purnama,
14.20 - 14.40
Priambodo, SpPD, K-PTI SpPD, K-GEH
Nutrition for Palliative Care Patients - dr. Noor Overview and Management Anaphylactic Shock - dr.
14.40 - 15.00
Asyiqah Sofia, SpPD, K-Psi Deshinta Putri M, SPPD, K-AI
15.00 - 15.15 Discussion Discussion
Minggu, 24 Maret 2019

WAKTU Endokrin Paru TB

Tata Laksana Terapi Inisiasi Insulin,
Optimalisasi Insulin, dan Intensifikasi dengan
14.00 - 15.15 How Dangereous is Tuberculosis?
Insulin Menuju Cakupan 100% Universal
Health Coverage (UHC)
Mod : dr. M. Robikhul Ikhsan, M.Kes, SpPD, K-EMD Mod : dr. Eko Budiono, SpPD, K-P
Diskusi Panel: Situasi dan Kebijakan Tata Laksana Diabetes
Management of Side Effect Anti-Tuberculosis Treatment - dr.
14.00 - 14.20 Melitus di Indonesia Menuju Cakupan 100% Universal
Health Coverage (UHC) - Dinkes dan/ BPJS Bambang Sigit R, SpPD, K-P

Inisiasi dan optimalisasi Terapi Insulin & Diskusi Tuberculosis in Special Clinical Situation and Commorbidities -
14.20 - 14.40
kasus - dr. Hemi Sinorita, SpPD, K-EMD dr. Heni Retnowulan, M.Kes, SpPD, K-P
Intensifikasi terapi insulin & Diskusi kasus - dr. R. How is MDR TB diagnosed and Completely Cured? - dr.
14.40 - 15.00
Bowo Pramono, SpPD, K-EMD Sumardi, SpPD, K-P
15.00 - 15.15 Discussion Case Presentation - dr. Nur Rahmi Ananda, SpPD

WAKTU Gastro -Psiko Infeksi - Gastro - Alergi Immunologi

14.00 - 15.15 Nutrition in Elderly and Palliative Care Patients

Mod : dr. Sutanto Maduseno, SpPD, K-GEH Mod : dr. Eko Aribowo, M.Kes, SPPD, K-GER
Management of Nutrition in Hepatic Disorder - dr. Management of Skin and Soft Tissue Infection - dr. Rizka
14.00 - 14.20
Fahmi Indrarti, SpPD, K-GEH Humardewayanti Asdie, SpPD, K-PTI
Fluid and Nutrition Therapy in Critical Ill - dr. Doni Management of GI Bleeding - dr. Putut Bayu Purnama,
14.20 - 14.40
Priambodo, SpPD, K-PTI SpPD, K-GEH
Nutrition for Palliative Care Patients - dr. Noor Overview and Management Anaphylactic Shock - dr. Deshinta
14.40 - 15.00
Asyiqah Sofia, SpPD, K-Psi Putri M, SPPD, K-AI
15.00 - 15.15 Discussion Discussion

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