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(12 ABM B)

Chapter 1


Background of the study

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze the way you think and present evidence

for your ideas, rather than simply accepting your personal reasoning as sufficient proof.

You can gain numerous benefits from mastering critical thinking skills, such as better

control of own learning and empathy for others point of view. (Islam, 2015)

Critical thinking enables students to assess their learning styles and allows them

to take ownership of their education. Ultimately this approach allows students to access

what they see their strength and weaknesses are to allow for more direct approach to

create cohesive individualized education plan. Ironically, today seems that one of the

most important criteria for success in College is the ability to think independently while

being logical at the same time. (Zhang, J.Q. 2009)

Students who know how to analyze and critique ideas are able to make

connections across disciplines, see knowledge as useful and applicable to daily life and

understand content on a deeper, more lasting level. (Elder with Paul, 2010)

Critical thinking is valuable skills for students to master. From solving problems

in school or class assignments to facing real world situations. It teaches various skills that

can be applied to any situation in life that needs for reflection, analysis and planning.

Often students are asked to present papers either on their subject matter or in arts.

Knowledge in critical thinking skills enables students to not only outline their papers

coherently with the logical structure, it also helps them reason and present their thought

in an organized and persuasive manner.


A good critical thinker knows how to separate facts from opinions, how to

examine an issue from all sides, how to make rational inferences, and how to withhold

personal judgment or biases. Critical thinker remains calm and knows when he is right.

They are less likely to fall for scams or tricks because they approach everything with a

healthy amount of doubt to a certain thing.

Eventually, critical thinking skills help you to better understand the experiences

and view of others, enhancing your ability to work with different people.

Accountancy, Business and Management is an academic strand in Senior High

School that deals mostly in mathematical problem and real-life situation problems. ABM

serves as the medium to students who are planning to take Business related courses in

College. Every Accountancy, Business and Management student must have good critical

thinking skills for it is very essential to them. One should have it so that they will pass

every exam and performances that will be given to them.

This is the reason why the study will be conducted with the fact that business men

and entrepreneurs must have critical thinking skills because in their field of work, they

may encounter many difficult problems that will require critical thinking skills for them

to be able to solve it.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the level of critical thinking of ABM students of

Mount Carmel College of Escalante Incorporated for the school year 2019- 2020.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following:


1. What is the level of critical thinking of Accountancy, Business and

Management students when they are tested as a whole and when based on

their grade level and sex?

2. Is there a significant difference in the level of critical thinking of

Accountancy, Business and Management students when they are grouped

by their grade level and sex?


In view the aforementioned specific problems this hypothesis is advanced:

1. There is no significant difference in the level of critical thinking skills

among the students when they are grouped by their grade level and


Scope of the Study

The focus of the study was to determine the level of critical thinking among ABM

students in the institution of Mount Carmel College of Escalante Incorporated. The

respondents of this study were the 34 Grade 11 ABM A, 31 Grade 12 ABM A, and 30

Grade 12 ABM B, for a total of 98 ABM students.

The study focused on the following levels of critical thinking: unreflective

thinker, challenged thinker, beginning thinker, practicing thinker, advanced thinker and

accomplished thinker.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will be beneficial to the following:


Students. This study will provide them with useful information of the results of

this study particularly to the ABM students. It will make them know what are their

capacities in critical thinking and may encourage them to develop more to their analyzing

skills if there would be an unsatisfactory outcome of the results. These students may want

to read this in order to know where are their strong points and weak points in critical


Teachers. This study will provide them a good basis for them to know on how far

their students reach in critical thinking. The teachers may base on this study on how to let

their students keep up with lessons and may adjust according to the student’s critical

thinking level. The teachers may provide solutions to the students when the result does

not meet the satisfactory level.

School. This study will provide them a summary of results based on the level of

critical thinking of the students. This study may let the school be informed about the

performance of the students on their critical thinking ability. The school may evaluate

their academic training to the students from the result of this study if they progressed or


Parents. This study will provide them a quick view on how their children can

handle problems using their critical thinking skills. The parents should know the level of

critical thinking of their children when being tested with a group.

Future Researchers. This study will provide them a good source of idea if they

have chosen a topic that is similar or related to this study. This study will serve as a

preference for them to know the flow of information and what would their study looks

like if it is finished. The future researchers may use this study for the to move an idea in

what to put on their work.

Definition of Terms

The terms used in this study are operationally defined as follows:

Ability Conceptually and operationally defined as a state of being able.

(Capacity, Capability)

Critical Conceptually, it is defined as the ability of a person to further analyze and

fully understand a complex idea.

Operationally, it is defined as to the expression that involves analyzation

of a work or idea.

(Evaluative, Analytic, Analytical)

Ideas Conceptually, it is defined as a concept made from the mind by means of

getting the own meaning from the taken content.

Operationally, it is defined as a thought, plan, or suggestion on what needs

to be done.

(Thought, Plan, Sugesstion)

Students Conceptually defined as a person who is studying at a school or college.

Operationally, it is the one who the researchers manipulated.

(ABM Students)

Thinking Conceptually and operationally defined as producing ideas, decisions,

memories by using the mind.


Chapter 2

Review of Related Literature

Grade Level. The study is all about Assessing Critical Thinking of Business

Students using Multiple Measure (Bandyopadhay, 2018). Furthermore, the study stated

that it offers a unique perspective on how to assess critical thinking of business students

with help of multiple measure, including individual and group exercises, and case

analysis. The study was able to demonstrate significant improvement in the students’

critical thinking abilities as they progress through the program. It was recommended that

more business school will be encouraged to develop additional measures of critical

thinking. This will help in improving the teaching and learning of critical thinking- a

critical skill to acquire for all business students.

The study of Strom (2010) emphasized that students who learn

Shakespeare through a performance-based approach had a statistically significant given

in overall critical thinking skills. Furthermore, the study stated that it used California

Critical Thinking skills to measure the growth in critical thinking skills that students

obtained through a traditional ‘seat-bound’ versus a ‘performance-based’ approach

teaching of Shakespeare at the secondary level. It was recommended that the study

provide empirical evidence to the benefit of using a performance-based approach in the

teaching of Shakespeare at the secondary level.

The study of Chi-An Tung (2009) emphasized developing critical thinking

skills and critical disposition in college students has been set as primary goal in higher

education for decades. Furthermore, the study stated that it investigated the efficacy of

developing critical thinking through literature reading. Students took the pretest and

posttest (California Critical Thinking Skills Test) and a self-assessed questionnaire and

then scheduled an individual interview with the teacher. It was recommended that

(1) literature reading helped those who scored low in the pretest improve their overall

critical thinking skills, particularly those in analysis;(2) students’ English proficiency did

not relate to their performance in both pretest and posttest;(3) some students were

assertive they tended to show more disposition toward critical thinking than ever but this

needs a follow-up longitudinal study with a standardized measure to assess the efficacy

in this respect;(4) students found guided in-class discussion more effective than other

student- directed activities in developing critical thinking.

The study of Moeler states that fourth and fifth grade learners are

taught to think critically and creatively through exposure to images. Moeler et al found

that even there were least responsive students in the class they are still able to think

critically and creatively. The results were positive because the students were undergone a

series of questions that guided them in their thinking.

The study of Mendelmen (2007) states that he applied scaffolding of critical

thinking skills to English discipline; at the elementary level, students read literature at a

superficial level, building basic reading comprehension. As students reach middle school,

the critical thinking focus builds to include application of literacy terms. Mendelmen

advised that “literacy terms must be introduced on a scale of increasing complexity,

progressing from plot and setting to point of view and figurative language. This

terminology is the basis for literary analysis”.

Sex. This study aims to investigate students’ perception on their critical thinking

and problem solving skill (Rodzalan&Saat, 2014). Furthermore, the study also aims to

determine whether there are differences between genders and academic disciplines on

this skill.It was recommended that students perceived they have high critical thinking and

problem solving skill. It is also revealed that male students are perceived to have better

critical thinking and problem solving skill. Social science students appear to perform

better in this skill, as compared to science and engineering students.

The study of Dow and Wood (2006) states that critical thinking skills are

differently perceived according to gender. They conclude that females use critical

thinking in a less confrontational or direct approach than what males do. This is because

of some part of physiological difference in cognition and mostly through the effects of


The study of (Halpern et al, 2007) reported then women excels more in verbal

skills and in memory for objects, words, and activities than men. Men mostly excels in

mental manipulating objects and the performance of quantitative works that includes

visual symbols. Through this topic concerning gender and critical thinking the research is

worthy of consideration.

The study of Zetriuslita, Ariawan, andNufus (2016) concludes the result of their

study about critical thinking that male students already have the ability to generalize a

complete data provided for them but the ability to identify and to justify the concepts and

analyze algorithms are not yet there. While females already have the ability to identify

and justifythe concept and the ability to generalize but they are not completely able to

analyze the algorithm well. Students from both genders show similar symptoms but the

analyzation of algorithm does not show a positive outcome.


The study of Salahshoor and Rafiee (2016) investigates the relationship between

critical thinking (CT) and gender among Iranian EFL learners and it also attempts to trace

any difference between male and female learners in applying skills. The findings

indicated a poor status of CT among the learners and also it was revealed that males and

females were not significantly different from one another on applying CT skills.

Theoretical Framework

This study theorizes the level of critical thinking of the Accountancy, Business

and Management students. Further, it is guided by the theory of Critical Thinking: A

Stage Theory. (Henceforth, CT:AST)

The theory of Critical Thinking: A Stage Theory which was proposed by Linda

Elder with Richard Paul suggest that it is important to recognize that on this view,

persons are critical thinkers, in the fullest sense of the term, only if they display this

ability and disposition in all, or most, of the dimensions of their lives (e.g. as a parent,

citizen, consumer, lover, friend, learner, and professional). The authors exclude from

their concept of the critical thinker those who think critically in only one dimension of

their lives. They do so because the quality of one’s life is dependent upon high quality

reasoning in all domains of one’s life, not simply in one dimension. The stages they will

lay out are as follows:

Stage One: The Unreflective Thinker

Stage Two: The Challenged Thinker

Stage Three: The Beginning Thinker

Stage Four: The Practicing Thinker


Stage Five: The Advanced Thinker

Stage Six: The Accomplished Thinker

This theory has a direct effect on this study because the researchers used the

theory as a basis to support their research. Specifically, the stages of critical thinking.

Conceptual Framework

The concept presented shows the flow of the overall study. It serves as a guide for

the researchers to achieve their said aims and goals. The researchers follow this concept

to do the study straightforward and avoid any unnecessary actions.

The figure below posits that the variables, grade level and gender, shows different

level of critical thinking of the students.

As shown in the conceptual model, the level of critical thinking will be measured

in terms of variables, grade level and gender. The researchers will conduct a critical

thinking skills test using questionnaires that from Critical Thinking Skills Success in 20

Minutes a Day that undergone realibility and validity test. After conducting the test, the

researchers will present the proposed action plan.



Level of Critical
Thinking among the
Accountancy, Business
and Management
students of Mount Proposed
Carmel College of
Escalante Incorporated. Action
A. Grade level
B. Gender
Conduct a Critical
Thinking skills test
using a questionnaire
that was excerpted
from from Critical
Thinking Skills
Success in 20 Minutes
a Day that undergone
reliability and validity

Figure 1. Conceptual Model


Chapter 3


This chapter discusses the research design, respondents, measures and procedures

employed in the study.

Research Design.

This quantitative study employed the descriptive research design to determine the

level of critical thinking skills of the ABM students in Mount Carmel College of

Escalante Inc.

Descriptive research design is a scientific method which involves observing and

describing the behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way (Shuttleworth,

2008). It can answer what, when, where, when and how questions, but not why questions.

Descriptive research is an appropriate choice when the research aim is to identify

characteristics, frequencies, trends, correlations, and categories (McCombes, 2019). The

researchers used this design to determine the level of critical thinking skills of the ABM

students of Mount Carmel College of Escalante Inc.

Respondents of the Study.

The respondents in this research are 75 ABM students of Mount Carmel College

of Escalante Inc. for the school year 2018-2019. This study utilized the proportional

stratified random sampling method to select the participants of the study. A stratified

random sampling involves dividing the entire population into homogeneous groups called

strata (plural for stratum). Random samples are then selected from each stratum (Hayes,


The representative sample from each stratum was determined using Slovin’s

formula. From the total population of 92 students, 75 was the computed sample size and

were the actual number of participants in this study (see Table 1 and Table 2).

Table 1

Distribution of Respondents

Variable N n %

Grade Level

11 34 28 37%

12 58 47 63%

Total 92 75 100%

Table 2

Variable N n %


Male 18 15 20%

Female 74 60 80%

Total 92 75 100%

Research Instrument.

This study used the Critical Thinking Assessment Practice Questionniare which

was excerpted from Critical Thinking Skills Success in 20 Minutes a Day that undergone

reliability and validity test.The questionnaire consists of a selection and questions which

are divided into the different levels of critical thinking skilks.

To determine the levels of critical thinking skills, the following range of scored

was used (see Table 3).

Table 3

Range of Scores for Critical Thinking Skills

Range of Scores Verbal Interpretation Descriptive Interpretation

88%~100% Accomplished Thinker These thinkers have established a

systematic plan to assess and correct their

own thinking, and are also continually

critiquing this plan in order to improve

their thinking. They have almost

completely internalized the elements of

reasoning and the standards for assessing


72%~89% Advanced Thinker These thinkers have “established good

habits of thought which are ‘paying off’.”

They actively analyze, assess, and critique

their own thinking in the significant areas


of their lives, and they also have

insight and understanding of problems at

deeper levels of thought.

54%~71% Practicing Thinker These thinkers have an awareness of how

our thinking tends to be flawed, have an

understanding of the basic elements of

reasoning and standards for assessing

reasoning, know that our thinking needs to

be monitored and corrected, and understand

that we are basically egocentric if we do

not challenge our own assumptions.

36%~53% Beginning Thinker These thinkers are actively trying to take

control of the quality of their thinking in

several areas of their lives. Because they

realize that they sometimes experience

difficulty in their reasoning or problem

solving, they take deliberate measures to

monitor and improve their thinking.

18%~35% Challenged Thinker These thinkers have become aware of the

role thinking plays in their lives. They have

begun to understand that problems in

thinking and logic can cause significant


trouble for them, and they recognize that

productive thinking requires effort and

deliberate attention.

17%~ below Unreflective Thinker These thinkers are basically unaware of the

role of thinking in their lives and of

potential problems with their own

reasoning – they lack the ability to be

metacognitive. They do not identify

concepts or assumptions behind ideas, and

they rarely assess the logic of their

opinions or conclusions.


Data Gathering. The researcher wrote a letter to the Principal of Mount Carmel

College of Escalante Inc. asking permission to conduct the study to the target

respondents. Second, the researchers subjected the excerpted questionnaires to the

respondents. The administration and retrieval of the research instrument was done by the

researchers to ensure complete retrieval. Finally, after collecting all the data, the

tabulation, analysis, and interpretation will follow.

Ethical Consideration. In the conduct of the study, the following ethical

consideration were observed. First, the participation of respondents is of voluntary basis.

Second, the participants were given informed consent before the conduct of the study.

Third, offensive, discriminatory and unacceptable language was not used in the making

of the excerpted questionnaire. Fourth, the privacy and anonymity of the information

gathered in the study was strictly observed. Fifth, proper citation was used in using ideas

from other reputable resources.

Data Analyses. The following data analyses were used in the study.

For problem number 1, which sought to determine the levels of critical thinking of

Accountancy, Business and Management students when they are tested as a whole and

when based on their grade level and sex, descriptive analysis was used.

For problem number 2, which sought to find out the significant difference in the

levels of critical thinking of Accountancy, Business and Management students when they

are grouped by their grade level and sex, descriptive analysis was used.

Statistical Treatment. In the analyses of quantitative data different statistical

tools were used.

For problem number 1, which sought to determine the levels of critical thinking of

Accountancy, Business and Management students when they are tested as a whole and

when based on their grade level and sex, T-test independent sample and ANOVA was


For problem number 2, which sought to find out the significant difference in the

levels of critical thinking of Accountancy, Business and Management students when they

are grouped by their grade level and sex, ANOVA was used.

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