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Bard High School Early College

CHI 103 Beginning Chinese (III)

Worksheet for L6D2 Grammar and Language Practice 你的名字:
Grammar 4 :Time Expressions: (Textbook p.163)

The Month before The week before last

Last month Last week

This month This week

Next month Next week

The month after next The week after next

One month later One week later

Three days ago Three years ago

The day before The year before last

Yesterday Last year

Today This year

Tomorrow Next year

The day after tomorrow The year after next

Three days from today Three years from now

Grammar 5:The model verb 得 (děi ) means “Need to” or “must” : (Textbook p. 164)

1. I need to go to a meeting now; I don’t have time to chat with you.

2. I have to see a doctor now.

3. Don’t speak English; you have to speak Chinese.

4. [need not: 不用/不必 (NOT “不得”)

We don’t need to go to school today.

Bard High School Early College
CHI 103 Beginning Chinese (III)
Worksheet for L6D2 Grammar and Language Practice 你的名字:

Language Practice G 别。。得。。。(Don’t…,Must…) (p. 166)

Practice speaking with your classmate, then write:

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________

Grammar 3: Directional Complement(I)(Textbook p. 165)

【来/去 --lái/qù come and go】can serve as a directional complement after such verbs as 进 (jin—to
enter) and 回 (huí, to return). “来” signifies movement toward the speaker, while “去” (”qù
“ signifies movement away from the speaker.

1. When are you coming back?

Bard High School Early College
CHI 103 Beginning Chinese (III)
Worksheet for L6D2 Grammar and Language Practice 你的名字:
2. I am going back at 8:00 tonight.

3. Come in.

4. Go in.

Language Practice F: A 跟 B+ V(O) (p. 166): A does something with B

Practice speaking with your classmate, then write:

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________

Language Practice H: A 跟 B+ 见面 (p. 167): A meets with B

Practice speaking with your classmate, then translate the following:

1. Who would you like to meet?

2. I would like to meet your Chinese teacher.

Bard High School Early College
CHI 103 Beginning Chinese (III)
Worksheet for L6D2 Grammar and Language Practice 你的名字:

Language Practice I: Just practice speaking: take turns asking each other questions.

Language Practice J: What does your friend have to do if he or she wants you to help him/her.

要是我帮你 ______________________________, 你得_______________________________

“If I help you…, you have to…”

1. Study Chinese

2. Practice playing ball

3. Practice singing

4. Practice dancing

K. Role Play: Please write out the script here

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