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• it is a combination of medicine and technology

• it involves a series of stepwise scientific processes

and employs technologies that provide meaningful
diagnostic findings
• it is an applied science
• it employs scientific investigation to come up with
• It focuses on how to gather relevant information that
can be used to establish facts.
• It involves laboratory diagnostic procedures that
serve as mediators of the cause and effect of
➢ It utilizes scientific methods ➢ Knowledge learned can be
and inquiry applicable in clinical
laboratory settings and
research-related activities
APPLICATION ➢ Knowledge learned can be ➢ Diagnosing diseases affecting
applicable to research- humans
related activities
IMPACT OF LABORATORY ➢ Research purposes ➢ Diagnosing diseases affecting
AREA OF STUDY ➢ Living things ➢ Human diseases, treatment,
prevention and control
* involves the conventional laboratory examination method.
ex. Urinalysis- involves the use of a compound microscope
and chemical procedures. Formed elements and crystals are
usually observed with a microscope. Chemical methods are
used to evaluate protein, sugar, ketones, specific gravity, etc.
* also know as laboratory information system or LIS. It involves
automation in research undertakings. It is more advantageous
because it shortens time allotment, smaller workforce,
immediate release of results and use of fewer reagents.
Limitations of Scientific Inquiry in Medical Technology
• Controlled Environment - expecting no external interference in the
performance of laboratory tests
• Time - it is important in performing time-bound procedures.
• Handling, preparation and processing specimens - correct handling
of specimens is mandatory.
Ex. Avoidance of exposure to light and 14-hr fasting
• Reagents, Chemicals and laboratory supplies - checking the
specifications of the reagent’s labels is very important.
Ex. Storage temperature, degree of purification or
concentration, expiration dates, etc.
• Condition of Instruments- instruments should be regularly calibrated.
Ex. Colony counter, wire loop, spectrophotometer
• Objective approach – the technologist should focus on the onjectives
• Laboratory Information Systems
- with the evolution of electronic and technical devices, clinical laboratories
are also moving toward innovation and meeting the immediate demands of
health laboratory services.
• Professional Practice
- a medical technologist should always observe the code of ethics and
patient’s rights.
• Genetic Engineering, Gene Therapy, Gene Diagnosis
- it enables access to gene therapy and diagnosis. It is used in the detection of
genetic disorders such as hemophilia.
• Laboratory Waste Management
- laboratory waste management should be continuously and closely
monitored. This is imperative in order to prevent the spread of diseases.
• Scientific Research
- current researches are moving toward the molecular diagnosis of
diseases and infections.
• Laboratory Diagnosis of the 21st Century
- highly sophisticated and accredited clinical laboratories , automated and
conventional or manual methods are used to ensure accuracy of laboratory
• Medical Technology uses a
wide range of technologies to
diagnose certain diseases and
• All laboratory methods
comprise scientific procedures,
irrespective of whether the
technology is conventional or
• Medical Technology encompasses
scientific inquiry of various societal
health problems and involves a wide
range of laboratory investigations.
• These laboratory investigations
include drug testing to rule out drug
addiction, molecular and nucleic acid
analysis for genetic disease diagnosis,
forensic investigation, and scientific
• Since the term “medical” is linked with
“technology” it literally implies an
application of technology in the field
of medicine. Moreover, “medicine”
always signifies the employment of
scientific investigation.
• Medical Technology serves as
the clinical eye in diagnosing
and treating diseases and
• In e very aspect of medical
procedure, a physician always
resorts to laboratory findings in
giving the right prognosis of
diseases and infections.
• The Medical Technologist
provides the scientific findings
supporting the use of drugs that
maybe prescribed by the
• Medical Technology embraces
the techniques and procedures
laid down by science and
• For example, the use of
polymerase chain reaction is
used in DNA amplification.
• Similarly, use of high
performance liquid
chromatography to detect
presence of drugs
• These technologies are products
of science and technology.
• Medical Technology services assist
physicians and health care
• The laboratory findings serve as
proof of the medical findings and
• For example-blood glucose
determination has been conducted
and the laboratory results reveal
that the patient is hyperglycemic
because the results reveal that the
blood glucose concentration is above
the upper limit of the reference
values. It can be established as an
evidentiary information that the
patient might be diabetic.
➢ Medical Technology serves as an introductory event ,
performance, or action before complete biomedical research or
molecular diagnosis is carried out.
➢ Molecular or biomedical research is an emerging field of scientific
research wherein sophisticated methodologies and techniques are
➢ Medical Technology provides sample diagnosis and interpretation,
evaluation and validation which are all necessary to better
understand the scope of biomedical/molecular research.
• The life-blood theory offers an
explanation for the basic
knowledge of instrumentation,
especially in bioresearch,
particularly in dealing with cell
culture and stem cell therapy
and management.
• A clinical laboratory cannot
exist without instrumentation.
• It is through this instrumentation
that clinical laboratories can
be of service to patients.
• Automation and computer
literacy is the mantra of the
present generation.
• Automation extends to
laboratories as well
• It is noteworthy to mention that
computerization in bioresearch
is highly recognized and
• The inventory of procedures
and instruments to be used
control the entire bioresearch.
• Without this inventory, one
cannot ensure the projection of
accurate and reliable results.
• For example, in culturing green
algae, the inventory materials
and procedures to be used
determine the feasible
attainment of bioresearch
• These are the most important
concerns of bioresearch.
• Good instrumentation,
competent technologists, and
standardized procedures are
• A rich background in basic
research, which is one aspect
of medical technology, is
considered an important tool in
biomedical or molecular
• Nosocomial infection is
contracted by patients due to
prolonged hospitalization.
• The process of investigation is
within the functions Medical
Technology: The steps are:
*Microbiological analysis through
isolation and identification
*Perform culture and susceptibility
*Identifying which antibiotic may
inhibit or kill the causative agents
of infection
• As a health practitioner, the
Medical Technologist imparts
education as mandated by the
CHED or Department of
• In the Philippines, it is
mandatory for a registered
Med Tech to earn Continuous
Educational (CE) units and to
augment their knowledge on
med tech education
• Molecular engineering and
molecular genetics such as gene
therapy, diagnosis, screening are
embraced by medical
• Med Tech has to ensure the right
screening procedure which is
used in determining genetic
• Med Tech takes responsibility in
gene therapy which is applied to
correct genetic disorders.
• Med Tech employs diagnostic
• For example:
*examination of blood
samples (hematology), to
determine blood count,
hemoglobin, microscopic
examination of blood
smears, identification of
abnormalities in counts and
morphology of blood cells.
• Includes the identification of
microbes, through culture and
staining, biochemical
properties and reactions,
performing quality control
procedure or monitoring.
• Susceptibility testing follows
this procedure to determine
the efficacy of the antibiotic
• Med Tech screens blood donors,
performs cross matching and blood
typing before blood transfusion.
• The Phil Red Cross requires the
following for blood donors:
* HIV-negative
* Hepatitis B infection-negative
* No tooth extraction for the a
prescribed period of time
* No tattoos and body piercings
* Required blood hemoglobin
levels (13 g/dL for males and
12.5 g/dL for females)
* Required weight (at least 110
• Involves a series of procedural methods
that are performed in the laboratory.
• Examples are:
* urinalysis (UTI)
* fecalysis (diarrhea)
* cross-matching (blood transfusion)
* histopathological analysis (biopsy)
* microbiological analysis (infection)
* serological immunological reaction
and evaluation (immunity)
* blood chemical analysis
* blood formed elements analysis
* analysis of other body fluids
• Med Tech can provide solutions
to health problems and issues.
• It can work hand in hand with
any biological discipline in
scientific research projects
especially those related to the
field evaluating the efficacy of
plants as herbal medicine.
• It is an expanding discipline that
links other sciences in terms of
research and discovery of new
and latest technologies.
• Med tech serves as a clinical
eye of a medical doctor and
provides the information on the
prevention and control of
diseases and infection.
• For instance, Med Tech
provides valuable services in
educating and disseminating
information about the
transmission and spread of
HIV through public awareness
and campaigns.
• Med Tech has pioneered new
technologies and techniques to
provide a wide spectrum of
laboratory services.
• A good example is the
discovery of automation in a
clinical laboratory which
reduces time required to
determine laboratory findings.
Medical Technology does not
involve actual health care and
interventions which is a
responsibility of nurses and
medical doctors
• Sensuous and Flexible -Sensitivity to the demands of time
• Preferential Health Servant- High priority for Rendering health
• Adventurous and Self-fulfilling- Active subject of innovative
• Informative -Invites individuals to learn new technologies
• Research-oriented -Greater Focus on research to come up with new
• Health Promoter -Deeply committed to promoting wellness and
welfare of humankind
• Educative – concerned with educating students interested in
acquiring knowledge and skills in biological and medical sciences
• Medical Mediator Paradigmatic – idealistic field of laboratory
• Self-conscious and Perfectibility – focuses on providing reliable and
accurate laboratory findings
*Medical Laboratory
Technologist or Clinical Scientist
*Medical and Clinical
Laboratory Technician

* Cytotechnologist

* Histotechnologist

* Blood Bank * Phlebotomy

Technologist Technologist
• Examination of laboratory
• Setting and implementing a quality
control program
• Setting and implementing
laboratory safety measures
• Regular calibration of instruments
and equipment
• Operation of laboratory instruments
ranging from a simple microscope to
complex automated equipment
• Conducting research activities and
exploration of new discoveries in the
filed of science and biotechnology
• Collection of laboratory specimens
for examination
• Performing less complex tests
and laboratory procedures
• Carrying out an inventory of
laboratory materials
• Preparation of patients for
laboratory examination
• As a Cytotechnologist - prepares and examines slides
of cells to detect cellular abnormalities
• As a Histotechnologist – one who prepares solid
tissues such as biopsy samples and tumors for
examination under the microscope
• As a Phlebotomy Technologist – one who specializes
in blood extraction
• As a Blood bank Technologist – they specialize in the
process of testing and preparing blood fro transfusion.
They can also assist doctors in transfusion therapy of
patients who undergo organ transplants.
Problem-solver Good Communicator


Efficient and Self-reliant


Role-model Dignified and Respectable

Professional Responsibility



Respects Laws
Competence and Regulations
• 460 BC. – Greek Physician Hippocrates determined the
correlation between anatomical and chemical laboratory
findings and the causes of diseases. –He adopted the triad
of regimens in treating diseases and infections with the use
of drugs, surgery and bloodletting.
• 1550 BC – Vivian Herrick determined that intestinal
parasitic infection was caused by Ascaris and Taenia
- Anenzoa, an Arabian physicist,
proved that the etiological agent of
skin diseases, such as scabies, are
• Medieval Period (1098-1438)- urinalysis became
commonplace. Doctors determined that urine of some
patients attracted ants.
• 14th Century – Ana Fagelson strongly confirmed the
beginnings of medical technology when she correlated the
cause of death of Alexander Gillani to laboratory-
acquired infection
• 17th Century –the first functional microscope was invented
by Anton Van Leewnhoek . He described the appearance
of RBC and differentiated bacteria based from their
• 18th Century-Practitioners from North
Africa and Southern Europe received
classical medical education. They
established the 4 humors that can be
correlated with health condition of the
human body and the state of unbalance
can be diagnosed by urine examination.
• Between 1821-1902- Rudolf Virchow
was recognized as the “father of
microscopic pathology”. He was the first
to emphasize about manifestations of
diseases and infections visible under the
• 1815- the Apothecaries Act of 1815
paved the way to uphaul medical
treatment based on laboratory findings.
It was the beginning of the regulation of
the medical profession.
• 1871- Medical Education underwent much needed
reforms: Harvard University(1) learning by doing, (2)
pathological anatomy was taught (3) application of
clinical pathology to medical diagnosis
• 1880 – University of Pennsylvania introduced the use
of microscope and blood counting machines. It was
perfected a few years later by the University of
Michigan where the first laboratory instructions were
• 1887 – University Hospital in Philadelphia mandated
all patients to undergo routine laboratory
examinations. Stomach contents such as vomitus,
exudates and other fluids were also examined.
• 1896- the first clinical laboratory was opened at Johns
Hopkins Hospital.
• 1911- Laboratory science was approved by the
Insurance Act
• 1915 – the State Legislature law of Pennsylvania
mandated all hospitals to have a complete laboratory
facilities with full-time technicians.
• 1940- a standard two-year curriculum with actual
training in the laboratory was formally established.
This led to the Bachelor’s Degree in Science.
• 1944 – one year training for high school graduates to work
as laboratory technicians
• June 1945 – The US Army left a newly established clinical
laboratory in the National Health Department. It was not fully
utilized because the science was still unpopular.
• October 1945- Dr. Pio de Roda and Dr. Prudencio Sta. Ana
reestablished the Clinical Laboratory. They offered free
training for technicians.
• 1954 – Manila Sanitarium and Philippine Union College
offered a course in medical technology
• 1954 – the first Medical Technology School in the Philippines
was opened by Dr. Willa Gilbert Hendrick, an American
doctor with the help of the then director of the Bureau of
Education, Rev. Warren.
• 1957- Other schools, like UST, started to offer the course
• 1960-1961 – Carmen de Luna, president of CEU delegated
Purificacion Sunico-Suaco to work on offering Medical
technology course. It was later granted a recognition permit
by the Bureau of Education.
• 1961 – FEU was granted permit by the Bureau of Education
to start a School of Medical Technology.
• Several other universities started offering the course. Post
graduate courses in Medical Technology are now offered by
UST and PWU.

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