Modified Report As On 20.11.19

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Purba Bardhaman
[Please attach photograph of the schemes visited separately]


Name & Designation of the Officer visiting KSHUDIRAM SOREN, DMDC, KALNA SUB-DIVISION


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Cumul Cumulative No of Household

No. of Expected
Labour ative person days labours Gap (From
No. of ICDS No. of average no of
Budget Person (2018-19) working in No. of HH the
scheme /BAY HHwith labour engaged
(FY days the field on given work previous
running scheme job cards on daily basis to
2019-20) created inspection two
running achieve target
till date day Columns)
(7 – 8)

Block- 404186 59836 494620 48 276 6 29212 1063 28149 1500

GP- 46176 5440 60666 4 161 0 3175 178 2997 300

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Major Assets Created under MGNREGS in a GP (as per Asset Register):

Sl Name of the Asset Location/ Address Fund Involved Current Status

No (Completion Date)

Special / Innovative scheme (if any) :

Problem in implementation of MGNREGA:

1) Due to political reason MGNREG works are not running in full flez.

Observations of visiting officer:

1) A meeting with Prodhan, Upo Prodhan, GP Members, Office Staffs and Supervisors has been
conducted today and conveyed the message that all planning to be ready so that they can start in
any time.

B) MGNREGA Work Site Visit Report (No scheme running at field)

1. Site Address / Location:

2. A) Scheme Name: B) Scheme Code:-

3. Fund involved in scheme;

a) Material cost

b) Wage Cost

c) ratio

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4. Whether display board at work site

5. Name and mobile number of

a) Supervisor b)NS:

6. Cumulative persondays generated in this scheme till date:

7) Tentative date of completion of the ongoing Scheme

8) Total expected mandays after completion of scheme:

2. RURAL HOUSING (BAY/ Geetanjali)



2019-20 D completion

BLOCK 1720 1st installment- 891 a)Unwillingness-

2nd installment- 0 b)Non-starter-
3rd installment- 0 c)Death

GP- 1ST installment- 0 a)Unwillingness-

2nd installment- 0 b)Non-starter-
3rd installment- 0 c)Death

(II)Geetanjali (Block Figure) 00

a) Total fund received by Block- 00.00

b) Total fund received by GP- 00.00
c) Fund unutilized by block- 00.00
d) Fund unutilized by GP- 00.00
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Name of village (visit):

Beneficiary Name: BAY / PMAY ID: WB
Name and contact no. of SAE/ NS assigned for BAY:
Progress report of the house construction

Instalment Status of fund Work status

received (Y/N) Y/N

1st Instalment Rs. Y Foundation


2nd Instalment Rs Y Plinth, Windowsil,

45,000/- Lintel Level

3rd Instalment Rs Y Roof Casting,

30,000/- Completion

Whether sanitary toilet is available and if

‘Yes’, whether used:

No, what is the reason:

Whether display board / logo found in completed house:

Any other Observations:


Block information:
Total schools:- 183
SSK:- 52
Madrasah SK:- 01
Upper primary:- 13
Primary:- 115
Whether complaint register available:- YES
How many kitchen shed under construction: 01
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Visit the school in the village and write your findings on.
1. Name of Institution Visited :
2. No. of Students present and taking MDM :
3. Whether Attendance Register is marked properly: viz P or A
4. Cleanliness of kitchen-shed, utensils and store :
5. Stock keeping and account maintenance :
6. Complain if any from student, teacher, cook or Guardians. SHG members are not cleaning
7. Food items stored properly or not :
8. Buffer stock present for how many reserve days;
9. Honorarium received by Cook upto which month :
10. Whether gas based cooking is done :
11. Whether electricity connection ,Y/N , who bears the electricity cost:
12. When was the utensils provided last time:
13. Whether tasting being done before serving food to the students:
14. Whether dining space available : No, Dinning Hall needed urgently
15. Whether Ag Mark oil used for cooking food provided to students: YES

Any other observation:


1. No. and name of centre, with worker details and infrastructure of the centre :
2. ICDS centre running in:
Own building/ private building/ rental / religious place/ running in open space/other building
3. 11 Register present and maintained
a) Family detail register :
b) SNP attendance register :
c) Food Delivery register :
d) Preschool Register :
e) Immunization Register :
f) Referral Register :
g) Death Register : Register available but not maintained
h) Summary register :
i) Village health and nutrition day register :
j) Weight Register :
k) Growth chart register :
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4. Total No. of children enrolled with nutritional status vis-avis children present :
5. Children with mal-nutrition actually found in centre :
Malnourished children number – green, , red : 0 YELLOW :
6. Whether spot feeding of mother and children done :
7. Drinking water access :
8. Toilet access :
9. Electricity available Y/N and who bears the cost :
10. Sufficient space available :
11. Complain if any from any corner :
12. Specific observation of inspecting officer :


Name of the centre:

Number of doctors sanctioned post:

No. of doctors present:

Nursing staff sanctioned:

Nursing staff present:

Number of patient attending OPD everyday on average:

Number of patients referred:

Patient referred to which hospital:

Major diseases:

Whether all medicine available in stock:

Whether generic medicine prescribed:

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Laboratory test done by government/private lab:

Visiting register available or not:

Who is the last visitor who visited the centre and date of his/her visit:

Write your independent findings about cleanliness, sanitation, medicine availability, complains of local
people and any other worth noting point.

6. UTKARSHA BANGLA ( _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

1. Training partner details :

2. No. of courses running:
3. Total number of candidates enrolled:
4. Total number of candidates actually present:
5. Are all equipment/tool kit in the name of owner as per invoice/Rent agreement:
6. Is biometric device working:
7. Does training centre has CCTV camera installed and working in all training rooms:
8. Does TC have prominent branding/signage outside building(Utkarsha Bangla):
9. Does training centre has separate toilet for boys and girls :
10. Equipment available as per SSC guideline: ( check with challan)
11. Are trainers professional – ToT certified?
7. KISHAN MANDI VISIT : functional or not
What can be done so that it can be made functional?
8. Aikyashree scheme-
a) Target- 8539
b) Achieved- 4229
c) Percentage – 49.53
Any specific issue- No

9. SC/ST caste certificate-

a) Total pending at block- 26
b) Pending more than 60 days- 5
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c) Pending more than 30 days- 21

Overall Specific remarks (point wise) by inspecting officer: Issues / suggestions

(Please attach photograph of the schemes visited separately)

SIGNATURE of the Visiting officer:


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