Model Test Paper (BCA) Elements of Statistics (BCA-305) : Exceeding 75 Words. 3x5 15

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Model Test Paper


Elements of Statistics (BCA-305)

Time Allotted: 3 Hours M.M: 75 Roll No. ………………………

Note: Attempt questions from all the sections as per instructions.

Section A
(Very Short Answer Questions)
Note: Attempt all the five questions. Each question carries 3 marks. Very short answer is required not
exceeding 75 words. 3x5 = 15

Q.1 What is the need of statistics in the field of IT?

Q.2 What are the type of averages?
Q.3 What is the difference between standard deviation and mean deviation?
Q.4 Define Random variable and Mathematical expectation?.
Q.5 What is Non-Deterministic Experiment?
Section B
(Short Answer Questions)

Note: This Section contains three questions, attempt any two questions. Each question carries 7.5 marks.
Short answer is required not exceeding 200 words. 7.5x2=15

Q.6 What are the merits and limitations of Quartile deviation?

Q.7 Define Partition Values. Explain the computation of Quartiles, Percentiles etc.
Q.8 a)Find the probability that a card drawn from a pack of playing cards is either a queen or king.
b) In a single throw of two dice, what is the chances of getting a total of 8?

Section C
(Detailed Answer Questions)
Note: This Section contains five questions, attempt any three questions. Each question carries 15 marks.
Answer is required in detail. 15x3=45

Q.9 Discuss in detail Statistical Quality control?

Q.10 The mean of the two samples of size 50 and 100 respectively is 54.1 and 50.3 and standard
deviations are 8 and 7. Obtain the mean and standard deviation of combined sample of size 150.
Q.11 Explain the various method that are used for graphical representations of frequency distribution.
Q.12 The average monthly wages of all the workers in a factory is Rs. 444. If the average wages paid to
male and female workers are Rs. 480 and Rs. 360 respectively, find the percentage of male and
female workers employed by the factory.
Q.13 The following data were recorded in two sample studies:
Sample 1 Sample 2
No. of Observations 150 100
Mean 40 55
Variance 26 35
Calculate the combined mean and Standard deviation of the observations in the two samples

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