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What Will Student Do After


SEPTEMBER 21th 2019

NAME 1 2 3 4 5
Sandi A B A B A
Didit A A B A B
Yayan A A A A A
Adi A B A A A
Syahrul A A B B A
Ramdani A B A A A
Mamad A A A A A
Deden A B B A B
Indra A A B B B
Dani A B B B A
Link B B B B A
Wahyu A B A A B
Iman B A B B A
Reynaldi A A A A A
Jahri B B A A B
Hidayat B B A A B
Holiq A A A B A
Odoy A A A A A
Kemal A B B B A
Gofar A A A B B


1. What wil you do after you graduate?
a. Work in a company
b. Study at a university
2. Where would you like to work?
a. In a private company
b. In a Government office
3. What will you do if you don’t get the job?
a. Apply for other jobs over and over again
b. Be an entrepeneur
4. What kind of job would you prefer to have?
a. Any job available
b. A job that suits my qualifications
5. How would you apply for a job?
a. Come to the company directly
b. Send an application letter by email or post

1. How many students said workingin a company is their

16:20*100= 80%
2. How many students prefer to work in a private company?
10:20*100= 50%
3. How many students would love to be entrepreneurs?
8:20*100= 40%
4. What type of jobs would the students like to have?
11:20*100= 55%
5. How many students prefer to send application letter by email
and post?
7:20*100= 35%
This report was conducted in order to find out what will students do
after graduate. This survey took place in a vocational high school in
Majalaya.The methodology employed was a Interview and written
questionnaire. The students were all given
equal time to complete the questionnaire and questions were
explained in English and Bahasa
Indonesia. 20 students were surveyed.the students surveyed were all

The most choice is working in a company with 16 students (80% of all

students surveyed) as their choosed. And the students both prefer to
work in a private company and government office too with same 10
students choosed (50% of all students surveyed).
And if students don’t get the job 8 students said will apply for Be
entrepreneur with them choice (40% of all students surveyed)
What kind of job would you prefer to have 11 students said any job
available (55% of all students surveyed)
And last is how the students apply for job many via send application
latter by email or post is 7 students (35% of all students surveyed)
What will students do after graduate? Most of them choose to
work compared to going to college, because their economic needs
are not sufficient to continue their education.
And they choose to work between private companies and
government companies, the ratio is the same at 50%.

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