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Acidification diminishes diatom silica production

in the Southern Ocean
Katherina Petrou   1*, Kirralee G. Baker1,2, Daniel A. Nielsen   1, Alyce M. Hancock3,4,5, Kai G. Schulz   6
and Andrew T. Davidson5,7

Diatoms, large bloom-forming marine microorganisms, build frustules out of silicate, which ballasts the cells and aids their
export to the deep ocean. This unique physiology forges an important link between the marine silicon and carbon cycles.
However, the effect of ocean acidification on the silicification of diatoms is unclear. Here we show that diatom silicification
strongly diminishes with increased acidity in a natural Antarctic community. Analyses of single cells from within the community
reveal that the effect of reduced pH on silicification differs among taxa, with several species having significantly reduced silica
incorporation at CO2 levels equivalent to those projected for 2100. These findings suggest that, before the end of this century,
ocean acidification may influence the carbon and silicon cycle by both altering the composition of the diatom assemblages and
reducing cell ballasting, which will probably alter vertical flux of these elements to the deep ocean.

he oceans have absorbed more than 40% of anthropo- environmental pH shifts on silicification rates in diatoms37,38, the
genic carbon emissions1,2 causing measurable acidification unique process that underpins their sinking capacity. Consequently,
(−0.1 pH units). End-of-the-century scenarios project a fur- there is insufficient information to estimate the effect of ocean acid-
ther decrease in ocean pH of up to 0.4 units3. Most of this CO2 is ification on silica incorporation by diatoms.
taken up by the Southern Ocean1, causing the buffering capacity Accurate predictions of how climate change will influence
and calcium carbonate saturation states of these waters to decline ocean biogeochemistry are constrained by our limited knowledge
faster than the global average2. Consequently, Antarctic marine of the complex biological interactions and individual physiolo-
ecosystems are among the most immediately vulnerable to ocean gies that regulate the biological carbon pump. Many key commu-
acidification. Changes in ocean pH have been shown to have con- nity responses to ocean acidification have been identified through
sequences on marine calcifying organisms3–6 but less is known mesocosm studies, which can provide certain advantages over
about non-calcifying marine phytoplankton. To date, studies on the smaller, monospecific studies39. For instance, the inclusion of mixed
effect of ocean acidification on non-calcifying phytoplankton have assemblages in large volumes, means that natural variability and
reported positive7–13, negative14,15 and neutral16,17 responses, high- ecological interactions within and among trophic levels are incor-
lighting the intrinsic variability amongst phytoplankton and under- porated, resulting in better representation of treatment responses
scoring the need for further investigation. and scalability, and therefore greater predictive value40. Here, we use
Diatoms are a key group of non-calcifying marine phytoplank- mesocosms to investigate the effect of ocean acidity on Antarctic
ton, responsible for ~40% of ocean productivity18. They are unique diatom silicification. We combined community-level response mea-
amongst the phytoplankton in their requirement for silicic acid to surements with single-cell analyses, to determine the overall effect
produce their silica cell walls (frustules)19. This dense, glass-like of ocean acidification on diatom silicification and the contribution
armour, which is believed to have evolved as a defence against graz- of individual taxa to the community response.
ers20,21, aids sinking, making them important vectors for exporting
carbon to ocean depths22–25. However, not all diatoms are equal. High CO2 reduces community silicate
The specific combination of growth, productivity and silica con- A six-level CO2 dose–response experiment was conducted on a
tent determines a species’ influence on biogeochemistry and carbon natural Antarctic microbial community using seawater (200 µm fil-
export capacity20,25,26. Changes to any of these traits can therefore tered) collected about 1 km offshore from Davis Station, Antarctica
have consequences for the efficiency of the biological carbon pump, (68° 35ʹ S, 77° 58ʹ E) on 19 November 2014 (see Methods). To gen-
the process by which CO2 is converted to organic carbon via photo- erate a CO2 gradient, mesocosms (650 l) were amended with CO2
synthesis and sequestered to ocean depth through sinking particles. saturated seawater (see Methods), with the average fugacity of CO2
Current understanding of the impacts of ocean acidification on dia- (fCO2) ranging from 343 to 1,641 µatm (M1–M6). These CO2 levels
toms is limited to its effect on growth8,11,12,27, community composi- corresponded to [H+] from 7.94 to 35.48 nmol l−1, equivalent to pH
tion8,12,28–32 and productivity8,13,32–34, in many cases showing positive values ranging from 8.1 to 7.45 (Supplementary Table 1 for day-12
responses with increased partial pressures of CO2 (pCO2 ) (refs. 11,32). values). Coastal Antarctic diatoms experience seasonal fluctuations
While some studies have looked at the mechanistic I relationship in pH (7.99–8.20), where pCO2 is often oversaturated during win-
between pH and silica biomineralization35,36, few have investigated ter and undersaturated in summer
I 41
. This natural variability makes

School of Life Science, University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, New South Wales, Australia. 2School of Biological Sciences, University of Essex,

Colchester, UK. 3Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, Battery Point, Tasmania, Australia. 4Antarctic Gateway Partnership,
Battery Point, Tasmania, Australia. 5Antarctic Climate & Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, Battery Point, Tasmania, Australia. 6Centre for Coastal
Biogeochemistry, Southern Cross University, East Lismore, New South Wales, Australia. 7Australian Antarctic Division, Department of Environment and
Energy, Kingston, Tasmania, Australia. *e-mail:

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a b shift towards small diatoms in response to high CO2 has the poten-

Relative abundance
tial to extend the food chain, reduce the efficiency of energy transfer
60 1.00
0.75 to higher trophic levels20 and reduce carbon export25,42. In a previous
study, a phytoplankton community shift toward small cells of just
Biogenic silica incorporation

3% was predicted to decrease carbon export by 8–9% (ref. 42).
(percentage of total)

40 0
M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 Diatoms lose their ballast
<20 µm >20 µm
Cell size, growth and silica content are strong determinants of dia-
20 tom buoyancy and sinking velocity43 and, therefore, the influence of
any given diatom species on ocean biogeochemistry is a function of
its growth strategy, size and frustule thickness20,25. Given the strong
shift from larger to smaller diatoms, we wanted to see whether the
drop in community silica production was the result of the decline in
10 20 30 40 the proportion of large cells. Seven diatom taxa were studied using
[H+] (nM) single-cell fluorescence analyses to resolve whether the declines in
community silicification in the high CO2 treatments were due to the
Fig. 1 | Silicification and diatom community composition on day 12. reduction in the abundance of the larger diatoms or a reduction in
a, Whole-community biogenic silica incorporation over 24 h as a function the rate of silica deposition by individual cells. Species were selected
of [H+]; data represent the mean fluorescence from individual 24 h based on their presence in all mesocosms and the confidence with
incubations ± s.e.m. (n = 3). The vertical dashed line denotes projected which they could be identified. In three instances, due to diffi-
[H+] for the Southern Ocean by 2100 (ref. 48). The blue line shows the culty in accurately identifying to species level, taxa were grouped.
linear regression with 95% confidence intervals shaded grey. b, Proportion Grouped taxa included Chaetoceros spp., non-specific discoid cen-
of small (<20 µm) and large (>20 µm) size fractions of diatoms on day 12 tric cells (>20 µm) and chain-forming Fragilariopsis cylindrus/curta.
in each mesocosm. Proportional diatom abundance was calculated from All remaining taxa were positively identified as individuals or chains
mean cell counts, where error bars (s.e.m.) represent the pooled accuracy of Thalassiosira antarctica, Stellarima microtrias, Proboscia truncata
of counts from each mesocosm sample. Silicification data represent the and Pseudo-nitzschia turgiduloides.
mean fluorescence from individual 24 h incubations ± s.e.m. (n = 3), where Elevated CO2 resulted in a decline in the average rate of silica
three samples were taken from each mesocosm. Line drawings depict deposition (Chaetoceros spp. 58%, large discoid centrics 39%,
example diatom species shifting from large to small cells. Fragilariopsis spp. 84%, P. truncata 45%, P. turgiduloides 84%,
S. microtrias 59% and T. antarctica 53%), with significant negative
relationships between silicification and [H+] in all species, except
predicting responses related to uptake of CO2 from atmospheric P. truncata (Fig. 2 and Supplementary Table 3). These results were
sources more difficult and, as such, an extended gradient was chosen independent of any change in cell chlorophyll autofluorescence
to cover a broader pH range than projected near-future scenarios. (Supplementary Fig. 2 and Supplementary Table 3), confirming
The CO2 gradient experiment ran for 18 d on a 19 h:5 h light:dark that measurements of silica incorporation were unaffected by chlo-
cycle (see Methods). Incubation (24 h) experiments to measure rophyll content. Reduction in silicification rates did not correlate
diatom silicification were conducted on samples taken from meso- with photosynthetic health (FV/FM), which was more variable across
cosms on day 12, while cells were in exponential growth and macro- species (Supplementary Fig. 3). T. antarctica, discoid centrics,
nutrient concentrations were replete (Supplementary Table 2). S. microtrias and P. truncata responded negatively to high [H+]
Silicification by the diatom community strongly and signifi- conditions (KS < 0.001 and Supplementary Table 6). Fragilariopsis
cantly diminished with increased acidity (AdjR2 = 0.801; F1,16 = 69.40; spp. showed no response, while in Chaetoceros spp., FV/FM increased
P < 0.001; Fig. 1a and Supplementary Table 3), with newly deposited (KS < 0.05). The non-negative results correspond with previous
silica as a proportion of the total biogenic silica (bSi; Supplementary ocean acidification studies on diatoms8,11 and overall these data
Table 4) declining more than 60% between the 8.7 and 37.2 [H+] suggest CO2-induced impacts on photosynthetic efficiency is
exposed treatments (Fig. 1a). This response co-occurred with a species-specific.
small, yet significant decline in photosynthetic health (variable fluo- In contrast to other environmental factors (for example, nutrient
rescence (FV) divided by maximum fluorescence (FM)) for the whole availability) that indirectly affect silicification by altering cell size
community (AdjR2 = 0.495; F1,16 = 17.65; P < 0.001; Supplementary and/or growth, our results show that seawater acidification directly
Fig. 1). Together, this suggests ocean acidification reduced affects the rate at which silica is deposited. While the specific growth
the physiological status of at least some of the diatoms within rates of the key taxa showed negative relationships with increas-
this community. ing [H+] in four cases (Supplementary Fig. 4 and Supplementary
The natural community consisted of >35 diatom taxa, includ- Table 3), we found a nonlinear association between reduced silici-
ing a diverse assemblage of large diatoms (>20 µm) and an abun- fication and declining growth rates (Fig. 3a), indicating that silica
dance of small (<20 µm) diatoms, dominated by Fragilariopsis spp. incorporation was affected at a lower threshold of acidification
(see ref. 33) Together, diatoms made up ~20% of the initial plankton than growth. This contrasts with the inverse relationship between
community, with heterotrophic ciliates and flagellates constituting growth rate and silicification that is typically observed in diatoms19.
~3%. On day 12, diatom contribution was much higher (33–79%) The cell volume of diatoms in this study ranged over four orders
with strong compositional differences in the diatom size fractions of magnitude (Supplementary Fig. 5) and, consistent with previ-
across the [H+] gradient, where under ambient fCO2 (pH 8.06) large ous studies26,44, showed a significant relationship between cell sur-
diatoms (>20 µm) constituted ~40% of the diatom community, face area and silicification (AdjR2 = 0.763; F1,5 = 20.30; P = 0.0064).
compared to just 3% in the highest fCO2 treatment (pH 7.43; Fig. 1b However, except for Fragilariopsis spp. (<20 µm), acidification had
and Supplementary Table 5), a response that is in agreement with no negative effect on mean cell surface area (Fig. 3b), indicating
other field manipulation experiments28,29. Heterotrophic plankton that the changes observed in silicification are unlikely to be a result
populations declined to constitute 0.04–0.45% of the plankton com- of altered growth or cell size with acidity. A complete mechanis-
munity. Cell size and silica content control the efficiency of both tic understanding of the direct effect of CO2 on diatom silicifica-
sinking and energy transfer to higher trophic levels20. Thus, any tion is lacking. One study, however, showed that while the influx of

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Chaetoceros spp. Disc. centric Fragilariopsis spp. P. truncata P. tugiduloides S. microtrias T. antarctica

Biogenic silica incorporation (rfu)





10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
[H+] (nM)

Fig. 2 | Single-celled silicification with [H+]. Biogenic silicate incorporation measured as total cell PDMPO fluorescence in Chaetoceros spp., Discoid
centric, Fragilariopsis spp. (>20 µm), P. truncata, P. turgiduloides, S. microtrias and T. antarctica. Data are visualized using box plots, with overlain blue rings
showing the PDMPO fluorescence of individual cells from three individual 24 h PDMPO incubations. Data means (median n = 63) are fitted with a model 1
linear regression (blue line; Supplementary Table 4) with 95% confidence intervals (grey shading). A boxplot was not included for P. tugiduloides [H+] 26.3
because n = 3 (shown by blue rings).

silicic acid was unchanged by low pH, silica efflux from the cell was Fragilariopsis spp. (>20 µm) whose relative contribution declined to
enhanced. As such, the diminished silicification under high fCO2 «1% (Fig. 3c, inset), due to a significant ocean acidification-induced
may be attributed to increased silica efflux from the cell37 where a decline in both the rate of silicification and overall cell abundance.
change in the influx to efflux ratio results in a change in the mass Importantly, the two taxonomic groups that made the great-
balance of silicon quota of the cell37. Indirect effects from nutrient est contribution to community silicification (discoid centrics and
co-limitation or potential changes to trace metal chelation under S. microtrias) underwent some of the strongest declines in growth
high pCO2 (ref. 45) could also provide some explanation for altered rate and abundance. This alarming loss of important silicifiers
I however, the use of near-shore waters meant that iron strongly refutes the idea that ocean acidification is unlikely to affect
was unlikely to be limiting in this study. Overall, these data reveal diatoms negatively, instead emphasizing a need to better under-
the potential for frustule thinning through ocean acidification- stand the responses of diatoms to ocean change.
induced reductions in silica deposition by diatoms. This consequent
reduction in ballasting of cells is likely to reduce cell sinking rates A threat from ocean acidification
and alter export flux of silicon and carbon. We calculated the mean effect size of key diatom responses to [H+],
To rank species importance with respect to silica production, we highlighting that increased [H+] exerts a rapidly increasing nega-
determined each species contribution as a function of its relative tive effect on silicification (Fig. 4). Importantly, our data showed
abundance and silica content per cell25,44. The diatoms contributing that the onset of reduced silicification occurs at much lower pH
the most to new silica precipitation were the large discoid centric levels than ocean acidification-induced changes in the other func-
group and S. microtrias. Their combined contribution was >80%, tional traits, growth or productivity. Here, newly precipitated sil-
followed by the heavily silicified pennate diatom Fragilariopsis spp. ica declined significantly at pH 7.84 (M3), a pH threshold that we
contributing ~9% (Fig. 3c), reaffirming the importance of large expect to exceed in Antarctica before the end of the century48. Given
cells in overall silica production25,44,46,47. Interestingly, despite being the depth-dependent fluctuations in pCO2 in Antarctic waters41 and
the most abundant of the species studied, Chaetoceros spp. was the accelerated pH decline48, it will not require
I much anthropogenic
third lowest contributor to new silica. P. truncata, the third larg- enhancement of CO2 before levels will rise above those shown to
est species (Supplementary Fig. 5) constituting ~12% of the large affect diatom silica deposition. In contrast with the positive effects
diatom community, contributed <5% to newly precipitated silica. It generally reported by previous studies11,27,32, we saw no overall effect
was also the only species that showed no response to acidification, on diatom photosynthesis and no effect on growth until the highest
maintaining abundance, growth rate and silicification irrespec- [H+], suggesting that Antarctic diatom growth and photosynthe-
tive of [H+]. Despite variability among taxa, elevated CO2 did not sis at the community level are not significantly influenced by low-
greatly alter their relative silica contributions with the exception of ered pH. Instead, if these data accurately represent future diatom

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a c
100 10.0

Silicification relative to control


Relative silicification contribution

1.0 75 5.0

0 5 10 15 20

0 0.5 1.0 1.5

Growth rate relative to control

Mean silicification (rfu)

5 0 25 50 75 100
Relative abundance

104 Chaetoceros spp.

Discoid centric > 20 µm
Fragilariopsis spp. > 20 µm
103 30
P. truncata
P. tugiduloides
102 S. microtrias

102 103 104 105 106 T. antarctica 10

Mean surface area (µm )

Fig. 3 | Silicification as a function of growth, cell surface area and abundance. a, Relative specific growth rates do not explain changes in silicification of
key taxa at each [H+]; black line shows the 1:1 relationship. b, Taxon-specific mean cell surface area is a good predictor of mean silicification (AdjR2 = 0.763;
F1,5 = 20. 30; P = 0.0064) and, with the exception of Fragilariopsis spp. <20 µm, this relationship doesn’t change with increasing [H+]; red dashed lines link
M1 with M6. c, Cell-specific relative abundance and the proportional contribution of each taxon to community silicification with [H+], detail of smaller
and less abundant taxa can be seen in the inset. For the relative abundance for Fragilariopsis spp., the M4 modelled value was used. Colours represent CO2
levels; symbols indicate taxa.

physiologies, the changes to frustule density, measured here as Chaetoceros spp., as well as the significant reduction in growth
reduced silicification rate, have the potential to strongly diminish and silicification of Fragilariopsis spp. Members of the genus
the grazing resistance21 and sinking capacity43,49 of cells, undoubt- Fragilariopsis are some of the most abundant diatoms in Antarctic
edly altering the efficacy of the ocean biological carbon pump. waters and contribute greatly to blooms that underpin phytoplank-
ton productivity in these waters50. Considering ocean acidifica-
Discussion tion affected both heavy silicifiers and bloom formers, our results
In this work, we uncover the effect of ocean acidification on diatom emphasize prospective changes to the ecological role and influence
silicification rates and confirm the importance of species composi- of important and frequently dominant taxa for the Antarctic marine
tion in influencing marine biogeochemistry25,26. This study reveals ecosystem. Our results have started to reveal how shifts in diatom
how ocean acidification can exert a large influence over the silici- assemblages and individual rates of silicification may alter the effec-
fication of diatoms by changing community composition and the tiveness of silicon and carbon cycling, as well as food web dynamics.
individual rates at which diatom cells deposit silica in their frustules. Understanding the influence of a shift towards smaller and less
While our findings are consistent with previous studies that have silicified diatoms on ocean processes is not easily realized. Thinner
highlighted the central role of large diatoms in community silica frustules have less ballast, which is likely to reduce sinking rates20,25.
formation44,47,49, here we place them in the context of future changes The slower draw-down of silicic acid, as a result of elevated CO2
in ocean acidity and reveal significant CO2-induced losses in silica concentrations, could also extend the duration of diatom blooms.
incorporation, the process that underpins carbon export potential. Extended diatom bloom duration combined with lower levels of
Silicon and carbon export are strongly influenced by diatom silicification and therefore reduced protection against predation,
growth strategy25, where bloom-forming diatoms, often lightly may increase grazing in surface waters, leading to higher remin-
silicified, tend to export ample carbon but minimal silica, whereas eralization in the euphotic zone, which would also reduce vertical
strongly silicified species such as large centric diatoms, often sub- flux. Conversely, increased grazing could boost faecal pellet produc-
ject to lower grazing pressure, make efficient vectors for silica tion enhancing silica and carbon export fluxes. Regardless of the
export20,25,49. Here, using single-cell analyses, we were able to dis- prevailing processes, altered diatom silica production (either via
entangle the influence of individual species from that of the whole selection for smaller cells or reduced silicification) will ultimately
community, partitioning CO2-induced changes in growth, photo- affect surface ocean silicic acid concentrations26,49, and with the Sub-
synthesis and silicification amongst the silicate and carbon export- Antarctic mode water as a conduit for dissolved nutrients to the
ers. In doing so, we revealed negative impacts in more than one of global ocean51, any notable changes in Antarctic diatom communi-
these functional traits for several key taxa. Of note were the heavy ties have the potential to influence nutrient stoichiometry, primary
losses of the important silicifier S. microtrias and bloom-forming productivity and export at lower latitudes52.

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Articles NATure ClimATe CHAnge
35. Milligan, A. J. & Morel, F. M. A proton buffering role for silica in diatoms. 51. Matsumoto, K., Sarmiento, J. L. & Brzezinski, M. A. Silicic acid leakage from
Science 297, 1848–1850 (2002). the Southern Ocean: a possible explanation for glacial atmospheric pCO2 .
36. Hervé, V. et al. Multiparametric analyses reveal the pH-dependence of silicon Glob. Biogeochem. Cycles 16, 5–1 (2002). I
biomineralization in diatoms. PLoS ONE 7, e46722 (2012). 52. Boyd, P. W. Physiology and iron modulate diverse responses of diatoms to a
37. Milligan, A. J., Varela, D. E., Brzezinski, M. A. & Morel, F. M. M. Dynamics warming Southern Ocean. Nat. Clim. Change 9, 148–152 (2019).
of silicon metabolism and silicon isotopic discrimination in a marine diatom 53. Boyd, P. W., Lennartz, S. T., Glover, D. M. & Doney, S. C. Biological
as a function of pCO2 . Limnol. Oceanogr. 49, 322–329 (2004). ramifications of climate-change-mediated oceanic multi-stressors. Nat. Clim.
38. Sugie, K. & Yoshimura,
I T. Effects of high CO2 levels on the ecophysiology of Change 5, 71–79 (2014).
the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii differ depending on the iron nutritional 54. Petrou, K. et al. Southern Ocean phytoplankton physiology in a changing
status. ICES J. Mar. Sci. 73, 680–692 (2016). climate. J. Plant Physiol. 203, 135–150 (2016).
39. Riebesell, U. & Gattuso, J.-P. Lessons learned from ocean acidification 55. Boyd, P. W. et al. Physiological responses of a Southern Ocean diatom to
research. Nat. Clim. Change 5, 12–14 (2015). complex future ocean conditions. Nat. Clim. Change 6, 207–213 (2016).
40. Havenhand, J., Dupont, S. & Quinn, G. P. in Guide to Best Practices for Ocean 56. Deppeler, S. L. & Davidson, A. T. Southern Ocean phytoplankton in a
Acidification Research and Data Reporting (eds Riebesell, U. et al.) 67–80 changing climate. Front. Mar. Sci. 4, 40 (2017).
(Publications Office of the European Union, 2010).
41. Roden, N. P., Shadwick, E. H., Tilbrook, B. & Trull, T. W. Annual cycle of Acknowledgements
carbonate chemistry and decadal change in coastal Prydz Bay, East The work was supported by Australian Antarctic Science project AAS 4026 from
Antarctica. Mar. Chem. 155, 135–147 (2013). the Australian Antarctic Division (AAD); samples were imported under permit no.
42. Dutkiewicz, S., Scott, J. R. & Follows, M. J. Winners and losers: ecological IP13019928. We are grateful to AAD technical support for their assistance and support in
and biogeochemical changes in a warming ocean. Glob. Biogeochem. Cycles designing and equipping the mesocosm facility and to the Davis Station expeditioners in
27, 463–477 (2013). the summer of 2014/2015.
43. Miklasz, K. A. & Denny, M. W. Diatom sinking speeds: improved
predictions and insight from a modified Stoke’s law. Limnol. Oceanogr. 55,
2513–2525 (2010).
Author contributions
K.P. conceptualized the study. K.P., K.G.B., D.A.N., A.M.H., K.G.S. and A.T.D. carried
44. McNair, H. M., Brzezinski, M. A., Till, C. P. & Krause, J. W. Taxon‐specific
out the investigations. K.P. and K.G.B. developed the methodology. K.P. and D.A.N.
contributions to silica production in natural diatom assemblages. Limnol.
conducted the formal analysis and visualization. K.P. prepared the original draft. K.P.,
Oceanogr. 63, 1056–1075 (2018).
K.G.B., D.A.N., A.M.H., K.G.S. and A.T.D. reviewed and edited it. K.P. and A.T.D.
45. Shi, D., Xu, Y., Hopkinson, B. M. & Morel, F. M. M. Effect of ocean
obtained the funding and provided resources.
acidification on iron availability to marine phytoplankton. Science 327,
676–679 (2010).
46. Villareal, T. A., Altabet, M. A. & Culver-Rymsza, K. Nitrogen transport by Competing interests
vertically migrating diatom mats in the North Pacific Ocean. Nature 363, The authors declare no competing interests.
709–712 (1993).
47. Durkin, C. A. et al. Frustule-related gene transcription and the influence of Additional information
diatom community composition on silica precipitation in an iron-limited Supplementary information is available for this paper at
environment. Limnol. Oceanogr. 57, 1619–1633 (2012). s41558-019-0557-y.
48. McNeil, B. & Matear, R. Southern Ocean acidification: a tipping point at
450-ppm atmospheric CO2. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 105, 18860–18864 Reprints and permissions information is available at
(2008). Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to K.P.
49. Assmy, P. et al. Thick-shelled, grazer-protected diatoms decouple ocean Peer review information: Nature Climate Change thanks Phillipp Assmy, Paul Treguer and
carbon and silicon cycles in the iron-limited Antarctic Circumpolar Current. the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review of this work.
Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 110, 20633–20638 (2013).
Publisher’s note: Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in
50. Kang, S. & Fryxell, G. Fragilariopsis cylindrus (Grunow) Krieger: the most
published maps and institutional affiliations.
abundant diatom in water column assemblages of Antarctic marginal ice-edge
zones. Polar Biol. 12, 609–627 (1992). © The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited 2019

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NATure ClimATe CHAnge Articles
Methods emission maxima previously shown are negligible within the pH range (8.06–7.43)
Mesocosm set-up and carbonate chemistry. Mesocosm set-up and conditions of this study60. However, external pH could affect the speciation of the PDMPO
were as described previously29,33. Briefly, a six-level, gradient experiment was dye (protonated versus non-protonated) and thus its ability to diffuse through cell
conducted on a natural near-shore Antarctic microbial community using seawater membranes. The pKa of the first protonation of PDMPO is unknown but has been
collected from an ice-free area among broken fast ice, about 1 km offshore from estimated at 6.78 (ref. 60). Using this estimate, there would be a potential increase
Davis Station, Antarctica (68° 35ʹ S, 77° 58ʹ E) on 19 November 2014. Water from in the protonated fraction of PDMPO of ~13% from the lowest to the highest fCO2,
a header tank was transferred to simultaneously fill six, acid-washed, mesocosm resulting in an equivalent reduction in influx of PDMPO and thus in the PDMPO
tanks (650 l) via a Teflon-lined tube fitted with a 200 µm in-line filter, to remove incorporation per silica. Therefore, assuming a fixed incorporation efficiency,
metazooplankton. Mesocosms were housed in a temperature-controlled shipping there could be ~13% underestimation of silica incorporated at the lowest pH.
container maintained at 0.0 °C ± 0.5 °C. Mesocosms were stirred continuously by a Previous work has shown the fluorescence intensity of PDMPO is related directly
central auger (15 r.p.m.) for gentle mixing, covered with an acrylic air-tight lid and to the amount of precipitated silica, with an inter-species or community variability
acclimated over 5 d to increasing CO2 while irradiance was kept low (0.8 ± 0.2 µmol rate of ~20% (ref. 59). Our data displayed differences exceeding this variability
photons m−2 s−1). Once target CO2 levels were reached in all six mesocosms (343, both between species (with fluorescence ranging three orders of magnitude) and
506, 634, 953, 1,140 and 1,641 µatm), these levels were maintained via daily amongst our CO2 treatments (declines of 39–84%) in response to lowered [H+],
adjustment. Following CO2 acclimation, light was incrementally increased (days 5–8) reinforcing the importance of these species-specific quantitative losses in silica
to 89 ± 16 µmol photons m−2 s−1 on a 19 h:5 h light:dark cycle. Samples for precipitation with acidification.
macronutrient concentrations were obtained from each mesocosm on day 12,
filtered through 0.45 µm cellulose ester filters (Millipore), frozen at −20 °C and Whole-community PDMPO and bSi determination. Post-sampling, the amount
analysed as described previously29. In the case of silicic acid, inaccuracies due to of PDMPO incorporated was analysed using established methods45. Briefly, diatom
non-quantitative depolymerization of silicic acid during thawing cannot be frustules were initially solubilized via a hot-alkaline-digest to release frustule-
ruled out. bound PDMPO before being analysed via a scanning UV-spectrofluorometer
To generate the above gradient in carbonate chemistry, five of the mesocosms (50 Bio; Cary, Agilent Technologies) set to excite at 375 nm, and emission was
were amended with different volumes of filtered seawater saturated with CO2. To detected at 530 nm. Samples were compared against a standard curve (R2 = 0.995)
control for physical disturbance and dilution from CO2-rich seawater additions, made with 125 µM PDMPO solution that was prepared using the digestion
non-enriched seawater was added to one mesocosm, which remained at ambient (NaOH–HCl) matrix. We used the recommended ratio of 2,916 mol bSi per
pCO2 levels (M1). Carbonate chemistry speciation was determined daily by mol PDMPO64 to convert quantitative PDMPO incorporation to bSi production
I of pH (on the total scale) and dissolved inorganic carbon. The (processes that are proportionally equal on a mol:mol basis in both monoculture
former was measured using the indicator dye m-cresol purple on a GBC UV-vis and natural diatom communities)59. The remaining digest was used for
916 spectrophotometer in a 10 cm temperature-controlled (25 °C) cuvette57. colorimetric analysis of reactive silicate64,65. Absorbance was measured at 810 nm
Dissolved inorganic carbon was measured on an Apollo SciTech AS-C3 by infrared (Cary Eclipse, Agilent Technologies) and compared against a standard curve
absorption and calibrated against certified reference material batch CRM127 (R2 = 0.997) made with sodium metasilicate stock solution.
(ref. 58). For details of CO2 manipulations, analytical procedures and calculations
see ref. 33. Hydrogen ion equivalent concentrations ([H+]) were calculated from the Species-specific silicification by fluorescence microscopy. For cell-specific
total scale pH. silicification of diatoms >20 µm, two of the 1.8 ml frozen aliquots from each
replicate (n = 3) were filtered onto 25 mm, 1.2 µm black polycarbonate membranes
Diatom community structure. Samples for community structure and abundance (Millipore, Bayswater) under gentle vacuum and the filters mounted on a glass
were collected from each mesocosm on days 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 and 18, slide with a drop of immersion oil. A glass coverslip was applied and sealed with
and microscopically analysed as described in ref. 31. Briefly, Lugol’s iodine-fixed clear nail varnish. Cells were imaged using a Nikon fluorescence microscope at
samples (960 ml) were serially concentrated via sedimentation aspiration of the a total of ×200 magnification, systematically scanning the entire filter collecting
supernatant until about 20 ml remained (see ref. 31 for details). Between 2 and 10 ml images of all seven identifiable taxa in DAPI (PDMPO) and autofluorescence
of concentrated fixed sample was placed in an Utermöhl cylinder (Hydro-Bios) and (chlorophyll-a). We quantified the relative amount of newly precipitated silica per
cells allowed to settle overnight. To capture both small and large cells, a stratified cell based on the incorporation of PDMPO into individual frustules after 24 h and
counting procedure was used, where all cells greater than 20 µm were identified then compared the relative amounts of newly precipitated silica by each species/
and quantified at ×200 magnification, while those less than 20 µm were assessed at group across experimental [H+] treatments.
×400 magnification. Initial in-line filtration (200 µm) of seawater to remove grazers Each cell image was analysed for total PDMPO fluorescence using custom-
probably removed some of the larger diatom species, as few exceptionally large made macros in the ImageJ software66. Briefly, each cell was horizontally or
taxa (such as Corethron and Thalassiothrix) were found. Diatom counts from days vertically aligned and cropped to ensure minimal background area, after which any
8 to 16 were used to determine specific growth rate (µ) for each diatom species or interfering fluorescence from other objects in the image was removed manually
taxonomic group accordingly. Day 18 was excluded as community counts started to by setting the respective area to zero pixel intensity. We measured background
decline31 with nutrients becoming limitating33. Abundance of each taxon on day 12 fluorescence in all four corners around the cell and the average background +1 s.d.
was used to calculate relative abundance (Fig. 3c and Supplementary Table 5) but was subtracted from the whole image to remove background fluorescence, after
in the three cases where counts were anomalous on day 12 due to poor sampling, which the total fluorescence of the image was recorded as total pixel intensity. In
counts were estimated by extrapolation from the growth curve. some cases, it was not feasible to separate two or more closely positioned cells,
in which cases the number of cells was recorded and the total fluorescence
Sampling and silicification experiments. To investigate diatom silicification of the image was divided by the number of cells to determine fluorescence
rates, water samples were collected from each mesocosm during exponential per cell. Images with more than one cell were recorded as one data point in
phase (day 12; see ref. 31). Samples were transferred in triplicate into 125 ml subsequent analyses.
acid-cleaned polycarbonate bottles and incubated with the fluorescent dye
2-(4-pyridyl)-5-((4-(2-dimethylaminoethylaminocarbamoyl)methoxy)phenyl) Single-cell chlorophyll-a fluorescence. The photophysiological condition of
oxazole (PDMPO; LysoSensor Yellow/Blue DND-160 from ThermoFisher diatom cells were assessed via single-cell chlorophyll-a fluorescence. Samples
Scientific). Cells were incubated in the presence of the dye (0.125 µM, final were collected from three mesocosms (M1, M4 and M6) and loaded into a flow
concentration), as well as an unamended control (to quantify background cell with a 1 mm gasket spacer (Bioptech). Variable chlorophyll-a fluorescence
fluorescence) for 24 h under experimental temperature and light conditions. measurements were made on randomly selected individual diatoms (generally
Following incubation, six 1.8 ml aliquots from each bottle were fixed with >20 µm or else long Chaetoceros chains) within each population (n = 60–122
glutaraldehyde (2%) and flash frozen in liquid N2 for cell-specific PDMPO individuals) using a pulse amplitude modulated fluorometer (Imaging PAM
incorporation using fluorescence microscopy. To determine biogenic silicate IMAG-K4, Walz GmbH) mounted on a compound microscope (Axiostar plus,
(bSi) production of the whole community using bSi measurements and PDMPO Zeiss). Measurements were made at ×200 magnification using blue excitation
incorporation (a proxy for bSi production)59, 100 ml from each of the remaining light (440 nm) and collected using the Imaging Win software (v.2.32 FW Multi
incubation bottles was filtered onto a 47 mm polycarbonate filter (0.6 µm; RGB; Walz GmbH). After 10 min dark-adaptation, minimum fluorescence (FO)
Millipore, Bayswater). To remove residual and unbound PDMPO, filters were was recorded before application of a saturating pulse of light (saturating pulse
rinsed using seawater (0.2 µm filtered) before being stored at −20 °C until later width = 0.8 s; saturating pulse intensity = 10; using the Special SP-routine), where
analysis in the laboratory (within 12 months). maximum fluorescence (FM) was determined. From these two parameters, FV/FM
The fluorescent pH indicator PDMPO has silica-philic properties that make was calculated as (FM− FO)/FM. All measurements were made in a cold-room
it an excellent probe for quantifying and visualizing silica deposition in living set at 0 °C.
diatoms44,59–62. It has been used successfully in diatom research to resolve silica
precipitation and production rates44,61, as well as probe the effects of nutrient Statistical analyses. The six-level fCO2 gradient approach meant that our data
limitation on silicification47. Given it is a pH probe, and in the context of this could be analysed using a regression model, allowing us to identify functional
study, it is important to note there is no effect of extraneous pH between 4.5 and relationships between our fCO2 treatment and our response variables. Gradient
9.5 on the binding mode of the dye63. Furthermore, any pH-dependent shifts in designs have been shown to consistently outperform replicated designs in ecology67.

Nature Climate Change |

Articles NATure ClimATe CHAnge
They are more effective at uncovering underlying responses patterns to 59. Leblanc, K. & Hutchins, D. A. New applications of a biogenic silica
environmental drivers39,67,68, improving interpolation potential, and they generally deposition fluorophore in the study of oceanic diatoms. Limnol. Oceanogr.
deliver more useful quantitative information for models40. For these reasons, Methods 3, 462–476 (2005).
gradient designs are a statistically powerful way to investigate ecological responses 60. Shimizu, K., Del Amo, Y., Brzezinski, M. A., Stucky, G. D. & Morse, D. E. A
to continuous environmental drivers67. novel fluorescent silica tracer for biological silicification studies. Chem. Biol.
Instead of pH, which follows a log scale, we used proton concentration [H+] 8, 1051–1060 (2001).
to provide a linear scale with which to analyse our response variables. Species- 61. McNair, H. M., Brzezinski, M. A. & Krause, J. W. Quantifying diatom
specific responses to fCO2, were visualized using box plots. After verifying silicification with the fluorescent dye, PDMPO. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods
normality and the residuals for homoscedasticity, we used model 1 linear 13, 587–599 (2015).
regression (± 95% confidence interval) to determine a significant relationship 62. Baker, K. G. et al. Thermal performance curves of functional traits aid
between our measured parameters and fCO2, with significant differences in understanding of thermally induced changes in diatom-mediated
regressions assessed via analysis of variance. Species-specific FV/FM were analysed biogeochemical fluxes. Front. Mar. Sci. 3, 44 (2016).
using a two-sided Kolmogorov–Smirnov test and differences were considered 63. Parambath, M. et al. The nature of the silicaphilic fluorescence of PDMPO.
significant at P < 0.05. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18, 5938–5948 (2016).
64. Strickland, J. D. H. & Parsons, T. R. A Practical Handbook of Seawater
Analysis (Fisheries Research Board of Canada, 1968).
Reporting Summary. Further information on research design is available in the 65. Nelson, D. M. et al. Particulate matter and nutrient distributions in the
Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this article. ice-edge zone of the Weddell Sea: relationship to hydrography during late
summer. Deep Sea Res. Pt A 36, 191–209 (1989).
Data availability 66. Schneider, C. A., Raspnad, W. S. & Eliceiri, K. W. NIH image to imageJ: 25
The data that support these findings are available from the Australian Antarctic years of image analysis. Nat. Methods 9, 671–679 (2012).
Data Centre ( 67. Kreyling, J. et al. To replicate, or not to replicate—that is the question: how to
tackle nonlinear responses in ecological experiments. Ecol. Lett. 21,
1629–1638 (2018).
References 68. Cottingham, K. L., Lennon, J. T. & Brown, B. L. Knowing when to draw the
57. Dickson, A. G., Sabine, C. L. & Christian, J. R. Guide to Best Practices for line: designing more informative ecological experiments. Front. Ecol. Environ.
Ocean CO2 Measurements (PICES Special Publication, North Pacific Marine 3, 145–152 (2005).
Science Organization, 2007). 69. Petrou, K. Antarctic Diatom Silicification Diminishes Under Ocean
58. Dickson, A. G. Standards for ocean measurements. Oceanography 23, Acidification (Australian Antarctic Data Centre, 2019);
34–47 (2010). 9/5c3e745a9b071.

Nature Climate Change |

For a reference copy of the document with all sections, see

nature research | reporting summary

Ecological, evolutionary & environmental sciences study design
All studies must disclose on these points even when the disclosure is negative.
Study description Using a six-level, CO2 gradient experiment, we investigated silica incorporation by diatoms from a natural Antarctic community. To
avoid any bias in allocating water to a given CO2 treatment, water from a header tank was transferred to simultaneously fill six, acid
washed, mesocosm tanks (650 L) via a Teflon lined tube fitted with a 200 µm in-line filter, to remove metazooplankton. Study
conditions are given in Extended data tables 1 and 2, temperature, nutrients and salinity. To generate the above gradient in
carbonate chemistry, five of the mesocosms were amended with different volumes of filtered seawater saturated with CO2.

Research sample Environmental conditions of the mesocosms (Temperature ~0.0°C ± 0.5°C and light ~89 ± 16 µmol photons m-2 s-1 on a 19:5 h
light:dark cycle) were measured and maintained via daily monitoring and appropriate dosing with fCO2. Nutrient samples were
collected daily and analysed according to standard methods. Mesocosm samples for determining chlorophyll a fluorescence, cell
abundance, community composition and silicification were collected by gentle filling of acid cleaned polycarbonate bottles via a
silicon hose from each mesocosm tap on day 12.

Sampling strategy Diatoms were identified, counted and measured for growth rates, variable fluorescence, silicification and general morphometrics.
Samples were either obtained directly from the mesocosm tanks for processing or incubated in triplicate with PDMPO for silicification
rates. Sample size calculations were not performed. Instead, most of the single-celled analyses were performed on high number of
cells to obtain a population spread and by using a gradient approach, we could detect changes in population distributions as a trend.

Data collection Data were collected on day 12 of the mesocosm experiment or every second day throughout. Water sampling was done by Davidson,
sample analyses or incubations were performed by Petrou.

Timing and spatial scale Sampling of mesocosm was done at 10 am. Incubations with PDMPO commenced at 11 am and were left for 24h under the same
environmental conditions as the mesocosms. All data, with the exception of growth rates from cell counts, were obtained on day 12
of the experiment, during exponential growth.

Data exclusions No data has been excluded.

Reproducibility All incubation experiments for silicification were performed in triplicate and measured independently. All methods for measuring
response variables follow published protocols to guarantee reproducibility. The six level fCO2 gradient approach, meant that our data
could be analysed using a regression model, allowing us to identify functional relationships between our fCO2 treatment and our
response variables. Gradient designs are effective at uncovering underlying responses patterns to environmental drivers, improve
interpolation potential and generally deliver more useful quantitative information for models. For these reasons, this was chosen as
the most appropriate way to investigate ecological responses to continuous environmental drivers.

Randomization Randomised sampling strategies were used in all microscopy sampling and imaging, with replicates analysed in random order.

Blinding Given the nature of the sampling (small volume from large mixed volume) and the nature of the samples (mixed natural community
of microscopic algae), the sampling carried out was inherently blind. Additionally, microscopy imaging of PDMPO and chlorophyll
fluorescence was carried out using brightfield microscopy for locating individual cells so as to avoid any bias by the microscopist
towards higher or lower fluorescence. Each sample slide was methodically scanned in its entirety and all identified cells included for
image analysis, removing selection bias.

Did the study involve field work? Yes No

Field work, collection and transport

Field conditions Open coastal waters off Davis station, temperatures were approx. 0.0 - 0.5°C. Daily light cycle was 19:5 h light:dark. Nutrients
were replete, as it was early Spring, before bloom draw down. Nutrient conditions of collected seawater are available in Table S2
of Deppeler et al 2018.

Location The study used seawater collected from an ice-free area amongst broken fast ice, approx. 1 km offshore of Davis Station,
Antarctica (68° 35ʹS, 77° 58ʹ E).

Access and import/export Water samples were collected under a sampling authorisation of activities issued by the Australian Antarctic Division and
imported under permit IP13019928 issued by the Australian Government, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry.

Disturbance This study caused minimal disturbance. Sampling was undertaken by dipping a Bambi bucket into the surface waters and
transported via helicopter to holding tank on shore. This was only done on 1 day.
October 2018

Reporting for specific materials, systems and methods

We require information from authors about some types of materials, experimental systems and methods used in many studies. Here, indicate whether each material,
system or method listed is relevant to your study. If you are not sure if a list item applies to your research, read the appropriate section before selecting a response.

Materials & experimental systems Methods

nature research | reporting summary

n/a Involved in the study n/a Involved in the study
Antibodies ChIP-seq
Eukaryotic cell lines Flow cytometry
Palaeontology MRI-based neuroimaging
Animals and other organisms
Human research participants
Clinical data

Animals and other organisms

Policy information about studies involving animals; ARRIVE guidelines recommended for reporting animal research
Laboratory animals Study did not involve laboratory animals/organism. Only a natural microbial community.

Wild animals None

Field-collected samples Field collected microbial communities were kept in temperature controlled (~0.0 C) mesocosms (650L) with gentle mixing and 89
± 16 µmol photons m-2 s-1 on a 19:5 h light:dark cycle. Temperature and light conditions were maintained during individual
PDMPO incubations.

Ethics oversight No animal ethics guidance was required. No animals used.

Note that full information on the approval of the study protocol must also be provided in the manuscript.

October 2018

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