A Rich Young Man Questions Jesus: Description Image My Notes

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A rich young man questions Matthew 19:16-30, Mark 10:17-31, Luke

Jesus 18:18-30

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scene. Read the account from the Bible and then plan how you will
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Description Image My notes

1 A rich young man came

up to Jesus and asked,
‘Teacher, what good
thing must I do to get
eternal life?’

2 ‘Why do you ask me

about what is good?’
Jesus replied. ‘Only God
alone is truly good. If
you want eternal life,
keep the

3 ‘Don’t kill, don’t commit

adultery, don’t steal,
don’t lie, honour your
father and mother, and
love your neighbour as
much as yourself!’ Jesus
4 ‘I have obeyed all these
commandments,’ the
young man said. ‘What
do I still need to do?’

5 Jesus answered, ‘If you

want to be perfect, go
and sell everything you
have and give the
money to the poor, and
you will have treasure in
heaven. Then come and
follow me.’

6 When the young man

heard this, he went
away feeling sad, for he
was very rich.

7 Then Jesus said to His

disciples, ‘It is almost
impossible for a rich
man to get into the
Kingdom of Heaven. It is
easier for a camel to go
through the eye of a
needle than for a rich
man to enter the
Kingdom of God!’

8 This remark confounded

the disciples. ‘Then who
in the world can be
saved?’ they asked.
‘Humanly speaking, no
one, Jesus replied, ‘But
with God, everything is
9 Peter spoke up, ‘We left
everything to follow you.
What will we get out of

10 ‘And anyone who gives

up his home, family, or
property, to follow me,
shall receive a hundred
times as much in return,
and shall have eternal
life. Many who are first
now will be last then.
Some who are last now
will be first.’


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