Utilitarian Approach

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Give one example situation in each approach and explain how and why the approach is used in

the situation.

1. Utilitarian Approach

It is an ethical theory that determines right from wrong by focusing on the outcomes. A
theory of moral philosophy that is based on the principle that an action is morally right if it
produces a greater quantity of good and happiness than any other possible action. The best
example for me of this approach is like when your exam will be tomorrow and you are thinking
if you are going to have your review that night before the exam or not. If you are not going to
have your review, it has a 70% chance that you are not going to answer the questions in the
exams correctly and if that happens you probably fail the exam and your grades will be lower
than your parents are expecting you to have so that your parents will be disappointed but you can
have your complete hours of sleep while when you have your review the night before the exam
you are lack of sleep but you have the 90% chance of answering the questions in your exams
correctly and your parents will be proud of what grade you have got. So what are you choosing?
Of course I will be choosing having review the night before the exam because it has the greater
quantity of good which is having the higher chance of having high scores and grades and your
parent’s happiness and less harm which is the lack of sleep.

2. Rights Approach

It focuses on respect for human dignity. This approach hold that our dignity based on our
ability to choose freely how we live our lives and that we have a moral right to respect for our
choices as free, equal and rational people and a moral duty to respect others in the same way. It
is alright if we admire someone with his beauty but don’t go up to the point of whistling or
catcalling the woman that is sign of disrespect even she is properly dressed or not. According to
rappler.com, President Rodrigo Duterte has signed a law that penalizes wolf whistling,
catcalling, misogynistic and homophobic slurs, unwanted sexual advances, and other forms of
sexual harassment in public places, workplaces, and schools as well as in online spaces. The law,
called the Safe Spaces Act or Republic Act No 11313, was signed on April 17. A copy of the law
was made public on Monday, July 15, by Akbayan Senator Risa Hontiveros, who principally
authored and sponsored the measure in the Senate. The law also penalizes online sexual
harassment, including sexual slurs in private messages. Make sure that we are responsible
enough in our actions even in small things and it is does not violate others right.

3. Fairness or Justice Approach

Assumes that the people should be treated equally regardless of their situation in life, that
is, they should not be subjected to discrimination. Ethical actions should treat all human beings
equally, or if unequally, then fairly based on some standard that is defensible. Even before the
racial discrimination is an issue. Racial discrimination is when a person is treated less favorably
than another person in a similar situation because of their race, color, descent, national or ethnic
origin or immigrant status. For example, it would be ‘direct discrimination’ if a real estate agent
refuses to rent a house to a person because they are of a particular racial background or skin
color. It is also racial discrimination when there is a rule or policy that is the same for everyone
but has an unfair effect on people of a particular race, color, descent, national or ethnic origin or
immigrant status. This is called ‘indirect discrimination’. For example, it may be indirect racial
discrimination if a company says that employees must not wear hats or other headwear at work,
as this is likely to have an unfair effect on people from some racial/ethnic backgrounds. Stop any
kinds of discrimination.

4. Common Good Approach

Ethical actions are those that benefit all members of the community. Regards all
individuals as a part of larger community. As such, we share certain common conditions and
institutions upon our welfare depend. The right to education serves as common good most of the
people that belong to the marginalize class because now a days you need to be educated for you
to have a job that has good salary and many benefits so that each one of us has the right
education even we have different classes in life. It will be beneficial to us but it is more
beneficial to the person that needs to uplift their way of living.

5. Virtue Approach
There are higher orders of goodness to which man should aspire and that only moral
actions will help us achieve that higher level. As a student, we are obliged to study well for us to
answer our exams confidently. Even we have our household chores, we need to find time to
study for the exam and this thinking goes to virtue approach because you are thinking that you
will not cheat for you to be able to pass the exam because cheating is not morally right so you
will study well for you to pass the exam.

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