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Year: 2019-20

Visual Inspection
Report for

‘A and D Wing’

Project At
Sr.No Content Page No

1 Project Introduction 1

2 Methodology 1-2

3 Visual Inspection 3-5

4 Conclusions 42-44
1. Project Introduction

The Project is at. The scope of the project is to carry out Visual Inspection for the apartments which had
leakage and waterproofing issues. The intent of this document is to record all the relevant data through
Visual inspection and photo log of observations. This report comprises the findings in Visual
Inspection,onsite verification of various inputs and the conclusions based on these findings. The
waterproofing issues were observed in 2 apartments of D-wing (Flat no. 504 and 204), and 2 apartments in
A-wing (Flat no. 601 and 701). The details of the Project are mentioned in the Table 1.

Table 1 Project Information

1 Building Name XX
2 Type of Structure RCC
3 Building Occupancy Type Residential
4 Date of Inspection October23, 2019 and November 07,2019

2. Methodology

This section briefs the inspection procedure adopted and guides the reader to understand the report. The
Detail stages involved under Visual Inspection reportare as follows:

- Rapid Visual Screening

- Detailed Visual Inspection and

- Conclusions

2.1. Visual Inspection

Visual inspection is the first step of understanding the condition of the structure. The purpose of the visual
inspection is to determine if there are observable issues in the considered structure. It is also conducted as
needed before performing a detailed inspection of the structure. Primarily qualitative data is obtained
through this type of survey; it would be most effective if this data could be reflected in performance
evaluations of the structure.

Type of Survey Survey Item

Cracking status Cracking location / width

Survey of external Defects Concrete peeling, etc.

appearance Displacement / deformation Overloading if any

Rust fluid, free lime, discoloration, leakage of water

2.1.1 Scope of Visual Inspection

The Scope of this inspection report is about the following

 Dampness Issues in apartments
 Finding out the source of water coming through.
 Study of Drawings and Expansion joints at site to check if the joints are aggregating to the leakage
and waterproofing issues.
 Suggesting the required procedure to rectify or divert the flow of water elsewhere
 Suggesting different waterproofing solutions to be adopted.
Visual inspection Survey was carried out by our Engineers, to observe Distress/ Damage/ Cracks/ Corrosion
/ Dampness at site. Data collected during the site visit is summarized in this report.
‘Visual Inspection’
3. Visual Inspection

Visual inspection survey was carried out by our Engineers, to observe Distress/ Damage/ Cracks/
Corrosion / Concrete Defects / Dampness at site.

3.1 Issues Observed In A - Wing w

Wateproofing or water leakage issues were observed in Flat no. 601 and 701 of A – Wing.

1. Flat no. 601: In this flat water was seeping through the slab and holes were formed through the POP as
shown in photo no. XX. The water drops were found to be falling even when there was found to be no rain
in recent days, so the flat above this i.e. flat no. 701 was visited to check for any water sources.

2. Flat no. 701: In this flat since the renovation of interiors was done, there wasn’t much discoloration due
to water leakages was not observed. But, just outside this flat there was heavy discoloration was found on
the columns.

3.2 Issues Observed In D - Wing w

The issue of water leakage can be solved by adopting preventive measures by diverting the flow of water or
by adopting a correct waterproofing solution or by a combination of both the factors. Wateproofing or water
leakage issues were observed in Flat no. 504 and 204 of D – Wing.

1. Flat no. 204: Water leakage issues were mostly found on the outer brickwalls of the bedroom of this flat.
Water was not seen or visible on any structural members in this flat.

2. Flat no. 504: Water Leakage issues were observed on both structural and non-structural members. Water
seeping or the flow of water was observed from the balcony beam and then then through the adjoining
bedroom slab and a part of wall of this bedroom.

After observations and also discussions with the client, it was found that the balcony beam through which
water movement was suspected was found to be cracked. There was also water falling directly on this
balcony beam from the sheeting are shed that was constructed above this beam.
‘Typical Photo
Typical Photo Log of Observation of Structure
4. Conclusions

The Project is at. The scope of the project is to carry out Visual Inspection for the apartments which had
leakage and waterproofing issuesThe intent of this document is to record all the relevant data through Visual
inspection and photo log of observations.Following are the Conclusions based on Visual Inspections divided
by A – wing and D – wing conclusions.

1. Corrosion is observed on all the Structural Members.
2. Welding done is improper at a few connections
3. Buckling of Truss web members is observed which shows distress in the structural members.
Therefore, strengthening work is needed for the considered structure

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