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Powder Technology, 7 (1973) 285-292 285

0 ElsevierSequoia SA, Lausanne- Printedin the Netheriands

Types of Gas Fhidization


Postgraduate School of Powder Technology. Uniuersity of Bradford, Yorks. (Gt. Britain)

(ReceivedMay 22, 1972; in revisedformNovember1, 1972)

Summary solids are common to all groups. many are not and
intergroup predictions should therefore be avoided
The behaviour of solidrfluidized by gases falls into or made only with considerable caution. A simple
four clearly recognizable groups, characterized by criterion, which differentiates between the two
densitydzyference (p, - pr) andmeanparticlesize. The largest groups of powders, is presented.
most easily recognizable features of the groups are:
po,vders in group A exhibit dense phase expansion
after mi?l~?lw?rjluidi~atio~l and prior to the commen- 2. PREvIOUS WORK
ment of bubbling; those in group B bubble at the
minimwn fluidization velocity: those in group C are Various attempts have been made to devise a
dyficuult to fluidize at aN and those in group D can criterion which would distinguish between bubbling
form stable spouted beds. A numerical criterion (aggregative. heterogeneous) and non-bubbling (par-
,vhich dist fizguishes betlveen groups A and B has been ticulate, homogeneo-s) fluidization.
devised and agrees iveti lvith published data. Gener- Some criteria are based on the concept of inter-
alizations concerning pokvders Gthkz a group can be particle forces in the vicinity of bubbles and lead to
made kth reasonable confidence but conclusio?= dimensionless groups such as the Froude number’
drabvn from observations made on a po?vder in one or combinations of Fr with Re and other groups3.
group should not in general be used to predict the Whilst having the advantage of simplicity, these
behaviour of a polvder til another group. criteria do little more than distinguish correctly
between liquid and gas tluidization. Zenz4 presented
an empirical graphical plot of bed voidage against
I. INTRODUCTION ps/pr with partide size as a parameter which indi-
cates that bubbling and slugging become less likely
It is impractical for most research workers, partic- as p,/pt decreases.
ularly those wishing to work on a reasonably large Other criteria5-’ are based on a consideration of
scale, to test a wide variety of powders, as this is only the stability or rate of growth of disturbances.
one of the variables to be studied_ There is therefore Despite being much more complicated_ they make
a tendency to assume that conclusions drawn from predictions which are no more accurate than the
data on the fluidization of one powder, e.g. cracking simple Froude criterion. Two other groups’.’ of
catalyst, are applicable to other powders having workers have assumed that bubbles are always
quite different particle sizes and densities. This can present but are not observable below a certain
cause confusion, and as has been shown in a recent bubble-particle ratio. Simpson and Rodger’sg ap-
paper I, it is responsible for some of the apparent proach offers a way of estimating the size of bubbles
contradictions and differences of opinion which lik-ly to be present in a given system at different
appear in published papers. .voidages. If the calculated bubble size is very small
In this paper an attempt is made to group together the system is said to be particulate. Unfortunately
those powders having broadly similar properties the correlations are rather cor,lplex and have been
when fluidized by a gas, so that generalizations con- little used. Harrison, Davidson and de Kock’s
cerning powders within a group can be made with theory’ is based on the maxin:wn size of bubble
reasonable confidence. likely to be stable in a fluidized system. The mecha-
Althou& a few of the characteristics of fluidized nism of bubble co!lapse on which the theory is

based is almost certainly incorrect but it does, appears to be about 3r! 40 cm/s regardless of bubble
like the other theories, differentiate correctly be- sizei5, suggesting that the gross circulation referred
tween gas and liquid fluidization. Unlike the cor- to controls the rise velocity. There is some evidence
relation of Simpson and Rodger, which predicts that the mean size of bubbles may be reduced in two
that a given system can exhibit both homo- and ways, i.e. by having a wide particle size distribution
heterogeneous behaviour depending on the voidage and/or a small mean particle size16. A maximum
(and therefore on the fluid velocity), the theory of bubble size does appear to exist”. Considerable
Harrison et al. merely classifies systems into bub- back-mixing of gas in the dense phase occurs and gas
bling, transition and non-bubbling systems. In its exchange between bubble and dense phase is
present form it is not able to say whether a given generally high ’ * ; however, the ratio (volume of
system can exhibit more than one type of behaviour. cloud/volume of bubble) is negligible’g. When the
The most recent approach has been that of superficial gas velocity is sufftciently high to cause
Verloop and Heertjes”. who use the occurrence of the formation of slugging conditions. the slugs
shock waves ia the bed asa criterion for the transition produced are axi-symmetric: as the superficial gas
between bubbling and non-bubbling. Their criterion velocity is further increased slug flow breaks down
shows that some systems can behave homogeneously into a turbulent regimewith “tongues of fluid darting
at low voidages and heterogeneously at high zig-zag fashion up the bed” “. The velocity at which
voidages. It appears to give reasonable agreement this occurs appears to decrease with particle size.
with experimental data for liquid systems but, as
will be shown later. its accuracy is poor in making 3.2 Group B
predictions concerning gas-solid fluidization. Group B contains most materials in the mean size
It is evident from this brief survey that as yet there and density ranges 40 ,um < d,, -c 500 pm, 4 g/cm’ >
is no easy and accurate method for predicting how a p, > 1.4 g/cm3, sand being the most typical powder.
given powder will behave when fluidized by gas. In contrast with group A powders, naturally
occurring bubbles start to form in this type of powder
3. DESCRIPTION OF POWDER GROUPS at or only slightly above minimum fluidization
velocity. Bed expansion is small and the bed
Before attempting to develop a numerical cri- collapses very rapidly when the gas supply is cut off.
terion which can be used to predict how a given There is little or no powder circulation in the absence
powder is likely to behave when fluidized by gas, a of bubbles and bubbles burst at the surface of the
description of the properties of three clearly bed as discrete entities. Most bubbles rise more
recognizable groups. and one other. -will be given. quickly than the interstitial gas velocity and bubble
This is based both on the published literature and size increases linearly with both bed height and
on the present experimental work. excess gas velocity (U - U,) ; coalescence is the pre-
dominant phenomenon’ r. There is no evidence of a
3.1 Group A maximum bubble size, although few studies2’ have
Materials having a small mean size and/or a low involved beds sufliciently deep or large enough to
particl- density (less than about 1.4 g/cm3) generally allow bubbles to reach the maximum size predicted
exhibit the type of behaviour described below. some by theory’. It has been shown recently’ that when
cracking catalysts being typical examples. comparisons are made at equal values of bed height
Beds of powders in this group expand consider- and U - U,, bubble sizes are independent of both
ably before bubbling commences”. When the gas mean particle size and size distribution. Back-
supply& suddenly cut off the bed collapses slo~ly’~, mixing of dense phase gas is relatively low as is gas
typically at a rate of 0.3-O-6 cm/s, this being similar exchange between bubbles and dense. phase; the
to the superficial velocity of the gas in the dense cloud volume/bubble volume ratio is generally not
phase”. Gross circulation of the powder’” (akin to negligible. When the gas velocity is so high that
convection currents in liquids) occurs even when slugging commences, the slugs are initially axi-
few bubbles are present, producing rapid mixing. symmetric, but with further increase in gas velocity
Bubbles in a two-dimensional bed appear to split an increasing proportion become asymmetric,
and recoalesce very frequently. All bubbles rise more moving up the bed wall with an enhanced velocity
rapidly than the interstitial gas velocity, but in freely rather than up the tube axis. There is no evidence of
bubbling beds the velocity of small bubbles (-z 4 cm) the breakdown of slugging into turbulent flowZo.

A numerical method for distinguishing powder that bubble sizes may be similar to those in group B
groups will be discussed later. in Section 4.3. powdersat equal values of bed height and U - fY, but
that bubble formation does not commence until
3.3 Group C about 5 cm above the distributor3’. Hcwever, it does
Powders which are in any way cohesive belong in appear that ifgas is admitted only through a central-
this category_ “Normal” fhridization of such powders ly positioned hole. group D powders can be made
is extremely difficult; the powder lifts as a plug in to spout.
small diameter tubes, or channels (rat-holes) badly.
ix_ the gas passes up voids extending from distri-
butor to bed surface. This difftculty arises because 3. CRITERIA FOR CLASSIFYING POWDERS INTO
the inter-particle fcrces are greater than those which GROUPS
the fluid can exert on the particle. and these are
generally the result of very small particle size. strong 4.1 The bubble poini
electrostatic charges or the presence in the bed of The most easily observed difference between
very wet or sticky material. Particle mixing and powders in groups A and B is whether or not the bed
consequent!y heat transfer between a surface and bubbles at or very close to minimum fluidization.
the bed is much poorerZ3 than with powders of If there is an appreciable bed expansion before
groups A or B. bubbling commences, then the powder belongs to
Fluidization can generally be made possible or group A and is likely to have the other properties
improved by the use of mechanical stirrers” or associated with that group. Calling the superficial
vibrators which break up the stable channels, or. in gas velocity at which the first bubble appears U,,,.
the case of some powders. by the addition of a fumed the minimum bubbling point, we can define group
silica of sub-micron size. Where agglomeration A powders as those in which U&U, > 1. Corre-
occurs due to excessive electrostatic charging some lations for U, are well established, but the only simple
improvement can generally be effected by humidi- and accurate correlation for Us<, available is that
fication of the incoming gas, or by making the equip- published in brief by the writer3’ in 1967, which is
ment walls conducting, for example. by coating glass now discussed in a revised form.
with a very thin layer of tin oxide”. An equally
effective but less permanent technique is to coat the 4. 2 Experimental work
particles with a conducting substance such as Three low density powders were used; fresh and
graphiteZ6. spent cracking catalyst. and Diakon, a plastic
moulding powder having spherical particles. All had
3.4 Group D a wide size distribution as received. The powders
The justification for this further category of pow- were carefully separated by sieving into the size
ders, confined to large and/or very dense particles. fractions shown in Table 1. Each fraction was sized
is not so readily apparent as in the other three cases by performing a microscope count of at least 650
since relatively little published information is particles per fraction. A 5cm-diam. glass column
available’7-‘8. having a filter paper distributor was used to fluidize
Certainly all but the largest bubbles rise more 200-g powder fractions, giving bed heights of zp-
slowly than the interstitial fluidizing gas. so that gas proximately 20 cm. The minimum fluidization
flows into the base of the bubble and out of the top, velocity was measured in the usual way using the
providing a mode of gas exchange and by-passing pressure dropgas velocity curve” and the air
different from that observed with group A or B velocity increased until the first clearly recognizable
powders. The gas velocity in the dense phase is high, bubble, usually about OS cm diam., was observed to
solids mixing relatively poor; consequently back- break the surface of the bed. This velocity was noted.
mixing of the dense phase gas is small. The flow Further increase in air velocity caused many bubbles
regime around particles in this group may be and the air flow was then reduced until only one or
turbulent, causing some particle attrition with rapid- two small bubbles were visible; this velocity was
ehrtriation of the fines producedZq. Relatively sticky also noted. This procedure was repeated several
materials can be ffuidized since the high particle times for each fraction and an average value of the
momentum and fewer particle-particle contacts minimum bubbling velocity was then calculated.
minimize agglomeration. There is some evidence The results are presented in Table 1.


Experimental results on Group A powders

Dialron - 105 78 0.52 0.85 0.542 1.095

p,= 1.18 g cm-” 105-325 118 0.82 1.17 0.496 1.065
125-150 141 0.96 1.34 0.48 1 1.040
15S180 155 1.43 1.60 0.465 1.012
180-210 190 1.67 1.76 0.452 1.003
210-250 220 2.44 7.5! 0.44’ 1.001
250-300 263 3.11 3.11 0.444 1.000
300-350 318 4.11 4.11 0.444 1.000

Fresh catalyst 1O-20 25 0.08 0.25 0.645 1.43

p.21 gcme3 20-30 39 0.09 0.35 0.629 1.37
45-53 55 0.23 0.59 0.645 1.28
53-63 68 0.29 0.68 0.645 1.21
63-75 75 0.33 0.73 0.638 1.20
75-90 loo 0.46 0.90 0.627 1.16
90-105 108 0.44 0.93 0.630 1.19
as received 65 0.64 0.630 1.25

Spent catalyst -45 45 0.13 0.51 0.675 1.41

p= 1.5 g cm-3 45-53 62 0.18 0.60 0.630 I.35
5343 75 0.22 0.68 0.635 1.31
63-75 87 0.26 0.73 0.600 1.25
75-90 95 0.35 0.82 0.610 I.18
90-105 115 0.4 0.84 0.610 1.14

4.3 Criterion for groups A and B

It is interesting to note that the two largest sizes
of Diakon bubbled at the incipient fluidization
velocity and the 21&250-pm fraction at a velocity
very close to U,,. According to the criterion (U,,,/
U, > 1 for group A powders) these largest fractions
should be classified as belonging to group B.
When the minimum bubbling velocities of all the
other fractions, as well as that of the wide size range
fresh catalyst (i.e. all the group A powders), are
plotted against mean particle size a,( = l/Xx/d,)
it can be seen (Fig 1) that a very simple relationship
exists between lJ,, and d,,, namely

%r = K,&v (1)
K MB7which has units of s- ‘, has a value of 100 when
U,,, is in cm s- ’ and d, in cm. Thus 100 200
Mean particle size dSv (urn1
U,, = 100 d,, (2) Fig. 1. Minimum tubblizg velocity us. mean particle size.

Some data of Davies’ i_ Godardi5, de Jong35 and

lZietema3’ are also represented well by eqn. (2). It is curious that the bubble point can be corre-
Data fit equally well whether derived from narrow lated by means of an equation which involves a term
cuts or wide size range material. (Km) having units of frequency. Hibyx3 has noted

that gas-fluidized beds of low height show a ten- region and a group A powder. In contrast lOO-pm
dency to spontaneous vertical oscillation of the sand (p,= 2.7 g/cme3) has a U, of 1-2 cm s- I. which
particles with frequencies in the range 7-25 s- l_ He is larger thar, the bubbling velocity of 1 cm s-i. It
suggested that this might act as a triggering me- will therefore bubble at minimum fluidization and
chanism for bubble formation, and at first sight this fall into group B as will particles of density difference
seems a plausible explanation for the frequency 1 g cmm3 larger than about 25G pm_
term in the bubble point equation. However, as Thus for a powder to belong to group A,
Hiby’s experimentally measured frequencies were u
considerably lower than 100, we shall not pursue “B>l
this line of thought further. We are pleased that such “0
a simpie equation describes the experimental data Substituting in this equation from eqns. (1) and (3)
so well and shall proceed to use it. we have the following criterion :
For a powder to belong to group A.

8x lw4 g dsv(p,--PPr) <l

&*a lu
Now for air at room temperature and pressure
KMB= 100 and .u= 1.8 x lops poise. Replacing dsv
(cm) by d’ (the particle size in lrm) we have
(&-&)d’ < 225 (6)
Equation (6) has been plotted on Fig. 3 as XY
together with particle density/mean size data from
a wide variety of authors who have commented on
the behaviour of the powders with which they
worked. The open points represent powders which
the authors remarked were extremely diflicult to
fluidize (group C), the half-closed points represent
powders where bubble-free bed expansion was
noted (group A) and the solid points where it was
specifically mentioned that bed expansion was low
and/or bubbling occurred at or very close to
0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 minimum fluidization velocity. The division be-
Velocity u,, or uo cm/s tween groups C and A is represented by the shaded
Fig. 2 Minimum fluidization velocity (for air) arsd minimum area PQ which has been drawn so as to separate
bubbling velocity cs. mean particle size.
empirically open and half-closed points.

Let us replot eqn. (2) on log-log paper (line MB, 4.4 Criterion for groups B and D
Fig. 2) together with C;I equation for the minimum The distinction between groups B and D is not as
fluidization velocity’ ’ clear-cut as that betweenA and B, but it can be made
u = 8 x 10-4g~:v(P,--Pr) on two grounds, one theoretica?, one empirical. The
0 (3) first criterion is based on the different mode of gas
c1 by-passing described in Section 3.4.
using two selected values of ps-pr, and ,u for air at We can calculate the density/particle size combi-
room temperature. nations of powders in which bubbles less than a
Consider particles of density difference 1 g cme3 given size would rise more slowly than the inter-
and mean particle size 100 ,nm. Entering the graph stitial gas velocity by using eqn. (7):
at the left along the 100-m line we strike first the 8 x IO-“(p,--p,)gd&
theoretical minimum~fluidization velocity for these
particles at 0.43 cm s-r and then the minimum P&o
bubbling point velocity at 1 cm s-i, giving a value of It is clear that when considering groups B and D we
U,,a/Ue = 2.33 indicating a bubble-free expansion are really looking at a continuum, and it is not diffi-


A eaerns
0 Brekken et al
P de Jong et al

Group A properties
d Baems
q Davies et al
D Rietema
I de Jong et al
0 Go&u-d et a,
0 Cltmgge
d Kehoe
0 deGruot
0 This work

GroupD properties
X Mathur

50 100 200 500 1000

Mean particle size d,, (pm)

Fig. 3. Powder classification diagram for flu%ization by air (ambient conditions).

cult to envisage a transition within a large deep seen that, with the exception of the 350-pm powder
fluidized bed in which, near the distributor, small (reported to be the smallest size ever spouted), the
bubbles travel more slowly than the interstitial gas crosses fall near or to the right of the line. This does
and faster than the interstitial gas velocity higher up give some validity to eqn. (8).
the bed.
Bubble sizes greater than 25 cm have rarely been
reported, so let us choose da = 25 cm. The choice is 5. COMMENTS ON THE CRITERIA

not critical since in eqn. (7) we-are considering ,/da_

For large-particle systems s0 z 0.4 and for air JL= It can be seen from Fig. 3 that eqn. (6) does repre-
1.8x 10e4 g cm-’ s-i. If we insert these numerical sent a realistic boundary between groups A and B
values and substitute d’ (pm) for .dsv (cm) we obtain, for ambient conditions_ However, further data are
for group D, required in selected areas-notably high-density
small particles and low-density large particles. It is
(P,--r)(d)’ 3 lo6 (8) particularly desirable to choose series of size frac-
The use of eqn. (3) on the ri,:ht-hand side of eqn. (7) tions which cross ovex the line representing eqn. (6).
is not strictly justified for these large particles since This was achieved with Diakon and it was possible
the flow regime is transitional, not iaminar. How- to demonstrate that, depending on mean size, the
ever, the arbitrary (though reasonable) choice of da material could behave either as group A or B (Table
and the nature of the other assumptions do not 1). There is probably also a gradual change in
warrant the adoption ofa more complicated (though properties across group A. For example, experi-
more accurate) equation for U,. mental evidence (Table 1 and refs. 11 and 15)
The second possible criterion is based on a recent suggests that as we move diagonally away from XY
suggestion from Baeyens37 that group D powders towards the left, the maximum dense phase ex-
are capable of maintaining a stable spout in a bed pansion sMa increases.
more than 30 cm deep. Experimental investigations
are in progress on this and will be reported in due 5.1 E$ixts of gas density and viscosity
course, but for the present, the density-size combi- Godard and Richardson” showed that an in-
nations of powders which have been reported as crease in pressure, and therefore of gas density, in-
spoutable3* are shown on Fig. 3 as crosses It can be creased the minimum bubbling velocity_ Although

there are too few results available to correlate their for bubbling at U,,
data, the overall effect must be to increase the magni-
tude of &a in eqn. (5). This increases the size of the
W3)’ @s-P,) > 4m

constant on the right-hand side of eqn. (6) and thus P
moves XY (Fig. 3) to the right. An increase in pres- Using the nomenclature of powder groups given
sure could therefore have two effects : earlier, it is apparent that eqns. (9) and (10) could also
(a) Some powders which have group B properties be used to identify group B powders. Obviously both
in air at aknbient pressure and temperature may now cannot be correct, and in fact that of Verloop and
behave as members of group A. Heertjes lies much too far to the right and is not
(b) Those already in group A could now behave as shown on Fig. 3. Equation (lo), however, (line O-O
though they have a smaller size and density since on Fig. 3) agrees with published results about as well
their distance from XY has been increased, i.e. they as eqn. (5) and this is most interesting since the
may exhibit increased bed expansion and the tran- thinking behind eqn. (5) is quite different from that
sition from slug flow to turbulent fluidization could leading to eqn. (10).
now occur at a lower velocity, giving the appearance
of smoother fluidization.
It has been reported by several workers34,‘Q*4 that CONCLUSIONS
operation at higher pressure on an industrial scale
produces smoother fluidization and less slugging. (1) The behaviour of powders fluidized by gases
It may be significant that the powder used by Lee falls into four categories characterized by density
et aL3” (240 pm, ps=0.9 g cm-“) falls very close to difference (p, - pr) and mean size. Powders in group
the line XY at ambient conditions. A exhibit dense phase expansion after minimum
Equation (5) predicts that an increase in viscosity fluidization and prior to the commencement of
alone should also moveXY to the right and produce bubbling; those in group B bubble at the minimum
similar improvements in fluidization. However, fluidization velocity; those in group C are difficult
some caution is needed before this is accepted at its to fluidize at all and those in group D are of large
face value, because the effect of changing only size and/or density and spout readily.
viscosity is not easy to study. The viscosity of a gas (2)A criterion which distinguishes between groups
can be changed in two ways-by using a different gas A and B has been devised and is shown to agree well
and/or by increasing the temperature-but both with published data. It also predicts that a change in
methods normally also involve changing the gas pressure and/or gas viscosity may cause a change in
density-As far as is known, the effect on the minimum the behaviour of particles. _4 tentative criterion is
bubbling velocity of changing viscosity alone has not also suggested for group D.
been studied nor has the effect of operating at low
gas densities (i.e. reduced pressure). It is therefore
difficult to decide whether or not operation at high LIST OF SYMBOLS
temperature would produce a net movement of XY
to the right, since although the gas viscosity would d’ particle size in microns (cm x 1G”)
increase, we do not know the effect on K,,, of dsv surface/volume diameter of particle (cm)
simultaneously reducing the gas density, this being de frontal diameter of bubble (cm)
another area for further research. 9 gravitation constant (981 cm s-‘)
K MB constant in eqn. (1) (s- ‘) .

5.2 Comparison with other criteria UO superficial velocity of gas at minimum fluidi-
It is possible to compare two other criteria with zation (cm s- ‘)
the one already presented and expressed as eqn. (5). u MB superficial velocity of gas at minimum bubbl-
Verloop and Heertjes’O suggest that heterogeneous ing condition (cm s- ‘)
(i.e. bubbling) fluidization will occur ilmmediately if x weight fraction of particles in each size range
so bed voidage at minimum fluidization velocity
W’)f h-PA > 5m
(9) p viscosity of lluidizing gas (g cm-’ s-r)
Pf density of fluidizing gas (g cm-“)
Oltrogge36 finds that his data correlate with the Ps density of particle (including any internal
same group on the left-hand side of eqn. (9) but that porosity) (g cme3)

REFERENCES 20 P. W. K.Kehoeand J. F. Davidson, Chemeca’70, Buttenvortbs

of Australia p_ 97.
1 D. Geldart, Powder TechnoL, 6 (1972) 201. 21 P. N. Rowe and B. A. Partridge, Trans. Inst. Chem Engrs,
2 R H. Wilhelm and M. Kwauk, Chem Eng. Progr, 44 (1948) 43 (1965) T157.
201. 22 A. B. Whitehead and A D. Young Proc. Intern Symp. on
3 J. B. Romero and L. N. Johanson, Chem Eng. i’rogr. Symp. Fluidiration, Eindhoven. Netherlands Univ. Press. Amster-
Ser., 58 (38) (1962) 28. dam, 1967, p. 284.
4 F. A. Zeru Petrol. Refiner, 36 (1957) 321. 23 M. Baerns, Proc Intern. Symp. on Fluidization. Eindhoven.
5 R. Jackson, Trans. Inst. Chem EEgrs, 41 (1963) 13. Netherlands Univ. Press, Amsterdam, 1967, p. 403.
6 0. Molerus, Proc. Intern Symp. on Fluidization, Eindhoven, 24 R. A. Brekkcu, E. B. Lancaster and T. D. Wheelock, Chem
Netherlands Univ. Press Amsterdam. 1967, p. 134. Eng. Symp. Ser, 66 (101) (1970) 81.
7 R L. Pigford and T. Baron, Znd. Eng. Chem Fundamentals, 25 J. C. Hendriks and A J. Sander& Glasrech. Mededelingen,
4 (1965j 81. 6 (1968) 136.
8 D. Harrison, J. F. Davidson and J. W. de Kock, Trans. Inst. 26 T. Hagyard and A. M. Sacerdote, Ind. Eng. Chem Funda-
Chem Engrs., 39 (1961) 202. mentals, 5 (1966) 500.
9 H. C. Simpson and B. W. Rodger. Chem Eng. Sci, 16 (1961) 27 D. Geldart and R R Cranfield Chem Eng. J, 3 (1972) 211.
153. 28 L. McGrath and R E. Streatfield, Truns. Inst. Chem Engrs,
10 J. Verloop and P. M. Heertjes Chem Eng. Sci, 25 (1970) 825. 49 (1971) 70.
11 L. Davies and J. F. Richardson. Trans. Inst. Chem Engrs., 29 A. M. Squires, Chem Eng. Progr, 58 (4) (1962) 66.
44 (1966) T293. 30 R R Crantield, Ph. D. Thesis, C.NAA, 1972.
12 R. Diekman and W. L. Forsythe. Znd. Eng. Chern_ 45 (1953) 31 D. Geldart, Proc. Intern. Symp. on Fluidizalion, Eindhouen.
1174. Netherlands Univ. Press, Amsterdam, 1967, P. 171.
13 R. D. Oltrogge, Znrernal Memo, Tech. Hoge- Eindhocen, 1969. 32 K. Rietema, Proc. Ifitem Symp. on Ffuidization, Eindhoven,
14 D. Geldart and J. R Kelscy. Ffuidizotion, Inst Chem Engrs, Netherlands Univ. Press, Amsterdam, 1967, p. 154.
1968, P. 114. 33 J. W. Hiby, Proc. Intern. Symp. on Fluidization, Eindhooen,
15 K. Godard and J. F. Richardson, Chem Eng. Sci, 24 (1969) Netherlands Univ. Press, Amsterdam, 1967, p. 99.
663. 34 B. S. Lee, E. J. Pyrcioch and F. C. Schora, Chem Eng. Progr.
16 R D. Oltrogge. ir~ternnl Memo, Tech. Hoge. Eindhouen, 1970. Symp. Ser.. 66 (101) (1970) 75.
17 J. M. Matsen, Proc. Zntern. Symp. on F‘Iuidizotion. Eindhown. 35 J. A. H. de Jong and J. F. Nomden, to be published.
Netherlands Univ. Press, Amsterdam, 1967, p. 348. 36 R. D. Oltrogge, Pk. D. Thesis Univ. of Michigan. 1972.
18 J. H. de Groat, P.-or. Intern. Symp. on F‘luidizotion, Eindhoven. 37 J. Baeyens and D. Geldarf to be published.
Netherlands Univ. Press, Amsterdam, 1967, p_ 348. 38 K. B. Mathur, in Davidson and Harrison (eds.), FFluidizntion,
19 P. N. ROWP, B. A. Partridge and E. Lyall Chem Eng. Sci, Academic Press. New York, 1972.
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