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United States Patent (19) 11) 4,072,964

Pope, et al. 45) Feb. 7, 1978

(54) SCENELIGHT RESPONSIVE VARIABLE Primary Examiner-Russell E. Adams
QUENCHTIMEDELAY FOR QUENCH Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Edward S. Roman
75). Inventors: William R. Pope, William A. Shelton, (57) ABSTRACT
both of Cambridge, Mass. A photographic camera apparatus is provided with an
(73) Assignee: Polaroid Corporation, Cambridge, automatic illumination and exposure control system for
Mass. controlling a pair of scanning type shutter blade ele
ments as well as a flash fire and quench signal directed
(21) Appl. No.: 686,020 to a quench strobe operatively associated therewith.
22 Filed: May 13, 1976 The camera apparatus may be operated in either a "fill
in' flash mode of operation or an ordinary flash mode.
51) Int, Cl?................................................ GO3B 7/16 During the "fill-in' flash mode of operation, the time
52 U.S. C. ........................................ 354/33; 354/27; delay in quenching the strobe is progressively decreased
354/34; 354/60 F; 354/128; 354/139 as a function of increasing ambient scene light intensity
58) Field of Search ....................... 354/27, 32, 33, 34, so that the shutter blade elements admit progressively
354/60F, 126, 127, 128, 129, 137, 145, 147, 149, less reflected strobe light from the subject during the
139; 315/151, 157, 241 P finite time required for the shutter blade elements to
56) References Cited close.
3,756,132 9/1973 Ogawa .................................. 354/32 20 Claims, 8 Drawing Figures
3,993,928 11/1976 Wilwerding ........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354/33
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U.S. Patent Feb. 7, 1978 Sheet 5 of 6 4,072,964

U.S. Patent Feb. 7, 1978 Sheet 6 of 6 4,072,964

1. 2
underexposure, it is suggested in a copending applica
SCENE LIGHT RESPONSIVE VARIABLE tion for U.S. patent Ser. No. 674,840 by G. D. White
QUENCH TIME DELAY FOR QUENCH STROBE side and B. K. Johnson filed Apr. 8, 1976, that the actual
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION quench signal be delayed by a predetermined time delay
which correlates to the anticipation characteristic of the
1. Field of the Invention photocell secondary apertures. Such a time delay pro
This invention relates generally to an artificial illumi vides for satisfactory exposures in situations where the
nation control system for photographic apparatus and, ambient scene light intensity is so low that the photog
more particularly, to an artificial illumination control rapher would customarily utilize either a flashbulb or
system for quenching a strobe subsequent to the expira 10 strobe. In situations where the ambient scene light in
tion of a select time delay after the shutter is com tensity is high, and particularly, where the subject is
manded to close, which time delay is progressively framed against a lighted background, it may still be
decreased in correspondence with increasing ambient desirable to utilize a flashlamp or strobe in order to
scene light intensity. adequately expose the features of the subject. However,
2. Description of the Prior Art 15 in such "fill-in' flash situations, the predetermined time
Electronic photographic strobe devices of the type in delay may result in overexposing the subject since the
which the flashlight produced by the flash tube of the subject is already partially illuminated by the lighted
device is automatically terminated after a predeter background.
mined quantity of light has been received from the Thus, it is suggested in a copending application for
scene being photographed by a light-responsive control 20 U.S. patent Ser. No. 684,902 by G. D. Whiteside and B.
portion of the device are well known in the art. Such K. Johnson filed concurrently herewith, that the artific
strobes are commonly referred to as quench strobes. In ial illumination control system selectively vary the time
addition to having an independent light-responsive con delay at which the strobe is quenched subsequent to the
trol circuit in the strobe, it is also well known to utilize command signal to close the shutter as a function of
the exposure control circuit associated with the actual 25 whether the camera operates in a "fill-in' flash mode or
camera apparatus to control the firing and quenching of an ordinary flash mode. However, during the "fill-in'
a strobe unit as is more fully disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. flash mode of operation, there may be a great variance
3,776,112, by Wilwerding issued 1973. Wilwerding dis in the background light intensity between different
closes a circuit coupled to the light-integrating exposure photographic scenes. An increase in the background
control circuit of a camera to effect the flash quenching 30 light intensity may also increase the illumination of the
of an electronic flash unit. Thus, it is well known to photographic subject thereby requiring less reflected
couple an electronically controlled shutter camera with strobe light to adequately illuminate the subject. Delay
a quenchable electronic strobe unit so that the strobe ing the strobe quench for only a single select time per
unit is quenched simultaneously with the command iod for all "fill-in' flash mode type exposures may not
signal to return the shutter blade elements to their 35 be sufficient to accommodate for all the variations in
closed position. background light intensity which may be encountered.
Such an arrangement however would not be compat Thus, it is a primary object of this invention to pro
ible with an exposure control system of the type de vide an artificial illumination control system for pro
scribed in a copending application for U.S. patent Ser. gressively decreasing the time delay at which the strobe
No. 619,384 entitled “Exposure Control System With is quenched, subsequent to the command to close the
Fill-Flash Race Condition' by Edwin K. Shenk, filed shutter, as a function of increasing ambient scene light
Oct. 3, 1975. The aforementioned exposure control intensity so that the shutter admits progressively less
system is utilized in conjunction with a shutter blade reflected strobe light during the finite time required for
arrangement of the so-called "scanning type' which the shutter to close.
embodies a pair of shutter blade elements, each of 45 Other objects of the invention will in part be obvious
which includes a primary aperture therethrough to and will in part appear hereinafter. The invention ac
cooperatively define a gradually varying effective aper cordingly comprises the mechanism and system possess
ture size as a function of the position of the shutter blade ing the construction, combination of elements and ar
elements. Each shutter blade element additionally in rangement of parts which are exemplified in the follow
cludes a photocell sweep secondary aperture which 50 ing detailed disclosure.
apertures also cooperatively define a gradually varying
effective secondary aperture in front of the exposure SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
control photocell as a function of blade position. The This invention relates generally to a photographic
photocell sweep secondary apertures are generally con camera apparatus of the type comprising a housing,
figured to progressively open ahead of the primary 55 together with means for mounting an objective lens on
aperture so that the exposure control circuit effects the the housing. Means are also associated with the housing
closing of the shutter blade elements at a time prior to for receiving a source of electrical energy. A source of
which the film is fully exposed. Prematurely signalling artificial illumination is also operatively associated with
the shutter blade elements to close prior to the time the camera apparatus and means are provided to define
required for a full film exposure anticipates for the addi a film exposure plane. A blade assembly is mounted and
tional scene light which will impinge upon the film arranged within the housing for displacement from an
during the finite time required for the shutter blade initial closed arrangement wherein the blade assembly
elements to fully close. Thus, quenching the strobe precludes scene light from impinging on the exposure
solely as a function of the exposure control system com plane to a second arrangement wherein the blade assem
mand signal to initiate closing of the shutter blade ele 65 bly defines a maximum aperture through which scene
ments as disclosed in U.S. Pat. No. 3,776,112, supra will light is permitted to impinge on the exposure plane and
result in an under-exposure since the srobe is quenched then to a final closed arrangement wherein the blade
almost instantaneously. In order to compensate for the assembly again precludes scene light from impinging on
3 4.
the exposure plane. Such a displacement of the blade nents of an exposure mechanism shown generally at 13.
assembly serves to define an exposure interval during Surrounding the front and top of the baseblock casting
which scene light is incident upon the film exposure 12, there is provided a cover section 14 which includes
plane. Scene light detecting means energizable by the at least one opening through which extends a manually
source of electrical energy operate to provide an output adjustable focus bezel 22. Centrally disposed within the
signal in correspondence to the amount of scene light baseblock casting 12, there is provided a light entering
detected. exposure opening 16 which defines the maximum avail
Means, at least in part energizable by the source of able exposure aperture for the system.
electrical energy, initiate the displacement of the blade An objective or taking lens 18 is provided in overly
assembly from its initial closed arrangement towards its 10 ing relation to the light entering opening 16 wherein the
second arrangement thereby commencing the exposure objective lens 18 may comprise a plurality of elements
interval and also initiate the energization of the source retained in predetermined spaced relation by a cylindri
of artificial illumination to effect the firing thereof sub cal lens mount 20 which is externally threaded for
sequent to the initiation of the exposure interval. The toothed engagement within the internally threaded
aforementioned means are then responsive to the output 15 focus bezel 22. As is readily apparent, focus bezel 22 is
signal of the scene light detecting; means reaching a made rotatable with respect to the front cover 14 to
predetermined value indicative of a select film exposure provide translational movement of the elements of lens
for effecting the displacement of the blade assembly into 18 along the center axis 24 of the optical path of the
its said final closed arrangement and for initiating the housing 11. As is readily apparent, the central optical
deenergization of the source of artificial illumination to 20 axis 24 is illustrated in FIG. 2 as being normal to the
effect the termination of the firing thereof subsequent to plane of the drawing. Thus, rotation of the focus bezel
the expiration of a select time delay. The aforemen 22 may be carried out by manual rotation to provide
tioned means further include means for progressively displacement of the elements of objective lens 18 for
varying the select time delay, in a gradual manner focusing of image carrying rays through the light enter
through a determinate time range in correspondence 25 ing exposure opening 16 to a rearwardly positioned film
with a gradually varying characteristic of the output plane 26 by way of a reflecting mirror 28 all of which
signal of the scene light detecting means. are stationed within a suitable light-tight film exposure
chamber 30 within the housing 11.
DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS Intermediate the objective lens 18 and light entering
The novel features that are considered characteristic 30 exposure opening 16, there are supported two overlap
of the invention are set forth with particularity in the ping shutter blade elements 32 and 34 which will be
appended claims. The invention itself, however, both as subsequently described in greater detail herein. Extend
to its organization and its method of operation together ing from the front cover 14 there is provided a photo
with other objects and advantages thereof will be best graphic cycle initiating button S1, the depression of
understood from the following description of the illus 35 which commences the exposure interval by ultimately
trated embodiment, when read in connection with the effecting the release of the shutter blade elements 32 and
accompanying drawings wherein; 34. In addition, there is provided a viewfinder shown
FIG. 1 is a perspective view of a photographic cam generally at 25 which enables a photographer to prop
era apparatus embodying an artificial illumination con erly frame the desired scene to be photographed.
trol system; , 40 A pair of scene light admitting primary apertures 36
FIG. 2 is a front cross-sectional view of the camera of and 38 are provided respectively in the blade elements
FIG. 1, showing a portion of a typical exposure control 32 and 34 to collectively define a progressive variation
system; .; from effective aperture openings in accordance with
FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram showing a portion of simultaneous longitudinal and lateral displacement of
the artificial illumination control system of this inven 45 one blade element with respect to the other blade ele
tion; .. . ment in a manner as is fully desribed in a U.S. Pat. No.
FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram showing, in greater 3,942,183 entitled “Camera With Pivoting Blades' by
detail, a portion of the artificial illumination control George D. Whiteside, filed July 2, 1974, and assigned in
system of FIG. 3; common herewith. The apertures 36 and 38 are selec
FIG. 5 is a schematic diagram showing the variable 50 tively shaped so as to overlap the light entering expo
strobe time delay circuit of this invention; Sure opening 16, thereby defining a gradually varying
FIG. 6 is a schematic diagram showing a quench effective aperture size as a function of the position of the
strobe circuit; and -- - blade elements 32 and 34.
FIG. 7 is a graphical representation of the control Each of the blades, 32 and 34, may additionally be
signals provided by the strobe time delay, circuit of 55 configured to have corresponding photocell sweep
FIG. 5. . .. . . . . . .. . . ... secondary apertures shown respectively at 40 and 42.
FIG. 8 is a graphical representation of the progres Secondary apertures 40 and 42 may be configured in
sive variation in the strobe quench time delay versus correspondence with the shapes of scene light admitting
increasing ambient background scene light intensity. primary apertures 32 and 34. As is readily apparent, the
secondary apertures 40 and 42 also move in correspon
EMBODIMENT dence with the primary apertures 36 and 38 to define a
small secondary effective aperture for admitting the
Referring now to FIGS. 1 and 2, it can be seen that passage of scene light transmitted through a second
the artificial illumination control system of this inven opening 43 in the cover 14 from the scene being photo
tion may be associated with a photographic camera 65 graphed. Scene light admitted by the photocell second
apparatus 10 contained within a housing 11. A base ary apertures 40 and 42 is thereafter directed to a light
block casting 12 is fixedly stationed with the housing 11 detecting station shown generally at 44. The light de
and selectively machined to support the various compo tecting station includes a photoresponsive element 46
5 6
which cooperates with light integrating and control the artificial illumination control system of this inven
circuitry as shown in FIG. 3. to terminate an exposure tion would be equally applicable to photographic sys
interval as a function of the amount of light received tems where the blades 32 and 34 are spring biased in a
through the secondary effective aperture defined by the normally closed position.
overlapping photocell sweep apertures 40 and 42. Continued energization of the solenoid 72 in order to
Projecting from the baseblock casting 12 at a location maintain the shutter blade elements 32 and 34 in their
spaced laterally apart from the light entering exposure closed positions may result in an undesirable drain in the
opening 16, is a pivot pin or stud 48 which pivotally and camera apparatus power source which preferably is an
translatively engages elongate slots 50 and 52 formed in electrical storage battery schematically shown in FIG.
respective shutter blade elements 32 and 34. Pin 48 may 10 3 at 96. Thus, a mechanical latch as shown generally at
be integrally formed with the baseblock casting 12 and 84 may be provided to move into lateral engagement
blade elements 32 and 34 may be retained in engaging with an edge of the walking beam 54 so as to maintain
relation with respect to the pin 48 by any suitable means the blade elements 32 and 34 in their closed position
such as peening over the outside end of pin 48. regardless of the energization of solenoid 72. Additional
The opposite ends of the blade elements 32 and 34 15 information regarding the structure and operation of
respectively include extended portions which pivotally the latch 84 is described in an application for U.S. pa
connect to a walking beam 54. Beam 54, in turn, is tent, Ser. No. 554,777 entitled "Photographic Appara
disposed for rotation relative to the baseblock casting 12 tus with Sequencing System' by B. K. Johnson, D. Van
by pivotal connection to a projecting pivot pin or stud Allen, and G. D. Whiteside, filed Mar. 3, 1975 in com
56 which may be integrally formed with the baseblock 20 mon assignment herewith.
casting 12 at a location spaced laterally apart from the The photographic camera apparatus 10 is utilized in
light entering exposure opening 16. The walking beam conjunction with a source of artificial illumination
54 may be pivotally retained with respect to the pin 56 which preferably comprises a linear array of flash lamps
by conventional means such as an E ring 58. In the as shown generally at 90. The linear flash array includes
preferred mode, the walking beam 54 is pivotally con 25 a plurality of individually spaced apart flash lamps 91
nected at its distal ends to the shutter blade elements 32 which respectively connect to a plurality of spaced
and 34 by respective pin members 60 and 62 which apart terminal pads or elements 92. The linear flash
extend laterally outward from the walking beam 54. Pin array 90 may be releasably connected with respect to
mmebers 60 and 62 are preferably circular in cross sec the camera housing 11 by way of a receiving socket 86
tion and extend through respective circular openings 64 30 which also includes a plurality of spaced apart terminal
and 66 in respective blade elements 32 and 34 so as to pads or elements 88. The linear flash array 90 may be
slidably engage respective arcuate slots or tracks 68 and inserted and withdrawn from the receiving socket 86 in
70 which may be integrally formed within the base a manner as is fully described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,757,643
block casting 12. The arcuate tracks 68 and 70 operate entitled "Photoflash Apparatus” by John Burgarella
to inhibit disengagement of the blade elements 32 and 34 35 issued Sept. 11, 1973, and assigned in common herewith.
from their respective pin members 60 and 62 during Under conditions of artificial illimination wherein the
operation of the exposure control system. light has a relatively short duration such as from the
A tractive electromagnetic device in the form of a individual flash lamps 91 of the linear array 90, the
solenoid 72 is employed to displace the shutter blades 32 anticipated light level at the camera will depend upon
and 34 with respect to each other and the casting 12. the known characteristics of the flash lamps 91 and
The solenoid 72 includes an internally disposed, cylin upon the distance from the subject being photographed
drical plunger unit 74 which retracts inwardly into the to the light source. When the flash array 90 is mounted
body of the solenoid upon energization of a solenoid on the receiving socket 86, there may be actuated a
coil or winding as shown at 76 in FIG. 3. The solenoid follow focus system whereby the maximum effective
plunger 74 may be affixed to the walking beam 54 by 45 aperture to which the shutter blade elements 32, 34 are
means of a pivot pin or stud 78 such that longitudinal allowed to progress is determined in accordance with
displacement of the plunger 74 will operate to rotate the the distance from the taking lens 18 to the subject being
walking beam around the pivot pin 56 so as to appropri photographed. Thus, as the focus bezel 22 is rotated to
ately displace the shutter blades 32 and 34. provide the correct focus for a particular distance from
The baseblock casting 12 supports the solenoid 72 in 50 the photographic apparatus 10 to the subject, a follow
a position above a biasing tension spring 80 which oper focus mechanism (shown generally at 174) moves to
ates to continuously urge the blade elements 32 and 34 appropriately displace a follow focus interceptor pin
into positions defining their largest effective aperture 176 about its locus of travel as shown by a phantom line
over the light entry exposure opening 16. The movable 178. The follow focus interceptor pin 176 may be selec
end of spring 80 is attached to walking beam 54 by a pin 55 tively actuated to intercept the edge of walking beam 54
82 while the stationary end of spring 80 is grounded in a well-known manner as is more fully described in a
with respect to the baseblock casting 12. Thus, with the U.S. patent application Ser. No. 554,777 entitled “Expo
spring connection herein described, the exposure con sure Control System With Improved Follow Focus
trol system of this invention is biased to continuously Capability For Photographic Apparatus', by George
urge the shutter blade elements 32 and 34 into an open D. Whiteside, filed Feb. 28, 1975, and assigned in com
orientation. mon herewith. Thus, as is readily apparent, the walking
In the present arrangement, the shutter blades 32 and beam 54 may be intercepted by the follow focus inter
34 are drawn from their open position to their closed ceptor pin 176 at various locations defining various
position as shown in FIG. 2 when the solenoid 72 is maximum effective apertures which correspond to the
energized. Consequently, energization of solenoid 72 65 distance from which the subject is spaced from the
prevents the shutter blades 32, 34 from moving towards camera apparatus 10.
their maximum aperture opening under the urging of Turning now to FIG. 3, there is shown a schematic
spring 80. However, as should be readily understood, diagram for the artificial illumination control circuitry
7 8
including a scene light detecting and integrating circuit 130 controls the "fill flash' function to be subsequently
shown generally at 94. Circuit 94 includes the photore described. Each level detector 130 and 132 may be of
sponsive element 46 which may be a photovoltaic cell any conventional design such as a Schmitt Trigger. As
of the type generating an output signal in correspon is readily apparent, the steady state reference voltage to
dence with the levels of scene light intensity incident the level detector 130 is established by biasing means
thereon. The photoresponsive element 46 is orientated comprising a first resistor 134 connected between the
to evaluate the light levels of a scene coincident with supply line 108 and the input line 126 together with a
the field of view of the lens system of the camera and second resistor 136 connected between the input line
operates in conjunction with the above described aper 126' and the ground line 110. In like manner, the steady
ture scanning arrangement which alters the amount of 10 state reference voltage level to the detector 132 is estab
scene light reaching the photoresponsive element 46 in lished by biasing means comprising a third resistor 138
synchronism and corresponding variation with the pro connected between the supply line 108 and the input
gressively changing aperture size. The photoresponsive line 128' and a fourth resistor 140 connected between
element 46 is coupled with an amplifier stage 96 along the input line 128' and the ground line 110.
input lines 98 and 100 wherein the amplifier 96 is of a 15 The output signal from detector 132 is directed to the
type sometimes referred to in the art as an "operational base of an NPN transistor 144 by way of an intercon
amplifier” which may be of a differential variety prefer necting line 142. The collector of transistor 144, in turn,
ably fabricated in practical miniaturized form. When is connected to the supply line 108 by way of the sole
considered ideally, the amplifier 96 has infinite gain and noid winding 76, while the emitter of transistor 144 is
infinite input impedence and a zero output impedence. 20 connected to the ground line 110. The output signal
By virtue of a feedback path comprising an intergra from the level detector circuit 130 is directed to an OR
tion capacitor 102 connected between the input line 98 gate 150 by way of line 148. The output from the OR
and an outputline 126 from the operational amplifier 96, gate 150 in turn is directed by way of an interconnecting
the photoresponsive element 46 is permitted to operate line 160 to a flash sequencing circuit 162 which will be
into an apparent low-input impedence so as to function 25 more fully described in the following discussion. The
in a current mode, the current generated by the photo flash sequencing circuit 162 operatively connects to the
responsive element 46 being limited substantially only linear flash array 90 upon the insertion thereof into the
by its own internal impedence. Thus, under such load flash array receiving socket 86. The operative connec
ing, the photoresponsive element 46 in conjunction with tion is made possible by the plurality of spaced apart
the operational amplifier 96 and capacitor 102 is capable 30 terminal pads or elements 88 in the receiving socket 86,
of providing a desirable linear output corresponding to which elements are electrically connected to the flash
the time integration of scene light intensity incident to sequencing circuit 162 by way of lines 164 respectively.
the photoresponsive element 46. Thus, insertion of the linear flash array 90 within the
Any difference of potential supplied by the photore receiving socket 86 operates to bring the terminal ele
sponsive element 46 across input leads 98 and 100 causes 35 ments 92 into respective electrical connection with the
a voltage to be produced at output line 126. The rela terminal elements 88. The flash sequencing circuit 162
tively low signal voltages at the input of amplifier 96 thereafter operates to sequentially ignite the individual
which are present with the relatively low signal current flashlamps. .
from the photoresponsive element 46 are acted upon by A second input signal to the OR gate 150 is derived
the correspondingly high gain characteristic of the am from an AND gate 154 by way of an interconnecting
plifier. Thus, although the amplifier 96 has a very high line 152. The AND gate 154, in turn, receives an output
input impedence, the photoresponsive element 46, when signal from the ripple counter 116 by way of lines 156
connected in the circuit described, experiences only a and 158. As is now readily apparent, the output signal
very low impedence. Therefore, the current output of from the AND gate 154 is timed to occur at a predeter
the photoresponsive element 46 is directed into the 45 mined interval subsequent to the actuation of the start
feedback path. cycle latch 104, which coincides to the initiation of the
The initial charging of the integration capacitor 102 is actual exposure interval period.
synchronized with shutter blade actuation by means of Referring now to FIG. 4, there is shown in detail the
a start cycle latch circuit shown generally at 104 which flash sequencing circuit 162, which comprises a plural
provides an output actuation signal to the operational 50 ity of amplifiers 202, 204, 206 and 208 arranged in serial
amplifier 96 by way of interconnecting line 106. The relationship to respectively drive a plurality of NPN
start cycle latch circuit 104 is connected to the supply output transistors 210, 212, 214 and 216. The collector
line 108 and ground line 110 by way of lines 112 and 114 terminal of each output transistor, 210 through 216,
respectively and is made responsive to the output signal respectively connects to an output terminal 88. The
from a ripple counter 116 by way of an interconnecting 55 collector terminal of transistor 210 additionally con
line 118. The ripple counter 116, in turn, comprises a nects to both the supply line 108 by way of an intercon
plurality of serially connected binary circuits 120, each necting resistor 218 and to a latching circuit, shown
of which can provide an output control signal in a pre generally at 222, by way of another interconnecting
determined time sequence as is well known in the art. resistor 220. The latching circuit 222 preferably com
Binary circuits 120 may be ordinary "flip flops' inter prises two NPN transistors, 224 and 226, connected in
connected in serial relation with respect to each other common grounded emitter mode. The collector termi
whereby the binary count rate is determined by an nals of transistors 224 and 226 are also in common con
oscillator circuit 122 connected thereto by way of a line nection, with respect to the input line 230 of amplifier
124. 204.
The output signal from the light detecting and inte 65 In like manner, the collector terminal of output tran
grating circuit 94 at line 126 is directed to a pair of level sistor 212 is connected to both the supply line 108 by
detector circuits 130 and 132 by way of interconnecting way of an interconnecting resistor 232 and to the input
lines 126 and 128 respectively wherein level detector line of a second latching network 236 by way of another
interconnecting resistor 234. Latching network 236 also single lens reflex type, the blade elements must first be
comprises two NPN transistors, 238 and 240, connected closed, and thereafter move from this initial closed
in common grounded emitter mode. The collector ter arrangment to define an exposure interval. The rotation
minals of transistors 238 and 240 are also in common of the walking beam 54 effects simultaneous linear and
connection to both the supply line 108 by way of an 5 angular displacement of the shutter blade elements 32
interconnecting resistor 242 and to the input line 246 of and 34 about pivot pin 48, so that photocell sweep sec
amplifier 206. In like manner, the collector terminal of ondary apertures 40 and 42 simultaneously define a
transistor 214 connects to both the supply line 108 by corresponding progressively enlarging effective aper
way of an interconnecting resistor 248 and to the input ture opening over the photoresponsive element 46.
of a third latching network 252 by way of another inter 10 As is readily apparent, a battery supply voltage across
connecting resistor 250. The latching network 252 com lines 108 and 110 will be maintained only as long as the
prises two NPN transistors, 254 and 256, connected in operator maintains switch S in its depressed state,
common grounded emitter mode. The collector termi which may be perfectly adequate for situations where
nails of transistors 254 and 256 are also in common con the human reaction time in depresssing and releasing the
nection with respect to both the supply line 108 by way 15 switch S substantially exceeds the longest exposure
of an interconnecting resistor 258 and to the input termi time likely to be incurred. However, in situations where
nal of amplifier 208 by way of an input line 260. the normal exposure time is likely to exceed-the human
The base terminals of transistors 226, 240 and 256 reaction time in depressing and releasing switch S1,
connect to the collector terminal of an NPN transistor there may be provided a latch circuit, as shown gener
264 by way of a common line 262. The collector of 20 ally at 166, in parallel connection with respect to the
transistor 264 in turn is connected to the supply line 108 switch S1, for maintaining continuous energization of
by way of a resistor 270. Transistor 264 is controlled the exposure control circuit even after the release of the
through a timing circuit 266, which in turn is controlled switch S. A suitable automatic latch circuit is more
from the input line 160 by way of an interconnecting fully described in U.S. Pat. No. 3,744,385 entitled “Con
line 268. m 25 trol System for Photographic Apparatus', by Bur
Thus, as is now readily apparent, insertion of the garella, et al. issued July 10, 1973 and assigned in com
linear flash array 90 into the flash array receiving socket mon herewith.
86 operates to bring one terminal from each flash lamp Preferably, insertion of the linear flash array 90
91 into respective electrical contact with a terminal within the flash array receiving socket 86 also operates
element 88 in the flash array receiving socket. The other 30 to actuate the follow focus mechanism 174 so as to
terminal elements from the flash lamps 91 are in com move the interceptor pin 176 into the walking beam 54
mon electrical connection with respect to each other locus of travel. As previously discussed, rotation of the
and are connected to the supply line 108 by way of focus bezel 22 to focus the objective lens 18 also oper
terminal element 88". Also, as should be readily appar ates to move the interceptor pin 176 along the phantom
ent, although the flash sequencing circuit 162 is shown 35 line 178. Thus, the maximum effective aperture to
as having terminal elements sufficient to accommodate which the shutter blade elements 32 and 34 may be
a linear flash array having four flash lamps 91, more or progressively opened is limited by the point of intercep
less terminal elements 88 may be included in the flash tion of the pin 176 with the edge of the walking beam
sequencing circuit 162 to accommodate respectively for 54.
more or less individual flash lamps 91 in the linear flash The photoresponsive element 46 provides an appro
array 90. priate voltage response corresponding to the scene light
Subsequent to the insertion of the linear flash array 90 intensity incident thereon, which voltage response is
within the flash array receiving socket 86, a low ambi thereafter integrated by the operational amplifier 96 and
ent light intensity photographic exposure interval may feedback capacitor 102 to provide an output signal rep
be commenced upon the depression of the photographic 45 resentative of the time integration of the scene light
exposure interval initiating buttons S. As will become intensity incident to the photoresponsive element 46.
readily apparent, the operational sequence for the vari Under conditions of low ambient scene light intensity,
ous embodiments of the exposure control system of this the output signal representative of the time integration
camera are described in relation to a photographic cam of the scene light intensity incident to the photorespon
era of the nonsingle lens reflex type, although the in 50 sive element 46 will fail to reach the signal level re
tended scope of the invention is by no means so limited quired to trigger the level detector 132 prior to the time
and cameras of the well-known reflex type as described required for the shutter blade elements to reach their
in U.S. Pat. No. 3,672,281 entitled “Reflex Camera” by follow focus setting. Thus, after a sufficient time elap
E. H. Land may be equally suitable for incorporating ses, during which the scene light intensity remains inad
the exposure control system of this invention. Thus, 55 equate to trigger the level detector 132, the ripple
closure of switch S operates to simultaneously move counter 116 then provides positive output signals at
the latch 84 out of engagement with the edge of the lines 156 and 158 to switch the AND gate 154 and pro
walking beam 54 in a manner fully described in U.S. vide an output signal at line 152 to the OR gate 150. The
patent application, Ser. No. 554,777, supra, as well as to OR gate 150, in turn, switches to provide a flash igniting
energize the exposure control circuitry of FIG. 3. Dis signal to the flash sequencing circuit 162 by way of the
engagement of the latch 84 from the edge of the walk interconnecting line 160.
ing beam 54 permits tension spring 80 to rotate the Referring now to FIG. 4, it can be seen that a flash
walking beam 54 in a clockwise direction as viewed in igniting signal is first applied to amplifier 202, which in
FIG. 2. In this manner, the shutter blade elements 32 turn drives transistor 210 into full conduction so as to
and 34 are moved from an initial closed arrangement in 65 effect the firing of the first flash lamp 91 in the linear
directions which operate to progressively enlarge the flash array90. The flash igniting signal at line 160 addi
effective aperture over the light entry exposure opening tionally triggers a timing circuit 266 so as to turn on
16. As should be readily understood, in cameras of the transistor 264 and thereby simultaneously turn off tran
11 12
sistors 226, 240 and 256. In this manner, the latching the walking beam 54 in a counter-clockwise direction,
networks 222, 236 and 252 are temporarily disabled to as viewed from FIG. 2, against the biasing force of
permit the energization of the first flash lamp 91. As the tension spring 80, thereby moving the shutter blade
first flash lamp 91 is burned, its impedence increases so elements into their closed position. A second transistor
as to drive transistor 210 further into saturation and 145 is also turned on by the level detector 132 simulta
thereby start to turn transistor 224 off. However, prior neously with transistor 144 so as to effectively ground
to the turning off of transistor 224, which would ulti the flash igniting signal at line 160 for reasons which
mately turn on transistor 212 by way of amplifier 204, will become apparent from the following discussion.
timing circuit 266 operates to turn off transistor 264, in After the walking beam 54 is rotated to its full counter
turn, turning on transistors 226, 240 and 256 of respec 10 clockwise position, the latch 84 may be automatically
tive latching networks 222, 236 and 252. Thus, as is now moved into intercepting relation with the edge of the
readily apparent, simultaneously turning on the latching walking beam so as to permit the deenergization of the
networks 222, 236 and 252 operates to inhibit any fur solenoid in a manner as is more fully described in U.S.
ther firing of the flash lamps 91. patent application Ser. No. 554,777 supra. In this man
A subsequent reoccurrence of the flash igniting signal 15 ner the expsoure interval is terminated.
at line 160 in the course of another photographic expo In situations where the ambient light intensity levels
sure cycle will again operate to drive transistor 210 hard are relatively high, but portions of the photograpic
into saturation so as to turn off transistor 224 of latching subject are relatively dark, the photographic apparatus
network 222. Transistors 226, 240 and 256 of respective is capable of operating in a so-called "fill-in flash' mode
latching networks 222, 236 and 252 are again turned off 20 of operation to provide supplementary illumination in a
in the aforementioned manner by way of transistor 264 manner as is more fully described in a copending appli
and timing circuit 266. Thus with both transistors 224 cation for U.S. patent Ser. No. 619,384, entitled “Expo
and 226 of latching network 222 turned off, amplifier sure Control System With Fill Flash Race Condition'
204 is actuated to drive transistor 212 thereby firing the
second flash lamp 91 in the linear flash array. Again, as 25 by Edwin K. Shenk, filed Sept. 30, 1975. However,
is readily apparent, continued firing of the second flash under conditions of increased levels of ambient light
lamp results in a substantial increase in its impedence so intensity, the film may receive its correct exposure prior
as to drive transistor 212 further into saturation thereby to the aforementioned predetermined time period, in
ultimately turning off transistor 238. However, prior to which case the level detector 132 will energize the
this occurrence, transistor 240 is again turned on by 30 solenoid winding 76 and retract the solenoid plunger 74
transistor 264 and timing circuit 266 thereby latching prior to the time in which a flash lamp 91 would other
amplifier 206 off. In this manner, each flash lamp 91 wise be energized. Thus, alternate means are provided
may be sequentially fired until the last flash lamp is fired for triggering energization of a flash lamp 91 under
by way of transistor 216. conditions of relatively high ambient light intensity
As should now be readily apparent, the requisite 35 where the exposure interval would likely be terminated
output signals at lines 156 and 158 to fire a flash lamp 91, prior to the predetermined delay period.
occur at a predetermined time period, subsequent to the The "fill-flash' mode of operation is commenced in
initiation of an exposure interval. The predetermined the previously described manner upon the depression of
tine period is selected to be at least as long as the longest the photographic exposure interval initiating button S,
time required for the shutter blade elements 32 and 34 to which operates to simultaneously move the latch 84 out
reach their maximum aperture defining position when of engagement with the walking beam 54 as well as to
the taking lens 18 is focused to infinity. As should also energize the control circuit of FIG. 3. Disengagement
now be readily apparent, focusing lens 18 at infinity of the latch 84 from the edge of the walking beam 54
operates to move the follow focus interceptor pin 176 to permits the tension in spring 80 to rotate the walking
the largest effective aperture defining position to which 45 beam 54 in a clockwise direction as viewed in FIG. 2 so
the shutter blade elements 32 and 34 can possibly move. as to initiate the exposure interval and permit the shutter
In this manner, the shutter blade elements 32 and 34 will blade elements 32 and 34 to approach their maximum
always be at rest at their maximum aperture defining aperture defining position as limited by the follow focus
position upon energization of the flash array 90. interceptor pin 176. As a result of the increased ambient
Subsequent to the energization of an individual flash 50 scene light intensity, the time integration of the scene
lamp 91, there will occur a rapid rise in the time integra light intensity incident to the photoresponsive element
tion of the scene light intensity incident to the photore 46 proceeds substantially more rapidly than that for the
sponsive element 46. The steady state input voltage previously discussed lower ambient scene light intensity
reference level to the detector circuit 132 is biased by situation. The steady state reference voltage signal level
the resistors 138 and 140 to establish the predetermined 55 to the detector circuit 132 is biased by the resistors 138
value to which the input signal at line 126 must increase and 140 to be above the predetermined value required
in order to trigger the level detector 132. Thus, the light to trigger the "fill-in flash' level detector 130. As is
intensity is integrated until reaching a predetermined readily apparent, the predetermined trigger value for
value corresponding to a select film exposure, at which detector 130 is selected to be either below or equal to
point the level detector circuit 132 is triggered into an the predetermined trigger value for the level detector
abrupt change of state at the output line 142, from a 132. The output voltage signal from the light detecting
generally low value which is insufficient to maintain the and integrating circuit 94 at line 126 will now operate to
transistor 144 in conduction, to a substantially higher trigger the level detector 130 and thereby change the
current level of sufficient value to turn on the transistor output signal therefrom at line 148, from a generally
144 and thus establish a current flow from collector to 65 low value, to a substantially higher current level of
emitter through the transistor 144. Turning on the tran sufficient value to switch the OR gate 150. The output
sistor 144, in turn, operates to energize the solenoid signal at line 160 from the OR gate 150, in turn, is uti
winding 76 to retract the plunger unit 74 so as to rotate lized to energize an appropriate flash lamp 91 through
the flash sequencing circuit 162 in the aforementioned generated in the identical manner as the previously
mainer. w
described flash fire signal, however, whereas the ignita
As is readily apparent, the linear flash array 90 is now tion of an ordinary flash lamp is not quenched, addi
energized at a time prior to which the flash lamp would tional means must be provided to quench the actual
otherwise have been energized by the output signals at firing of a strobe. Toward this end, it is well known to
lines 156 and 158 from the ripple counter 116. The sud couple an electronically controlled shutter camera with
den increase in light intensity attributable to the energi a quenchable electronic strobe unit so that the strobe
zation of a flash lamp 91 thereafter operates to precipi unit is quenched simultaneously with the command
tate a rapid increase in the value of the time integration signal to return the shutter blade elements to their
of the scene light intensity. Thus, in the same manner as 10 closed position.
previously described, the output voltage signal of the Such an arrangement, however, would not be com
light detecting and integrating circuit 94 approaches a patible with the exposure control system herein de
value corresponding to the select film exposure, at scribed, due to the photocell sweep secondary apertures
which point the level detector 132 is triggered to ener 40 and 42 being configured to progressively open ahead
gize the solenoid winding 76. The shutter blade ele 15 of the primary apertures 36 and 38, so that the control
ments 32 and 34 are thereafter returned to their closed circuit prematurely triggers the solenoid to energize
positions, terminating the exposure interval. prior to the time in which the film is fully exposed.
After the walking beam 54 is rotated to its full coun Prematurely triggering the shutter blades to close prior
ter-clockwise position, the latch 84 may be automati to the time required for full film exposure anticipates for
cally moved into intercepting relation with the edge of 20 the additional scene light incident to the film resulting
the walking beam so as to permit the deenergization of from both shutter blade over-shoot and the finite time
the solenoid as previously discussed. required for the shutter blade elements to close. Thus,
As is now readily apparent, a race condition is estab quenching the strobe solely as a function of the com
lished between the level detector 130 and the ripple mand signal to close the shutter blade elements will
counter 116, so that under extremely low levels of ambi 25 result in an under-exposure since the strobe is quenched
ent scene light intensity, the ripple counter 116 will instantaneously and does not provide artificial light
operate to initiate the energization of a respective flash during the time required for the opening momentum of
lamp 91 at a predetermined time period subsequent to the shutter blade elements to be overcome by the sole
the initiation of the exposure interval. Under conditions noid (blade overshoot) and for the shutter blade ele
of substantially higher ambient scene light intensity, the 30 ments to be thereafter returned to their closed position,
level detector 130 will operate to initiate the energiza as is the case for an ordinary flash lamp.
tion of a respective flash lamp 91 as a consequence of Hence, an additional variable time delay circuit 300,
the time integration of the scene light intensity to the as shown in FIG. 5, may be utilized in conjunction with
photoresponsive element 46 reaching a predetermined a quench strobe 400, as shown in FIG. 6.
value. In this manner, the flash illumination control 35 The actual time delay provided by the variable time
system may be automatically operated in both a normal delay circuit 300 is altered as a function of ambient
flash mode of operation and in a "fill-in flash' mode of scene light intensity. During the "fill-in' flash mode of
operation without regard to any external switches or operation, the time delay in quenching the strobe is
buttons which would otherwise have to be actuated by progressively decreased as a function of increasing am
the photographer. It should also be readily understood bient scene light intensity so that the shutter blade ele
that if a respective flash lamp 91 is energized as a conse ments admit progressively less reflected strobe light
quence of the level detector 130 being triggered prior to from the subject during the finite time required for the
the predetermined time delay established by the ripple shutter blade elements to close. Progressively less re
counter 116, then the subsequent output signal from the flected strobe light is required during the "fill-in' flash
ripple counter 116 will operate only to switch the out 45 mode of operation to adequately expose a photographic
put signal at line 152 from the AND gate 154, but have subject against an increasing brighter background since
no effect on the output signal at line 160 from the OR the subject becomes increasingly better illuminated as
gate 150. The system as so far described was previously the background scene light intensity increases.
disclosed in the Application for U.S. patent Ser. No. Referring now to FIG. 5, there is shown the sche
619,384 supra. 50 matic diagram of the strobe time delay circuit 300 hav
While flash lamps are perfectly satisfactory sources of ing input terminals 344, 346,348, and 350 adapted for
artificial illumination, it should be understood that other respective connection with terminal elements 88, 88,
sources of artificial illumination such as a strobe, would 88" and 88" from flash sequencing circuit 162. Across
also be highly desirable for use with the aforementioned the input terminals 344 and 346, there is provide a resis
exposure control system. It is toward this end that the 55 tor 302 having an impedance.characteristic correspond
instant invention is directed. ing with the predetermined characteristic of one of the
Electronic photographic strobe devices of the type in flash lamps 91. Resistor 302 is provided for reasons fully
which the flash light produced by the flash tube of the explained in U.S. Pat. No. 3,858,227 entitled "Adapter
device is automatically terminated after a predeter Apparatus for Flash Firing System' by Seymour Ellin,
mined quantity of light has been received from the et al., issued Dec. 31, 1974.
scene being photographed by a light-responsive con Input terminal 346 connects to the base terminal of a
trolled portion of the device, are known in the art. Such PNP transistor 306 by way of an interconnecting resis
strobes are commonly referred to as quench strobes. In tor 304. The collector terminal transistor 306, in turn,
addition to having an independent light-responsive con connects to both the anode terminal of a diode 310 and
trolled circuit in the strobe, it is also well known to 65 to a resistor 308, the other side of which is grounded.
utilize the exposure control circuits associated with the The cathode terminal of diode 310, in turn, connects to
actual camera apparatus to control the firing and one side of a timing capacitor 312, the other side of
quenching of a strobe unit. The strobe fire signal may be which is grounded. The cathode terminal of diode 310
4,072,964 16
also connects to the base of an NPN transistor 316 by 300 of FIG. 5. It should be readily understood that the
way of an interconnecting resistor 314. Transistor 316 is quench strobe circuit 400 is representative of only one
connected in a grounded emitter mode with the collec of a broad variety of quench strobe circuits which may
tor terminal connected to the input terminal 344 by way be utilized in conjunction with the time delay circuit
of an interconnecting resistor 318. The collector termi 300 and which are well knwon in the art. Other such
nal of transistor 316 additionally connects to the anode strobe circuits may be quenched by short circuiting the
terminal of a diode 320, the cathode terminal of which flash circuit through ignition of a quench tube. The
connects directly to the base of an NPN transistor 322. flash fire terminal FF connects to the base terminal of
The emitter terminal of transistor 322 is connected in an NPN transistor 448 by way of an interconnecting
common grounded emitter mode with the emitter ter 10 resistor 450. The emitter terminal of transistor 448 is
minal of another NPN transistor 326. Another timing grounded while the collector terminal connects to the
capacitor 324 is provided in connection across the col base terminal of a PNP transistor 436 by way of an
lector-emitter terminals of transistors 322 and 326. The interconnecting resistor 446. The base terminal of tran
base terminal of transistor 326 connects to the collector sistor 436 additionally connects, by way of an intercon
terminal of transistor 306 by way of an interconnecting 15 necting resistor 442, to a voltage supply Vs which may
resistor 328. be associated with the strobe unit in a well-known man
The collector terminals of transistors 322 and 326 ner. The emitter terminal of transistor 436 is connected
connect to the collector terminal of a PNP transistor to ground by way of a capacitor 440 and also connects
352 which operates to provide a constant current source to the positive voltage supply Vs by way of an intercon
to charge capacitor 324 in a manner to be subsequently 20 necting resistor 458. The collector terminal of transistor
described. The base terminal of transistor 352 is biased 436, in turn, connects to the gate electrode of a thyristor
through a resistive divider network comprising the 422.
resistors 354, 356 connected in serial relation between The flash fire input terminal FF additionally connects
the supply line 108 and ground. The collector terminals to the gate electrode of a silicon controlled rectifier
of transistors 322 and 326 also connect to an input termi 25 SCR-414 by way of an interconnecting resistor 420. The
nal to a level detector 358 by way of an interconnecting gate electrode of SCR 414 is additionally grounded by
resistor 360. Level detector 358 may again be of any way of a capacitor 418. The anode terminal of SCR 414,
conventional design such as Schmitt Trigger. The emit in turn, connects to a storage capacitor 402 by way of an
ter terminal of transistor 352 connects to the supply line interconnecting resistor 416. Between the storage ca
108 by way of an interconnecting resistor 332 and po 30 pacitor 402 and thyristor 422, there is interconnected a
tentiometer 330. - flash or light producing tube 406. A light triggering
The reference voltage level to the level detector 358 terminal 408 of the flash tube 406 is coupled through a
may be made to vary as a function of ambient scene transformer 410 to one terminal of a capacitor 412. The
light intensity unlike the steady state reference voltage other terminal of the capacitor 412 is connected to the
levels to the detectors 130 and 132. The variable refer 35 anode terminal of the SCR 414. Terminals 452 and 454
ence voltage to the level detector circuit 358 is pro are provided for connection to the usual capacitor
vided from the positive terminal of a capacitor 362 by charging means which is not shown in FIG. 6. Such
way of a selector switch 364 and input terminal 365. capacitor charging means are well known in the art, and
The selector switch 364 provides the user with the it is sufficient to say that the capacitor 402 is only main
choice of either quenching subsequent to the expiration tained in a charged state by the aforementioned capaci
of a variable time delay as herein described or after the tor charging means whereby a relatively high voltage is
expiration of a fixed time delay as described in copend maintained across the capacitor 402. Terminal 452 con
ing U.S. patent application Ser. No. 674,804, supra. The nects to the anode terminal of a diode 404 with the
positive terminal of capacitor 362 connects to the col cathode terminal thereof connecting directly to the
lector terminal of a PNP transistor 366 which also oper 45 capacitor 402.
ates to provide a constant current source to charge Referring now to th flash quench input terminal FQ,
capacitor 362. The base terminal of transistor 366 is it can be seen to connect to the base of a PNP transistor
biased through a resistive divider network comprising 428 by way of an interconnecting resistor 432. Transis
the resistors 368, 370 and 372 connected in serial rela tor 428 is connected in a grounded emitter mode, while
tion between the supply line 108 and ground. The emit 50 the collector terminal thereof connects directly to both
ter terminal of transistor 366 connects to the supply line the cathode terminal of a diode 430 and to one terminal
108 by way of an interconnecting potentiometer 374. of a capacitor 426. The andode terminal of diode 430, in
Capacitor 362 is connected in parallel relation with turn, is connected to the positive voltage supply Vs by
respect to a resistor 376 and the collector, emitter termi way of an interconnecting resistor 434. The other termi
nals of an NPN transistor 378. The base terminal of 55 nal of capacitor 426 connects to the gate electrode of
transistor 378 in turn connects to the cathode terminal thyristor 422.
of a diode 380. The anode terminal of diode 380, in turn, Under conditions where the ambient scene light in
connects to the supply line 108 by way of an intercon tensity is insufficient to provide an adequate film expo
necting resistor 382 and additionally connects to the sure, the quench strobe 400 may be used in place of the
collector terminal of an NPN transistor 384 which is linear flash array 90 to provide artificial scene illumina
connected on grounded emitter mode. The base termi tion. Insertion of the terminals 344 and 346 within the
nal of transistor 384 connects directly to the input termi flash array receiving socket firing may also operate to
nal element 350 so as to receive a signal from the start actuate the follow focus mechanism 150 so as to move
cycle latch 104 of FIG. 3 by way of terminal element the interceptor pin 146 into the walking beam 54 locus
88'. . . 65 of travel as previously discussed. Preferably, terminal
Referring now to FIG. 6, there is shown a schematic elements 344,346, 348 and 350 from the strobe time
diagram for the quench strobe 400 circuit which may be delay circuit are brought into respective electrical
utilized in conjunction with the strobe time delay circuit contact with the terminal elements 88, 88,88' and 88'
17 18
from the flash sequencing circuit 162. Whereas terminal provided by transistor 366. With low ambient scene
element 346 may ideally connect to either one or all of light intensity, the ripple counter 116 provides the flash
the terminal elements 88 from the flash sequencing cir fire signal subsequent to the expiration of a predeter
cuit 162, it is preferred that terminal elements 346 elec mined time delay as previously discussed. This prede
trically connect to the last terminal element 88 from termined time delay is of sufficient duration to allow the
transistor 216 for reasons which are too complex to be capacitor 362 to fully charge so as to provide the high
further discussed herein, but which are readily apparent est level reference voltage to the input terminal 365 of
from U.S. Pat. No. 3,558,227, supra. level detector 358,
Subsequent to the insertion of the terminal elements The variable time delay circuit 300 can be seen to
344, 346, 348 and 350 from the strobe time delay circuit 10 assume the following condition immediately prior to the
300 into the flash array receiving socket 86, a low ambi turning on of transistor 216. Immediately prior to tran
ent light intensity photographic exposure interval may sistor 216 being turned on, transistor 306 is in a noncon
be commenced upon the depression of the photographic ductive state, in turn, causing transistors 316 and 326 to
exposure interval initiating button St. Closure of switch assume similar nonconductive states. With transistor
Soperates to simultaneously move the latch 84 out of 15 316 being off, transistor 322 assumes a conductive state
engagement with the edge of the walking beam 54 as so as to effectively short out capacitor 324. With capaci
well as to energize the exposure control circuitry of tor 324 shorted, level detector 358 remains untriggered
FIG. 3 in the above described manner. Thus, the shutter to provide a substantially zero output signal level at the
blade elements 32 and 34 are permitted to move in di flash quench terminal FO. In like manner, with transis
rections which operate to progressively enlarge the 20 tor 306 off, a substantially zero output signal level is also
effective aperture over the light entering exposure provided at the flash fire terminals FF.
opening 16. Rotation of the walking beam 54 effects a With the turning on of transistor 216 from the flash
simultaneous linear and angular displacement of the sequencing circuit 162, transistor 306 of the variable
shutter blade elements 32 and 34 about pivot pin 48 so time delay circuit 300 also turns on at time T, so as to
that photocell sweep secondary apertures 40 and 42 25 provide a positive flash fire signal level at the flash fire
simultaneously define a corresponding progressively terminals FF as shown graphically in FIG. 7. Turning
enlarging aperture opening over the photoresponsive on transistor 306 also results in transistor 316 turning on
element 46. with transistor 322 being turned off. Capacitor 324,
The photoresponsive element 46 again provides an however, remains effectively short circuited by transis
appropriate voltage response corresponding to the 30 tor 326 which is turned on simultaneously with transis
scene light intensity incident thereon, which Voltage tor 306. Thus, the output signal at the flash quench
response is thereafter integrated by the operational am terminals FO remains unaffected by the turning on of
plifier 96 and feedback capacitor 102 to provide an transistor 306.
output signal representative of the time integration of Referrin now to the quench strobe diagram of FIG. 6,
the scene light intensity incident to the photoresponsive 35 it can be seen that a positive flash fire signal operates to
element 46. The start cycle latch 104 operates to coordi turn on transistor 448 while also turning on transistor
nate the start of the time integration of the scene light 436. Thus, a current will flow from capacitor 440
intensity with the turning on of transistor 384 in the through the emitter collector junction of transistor 436
variable time delay circuit 300 for reasons which will to the gate electrode of thyristor 422 thereby rendering
become more readily apparent from the following dis it conductive. When the SCR 414 becomes conductive,
cussion herein. a a lower resistance discharge path is presented across
The low ambient light intensity remains substantially the capacitor 412 which causes the capacitor to dump
constant during the time required for the shutter blade its charge so as to trigger the flash tube 406. As the flash
elements to reach their follow focus setting and for a tube 406 begins to conduct, the voltage on the high
predetermined period thereafter at which time the rip 45 voltage terminal 452 may be reduced as the charge on
ple counter 116 provides positive output signals at lines the capacitor 402 is dumped through the flash tube 406.
156 and 158 to switch the AND gate 154 and provide a Subsequent to the firing of flash tube 406, there is
positive output signal at line 152 to the OR gate 150. again incurred a rapid rise in the time integration of the
The OR gate 150, in turn, switches to provide a positive scene light intensity incident to the photoresponsive
flash igniting signal to the flash sequencing circuit 162 50 element 46. As previously discussed, the steady state
by way of interconnecting line 160. Referring now to input voltage reference level to the detector circuit 132
FIG. 5, it can be seen that the resistor 302, having an is biased by the resistors 138 and 140 to establish the
impedance characteristic corresponding with the prede predetermined value to which the input signal at line
termined impedance characteristic of an unfired flash 126 and 128 must increase in order to trigger the level
lamp, is effectively connected between the terminal 55 detector 132. Thus, the lightintensity is integrated until
element 88" and the terminal element 88 from the collec reaching the predetermined value at which point the
tor of transistor 216. Thus, high input signal level at line level detector circuit 132 is triggered into an abrupt
160 will operate to turn on transistor 216 in a manner as change of state at the output line 142, from a generally
previously described. low signal value which is insufficient to maintain the
As previously discussed, the stary cycle latch 104 transistors 144 and 145 in conduction, to a substantially
operates by way of interconnecting terminal elements higher current level of sufficient value to turn on the
88' and 350 to turn on transistor 384 simultaneously transistors 144 and 145. Turning on the transistor 144, in
with the start of the time integration of the scene light turn, operates to energize the solenoid winding 76 to
intensity incident to the photoresponsive element 46. retract the plunger unit 74 so as to rotate the walking
Turning on transistor 384 in turn operates to turn off 65 beam 54 in a counter-clockwise direction, as viewed
transistor 378 thereby removing the effective electrical from FIG. 2, against the biasing force of tension spring
short across capacitor 362 so as to permit capacitor 362 80, thereby moving the shutter blade elements into their
to start to charge from the constant current source light blocking closed position. After the walking beam
54 is rotated to its full counter-clockwise position, the positive terminal of the capacitor 426 connecting di
latch 84 may be automatically moved into intercepting rectly to the cathode of diode 430 and the collector of
relation with the edge of the walking beam so as the transistor 428. The subsequent appearance of the flash
permit the deenergization of the solenoid in the above quench signal at time T after the predetermined time
described manner. delay, operates to turn on transistor 428 thereby effec
Turning on transistor 145 operates to effectively tively grounding the positive terminal side of the capac
ground the input signal at line 160 to the flash sequenc itor of 426. With the positive terminal side of capacitor
ing circuit 162. Effectively grounding the input signal at 426 grounded, the negative terminal side then drops to
line 160, in turn, operates to turn transistor 216 off a voltage level below ground which negative voltage is
thereby turning transistor 306 of the variable time delay 10 applied directly to the gate electrode of thyristor 422 so
circuit 300 off so as to remove the flash fire signal at as to render thyristor 422 nonconductive and thereby
time Tas shown in the graph of FIG. 7 Turning transis quench flash tube 406.
tor 306 off also operates to turn transistor 326 off so as Thus it can be seen that during the low ambient light
to allow capacitor 324 to start to charge. Transistor 322 mode of operation, the flash tube 406 is quenched subse
remains off to permit capacitor 324 to charge by virtue 15 quent to the expiration of a select time period after the
of the capacitor 312 which discharges through resistor triggering of level detector 132 and the energization of
314 and the base-emitter junction of transistor 316 so as the solenoid winding 72 to retract the shutter blade
to maintain transistor 316 turned on thereby keeping elements to their closed position. The select time delay
transistor 322 off. As is readily apparent, diode 310 is determined so that the additional scene light admitted
prevents capacitor 312 from discharging through resis 20 from the quench strobe subsequent to the triggering of
tor 308. Thus, capacitor 324 charges until reaching the detector 132 closely approximates the additional scene
voltage level determined by the charge at the positive light which would otherwise be admitted by an ordi
terminal of capacitor 362, which voltage level operates nary flash lamp. In this manner, the aforementioned
to trigger the level detector 358 into an abrupt change anticipation characteristic of the photocell secondary
of state at the output flash quench line, from a generally 25 apertures 40 and 42 which accommodates for the addi
low signal value to a substantially higher signal value tional scene light admitted through the primary aper
indicative of the flash quench signal at time Tsas shown tures 36 and 38 during the time required for the shutter
graphically in FIG. 7. blade elements to move to their closed position, is effec
As is now readily apparent, the quench signal appears tively correlated to the predetermined time delay to
at a time T subsequent to the termination of the flash 30 accommodate for the quench strobe which artificial
fire signal at T, which time also corresponds to the light output may be substantially instantaneously termi
command signal from the level detector 132 for energiz nated.
ing the solenoid winding 76 to close the shutter blade The photographic apparatus is also capable of operat
elements. The time delay from T to Tis determined by ing in the aforementioned "fill-in flash' mode of opera
both the RC time constant of the capacitor 324 and the 35 tion to provide supplementary illumination in situations
resistor 332 in series with the potentiometer 330, and the where the ambient scene light intensity levels are rela
voltage at the positive terminal of capacitor 362. Thus, tively high. Thus the "fill-in flash' mode of operation is
the user may vary the time delay from T to T3 by ad commenced in the previously described manner upon
justing the potentiometer 330. As is now readily appar the depression of the photographic exposure interval
ent, the flash quench signal is also of limited duration as initiating button Swhich operates to release the locking
a result of the time required for capacitor 312 to dis beam 54 and to energize the control circuit of FIG. 3 in
charge through the resistor 314 and the base-emitter the aforementioned manner. As previously discussed,
junction of transistor 316. Thus, once capacitor 312 is the start cycle latch 104 operates to coordinate the start
discharged, transistor 316 turns off thereby turning on of the time integration of the scene light intensity with
transistor 322 so as to effectively short capacitor 324. 45 the turning on of transistor 384 in the variable time
With capacitor 324 once again effectively shorted, level delay circuit 300. The shutter blade elements 32 and 34
detector 358 returns the output signal at the flash are moved by the tension spring 80 toward their maxi
quench terminals back to a low value, as shown at Tin mum aperture defining position as limited by the follow
FIG. 7. focus interceptor pin 176. As a result of the increasing
Referring now to the strobe circuit 400 of FIG. 6, it 50 ambient light intensity, the time integration of the scene
can be seen that the appearance of the flash fire signal light intensity incident to the photoresponsive element
operated to turn on transistor 448 thereby also turning 46 proceeds substantially more rapidly than that for the
on transistor 436 so as to cause a current flow through previously discussed lower ambient scene light intensity
the emitter collector junction thereof into the gate elec situation. Thus the output voltage signal from the light
trode of thyristor 422 thereby rendering it conductive. 55 detecting and integrating circuit 94 at line 126 will oper
At the same time, the flash fire signal was also applied, ate to cause the level detector 130 to trigger and
by way of resistor 420, to the gate electrode of SCR 414 thereby change the output signal therefrom at line 148
thereby rendering it conductive. When the SCR 414 from a generally low value to a substantially higher
becomes conductive, a low resistance discharge path is current level of sufficient value to switch the OR gate
presented for the capacitor 412 which causes the capaci 150 prior to the time required for the capacitor 362 to
tor 412 to dump its charge. That action induces a trig fully charge. The OR gate 150, in turn, switches to
gering signal to appear at the flash tube triggering ter provide a positive flash igniting signal to the flash se
minal 408 thereby initiating conduction in the flash tube quencing circuit 162 by way of interconnecting line 160.
406. Thus the flash tube is fired at Tin correspondence The high input signal level at line 160 will then operate
with the leading edge of the flash fire signal as shown in 65 to turn on transistor 216 as previously discussed.
the diagram of FIG. 7, as previously discussed. It Transistor 384 turns on simultaneously with the start
should be readily appreciated that capacitor 426 is of the time integration of the scene light intensity inci
charged by way of resistor 434 and diode 430 with the dent to the photoresponsive element 46thereby turning
4,072,964 22
off transistor 378 and allowing capacitor 362 to start to shown in FIG. 5. In addition, the time delay circuit may
charge. With the ambient scene light intensity substan exist independently of either the camera or strobe.
tially higher, the flash fire signal occurs prior to the Since certain changes may be made in the above
expiration of the aforementioned predetermined time described system and apparatus without departing from
delay from the ripple counter 116. Thus capacitor 362 the scope of the invention herein involved, it is intended
does not have sufficient time to fully charge and thereby that all matter contained, this scription thereof, or
provides a lower level reference voltage to the input shown in the accompanying drawings shall be inter
terminal 365 of level detector 358 at the instant that the preted as illustrated and not in a limiting sense.
strobe is quenched than previously occurred for the low What is claimed is:
ambient scene light intensity situation. 10 1. A photographic camera apparatus comprising:
The variable time delay circuit 300 also assumes the a housing;
same condition immediately prior to the turning on of means for mounting an objective lens on said housing;
transistor 216 in the "fill-in' flash mode of operation as means associated with said housing for receiving a
was assumed in the previously discussed low ambient Source of electrical energy;
light mode of operation. When transistor 216 from the 15 a source of artificial illumination;
flash fire circuit 162 turns on, the variable time delay means within said housing for defining a film expo
circuit 300 provides the positive flash fire signal to fire sure plane;
the strobe of FIG. 6 in the aforementioned manner. a blade assembly mounted and arranged within said
Subsequent to the firing of flash tube 406, there is again housing for displacement from an initial closed
incurred a rapid rise in the time integration of the scene arrangement wherein said blade assembly pre
light intensity incident to the photoresponsive element. cludes scene light from impinging on said exposure
Level detector 132 is thus triggered to close the shutter plane to a second arrangement wherein said blade
blade elements while at the same time grounding the assembly defines a maximum aperture through
input signal to the flash sequencing circuit 162. This in which scene light is permitted to impinge on said
turn operates to turn transistor 306 of the variable time 25 exposure plane and then to a final closed arrange
delay circuit 300 off so as to remove the flash fire signal ment wherein said blade assembly again precludes
at time T, while at the same time turning transistor 326 scene light from impinging on said exposure plane,
off to allow capacitor 324 to start to charge. Thus, such a displacement of said blade assembly serving
capacitor 324 charges until reaching the voltage level to define an exposure interval during which scene
determined by the charge at the positive terminal of 30
light is incident upon said film exposure plane;
capacitor 362. However, as should now be readily ap scene light detecting means energizable by the source
parent, the voltage at the positive terminal of capacitor
326 is lower than for the previously described low ambi of electrical energy for providing an output signal
ent light situation due to the earlier firing of the flash in correspondence to the amount of scene light
tube which also resulted in an earlier triggering of the 35 detected; and
level detector 132. Thus, the reference voltage required means, at least in part energizable by the source of
to trigger the level detector 358 as determined by the electrical energy, for initiating the displacement of
charge on capacitor 362 is lower than for the low ambi said blade assembly from its said initial closed ar
ent light mode and the level detector 358 will be trig rangement towards its second arrangement thereby
gered sooner at time T to quench the flash tube as commencing the exposure interval and for initiat
shown graphically in FIG. 7. ing the energization of the source of artificial illum
The time delay from T to T' is again determined by ination to effect the firing thereof subsequent to the
both the RC time constant of capacitor 324 and resistors initiating of the exposure interval, and then respon
330, 332 and the voltage at the positive terminal of sive to said output signal of said scene light detect
capacitor 362. Whereas capacitor 362 starts to charge 45 ing means reaching a predetermined value indica
simultaneously with the initiation of the exposure inter tive of a select film exposure value for effecting the
val, it is then readily apparent that an increase in the displacement of said blade assembly into its said
ambient scene light intensity, as occurs in the "fill-in' final closed arrangement and for initiating the de
flash mode will result in a decrease in the exposure time energization of the source of artificial illumination
together with a corresponding decrease in the charge 50 to effect the termination of the firing thereof subse
on capacitor 362 as well as the flash quench delay time quent to the expiration of a select time delay, said
as shown in the graph FIG. 8 where the strobe quench last stated means further including means for pro
delay time is plotted as a function of ambient scene light gressively varying said select time delay in a grad
intensity. The strobe quench delay time remains sub ual manner through a plurality of incrementally
stantially constant for the low ambient light condition 55 changing time values in a determinate time range
between 0 and 20 cdl./ft and then gradually drops off with each of said time delay values corresponding
to zero for the "fill-in' flash condition between 20 and directly to a discrete value of a characteristic of
100 cdl./ft. In this manner the time delay in quenching said output signal of said scene light detecting
the strobe is progressively decreased as a function of means, said characteristic also varying in a gradual
increasing ambient scene light intensity. 60 manner through a plurality of incrementally chang
It should be readily understood that although the ing values in a determinate range.
time delay circuit 300 has been shown and described as 2. The photographic camera of claim 1 wherein the
having terminal elements insertable within the flash source of artificial illumination is the electronic flash
array receiving socket 86, it may alternatively be pro tube of a strobe.
vided as either an integral part of the camera control 65 3. The photographic camera of claim 1 wherein the
circuit or the strobe circuitry. In addition, a unitary means for varying said select time delay operates to
camera apparatus may be provided with both an inte progressively decrease said select time delay in a grad
gral strobe unit and an integral time delay circuit as ual manner in correspondence with a progressively
23 24
increasing output signal value of said scene light detect means for mounting an objective lens on said housing;
ing means. means within said housing for effecting an electrical
4. A photographic camera apparatus comprising: connection to a source of electrical energy;
a housing; a source of artificial illumination;
means for mounting an objective lens on said housing; means within said housing for defining a film expo
means associated with said housing for receiving a sure plane;
source of electrical energy; a blade assembly mounted and arranged within said
a source of artificial illumination; housing for displacement from an initial closed
means within said housing for defining a film expo arrangement wherein said blade assembly pre
sure plane; . . 10 cludes scene light from impinging on said exposure
a blade assembly mounted and arranged within said plane to a second arrangement wherein said blade
housing for displacement from an initial closed assembly defines a maximum aperture through
arrangement wherein said blade assembly, pre which scene light is permitted to impinge on said
cludes scene light from impinging on said exposure exposure plane and then to a final closed arrange
plane to a second arrangement wherein said blade 15 ment wherein said blade assembly again precludes
assembly defines a maximum aperture through scene light from impinging on said exposure plane,
which scene light is permitted to impinge on said such a displacement of said blade assembly serving
exposure plane and then to a final closed arrange to define an exposure during which scene light is
ment wherein said blade assembly again precludes incident upon said film exposure plane;
scene light from impinging on said exposure plane, 20 scene light detecting means energizable by the source
such a displacement of said blade assembly serving of electrical energy for providing an output signal
to define an exposure interval during which scene in correspondence to the amount of scene light
light is incident upon said film exposure plane; detected subsequent to the commencement of an
scene light detecting means energizable by the source exposure interval; and
of electrical energy for providing an output signal 25 means, at least in part energizable by the source of
in correspondence to the amount of scene light electrical energy, for initiating the displacement of
detected; and said blade assembly from its said initial closed ar
means, at least in part energizaable by the source of rangement towards its said second arrangement
electrical energy, for initiating the displacement of thereby commencing the exposure interval and
said blade assembly from its said initial closed ar 30 then, responsive to said output signal of said scene
rangement towards its second arrangement thereby light detecting means reaching a first predeter
commencing the exposure interval and for initiat mined value for initiating the energization of the
ing the energization of the source of artificial illum source of artificial illumination to effect the firing
ination to effect the firing thereof subsequent to the thereof and otherwise responsive to the expiration
initiating of the exposure interval, and then, re 35 of a first select time delay for initiating the energi.
sponsive to said output signal of said scene light zation of the source of artificial illumination to
detecting means reaching a predetermined value effect the firing thereof when said output signal of
indicative of a select film exposure value for effect said scene light detecting means fails to reach said
ing the displacement of said blade assembly into its first predetermined value prior to the expiration of
said final closed arrangement and for initiating the 40 said first select time delay, and further, responsive
deenergization of the source of artificial illumina to said output signal of said scene light detecting
tion to effect the termination of the firing thereof means reaching a second predetermined value
subsequent to the expiration of a select time delay, greater than said first predetermined value for ef.
said last stated means further including means for fecting the displacement of said blade assembly
progressively varying said select time delay in a 45 into its said final closed arrangement and for initiat
gradual manner through a determinate time range ing the deenergization of the source of artificial
in correspondence with a gradually varying char illumination to effect the termination of the firing
acteristic of said output signal of said scene light thereof subsequent to the expiration of a second
detecting means wherein said last stated means select time delay after said scene light detecting
includes: 50 means reaches said second predetermined value,
a detector circuit triggerable to provide an output said second select time delay progressively varying
signal for initiating the deenergization of the source in a gradual manner through a determinate time
of artificial illumination; range in correspondence with a gradually varying
first timing means actuable in correspondence with characteristic of said output signal of said scene
the initiation of said exposure interval for provid 55 light detecting means when said output signal of
ing a time variable reference voltage to said detec said scene light detecting means reaches said first
tor circuit; and predetermined value in time to initiate the energi
second timing means actuable in correspondence zation of the source of artificial illumination, said
with said scene light detecting means reaching said second select time delay further assuming a time
predetermined value indicative of said select film value at one end of said time range in response to
exposure value for providing a time variable volt energization of said source of artificial illumination
age to said detector circuit such that when said at the expiration of said first predetermined time
second timing means voltage substantially equals delay.
said reference voltage, said detector circuit triggers 6. The photographic camera of claim 5 wherein the
to provide said output signal to initiate the deener- 65 source of artificial illumination is the electronic flash
gization of the source of artificial illumination. tube of a strobe.
5. A photographic camera apparatus comprising: 7. The photographic apparatus of claim 5 wherein
a housing; said second predetermined time delay progressively
4,072,964 26
decreases in correspondence with a progressive in tion to effect the termination of the firing thereof,
crease in the output signal value of said scene light said last stated means further including means for
detecting means. progressively varying said select time delay in a
8. The photographic apparatus of claim 5 wherein gradual manner through a plurality of incremen
said last stated means includes: 5 tally changing time values in a determinate time
a detector circuit triggerable to provide an output range with each of said time delay values corre
signal for initiating the deenergization of the source sponding directly to a discrete value of a character
of artificial illumination; istic of said output signal of said scene light detect
first timing means actuable in correspondence with ing means, said characteristic also varying in a
the initiation of said exposure interval for provid 10 gradual manner through a plurality of incremen
ing a time variable reference voltage to said detec tally changing values in a determinate range.
tor circuit; and 10. The photographic camera of claim 9 wherein the
second timing means actuable in correspondence means for varying said select time delay operates to
with said scene light detecting means reaching said progressively decrease said select time delay in a grad
second predetermined value for providing a time 15 ual manner in correspondence with a progressively
variable voltage to said detector circuit such that increasing output signal value of said scene light detect
when said second timing means voltage substan ing means.
tially equals said reference voltage, said detector 11. A photographic camera apparatus for use with
circuit triggers to provide said output signal to lighting apparatus of the type having a source of artific
initiate the deenergization of the source of artificial 20, ial illumination, said camera comprising:
illumination. a housing;
9. A photographic camera for use with lighting appa means for mounting an objective lens on said housing;
ratus of the type having a source of artificial illumina means associated with said housing for receiving a
tion, said camera comprising: source of electrical energy;
a housing; 25 means for effecting an electrical connection from said
means for mounting an objective lens on said housing; camera to the lighting apparatus;
means associated with said housing for receiving a means within said housing for defining a film expo
source of electrical energy; sure plane;
means for effecting an electrical connection from said a blade assembly mounted and arranged within said
camera to the lighting apparatus; 30 housing for displacement from an initial closed
means within said housing for defining a film expo arrangement wherein said blade assembly pre
sure plane; cludes scene light from impinging on said exposure
a blade assembly mounted and arranged within said plane to a second arrangement wherein said blade
housing for displacement from an initial closed assembly defines a maximum aperture through
arrangement wherein said blade assembly pre 35 which scene light is permitted to impinge on said
cludes scene light from impinging on said exposure exposure plane and then to a final closed arrange
plane to a second arrangement wherein said blade ment wherein said blade assembly again precludes
assembly defines a maximum aperture through scene light from impinging on said exposure plane,
which scene light is permitted to impinge on said such a displacement of said blade assembly serving
exposure plane and then to a final closed arrange to define an exposure interval during which scene
ment wherein said blade assembly again precludes light is incident upon said film exposure plane;
scene light from impinging on said exposure plane, scene light detecting means energizable by the source
such a displacement of said blade assembly serving of electrical energy for providing an output signal
to define an exposure interval during which scene in correspondence to the amount of scene light
light is incident upon said film exposure plane; 45 detected; and
scene light detecting means energizable by the source means, at least in part, energizable by the source of
of electrical energy for providing an output signal electrical energy, for initiating the displacement of
in correspondence to the amount of scene light aid blade assembly from its said initial closed ar
detected; and rangement towards its said second arrangement
means, at least in part energizable by the source of 50 thereby commencing said exposure interval and for
electrical energy, for initiating the displacement of providing a first select signal to initiate the energi
said blade assembly from its said initial closed ar zation of the source of artificial illumination to
rangement towards its said second arrangement effect the firing thereof subsequent to the initiation
thereby commencing said exposure interval and for of the exposure interval, and then responsive to
providing a first select signal to initiate the energi 55 said output signal of sid scene light detecting means
zation of the source of artificial illumination to reaching a predetermined value indicative of a
effect the firing thereof subsequent to the initiation select film exposure value for effecting the dis
of the exposure interval, and then responsive to placement of said blade assembly into its said final
said output signal of said scene light detecting closed arrangement and for providing a second
means reaching a predetermined value indicative select signal subsequent to the expiration of a select
of a select film exposure value for effecting the time delay after said scene light detecting means
displacement of said blade assembly into its said reaches said predetermined value, said second se
final closed arrangement and for providing a sec lect signal being operative to initiate the deenergiz
ond select signal subsequent to the expiration of a ation of the source of artifical illumination to effect
select time delay after said scene light detecting 65 the termination of the firing thereof, said last stated
means reaches said predetermined value, said sec means further including means for progressively
ond select signal being operative to initiate the varying said select time delay in a gradual manner
deenergization of the source of artificial illumina through a determinate time range in correspon
dence with a gradually varying characteristic of providing a second select signal subsequent to the
said output signal of said scene light detecting expiration of a second select time delay after said
means wherein said last stated means includes: scene light detecting means reaches said second
a detector circuit triggerable to provide said second predetermined value, said second select signal
select signal; being operative when said camera is electrically
first timing means actuable in correspondence with connected to the lighting apparatus to initiate the
the initiation of said exposure interval for provid deenergization of the source of artificial illumina
ing a time variable reference voltage to said detec tion to effect the termination of the firing thereof
tor circuit; and and said second select time delay varying in a grad
second timing means actuable in correspondence O ual manner through a determinate time range in
with said scene light detecting means reaching said correspondence with a gradually varying charac
predetermined value indicative of said select film teristic of said output signal of said scene light
exposure value for providing a time variable volt detecting means when said output signal of said
age to said detector circuit such that when said scene light detecting means reaches said first pre
second timing means voltage substantially equals 15 determined value in time to provide said first select
said reference voltage, said detector circuit triggers signal, said second select time delay further assum
to provide said second select signal. ing a time value at one end of said time range in
12. A photograhic camera for use with lighting appa response to said first select signal occurring at the
ratus of the type having a source of artificial illumina expiration of said first predetermined time delay.
tion, said camera comprising: 20 13. The photographic apparatus of claim 12 wherein
a housing; said second predetermined time delay progressively
means for mounting an objective lens on said housing; decreases in correspondence with a progressive in
means within said housing for coupling to a source of crease in the output signal value of said scene light
electrical energy; detecting means.
means for effecting an electrical connection from said 25 14. The photograhic apparatus of claim 12 wherein
camera to the lighting apparatus; said last stated means includes:
means within said housing for defining a film expo a detector circuit triggerable to provide said second
sure plane; select signal;
a blade assembly mounted and arranged within said first timing means actuable in correspondence with
housing for displacement from an initial closed 30 the initiation of said exposure interval for provid
arrangement wherein said blade assembly pre ing a time variable reference voltage to said detec
cludes scene light from impinging on said exposure tor; and
plane to a second arrangement wherein said blade second timing means actuable in correspondence
assembly defines a maximum aperture through with said scene light detecting means reaching said
which scene light is permitted to impinge on said 35 second predetermined value for providing a time
exposure plane and then to a final closed arrange variable voltage to said detector circuit such that
ment wherein said blade assembly again precludes when said second timing means voltage substan
scene light from impinging on said exposure plane, tially equals said reference voltage, said detector
such a displacement of said blade assembly serving circuit triggers to provide said second select signal.
to define an exposure interval during which scene 15. Lighting apparatus for use with a photographic
light is incident upon said film exposure plane; camera of the type having means for providing at least
scene light detecting means energizable by the source two control signals in sequence during the course of a
of electrical energy for providing an output signal photographic interval, a characteristic of the first of the
in correspondence to the amount of scene light two control signals gradually varying as a function of
detected subsequent to the commencement of an 45 ambient light conditions and the second of the two
exposure interval; and control signals being indicative of a predetermined film
means, at least in part energizable by the source of exposure value, said lighting apparatus comprising:
electrical energy, for initiating the displacement of a source of artificial illumination;
said blade assembly from its said initial closed ar means for effecting an electrical connection from said
rangement towards its said second arrangement 50 lighting apparatus to the camera in order to facili
thereby commencing the exposure interval and tate the transmission of the two signals from the
then, responsive to said output signal of said scene camera to said lighting apparatus; and for initiating
light detecting means reaching a first predeter the energization of the source of artificial illumina
mined value for providing a first select signal tion to effect the firing thereof, and then responsive
which when said camera is electrically connected 55 to the second of the two signals from the camera
to the lighting apparatus operates to initiate the for initiating the deenergization of the source of
energization of the source of artificial illumination artificial illumination subsequent to the expiration
to effect the firing thereof, and otherwise, respon of a select time delay after receipt of the second of
sive to the expiration of a first select time delay for the two signals from the camera, said last stated
providing said first select signal when said output means further including means for progressively
signal of said scene light detecting means fails to varying said select time delay in a gradual manner
reach said first predetermined value prior to the through a determinate time range in correspon
expiration of said first select time delay, and further dence with a gradually varying characteristic of
responsive to said output signal of said scene light the first of the two control signals from the photo
detecting means reaching a second predetermined 65 graphic camera.
value greater than said first predetermined value 16. The lighting apparatus of claim 15 wherein said
for effecting the displacement of said blade assem varying characteristic is the amplitude of the first of the
bly into its said final closed arrangement and for control signals and corresponds to the amount of scene
29 30
light detected by scene light detecting means within the directly to a discrete value of a characteristic of
photograhic camera. said output signal of said scene light detecting
17. The lighting apparatus of claim 15 wherein the means prior to or simultaneous with the firing of
source of artificial illumination is the electronic flash said source of artificial illumination, said character
tube of a strobe. 5 istic also varying in a gradual manner through a
18. The lighting apparatus of claim 15 wherein said plurality of incrementally changing values in a
last stated means includes: determinate range.
a detector circuit triggerable to provide an output 20. A photographic camera for use with lighting
signal for initiating the deenergization of the source apparatus of the type having a source of artificial illumi
of artificial illumination; 10 nation, said camera comprising:
first timing means actuable in correspondence with a housing;
the initiation of said exposure interval for provid means for mounting an objective lens on said housing;
ing a time variable reference voltage to said detec means associated with said housing for receiving a
tor circuit; and source of electrical energy;
second timing means actuable in correspondence 15 means for effecting an electrical connection from said
with the second of the two control signals for pro camera to the lighting apparatus;
viding a time variable voltage to said detector cir means within said housing for defining a film expo
cuit such that when said second timing means volt sure plane;
age substantially equals said reference voltage, said a blade assembly mounted and arranged within said
detector circuit triggers to provide said output 20 housing for displacement from an initial closed
signal to initiate the deemergization of the source of arrangement wherein said blade assembly pre
artificial illumination. cludes scene light from impinging on said exposure
19. A photographic camera apparatus comprising: plane to a second arrangement wherein said blade
a housing; assembly defines a maximum aperture through
means for mounting an objective lens on said housing; 25 which scene light is permitted to impinge on said
means associated with said housing for receiving a exposure plane and then to a final closed arrange
source of electrical energy; ment wherein said blade assembly again precludes
a source of artifical illumination; scene light from impinging on said exposure plane,
means within said housing for defining a film expo such a displacement of said blade assembly serving
sure plane; 30 to define an exposure interval during which scene
a blade assembly mounted and arranged within said light is incident upon said film exposure plane;
housing for displacement from an initial closed scene light detecting means energizable by the source
arrangement wherein said blade assembly pre of electrical energy for providing an output signal
cludes scene light from impinging on said exposure in correspondence to the amount of scene light
plane to a second arrangement wherein said blade 35 detected; and
assembly defines a maximum aperture through means, at least in part, energizable by the source of
which scene light is permitted to impinge on said electrical energy, for initiating the displacement of
exposure plane and then to a final closed arrange said blade assembly from its said initial closed ar
ment wherein said blade assembly again precludes rangement towards its said second arrangement
scene light from impinging on said exposure plane, 40 thereby commencing said exposure interval and for
such a displacement of said blade assembly serving providing a first select signal to initiate the energi
to define an exposure interval during which scene zation of the source of artificial illumination to
light is incident upon said film exposure plane; effect the firing thereof subsequent to the initiation
scene light detecting means energizable by the source of the exposure interval, and then responsive to
of electrical energy for providing an output signal 45 said output signal of said scene light detecting
in correspondence to the amount of scene light means reaching a predetermined value indicative
detected; and of a select film exposure value for effecting the
means, at least in part energizable by the source of displacement of said blade assembly into its said
electrical energy, for initiating the displacement of final closed arrangement and for providing a sec
said blade assembly from its said initial closed ar- 50 ond select signal subsequent to the expiration of a
rangement towards its second arrangement thereby select time delay after said scene light detecting
commencing the exposure interval and for initiat means reaches said predetermined value, said sec
ing the energization of the source of artificial illum ond select signal being operative to initiate the
ination to effect the firting thereof subsequent to deenergization of the source of artificial illumina
the initiating of the exposure interval, and then, 55 tion to effect the termination of the firing thereof,
responsive to said output signal of said scene light said last stated means further including means for
detecting means reaching a predetermined value progressively varying said select time delay in a
indicative of a select film exposure value for effect gradual manner through a plurality of incremen
ing the displacement of said blade assembly into its tally changing time values in a determinate time
said final closed arrangement and for initiating the 60 range with each of said time delay values corre
deenergization of the source of artificial illumina sponding directly to a discrete value of a character
tion to effect the termination of the firing thereof istic of said output signal of said scene light detect
subsequent to the expiration of a select time delay, ing means prior to or simultaneous with the firing
said last stated means further including means for of said source of artificial illumination said charac
progressively varying said select time delay in a 65 teristic also varying in a gradual manner through a
gradual manner through a plurality of incremen plurality of incrementally changing values in a
tally changing time values in a determinate range determinate range.
with each of said time delay values corresponding is is k

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