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This world is like a gym in which we are molding ourselves to the fittest.

In the human form, one should not undertake great hardships to obtain sensual pleasures,
which are available even to creatures that eat excreta (hogs). Instead, one should practice
austerities to purify one’s heart, and enjoy the unlimited bliss of God.” This opportunity to
practice discrimination is available only while the human body exists, and one who is able to
check the forces of desire and anger while living, becomes a yogi. Such a person alone tastes
the divine bliss within and becomes happy.

Those who are happy within themselves, enjoying the delight of God within,
and are illumined by the inner light, such yogis are united with the Lord and
are liberated from material existence.

Ever since I have begun meditating upon the lotus-like feet of Lord Krishna, I have been
experiencing ever-increasing bliss. If by chance the thought of sex pleasure comes to my
mind, I spit at the thought and curl my lips in distaste.

The human body presents a golden opportunity for the soul to reach the Supreme goal of

Body, mind, and emotions should be directed in a conscious flow of energy to evoke the Subtle Body,
which then serves as a source of power, intelligence to overcome the limits of the physical universe. This
is one of the most important secrets of the Tantric tradition.

The Subtle Body is the vehicle which helps the practitioner to go freely through this life to the future one
and to enjoy the delights of the spirit.

The masculine word Nachiket (नननननन/ननननननन/नननननननन/नननननननन) has various

meanings which are interrelated with its other meanings. It is basically combination of three words-
न+नन+नननन (IAST: na+ci+ketṛ). न (na) means negation, नन (ci) stands for नननननन (IAST:
caitanya) i.e. unending spiritual energy and ननन/नननन/ननननन/ननननन (IAST:
keta/ketā/ketas/ketan) which is short form of नननन (ketu) means continuous revolving action.
Therefore, literally the name means the one who is continuously looking for nothing but an unending
spiritual energy.

After he gained Kevala Jnana, Mahavira taught that the observance of the vows ahimsa (non-
violence), satya (truth), asteya (non-stealing), brahmacharya (chastity), and aparigraha (non-
attachment) is necessary for spiritual liberation.

True freedom lies not in the easiest way, of doing what we want but in breaking mental
conditioning and choosing to do what we do not want.
One who knows that material happiness, whether good or bad, in this life or in the next, on this
planet or on the heavenly planets, is temporary and useless, and that an intelligent person should
not try to enjoy or even think of such things, is the knower of the self. Such a self-realized person
knows quite well that material happiness is the very cause of continued material existence and
forgetfulness of one’s own constitutional position.

Here is another formula for the supreme worship of the Lord: “O Shiva! you are my
Self. My mind is Parvati. My Pranas are your servants. My body is your house. My
actions in this world are your worship. My sleep is Samadhi. My walk is
circumambulation of you. My speech is your prayer. Thus do I offer all that I am to

People of highest order of spiritual path usually follows strong

penance or Tapa Yoga by controlling their sexual energy into
highest order of spirituality, that’s why it leads to Moksha.
You had enough of sense and sex gratification in all your previous bodies of various
animals. Animal life is meant for satisfaction of the lower appetites of sex and tongue, but
human life is meant for a higher purpose. Why do you, oh man, burn the sandalwood tree for
serving the purpose of charcoal? This human life is very precious, envied even by the gods. One
life lost means one golden opportunity to become God is lost.


shivay koi Vikalp Nathi J.

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