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Evidence of Australian Standards for Teaching Graduate Focus

Full Name: Tabinder Akter

School Name: Catherine McAuley Westmead

Subject: STEM Professional Practice-1

Has demonstrated knowledge of teaching strategies that are responsive to the learning
strengths and needs of students from diverse backgrounds (Descriptor 1.3.1)

Along with my mentor teacher I had STEM project group List:

created a group list for my new
project ‘Rabbit living space’. We
created the group list by looking at
students’ strength and backgrounds.

I awarded students after successfully

finishing their project and also linked
it to aboriginal cultures by choosing
little boomerang as a prize. I had
created the lesson plan in a way that
they can also share their knowledge.
My students were effectively
answering my questions and also
asking me so many questions. I had
created my classroom with fear of
questioning and feeling of a safe The prize for the best model group:

During project work, I assisted my

students by helping them in building
a rabbit house and also giving them
ideas. I had provided many video
links to my less capable students to
provide an idea of how they can draw
an isometric view of their rabbit
house and how they can draw or plan
the rabbit’s play area.
Best prize photo and the little boomerang is down
the bottom corner.
Full Name: Tabinder Akter

School Name: Catherine McAuley Westmead

Subject: STEM professional Practice-1

Mentor Teacher’s signature:

Has demonstrated knowledge and understanding of strategies for differentiating teaching

to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities
(Descriptor 1.5.1)
I had conducted a STEM project where I Feedback from the mentor teacher:
need to assist students at all times. I had
designed the STEM project in a way
which was mostly student-centred.
Students were designing a rabbit house
where they need to choose their own
design concepts. They had drawn an
isometric view of the design concept and
then built it by their own. I assured that
all were doing it correctly through
discussion and walking around the group
while they were building. I focused on
students own learning choice and were
just facilitating their learning in needs. I
had given them the opportunity to bring
their own creative ideas in the project.
They demonstrated their creativity in their
presentation. Few groups’ designing ideas
and features were really impressive.

I adjusted my lesson plan in terms of

students’ interests and needs. I was I have changed her lesson plan in terms of mentor
always discussing with my mentor teacher teacher feedback. She understands that students
about the lesson plan. I also changed my need some more clear guidance about the project.
lesson structure after discussing with my
mentor teacher if needed. One feedback
from my mentor teacher is clearly
showing that I adjusted my lesson plan
based on students’ ability and interests.

I also created my lesson plans with a lot

of varieties such as YouTube video links,
group activity, colourful PowerPoint
slides etc. to demonstrate students’
diverse needs.

This well-structured project plan shows

my understanding of different learning

Full Name: Tabinder Akter

School Name: Catherine McAuley Westmead

Subject: STEM professional practice-1

Has implemented teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning
opportunities for students (Descriptor 2.6.1)

I brought technology into my project. I Photos of the project:

had allowed enough time for students to
research the rabbit house design concept.
To assist in their researching, I provided
them with many YouTube video and
website links. I also asked my students to
research various aspects of the project
before attempting to the presentation.

My project was engaging and students

were interested in the project. They have
successfully completed the project
requirement in only five lessons in a very
short amount of time. This clearly shows
students’ interest and motivation.

The photos of the different model are an

example of their project successful
Link of assessment tasks:
Full Name: Tabinder Akter

School Name: Catherine McAuley Westmead

Subject: STEM Professional Professional Practice-1

Has demonstrated a range of verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to support

student engagement (Descriptor 3.5.1).

I explained classroom Growth Mindset:

expectations at my first STEM
project’s lesson. Students were
aware of classroom
expectations. I had created a
question set using google form
and also provided the
opportunity for students to
participate in the quiz until they
were able to answer all
questions correctly. This
clearly shows evidence of
students’ growth mindset.
Every time they attempting in
answering questions and This is the response of the multiple-choice question I have
improving a bit, which will help received from my students. Allowing them to answer
them in building their belief of questions a few times to achieve the final goal.
success in them. They were able Supervising Teacher’s final comment:
to judge themselves and also
focus on a particular area of

I encouraged students in their

learning to achieve their best.
At the end of the project,
students have created very nice
and creative presentation slides
which show their engagement
and clear knowledge about the

Full Name: Tabinder Akter

School Name: Catherine McAuley Westmead

Subject: STEM Professional Practice-1

Has used curriculum, assessment and reporting knowledge to design learning sequences
and lesson plans (Descriptor 2.3.1)

I created google form question sets

throughout my project. Where I The prize for the best model and best presentation:
clearly linked the content with
numeracy skills. During my
teaching times, I asked students to
write their concepts in the
scrapbook which clearly linked
students’ literacy skills as well.

I also created a feedback template

for my students. Each group
provided feedback to their peer
groups. This way I tried to bring
students’ own assessment
knowledge in the project. I also
provided written feedback to each Feedback template for students:
group. My mentor teacher was the
judge to select the best
presentation and best model group.

The link of two google form question sets:

Full Name: Tabinder Akter

School Name: Catherine McAuley Westmead

Subject: STEM Professional Practice-1

knows and understands literacy and numeracy teaching strategies and their application
(Descriptor 2.5.1)

I planned my project with full of

literacy and numeracy skills that Assessment Plan for students:
students could achieve.

I also provided students with a few

chances to achieve a good score in
multiple-choice questions which
shows my understanding of creating
learning opportunity of students.

Full Name: Tabinder Akter

School Name: Catherine McAuley Westmead

Subject: STEM Professional Practice-1

implements teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning

opportunities for students (Descriptor 2.6.1)

I used the projector in my lesson plan to

explain my PowerPoint slides to my
students. I also provided a few YouTube Example of video links and PowerPoint slide:
video links to students for research on their
project. I also used ‘google forms’ to
provide questions to students and students
also able to know how to answer and
submit the question sets.

At the end of the project, students used the

projector and PowerPoint slides to
demonstrate their model. This clearly
brings ICT inclusion among students.

Full Name: Tabinder Akter

School Name: Catherine McAuley Westmead

Subject: STEM Professional Practice-1

has sought and applied constructive feedback from colleagues (Descriptor 6.3.1).
I sought constructive feedback from
my colleagues. After some Example of collaborative teaching comments:
collaborative lesson with my other
colleagues, I requested some feedback
from them and they provided written
feedback about the collaboration of
teaching with them.

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