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Significance of the Study

Parents nowadays experience difficulties in disciplining the behavior of their children at

home. These behaviors, if not given proper intervention, will form into a “set of belief or
culture” which we call as attitude. These attitudes in turn, will be brought to school. As these
children interact with others in school, they also experience different classmates with also
different attitudes in which they will fit in. The results of the study will be of great benefit to the
 Parents and teachers: this will benefit the parents on which method of discipline they
will give to their children. It will assist the teacher on which approach or teaching method
they will use to children who has problems in terms of their behavior.
 Dep Ed: it will also give awareness to the different educational department heads
especially DepEd to bring back the traditional discipline but still promoting the welfare of
the children. As what Jose Rizal has said, “The youth is the future of our country”. That is
why hand in hand and with the collaborative effort of the different stakeholders of the
children, we can develop and promote them not only as intellectually-equipped but also
morally-upright citizen.

 Children: the welcoming atmosphere at school greatly affects the behavior of the
children aside from the discipline itself. This behavior also greatly affects the academic
performance of the children. Formation of behavior and attitude starts at home and it
greatly affects their academic performance.

 Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepcion Mandaue: this will give awareness to teachers on

what method of discipline would they access to the different students in CIC Mandaue. The
present laws are already neglecting the traditional type of discipline to promote the safety
and welfare of the children however, the children also abuse these laws and do what they
please. Some of them violate rules and regulations against school norms and the school has
only mild consequences for violators which cannot really change the child’s behavior for
the better.

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