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Day 1

First we were excited on the things that are going to happened during our immersion, it’s a mixed of
nervousness and happiness. And when we are already there the people are approachable. The first thing
we did was we are introducing our own selves and the future career that we will be taking up. And we
have our first orientation, we are discussing the things about the company, where it is originated and
who are the people involved in this company. We have also a fire drill, we learn different safety tips and
we are guided to where we must evacuate in case of emergency.

Day 2

We continue our discussion and we discuss about the different guidelines that we are going to follow.
The guideline that we must always remember is the 5’s, this is very essential thing to do before and after
our work. And we have an assignment about the 5’s, we are given a sheet of paper in which we must fill
up the things that you applied the 5’s at home and it is a everyday assignment. Also we discussed the
different Japanese terms that are used during work.

Day 3

There’s no class because there is a typhoon so we didn’t go to creotec and because of that we still
continue our assignment the 5’s.

Day 4

There’s still no class because of fiesta in opon and we still continue our 5’s assignment.

Day 5

In the morning we finished our orientation and on the afternoon we are introduce in the production
room, and we assigned our different leaders and groups.

Day 6

And because we are done introducing in the production room we are assigned our different stations.
After that the goal that we are going to set is we must make 100 PCB’s. its our first day of work and its
new to us and its really tiring especially we are standing in the production room wholeday and we are
not used to it. We have also a quiz about the station that we are assigned and that is conducted to our
team leaders, and it was just easy. But in the end of the day there are already 60% that are made

Day 7

Our quota on this day was 200 plus 40 remaining yesterday.

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