Pediatrics-2013-Voice Abnormalities at School Age in Children Born Extremely Preterm-E733-9

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Voice Abnormalities at School Age in Children Born

Extremely Preterm
AUTHORS: Noel French, MBChB,a,b,c Rona Kelly, MBBS,b WHAT’S KNOWN ON THIS SUBJECT: Isolated case reports of
Shyan Vijayasekaran, FRACS,d Victoria Reynolds, BSc,e Jodi abnormal voice after extremely preterm birth are well described;
Lipscombe, BSc,e Ali Buckland, BSc,e Jean Bailey, BSc,e however, there are no systematic studies of long-term voice
Elizabeth Nathan, BSc,f and Suzanne Meldrum, PhDg outcomes in children born preterm.
aNeonatal Clinical Care Unit, King Edward Hospital, Perth,

Western Australia; bState Child Development Centre, Health WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: Significant voice abnormalities were
Department of Western Australia, Perth, Western Australia;
cCentre for Neonatal Research and Education, and gSchool of
found in more than half of tested children born before 25 weeks’
Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Western Australia, gestation. Multivariable analyses showed that the number of
Perth, Western Australia; Departments of dOtolaryngology, and intubations, not the duration of intubation, and female gender
eSpeech Pathology, Princess Margaret Hospital, Perth, Western
were strongly associated with this adverse outcome.
Australia; and fBiostatistics and Research Design Unit, Women
and Infants Research Foundation, Perth Western Australia
extremely preterm infants, long-term outcomes, endotracheal
tube, dysphonia, quality of life
CI—confidence interval BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Voice abnormality is a frequent find-
ELBW—extremely low birth weight
ing in school age children born at ,25 weeks’ gestation in Western
ETT—endotracheal tube
GRBAS—auditory perceptual assessment scale Australia. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency
ICC—intraclass correlation coefficient of voice abnormality, voice-related quality of life, and demographic
OR—odds ratio and intubation factors in this population.
PDA—patent ductus arteriosus
PVC—polyvinyl chloride METHODS: Survivors ,25 weeks’ gestational age in Western Australia
pVHI—Pediatric Voice Handicap Index born from 1996 to 2004 were included. Voice assessments (auditory perceptual assessment scale and Pediatric Voice Handicap Index)
doi:10.1542/peds.2012-0817 were carried out by speech pathologists. Intubation history was
Accepted for publication Nov 19, 2012 obtained by retrospective chart review.
Address correspondence to Noel French, MBChB, Neonatal RESULTS: Of 251 NICU admissions, 154 (61%) survived. Exclusions were
Clinical Care Unit, King Edward Hospital, 374 Bagot Rd, Subiaco,
based on severe disability (11) or distant residence (13). Of 70 assessed,
Perth, Western Australia, 6008, Australia. E-mail: noel. 67 completed assessments, 4 (6%) were in the normal range and 39
PEDIATRICS (ISSN Numbers: Print, 0031-4005; Online, 1098-4275). (58%) showed moderate-severe hoarseness. Simultaneous modeling
Copyright © 2013 by the American Academy of Pediatrics
of demographic and intubation characteristics showed an increased
odds of moderate-severe voice disorder for children who had more
FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: Dr Vijayasekaran is a consultant to
Arthrocare, which manufactures products used in ear, nose, than 5 intubations (odds ratio 6.96, 95% confidence interval 2.07–
and throat surgery. These products were not used in relation to 23.40, P = .002) and for girls relative to boys (odds ratio 3.46, 95%
this study. The other authors have indicated they have no confidence interval 1.12–10.62, P = .030). Tube size and duration of
financial relationships relevant to this article to disclose.
intubation were not significant in the multivariable model. Median
FUNDING: This study was supported by a grant from the Women
and Infants Research Foundation, Ethics Approval number 1828/EP.
scores of parent-reported voice quality of life on the Pediatric Voice
Handicap Index were markedly different for preterm (22) and term (3)
groups, P , .001.
CONCLUSIONS: Voice disorders in this population were much more
frequent than expected. Further studies are required to assess voice
across a broader range of gestational ages, and to investigate voice-
protective strategies in infants requiring multiple episodes of intu-
bation. Pediatrics 2013;131:e733–e739

PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 3, March 2013 e733

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Extreme preterm birth (,27 weeks’ in childhood.24 Many of these cases will which known disability was likely to pre-
gestation) is associated with adverse self-resolve, but more severe abnormali- vent adequate assessment, or in which
medical and social outcomes.1 Morbidity ties require further investigation and in- the family lived more than 200 km from
has been shown to be inversely related tervention. Voice assessments typically the study center.
to gestational age.1 Long-term outcome involve auditory perceptual measures, Neonatal clinical variables were avail-
studies to school age and beyond have quality-of-life assessments, and acoustic able from the NICU database, and in-
identified a number of conditions more analysis, although the latter is rarely cluded demographic variables, clinical
prevalent in the surviving population of reported in children and has not been morbidities, duration and type of re-
extremely preterm infants.2–5 Voice validated in the pediatric population.25,26 spiratory support, and duration of oxy-
quality has not been included in these It is apparent that children as young as 5 gen therapy. In addition, chart review
long-term outcomes and reported only are capable of reflecting on the social, was undertaken to determine additional
in isolated case reports.6 emotional, and physical aspects of their information relating to each intubation/
Extremely preterm infants usually require voice abnormalities, and consequent reintubation episode, such as type of
respiratory support, typically endotra- negative emotional experiences have endotrachealtube(ETT), size of ETT, route
cheal intubation, in the neonatal period been reported.27 Among other things, (oral or nasal), and body weight at the
because of physiologic immaturity.7 Dys- children with chronic dysphonia cite time of each intubation episode. A ratio
phonia is a recognized complication of concerns with participation limitation, of ETT size relative to body weight at
endotracheal intubation. Laryngeal inju- negative evaluation of their voice quality the time of intubation/reintubation was
ries visualized postextubation in neonatal by others in their social and academic created by dividing ETT size in milli-
subjects range from mild erythema, environments, and managing emotions, meters by body weight in kilograms on
edema, and granulation of the vocal folds such as frustration.28 Therefore, dys- the day of the procedure. The maximum
to arytenoid cartilage dislocation, sub- phonia has significant, negative effects ETT ratio of all intubation episodes was
glottic stenosis, laryngeal tears, and on the quality of life of affected children. recorded for each infant.
avulsion of the vocal folds.6,8–12 Surgical Little is known about the nature and Throughout the study period, uncuffed
ligation of a patent ductus arteriosus incidence of later voice disorders in siliconized PVC (Portex, internal diam-
(PDA) has been frequently associated preterm children who were intubated eter 2.0–3.5 mm) or uncuffed Ivory PVC
with left vocal fold paralysis in some se- after birth. In this study, we aimed to (Portex, internal diameter 2.5–3.5 mm)
ries.13 Several authors have identified further explore demographic and in- ETTs were used. (Smiths Medical Aus-
a relationship between intubation factors tubation factors associated with voice tralia Pty Ltd, Brisbane, Australia)
and neonatal laryngeal injury.9,10,12,14–19 It abnormality in this population at school Eight percent of all intubation episodes
remains unclear which factors, such as age and to assess the voice-related were with Ivory tubes. Before 2000,
length of intubation, frequency of reintu- quality of life of these children. ETT placement was predominantly
bation, and size of tube, are directly nasotracheal after initial orotracheal
linked to persistent laryngeal disorders METHODS placement for labor ward resuscitation,
affecting voice quality. and after 2000, placement was pre-
Patients were recruited from the neonatal
In our long-term follow-up program, voice dominantly orotracheal for all episodes.
follow-up program of the single tertiary
abnormality has been a common finding, neonatal service, which provides neonatal
Elective versus emergency reintubation
particularly in children born at ,25 or degree of difficulty of intubation were
intensive care to all extremely preterm
weeks’ gestation. Voice outcomes in insufficiently documented in the chart to
infantsborn inWesternAustralia, across2
studies of children intubated in the neo- allow analysis of these variables. Surgi-
sites at King Edward Memorial Hospital
natal period have so far been limited to cal ligation of a PDA is rarely carried out
and at Princess Margaret Hospital for
those undergoing laryngeal reconstruc- in extremely preterm infants in Western
Children. Cases selected were ,25-week
tion for recognized airway complica- Australia, but was recorded where this
survivors between 6 and 15 years of age,
tions20–22 or after surgical ligation of the occurred. Premedication before intu-
born from 1996 to 2004, inclusive. Age
PDA,23 and to extremely low birth weight bation was not used in this population.
criteria were selected to optimize com-
(ELBW) infants at 12 months of corrected pliance with voice assessments, which
age.19 required reading a sample of connected Voice Assessments
Mild voice abnormalities, such as speech and producing prolonged vowel 1. The GRBAS29 is a widely used audi-
breathiness and roughness, are common sounds. Data from the neonatal follow-up tory perceptual assessment scale
inyoungchildrenbecauseofvocaloveruse program were used to exclude cases in that determines ratings for each

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of 5 voice characteristics: G (grade calculated on a random sample of 10% at the tertiary center and 10 were born
or severity of hoarseness), R of the raw voice samples. elsewhere, requiring neonatal emer-
(roughness: abnormal variations in gency transport services to the tertiary
pitch and loudness), B (breathiness: Statistical Method center. There were 154 survivors (61%)
occurs when there is excess air Continuous data were summarized by to the present date (22 weeks 7/24
heard in the voice), A (asthenicity: using median, interquartile range, and [29%], 23 weeks 43/88 [49%], 24
weakness of the voice), and S range, and categorical data were sum- weeks 104/139 [75%]).
(strain: excess muscle tension used marized by using frequency distri- Twenty-four children were excluded
to produce voice). Each parameter butions. The interrater and intrarater based on distant residence (n = 13) or
is scored by using a 4-point ordinal reliability for the GRBAS were assessed disability likely to preclude successful
scale from 0 to 3 (0, normal; 1, mild; by using the intraclass correlation co- assessment (n = 11), leaving a target
2, moderate; and 3, severe), and efficient (ICC) and strength of agreement population of 130. Nine were untraced.
the mean of the values summed for ordinal data by using k statistics. The Seventy-nine agreed to attend, of whom
as the mean GRBAS. The G severity interrater ICC for the mean GRBAS was 71 attended, and 67 completed valid
(hoarseness, 0–3 as above)30 was 0.914 (95% confidence interval [CI] assessments. Baseline and intubation
used as the primary outcome mea- 0.698–0.977), G score agreement was characteristics comparing those as-
sure. 85.0% and k 0.571. The intrarater ICC for sessed with those who were not, are
2. The Pediatric Voice Handicap Index the mean GRBAS was 0.846 (95% CI shown in Table 1.
(pVHI) is a quality-of-life question- 0.457–0.958), G score agreement was All infants were intubated at birth, and
naire completed by parents and 84.9% and k 0.567. These results dem- subsequently for a median total dura-
measures the impact of a voice dis- onstrated moderate inter- and intra- tion of 45 days. Those tested were
order.31 The pVHI is scored on a 5- rater agreement, thus reliability of the ventilated for 11 fewer days than the
point Likert scale presented in 3 GRBAS measures were considered ac- group not tested (P = .013).The shortest
subscales each of 7 to 9 questions: ceptable for this study. period of intubation was for 1 day and
(1) functional (eg, “At home we have Cases were grouped according to their G the longest was for 113 days. Maximum
difficulty hearing my child….”), (2) score as normal to mild (0 to 1) or ETT diameters for most were either 2.5
physical (eg, “My child uses a great moderate to severe (2 to 3) dysphonia. or 3.0 mm, whereas the maximum ETT
deal of effort to speak….”), and (3) Group comparisons were made by using ratio varied from 3.0 to 7.2, the latter
emotional (eg, “My child is frus- Mann-Whitney tests for continuous for a 415-g infant reintubated at 15
trated with his/her voice prob- measures and x2 tests for categorical days of age with a 3.0-mm ETT. Although
lem…”). The maximum score comparisons. Multivariable logistic re- the median number of intubations was
attainable from these questions is gression was conducted to assess the 5 per infant, 1 child had 16 intubations.
92, whereas normophonic control influence of demographic and intu- Only 4 (6%) of the 67 preterm tested
populations typically have total bation characteristics on the severity children demonstrated a normal G
scores #2. of dysphonia. Significant factors were score, and a further 24 (36%) had mild
A term-born comparison group of 40 summarized by using odds ratios (ORs) hoarseness, as did 41% of the term
children was also recruited and they and 95% CIs. SPSS 18.0 statistical soft- group (Table 2); however, 36 (54%)
underwent the same measures. These ware (IBM SPSS Statistics, IBM Corpo- showed moderate and 3 (5%) severe
children were recruited with parental ration, Chicago, IL) and LogXact (Cytel hoarseness, compared with just 1, in
consent from an orthopedic clinic of the Inc., Cambridge, MA, 2007) were used the moderate range, in the term group.
children’s hospital, and were all born at for data analysis. All hypothesis tests There was a highly significant differ-
term with no history of previous in- were 2-sided and P values ,.05 were ence in the mean of the total GRBAS
tubation or recent respiratory illness. considered statistically significant. values between the groups.
Although not matched with the preterm The parent-reported scores for the
group, they were of similar age and RESULTS preterm group on the pVHI were far
gender distribution. There were 317 infants live born in higher than the expected scores for
The GRBAS was administered by 2 Western Australia between 220 and 246 both normophonic children (#2) and
speech pathologists with postgraduate weeks’ gestation from 1996 to 2004, of for our term group (P , .001). There
experience in clinical voice assessment. whom 251 (79%) were admitted to the was also a clear association of higher
Inter- and intrarater reliability were tertiary NICU. Of these, 241 were inborn scores in children with moderate or

PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 3, March 2013 e735

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TABLE 1 Neonatal Characteristics of Tested Versus Not Tested Preterm Childrena the rate of moderate to severe voice
Characteristic Tested Not Tested P Value abnormality, particularly hoarseness,
n = 67 n = 87 in a school age population of extremely
Male 32 (48) 48 (55) .361
preterm neonates has been shown in
Birth weight, g 630 (570–700) 660 (595–705) .468 this study to be unexpectedly high, at
Gestation, wk 58%. Factors significantly associated
22 2 (3) 5 (6) .774
with the presence of a voice disorder
23 19 (28) 24 (27)
24 46 (69) 58 (67) included a history of more than 5 epi-
Duration of ventilation, d 40 (29–57) 51 (36–60) .013 sodes of endotracheal intubation and
ETT frequencya 5 (3–7) 6 (4–7) .140 female gender. Garten et al19 found
Maximum ETT size, mma
2.5 33 (49) 29 (41) .154 dysphonia at 12 months of age in 6.6%
3.0 30 (45) 41 (58) in ELBW infants; however, their use of
3.5 4 (6) 1 (1) an “in-house” perceptual dysphonia
Maximum ETT ratioa 4.2 (3.9–4.6) 4.1 (3.7–4.5) .382
Surgical ligation of PDA 3 (4.5) 1 (1) .318 score rather than a standardized au-
Data represent median (interquartile range) or n (%). ditory perceptual measure, along with
a Missing data in 16 not tested children.
a much younger study population,
makes it difficult to draw comparisons
severe voice abnormality on the GRBAS Simultaneous modeling of de- between their results and those
measure (Fig 1). Parents of children mographic and intubation character- obtained by this study.
with moderate to severe voice abnor- istics showed an increased odds of Unilateral vocal fold paralysis has been
mality reported higher impact on moderate-severe voice abnormality found in more than half of ELBW infants
quality of life in each of the 3 areas (all for children who had a history of more undergoing surgical ligation of the
P values , .001). than 5 intubations (OR 6.96, 95% CI 2.07– PDA,13 and this has been shown to be
On univariate analyses, moderate- 23.40, P = .002) and for girls relative to a persisting problem into adulthood23
severe voice abnormality was asso- boys (OR 3.46, 95% CI 1.12–10.62, P = with voice problems and hoarseness
ciated with female gender, longer .030) Maximum tube size and total du- as the most frequent findings. However
duration of intubation, higher fre- ration of intubation were not signifi- surgical ligation of the PDA is rarely
quency of intubation, and maximum cant in the multivariable model carried out in our service, and oc-
tube size (Table 3). There were no dif- (P values .438 and .810 respectively). curred in only 4 of the 154 survivors in
ferences in the frequency or duration this study, and therefore did not play
of intubation, maximum tube size, or DISCUSSION a significant part in the voice problems
maximum ETT ratio between boys and Although voice disorder of a mild de- of this cohort.
girls (all P values . .05). gree is common in healthy children,24 The results of this study suggest that
laryngeal injury as a result of endo-
tracheal intubation in the neonatal
TABLE 2 Voice Characteristics, Term and Extremely Preterm Children period may persist into childhood, in
Characteristic Term Born Extremely Preterm contrast to previous reports that mild-
n = 40 n = 67 moderate injuries sustained from in-
tubation may self-resolve.12 Histologic
Age, y 9 (8–11; 6–15) 11 (8–13; 6–15)
Male, n (%) 23 (58) 32 (48) changes affecting the cricoarytenoid
G severity rating, n (%)a joint have been shown after in-
Normal 22 (56) 4 (6) tubation17 and other studies have in-
Mild 17 (41) 24 (36)
Moderate 1 (3) 36 (54) dicated the incidence of laryngeal
Severe 0 (0) 3 (4) injury as high as 95%,8,9,12 supporting
Mean-GRBASa 0 (0–0.4; 0–1.8) 1.4 (0.6–1.8; 0–2.4) our findings that children born ex-
Functional 2 (0–5; 0–11) 9 (3–15; 0–28) tremely preterm and intubated fre-
Physical 0 (0–1; 0–7) 8 (2–15; 0–34) quently are at increased risk for voice
Emotional 0 (0–1.5; 0–6) 4 (1–12; 0–28) disorders during later childhood.
Total 3 (0–6; 0–21) 22 (6–39; 0–90)
Data represent median (interquartile range; range) or n (%), as appropriate.
Several studies of laryngeal injury after
a P , .001. neonatal intubation have found an

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of the intubation factors postulated by

other authors as contributing to la-
ryngeal injury. Our study suggests that
a history of .5 episodes of endotra-
cheal intubation was more predictive
of a voice disorder in childhood than
the duration of intubation. The number
of intubation episodes has been found
to be associated with laryngeal injury
by several authors.8,10,12,18 Each epi-
sode can be associated with trauma to
the airway; however, it is often difficult
to examine the contribution of traumatic
intubation because of inconsistencies
of documentation. Complicated intu-
bation, defined as .2 attempts, bleed-
ing postprocedure, or visualization of
swollen anatomic structures, was the
only clear factor found in the study by
Garten et al19 to be a significant pre-
dictor of vocal dysfunction in extremely
preterm neonates assessed at 1 year of
age. In this study, we were not able to
reliably determine from chart review
the degree of difficulty of intubation.
In our study, assessing the size of the ETT
FIGURE 1 relative to the size of the infant, by using
pVHI scores for functional, physical, and emotional subscales in the normal to mild (n = 28) and the maximum ETT ratio, did not show
moderate to severe (n = 39) voice disorder groups.
a correlation with the subsequent
presence of a voice disorder, despite
association between prolonged dura- to the larynx visualized on laryngos- previous hypotheses proposed to that
tion of intubation and the presence of copy at least 1 week post extubation. effect.32 A follow-up study performed by
injury.9,10,12,15–17 Fan et al12 found that However, Albert et al11 performed Sherman and Nelson14 that examined
intubation for longer than 7 days was a similar prospective study and found the rates of subglottic stenosis after
associated with moderate-major injury no significant association between any the implementation of an ETT protocol
dictating the “appropriate size” of ETT,
TABLE 3 Voice Abnormality: Univariate Associations With Birth and Intubation Characteristics reported the incidence of subsequently
Characteristic Grade of Hoarseness P Value diagnosed stenosis to be significantly
Normal-Mild Moderate-Severe reduced. Appropriate size was de-
termined as being the tube diameter
n = 28 n = 39
divided by the infant’s gestational age
Gestational age at birth, wk 24 (24–24; 22–24) 24 (23–24; 22–24) .206
in weeks being less than 0.1. The size of
Birth weight, g 660 (569–728; 470–885) 625 (574–686; 445–790) .392
Male gender 18 (64) 14 (36) .022 ETT chosen by a treating neonatologist
Total intubations is influenced by a number of factors,
1–5 23 (82) 16 (41) .001
however, primarily to provide effective
.5 5 (18) 23 (59)
Maximum tube size, mm ventilation.
2.5 18 (64) 15 (39) .037 The presence of voice disorders in
3.0/3.5 10 (36) 24 (61)
Maximum ETT ratio 4.0 (3.6–4.5; 3.2–5.3) 4.2 (4.0–4.5; 3.6–7.2) .160 childhood is recognized as having an
Total ETT duration, d 33 (17–42; 2–70) 44 (33–61; 17–92) .006 impact on long-term voice use, influ-
Data represent median (interquartile range; range) or n (%), as appropriate. encing social and academic function in

PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 3, March 2013 e737

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childhood27 and influencing career require intubation. Second, despite the longer duration of ventilation in the un-
options in adulthood.28,33 Many of the good inter- and intrarater reliability of tested children may reflect our exclusion
extremely preterm children in this the GRBAS tool in this and other stud- criteria of more disabled children who
study have ongoing difficulties with ies,29 this was a subjective assessment may have been sicker in the neonatal
health, development, and learning and in which the examiners were not blin- period. Selection bias could lead this
the pVHI results indicate that their ded to the identity or the gestational study to either overestimate or under-
voice abnormalities result in additional age at birth of the participants; how- estimate the true prevalence of voice
functional and emotional difficulties. ever, neonatal data were not available disorder in this population; however, even
We demonstrated an increased risk of to the examiners at the time of voice in the unlikely event of all untested chil-
voice disorder in female children, but assessment. Third, the group studied dren born at ,25 weeks having a normal
were not able to identify any difference in were ,50% of the identified target voice, this study would indicate a rate of
neonatal or intubation risk factors be- population and therefore may not be voice disorder far higher than has pre-
tween boys and girls and we do not have representative of all survivors of pre- viously been recognized. Finally, this study
an explanation for thisfinding atpresent. term birth at ,25 weeks from 1996 to did not correlate voice abnormality with
There were several limitations of this 2004; however, we are able to identify an assessment of laryngeal pathology.
study. First, the population of infants all survivors at these gestations in Some of our more severely affected chil-
delivered at ,25 weeks is a very small Western Australia, and have not dem- dren have had detailed laryngeal assess-
proportion of intubated newborns and onstrated major differences in neo- ments, but systematic assessment of
further studies are needed to de- natal morbidity, intubation history, or moderate/severe voice abnormality in-
termine the extent of voice disorders in ventilation between participating and cluding videostroboscopy may be useful
children of older gestational ages who nonparticipating preterm children. The for future studies.

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PEDIATRICS Volume 131, Number 3, March 2013 e739

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Voice Abnormalities at School Age in Children Born Extremely Preterm
Noel French, Rona Kelly, Shyan Vijayasekaran, Victoria Reynolds, Jodi Lipscombe,
Ali Buckland, Jean Bailey, Elizabeth Nathan and Suzanne Meldrum
Pediatrics 2013;131;e733; originally published online February 18, 2013;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-0817
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References This article cites 29 articles, 3 of which can be accessed free
Citations This article has been cited by 1 HighWire-hosted articles:
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Fetus/Newborn Infant
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PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

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and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point Boulevard, Elk
Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2013 by the American Academy of Pediatrics. All
rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.

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Voice Abnormalities at School Age in Children Born Extremely Preterm
Noel French, Rona Kelly, Shyan Vijayasekaran, Victoria Reynolds, Jodi Lipscombe,
Ali Buckland, Jean Bailey, Elizabeth Nathan and Suzanne Meldrum
Pediatrics 2013;131;e733; originally published online February 18, 2013;
DOI: 10.1542/peds.2012-0817

The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is
located on the World Wide Web at:

PEDIATRICS is the official journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics. A monthly

publication, it has been published continuously since 1948. PEDIATRICS is owned,
published, and trademarked by the American Academy of Pediatrics, 141 Northwest Point
Boulevard, Elk Grove Village, Illinois, 60007. Copyright © 2013 by the American Academy
of Pediatrics. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 0031-4005. Online ISSN: 1098-4275.

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