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Admittance Matrix Formulation

Neilmer E. Lahoylahoy & Ray Kevin L. Acas

Electrical Engineering Department of the College of Engineering and Technology
Mindanao State University – Iligan Institute of Technology
Andres Bonifacio Ave, Iligan City, 9200, Philippines, kevin

Abstract—The paper deals with basic concepts and principles off-diagonal elements.
of power flow analysis. Mainly, node-voltage equation is formu-
lated, and a MATLAB function named ybus is developed for
the systematic formulation of bus admittance matrix. The goal
is not only to develop a high-level program through MATLAB
that enables users to develop a program that will formulate Bus
Admittance Matrix but also to be able to understand common
data format used in solving load flow problems. The program Fig. 1. Max Number of Buses, Max Branches in the System
utilized basic MATLAB functions. Upon formulation, using high-
level programming language, this program highlights easy and
The diagonal terms of Y, the sum of all branch admittances
interactive analysis of power flow analysis.
Index Terms—Bus Admittance Matrix, MATLAB, Tap chang- connected directly to the corresponding bus. Given the equa-
ers, Load flow tion below:

In a power system, Bus Admittance Matrix represents the
nodal admittances of the various buses. With the help of the
transmission line, each bus is connected to the various other
buses. Admittance matrix is used to analyse the data that is
Fig. 2. Self or Driving Point Admittance
needed in the load or a power flow study of the buses. It
explains the admittance and the topology of the network.
The off-diagonal elements of Y, is the negative sum of
The following are the advantages of the bus admittance matrix.
all branch admittances connected directly between the cor-
responding busses.
The Ybus or also know as the bus admittance matrix
gives the relationships between all the bus currents injections,
I, and all the bus voltages, V, I = Ybus V. The Ybus is
developed by applying KCL to each bus in the system to
relate the bus current injections, the bus voltages, and the
Fig. 3. Mutual or Transfer Admittance
branch impedances and admittances. In order to obtain the
node-voltage equations, consider the simple power system On the given line data, the first two columns are the
shown below where impedances are expressed in per unit line bus numbers, categorized by: ’from bus’ and ’to
on a common MVA base and for simplicity resistances are bus’, respectively. The remaining four columns contain
neglected. Since the nodal solution is based upon Kirchhoff’s line resistance, reactance, line charging admittance and its
current law, impedances are converted to admittances. transformer tap data, respectively.
In the program, the line impedance are converted to ad-
Most power system networks are analyzed by first forming mittance. Direct solution is applied for getting its inverse
the admittance matrix. Upon formatting the admittance matrix impedance, i.e. y = 1/z, which is based on the triangular
is based upon Kirchhoff’s current law (KCL), and it is easily factorization and Gaussian elimination. Thus, it is superior
formed and very sparse. Program considered input buses and and numerical accuracy. Then admittance is initialized to zero.
its length/given branches. Fig.1 command, enables us to get The numerical length of the branch determines the iteration
the highest number of given bus for it will serve us to know of the loop. In the first loop Fig.5, the line data is searched,
the n by n matrix on our ybus formulation, as well us the and the off-diagonal elements are entered. Finally, in a nested
second command deals with the formation of diagonal and loop Fig.6, line data is searched to find elements connected
to a bus, and the diagonal elements are thus formed. The easy-to-use programming environment where problems and
program returns bus admittance matrix. Tap changers is added solutions are expressed in familiar mathematical notation.
to diagonal elements of bus admittance matrix if given. The challenging part of the program is on how to display
admittance matrix on a text file. But thanks, to dlmwrite, which
enables us to print in text file the output complex matrix in
coloumn and order.

Fig. 4. Line Input Data

Fig. 7. Example 1

Fig. 5.

Fig. 8. Result

The most important information obtained from the load flow
analysis is the voltage profile of the system. Load flow studies
are used to determine how much reactive compensation should
be applied at a bus,to bring its voltage up to an appropriate
Fig. 6. level. Familiarity and understanding of parameters data format
on power system will advance in load flow problems. The
III. T ESTING formulate code in MATLAB can solve and read inputs to
The program requires input data. Saved as text file format. automatically solve the unknowns. As a result of this paper,
As said, the given data should follow the categorize format. it will be able to display the correct bus admittance matrix.
Having six(6) columns, first two(2) columns, are the buses,
the rest are the parameters of the line. Line data input is
exclusive only for its values/parameters for the program reads
only numerical data. Save it as ’.txt’. As the program execute,
it prompts the user to specify the name of input text file.
Syntax dlmread reads from the ASCII-delimited numeric data
file, import string data. The program only execute admittance
bus, means from logical buses only, neglecting generator buses
Given the sample line data below. The program runs
automatically after inputting the filename of the sample
parameter/data. For the sake of discussion, sample data on
Fig.7. With five branches and the maximum bus is four. As
expected in our program, admittance matrix, as a result, it
will generate a 4x4 complex matrix.

MATLAB is a high-performance language for technical

computing that can be used in this activity. Matlab is an

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