Formation Permeability Damage Induced by Completion Brines

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Formation Permeability

Damage Induced by
Completion Brines
Mehdl Azari, SPE, Halliburton Reservoir Services and
"'.M. Leimkuhler, Shell Offshore Inc. '

Summary. In a laboratory study to Introduction Khilar 8 showed that for clay-bearing

determine permeability changes in- To control formation pressure during work- sandstones, a critical salt saturation (CSS)
over operations, kill-weight fluids are pre- exists below which clays start to disperse.
duced by flooding large Berea and Sharma et al. 17 supported the CSS theory
pared by suspending insolubles in the fluid
Gasper sandstone cores with NaGI by demonstrating that particle-release and
or by dissolving soluble salts in water to
and KGI brine, the concentration of make a clear brine. Using suspended parti- particle-deposition regimes-functions of the
each brine was incrementally in- cles may lead to formation plugging, requir- electrostatic potential between the clay and
ing additional acidizing of the well. Often pore-wall surfaces and the fluid velocity-
creased from 0 to 22 wt% and then exist. The electrostatic potential is controlled
the best alternative to control formation
decreased from 22 to 0 wt%. In both pressures during workovers is a kill-weight partly by the ionic strength of the pore
sandstones, the permeability to KGI fluid composed of a clear NaCI or KCI fluids. 17 As the pore-fluid salinity declines
brine. Brine densities up to 9.8 Ibm/gal ionic strength decreases to where the releas~
brines increased noticeably with in- regime dominates the depositional regime
[1174 kg/m3] can be produced by NaCI or
creases in KGI concentration up to 10 and dispersion occurs. This point closely
KCI brines.
wt%. Permeability remained at the corresponds to the CSS determined by
The composition of completion and injec-
higher levels throughout the re- tion fluids rarely matches that of the forma-
mainder of each flood until a critically tion water. Because of the difficulty and cost
Clay Minerai Influences on
of duplicating the exact formation-water
low salinity level was reached, where Permeability
composition, a composition contrast often
dispersion of the interstitial fines took exists between the two fluids. Several Formation permeability changes are often
place. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis authors 1-13 have reported the effects ofvar- the result of the amount, location, and type
ious completion brines on sandstone perme- of clay minerals in the formation. The
of the produced formation fines and amount of clay minerals in a formation can
ability. Their studies were limited to either
scanning electron micrographs of the singular brine concentrations, 1-6 a series of be a misleading indicator of potential perme-
sandstone pore surfaces indicated low brine concentrations «6wt%), 7-11 or ability changes. The relative abundance of
high-density calcium and zinc bromide specific clay types in the matrix and pore
that the improved permeability was
brines. 12,13 Coreflooding experiments in- spaces must be known in addition to the total
primarily a result of alteration of illite in amount of clays present.
vestigating the permeability change as NaCl
the clay minerals in the sandstones. and KCI brine concentrations vary between Moore 18 demonstrated that a sand with
o wt% and saturation have not been pub- < 4 wt % clay minerals could have an ap-
lished. preciable amount of its pore spaces (> 20 %)
Early studies concerned primarily the filled with clay. Almon 19 showed that
relationships between swelling and salini- some pores may be entirely lined with authi-
ty.14-16 As the pore-fluid salinity decreas- genic clays so that the pore fluids do not con-
TABLE 1-FORMATION MINERAL es, osmotic forces allow water layers to be tact the large quartz, feldspar, or carbonate
COMPOSITION (wt%)* grains. Numerous acid jobs and waterfloods
added to the interlayer region. The salinity
level also affects the bound or crystalline have had disastrous results because the en-
Mineral Berea Casper gineer or geologist failed to recognize the
water on the clay surfaces.
Quartz 84 51 i~portan~e of the location of certain clay
Baptist and Sweeney 7 were the first to
Clay minerals 10 17 mmerals m the formation. 19
conclude that the absence of 2: 1 montmoril-
Kaolinite 76 63 Grim 20 showed the replacement order of
Illite lonites. does not guarantee that a sandstone
20 34 one monovalent cation for another to be
Chlorite 4 3 is insensitive to water. They reported per-
Li+ <Na+ <K+ <H+. For example, in
Mixed layer Trace Trace meability reductions up to 60% in "non-
pore fluids with equal equivalent fractions
100 100 swelling" cores flooded with fresh water
of K + and Na + , more K + will occupy the
after saturation with 2% NaCI brine.
Dolomite 1 28 exchange sites than Na + . Not all the Na +
Calcite 1
Mungan 6 demonstrated that dispersion of
1 will be removed.
Siderite 1 Trace any clay is possible when monovalent cat-
When the clay lattices align in booklets,
K-Feldspars 3 3 ions are on the exchange sites. This classifies
the exchange sites sreated in the opposing
most sandstones containing any type of clay
100 100 layers ar~ about 2.8A [0.28 nm] in diameter
as water-sensitive. and 2.4A [0.24 nm] deep. 21 The closer the
·Whole rock analysis by powder XRD. Clay analysis
by oriented XRD. monovalent cation's diameter is to 2.8A
Copyright 1990 Society of Petroleum Engineers [0.28 nmj, the lower the degree of bond-
486 April 1990 • JPT
Fig. i-Berea sandstone pore space. Fig. 2-Casper sandstone pore space.

angle realignment within the clay lattice re- This is true of most divalent cations. Col-
quired to accept the ion on the exchange lapse of the clay lattices around the exchange
site. 22 This explains why K + (diameter sites also occurs with potassium. Although
2.66A [0.27 nm]) is preferred to Na + (di- potassium is monovalent, it is large enough
ameter 1.90A [0.19 nm])23 on the ex- to fit nicely into the excha:nge sites created
change site. by two opposing clay platelets.
When both monovalent and divalent cat- All cations tend to surround themselves
ions are in solution, for a constant divalent/ with jackets of polar water molecules. The
monovalent concentration ratio, the divalent degree of cation hydration depends on the
cation will be preferred on the exchange site valency and size of the cations and the ion
at low concentrations, while the monovalent concentration in the water phase. 23 In
cation will be preferred at high concentra- general, the stronger the charge density of
tions. If the concentration of one cation is the cation, the larger the water jacket. So-
held constant, the degree of preference for dium's higher charge density allows it to
the other cation will increase or decrease surround itself with twice as many water
with its concentration. molecules as potassium. When sodium is
drawn to the exchange site, the interlayer
Clay Swelling. Clays swell by two estab- water, and therefore swelling, is greatly in- "The amount of clay
lished mechanisms. The first is known as creased. Divalent cations tend to have even
larger water jackets than sodium. Because
minerals in a formation
crystalline adsorption of water. 24 All clays,
including illite and kaolinite,25.26 adsorb of their tendency to collapse the clays around can be a misleading
some water in this manner. This highly or- the exchange site, however, they limit the indicator of potential
dered crystalline water is held tightly to the amount of interlayer water present between
clay surfaces. The second swelling mecha- clay lattices. permeability changes.
nism, often called free or osmotic swelling, The relative abundance
results from concentration imbalances be- Clay Dispersion. Clay platelets and book- of specific clay types
tween the ions held at the exchange sites on lets often line the walls of pore surfaces.
the clays and the solute content of the con- Dispersion is the separation of clay plate- in the matrix and pore
tacting fluid. 21 When the ionic concentra- lets from the pore surfaces or other plate- spaces must be known
tion in the interlayer region between the clay lets. Once the clays disperse, they are free in addition to the total
platelets is greater than the ionic concentra- to move and can form small filter cakes at
tion in the contacting fluid, the clay will pore constrictions. 2 Dispersion of small amount of clays
swell. Water is drawn into the interlayer amounts of clay can cause serious formation present."
region, increasing the effective size of the damage. Because of this phenomenon, par-
clay/water system. ticle dispersion and migration present a
Exchangeable cations affect swelling in greater problem than clay swelling in sand-
two ways: (1) the exchangeable cations stone reservoirs.
bring a fixed amount of associated water
with them when they enter the interlayer Flow-Revers•• Effects
region, and (2) the size of the exchangeable After a formation has been damaged through
cation may allow the opposing clay lattices foreign fluid invasion, some of the perme-
to collapse around the exchange sites. Once ability can be restored when production re-
the two clay platelets collapse, their tenden- sumes. Hewitt lO recovered 60% of the
cy to swell is decreased. All cations that lie original permeability in Nugget sandstone
between two clay platelets are interlayer cat- cores that lost 98 % of their permeability ow-
ions. The collapse of two clay lattices around ing to freshwater dispersion. Khilar 8 re-
the exchange site occurs when the elec- covered 83 % of the original permeability of
trostatic forces between the clay surfaces and Berea sandstone cores similarly damaged.
the exchangeable cations becomes great Both Hewitt and Khilar used re-exposure to
enough to force out the interlayer water. NaCI brines (4 to 6 wt%) to recover per-

JPT • April 1990 487

Fig. 3-Casper sandstone pore wall surfaces with intermixed Fig. 4-Berea sandstone kaolinite clay platelets.
dolomite and kaolinite crystals.

meability. Khilar reported that two mecha- cm]). The Casper sandstone contains more The cores used in this study (3.7-in.
nisms are responsible for the improvement clay minerals in the pore spaces than Berea [9.5-cm] diameter, 3.4-in. [8.7-cmllength)
in permeability: reduction of swelling in sandstone. Secondary dolomite grains are were at least 10 times larger than cores in
swelling clays and redeposition of clays on also intermixed with the authigenic clays. previous studies. 6 ,7,9,I0,12 The larger cores
the pore walls when salinity returns to previ- Table 1 presents results of the entire rock allowed a greater amount of movable fines
ous'levels. For these two processes to take XRD analysis for Berea and Casper sand- to be collected for X-ray analysis. The small
place, the clays must contact the formation stones. The major differences between the cores used in past studies (0.7-in. [1.9-cm]
water. If clays are simply moved to the con- two formations are the higher percentages diameter, I-in. [2.5-cm] length) produced
striction at the opposite end of the pore, of dolomite and clay minerals in the Casper amounts of movable fines that were too
before recontacting the higher-salinity for- sandstone. small for representative X-ray analysis.
mation water, the permeability will remain The scanning electron microscope (SEM)
significantly damaged. images confirm the XRD results of higher Experimental Apparatus
clay concentration in the Casper sandstone. Fig. 6 is a diagram of the complete ex-
Formations Tested Fig. 1 shows the relatively clean surfaces perimental apparatus. Because of the highly
Two formations, Berea and Casper sand- of the Berea pores, with only scattered clay corrosive brines being used, all the compo-
stones, were selected for testing. Berea particles adhering to the pore walls. In con-
nents in contact with the fluids were either
sandstone has a homogeneous permeability trast, the Casper sandstone pores presented stainless steel, teflon, or plastic.
and porosity and contains such dispersible in Fig. 2 appear to be almost full of clays
The paraffin-coated core was enclosed in
clays as kaolinite, illite, and minimal mont- and rhombohedral dolomite crystals. Fig. 3
a rubber sleeve, and a 25-psig [l72.4-kPa]
morillonite and chlorite. Casper sandstone, shows that the dolomite crystals are inter-
overburden pressure prevented any radial
used as a building material, was obtained mixed with the clay booklets lining the
fluid flow. Initially, before brines were in-
from a quarry north of Laramie, WY. Be- Casper sandstone pore walls. Fig. 4 illus-
troduced into the core, overburden pressure
cause of extensive crossbedding, all the trates the kaolinite clay platelets in Berea
was monitored for 30 minutes. If any leaks
Casper cores were cut from as small an area sandstone. Fig. 5 exhibits the illite laths in
were detected, the core was disassembled
as possible (1 x I x2 ft [30.5 x30.5 x61 Casper sandstone.
and the seals checked. Special O-ring de-
signs effectively prevented any fluid flow
around the core. An Omega OM 205™
data logger provided a printout of the inlet,
outlet, and overburden pressures every 12
minutes. Pressures were recorded to 0.01
psi [0.07 kPa]. The accuracy of the pressure
measurements was verified by measuring the
hydrostatic pressure between transducers
under static conditions.
Filtration problems were eliminated by
use of commercial fIlter packs developed for
filtering plasma solutions. All fluids were
filtered by a Millipore™ 0.22-Jtm filter ini-
tially and after exiting the pump.
All brines were placed on a 23-in. [58-cm]
vacuum (11.3 psi [78 kPal) to allow any en-
trained air in the fluids to break out of the
solution. A 5-psig [34.5-kPa] average pres-
sure prevented any entrained air from break-
ing out of the brine inside the core.
Each brine concentration was pumped
through the core for a minimum of 6 hours.
If the core permeability was not stable over
the last 2 hours of the period, flooding con-
Fig. 5-Casper sandstone illite laths. tinued until the permeability stabilized. Sta-

488 April 1990 • JPT

bility was defined as no measurable trend
in permeability over a 2-hour period. Be-
cause flow rates were held constant, stability
Heedle Ualue
Preeeure Transducer
was easily determined from recorded

Permeability Relationships
Ouerburden Rir_....;;;~_ _
The permeability data are expressed in terms Pressure Li ne
of permeability ratio klk i , where k i = initial
permeability to distilled water established at
the start of each coreflood.

Berea Sandstone/NaCI Brine. Figs. 7 and

8 show the results for two Berea cores
flooded with NaCI brines. In all the Berea
cores, permeability increased as the NaCl
brine concentration was increased from 0 to
10%. From 10 to 22%, the permeability
either remained constant at a higher level
(Core 1) or continued to increase (Core 2). Strip Chart
In cores where the NaCl brine concentration Not Drawn to scale Recorder
was reduced incrementally (Core 2), perme-
ability decreased approximately along the
same trend established earlier by the increas-
Fig. 6-Layout of experimental apparatus.
ing brine concentrations. This repeatability
difference is the magnitude of permeability sites further collapses the edges of the iHite
indicates that for Berea sandstone, permea-
improvement. For Berea sandstones, perme- platelets around the exchange sites. The col-
bility is a function of the NaCl concen-
ability improved 7 to 18 % with NaCI floods, lapsed illite is more uniform and less sus-
while improvements as high as 30 % were ceptible to swelling. At lower levels of
The NaCI concentration can affect perme-
ability in two ways. First, as the NaCI brine associated with KCl floods. The hysteresis swelling, the repulsion forces associated
concentration increases, the amount of water effect and higher level of permeability im- with the electrical double layer are not as
between the clay platelets decreases. As the provement indicate that mechanisms other great as when Na + is on the exchange
clay/water system achieves osmotic equilib- than reduction of clay swelling took place sites. This reduces the dispersion tendency
rium, water is drawn from between the clay when Berea sandstone cores were flooded of the clay/water system in the pores.
platelets. If the amount of water associated with KCl brines. These mechanisms will be
with the clays is decreased, the effective size covered in detail in the discussion of XRD Casper Sandstone/NaCI Brine. Results
of the clay minerals decreases. This in- data. similar to the Berea/NaCl floods generally
creases the effective flow area within the When the KCl brine concentration was re- were obtained for Casper sandstones flooded
pore spaces. Second, NaCI places Na + on duced from 1 to 0%, dispersion and migra- with NaCI brines (Fig. 10). Approximately
the exchange sites of the clays. In Berea tion of clay particles occurred. The the same permeability ratio curve obtained
sandstone, Ca +2 and Mg +2 are initially on permeability damage after KCI floods was when the NaCI brine concentration was iq-
the exchange sites of the clays. 6,' In this lower than the dispersion damage after NaCI creased to 22 % was followed when brine
state, the clay platelets do not disperse in floods. After the core permeability stabilized concentration was incrementally decreased
fresh water; thus a reference permeability, to the distilled water, 60 % of the original from 22 to 0.5 %. This indicates that rever-
k i , is established with distilled water. When permeability remained. KCl probably had sible clay swelling controls the relationship
NaCI brines are passed through the core, the greatest effect on illite clays. By flooding between NaCI concentration and permeabil-
Na + becomes the dominant cation on the the core with high levels of KCl, most of ity for both Casper al1d I}erea sandstones.
exchange sites. The Na + increases the the exchangeable cations on the illite clays The major difference between Berea/
clays' tendency to disperse when the core were replaced by K + . Reed * has demon- NaCI and Casper/NaCI floods is the
is exposed to fluids with salinities below the strated that additional K + on the exchange decrease in permeability of the Casper core
CSS. Clay dispersion and migration oc-
curred between 0.5 and 0% NaCI in all
Berea sandstone cores flooded with NaCl "" ,------------------------------------,
brine. This caused a total loss of permea- (\j

bility in all cores. The dantaged permeability

values given in Figs. 7 and 8 are the last un- 0<

stable values measured before the pressure ~ ~-~ - ~- -- - - - - - -- - _.. - -- _. - - -- - -- - -- -- - - ....... -- -

limit of the seals was exceeded. o

~ co
([ 22%' ~O% NaCI In One- .~\:.I'l'
Berea Sandstone/KCl Brine. Fig. 9 shows ~

U) "
the change in permeability of Berea sand- ~~ 0
" /

"'-~ ....... /'

stone for brine concentrations from 0 to 22 H

f!l. ~ ~---------~

wt% KCl. The brine permeability increased Ie Core: # 1 Berea Sandstone.

L 0
Porosity: 0.21, k,~525md
as the KCI concentration was increased from Flow Rate: 8.0 cc/min.
oto 10%. However, in contrastto the NaCI '"
IL (\j

Flow Time: 6 Hrs/Conc.
brine floods, the permeability of the core re- o

/..;;- Final Permeability 2.0 md. (Unstable)

mained at the higher level even after flood- o
ing with lower KCl concentrations. Another o 2 4 6 8 10 12
14 16 18 20 22
NaCI Concentration (% of Total Weight)

• Personal communication with M.G. Reed. Chevron Oil

Field Research Co .• La Habra. CA. Jan.-March 1987. Fig. 7-Permeability ratio VS. NaCI concentration for Berea sandstone, Core 1.

JPT • April 1990 489


Core:#2 Berea Sandstone. ~ to A_/-Flnal Permeability 325 md. (Stable)

Porosity: 0.22, k,=496 md
Flow Rate: B. 0 cc/min "_1
-" " Flow Time: 6.0 Hrs/Conc.

Core: #3 Berea Sandstone.
'- '"
a: 0 Porosity: 0.195,k,=546.4md
~ (\J w Flow Rate: 8.0 cc/min
Q. ru
o Stabilization Time >2.0 Hrs

2 4 6 B 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2 4 6 8 10 12 j.j 16 18 20 22
NaCI Brine Concentration (% of Total Weight) KC] Concentration (% of Total Weight)

Fig. 8-Permeability ratio VS. NaCI concentration for Berea sand- Fig. 9-Permeability ratio VS. KCI concentration for Berea sand-
stone, Core 2. stone, Core 3.

as the NaCI brine concentration is increased the clay platelets increases. Once Na + be- sion damage relative to the NaCI floods.
from 0 to 4 % and the subsequent increase comes the dominant exchange-site cation, Collapse of the illites around the K + placed
ip permeability as the NaCI concentration the amount of water between the platelets in the outer exchange sites appears to have
increased above 4 %. The permeability is controlled by osmotic forces. As the brine taken place in Casper as well as Berea sand-
decrease could be a result of experimental concentration continues to increase, osmotic stones.
variation of the data. Alymore and Quirk 26 forces increase and swelling decreases.
examined the relationship between swelling As the NaCI brine concentration was re- XRD Analysis of Movable
in kaolinites and NaCI brine concentrations. duced to 0 %, the permeability of the Casper CI"y Minerals
In one kaolinite sample examined, the water core was totally damaged, as in the During the brine-concentration/permeability
associated with the kaolinite slightly in- Berea/NaCl floods. This was expected be- experiments, movable fines were suspended
creased and then decreased as the NaCI con- cause the clay mineralogy of the Casper in the produced fluids only during the initial
centration increased. If the kaolinite in the generally is similar to that of the Berea sand- and final freshwater floods. In both sand-
Casper sandstone behaves similarly, the ob- stone (Table I). stones, the ampunt of movable fines in the
served inversion in permeability trend with produced fluids was greater during the final
increasing NaCI concentration would be re- Casper Sandstone/KCI Brine. The perme- freshwater floods. This is a result of greater
lated to kaolinite swelling. ability behavior of Casper sandstone flooded clay dispersion of fresh water after the cores
A second possible explanation for the in- with KCI brines reinforced the relationships were flooded with KCI and NaCl brines.
itial decrease in permeability relates swell- established by the Berea/KCI brine floods. Mungan 6 showed that dispersion of any
ing levels to the dominapt exchangeable As the KCI concentration increased to 8 %, clay is possible when monovalent cations are
cation on the clays. At one time, the the permeability ratio increased to a maxi- present on the exchange sites. When the
Ca + 2 /Na + ratio in the pore fluids of the rnllm value (Fig. 11). While the increase is Na + and K + replaced the Ca +2 and
Casper sandstone may have been higher than small ( "" 4 %), it is significant. Once perme- Mg + 2 on the exchange sites, the dispersion
that in the Berea sandstone. As a result, the ability increased to this level, it did not vary tendencies of the clays increased.
equivalent fraction Ca +2 on the exchange appreciably while the KCI brine concentra- For Berea sandstone, the composition of
sites of the clays would be higher in the tion was incrementally increased to 22 % and the movable fines did not change after expo-
Casper than in the Berea. As the NaCI brine then decreased to 0.5 %. sure to either NaCI or KCI brines (Table 2).
invades the Casper core, Na + with its large After the final distilled waterflood induced While only 20 % of the total clays in Berea
associated water jacket replaces Ca +2 and. dispersion of the clays, 59% of the original are illite (Table 1), about 69% of the mov-
Mg +2 on the exchange sites. When this permeability remained. As in Berea sand- able fines are illite clays (Table 2). The illite
reaction initially occurs, swelling between stone, the KCllimited the extent of disper- in Berea was more susceptible to migration

.~ ex:
+-' 0

cc Final Permeability
0 Core: 114 Casper Sandstone
/45 md. (Stable) 'C-o-re-:-#-5-C-as-p-e-r-S=-.-n-'-ds-t-o-ne---'
Porosity: 0.17. k, =77md.
Porosity: 0.17, k,=88 md .
Flow Rate: 6.0 cc/min.
"'"w " 0
Flow Rate: 5.5 cc/min. g " Flow Time: 6 Hrs/Conc.
E Flow Time: 6 Hrs/Conc. ~ 0 Stabilization Times >2 Hrs.
'- Stabilization Time >2 Hrs. '-
& C\J
n. (\J
o o
o /Fina] Permeability3.5md. (Unstable)

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
NaCI Brine Concentration (X of Total Weight) KC] Brine Concentration (% of Total Weight)

Fig. 10.....Permeability ratio VS. NaCI concentration for Casper Fig. 11-Permeability ratio VS. KCI concentration for Casper
sandstone, Cor~ 4. sandstone, Core 5.

490 April 1990 • JPT

than kaolinite before and after the NaCI and dencies of kaolinite. If this interaction is TABLE 2-MOVABLE FINES
KCI brine floods. reversible, any decrease in the swelling of ANALYSIS, BEREA SANDSTONE
During the initial freshwater floods in the illite should cause a greater decrease in the (Relative Percentage of Clay-Sized
Casper sandstone, the composition of the dispersion tendency of kaolinite relative to Minerai. Produced After
movable fines was primarily dolomite and illite. Swelling in illite has been shown to Fre.hwater Flood.)
kaolinite (Table 3). The amount of illite be reduced after exposure to KCI brines. 21
relative to the other minerals produced from The more stable illite, while still susceptible Clay Initial Post-NaCI Initial Post-KCI
to dispersion, may reduce the dispersion ten- Type Flood Flood Flood Flood
the cores during the initial freshwater flood
was minimal. After flooding with NaCI dencies of kaolinite. Illite 69 62 77 72
Kaolinite 25 29 17 19
brine, 26% of the fines dispersed by the Chlorite 6 9 6 9
fresh water were illite clays. The concentra- -
tion of illite in the movable fines increased Conclu.lon.
from 6 to 26 %. An even greater change took For Berea and Casper sandstones, as well
place after the KCI brine floods. The illite as other sandstones with similar mineralogy ,
concentration rose from a trace during the the following conclusions apply. TABLE 3-MOVABLE FINES
initial freshwater flood to 95 % of the mov- 1. In cores flooded with KCI or NaCI ANALYSIS, CASPER SANDSTONE
able fines in the final freshwater flood (Table brines of different concentrations, permea- (Relative Percentage of Clay.Slzed
3). This can occur by either greatly increas- bility increases as the brine concentration in- Minerai. In Sample)
ing the movable illite or decreasing the mov- creases to 10 wt%. For KCI floods, the
permeability increase results not only from Clay Initial Post-NaCI Initial Post-KCI
able dolomite and kaolinite in the sample. Flood Flood
Type Flood Flood
The dolomite concentration can be re- lower amounts of water associated with the
duced by greater removal of small dolomite clay minerals, but also from collapse of the Illite 6 26 Trace 95
illite clay platelets around the outer exchange Kaolinite 42 30 40 4
crystals during the initial freshwater floods Chlorite Trace Trace Trace Trace
or by dissolution of the dolomite crystals in sites. 44 60
the brines. The SEM images in Figs. 2 and 2. Increases in permeability associated -- -- -- - -
Dolomite 52
100 100 100 100

3 show that rhombohedral dolomite crystals with NaCI brine invasion are a function of
exist over a wide range of particle sizes. If the NaCI brine concentration. Upon re-
most of the smaller, easily movable dolomite exposure of the formation to lower NaCI
crystals are swept away by the initial fresh- brine concentrations, the permeability will
water floods, only the larger crystals remain. revert to lower levels.
The second mechanism consists of dis- 3. Permeability improvements are greater
solving the dolomite crystals in the brines. when KCI, rather than NaCI, is the invading
At first this reaction does not seem likely brine, provided that equal concentrations of
because dolomite dissolves slowly in fresh each brine are used.
water and even more slowly in saline 4. In low-salinity formations « 2 wt %
water. 27 While the brine pH (6.5 to 7.5) NaCI) , dispersion of clay particles may
occur after invasion by NaCI and KCI com-
was too high for acidic brine dissolution, the
pletion fluids. The permeability damage will
acidity may have come from the other min- be lower if KCI, rather than NaCI, brine was
erals present in the cores. Siderite, chlorite, used as the completion fluid.
and the dolomite end members of the dolo- 5. Permeability increases associated with
mite/ankerite solid solution series all contain KCI brine invasion may remain stable upon
some iron. As the brines flowed through the re-exposure to fluids of a lower salinity. The
cores, the iron in these minerals oxidized. "For KCI floods, the
degree of residual permeability improve-
Rust spots on the surfaces and inside the ment is a function of the type and amount permeability Increase
cores were observed. When the siderite (iron of clays present in the formation and the results not only from
carbonate) is oxidized, CO 2 is released: Na + /K + ratio of the formation brine. The
more illite in the formation and the lower
lower amounts of
2 FeC0 3 + lh0 2 +3H 20
the Na + /K + ratio of the formation brine, water associated with
~2 Fe(OHh +2 CO 2 , the greater the potential for residual in- the clay minerals, but
The CO 2 tends to combine with water to creases in permeability.
6. When Casper sandstone is exposed to also from collapse of
form carbonic acid, which reduces the pH.
The lower pH increases the solubility of a brine whose salinity is below the CSS, the Illite clay platelets
dolomite. Studies by NL Baroid 28 have prior exposure to KCI brine increases the around the outer
shown that iron oxidation rates are higher tendency of illite to disperse and migrate
in KCI brines than in NaCI brines over the relative to kaolinite. exchange sites."
full range of brine concentrations. 7. When Berea sandstone is flooded with
The high relative percentage of illite in the a brine whose salinity is below the CSS, pri-
post-KCI freshwater floods in Casper sand- or exposure to NaCI or KCI brines does not
affect the dispersion and migration of one
stone may also result from a decrease in the clay relative to other clays.
amount of kaolinite moving through the
core. The permeability damage resulting
from freshwater dispersion was considerably
less in both sandstones after flooding with Reference.
KCI brines. It may be possible that the KCI 1. Gray, D.H. and Rex, R.W.: "Fonnation
stabilized the kaolinite to a greater degree Damage in Sandstones Caused by Clay Dis-
persion and Migration," Proc" 14th Nat!.
than illite in Casper sandstone. Sharma et Clays and Clay Minerals Conference (1965)
al. 17 reported increased dispersion of kao- 69-81.
linite when illite is present. Although swell- 2. Reed, M.G.: "Stabilization of Fonnation
ing in illite is limited, it is enough to create Clays With Hydroxy-Aluminum Solutions,"
instabilities that increase the dispersion ten- JPT(July 1972) 860-64; Trans., AIME, 253.

JPT • April 1990 4-91

3. Veley, C.D.: "How Hydrolyzable Metal Ions 18. Moore, J .E.: "An Analysis of Clay Miner-
Authors React With Clays To Control Formation alogy Problems in Oil Recovery," Pet. Eng.
Water Sensitivity," JPT (Sept. 1969) (Feb. 1960) 32, 840-47.
1111-18. 19. Almon, W.R.: "Formation Damage and the
4. Monaghan, P.H. eta/.: "Laboratory Studies Crystal Chemistry of Clays, " Anadarko Pro-
of Formation Damage in Sands Containing duction Co., Denver (1982).
Clays," Trans., AIME (1959) 216, 209-15. 20. Grim, R.E.: Clay Mineralogy, McGraw-Hill
5. Reed, M.G.: "Formation Permeability Book Co., New York City (1986) 596.
Damage by Mica Alteration and Carbonate 21. O'Brien, D.E. and Chenevert, M.E.: "Sta-
Dissolution," JPT (Sept. 1977) 1056-60. bilizing Sensitive Shales With Inhibited,
6. Mungan, N.: "Permeability Reduction Due Potassium-Based Drilling Fluids," JPT (Sept.
to Salinity Changes," J. Cdn. Pet. Tech. 1973) 1089- 1100.
(July-Sept. 1968) 113-17. 22. Ravina, I. and Low, P.F.: "Relation Between
Azari Lelmkuhler 7. Baptist, O.C. and Sweeney, S.A.: "Effect of Swelling, Water Properties and b-Dimension
Clays on the Permeability of Reservoir Sands in Montmorillonite-Water Systems," Clays
Mehdl Azari Is a senior reservoir engi- to Various Saline Waters, Wyoming," Report and Clay Minerals (1972) 20, 109-23.
neer with Halliburton Reservoir Services No. 5180, U.S. Bureau of Mines, Washing- 23. Hower, W.F.: "Influence of Clays on the
In Dallas. He previously worked for Hal- ton, DC (Dec. 1955). Production of Hydrocarbons," paper SPE
liburton Services In Duncan, OK; as an 8. Khilar, K.C. and Fogler, S.H.: "Water Sen- 4785 presented at the 1974 SPE Symposium
assistant professor of petroleum engi- sitivity of Sandstones," SPEJ (Feb. 1983) on Formation Damage Control, New Orleans,
neering at the U. of Wyoming; for the 55-64. Feb. 7-8.
OSCO Computer Center In Abadan, Iran; 9. Jones, F.O. Jr.: "Influence of Chemical 24. Allen, T.O. and Roberts, A.P.: Production
and for the Natl. Iranian Gas Co. In Te- Composition of Water on Clay Blocking of Operations, second edition, Oil & Gas Con-
Permeability," JPT (April 1964) 441-46; sultants IntI. Inc., Tulsa (1982) 2.
heran. He holds a BS degree In chemi-
Trans., AIME, 231. 25. Routson, R.C., Kittrick, J.A., and Hope,
cal engineering from the Abadan Inst.
10. Hewitt, C.H.: "Analytical Techniques for E.H.: "Interlaxer Hydration and the Broaden-
of Technology and MS and PhD degrees
Recognizing Water-Sensitive Reservoir ing of the 10 A X-Ray Peak in Illite," Soil
In petroleum engineering from the U. of
Rocks," JPT (Aug. 1963) 813-18. Science (1972) 113, No.3, 167-73.
Southern California. Joseph M. Lelm- 11. Mungan, N.: "Permeability Reduction 26. Alymore, L.A. and Quirk, J.P.: "Adsorption
kuhler, an associate drilling engineer for Through Changes in pH and Salinity," JPT of Water and Electrolyte Solutions by Kaolin
Shell Offshore Inc. In New Orleans, (Dec. 1965) 1449-53; Trans., AIME, 234. Clay Systems," Soil Science (1966) 102, No.
previously worked for MI Drilling Fluids 12. Morgenthaler, L.N.: "Formation Damage 5, 339-45.
In Evanston, WV. He holds a BS degree Tests of High·Density Brine Completion 27. Bader, R.G. et al.: "Initial Reports of the
In geology from the U. of Montana and Fluids," SPEPE (Nov. 1986) 432-36. DSDP," U.S. Government Printing Office,
an MS degree In petroleum engineering 13. Allen, F.L. and Riley, S.M.: "Initial Study Washington, DC (1978) 4, 748-53.
from the U. of Wyoming. of Temperature and Pressure on Formation 28. NL Baroid Manual of Drilling Fluids Tech-
Damage by Completion Fluids," paper SPE nology, NL Industries Inc., Houston (1985)
12488 presented at the 1984 SPE Formation Chap. 10, 6-9.
Damage Control Symposium, Bakersfield,
CA, Feb. 13-14. 81 Metric Conversion Factor
14. Hughes, R.V. and Pfister, RJ.: "Advantages
of Brines in Secondary Recovery of Petrole- md x 9.869233 E-04 = ILm 2
um by Water Flooding," Trans., AIME
(1947) 170, 187-201. Provenance
15. Hughes, R. V.: "The Application of Modern Original SPE manuscript, Permeability
Clay Concepts to Oil Field Developments,"
Changes Resulting From Invasion of So-
Drill. & Prod. Prac., API (1950) 151-67.
16. Dodd, C.G., Conley, F.R., and Barnes, dium- and Potassium-Based Completion
P.M.: "Clay Minerals in Petroleum Reser- Brines in Berea and Casper Sandstones,
voir Sands and Water Sensitivity Effects," received for review Feb. 8, 1988. Paper ac-
Proc., Third Natl. Clays and Clay Minerals cepted for publication Nov. 15, 1989. Re-
Conference (1955) 505-15. vised manuscript received July 13, 1989.
17. Sharma, M.M., Yortsos, Y.C., and Handy, Paper (SPE 17149) first presented at the
L.L.: "Release and Deposition of Clays in 1988 SPE Formation Damage Control Sym-
Sandstones," paper SPE 13562 presented at posium held in Bakersfield, CA, Feb. 8-9.
the 1985 SPE Inti. Symposium on Oilfield and
Geothermal Chemistry, Phoenix, April 9-11. JPT

492 April 1990 • JPT

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