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Weekly Journal

Regular evaluation updates are required with every unit. Please remember to
take photos and get behind the scenes footage as you film. You might find it
easier if you note down a record of what you did each day in a diary form.

Please use the following guidance to help you with each week.

Week 1 This week you researched stop motion animation

What research have you I have researched what defines stop motion
completed this week and what animation and who pioneered it to begin with. I have
have you learned? also learned that it is a very time-consuming piece to
film with a lot of planning involved.
What materials did you consider I have considered using drawn backgrounds
using and why? alongside papercut animation to create a home
video-like effect.
How did the test animations help
you to choose the most suitable
material for your animation?
(provide screenshots that show
your practice methods)
What did you learn from your I learned from my planning how many photos it would
planning? How has it helped you take to complete the animation which has helped me
to progress your idea? prepare the timing of each segment of my video.
Are you on track for this week? If Unfortunately, I am not on track as this evaluation
not, how far behind are you? itself is behind, I am yet to finish the example
animations but everything else is complete.
What work do you need to I need to complete the example animations to stay
complete outside of lessons to on track, alongside this I must complete the
stay on track? evaluation table.

Week 2 This week you produced your stop motion animation

How helpful did you find your The planning was very helpful as it allowed me to
planning whilst photographing break the video up and tackle it from a much more
your animation? efficient and stress-free approach. This helped to finish
the animation rather quickly and give the final
product its desired effect.
What challenges did you face The challenges I faced with my material is my own
with your chosen material? How drawing abilities and what time of day I shot at as that
did you overcome these? would decide the colour of the paper. The way I
overcame these was by creating drafts to model off
of for my final drawings and making sure to film within
the same time window.
How did you ensure you met the I made sure to take 24 photos for every second of
required frame rate? footage I wanted, alongside this I made sure that the
editing software was set to 24fps with 1 image per
How happy are you with your final I am rather happy with my final product. I had to
product? Provide analysis of the make some last-minute revisions as I was unhappy
successes and failures you feel with it conveying what I wanted it to but it has finally
come out how envisioned. Unfortunately, It slightly fell
you had
short of 30 seconds which I had to cover up with the
end slogan, I also felt I had slightly messed up on the
lighting as some shots are brighter than others.
How much work did you I completed all of my animation filming outside lessons
complete outside of the lessons? as it was all set and ready to go, this shaved off a lot
of time as I did not need to prepare to bring it into
Are you on track for this week? If I am on track this week bar the last-minute changes I
not, how far behind are you? made to my animation, other than that I am
completely up to date.
What work do you need to I do however need to make 2 more example
complete outside of lessons to animations as I missed those and definitely add more
stay on track? detail to my primary research.

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