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(Jera F. Salmorin & Joan C. Ferrer)

Jera : Good afternoon everyone! Hello partner, you look great!

Joan : Yes. Good afternoon too Ms. Jera. You look gorgeous in your outfit.
Jera :Thanks Ms. Joan for your generous compliment. You made me feel a hundred
pound thinner. Anyway, let us not keep the crowd waiting.

Joan : I agree. It’s been a couple of years since we had our last title holders and I’m
pretty sure everybody is thrilled with excitement to know who will be our 2015 AMS Mr. and
Ms. Intrams.

Jera : That’s for sure. Well, seems like we’re all set. Let’s get started then.

Joan : Guests….parents…

Jera : Children….Teachers…

Joan : School leaders…

Jera : Ladies and Gentlemen…

Both : Good afternoon!!!

Both : WELCOME!!! To the search for 2015 AMS Mr. and Ms. Intrams!

Jera : So to quench your thirst, the organizers have picked 4 lovely girls and 4 handsome
boys to vie for the title.

Joan : You are absolutely right Ms. Jera…this year’s candidates are definitely best
picked from each team.

Jera : Let’s not keep our audience waiting. To start with, may we request everyone to
stand for the invocation to be led by the selected pupils from the Special Program Education

Joan : This will be followed by the singing of the DepEd Album to be presented by the
AMS Choir, so we request everyone to remain standing.

(Opening prayer, Nat’l Anthem, DepEd Album)

Jera : Please all be seated. Thank you AMS Choir and our talented SPED pupils. To
formally open the program, let’s all welcome the enthusiastic Principal IV of Adriatico
Memorial School, Mr. Alfonso F. Galicha to give us the welcome address. Let’s give him a
round of applause.

Joan : Thank you Sir Pons. Look at our audience Ms. Jera, we have just started and
yet they’re already at the edge of their seats.

Jera : Yeah, right. I’ve noticed that too. But let’s prolong excitement by witnessing how
Adriaticans are so talented in line with singing and dancing.

Joan : Yes, so to entertain us a bit more, Let us all welcome, the selected pupils from
SSES classes of Grades 1, 2 and 3. Clap your hands for them.

Jera : Thank you children. Now, ladies and gentlemen, let us all welcome the
candidates in their production number.
Here is the first set of candidates, from the Blue, Yellow, Green and Red teams, these
pretty girls in their Pabebe moves.

Joan : And now take a closer look at the second set of candidates, our good-looking
boys in their Pameme moves.

Joan : Wow! That was such a fabulous opening number. We’ll have more of them later.
And while they are preparing themselves for the next number, let us all be inspired by one
person to whom we always have respect and deep admiration for his being a true leader

Jera : Indeed, so at this point let us hear from our very own striking and excellent
Supervisor, a round of applause for Mr. James T. Zamora.

Joan : Thank you very much Sir James. Now, this competition wouldn’t be official
without meticulous, keen eyes and answer to how they will be rated.

Jera : That’s right Ms. Joan, So let us now introduce first our panel of judges and the
criteria for judging.

Joan : Our 1st Judge is a __________________________________

_________________________________, Mr./Ms. ___________________

Jera : Judge number 2 is a _________________________________

_______________________________, Mr./Ms. _____________________

Joan : Our next judge is a ___________________________________

From _______________________, Mr./Ms. ________________

Jera : Our panel of judges are indeed well chosen. I repeat, we have with us Mr./Ms
_________________, Mr/Ms. _________________, Mr.
________________,____________and Mr. ___________________.

Joan : Now, let’s welcome back the candidates and see who has the best moves

Jera : or the best voice. Here is the Talent Portion

Joan : Thank you candidates. What can you say about it Jera?

Jera : I’m really impressed Joan. They are truly talented. They are not only beauty and
brains but they are also talented.

Joan : You’re right Jera. Our candidates are not just made up of
beautiful or handsome faces but they are talented too. Now do you want to be
surprised with so much talent in the air?

Jera : Yes, so I guess it’s time for the Grade 4 to prove their flair. Let us call in
____________________, Grade 4 SSES and _____________________, Grade 6
SSES for a back-to back dance/song number

Joan : What about a big hand for them?

Joan : Thank you children. Now let’s welcome back the candidates in their

Jera : There you have it, our 8 candidates in their sportswear.

Joan : Let us have another intermission number while the candidates are preparing for the
question and answer portion.

Jera : Yes, the most nerve-rocking moment. Let us give a round of applause to our new
singing idol, the total Performer, ________________________.

Joan : Thank you very much _______________________ and the tension is mounting as
we enter the final round of the Competition.

Jera : To bring you to the next level of excitement, put your hands together
in welcoming back the candidates for

BOTH : the Question and Answer Portion

(calling in the candidates by team)

Adlibs: Hello, how are you? How do you feel right now?
What do you want to say hello to your teammates?

Jera : Okay Joan. I have here the questions. Each candidate will draw one from

Joan : Let’s begin with pair number ….the _________ team

Jera : Thank you. Now, let’s hear from candidate number….

Joan : Thank you. Next is pair number….from the _________ team

Jera : Thank you. Candidate number…..please draw your question.

Joan : And the last question left is for candidate number….

Jera : There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Our four pairs showing us their wits in
answering those questions.

Joan : Let’s wait for the results. While the tabulators are busy computing. By this time,
I’m sure our audience have their respective bets already.

Jera : Exactly Joan. I’m sure you have yours too. In the same way
that I have mine as well….

Joan : Hey guys, we all have our bets of course because all our
contestants are deserving to win the title.

Jera : Is it from the Red team?

Joan : from the Green team?

Jera : or from the Yellow team?

Joan : How about the Blue team?

Jera : You’re right Joan. I’m sure our judges are having a hard time
deciding who will be our Mr. and Ms. Intrams. Before we proceed to
the awarding let us be entertained first by ______________________

Jera : There you have it, our gifted children from Grades 4 and 5 both from the SSES
Joan : Well Jera, this is the moment of truth. We will now find out who will make it
to the top.

Jera : Yes, we have come to the peak of our competition. The coronation of the new
Mr. and Ms. Intrams 2015.

Joan : To award the 3rd runner up let’s call on Mr./Ms…..

Jera : and our 3rd runner ups are candidate number…and candidate number…

Joan : to award the 2nd runner up, we would like to call Mr./Ms…..

Jera : Our 2nd runner ups are candidates number…. And number….

Joan : and to award the 1st runner up, … Let’s welcome Mr./Ms….

Jera : Our 1st runner ups are candidate number….and number…

Joan :And our 2015 Ms. Intrams is ……our 2015 Mr. Intrams is…

Jera : Congratulations to all the winners!

Joan : Again our new Mr. Intrams is….from the ___________ team

Jera : and our new Ms. Intrams is….from the ____________ team

Joan : Thank you everyone for coming over..

Jera : We would also like to thank the coordinator, ______________.

Joan : And the support group… ___________________

Jera : _____________________

Joan : ____________________

Jera : and _________________

Joan : And also to the parents for their unrelenting support.

Jera : To formally close, let’s hear from the man behind this successful event, Mr.
Rene M. Bautista, Our School Sports Coordinator.

Joan : This has been Joan C. Ferrer

Jera : and Jera F. Salmorin, saying

BOTH : Thank you everyone and good evening!

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