Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences

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Indian Journal of Agriculture

and Allied Sciences

A Refereed Research Journal

ISSN 2395-1109

e-ISSN 2455-9709
Volume: 3, No.: 2, Year: 2017 Received: 20.05.2017, Accepted: 24.06.2017


Arun Kumar1, Abha Singh2 and Rajendra Kumar Soni3
Consultant Shalakya Tantra Main Campus Uttarakhand Ayurved University, E-mail: 2Consultant
Shalakya Tantra Main Campus Uttarakhand Ayurved University and 3Lecturer Sri Sai Ayurvedic PG College, Sarsol,
Aligarh, Corresponding Author: Abha Singh

Abstract: Age Related Macular Degeneration is one of the eye disorders. With soaring number of
incidences of ARMD, is characterized by increased number of visually handicapped in old age. Almost
similar clinical condition to ARMD is seen in Pitta Vidagdha Dristi, a Drishtigata disease as per Ayurvedic
view pointed in classics. Pitta Vidagdha Dristi is grouped as curable disorder which affects the vision. As
per Ayurvedic classics the basic line of management is similar to Pittaja Abhishyanda and the specific
treatment of Pitta Vidagdha Dristi includes Nasya with Kshirasarpi, Parisheka, Anjana, Tarpana and
Keywords: ARMD, Pitta vidagdha drishti, parishek, anjana, tarpan

Introduction: As eyes are the gateways of advanced age-related macular degeneration with
external world, visual defects tantamount to the associated vision loss, with that number expected
obliteration of the world. It is no wonder that a to grow to almost 3 million by 2020.
text as old as Atharva Veda exclaims “May An almost similar clinical condition to
Surya, the sovereign lord of eyes protect me”. [1] ARMD is seen in Pitta Vidagdha Dristi, a
Age Related Macular Degeneration is one of the Drishtigata disease as per Ayurvedic view
eye disorders. With soaring number of incidences pointed in classics. Pitta Vidagdha Dristi is
of ARMD, is characterized by increased number grouped as curable disorder which affects the
of visually handicapped in old age. ARMD is the vision.
leading cause of the vision loss and blindness in Ayurvedic Concept: Pitta Vidagdha Dristi is a
people above 50 years of age. In case of ARMD disease condition in which the vitiated Pitta
degeneration of the macula which is a part of the (Alochaka Pitta- Drik Sthitam Pittam) affects the
retina responsible for the sharp, central vision Drishti, characterised by yellowish perception of
needed to read or drive. So, in ARMD central objects. Later when Doshas get confined to the
vision loss may occur. In this condition third Patala of Netra which is Meda Dhatu
metamorphopsia (Distorted vision), decreased ashrita, the person is not able to see in day time
visual acuity, blurred vision, Central or para- but in the night, he is able to see. [2] ‘Impairement
central blind spot (scotoma) may occur. In north of Drishti manifested as Vidagdhata caused by
India alone, 4.7 % of the elderly population is Vitiated Pitta. The word Vidagdhata in this
estimated to be affected by macular context means partial destruction reflected as
degeneration. ARMD accounts for 8.7% of world functional impairment of visual apparatus/
population as cause of visual impairment. About Drishti.’[3]
1.75 million U.S. residents currently have
Tap satape pittam
Word Pitta is derived from root ‘Tap’
Santaparthasya ‘Tap’ Dhatorchipratyaye Akarsyayetave Varnaviparyaye Tasya Cha Dwivatve Krite
Pittmiti, Rupam Aten Pittasya Swabhavikam Santapallkshanam Darshitam.
62 Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences

Thus Pitta rupa is derived by aadesh of ‘Achi’ objects as blurred. Dalhana opines that the word
pratyaya along with dwitwa of Akara making the ‘Sira’ denotes here ‘Rupavaha Sira’ and Drishti
word Pitta.[4] indicates inner part of the Drishti.[9]
Dictionary meanings of Pitta are[5] The lodgement of Doshas in Patalas
1. Burning, warming, consuming the heat. further prevents the functional capacity of
2. Causing pain or trouble, distressing. Patalas and lead to Avyakta Darshana or blurred
3. Heat, Fire, Warmth vision. It further inhibits the nutritional supply by
4. The Sun obstructing the channels responsible for it. The
5. The hot season further involvement of second and third Patalas
6. Penance, religious austeritics. leads to further deterioration of Drishti; whereas
7. The end of the hot season and the beginning in 4th Patala affliction terminates into
of the rainy season. Linganasha or loss of vision.
Vidagdha: Word Vidagdha is made up of two The Ashraya of Malas in Indriyas thus
words; Vi upasarga and Dagdha shabda. produces both Upaghata (Nasha or destruction)
i) Vi upasarga-[6] and Upatapa (Vikriti or disease) in
Various meanings of upasarga Vi are-(1). Chakshurindriya. Acharya Charaka states that
Niyoge- vichitram, (2). Visheshe- viyukta, (3). when humors get provoked in the seats of the
Nischaya- vikirna, (4). Aasahane- vitata nadi, sense organs, they cause either the impairment or
(5). Nigrahe- vimanaska, (6). Hetu- vibhu the irritation of the senses concerned. According
Drishti: Drishti Stri Drish-Bhave Kitan [7] – (1). to Nimi, vitiated doshas pervade through
Darshane Chakshushaj, (2). Gyanmatre, (3). Rupavaha siras and reach Abhyantara patala of
Prakashe Cha, (4). Netre. Dictionary meanings of drishti (innermost patala). The doshas get
word Drishti are [8]- 1. Seeing, 2. Viewing, 3. localized in different patalas, further inhibiting
Look, 4. Optics, 5. Target. In Ayurveda Drishti the nutritional supply by obstructing the
word has been used in two senses-1. Chakshu, 2. channels.[10] According to Acharya Charaka,
Drishti. As per Swasagnya of Ayurveda as a part Doshas located in Indriyas when get vitiated,
of Chakshu Avayava vishesha in Netra Sharira. produce Upaghata (destruction) and Upatapa
Samprapti (vikriti) of Indriyas. [11]
Samanya Netra Roga Samprapti: The Vishesha Samprapti: According to Sushruta
pathological events of Pitta vidagdha Drishti Samhita and Vagbhata Samhita we have tried to
begin with the increment of Doshas at their analyze the points which make a sequence to
respective sites. In reference to Samprapti of create the pathogenesis of Pitta vidagdha Drishti.
Netra Rogas, Sushruta has clearly stated that Pathogenesis of Drishtigata Rogas consists of
when Doshas get exccessively vitiated internally, Vimargagamana of vitiated Doshas through
pervades the Siras (vessels) and gets lodged in Urdhvagami Siras and localization of these
the first Patala of Drishti, the patient sees all the Doshas in Drishti.
Achakshushya Nidana Sevana

Mithya Mithya Vihara

Vata(Vyan) – Pitta(Pachaka) Dominating Tridosha Prakopa

Ama formation


Dhatu Dushti (Sanchayavastha)

Provocation due to continuous Nidana Sevana (Prakopavastha)

Pitta Vidagdha Drishti (Age Related Macular Degeneration)–A Conceptual Study 63

Diffusion of vitiated Doshas in whole body through Siras & Srotas

Ascent of Doshas in Siras towards Urdhvajatrugata part (Prana Vayu & Alochaka Pitta) (Prasaravastha)

Localization of Doshas in Drishti (Sthanasansryavastha)

“Drishti Bhavet Peeta” means the colour of the Drishti is yellow (Vyaktavastha)
Samprapti Ghatakas  Exudative changes: hemorrhages in the eye,
Dosha: Pitta-Vata hard exudates, subretinal/sub-RPE/intraretinal
Dushya: Rasa, Rakta, Meda fluid
Agni: Mandagni leading to Ama formation.  Atrophy: incipient and geographic
Srotas: Rupavaha srotas  Visual acuity drastically decreasing (two levels
Srotodushti: Sanga and Vimaarga gamana. or more) ex: 20/20 to 20/80.
Rogamarga: Madhyama as Shira is the Drusen: Loss of central vision in ARMD is the
Pradhana Marma. result of changes that occur in response to
Adhishthana: Drishti in general deposition of abnormal material in Bruch
Pathogenesis: When aging process is going on membrane. This material is derived from the
especially with risk factors like ethnicity, family RPE and its accumulation is thought to result
history, smoking, sunlight exposure, from failure to clear the debris discharged into
hypertension, deranged lipid profile, deficiency this region. Drusen consist of discrete deposits of
of antioxidants and minerals, the changes occur this abnormal material located between the basal
in the retinal pigmented epithelium and the lamina of the RPE and the inner collagenous
choriocapillaries. In the case of retinal pigmented layer of Bruch’s membrane. The abnormal
epithelium, its natural phagocytosis and radical material also accumulates diffusely throughout
scavenger activity is markedly reduced and at the Bruch’s membrane. Thickening of the inner part
same time in the surface area and number of of Bruch’s membrane is compounded by
endothelial cells of choriocapillaries is also excessive production of basement membrane–
decreased. So, as the result of retinal pigmented like material by the RPE. It has been postulated
epithelium and choriocapillaries changes the that the lipid content of drusen may be a
main pathological change occur in Bruch’s determinant for subsequent behavior.
membrane like deposition of lipid and extraneous Investigations
material and increased thicknes.  Amsler's Grid Chart
Clinical Features [12]  Fluorescein Angiography
 Blurred vision: Those with non-exudative  Indo-Cyanine Green Angiography
macular degeneration may be asymptomatic or  Ocular Coherence Tomography (OCT)
notice a gradual loss of central vision, whereas Management
those with exudative macular degeneration Ayurvedic Management: Ayurvedic classics the
often notice a rapid onset of vision loss. basic line of management is similar to Pittaja
 Central scotomas (shadows or missing areas of Abhishyanda and the specific treatment of Pitta
vision) Vidagdha Dristi includes Nasya with
 Distorted vision (i.e., metamorphopsia) - A Kshirasarpi, Parisheka, Anjana, Tarpana and
grid of straight lines appears wavy and parts of Putapaka. Triphala Ghrita is advised as a
the grid may appear blank. Patients often first specific drug under the treatment for Pitta
notice this when looking at mini-blinds in their Vidagdha Drishti in Sushruta Samhita, and can
home. be used for Snehapana & Tarpana.
 Trouble discerning colors; specifically dark The treasure of ancient wisdom depicted
ones from dark ones and light ones from light in the texts of Ayurveda needs a careful
ones. consideration at this critical juncture. The
 Slow recovery of visual function after classics have relied upon vast medicinal flora and
exposure to bright light drugs of mineral and animal origin.
 A loss in contrast sensitivity Acharyas have given equal importance to
 Drusen systemic and local administration of the drugs
 Pigmentary alterations indicating that Acharyas of that time were well
64 Indian Journal of Agriculture and Allied Sciences

aware of the importance of the topical route in Modern Management

treating the ocular ailments. Ayurvedic Anti Angiogenic Drugs
physicians have formulated single as well as 1. Intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide
compound drugs for the cure and prevention of 2. Anecortave acetate
various ailments. It is often the total effect of all 3. Anti VEGF drugs
the ingredients in the formula rather than the  Pegaptanib sodium
action of individual drugs that plays a vital role  Bevacizumab
in therapeutics. Drug combinations are envisaged  Ranibizumab
to serve synergistic action, combined action, Laser Photocoaguation
toxicity neutralizing action and specific action Photodymanic Therapy
This dissertation is a sincere attempt to Dietary supplementation
know the efficacy of Ayurvedic drugs along with  Zinc oxide 80mg
Kriya Kalpas (Tarpana and Nasya) in the  Cupric oxide 2mg
management of Pitta Vidagdha Drishti /ARMD  Vitamin C 500mg
(Dry type). This disease is considered as Sadhya
 Vitamin E 400IU
Vyadhi and with above Kriyakalpa can be
 Beta carotene (vitamin A 28,000 IU) should
maintained and prevented from further
be avoided in cigarette smokers because of
deterioration thus adding quality to a patient’s
increased risk of lung cancer
life. But if the condition is left untreated and
Conclusion: ARMD (Age Related Macular
allowed to persist, he / she will immerse into
Degenaration) is a disease condition in which the
ocean of darkness that is blindness.
vitiated Pitta (Alochaka Pitta- Drik Sthitam
Tarpana: Akshi-Tarpana is also one such
Pittam) affects the Drishti, characterised by
procedure which is widely indicated in many
yellowish perception of objects. Word Drishti
ophthalmic conditions. It is found to be effective
means a part of eye as stated above .Pitta is
on anecdotal and clinical experience grounds. It
causative factor for bringing Vidagdhata in Eye.
is the foremost treatment procedure mentioned in
Later, when Doshas get confined to the third
Sushruta Samhita for eye disorders.
Patala of Netra which is Meda Dhatu ashrita,
Nasya: Urdhvanga chikitsa is one of the
the person is not able to see in day time but in the
important branches of Ashtanga Ayurveda and
night, he is able to see. Thus taking into
Nasya karma is the main therapeutic measure of
consideration all grammatical meanings of these
Urdhvajatrugata Vikaras. All organs, which are
words let us move to cumulative meaning as a
above the clavicle, are considered as Urdhvanga
e.g. Nasa, Mukha, Netra and Shirah.
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