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1to16 are very short answers.

17 to 23 are short answers.

24 to 32 are long answers.

All questions are

1) All living Organisms are made up of a number of cells true or False

2) The main function of the _____ system is to transport nutrients, oxygen and waste.
3) The teeth are a part of ______ system.
4) A child has more bones than an adult. True and False
5) Which part of the skeletal system is the brain protected by?
6) How many movable bones does the skull have?
7) Name two organs protected by the rib cage?
8) Name the longest bone in the human body.
9) The joints between the ribs and the breast bone allow slight movement True or False
10) Name the groupof muscles you use to lower your arm?
11) Muscles moves the bones by pulling and pushing them True or False
12) Worms do not have bones. True or false
13) What kind of skeleton does a cockroach have?
14) Which fin of the fish helps it to move?
15) Which shape does fish have?
16) What is the name given to animals with backbone?
17) What is a tissue? Give two examples.
18) Name the main organs in the digestive system. What is the main function of this system?
19) What is bone marrow? What is its main function
20) What are the functions of spine?
21) Why are at least two muscles needed to move a bone at a joint in one direction?
22) Name the three types of skeleton that living organisms have. Give one example of each.
23) List two adaptations in birds that help them to fly.
24) What is an organ system? Name three organ systems in the human body and their main
25) How do the following move? a)Earthworm b)snake c)fish
26) Explain the structure of the ball and socket joint. Give two examples of such joints in the
human body. What kind of movement does such a joint allow?
27) List the main functions of the human skeleton?
28) What is a joint? How can you classify joints on the basis of the movement they allow?
29) What is the difference between endoskeleton and exoskeleton? Give three examples of each.
30) What do you think would have happened if the back bone had only one long bone instead of
many vertebrae?
31) Fishes moves by using their side fins as oars. Do you agree?
32) The movements of some parts of your body are not within your control. Can you know two
such parts?


are very short answers.

17 to 23 are short answers.

24 to 32 are long answers.

1) Are biotic components of the environment living or non living?

2) Which living organisms help to maintain a constant level of oxygen in the air?
3) What is the study of the relationship between living things and their environment called?
4) Give another name for producers?
5) Are carnivores’ primary consumers or secondary consumers?
6) Name the living organisms that break down the dead bodies of plants and animals into simple
7) Where do marine animals live –in salt water or fresh water?
8) A desert habitat is a terrestrial habitat True or False?
9) Plants with fleshy stems that store water are called _____ plants.
10) What is the name given to the shape because of which fish are able to move in water without too
much resistance
11) Dolphins breathe in water through gills True or False
12) Trees growing on mountains have shapes to allow _____ to slide off easily.
13) Give another name for the winter sleep that extends throughout the winter
14) Give one word for hiding by merging with the surroundings.
15) Vegetation growing in the lower levels in tropical rainforest have______ leaves.
16) What do you mean by ecology?
17) How does hibernation help a dormouse?
18) What prevents grass from breaking in windy conditions?
19) Give an example of an animal specialized to eat food that few others eat. What adaption does the
animal have to eat that food?
20) Why are only green plants known as producers?
21) Iions have strong claws that can be withdrawn inside their toes. How does this help the lion?
22) Mention two adaptations in plants growing in deserts that help them survive in scarcity of water?
23) How do streamlined bodies help water animals?
24) Explain the difference between herbivores carnivores &omnivores.
25) Mention two ways in which plants are useful to animals& vice versa
26) What is the difference between biotic & abiotic components of the environment? Explain with
27) What is adaption? What is its importance? Explain with the help of two examples.
28) Give an example of an animal that uses camouflage to escape from enemies & another that uses
Nutrition in plants
Q.1. very short answer questions

1. All living organisms need to perform certain basic life process like ____,____,____ and reproduction
for their survival.
2. To perform all life processes, every organism requires a daily supply of _____.
3. The food we eat provides us _____.
4. There are two modes of nutrition in plants they are ____and___.
5. Green plants are autotrophs and make their own food by the process of __
6. The term photosynthesis was given by ______ in ____
7. What are the green pigments on the leaf called_____
8. What are tiny green colored bodies called
9. What does chlorophyll uses to make food ____

Short answer type questions 1

1. What does nutrients enable?

2. Define autotrophs?
3. How are autotrophs divided? (Auto and trophs)
4. Who are autotrophs?
5. Define hetrotrophs
6. How are hetrotrophs divided? (Hetro and trophs)
7. Who are hetrotrophs?
8. What are the components of the nutrients?
9. What is nutrition?
Short Q&A
Q1: What do you mean by animal nutrition?
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Q2: What is digestion?
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Q3: Name different modes of feeding in animals?
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Q4: What are the functions of the tongue in human body?
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Q5: What are Milk teeth and permanent teeth?
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Q6: Name the main organs of digestive system.
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Q7: Explain tooth decay?
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Q8: Glucose is considered as the source of instant energy, why?
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Q9: What is mastication?
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Q10: Define peristalsis?
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Q11: What are secreted inside the stomach?
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Q12: Explain digestive enzymes?
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Q13: What do you mean by absorption in terms of digestion of food?
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Q14: Name and explain the type of carbohydrates that can be digested by ruminants but not by humans.
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Q15: What role does villi performs in the small intestine?
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Q16: Describe nutrition in amoeba.
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Q17: Differentiate between assimilation and egestion.
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Q18: What is rumination?
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Q19: How does digestion occur in ruminants grass-eating animals?
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Q20: Write one similarity and one difference between the nutrition in amoeba and human beings.
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Q21: What is the site of production of bile? Which component of the food does it digest?
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Q22: What is the role of pseudopodia in amoeba’s life?
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Q23: What happens to the food in mouth and oesophagus of the digestive tract?
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Q24: What happens to the food in stomach of the digestive tract?
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Q25: What happens to the food in small intestine of the digestive tract?
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Q26: What happens to the food in large intestine of the digestive tract?
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Q27: Differentiate between the fates of food in both intestines.
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Q28: Write short notes on digestion in grass eating animals.
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Q29: Draw a labelled diagram of human digestive system.
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Q30: Draw a labelled diagram showing digestive system of cow.
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3. What are the functions performed by tongue?

Ans: tongue helps in process of chewing by pushing the food towards the teeth. It also
help to mix the food with saliva

4. Which part of the alimentary canals involved in (a) chewing of food (b) killing of
bacteria (C) absorption of food (d) formation of faeces?

Ans: (a) chewing of food – Mouth (b) killing of bacteria – stomach (C) absorption of
food – small intestine (d) formation of faeces – large intestine

1. Briefly describe nutrition in Amoeba with the help of diagrams.

Ans: Amoeba takes in food by forming temporary finger-like projections called

pseudopodia. The pseudopodia fuse over the food particle forming a food vacuole. The
digestive enzymes from the surrounding cytoplasm enter into the food vacuole and
breakdown the food into small, water soluble molecules by chemical reactions. The
digested food from the food vacuole spreads into the whole of Amoeba cell and gets
absorbed in the cytoplasm. A part of absorbed food is used to obtain energy through
respiration and some is used for the growth of Amoeba cell. The undigested part of the
food is moved to the surface of Amoeba cell and egested (thrown out) by the rupture of
cell membrane.

2. Describe the process of digestion in ruminants.

Ans: The stomach of a ruminant is divided into four chambers. As soon as the ruminant
swallows the food, it enters the first chamber called rumen where it gets partially
digested (converted to cud). From here, the food enters the second chamber from where
it again reaches the mouth for rumination, which is thorough chewing. The food is again
swallowed, and now it enters the third and the fourth chamber for digestion. From here,
it enters the small intestine for the absorption of nutrients.

5. Different types of teeth in our jaws have different functions, but they all work together
to chew the food.

Ans: Different types of teeth in our jaws have different functions

(i) Incisors :- They help us in biting and cutting the food.

(ii) Canines : - They help us in piercing and tearing the pieces of meat.

(iii) Premolars:- They assist the molars by holding the food with their cusps and also
crushing them.

(iv) Molars : - They help us in chewing and grinding the food so that it can be swallowed

5. What do you understand by the term assimilation?

Ans: The process of producing energy from the absorbed food is known as assimilation
1. The bacteria present on uncleaned teeth convert the sugar in food into a substance 'X'
which causes tooth decay. Name the substance 'X'. Which part of the teeth does it affect?

Ans: Substance X is lactic acid which is formed in the mouth after we eat food
containing sugar. it affect enamel.

[ Note : Lactic acid lowers the pH in the mouth making it acidic. Our tooth enamel is
made up of calcium phosphate, which is the hardest material in our body, but even it
starts getting corroded when the pH in the mouth is lower than 5.5(Acidic)]

2. How is ruminant's stomach different from humans?

Ans: The stomach of a ruminant is divided into four chambers they are rumen,
reticulum, omasum, and abomasum. Human stomach is a single organ.

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