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Roll No………………………
Pre University Examination, Odd Semester 2016-17

Subject Code: NME-503 Branch: Mechanical Engg.

Subject Name: Manufacturing Science & Technology-II Semester: V
Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70

Note: Question paper contain three sections. All sections are compulsory.
Q.1 Attempt ALL the parts of this questions. All carry equal marks. (2x7=14)
(a) What do you understand by the term interchangeability and tolerance?
(b) What is 18-4-1 type of tool material?
(c) What is the function of flux in welding, write two materials used as flux?
(d) What is the difference between soldering and brazing?
(e) What is the difference between drilling and boring?
(f) Mention the advantages of unconventional machining over conventional machining.
(g) List the common material used for tool in USM.
NOTE: Attempt any THREE questions .All carry equal marks. (7x3=21)
Q.2 (a) Explain Crank Slotted link Quick return Mechanism with neat shaping machine.
(b) Explain with net sketch the Abrasive Jet Machining.
(c) Consider the various forces acting on the chip, draw merchant force diagram. State the assumptions.
(d) What are the common abrasives used in a grinding wheel? Which abrasives are recommended for
grinding (i) medium carbon steel and (ii) brass?
What is meant by GRIT size and state its effect on ground surface
(e) What is the object of the following process?
(i) Honing
(ii) Lapping
(iii) Buffing
Explain how is honing is done.
SECTION: C (7x5=35)
Attempt all questions. All carry equal marks.
Q.3 The dynamometer recorded the following: feed force, 210 kg; cutting force, 310 kg. The rake angle
of the tool used was 100. The chip thickness ratio is 0.36. Calculate
i. Shear angle ii Shear force
iii Normal Force iv Coefficient of friction at the chip tool interface, and friction angle.
Explain giving reasons the effect of rake angle, clearance angle, side cutting edge angle and nose radius
on “tool wear”.
Q.4 Explain the constructional features of a dividing head used in milling. Also explain the method for
obtaining compound indexing.
With the help of a suitable sketch, describe the geometry of a twist drill and also explain, how drill sizes
are designated.
Q.5 Discuss briefly dressing and truing of grinding wheel.
What are the main differences between cylindrical and centerless grinding?
Q.6 What are the differences between TIG and MIG welding processes?
What is Electron Beam Welding Process? Describe in brief, giving its scope of application.
Q.7 What is Ultrasonic Machining process? Give suitable sketch, describe its working and also give its
scope of application.
Write short notes on (i) Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM) or Laser Beam Machining (LBM)

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