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477 PA) TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS pace SECTION 1 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION .....0cecscsceeceeesereee 1 1. Machining Method Definition or . vee 2. Three Operation Procedures... 3 2. Changing the Automatic Determination ule... ss. dee Mae Te 4. Tool Data and Prior Tool Designation -# 5. Material Data... ce ceeveseveeee ahaasvtensny 0 8. Process Determination Concions and Parameter Setting 5 4 7. Machining Shape and Blank Material Shape in the Machining Process 8 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES erect nts 1 1. Example 1 (two-touch course) 16 2. Example 2 (Iwo-touch course) ; 22 3, Example 9 (two-touch course)... asia 28 4. Examplo 4 (Wwo-touch course) 35 5. Example 5 (two-touch course) 2 6. Example 6 (Wwo-ouch course)... soosereusaesens 82 7. Example 7 (Wwo-ouch COuISE) sees 4 30 8, Example 8 (wo-ouch course)... sees 68 8. Example 9 inleractve course) 76 10, Example 10 (two-touch course: two-sadcle specification) 85 11. Example 11 (two-touch course: two-sadule specification) . 92 12, Supplement (Part Program Output Example) asenioist 105 - OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-€ Pi) TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS 410 1. Prior Tool Designation ¥ 118 (1) When Tools with Diferent Tool Angle and Edge Angle are Registered 115 o @ 16 ~~» (3) When Tools with Ditferent Too! Width are Registered 7 peo es (4) When Drills with Ditferent Dil Diameter are Registered 118 Gai P 4S OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-& Pi) TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 2, FACE/LONG DECIDING DATA a as ous 198. (1) Changing From LONG to FACE in the Roughing Cycle . 120 2o425- (2) Changing From FACE to LONG in the Roughing Cycle cee. 122 7 i Zggene (3) Process Division in the Roughing Cycle (LONG - FACE + LONG) 123 ek ayo (4) Process Division in the Roughing Cycle (FACE ~» FACE + LONG) 128 wen 62 = 6) ieee Integration in the Roughing Cycle (FACE + LONG -» LONG) - 126 reer Sir. a 6 Integration in the Roughing Cycle (FACE + LONG + FACE) ..... 127 5 rT oe a8 yee ee eo OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LID. ” (8) @ (10) amy (12) 3077-8. Wi TABLE OF CONTE PAGE Changing From LONG to FACE in the Finishing Cycle . . sone 128 “g.tSs a: Changing From FACE to LONG in the Finishing Cycle .........e.022.0. 130 “Sere poet Process Division in the Finishing Cycle (FACE FACE + LONG) ........ 131 ie 2 aes hoes Integration in the Finishing Cycle (FACE + LONG + LONG) ..... 132 s pee Se Process Integration in the Roughing Cycle (FACE + LONG —+ FACE) 193 To Carry Out Single-process Machining Either by a Longitudinal Machining Process or by an End Face Macttining Process ae Ades 84 = To always select a longitudinal machining process forthe roughing process ~ To always select an end face machining process for the roughing process - To always select a longitudinal machining process for the finishing process - To always select an end face machining process for the finishing process OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 347-€ Pay) TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 Inside Machining Data wade ee Ss sees 140) (1) Changing the Tool to be Used from an Endmill to a Boring Bar for Through-hole Machining ate sft . 141 “RSS! (2) Changing the Too! to be Used from an Endrnill to @ Boring Bar for Blindole Machining... ee .ee es ceeeeeeeens ae 142 o-K-—-—- c> ok SS (9) 1D Machining Using Onty a Dil (no other machining process than citing)... 140 = an = (4) 1D Machining Using Only a Dri (other machining process is cartiod out in addition to drilling for 1D machining) 144 (8) Changing the Type of Dri (carbide dil > HSS aril . 148 ee (6) Changing the Type of Drill (HSS drill > carbide aril). os See dude. 148 4@S- +E OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-E P-(vi) TABLE OF CONTENTS — (9) Designating Whether or not Centering is Carried Out (Dette a et nb Gt a =) Te Qf cae p.! OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-E Pavity TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE (14) Mechanism to Determine that @ Boring Bar can not be Used for Machining .. 154 (15) Mechanism to Determine the Drill Diameter soiceserteaeaceiien 185 (16) Mechanism to Determine the Type of Drill snes 188: (17) Mechanism to Determine Whether or not Centering is Executed 157 (18) Mechanism to Omit Driling pMegboht tek 198 4. Shape/Tool Position Data AIS Spins ee reatg years 159 (1) Variation of Automatic Process Determination Output According to the Setting at ROUGH SHAPE OUTPUT(O= OFFSET, 1= SHIFT) (machining shape in the roughing process) .....-....sc0eeceee8 161 (2) Variation of Automatic Process Determination Output According to the Setting at ROUGH SHAPE OUTPUT(0=OFFSET, 1=SHIFT) (surface roughness) ...... . . vee 163 (3) Variation of Automatic Process Determination Output According to the Setting at ROUGH SHAPE OUTPUT(O=OFFSET, 1=SHIFT) <0... ccc seeeees 185 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF 186 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 2477-E PA SECTION 1 ONE-TOUGH IGF OPERATION SECTION 1 1, ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION Machining Method Definition In part programs, a series of machining operations is writen in a language which can be understood by the NC machine. Therefore, to create a part program, the machining method must be defined under certain rules. Once it is defined, a part program can be created by simply designating a program creation command, How can the machining method be defined? As illustrated below, the machining method consists of various machining processes. With the one-touch IGF, each machining process is composed of the following. ‘Type of machining (ROUGH O. FACE |, FIN. OD <. THREAD OD «, atc.) Final shapeiblank material shape (blank material shape is designated only for roughing processes.) = Cutting conditions = Tool data Retracvpproach information “The machining sequence is determined from the combination of these five types of information. For example, the workpiece illustrated below is machined in five steps, requiring the creation of five machining processes. FINISH OD = RoucH ob <] [ROUGH OD Face J) ROUGH 1D —] FINISH ID = + Machining processes OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E Pe SECTION 1 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION Machining process + machining process + machining process + machining process = ‘Machining method ‘Machining method: Type of machining PROCESS KIND ROUGH TURN. CUTTING DIRECTION ID — CUTTING SPEED VA FEEDRATE FR CUT. DEPTH D TORE DATA NG: Sho: SPINDLE (CWiCCW) MS MONTEN ut COOLANT (ON/OFF) MC TOOL NG, as CCS (ON/OFF) CS = ON GRFSET NG. «ON. FIN. STOCK ux wz FORM CODE NO. TOOL ANGLE 6 EDGE ANGLE Cutting conditions STICKING OUT 0 300 (> Tool data 600 TOOL POSITION Machining shape ? Blank material shape End face},{Longitudinall+ [Staring + [Reference point portion oint Machining shape CUT PT CP = INSIDE Retract/approach information APR, PTAPX = 18 APZ = 92 RIN. PTRTX = 16 RIZ = OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. Sa77-E Ps SECTION 1 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION Three Operation Procedures How can part programs be created using the one-touch IGF? Necessary machining processes have to be created to make a part program even with the one-louch IGF. With the one-touch IGF, three different courses are available to create a part program as indicated below. ~ One-touch course Two-touch course IGF course With the one-touch course and the two-touch course, machining process creation is left to the automatic process determination function of the OSPS020L. Conversely, with the IGF course, ‘machining process creation is not leit 1 the automatic process \etermination function. In the former case, the operator first inputs the blank material shape and the final product shape in the shape definition mode, instead of making multiple machining processes, From the blank material shape data and the final product shape data, the OSPS020L generates all necessary machining processes automatically. Therefore, the operatar only needs to designate 2 program creation command lo create a part program. This procedure is called the “one-touch course”. The automatic process determination function determines the machining process under the ‘automatic determination rule”. However, since @ wide variety of machining methods are avaliable, when the process is determined exclusively by the automatic determination rule, there might be cases in which the determined machining process is not satisfactory. In such cases, the determined machining process can be modified. This is the "two-touch course”. Two methods are indicated belaw for modilying the machining process: 1) Directly modify the machining processes determined using the automatic process determination function. 2) Carry out automatic process determination again alter the automatic determination rule is changed In 1), modification is carried out in the process edit mode. In 2), modification is carried out in the condition setting/condition selection made. When the interactive course is selected, all machining processes necessary to machine the workpiece must be created in the process edit mode. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. a4 € SECTION 1 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPE One-touch IGF Operating Procedure Shape Batch Input : Input for Each Machining Process. Shape Definition Automatic Determination Rule ¥ ‘Automatic Process Condon Seting! | Determination [| Condition Selection ' ‘Automatic : Determination i ¥ ‘Automatic Process Condition Setting’ Determination Condition Selection fp ioe Eat ¥ ¥ pe Sy Process Test Process Test Process Test t ¥ aie a Program Creation Program Creation Program Creation Y Twostouch Course ¥ One-touch Course v Two-touch Course geseceae252<5] IGF Course OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3. 2477-€ F SECTION 1 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION Changing the Automatic Determination Rule The automatic process determination function creates all machining processes necessary to machine the workpiece, It uses final product shape data, blank material shape data, and material type which have been entered in the shape cefinition mode. In addition to these, tool dal standard hole data, material data, and process determination conditions are referenced, The aulomatic determination rule expressed by parameters is called "process determination conditions, which can be compared to a rule book. There are four rule books in total, and each is assigned 2 sub fille "basic (BASIC TP)”, “pattern 1 (TYPE 1)", ‘pattern 2 (TYPE 2)", and “pattern 3 (TYPE 3)" respectively. Only one of these rules books can be referenced for automatic process determination. The contents of the rule books can be changed as necessary, and it is possible to designate which ‘ule book is to be referenced for automatic process determination. Each rule book consists of four pages as illustrated belo SHAPE/TOOL POSITION DATA INSIDE MACHINING DATA FACEILONG DECIDING DATA PRIOR TOOL DESIGNATION Rule Bool for ‘Automatic Determination To change the automatic determination rule, rewrite the rula book. This will enable various machining methods to be determined. ‘The “BASIC TP" rule book has the rule to determine the standard machining method to machine typical workpieces. Therefore, though the contents of the rule books can be changed as needed, do not rewrite the “BASIC TP" rule book. Rewrite any or all of the “TYPE 1", "TYPE 2°, and “TYPE 3” rule books to determine the machining method that suits you. The contents of the rule books do not change even when the power is turned off. Therefore, once they are rewritten, you can obtain the satisfactory machining method at any time by simply specifying the rule book to be referenced. Since the rule books describe the automatic determination rule in a slightly indirect manner, you ‘may have difficully in rewriting them at first. Refer to the examples in Section 3 and gradually become accustomed to the system. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. SECTION 1 ONE Material: S48C Blank material shape Tool Date IMaterat Data te 800K | (rule Boox tor tor Ss automatic i) |Aviomatc SZ JDetermina- fl Determine- ton ton re Dek BASIC TP TYPE As a Feet Automatic Process: Determination Fut ook |] (Rl om tomatic fl JAstomatc Determine} [Botermins- von on weet |i] ree Process Determination Conditions. a fwsHod =] ouHoD] fouGHFAGE J rousHi> =] [FnistiD — OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 347-£ PT SECTION 1 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION Process determination conditions are set as listed below priar to shipment The BASIC TP is the rule to determine the standard machining method for typical workpieces. For TYPE 1, TYPE 2. and TYPE 3, the same data are written as in BASIC TP, with the exception of the FACEILONG DECIDING data. BASIC TP TYPE 1 TYPE 2 TYPE 3 PRIOR TOOL | Not designated since | Not designated | Not designated | Not desionated since: DESIGNATION | tool data is not since tool data | since tool data _| tool data is not registered, is not Js not registered, registered, registered, FAGEMLONG — | Determines the Determines the | Determines the | Roughing: DECIDING standard machining | machining machining ‘Santi ae Bid DATA method for typical method in method in BASIC TP values workpieces which both which both roughing and | roughing and __| Finishing: finishing are | finishing are Determines the carried out in | carried out on machining method the longitudinal | the end face. in which both direction, roughing and finishing are carried out in the longitudinal direction. INSIDE Determines the Sameasthe | Sameasthe | Same as the BASIC. MACHINING — | standard machining | BASIC TP BASIC TP TP values: DATA method for typical values values workpieces: SHAPE/TOOL | Tool index position: | Same asthe | Sameasthe | Same as the BASIC. POSITION. For chuck work | BASIC TP BASIC TP TP values DATA values values I Finishing stock: Finishing stock is added to the machining shape. (offset finishing stock) ‘Awide variety of data can be set for the ID machining data and shape oulputtoot index position data. The data which is sot prior to shipment is just 2 part of them. For TYPE 1 to TYPE 3, use this data as the user-specific rule books by which the satistactory machining method can be determined. Refer to Section 3 for how to use them. ~ For BASIC TP, do not change its setting and keep it as the rule to determine the standard machining method for typical workpieces. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. Ba77-E PB SECTION 1 ONE-TOUGH IGF OPERATION Tool Data and Prior Tool Designation With the one-touch IGF, tools can be registered as tool data, When tools are registered, the one touch IGF determines the machining method in which the registered tools are used. However, the one-touch IGF is capable of determining the machining method even if tools are not registered as too! data, by generating tools to be used by itself. This means it is possible to determine the machining method without setting tool data as long as standard tools are used. What kind of tools are to be registered as tool data? For the one-touch course or two-fouch course, register tools which are used for machining (tools which are desired 10 be selected). For exampla, register the tools indicated below: the tool set on the turret number of this tool) to be used (in this case, register the tool number and the offset @ too! other than those generated automatically by the one-touch IGF is to be used Tools to be used vary depending on the type of machining, however it is not necessary to delete the tool data of tools which are not used. ‘There might be times in which a tool not desired to be used is selected from tool data as illustrated below. Too! Dat THechrot 7} (A) Usablefunusable (8) Selection of Too! to be Used ic to be | udament According to the Order of Priority : used ! : : Priory: ors : ‘ Usable high 7 \Tool desired + Ho beused | inusableg |e A tool is selected according to its priority in step (B) above. “PRIOR TOOL DESIGNATION’ is 2 way of advising the order of priority to the automatic process determination function. in. the illustration above, prior tool designation is nat applied. In such cases, the system assigns the order itselt OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. B477-£ Po SECTION 1 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION When prior tool designation is applied, a tool is selected as illustrated below. 1 Judgment Accordin desied tot bbe used! a Priority: tow ‘ Usable x Tool desired to be used Priority: J i Usable, high Unusabley, | a Prior Tool Designation -,(A) Usable/unusable (B) Selection of Too! to be Used to the Order of Priority As illustrated in step (A) above, registered tools might be judged to be unusable. For these tools, prior tool designation can not be applied. (An error occurs if attempted.) ‘The following are examples of unusable tools. These tools can be selected as usable tools for ‘each individual process in the process edit mode, and a process test can be performed using these tools if they are registered in the process edit mode. = ROUGH OD < CODE CI ROUGH OD + CODE CI FINISH OD — CODE Ct FINISH OD > CODE CI GROVE OD! CODE cr ROUGH FACE| CODE CD=3 ROUGH FACE} CODE CD=3 FINISH FACE | CODE CD=3 FINISH FACET CODE CD=3 ROUGH ID — CODE CD ROUGH ID» CODE CD=2 FINISH ID CODE CD=3 FINISH ID» CODE CD=2 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 347-€ P-10 SECTION 1. ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION Material Data Material data can also be compared to a book. Cutting conditions are determined from material data. This means cutting conditions vary depending on the material number designated in shape definition. When the machining process is newly created in the process edit mode, cutting conditions aro etermined automatically Irom the process type dala and the used tool data, In this case, materia data is also relerenced. [Material datalil} 16 pages in total ‘One page for one type of material For pages 1 to 8, material data is factory-set prior to shipment. Pages 9 to 16 are blank. On pages 1 t0°8, standard cutting conditions for standard materials are written. ‘There might be cases in which the automatically determined cutting conditions can not be used due to restrictions caused by the blank material shape, final product shape, setup, etc. Cutting conditions can be changed in the process edit mode. In this case, however, the cutting condition Jata on the MAT. DATA screen remains unchanged. Change the cutting condition data on the MAT. DATA screen. Pages 9 to 18 are left blank to allow the operator to create material data for himself (herself). To write cutting conditions on a blank page, copy the existing cutting condition data and modify it. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-£ P41 SECTION 1 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION TYPE 2 Process Determination Conditions and Parameter Setting Pracess determination conditions other than prior tool: designation are picked up from various automatic process determination rules accarding to the function. Various automatic process determination rules are referred to as “parameters”, and rules can be changed in the parameter set mode. Parameters can be classified into two groups, unchosen automatic determination rules (other data) and chosen automatic determination rules (process determination conditions (BASIC. TP) ————} = TYPE 3 TYPE 1 FACELONG DECIDING DATA PRIOR TOOL LJ BASIC TP Ls sioe wacoinane DATA pesianation [TT L] | sxeerro0t Posirion cara, »- Parameters Other data Therefore, prior tools are set for each BASIC TP, TYPE 1, TYPE 2, and TYPE 3 in the condition set mode. Other process determination conditions can be set only in the condition set mode for TYPE 1, TYPE 2, and TYPE 3, and in both the condition set mode and the parameter set mode for BASIC TP. Of course, other data can be set only in the parameter set mode. Condition setting 1 L 1 1 1 panos ierbae DESIGNATION: 'SHAPE/TOOL POSITION DATA| OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LID. 3477-E P12 SECTION 1 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION ‘As explained on the previous page, automatic determination rules consist of the chosen rules (or0c8ss determination conditions other than prior tool designation) and the unchasen rules (other data). And the chosen rules process determination conditions other than prior tool designation) 2nd prior tool designation configure process determination conditions, for each BASIC TP, TYPE 1, TYPE 2, and TYPE 3. Avtomatic determination rules are referenced as illustrated below when automatic process determination is performed, TYPE 3 Condition selection: TYPE 2 Tur on one of the four switches. TYPE 1 BASIC TP 1 1 1 PRIOR TOOL DESIGNATION FACELONG DECIDING DATA ET | ros mcrmoso ona ‘} {| Setperooc nos ox " Automatic process determination Other data — OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. B477-E PAS SECTION 1 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION Machining Shape and Blank Material Shape in the Machining Process ‘As previously explained. ihe machining process is composed of the following, ‘Type of machining (ROUHG O. FACE | , FIN. OD +. THREAD OD <, etc.) Final shape-blank material shape (blank material shape is designated only for roughing processes.) Cutting concitions Too! data = Retracvapproach information In the rough machining process which has been created using the automatic process determination function, the blank material shape is contained. This blank material shape is the one which was defined in the shape definition mode. The rough machining cycle to be selected varies depending ‘on whether or not the blank material shape is contained in the machining process. Machining process: ROUGH OD — (1) The blank material shape is contained: Machining is carried out in the LAP4 mode. _ok Cycle reference point Blank material shape Machining shape 2nd infeed ard infeed (2) The blank material shape is not contained, Machining is carried out in the LAPS mode. x Oyole reference ' Teint A plante material shape Mo tstinfoed Machining shape + 2nd infeed pad inteoe SS th info Since the rough machining process determined using the automatic process determination function Contains the blank material shape, machining is carried out in the LAP4 mode. If the blank material shape in the rough machining process is deleted in the process edit mode, machining is carried out in the LAPS made, When the rough machining process is newly created in the process edit mode, define the blank material shape to select the LAP4 cycle. Do not define the blank material shape to select the LAPS cycle, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. B477-E Pad SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAWPLES SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES In this section, program examples using the one-touch IGF are explainad. A total of 11 programs is explained, one for the interactive course and the rest for the {wo-louch course. For the one-louch course, refer to the Operation Manual - Basic, Examples with smaller index numbers are for begin- ners. 1, Example 1 (two-touch course) Finishing is divided into two processes Method : Condition setting/coneition selection Example 2 (two-touch course) Rough longitudinal machining for the workpiece right end. —> Rough end face machining for the workpiece right end, Method : Condition setting/concition selection 3. Example 3 (1wo-touch course) Uncut portion error — Machining of concave area using a too! with 35° tool anole Method : Tool data registration 4, Exemple 4 (twostouch course) Uncut portion error + Machining of concave area using a too! with 95° tool angle. Method : Condition selting/condition selection (prior toa! designation) Example § ((wo-touch course) 1D machining using a dril, an endmill, and a boring bar > ID machining using only 2 drill Method : Process edit 6, Example 6 (two-touch course) The descending portion is machined in the reverse direction — The descending portion is machined also in the forward direction. Method : Process edit 7. Example 7 (two-touch course) Finishing by multiple processes > Finishing by one process Method : Process edit 8, Example 8 (\wo-touch course) Roughingttinishing by multiple processes > Roughing/finishing by two processes - Method : Condition setting/condition selection 8. Example 9 (interactive course) Machining of the workpiece which has a concave on the ID end face OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 2477-E PAS SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES 10, nn Example 10 (twostouch course: two-saddle specication) ROUGH OD+ and ROUGH O. FACE | are executed independently. + ROUGH OD+ and ROUGH O. FACE | are executed simultaneously. Method : Process edit Example 11 (Wwo-touch course: two-saddle spectication) ROUGH OD< and ROUGH O. FACE | are executed independently. ROUGH OD and ROUGH O. FACE | are executed simultaneously. Contour generating machining from the inside of the workpiece - Contour generating ma- chining from the outside of the workpiece Method : Process edit and shape definition OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 347-E P18 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES . Example 1 (two-touch course) The result of automatic process determination is modified so that finishing is not divided into a Tongitudinal process and an end ‘ace process. Method : Condition setting’condition selection [Par Drawing WW RS (0.20) 980 (3.15) 420 (0.79)] 40 (1.57) Unit: mm (in.) Operation Example ROUGH OD — 2] FINISH OD — A 1 2 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3A77-E P17 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUGH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Create a part program following the procedure (two-touch course) indicated below. Automatic process determination is carried out without registering tools at tool data, The BASIC TP values are used as process determination conditions. ‘Shape definition Process determination ¥ conditions Automatic process Condition setting? ‘The result of automatic process dotormination condition selection determinations modified. (BASIC TP) Process determination The result of automatic process _} conditions determination is checked Automat process. | qual” Conon esting” determination condition selection Erpcess leet TIvPE Sy ry Solect TYPE 3. Longitudina direction is ig the machining given prionty for finishing in this pattern, method satisfactory? Tes ¥ ¥ Program creation Process test ¥ + : One-touch course Program creation OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. SECTION 2 (1) Define the workpiece shape. BASIC BLANK SHAPE MATLNAME — = $46C sA=VV END PT X= 80 NEXT TAN TN= sR sa=VV. RADIUS R. 5 END PTZ=0 NEXT TAN TN= ‘ E sA=VV END PTZ= 10 NEXT TAN TN (8) | C (2) Carry out automatic process determination. Select BASIC TP for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. DEFINE DIR.= CCW CHAMFERING = 0.2 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. BA77-E P19 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES. (3) Check the result of automatic process determination. ‘The machining method is not satisfactory. Finishing is divided into a longitudinal process and an end face process. 1 [ROUGH OD — 2] FIN. O. FACE 4 pe 3 [FN OD a OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3u77-E P20 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (4) Modily the result of automatic process determination Method Automatic process determination is carried out again under another automatic determination rule. Automatic process determination is carried out using TYPE 3. ‘The FACE/LONG DECIDING data is set following the rules indicated below. Roughing Same as the BASIC TP (determines the standard machining method for typical workpieces.) Finishing Determines the machining method in which both roughing and finishing are catriad out in the longitudinal direction. Select TYPE 3 using the cursor control key, and carry out aulomatic process determination again. ‘The FACE/LONG DECIDING data is set as indicated below prior to shipment. If itis not the: case, change the data accordingly. 8) How to Change the Process Determination Conditions a Tre rous weIC Te er ome tem = Frezame necro Ben + 4, hoge Deencmar eagle earner a Sia wie! No.6 SETTED DameuT DEFT QUTSIDE> 406.600 SIDES 5) Prass the function key [F7] (QUIT) FD So Press the function key [F3] (FACE/LONG). OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, SAT7-E P21 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (5) Check the result of automatic process determination again. ROUGH OD — 2] FIN. OD — (6) Create 2 part program. To create a part program by designating *;U", press the function key [F2] (SETUP) and carry out setup input before pressing the function key [FB] (PROGRAM CREATE). To skip setup-related operation, press the function key [F2] (SETUP), and then press the function key [F2] (ORDER T) without inputting setup-related data, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. Set SH77-€ P22 CTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES: Example 2 (two-touch course) The result of automatic process determination is modified so that rough end face machining is designated for the workpiece right end. Method Part Drawing 50 (1.97) 10 (0.39) se Condition setting/condition selection VAY 3| = Sia Re ser = z 40 (1.57) 3 Unit mm Gn Operation Example A i 2|ROUGH OD — 1) ROUGH 0. FACE | 3] FIN, OD — 2 3 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-= P23 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Create a part program following the procedure (two-louch course) indicated below. The result Automatic process determination is carried out without registering tools at tool data. The BASIC TP values are used as process delerminalion conditions. of automatic process determination is modified. 4 conditions Process determination Shape definition Process determination t conditions ‘Automatic process Condition setting! Automatic process Condition setting! determination - condition selection Process test ¥ TPE 3 * Solect TYPE 2. Select another No process determination condition and change its data. Process test y Program creation is the machining ethod satisfactory? Tes + Program creation + ‘One-touch course determination condition selection (BASIC TP) ‘The result of aulomatic process determination is checked. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 0 @ 3477-E P-2a SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Detine the workpiece shape. BASIC BLANK SHAPE MATILNAME = S456 “ Ouro. OD = 60 OUT LENG. OL = 50 NDA. ID =20 INLENG, IL =o OZSHIFT 75 =0 p2 SHIFT 20 =0 BLANK'SIZE~ = ROUND BAR TURNING MAGH SHAPE sion NextTan te | | SEONG> NEXT TAN TN= “ E ‘ 4 Ai START PT SX= 20 —&.- peal SZ= 40 DEFINE DIR. = CCW CHAMFERING= 02 (7) | C Carry out automatic process determination. Select BASIC TP for PRO, DECIDE TYPE. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-2 P25 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (3) Check the result of automatic process determination, The machining method is not satisfactory. Rough end face machining is not designated for the workpiece right end, A 1] RouGH OD — 2] FIN. OD — OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. ay = P28 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Modify the result of automatic process determination. Method : Automatic process determination is carried out again under another automatic determination rule. Change the data on the FACE/LONG DECIDING DATA screen. In this example, change the data for TYPE 2 that is set prior to shipment. (You may change the data for TYPE 1 or TYPE 3.) To designate rough and face machining for the workpiece right end, change the rule so that the workpiace right end is judged to be an end face. Normally, this can be accomplished by reducing the value set at FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO L:B. a) How to Change the Process Determination Conditions 41) Press the function keys [F8] (EXTEND) and (Fa] (PROCESS DECIDE) in this order, 2) Select TYPE 2. re row + strc 7 TE Ligeia eecren recy rox 4) Change the 4 ret or cure men Fo Bou race parameter value, ae ae meena) 3) Press the function key [F3] (FACELONG). 5) Press the function key [F1] (QUIT & DECIDE). OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, SECTION 2 ONE-TOUGH IGF OPERATION EXAMP| (5) Check the result of automatic process determination again. ‘The satisfactory machining method as illustrated below is created, A 2] ROUGH OD — 1] ROUGH 0. FACE | (6) Create a part program, To create a part program by designating *:U", press the function key (F2] (SETUP) and carry cut setup input before pressing the function key [F6] (PROGRAM CREATE), To skip setup-related operation, press the function key [F2] (SETUP), and then press the function key [F2] (ORDER 7 ) without inputting setup-related data OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-E P28 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES . Example 3 (two-touch course) ‘The result of automatic process determination is movified so that uncut portion is not left on the concave area of workpiece, by cutting it using a culting tool with 35° tool angle, Method : Tool data registration Part Drawing 110 (4.33) 80 (3.15) 20 (0,79) 70 (2.76) C2 (0.08) 100 (3,94) Unit: mm (in.) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES [Operation Example 7 [ROUSH OD FIN. OD = [THREAD OD] OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P.30 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Create a part program following the procedure (two-touch course) indicated below. Automatic process determination is carried out without registering taols at tool data. The BASIC values are used as process determination conditions, Graphic edit Tho result of automatic process determination is modified. ‘Once end graphic edit ¥ operation. End ¥ desired to be used. Tool data registration the previous one. Graphic eit determination again. x Shape definition + Process determination conditions determination ‘Automatic process Condition setting’ condition selection BASIC TP) The result of automatic process determination is checked. Process test No is the machining Tes Register tools which are + ethod satisfactory? Program creation ‘Input the same file nams as y ‘One-touch course Carry out automatic process ¥ Process determination conditions ‘Automatic process determination — Coneition setting! condition selection t (BASIC TP) Process test t Program creation End OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E Pt SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (1) Datine the workpiece shape. BASIC BLANK SHAPE Sate obey ee SsR=w NEXT TAN TNS. END PTX= 40 ‘ SR=~ KIND KT= OD — ie (a1) END PTX= END Fe Z ANGLE A= -10 Z ANGLE A= (a 3 E 13) © START PT SX= 0 SZ= 110 DEFINE DIR. = CCW =FAGES CHAMFERING= 0.2 sA=~ END PT X= NEXT TAN TN= (2) Carry out automatic process determination. Select BASIC TP for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P32 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (3) Check the result of automatic process determination ‘An automatic process determination error occurs. Uncut portion (machining using normal tools) error The machining method is not satistactory No uncut portion is taf if @ cutting tool with 35* tool angle is used. A 1 2 3 4 7 [ROUGH OD] Portion where cutting is not possible due to interference 3 [FIN.OD eH 2 [FIN op — [THREAD OD] Finishing is not carried ut for the concave which is left uncut in > *roughing.— ~ OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 9477-6 P33 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (4) Modity the result of automatic process determination. Method : Register the tools which are desired to be used at tool data, and carry out aulomatic process determination again. 1) Once end graphic edit operation, 2) Press the function key [F3] (TOOL DATA) and register the required tool data following the procedure illustrated below. TOOL NO. ‘CODE cD TOOL DATA Sel "1" for TOOL NO.=, and CODE CD= 1 FORM CODE NO.FC register the too! to be used for (1) BOUGH 00 = TOOL ANGLE At ROUGH OD = under this number. | jp) [roy] EDGE ANGLE Az STICKING OUT L z “|HOLDER DIA. D INDEX POSIT. xT zr Fy (Fy TOOL NO. ‘CODE CD TOOL DATA Set *2" for TOOL NO.= and CODE GD= 7 FORM CODE NO.FC = 1 register the too! to be used for (7) FINISH OD — TOOLANGLE Al =35 3 FINISH OD = under this number. |reoy [Fe] {EDGE ANGLE a2 40 STICKING OUT L HOLDER DIA. D = 25 INDEX POSIT. XT = 500 27 = 500 eno | + (FI (ORDER ty [F2] (ORDER |) 3) Input the same file name as the previous one and proceed to graphic edit operation again. 4) Carry out automatic process determination again. (PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. P34 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (5) Check the result of automatic process determination again. ‘The satisfactory machining method as illustrated below \s created, A 1 1 [ROUGH OD 3 [THREAD 00] (6) Create a part program To create a part program by designating “jU", press the function key (F2] (SETUP) and carry ut setup input before pressing the function key [F6] (PROGRAM CREATE). To skip setup-related operation, only press the function key [F2] (SETUP). OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477. POS SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Example 4 (two-touch course) The result of automatic process determination ig modified so that uncut portion is not left on the concave area of workpiece, by cutting it using a cutting too! with 35° toa! angle, ‘Method : Condition setting/condition selection (prior tool designation) WV [Part Drawing] 110 (4.33) 80 (3.15) 70 (2.76) 20 (0.79) M50 P15 C2 (0.08) 9100 (3.94) 960 (2.36) Unit: mn Gin.) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LID. u77-E P28 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Operation Example | 7 ROUGH OD FIN. OD — THREAD OD] OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-6 P.a7 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Create a part program following the procedure (two-touch course) indicated below, Automatic process determination is carried aut alter tools are registered at tool data. Tools: which are’not necessary to machine a part in this example are also registered, The result of automatic process determination is moditied. t Tool data registration ¥ Graphic edit ‘Shape definition Automat carried 0 tools. ic process determination is ut without designating prior ¥ Process determination conditions Automatic process determination Condition setting! condition selection TBASIC TP) The result of automatic process ation is checked. Process deter ¥ conditions ¥ determin: Automatic process: Condition setting’ determination condition selection Procase Iva Teasic TP) Tools which are desired to be used are designated as prior tools, is the machining) + thod satisfactory? Process test Ves ¥ Program creation Program creation Y One-touch course OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 247-€ P38 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (1) Register too! data before starting graphic edit operation, Press the function key [F3] (TOOL DATA) and regisler tool data following the procedure indi cated below. A too! with 55* tool angle and a tool with 25° tool angle are set for both roughing and finish- ing TOOL NO, CODE GD TOOL DATA Set “1" for TOOL NO.= and CODE CD= 1 FORM CODE NO.FC = 1 register the too! to be used for (1) ROUGH OD + TOOLANGLE AI = 85 ROUGH OD = under this number. |t¢o [F2]|EDGE ANGLE 2 = 3 [Fell stickING OUT L = 40 eit HOLDER DIAA D 25 INDEX POSIT. XT = 600 zr = 600 t AT Fy TOOL NO. ‘CODE CD TOOL DATA Set *2* for TOOL NO.= and CODE cD= 1 FORM CODE NO.FC =1 register the 100! to be usod for (1) ROUGH OD — TOOLANGLE Al = 95 FINISH OD «under this number. [F2} [F2]}EDGE ANGLE 2 =3 >| [| stickinc our L = 40 HOLDER DIA. 0D = 25 INDEX POSIT. XT = 500 ZT = 600 a) { Fir Fir TOOL NO. CODE GD TOOL DATA Set *3° for TOOL NO.= and cope GD= 7 FORM CODE NO.FC = 1 register the tool to be used for (7) FINISH OD + TOOLANGLE At = 55 FINISH OD + under this number. |[F2) IF2]) EDGE ANGLE a2 =3 >| [—>|sTicKING OUT L = 49 HOLDER DIA. D = 25 INDEX POSIT. XT = 500 ZT = 600 [ Fir Fir TOOL NO. ‘CODE CD TOOL DATA Set “4” for TOOL NO.= and CODE CD= 7 FORM CODE NO.FC =1 ragister the tool to be used for ( FINSH OD = TOOL ANGLE AT = 35 FINISH OD + under this number. |[F21 [F2l| EDGE ANGLE 2 =3 —| [>| STICKING OUT L = 40 HOLDER DIA. D = 25 y INDEX POSIT. xT = 600 ZT = 600 ey a IF2] (ORDER 4) Altar tool data is set, proceed to graphic edit operation. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 2077-6 Pag SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (2). Deline the workpiece shape. BASIC BLANK SHAPE MAT'LNAME — = SasC. OUT DIA. OD = 100 QUT LENG. OL = 110 INDIA 1D = 0 INLENG. 1 ° DZSHIFT ZS = 0 PZSHIFT ZO = 0 BLANK SIZE = ROUND BAR TURNING MACH SHAPE oh, byl SR=v0 SR=W NEXITAN TNS END PTX= 40 Zz ZANGLE A= 45 < THREAD> KIND KT= OD — PITCH P= 1.5 START PTXA= 50 ZA= 110 END PTXB= 50 ZB= 80 ZANGLE A= -10 (5) sA= a x = CHF SIZE = i4 (13) i E START PT SX= 0 SZ= 110 (13) > DEFINE DI. = COW 19 Daren 2) Press the function key [F2] (PRIOR TOOL), 4) Prass the function key [F1] (QUIT & DECIDE), OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. Pag SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES: (6) Check the resuit of automatic process determination again, ‘The satisfactory machining method as ilustrated below is created. A 1 7 [ROUGH OB (7) Create 2 part program. THREAD OD] To create a part program by designating *;U", press the function key [F2] (SETUP) and carry out setup input before pressing the function key (F6] (PROGRAM CREATE). To skip setup-related operation, only press the function key (F2] (SETUP). OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. B477-£ P43 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES 5. Example 5 (two-touch course) The result of automatic process determination is modified so that a part of the workpiece ID is cut using only a dil Method : Process edit Part Drawing 40 (1.57) 30 (1.18) 70 (2.78) 14 (0.55) 30 (1,18) 970 (2,76) 980 (3.16) Unit: mm (in.) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. [Operation Example Sa77-E Poa SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES 3 [ROUGH OD) FACE] 14 (0.55) ROUGH TID 1 [DRILL BLING] rr [brit diameter =20 5 | FIN. ODH wo FIN. ID te Unit mn (in.) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. S77 Pts SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES. Create a part program following the procedure (two-iouch course) indicated below. ‘Automatic process determination is carried out without registering tools at tool data. Define the shape while ignoring the ID portion which is cut using only a drill. Create a dling process in the process edit mode. For the procedure to modify the data using the condition setting/candition selection function refer to Section 3, 3. i Graphic edit Shape definition Process determination ¥ conditions ‘Automatic’ process Condition setting! determination = condition selection (BASIC TP) ‘The result of automatic process determination is checked. L____,]} Process edit A driling process is missing. ¢ Process test t Program creation J OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E PAB SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (1) Define the workpiece shape. BASIC BLANK SHAPE MATLNAME — = Sas < BLANK ENVLP.> OUT DIA. OD = @ OUTLENG. OL = 75 INDIA ID = 20 —Omitthe portion to be dried. INLENG. IL = 0 DZSHIFr 28 = 0 PZ SHIFT 20 = 0 BLANKSIZE = ‘ROUND BAR TURNING MACH SHAPE FACES =LONG> SA= Ww ee END PT x= 20 || ““QNe7, END PTZ= 0 NEXTTANTN® |] END pT z= 40 NEXT TAN TN= NEXT TAN TN= SA=W “ JUMP> E END PT X= 70 NEXT TAN TN= (10 [=CHAMFERING> C « i ® jj). er q aS Sion aieme END PT Z= 70 a) @ NEXT TAN TN= —s 8Z=0 NEXT TAN TN= DEFINE DIR. = CCW END PT2= 20 CHAMFERING= 0.2 NEXT TAN TN= (2) Carry out automatic process determination. Select BASIC TP for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-8 Paz SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES: Se (8) Check the result of automatic process determination, A diiling process is missing. A 3 2 [HOUSHOD} Fr B ROUGH ©. FACET] LS ri ROUGH 1D 4 [FIN.oD = 2 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. Sa77-E Pap SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (4) Add a driling process to the resul! of automatic process determination. 1) Move the cursor to the top, and press the function key A [F3] (INSERT). ar ‘ 6 | Dri (bingy 2) Create a driling process. re] [a] s. z BS 5 Dail meter 20 Define machining mathod, Press To Tonclon Kay IFT] WETHOD AMENDY and input as follows. ONE TOUCH IGF © ANACH. METHOD ANENDe S45C TEST eccess KIND peau sim ‘These dais CUTTING DIRECTION BLIND(HSS) CUTTING SPEED V = 28 automatically Fete 9.208 enon Mol Sereecrav-coors cH Samet is pst Tool bata No. ho coeumNT SPP Re-on vowrrsan weve” Reoetctanorr}o6-0N Tout Thee GePIHISIENS Bro 2.000 Ose no, eg egetapcr> Bee aasene Toe GatuP Ho. Toe enccomens 8 = “ieep test ceo 19.050 Fecbemnetcen © = Foe cone ro. ro) FEPTCENTER) B Feo ee te 155,009 BRL LENT b+ 71.008 The dase automaticaly whon to ouhg con ip TOOL POSITION XT= So0.000 Zt= 600.000 Define the machining shape. Press the function key [F2] (SHAPE AMEND) and input as follows, CRE TOUCH IGF AMRCH. SHAPE ErENDK = Sac) TEST DRILL BLIND te << DRILL_>> DZ SHIFT 25-—RGENEEE DESIGNAT Mt =effe.depth START PT ZA 75.000 END PT 2B= 14.200 DEPTH T= CUT POS. CP=FRONT APR. PT AP . fPZ- 73.000 PRIN. PT RTx= RIZ= 73,08 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-6 Pag SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES. (8) The machining method which is defined alter the result of automatic process determination thas been changed. A 2 [ROUGH OD : rs ROUGH 0. FACE! eu) | ti v BL 5 14 (0.65) OUGH 1D 6 JORILL BLIND] rn Drill diameter=20 4 | AN.OD& gz FIN. ID (6) Create a part program. To create a part program by designating “;U", press the function key [F2] (SETUP) and carry ut setup input bofore pressing the function key [Fé] (PROGRAM CREATE). To skip setup-related operation, only press the function key [F2] (SETUP), Unit: mm OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P50 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES ‘Supplement (1) Define the workpiece shape. BASIC BLANK SHAPE To define the shape including the ID portion to be drilled MATLNAME — = s45c OUTDIA. OD = 80 OUTLENG. OL = 75 OA ID = 0 INLENG. IL o DZSHIFT 28 = 0 PZSHIFT ZO = 0 BLANK SIZE = ROUND BAR. TURNING MACH SHAPE si SR=W SR=W END PTZ= 0 END PT X= a0 END PTZ= 49 NEXT TAN TN= NEXT TAN TN= NEXT TAN TN= E (19) (11) [ C ‘ SR=W. END PT X= 70 NEXT TAN TN= SA=W END PT Z= 70 NEXT TAN TN= ‘ SR=W END PT X= 30 NEXT TAN TN= START PT SX= SZ= 14 DEFINE DIR.= CCW CHAMFERING= 0.2 sR=W, END PT X= 20 NEXT TAN TI (2) Carry out automatic process determination, Select BASIC TP for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. ° SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Check the result of automatic process determination, e @ [ROUGH 06 | ROUGH 0. FACE!] & ROUGH I 2 [RENOMUL] [7 [DRILL BLIND] rE I diameter ors. Drill diameter=18 6 | FIN. OD —] x 7 [FINDA To create the satistactory machining method (ID machining using only a dril), cary out the following in the process edit mode: Change the drill diameter for DRILL BBLIND. Delete the rough endmiling process. Modify the machining shape of ROUGH ID «. Modily the blank material shape of ROUGH ID «. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. S77-E P52 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Example 6 (two-touch course) The result of automatic process determination is modified so that cutting is carried out in the advancing direction also for the descending part of the workpiece. Method : Process edit [Part Drawing AAA(V) 70 (2.76) 60 (2,36) 30 (1.18) 20 (0.79) $120 (4,72) 040 (1.57) 960 (2.36) 9190 (5.12) | : | | | | | Unit: mm (in,) = OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. [Operation Example P53 AMPLES, 7 [ROUGH OD FIN. OD — OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. a77-E Psa SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Create a part program following the procedure (two-touch course) indicated below. ‘Automatic process determination is carried out without registering tools at tool data. The BASIC values are usad as process determination conditions. ‘Shape definition Process determination + conditions ‘Automatic process Condition sating? determination || condition selection (@Asic TRY The result of automatic The result of automatic process process determination is modified. determination is checked. -————|_ Process edit Process test ig the machining Process test jethod satisfactory? Wes Program creation ¥ Program creation + One-touch course OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. a 347-E P55 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Define the workpiece shape. BASIC BLANK SHAPE MATLNAME — = S450 OUTDIA. OD = 140 OUTLENG. OL = 70 INDIA 1D = 40 IN LENG. 0 DZSHIFT ZS = 0 PZSHIFT 20 = 0 BLANK SIZE = _ AVERAGE STIOK TURNING MAGH SHAPE = TAPER> z= 20 ZANGLE A= 20 [— sR=7 END PT2= NEXTTAN TN= - SA=W START PT SX= 120 RADIUS R= 6 ‘ sR=W7 CHAMFERING: END PTX= 60 ay ay NEXT TAN TN. E 12) ‘ C a) AVE. BLANK SHAPE STCK RMV H CORNER RR Carry out automatic process determination. Select BASIC TP for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. 3 3 | ENDPr 2= 20 (9) The LONG data is changed. ssbowan (2) The TAPER data is END PT Z= ‘ianged. Blank material END PTX z ZANGLEA= 20 _| shape Moditication of blank material shape (Press the function key [F6] (BLANK SHAPE).) (2) The LONG datas chénged, {The end point data for TAPER is changed ‘ END PTX= 126 END PT Z=0 eo ZANGLE A= 20 (@) The FACE data is changed - “ END PT X= 120, + Blank material a8 ‘shape Machining shape OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-£ P58 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (5) The machining method which is defined after the result of automatic process determination has been changed. A 1, [Roush 00 —| 1 2 [Fin oD = (6) Create a part program. To create a part program by designating ";U", press the function key (F2] (SETUP) and carry out setup input before pressing the function key [Fé] (PROGRAM CREATE). To skip setup-related operation, only press the function key [F2] (SETUP), OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-59 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES 7. Example 7 (two-touch course) ‘The result of automatic process determination is modified so that finishing can be completed in one machining process, including finishing of the concave at the end face, Method : Process ecit Part Drawing aa 80 (3.15) 70 (2.76) 45 (1.77) 20 (0.79) R30 (1,18) laa 2 ea, ee Eee, ‘S} | 3] 3 g $ Unit: mm Gin.) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-£ P-30 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Operation Example 2. [ROUGH 00 —| 1 | EK gu 3 4 [FIN OD — OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 2a77-E Pat SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Greate 2 part program lollowing the procedure (two-touch course) indicated uelow. Automatic process determination is carried out alter the tools used to machine this part are registered at too! data. The BASIC TP values are used as process determination conditions. Al the tools used in machining are registered in advance. Tool data registration ‘Shape definition ¥ conditions Process determination determination Condition setting’ ‘Automatic process 4 condition selection (BASIC TP) determination is checked. Process test Ts the machining method satisfactory? Wes ¥ Program creation v One-touch course ‘The result of automatic process The result of automatic process determination is modified — Process edit v Process test t Program creation OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P62 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (1) Register tool data belore starting graphic exit operation, Prass the lunction key |F3] (TOOL DATA) and register too! data following the procedure indicated below. Register all the tools used in machining, (For the tools to be used, refer to page 2-47.) TOOL NO, (CODE GD TOOL DATA Set *1* for TOOL NO. = and CODE CD= 1 FORM CODE NO.FC register the tool to be used for (1) ROUGH OD = TOOLANGLE At ROUGH OD + under this number. |[F2} [Fa1}EDGE ANGLE 2 ae [| sTicKING OUT L HOLDER DIA, D INDEX POSIT. XT ar f FAT FT TOOL NO. CODE CD TOOL DATA Set *2" for TOOL NO. = and CODE CD= 3 FORM CODE NO.FC = register the tool to be used for (3) ROUGH FACE | TOOLANGLE At ROUGH O. FACE | under this (F2) [F2||EDGE ANGLE A2 number. t| [|stickinc our L HOLDER DIA. D INDEX POSIT. XT 27 =600 ¥ FT TFT TOOL NO. ‘CODE GD TOOL DATA Set *3" for TOOL NO. =, and CODE CD= 3 FORM CODE NO.FC =2 Tegister the tool to be used for (3) ROUGH FACE | TOOLANGLE Al =35 ROUGH M. FACE | under this (F2) [F2]|EDGE ANGLE A2 =3 ‘number, — || STICKING OUT L 40 HOLDER DIA. D =25 INDEX POSIT, xT = 500 ZT = 500 f TAT FIT TOOL NO. CODE CD TOOL DATA Set “4" for TOOL NO.= and CODE CD= 7 FORM CODE NO.FC = register the tool to be used for (7) FINISH OD + TOOL ANGLE 1 FINISH OD + under this number. |[F2] (F2]]EDGE ANGLE Az — || STICKING OUT L HOLDER DIA, D . INDEX POSIT. XT ZT =600 + [FIL (ORDER 1) ENO | [F2] (ORDER 1) Alter tool data is set, proceed to graphic edit operation. OKUMA MACHINERY: WORKS LTD, 3477-6 P63 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (2) Define the workpiece shape. BASIC BLANK SHAPE MAT'LNAME — = S450 OUT DIA. OD = 70 OUT LENG. OL = 95 INDIA. 1D = 0 INLENG. IL 0 OZSHIFT ZS = 0 PZSHIFT 20 = 0 BLANK SIZE ROUND BAR, TURNING MACH SHAPE SA=vv END PT Z= 20 NEXT TAN TN= SR=Wv END PTX= 60 45 SR=W END PT X= 70 NEXT TAN TN= NEXT TAN TI START PT: t sR=~ END PT Z= 0 NEXT TAN TN= ~<0W ARO> SA=v END PTX= zs =" NEXT TAN TN= (2) OA a Ses oe J) Sree. (1) END PT x= NEXT TAN TN= SHER START PT SX= 0 SZ= 80 (10) [_ C DEFINE DIR.= CCW CHAMFERING = 0.2 (3) Carry out automatic process determination. Select BASIC TP for PRO. DECIDE TYPE, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. S477-E P.6a SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (4) Check the result of automatic process determination. ‘an automatic process determination error occurs. Uncut portion (machining using normal tools) error The machining method is not satisfactory Tools not registered at tool data are used for machining Finishing is to be completed in the FIN. OD@ process A 3 [ee™ 2 Beer ROUGH OD | 7 [FIN OD ho 5 [FIN OD — Portion where cutting} ‘ {snot possible due to” a f interference Ny 8 FN OOH 6 | FIN OD = ‘Tool nat registered at tool data é Tool not registered at_ ‘Tool nol registered at tool data tool data Whether or not the tool is not registered at tool data (too! generated by the one-touch IGF) can be judged from the tool data number used in the machining method. When the (ool is not registered at too! dala, its tool data number is “0”, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. SA77-E P85 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES: (5) Modily the result of automatic process determination. Method : Modify the result of automatic process determination in the process edit made. Newly create a 19 process. Since the finishing processes which have been created in the automatic process determination mode are not necessary, delete them. 1) Delete the following processes. FIN.O.FACEL |/s[FiN.oD+ |[6]FiN.OD<— —|[7]FIN.OD~ __|[a]FiN. oD | a yA a FIN. OD = 2) Create the 4 FIN. OD = process. Define the machining method (press the function key [Ft] (METHOD AMEND).) a) PROCESS KIND 3=F.TURN b) CUTTING DIRECTION: OD + Cutting conditions are set automatically. ©) Display the guide drawing by pressing the function key [Fd] (PROCESS ON/OFF). The list of registered tools will be displayed. The tool registered at No. 4 is used. 4) Input “4” for TOOL DATA NO, ‘The loolrelated data is set automatically. Define the machining shape (press the function key [F2] (SHAPE AMENO}.) (8) Save eo Gtr Size C~ 0: snevw 0) eno ores 20 (sence ! Sooo QUT DIA. OD = 220 OUT LENG. OL = 45 INDIA. 1D. = 20 INLENG, IL = 0 DZSHIFT ZS = 0 PZSHIFT ZO = 0 BLANK SIZE = AVERAGE STICK TURNING MACH SHAPE E al NEXT TAN TN 2 =FACE> ay gR= 0 “ © i] "ENGRTS io NEXT TAN TN. “ : sADUS R= 25 Bro re Senrenexe 10 z cena Next TAN T= Y= no tangent ‘al —e=: = 6-2 Se END PT X= 60 STAAT PT Sx= 20, NEXT TAN TNs DEFINE DIR.= CW CHAMFERING= 0.2 (2) Carry out automatic process determination, Select BASIC TP for PRO. DECIDE TYPE OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P72 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (3) Check the result of automatic process determination. ‘The machining method is not satisfactory. Machining is composed of too many processes Since the A25 arc is finished through two machining processes, a cutler mark is let, 7 OSA: A FACE | OUST 5 | Feet Tomer 7 [FNoo = 8 1 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-6 P79 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES, (4) Check the result of automatic process determination Method : Automatic process determination is carried out again under another result of automatic process determination. The FACE/LONG DECIDING data for TYPE 2 is changed. {You may change the data for TYPE 1 or TYPE 3.) 1). Press the lunction keys [F8] (EXTEND) and [F3] (PROCESS DECIDE) in this order. PE POU = BLE Te TPE Tees TES ian OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. B477-E P74 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (5) Check the result of automatic process determination again. The satisfactory machining method is generated as indicated below. 3 [eno race # al s [FIN M. FACET el 4 [rn 0. Facet | (6) Create a part program. To create a part program by designating *;U", press the function key [F2] (SETUP) and carry ‘out setup input before pressing the function key [F6] (PROGRAM CREATE), ‘To skip selup-related operation, only press the function key [F2] (SETUP), OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 347-€ P75 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES 9. Example 9 (interactive course) ‘A workpiece which has a concave on the ID end face is machined. [Part Drawing WW 25 (0.98) 45° 15 (0.59) 480 (3.15) 6120 (4,72) Unit: mm {in.) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477 P76 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Operation Example] A ; . a TEES 2 3 ae - Te Pecans 3 [rmo. Facer Po OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. BATE PIT SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Create a part program following the procedure (interactive course) indicated below, Input data for the necessary machining processes in the process edit mode, (input for each individual machining process) Since automatic process determination is not carried out, define only the basic blank material shape in the shape definition mode, and terminate it by pressing the function key (ORDER 1). Note that it is not possible to go on to the process edit mode without defining the basic blank material shape. ‘A part program can also be created using the two-touch course in which the result of aulomatic process determination is modified, however, it is recommended to lake the interactive course, taking man-hour for modification into consideration. Fer the two-touch course, refer to “Supplement”, Graphic edit Only the basic blank material shape is defined and the graphic edit mode is terminated by pressing the lunction key (ORDER 1), ‘Shape definition Create all the machining processes. (input for each individual machining process) Process edit y Process test ¥ Program creation End OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 947-E P78 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (1) Detine the workpiece shape. Define only the basic blank material shape. BASIC BLANK SHAPE MATILNAME = = OUTDIA. OD = OUT LENG. OL INDIA 1D INLENG, IL = OZ SHIFT ZS = PZSHIFT 720 = BLANK SIZE = s45c. ROUND BAR + With the interactive course, only ROUND BAR can be designated for BLANK SIZE. Therefore, when the blank material with uniform stock or the arbitrary-shaped blank material is used, define the blank material shape for each machining process in the process edit mods. Terminate shape definition operation by pressing the function key (ORDER +). OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-£ P79 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (2) Create machining processes in the process edit mode, Since a round bar is used as the blank material, the blank material shape is not defined for each procass. (LAPS is used for machining the workpiece.) A 1 [ROUGH 0. FACE| | 1) Create the ROUGH 0. FACE | process. Lo Define the machining method. (Press the function key [F1] (METHOD AMEND).) Input as follows. Jone: TOUCH IGF” MECH. METHOD SENDK S45CTEST2 PROCESS KIND ROUGH TURN CUTTING BIFECTION Op FACE! CUTTING SPEED vee BALANCE CUT Exist FEEDRATE FR= [The data is set Gur. DPT oD ToOL_DATA NO. No @ SPINDLECGHceuns= | mart dts when ReNET.AX. UNeNONE —” cockenTcon-oFF n= | Reproctes a a 1 cestoworry ese | SRS DIRECTION are atines OFFSET NO, ON= FIN. STOCK Lx: TOOL GROUP NO. TG= Las OFFST GROUP NO. 0 FORM CODE NO. Fi TOOL ANGLE = Al= 0.200 EDGE ANGLE A: 5.000 STICKING QUT L= 42.200 TOOL POSITICN T= S20.200 27 28.020 Define the machining shape. (Press the function key [F2] (SHAPE AMEND).) Define following the numbers indicated below. (2)/ sTaRT PTSx= 120 (1) | REF. PTX= 124 SZ= 25 Z= 92 FRONT CUT PT Ch OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 2a77-€ Pan SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES. 2 | FIN. 0. FACE 2) Create the FIN, 0. FACE | process. The machining shape for the ROUGH M. FACE | process is a — part of the machining shape for the FIN. O. FACE | process. Therefore, the ROUGH M. FACE | process is created later, | by modifying the copied FIN. 0. FACE | process. Define the machining method. (Press the function key [F1] (METHOD AMEND).) Input as follows. one TOUGH IG” wCH. METHOD HrENOK Sas TESTE PROCESS KIND FINGH TURN CUTTING DIRECTION OD FACE! FINISH SPEED v= BRUNE CUT NONE SPIMMLECCONNS [eager COOLANT ON/OFF 2NC* * | automaticaly an the TOOL, DATA NO. n 2 coscon-cFr Bese ate ara PONIT.AX.” LnenoE | FIN. STOR Lx atten Teun. TN 3 ze | recess oko OFFSET NO. ONS 3FIN. 9 FEED. Fiz | and the CUTTING Took. GROUP No. T oo FEED, Fee [ORECTON we GPFST GROUP WO. O5- ooo FEED. Fa- FoR CODE NO. Fe= 2 FEED. Faz TOOL ANQE Ale = 35.000 EDGE ANGE = Re 3.00 STICKING OUT L= 40.002 TOOL POSITION T= 520,00 23+ 20.000 Define the machining shape. (Press the function key [F2] (SHAPE AMEND).) Define following the numbers indicated below. 2) 5 sack pet ea (0 [Ree prxe v22 Sz= 25 cur PT oP= FRONT (3)- | sA=vv. CHF SIE C= 02 TAGS 0) ioe (a) RAGWOAS 10 (7) SFR sR=Wy ENO PT x= CENTERGX= 0 z= -60 START PT: 1 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3a77-E P81 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUGH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES 3) Create the ROUGH M. FACE | process. Move the cursor as indicated to the left, press the function key 3 | FIN. 0. RAGE f IF5] (COPY), and input “2". This will copy the FIN. ©. FACE L process (*2" is the process number for FIN. O. FACE |.) a Change the data for “3 ROUGH M. FACE | * Define the machining method. (Press the function key [F1] (METHOD AMEND).) Input as follows. ONE TOUCH IGF #MACH. METHOD AYENDK S4SC_ = TEST2 PROCESS KIND POUGH TURN QUITTING DIRECTION MID FACES CUTTING SPEED VR* [The aaa mer BALANCE CUT. None: FEEDRATE, FR= | aulomatcaty on the basis of the matera| ata when in| cur. DEPTH =D TOOL DATA NO. @ SPINDLECOWCOHIMS® MONIT.AK. CooLANTCONorF ince [PROCESS Kio TOOL NO. ZCCSOWOFF) —CS* [DIRECTION we OFFSET NO. 2 FIN. STOCK — Lx |eined. TOOL. GROUP 110. ra OFFST GROUP 1.03 FORM CODE NO. 2 TOOL ANGLE 35.000 EDGE ANGLE 3.000 STICKING OUT 40.008 TOOL POSTTICN 320.002 20.008 Define the machining shape. (Press the function key [F2] (SHAPE AMEND).) Define following the numbers indicated below. (1) Change the reference point REF. PTX= 102 2= 26 Change the starting poi SZ= 25 CUT PT CP= FRONT (8) Delete the following shape elements. [ | SR=vy, CHF SIZE C= 0.2 —@—-—v—|_— [| sface> SA=vv END PTX: OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-82 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (3) The following machining method is obtained by inputting the data for each process in the process edit made. z 7 ROUGH ©. 1 3 i 3 : 2 |_| —_ | Poa 2 [FINO FACED ae) (4) Create a part program. To create a part program by designating “;U", press the function key [F2] (SETUP) and carry ut setup input before pressing the function key [Fé] (PROGRAM CREATE). To skip setup-related operation, only press the function key [F2] (SETUP). OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. S477-E P23 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES sO Supplement {two-touch course) (1) Define the workpiece shape. BASIC BLANK SHAPE MATLNAME — = S4sC OUTDIA. OD = 120 OUTLENG. OL = 30 INDA. iD = 0 INLENG. IL = 0 DZ SHIFT ZS = 0 PZSHIFT ZO = 0 BLANK SIZE = ROUND BAR TURNING MACH SHAPE To create a part program using the automatic process determination function =FAGE> SR= vv END PT X= 120 NEXT TAN Th & | | 18) (9) C START PT SX= 0 SZ= 20 DEFINE DIR.= CCW CHAMFERING = 0.2 (2) Carry out automatic process determination, Select BASIC TP for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. SR=vv END PTX ZANGLE A= 45 NEXT TAN TN= ext Tat START PT: t Gow eros Sas Cenex 2= cz: stam Pr OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3A77-E Pad SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (3) Check the result of automatic process determination. 7 ; 3 + 4 ‘ 2 | Boos | = ; (Se a 2 | Facer 5 Lon 5 [FIM FACET al To create a satisfactory machining method by modifying the above result, the machining shape for all the processes must be modified in the procass edit mode. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. TE Pas SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES 10. Example 10 (two-touch course: two-saddle specification) The result of automatic process determination is modified so that ROUGH OD + and ROUGH O. FACE | can be executed simultaneously Method : Process edit Part Drawing VV 50 (1.97) C2 (0,08) 470 (2,76) #155 (6.10) 4 | | | Units mm Gin.) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES [Operation Example ale 1[2 3|4 EOUGH oe BE | \, simuteneous BOUGHT: Tmactinin Pagel achining 3a An 00 £ \, simotaneous AW. Face x] (~ Machining OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 47-E P87 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Create a part program following the procedure (two-touch course) indicated below. The BASIC values are used as process determination conditions When two portions to be machined in roughing are adjacent each other, the IGF system determines an independent machining process for each portion, To execule simultzneous machining, the result of automatic process determination must be modified ‘Shape definition Process determination t conditions ‘Automatic process Condition setting’ * determination || condtion selection (BASIC TP) The result of autematic The result of automatic process process determination determination is checked. is mociled. Process test Process edit is the machining Process test method satisfactory? Wes —— rogram creation + a Program creation ¥ ‘One-touch course (era) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-£ P88 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (1) Define the workpiece shape. BASIC BLANK SHAPE| MAT'LNAME == OUTDIA. OD = OUT LENG. OL = INDIA. ID = IN LENG. iL DZ SHIFT ZS PZ SHIFT ZO BLANK SIZE [TURNING MACH SHAPE] eee sasc 160 ROUND BAR E 7 “ SR=vv END PT Z= NEXT TAN TN= “ZORAMFER> SR=Wv CHE SIZE =FAGES SR= 99 END PT x: NEXT TAN TI 185 START PT SX= 70 SZ= 50 DEFINE DIR. = COW CHAMFERING = 0.2 a ae eS (2) Carry out automatic process determination. Select BASIC TP for PRO. DECIDE TYPE, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 347-E P89 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (3) Chock the result of automatic process determination, The machining method is not satisfactory. ROUGH 0. FACE | and ROUGH 00 + need to be executed simultaneously. ale 1 2 a fa 2 [Roush 00 +] NER 7 [mem Simultaneous ‘machining 2 [FIN 0. Faces x OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 347-E P39 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (4) Modify the result of automatic process determination, Method : Modify the result of automatic process determination in the process edit mode so that ROUGH 0. FACE | and ROUGH OD = cam be executed simultaneously. Note that the cutting conditions designated on the MACH. METHOD AMEND screen are for independent machining. The cutting conditions for simultaneous machining can be checked and modified on the cutting condition list. 1). Transfer the ROUGH OD < process from the A-saddle to the B-saddle so that ROUGH O. FACE | and ROUGH OD = car be executed simultaneously. ROUGH 0. FACE | J 2] ROUGH 0D — 2 Place the cursor as indicated (o the lelt, pros. _| = the function key [Fé] (EXCHANGE), and enter the process numbar of ROUGH OD +. Pa] When the machining process is transferred between two saddles, there right be cases in which the same tool number appears repeatedly for the same saddle, (An error does not occur.) In such cases, change the tool number and the offset number accordingly. a 2] ROUGH OD — 2) Extend the machining shape and blank material shape of the "2 ROUGH OD =" process in the Z-axis direction, To machine two adjacent portions simultaneously, the portions ‘must be parlly overlapped. Modilication of machining shape (Press the function key [F2] (SHAPE AMEND).) a et saps Nes a (2) The START PT dat is changed ‘START PT SX= unchanged sz= 6 (1) The reference point data is changed. inchanged) 9 Machin shape (4) The LONG shape elements are (2) The process stating point daa is changed. inserted , : CUT PT P= unchanged ENDPT XS 50.932 APR, PT APX= unchanged Input the SZ value RPe ee belore modification. RIN. PTRTX= unchanged are Modification of blank material shape (Press the function key [F6] (BLANK SHAPE).) (1) Tho TAPER end point date C (lirst shape element) is changed. IEND PTX= unchanged < Z= 85 tank meter shape [eee I rE eSecSensezetah ' Lo actin shape OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 9477-6 P31 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES. (6) The machining method which is dofined alter the resull of automatic process determination has been changed. ale 1] 2 |=— Blanks can be left as they are. T. JRousH oo = Simultaneous e eek machining FIN. OD = Simultaneous An. o.FacE!| (Machining SSS a ee ce 5 (6) Create a part program. To create a part program by designating “;U", press the function key [F2] (SETUP) and carry ‘out setup input before pressing the function key [F8] (PROGRAM CREATE) To skip setup-related operation, only press the function key [F2] (SETUP). OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P92 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES 41. Example 11 (two-touch course: two-saddle specification) The turning shape and the contour generating machining shape are modified. Fx aeng] WV ) 50 (1.97) 4]{0.16) =o co €2 (0.08) 27.586 27.386 2 (1.07819) (1.07819) f=) 6155 (6.10) 145 (5.71) 70 (2,76) Unit: mm (in) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-6 P93 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Operation Example als rf2 af4 5 IN xz] Foust 00 +] Simultaneous Y i] ERSTE] (7 machining a] Fm oo ‘Simultaneous machining OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 77- P94 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES ale 12 afa cso FAGE GEN. A = [Enama cameter= 16] OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, SA77-E P98 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Create a part program following the procedure (two-touch course) indicated below ‘The result of automatic process determination is modified, The machining shape of the contour generating machining process can not be modified in the process edit mode. (Only the machining method can be modified.) ‘Therefore, to modify the machining shape of the contour generating machining process, it is necessary to modify it in the shape definition mode and to retry automatic process determination. To leave the created tuming process as it is, designate “M (adding mulli-machining)” when automatic process determination is retried. This can be used effectively when the turning shape has been modified in the process edit mode before the machining shape of the contour generation machining process is changed. Shape definition ¥ Process determination conditions Automatic process Condition setting! determination Basie Te]_condion selection ‘The result of automatic process determination is checked. Process test Is the machining method satisfactory? The turning process is modilie. Wes Process edit t ‘The multi-machining Program creation ¥ process is modilied. Shape definition v ‘One-touch course Designate “M (adding ‘multemachining)” Process determination v conditions: Automatic process Condition setting’ soon Tease Try L_Constion seloction ~ Process test ¥ Program creation OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477. E P96 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES —— ” Define the workpiece shape, BASIC BLANK SHAPE MATLNAME — = S45C OUT DIA. OD = 160 OUT LENG. OL = 55 INDIA. 1D. = 70 INLENG. IL ° OZSHIFT ZS = 0 PZSHIFT ZO = 0 BLANK SIZE = ROUND BAR TURNING MACH SHAPE E =LONG> — | SR=00 END PT Z= 0 NEXT TAN TN= SA=0v END PT X= 155 NEXT TAN TN=, (2) (1) START PT SK= 70 SZ= 50 DEFINE DIR.= CW CHAMFERING = 0.2 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES: 3a77-E Ps ‘M MACHINING SHAPE Press the function key [FB] (GENERATING). GENERATING SHAPE c90 | | TooL Dia. | | GUT.DIR, ID= FACE GENERATING | COR SYS CK= X-Y-Z | ROT ANGL CO= 0 START PT Sx GUT.END EZ= 48 15 COMP DIR. OF = LEFT 180 270 (2) Carry out automatic process determination, Select BASIC TP for PRO. DECIDE TYPE, SUR RGH SA= 7 END PT X= -27.986 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P98 TION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (2) Check the result of automatic process determination. ‘The machining method is not satisfactory. ROUGH 0. FACE | and ROUGH OD — need to be executed simultaneously. ala 1 2 ala ROUGH 00 = + | BRE. a [rm oo ge Simuteneous 3 [rmo.races| (machining ; Le OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P99 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES. The machining method is not salistactory Machining needs to be started from the outside of the blank material shape. and to be ‘ended in the outside of the blank material shape ale 1 2 a|a 5 cao cz70 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. SA77-E P10 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (4) Modity the result of automatic process determination. Method : a) Madily the turing shape in the process edit mode. (ROUGH OD = and ROUGH ©. FACE | are executed simultaneous'y.) b) Modify the contour generating machining shape in the shape definition mode, and retry automatic process determination, 2) Modify the turning shape in the process edit mode. ROUGH 0. FACE 1 |1) Transfer the ROUGH OD = process from the A:saddle to the B-saddle s0 that ROUGH O. FACE | and ROUGH OD = can be executed simultaneously ala Place the cursor as indicated to the loft, press a the function key [F6] (EXCHANGE), and enter 2 [ROUGH OD — 2 the process number of ROUGH OD «- When the machining process is transferred between two saddles, there might be cases in which the same tool number appears repeatedly for the same saddle. (An error does not occur.) In such cases, change the tool number and the offset number accordinaly. 2 ala 5 2 [ROUGH OD — 2) Extend the machining shape and blank material shape of the “2 ROUGH OD +" process in the Z-axis direction. To machine two adjacent portions simultaneously, the portions must be partly overlapped. Modification of machining shape : (Press the function key (F2] (SHAPE AMEND)) (1) The reference point data is changed, Bank mater shepe “ (2) The START PT data is changed. START PT Sk» unchanged Seo Mscriting spe (4) The LONG shape elements are, (3) Tha process stating pein daa i crass. inserted, a eas StONGS T CP = unchanged uD ee ae APR. PT APM unahanged Input the 82 valve w put APZ= 59) Besore-moacicatan RIN.PT RTX= unchanged Maaicatian of blank material shape 1 Lunetion ke) Seams Se Mae For ens 8) PANG SHSED (1) The TAPER end point data “ (lest shape element) is changed, [END PTX= unchanged| Z= 56 lank maori shop i Machining ee OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 2a77-£ Por SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES 3) Delete the FACE GEN. A process. 5 | FACE GEN. A SS Endmitl diameter= 15 When automatic process determination is retied by designating “M", a multimachining process is added to the existing machining processes, resulting in duplication of the muli- machining process. Therefore, delete the previous mulli-machining process in advance. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P.102 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES b) Modify the contour generating machining shape. 1) Define the contaur generating machining shape in the shape definition mode. BASIC BLANK SHAPE Press the function key [F2] (ORDER | ) (1) Set the starting point SY at a higher position, TURNING MACH SHAPE | CUT.DIR. ID= FACE GENERATING COR SYS CK= X-Y-2 ROT ANGL CO. Press the function key (F2] (ORDER J | M MACHINING SHAPE Pross the WRITE key. GENERATING SHAPE ne [come DIR. OF= LeFT c180 co (2) Set the end face end point X at a lower position. SUR RGH SR - 270 END PT X= ~34.886 (2) Carry out automatic process determination, Solect BASIC TP for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. ‘The prompt “process exist (Y=delete, M=M append, N=decide cancel)" will be dis- played. Input *M" OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-103 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUGH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES (6) The machining method which is defined alter the result of automatic process determination has been changed. ale 1 [2 |— Blanks can be left as thoy are aa 5 rN a[AOUSH OD = my ai] ROSE my — - [ifaw 00 ® wa] Ano Facey ae Simultaneous ‘machining Simultaneous machining OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-€ P-104 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES als fe I ilps Blanks can be left as they are. a|4 5 c1g0 2 [aceon Ss [So Endl dameter= 15) 270 (6) Create a part program. To create a part program by designating “|U", press the function key (F2] (SETUP) and carry ‘out setup input before pressing the function key [F6] (PROGRAM CREATE). To skip setup-related operation, only press the function key [F2] (SETUP) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 347-£ P-105 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES 12. Supplement (Part Program Output Example) The part program created in Example 3 is output as explained on the following pages. The machining method for Example 3 is as indicated below. A 1 [ROUsH OD — 2 | AND a [THREAD 0s -| OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P1068 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES 1, Program Added When “U" is Cesignated + [Roush oo =} | ‘Tool lasslication Tact shape code Protusion amouni Cuting xdge angle Too ange code VTLIN IL ala VTLt (1) =40 |vTeaz [1] =3 vrei (2) =35) (1) VTLIN [2] =7 VTLEN (2; VTLL [2) =40 VTLA2 [2] =3 VTLAI [2] =35 VTLIN (3]=13 VTLFN(3]=1 VTLA2 [3] =0 VTLAl [3] =60 Blank material chucking righv-end face Chuckjaw length Chuckjaw stop cameier [a [THREADOS<| [2 | FINODM cay aaa aa ion waned ber work = [re LPLLE, (0, 01, (200, 1007. (110, oF | Sie vow END at Distance trom the Pzero (3) DEF WoRK =a point on the ebucs jaw PF 0. [0,0], 100, D Front vw END torn mulimachining speciation any) DRAW (1) System variable for cutting tool (2) System variable for chuckitalstock (3) Blank material UGC (user graphic commanc) TL. Initial Program Based on ina dimension parameter No. 11 (1)No001 Goo x S00 z 500 (2) Nooo2 cso (1) Retract to the tool change position af the 1st process (2) Maximum spindle speed OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 2477- P-107 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES Ml. 1st Process (ROUGH 0D +) Program Constant perineal speed > Speed a! he cycle rolorence pont Constant pees ‘Speed for tha warkpece area in wich jie ¥-coordnate 's \,Spinule speed range cammand \,(eab0¢ on ine dmansion parameter No 3 hugh Mo. tn tho sequence ooo nos raxivs compensation oa Novotny ote No ee Spin peed ond deste NaTo# i Consent pag sod ak = (1) Novo [aaa] oercomnars \ (Sarma? WSS Ts (2) Novi coo x 108) 2 ais 2 (3) No1o2 [aaa] Sen bot its Cian ON command Cl ot ond bar mechs yee poh of ate seed ony Sequence No. for hapa,” Feedrete (mmrey) er . —woros fas) (oToO-S aa) as NO104 [G83] Star of blank material shape definition I NO106 eae parameter No. 35) as No1o7 Zz 19.8 0108 [GBI] Stat of machining shape (in te longludnal craton) dliniton (G82 lr end ace} No108 Goo X 44.703 z 110, 932 Too! nose racius compensation ON command (4) yoito Goi X 50.4 z 108. 083 [E035 Nott 2 72.917 score thon cuing is mace a =. Wants X 40.4 2 pa ayy. Foedtate when culing is mace along te machining we Z TA 917 shape. (prc pareater Ne. tou No.3) Noita X 58.745 £0. 525 Noris X 60.438 z 69.909 Noite X 76.57 2 24.166 0.35 No117 Goz X 86.024 z 20.2 14.727 Ko. 834 £0,525 No118 Gol X 99.766 No119 X 102,263 z 18, 951 £0.35 nina atc Teal nose recus compensation Consiant peripheral speed: Speed al the cyclo volerence point oid ees care ‘Constant speod Speed lor the workpiece area in ‘of shape delinion ‘hich the Xcoorinalae maximum, (5) No122 Goo Xx 108 (8) No1z3 G97 (SAT S]IMOD] conten OFF commana (7) Noize X 500 Z 600 (B10) Too! nose vzdus compensation cancel ‘command (taeed on he iniage param No 19) (1) Spindle speed command (2) Approach to the process starting point + Approach to the cycle reference point (3) Constant peripheral speed ON command (4) LAP cycle (LAPA) # (8) Retract to the process end point (6) Constant peripheral speed OFF command (7) Retract to the tool change position OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 2a77-E P-108 |F OPERATION EXAMPLES SECTION 2 ONE-TOUC! VV. 2nd Process (FIN. OD =) Program ‘Speed atthe cycle reference post Constant peripherals Constant speed Speed fore wor Spindle spead range command \ {based on the cimension parameter We 3 ugh No) NETO Constant peripharal speed = : : (1) Nozoo az] Seen pea (SETHE HET) HHO] Coco OW commana (ay NO201 GOO 108" zi12—Tozoanz No20z x 50, (Gi aa Ret lbp, ern ae a, aa So sas 0205 [GB] iB o! machining shape (nthe lngiudnsl doctor linn (GE2 tor wn lac) No206 Goo xX 45,434 No207 Go Z110. 283 |EOT8) Feodkaie (mmviov) Nozoa =X 50 Zi08 No2os Z 80 Tool nose ads componsaion ON command (4ynozi0 = xX ao 278 Noait z 70 Noz12, xX 59.6 No213. X60. 068 Z 68.803 Nozi4—-X76.176 Z 24.132 Noz15 GO2X 96.024 220 14. 924 Ko. 808 Nozi6 Goi x 99.6 Noi7 x 190, 508.2 19. 517 Noa 1 [Gua] tate iad eorporston” Coin pro spat N0219 [636] En of shape cofeion aaa ‘heh tho X-ccorinte is maxinum, (5) No220 Goi x 102.786 Z 20.617 uaeaaer (6) No221 coo x 108 7 (7) N0222 G97 (8) M0223 X 800-2800 [FOO] Toolset cance command [based on tha integer parameter No. 19) (1) Spindle speed command (2) Approach to the process starting point + Approach to the cycle reference point (3) Constant peripheral speed ON command (4) LAP cycle (LAPA) (5) Fletracting motion at cycle completion (retract amount = Setting at the dimension parameter No. 45 + finishing stock + 0.1) (6) Fetract to the process end point (7) Constant peripheral speed OFF command (8) Retract to the tool change position OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 8a77-E P-109 SECTION 2 ONE-TOUCH IGF OPERATION EXAMPLES V._ 3rd Process (THREAD OD +) Program Speed for the workpiece area in which the Spindle speed range command ferog, ¢ Seema eetis {based onthe gmancion parameter No.3 hough No, 10) zaoo Coolant ON command 60300 coo ery noses Gxt Resa) Nosozxi08 2111, 91 7030303 nay shin tok (2) No303 x60 Depth of cul n the fist tread cutiog cycle Too! angie lnfeed pation 1 Foe raed tig crc TTeced bate NC ‘ (3) No304 [677] xaB. 05 279, 363 (Hi 95)[Do-7)U0.1 is mas) (4) No305 Goo x10 ‘aight infeed along Spine stop command. (5) Noso6 ~mn reese Gow) iran ot (6).No307 __xs00 ze0o —_—[F9309) ice) moo command Charter OFF conan No308 ind of program Codient OFF command 3 OF i oo! alist canes! command (eased on the integer parametor No. 19) (1) Spindle speed command (2) Approach to the process starting paint + Approach to the cycle reference point (3) Fixed cycle (4) Retract to the process end point (5) Spindle stop command (6) Retract to the tool change position OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477 P-110 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS Process determination conditions are like rule books in which automatic determination rules are written. There are four rule books, “BASIC TP", “TYPE 1", “TYPE 2", and “TYPE 3", and automatic process determination can be executed in four different ways. { weer ‘The process determination conditions are classified into four rules, (1) PRIOR TOOL DESIGNATION This is the automatic determination rule which is related with the priority of the tools registered as tool data. The tools designated as prior tools are given priority for use. (2) FACE/LONG DECIDING DATA This is the automatic determination rule which is related with the turning process kind (longitudinal direction/end face). (3) INSIDE MACHINING DATA This is the automatic determination rule which is related with ID machining, especially with driling and encmilling. (4) SHAPE/TOOL POSITION DATA This is the automatic determination rule which is related with the machining shape created in the roughing process in the process edit mode and with the tool indexing position. Whether the machining shape is taken as the final shape or the final shape added with finishing stock is taken as the machining shape can be switched, ‘The tool indexing position can be changed as necessary. 'SHAPEMTOOL POSITION DATA INSIDE MACHINING DATA. FACE1ONG DECIONG DATA PRIOR TOOL DESIGNATION Process ‘crorntion ‘snctons OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477 Pat SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS Process determination conditions are set as listed below prior to shioment. ‘The BASIC TP is the rule to determine the standard machining method for typical workpieces. For TYPE 1, TYPE 2, and TYPE 3, the same data are written as in the BASIC TP, with the exception of the FACE'LONG DECIDING data. Basic TP TYE TYRE 2 TE 3 PAIOR TOOL | Not desgratod | Not designates | Not designated | Not designated DESIGNATION | since toa datas | sinao tol dea is_ | since tol daa is | since fol data is rotregstered, | rotregiteee. | notregistrea. | not registered FACELONG | Determines the | Determines the | Determines he | Roughing: DECIDING DATA. | standard machining] machining method | machining method Same as the matnod for ypical | instich both | in which bon BASIC valves wonpeces |rghng end roughing ond | erring finishing are carried| finishing are carried] FN cit inthe out anne and Oni ihe fongtucrat | ace pee aireeton, which both roughing and fining are carried ut n the tongue Grecton SDE Determines the | Saneasihe | Samassihe | Same asthe WACHINING | standerd machining BASIC values | BASIC vales | BASIC values Data method fer pies wovkpeces SHAPETOOL | Tool index poston:| Same asthe | Same asthe | Samo as he POSTION DATA |" Foreheck work] BASIC veves | BASIC ates | BASIC values Finishing stock: Finishing stock is added to the machining shape. (offset finishing stock) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-8 P-a12 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS asic TP | TyPE1 | TyPE2 | TYPES FACEILONG DECIDING DATA LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHFIN, 10 10 100 10 FACE ‘MAX. ANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR FACE 20 20 20 20 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO L’B 300 [1000 10 300 MAX. WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR ROUGH 20 0 400 20 FACE FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG ROUGH 3 400 0 3 MACHIN. FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN, MACHIN, é 100 0 100 INSIDE MACHINING DATA DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH 10 10 10 10 BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA, VALUE 20 20 20 20 FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE 1000 3000 4000) 1000) CENTERING TOOL SELECTION 1 1 1 1 ‘SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 50. 50. 50 50 HS. DRILL POSIBLE CUT. DEPTH/DRILL DIA 250 250 250 250 DRILLBEND MILL ALLOWANCE WIDTH 2 2 2 2 (CUTTING) SHAPE/TOOL POSITION DATA ROUGH SHAPE QUTPUT (0= OFFSET, 0 0 0 0 1= SHIFT) TOOL INDEX POSITION X-AXIS TOOL INDEX POSITION Z-AXIS The sot value for the tool indexing position is not listed since it varies depending on machine models. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCE! 3A77-E P4113 SS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS Prior Tool Designation Prior {ool designation refers {o designation of priority of the registered tools. Prior tool designation can be performed for any of BASIC TP, TYPE 1, TYPE 2, and TYPE 3. This ‘means one tool can be designated as a prior tool in four different ways. Tools registered as too! data can only be designated as prior tools, and to designate a non-registered tool as a prior too! first register its tool data in the tool data set mode. Selection of Toot tobe Used Usablowunusable — Accoreing to the Result of automatic process determination 1 Too = 57 Feo not” iment Order of Prac Teanat 2 Sudar iden of Priority beused : ‘ ae Piri os : : sabi ot {Tool desired | (be used | Pri ‘ Usable high Lowest | Prior toot designation As illustrated above, registered tools might be judged to be unusable. For these tools, prior too! designation can not be applied. (An error occurs if altempted.) The following are examples of unusable tools. ‘These tools can be selected as usable tools for each individual process in the process edit mode, and a process test can be performed using these tools if they are registered in the process edit mode. ROUGH OD — CODE CD=2 ROUGH OD > CODE CD=2 FINISH OD = CODE CD= FINISHOD > CODE CD=2 GROVE OD | CODE CD=2 ROUGH FACE | CODE CD=3 ROUGH FACE FINISH FACE | FINISH FACE ROUGH ID — CODE CD= ROUGH ID > CODE CI FINISH ID. — CODE CI FINISH ID + CODE CI OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-€ P-114 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS How to use prior tools is explained using operation examples. ‘The explanation is made assuming that only the following eight tools are registered as tool data Units_mnm TOOLNO=1 TOOL NO= 2 ROUGH OD— FORM CODE NO.FC = 7 TOOL ANGLE Ai 4 EDGE ANGLE 2 ROUGH OD— FORM CODE NO.FC = 1 TOOLANGLE At 4 EDGE ANGLE A2 Te STICKING OUT L HOLDER DIA. 0 STICKING OUT L HOLDER DIA. DO ‘OL NO= 3 TOOL NO= 4 ROUGH ID— [FORM CODE NO. FC TOOLANGLE AI EDGE ANGLE —A2 [(0.39))10 | HOLDER LENGTH L ——} |HOLDERDIA. ROUGH ID— [FORM CODE NO. FC TOOL ANGLE At EDGE ANGLE —A2 (0.9825 | HOLDER LENGTH L —}" |HOLDER DIA. =D TOOL NO= § TOOL NO= 6 GROOVE 0D} [FORM CODE NO.FC = 1 GROOVE OD} [FORM CODE NO.FC = 1 TOOL WIDTH =W =5 TOOL WIDTH = W =3 TOOL ANGLE At = 180 TOOL ANGLE At = 780 STICKING OUT L = 20 STICKING OUT L = 20 5 (0.20) |NOSE RADIUS R =0 310.12) [NOSE RADIUS R =0 TOOL NO= 7 TOOL NO= 8 DRILLHSS [FORM CODE NO.FC = 1 DRILLHSS [FORM CODE NO.FC = 1 TOOL ANGLE AI = 118 TOOLANGLE At = 118 DRILLLENGTH L = 60 { JORILLLENGTH L = 60 S10,79]20 | DRILL DIA, D =20 . beahis DRILL DIA. D =15 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P15 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS ee eee (1) When Tools with Differant Too! Angle and Edge Angle are Registered Select the pattern (TYPE) whose process determination condilions other than prior too! designation [FACE/LONG DECIDING DATA, INSIDE MACHINING DATA, SHAPE/TOOL POSITION DATA) suit the workpiece {o be machined. In this example, the BASIC TP pattern Js used for prior tool designation. 30 (1.18) ai0 Vv 0.39) > wcag me ERE ff al 4 a a 5 aco Tr ee Bh) Al 50 (1.97) =] Unit: mm PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP PRO. DECIDE TYPE= BASIC TP = (prior tool designation: without) (oriortoal designation: with) Uneut (normal too! machining) generation error [renanoo=] ROUGH OO PRIOR TOOL DESIGNATION PRIOR TOOL DESIGNATION NO CONTENT TOOL SIZE NO CONTENT TOOL SIZE 1 ROUGHOD] 55 1 ROUGHOD] 55 2 ROUGHOD@- 35 * 2 ROUGHOD@ 35 3 ROUGH ID- 55 3 ROUGH ID~ 55 4 ROUGHID] 55 4 ROUGHID~ 55 5 GROOVEOD} 5 5 GROOVEOD} 5 8 GROOVEOD) 3 8 GROOVEOD) 3 7 DRILLHSS 20 7 DRILLHSS = 20 * 8 DRILLHSS = 15 8 DRILLHSS, 6 9 9 10 10 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 277-6 P18 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (2) When Tools with Ditlerent Holder Diameter are Registered Select the pattern (TYPE) whose process determination conditions other than prior tool designation (FACELONG DECIDING DATA, INSIDE MACHINING DATA, SHAPE TOOL POSITION DATA) suit the workpiece to be machined. In this example, the BASIC TP pattern is used lor prior tool designation 30 (1.18) 10, 10.39) es way oe “38g Te PAO DEGIDE TYRE= BASIOTP BAO. DEGIDE TYPE= BAS TP (por oo designations whou (por ool dsignaton ih) RISES OE = Z eke PRIOR TOOL DESIGNATION PRIOR TOOL DESIGNATION NO CONTENT TOOL size NO CONTENT. TOOL size 1 ROUGH OD— 55 1 ROUGHOD+ 55 2 ROUGH OD™ 96 2 ROUGH OD~ 53 $ ROUGHIDS se 3 ROUGH ID! 55 @ ROUGHIDS 85 + 4 ROUGH IDS 5s 6 GROOVE OD 5 5 GROOVE ODI 5 6 GROOVEOD| 3 6 GROOVEOD| 3 7 DRULHSS 20 7 DRULHSS 20 <6 DRULHSS is 3 DRLLHSS 49 5 3 0 3 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 8477 Pit SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (3) When Tools with Different Too! Width are Registered Select the paltein (TYPE) whose process determination conditions other than prior tool designation (FACELONG DECIDING DATA, INSIDE MACHINING DATA, SHAPE TOOL POSITION DATA) suil the workpiece to be machined. In this example, the BASIC TP paltern is used for prior tool designation. 510.20) 1510.59) : ww) 2010.79 “| Unt: im PRO. DECIDE TYPE= BASIC TP PRO. DECIDE TYPE= BASIC TP {prier tool designation: without) (prior tool designation: with) Single-groove culting is carried out. Wide-groove cutting is carried out GROOVE OOF RW.GAY OD) I j 20) TOOL NO 5 PRIOR TOOL DESIGNATION PRIOR TOOL DESIGNATION NO CONTENT TOOL SIZE NO CONTENT TOOL SIZE 1 ROUGHODH 55 1 ROUGHOD@ 55 2 ROUGHOD- 35 2 ROUGHOD< 35 3 ROUGH ID} 55 3 ROUGH ID- 55 4 ROUGH IDK 55 4 ROUGHID— 55 5 GROOVEOD! 5 5 GROOVEOD) 5 6 GROOVEOD| 3 * 6 GROOVEOD| 3 7 DRILLHSS 20 7 DAILLHSS 20 8 DRILL HSS 15 8 DAILL HSS 16 9 9 10 10 When prior tools are not designated, a grooving tool with the largest tool width is selected trom {groaving tools whose tool width is smaller than the “usable tool width". The “usable tool ~ width” can be calculated using the following equation, Usable tool width = Groove width ~ (chamferirounding at the bottom of groove x 2 + finishing stock x 2) Grooving tools with a lerger tool width than the usable tool width are not selected even if they have been designated as prior tools, For the workpiece above, since no chamferirounding is made at the battam of groove, and surface roughness is V , the usable tool width is equal lo groove width, namely “5”. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, B477-E P18 SECTION 8 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (4) When Oris with Different Dril Diameter are Registered Select the paltem (TYPE) whose process determination conditions other than prior tool designation (FACELONG DECIDING DATA, INSIDE MACHINING DATA, SHAPETOOL POSITION DATA) suit the workpiece to be machined. In this example, the BASIC TP pattern is used for prior tool designation. 70 (2.78) BASIC TP PRO, DECIDE TYPE= BASIC TP (rior tool designation: without) (rior tool designation: with) TOOL NO= 7 TOOL NOs a —e PRIOR TOOL DESIGNATION PRIOR TOOL DESIGNATION CONTENT TOOL SIZE NO CONTENT TOOL SIZE 10 1 ROUGH OD— 55 1 ROUGHOD} 55 2 ROUGHOD— 35 2 ROUGH OD} a5, 3 ROUGH IDE 55 3 ROUGH ID- 55 4 ROUGH ID— 55 4 ROUGH ID~ 55 S GROOVEOD! 5 5 GROOVEOD| 5 6 GROOVEOD| 3 6 GROOVEOD] 3 7 DRILLHSS ” 20 7 DRILL HSS: 20 8 DRILL HSS. 18 "8 DRILLHSS 16 9 9 0 0 When prior tools are not designated, a drill with the largest dril diameter is selected trom aris whose drill diameter is smaller dril than the “usable drill diameter". The “usable dit diameter” can be calculated using the following equation. . Usable dril diameter = X.coordinate of the shape to be drilled — allowance for drilvendeill (in eutting) Allowance for drilvendmill (in cutting) = Process determination conditions (INSIOE MACHINING DATA) Drills with a larger drill diameter then the usable drill diameter are not selected even if they have been designated as prior tools, For the workpiece above, the usable drill diameter is “2” for BASIC TP. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477 P19 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS FACE/LONG DECIDING DATA The FACE'LONG DECIDING DATA is the rule to determine the machining direction (turning direction and infeed direction) Itis not possible to change the judgment concerning the following; OD machining arealD machining area, lorward machining area/reverse machining area. ‘The machining direction (tuning direction and inleed direction) of each machining area can be changed. Basically, the faceilong deciding rule can be changed by the following operations. LONG-+FACE | FACE-+LONG 1_ LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHIFIN, FACE Increase Decrease 2 MAXANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR FACE Increase Decrease 3 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO LB Decrease Increase 4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR ROUGH FACE Increase Decrease 5 _FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG ROUGH MACHIN. Decrease Increase 6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. MAGHIN, Decrease Increase OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-120 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (1) Changing From LONG to FACE in the Roughing Cycle = (PRO. DECIDE TYPE BASIC TP) Reduce the value at FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO L:B 10 26 (os8) "| Unit: ren For the workpiece above, change the value at FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO L:B from 300 to 100, Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE, PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP PRO. DECIDE TYPE = TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 rN 4 ™| os. 1 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 70 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 70] ROUGHFIN. FACE ROUGHFIN. FACE 2 MAXANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR | 20 MAXANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR | 20 FACE FACE 3 FACE ROUGH GUT. AREA RATION: [300] | FACE ROUGH CUT. AREARATIOLS | 100] ‘4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR | 20] | MAXWIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR | 20 ROUGH FACE ROUGH FACE 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3 ROUGH MACHIN. ROUGH MACHIN. 6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN.| 6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ONLONG FIN. | 6: MACHIN. MACHIN, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P21 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS When the workpiece is small as illustrated to the right, there might be cases in which the ‘machining method is not changed from LONG to END FACE by setting a smaller value at FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO L:B. In such cases, set a smaller value also at FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG ROUGH MACHIN. For the workpiece to the right, set "1" instead of *3” + 8 (0.21) I | aa Units mn OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-£ P-122 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (2) Changing Fram FAGE 1o LONG in the Roughing Cycle Increase the value at FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO LiB > 1 5 sin (PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP) 680 (3.15) 20 (0.79) 620! 10.797 Unit mm For the workpiece above, change the value at FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO L:B from 900 to 500. Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PAO, DECIDE TYPE. PRO, DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP PRO, DECIDE TYPE = TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE3 LN} VY] —o—-—- 7 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 70] [7 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 10 ROUGHIFIN. FACE ROUGHIFIN. FACE 2 MAXANGLE OF INCLINATIONFOR | 20| [2 MAXANGLEOFINCLINATIONFOR | 20 FACE FACE 3 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIOLB | 300) [3 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREARATIOLB | 500 @ MAXWIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR | 20| | 4 MAX\WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR |” 20 ROUGH FACE ROUGH FACE 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3| |S FACE LENGTH DEGIDE ON LONG 3 ROUGH MACHIN. ROUGH MACHIN, @ FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN.| 6] [6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN.| 6 MACHIN. MACHIN, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P23 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (3) Process Division in the Roughing Cycle (LONG + FACE + LONG) Reduce the valua at FACE ROUGH CUT, AREA RATIO LB —§—-—--—- —-— RS tS Se (PAO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP) 50{1.97) g 3| b 4011.57) 3S Unt mm For the workpiece above, change the value at FAGE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO Li im 50 fo 100 Solct TYRE 1, TE 2, or TYPE 9 for PRO. DEOIDE TYPE PRO. DEGIDE TYPE = BASIG TP PRO. DECIDE TYPE = TYPE 1, TVPE 2, TEES Dy} -e—-—-—-—-— 1 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOA 70] [7 LONGITUDNAL LENGTH FOR 7 ROUGHIN. FACE ROUGHIFIN FACE 2 NAXANGLE OF INCLNATONFOR | 20] [2 MAXANGLE OF INCLNATION FOR] ao Pace Pace 3 FAGE ROUGH GUT. AREARATIOUE [800] [3 FAGE ROUGH GUT AREA RATIOLE | 100 4 WAXWIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR | 20] [« wAcwiDTH OF CUTTING Anca FOR] zo ROUGH FACE ROUGH FACE 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3 ROUGH MAGHIN ROUGH WACHIN § FAGE LENGTH DEGIIE ONLONGFIN.| 6] [6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG Fv |= MACH Mace OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P2d SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS When the workpiece is thin as illustrated to the right, there might be cases in which the machining method is not changed from LONG to END FACE by selling a smaller vaiue at FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO L:B. in such cases, set a smaller value also at FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG ROUGH MACHIN. For the workpiece to the instead of “3” - OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477- P1258 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (4) Process Division in the Roughing Cycle (FACE + FACE + LONG) 8: (PRO, DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP) Sie) Bay 201079), Unit Reduce the vaiue at LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHIFIN. FACE, For the workpiece above, change the value at LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHIFIN. FACE, from 10 10 6. Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP PRO. DECIDE TYPE TYPES TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or ee 1 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 10 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 5 ROUGHFIN. FACE ROUGHFIN. FACE 2 WAXANGLE OF NGUNATIONFOR | 20] [2 WAXANGLE OF NGLNATION FOR | 20 Pace Pace 3 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREARATIOL:B | 300 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO L:B | 300 4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR | 20] [4 MAXWIDTH OF CUTTING AREAFOR | 20 ROUGH FACE ROUGH FACE 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3 ROUGH MACHIN. ROUGH MACHIN. 6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN.| 6 FAOE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN.| 6 MACHIN, MACHIN, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PRO 3477- P-126 {S DETERMINATION CONDITIONS, (5) Process Integration in the Roughing Cycle (FACE + LONG > LONG) = = (PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP) 33) #100 (3.941 Increase the value at FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO LB | For the workpiece above, change the value at FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO L:B from 300 to 500. Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. PAO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP PAO. DECIDE TYPE TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 : > She oe —6=- 1 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 10 1 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 28 ROUGHIFIN. FACE ROUGH FIN, FACE 9 2 MAX.ANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR. 20 2 MAX.ANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR. 20 FACE FACE 3 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIOL:B | 300 3 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO L:B | 500] 4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR | 20 4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR | 20 ROUGH FACE ROUGH FACE 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG a 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG. a ROUGH MACHIN. ROUGH MACHIN, 6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN.| 6 6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN.| 6 MACHIN. MACHIN, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3a77-E P4127 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (6) Process Integration in the Roughing Cycle (FACE + LONG — FACE) yin a RS (PRO, DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP) Increase the value at LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHIFIN, FACE SS) Unis mn For the workpiece above, change the value at LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHIFIN. FACE from 10 to 20, Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. PAO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP PRO. DECIDE TYPE = TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPES SBS ee = ee 1 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 10) [1 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 10 ROUGHIFIN. FACE ROUGHVFIN. FACE 2 MAXANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR 20] | 2 MAX.ANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR 20, FACE FACE 3 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIOL:B [300] [8 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIOLB | 300 4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR | 20] | 4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREAFOR | 20 ROUGH FACE ROUGH FACE 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3 § FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3 ROUGH MACHIN. ROUGH MACHIN, 6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN.| 6] [6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ONLONGFIN.| 7 MACHIN, MACHIN, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P28 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS, (7) Changing From LONG to FACE in the Finishing Cycle Reduce the value at FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. MACHIN, be 9—-— (PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP) 10 (0.39) eh (0.79 (7.577 Unit: mm For the workpiece above, change the value at FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. MACHIN from 6 to 1 Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP te PRO. DECIDE TYPE = TYPE 1, TYPE 2, o TYPES me oo o> 7 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 70 TONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 2 AOUGHIFIN, FACE FOUGHFIN, FACE 2 WAXANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR | 20 MAXANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR | 20] FACE FACE 3 FACE ROUGH GUT AREARATIOL [300] [@ FACE ROUGH OUT. AREARATOLS [200 4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR 20) 4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR, 20 ROUGH FACE ROUGH FACE 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3 ROUGH MACHIN. ROUGH MACHIN, 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. MACHIN. FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN.| 6 MACHIN, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-£ P-129 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS, Wa jenger value is set at FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. MACHIN. when the longitudinal portion of the workpiecs is fong as illustrated to the right, there might be cases in which muli-process machining is carried ovt. To carry out machining only by the end face machining process. it is necessary 10 increase the value at LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR, ROUGH FIN. FACE. For details. refer to (11) Process Integration in the Finishing Process, Unit: mm OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-130 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (8) Changing From FACE to LONG in the Finishing Cycle Increase the value at FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. MACHIN. Sa (PRO, DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP) es 10 O27] 3 *| 201070 | QR = Unit: em For the workpiece above, change the value at FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. MACHIN from 6 to 15, Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP PRO. DECIDE TYPE = TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 ~6—-—-— cee 7 CONGHTUDWAL LENGTH FOR 70] [7 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 0 AOUGHIAN, PAGE ROUGH FACE 2 WAKANGLE OF NGLNATONFOR | £0] |B WAXANGLE OF NOUNATIONFOA | Zo race Face @ FAGE ROUGH GUT AREARATIOLS [000] |S FACE ROUGH OUT. AREARATOUB [a00 4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR 20 4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR 20 ROUGH FACE ROUGH FACE 5 FAGELENGTHDEOIDEOVLONG a] [FACE LENGTH DEGDE ONLONG | —9 ROUGH MACH. ROUGH MACH © FAGE LENGTH DECIDE ONLONGFN'| | |B FACE LENGTH OEGDE ONTONG FNL] 15 naCH MACH. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477- P31 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (9) Process Division in the Finishing Cycle (FACE + FACE + LONG) | Reduce the value at LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHIFIN. FACE. teSs3S (PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP) 1001998) Sait ae . For the workpiece above, change the value at LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHFIN. FACE. from 10 t0 5. Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP PRO. DECIDE TYPE TYPES TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or Ga - = 1 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 10 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 3 ROUGHIFIN, FACE ROUGHFFIN, FACE 2 MAXANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR | 20) MAXANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR | 20 FACE FACE 3_FAGE ROUGH OUT. AREA RATIOL® | 300 FACE ROUGH GUT. AREA RATIOL'® | 300 4 MAXWIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR | 20/ | MAXWIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR | 20 ROUGH FACE ROUGH FACE 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG: 3 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3 ROUGH MACHIN, ROUGH MACHIN, 8 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. | 6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. | 6 MACHIN, MACHIN. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-192 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (10} Process integration in the Finishing Cycle (FACE + LONG — LONG) Increase the value at FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. MACHIN. (PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP) SSeS = | 401157) Units men For the workpiece above, change the value at FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. MACHIN. from 6 to 15. Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. PRO, DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP PRO. DECIDE TYPE = TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or oan TYPES pb 6S. 7 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 10] [7 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR 70 ROUGHIFIN, FACE ROUGH/FIN. FACE 2 MAXANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR 20| [2 MAX.ANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR 20 FACE FAGE ‘3 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREARATIOL:B [300] [8 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREARATIOLS | 300 4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR | 20] [4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREAFOR | 20 ROUGH FACE ROUGH FACE 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3] [S FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3 ROUGH MACHIN, ROUGH MACHIN. 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ONLONG FIN.| 6] [6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN.| 15 MACHIN, MACHIN. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-£ P-193, SECTION 3. HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (11) Process Integration in the Roughing Cycle (FACE + LONG + FACE) Increase the value at LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHIFIN, FACE 9 (PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP) Ose a et 980 (3,15) 40 (1.57) Unit: mm For the workpiece above, change the value at LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHIFIN. FACE Irom 10 to 40. Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. FRO. DESDE TYRE = BAST? PRO, DEGDE TYPE = TPE 1 TPE = meg 2 ga. > Ga. TToRGTUGRAL LENGTH FOR 70) [7 ORGTUGWAL NST GR] BONER aE even cE T WOXANGLE GF NGLRATONFOR —] Zo] | E MASANGLE OF WELRATON FOR] tree hee 3 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREARATIOL:8 | 300! [3 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREARATIOL:S | 300 ‘4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREAFOR | 20] [4 MAXWIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR | 20 ROUGH FACE ROUGH FACE ‘5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG. 3| | FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG 3 ROUGH MACHIN, ROUGH MACHIN, 6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONGFIN.| 6) [6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONGFIN.| 6 MACHIN. MACHIN. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. Ba77-E P-134 SECTION 3 HOW 70 USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (12) To Carry Out Single-process Machining Either by @ Longitudinal Machining Process or by an End Face Machining Process When automatic process determination is performed for the lollowing six workpieces while BASIC TP js selected for PRO, DECIDE TYPE, the machining method for each workpiece is determined as follows. For workoieces A and 8 : Multi-process machining by an end face machining process and a longitudinal machining process For workpieces Cand D : Single-sracess machining by an end face machining process For workpieces E and F : Single-process machining by a longitudinal machining process The machining method for workpieces A and 8 can be changed to single-process machining by changing process determination conditions, Unit: mm w 50(1.97) z 50 (1.97) | x eoetiass ge 3 3 aie alai 40157) galag c > __2001.78) 73 oa] x} led . 3 g 3 3 3 ~6— = = 20107 | 5 F 501197) so1.97 B06) 10.297 , a he 8} -9—-—.-—|_.4 g 40 (1571 galg| OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-6 P95 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS Automatic Process Determination Output When BASIC TP is selected for PRO. DECIDE TYPE 7_ LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHTIN. FACE 19] 2_ MAX ANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR FACE 20 3_ FACE ROUGH GUT. AREA RATIO UB 300 4_ MAX\WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR ROUGH FACE | 20] 5 _FAGE LENGTH DEGIDE ON LONG ROUGH MAGHIN. |_| 6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. MACHIN, a Se een =——: Roughing <—— Finishing OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P36 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS, Cycle To Cary Out Single-process Machining by a Longitudinal Machining Process in the Roughing Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 ior PRO. DECIDE TYPE, and set the data as follows. 1 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHIFIN. FACE FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. MACHIN. 2__MAX.ANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR FACE 20) 3_FAGE ROUGH OUT. AREA RATIO LB 7000 @_ MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR ROUGH FACE 0 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG ROUGH MAGHIN. | 100] 8 ~ Values wihich do nat have influence on the result. (same as in BASIC TP) ‘This rule is factory-set for TYPE 1 prior to shipment. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-£ Paz SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS To Carry Out Single-process Machining by an End Face Machining Process in the Roughing Cycle Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE, and set the data as follows. LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHFIN. FACE 100 2__MAX.ANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR FACE [20] (same as in 3 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIOL® 70] BAS TP) 4 MAX\WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR ROUGH FACE | 700 5_ FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG ROUGH MAGHIN @ 6 _ FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. MACHIN. "I “Value which does not have influence on the result This rule is factory-set for TYPE 2 prior to shipment. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 347-E P38 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS To Garry Out Single-process Machining by a Longitudinal Machining Process in the Finishing Cycle Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE, and set the data as follows, 1 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHIFIN. FACE t 2 MAX.ANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR FACE 20 (same as in BASIC TP) 3__FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO LB. 4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR ROUGH FACE i S_FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG ROUGH MACHIN, ; 5 _FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. MACHIN. 100 "T Values which do not have Influence on the result SS es ty S$ @ Ses: Bs = This rule is factory-set for TYPE 1 and TYPE 3 prior to shipment. ‘OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-£ P4139 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS To Garry Out Single-process Machining by an End Face Machining Process in the Finishing Cycle Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 8 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE, and sot the dala as follows, 1 LONGITUDINAL LENGTH FOR ROUGHIFIN. FACE 100 2 MAX.ANGLE OF INCLINATION FOR FACE 20) (same as in BASIC TP) 3 FACE ROUGH CUT. AREA RATIO L:® ‘4 MAX.WIDTH OF CUTTING AREA FOR ROUGH FACE 5 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG ROUGH MACHIN, 5 6 FACE LENGTH DECIDE ON LONG FIN. MACHIN. 0 = Values which do not have Influence on the result. This rule is factory-set for TYPE 2 prior to shipment. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-6 P.140 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS. 3. Inside Machi 1g Data The INSIDE MACHINING DATA is the rule to determine the ID machining method, related especially with machining using a drill or an endrmil. 4. DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH The data to determine whether or not a dri is used for bine-hole machining. 2. BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA, VALUE The data to determine the tool, a boring bar or an endmil, to be used for blind-hole machining 3. FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE The data to determine the machining method, driling or OD face | twming, for biind-hole machining, 4. CENTERING TOOL SELECTION The data to determine whether a centering drill is used for centering or a dill is used also for centering. 5. SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING The data to determine whether or not centering is carried out 6. HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH /DRILL DIA ~ The data to determine the type of drill (carbide drill or HBS cri 7. DRILLBEND MILL ALLOWANCE WIDTH (CUTTING) ‘The data to determine the drill diameter. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 347-€ P1441 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS a ‘Changing the Tool to be Used trom an Endmil toa Boring Bar for Through-nole Machining Reduce the value at BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE, For the rule concerning the endmilliboring bar judgment. refer to (14) Mechanism to Determine that a Boring Bar can not be Uses for Machining 20 (0.79) 5 (0.20) #16 (0.63) (0.28) Unit mm For the workpiece above, change the value at BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE from 20 10 5 Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP PRO. DECIDE TYPE = TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPES =o a=. e ee "Val Endmiling > 1. DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH 10] [1 DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH 10 2_ BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE 20| | 2 BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA, VALUE 5 3 FAGE DECISION GUT. INSIDE SHAPE | 1000] |S FACE DECISION OUT. INSIDE SHAPE | 1000 4 CENTERING TOOL SELECTION 1| [4 CENTERING TOOL SELECTION 1 5. SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 50| [5 SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 50 6 HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT.DEPTH | 250] [6 HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH | 250 /DRILL DIA JDRILL DIA 7 DRILLBEND MILL ALLOWANCE 2] [7 DRILL&END MILL ALLOWANCE 2 WIDTH (CUTTING) WIDTH (CUTTING) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 347-6 P42 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS a) Changing the Too! to be Used from an Endmill to a Boring Bar for Blind-nele Machining Reduce the value at BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE For the rule concerning the endmilforing bar judgment, refer to (14) Mechanism to Determine that a Boring Bar can not be Used for Machining 20 (0.79) 10.207 16 (0,63) ez 10.47): Unit For the workpiece above, change the value at BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE from 20 19 10, Solect TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE @ for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. PRO, DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP PRO. DECIDE TYPE = TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPES ~ ge. Recess DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH 10 DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH 10 7 2 BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA, VALUE 20| [2 BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE 10 3 FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE | 1000] [8 FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE | 1000 4 CENTERING TOOL SELECTION 1| [4 CENTERING TOOL SELECTION 1 & SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 50| [5 SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 50 6 HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH | 250] | 6 HS.ORILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH | 250 JORILL DIA DRILL DIA 7 DRILLBEND MILL ALLOWANCE 2| [7 DRILL&END MILL ALLOWANCE 2 WIDTH (CUTTING) WIDTH (CUTTING) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P1493 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (3) ID Machining Using Only a Drill (ne other machining process than drilling) using only a dil ‘Set *0° al DRILLBEND MILL ALLOWANCE WIDTH (CUTTING) to carry aut ID machining Alter the completion of autornatic process determination, delete unnecessary processes in the process edit mode, aT eal % prs 88) ts £25 10.98) Define the machining shape not as a taper but as an end face as illustrated below in shape definition. (surface roughness: ) 70 (2.76) 425 (0.96) PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP PRO. DECIDE TYPE = TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or (3) ROUGH Ibe Paes . ; ae Di diarneter| -s ca ado” 0) ob. auno PS) = sagt eer 7 ORLUNGTINNUMFOLEDENTH [vo] [7 ORLLNG wn HOLEDEPTH [To 2 BUND HOLEMN OK VALUE | 0] [a SLND HOLE MIN OIA VALUE | 20 FACE DEGSION GUT. NSIGE SHAPE 7000] [2-FAOE DEGISTON GUT. NSIDE SHAPE | 100 ‘OEVTERNG TOOLSELESTON |i] [4 GenTeRNGToOLS&xzcTON [1 SHAPE NEEDS OENTEANG So] [Stare necos cavreRING 0 5 HSORLL POSSELE CUT. DEPTH | aco] [6 HE.DAIL pOSSELE CUT. DEPTH] 50 font os one cia 7 ORILL&END MILL ALLOWANCE 2 7 DRILL&END MILL ALLOWANCE o WIDTH (CUTTING) WIDTH (CUTTING) Us Process Euit be (i) OFILL BUND the process edit mode. Delete (2) F.ENDMILL and (8) ROUGH ID= in OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-144 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS. OO (4)! Machining Using Only a Dell (other machining process is carried out in addition to dling for IO machiningy When ROUGH ID< is carried out in addition to driling for I machining, refer to Section 2, 5 Example § (lwo-touch course), 70 (2.76) ROUHG ID— Dri diameter 625 (0.98) 960 (2.36) 925 (0,98) 040 (1.57) Unit: mm This is the outline of operation in Section 2, 5. Example 5 (two-touch course). ‘Shape Definition 70 (2.76) Define the turning shape while ignoring the 1D portion which is cut using only a dri, 660 (2.36) | ¢ | | | 925 (0.98) 040 (1.57) ‘Automatic Process Determination Process Edit Create a new diiling process in the process edit mode and add it to the result of automatic process determination. Seubewel oss . ” ) oni diameter ts | 925 (0.98) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3a77-€ P-145 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS: (5) Changing the Type of Dril (carbide drill + HSS dei) ‘Change the value at HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH DRILL DIA to change the type of the drill to be used (carbide drill HSS dril). HSS — carbide | Carbide > HSS HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH DRILL DIA | _ Increase Decrease For tho rule concerning the carbide: HSS judgment, refer to (18) Mechanism to Determine the Type of Drill 50 (1.97) 940 For the workpiece above, change the value at HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH /DRILL DIA from 250 to 100. Solect TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE $ for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP PRO. DECIDE TYPE = TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 Oo |— - — - pnitaieinater” S— - A yoiirgiamnater ” = 23 = 23 on aie) 7) onthe 85 1_ DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH 10) [4 DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH 40 2 BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE 20] [2 BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE 20 3 FACE DECISION GUT. INSIDE SHAPE | 1000| | 3 FACE DECISION OUT. INSIDE SHAPE | 1000 4 CENTERING TOOL SELECTION 1| [4 CENTERING TOOL SELECTION . 5. SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 50| | 5 SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 50 6 HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH | 250] | 6 HS.ORILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH 700 DRILL DIA /DRILL DIA 7 DRILLBEND MILL ALLOWANCE 2| [7 DRILLREND MILL ALLOWANCE 2 WIDTH (CUTTING) WIDTH (CUTTING) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 9477-6 P-145 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS ———S ee ee (6) Changing the Type of Drill (HSS drill — carbide dri) Change the value at HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH /DRILL DIA to change the type of the dril to be used (carbide drilH#SS dil). HSS — carbide | Carbide > HSS HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH ‘DRILL DIA | __ Increase Decrease For the rule concerning the carbidelHSS judgment, refer to (16) Mechanism to Determine the Type of Dil 70 (2.76) 10. 26 ols SE) W307 gle Unit: mm For the workpiece above, change the value at HS.RILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH /ORILL DIA from 250 to 300. Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO, DECIDE TYPE. PRO, DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP PRO, DECIDE TYPE = TYPE 1, TYPE or ee TYPES 7 rae Oe ir oe #7” > pi aarieter = 25” Dat i 58) > Dhl bind eerie) 1 DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH | 70] [1 DAILING MINIMUM HOLE DepTH | 70 2 BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA, VALUE 20| [2 BLIND HOLE MIN, DIA. VALUE 20 3 FACE DECISION OUT. INSIDE SHAPE | 1000] [3 FACE DECISION GUT. INSIDE SHARE | 1000 4 GENTERING TOOL SELECTION i] [7 CENTERING TOOL SELECTION 7 5. SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 30] [5 SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 50 & HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH | 260} [6 HS.RILL POSSIBLE GUT. DEPTH | G00 DAIL DIA (DRILL BIA 7 DRILLGEND MILL ALLOWANCE 2] [7 DRILLEEND MLL ALLOWANCE 2 MOTH (CUTTING) WwioTH (CUTTING) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-£ P-1a7 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (7) To Machine the Workpieoe Using either Only a Carbide Drill or Only a HSS dill To Machine the Workpiece Using Only a HSS dil To machine the workpiece using only 2 HSS drill, select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 and set the data as follows. 1 DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH ; 2_ BLIND HOLE MIN, DIA, VALUE : 3_FAGE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE 4 4 CENTERING TOOL SELECTION i 5__ SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING , 6 _HS.DRILL POSSIBLE OUT. DEPTH DRILL DIA 0 7_DRILLBEND MILL ALLOWANGE WIDTH (GUTTING) | * Values which do not have influence on the result. To Machine the Workpiece Using Only a Carbide Drill ‘To machine the workpiece using only a carbide aril, select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 and set the data as follows. 1_ DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH ; 2 BLIND HOLE MIN, DIA. VALUE "| 9_ FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE : 4 CENTERING TOOL SELECTION : 5 SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING i 6 _HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH /DRILL DIA 10000 7_DRILL@END MILL ALLOWANCE WIDTH (CUTTING) y * Values which do not hav: uence on the result. Even under the conditions above, a HSS drills selected for machining when the actual dill diameter is smaller than the value set at CARBIDE ORILL MINIMUM DIAMETER (dimension parameter No. 36). (OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 2a77-E P48 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (8) Changing the Centering Too! ‘Change the setting at CENTERING TOOL SELECTION to change the centering tool to be used, When "1" is set at CENTERING TOOL SELECTION: DRILL BLIND in Centering: with ‘When “0” is set at CENTERING TOOL SELECTION: CENTERING 2 | DRILL BLIND | | af. Centering: without OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-8 P-149 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (8) Designating Whether or not Centering is Carried Out (HSS dri: with centering —+ HSS aril without centering) Change the value at SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING to designate whether or not centering is carried out, Without + With | with Without SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING Decrease Increase Note that centering is carried out only when a HSS drill is used. For the rule concerning the with centeringiwithout centering judgment, refer to (17) Mechanism to Judge With or Without Cantering, 70 78) 040 Unit: mm For the workpiece above, change the value at SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING from 50 to 300. Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. PRO. DECIDE TYPE BASIC TP Drill diameter = 23, PRO, DECIDE TYPE = TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPES 5° EYES 3 Bre te Drill diameter = 23 Drill bling (FSS) Drill bling (HSS) Centering: with Centering: without 1_ DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH 40] [1 DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH 10 2 BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE 20] [2 BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE 20 3. FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE [1000] | 3 FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE | 1000 4 CENTERING TOOL SELECTION i] [4 CENTERING TOOL SELECTION 1 5. SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 50| | 5 SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 300) 6 HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH | 250] | 6 HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH | 260 /ORILL DIA JORILL DIA 7 DAILL8END MILL ALLOWANCE 2| [7 DRILLAEND MILL ALLOWANCE 2 WIDTH (CUTTING) WIDTH (CUTTING) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-150 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS. (10) Designating Whether or not Centering is Carried Out (carbide dri: without centering = HSS dil: with centering) Change the value at HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH /DAILL DIA to designate whether or ot centering is carriad out, = HSS — carbide | Carbide > HSS HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH /DRILL DIA Increase Decrease S419) ee For the workpiece above, change the value at HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH /DRILL DIA from 250 to 100. Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE, PRO. DECIDE TYPE BASIC TP. ‘ad 55) PRO. DECIDE TYPE TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or Dani cari) cong wo 1_ DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH 10) 2 BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE 20) 3 FAGE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE | 1000 4 CENTERING TOOL SELECTION r S SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 60 6 HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH | 700 /DRILL DIA DRILL@END MILL ALLOWANCE 2 WIDTH (CUTTING) DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH 10 BLIND HOLE MIN, DIA. VALUE 20 FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE 1000, CENTERING TOOL SELECTION SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 50. @]]=]o]~]= HS.DAILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH /DRILL DIA 250) DRILLBEND MILL ALLOWANCE WIDTH (CUTTING) PRO. DECIDE TYPE TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or Tie 8 : =e (bat ngs Sang, eee 7 BALL vaaow HOLE CERT [ To 2 SLND HOLE Wn. Ow valve | “ap 5 FAGE DEOSION GUT. NDE SHAPE | To ‘CENTERNG Tool seLEcTON |p 5_ SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 50 © HSDRLL POSSELE OUT, DEFTH | Toa /DRILL DIA DRILL@END MILL ALLOWANCE 2 WIDTH (CUTTING) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-6 P1651 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS a (11) Designating Whether or Not Centering is Always Carried out To always carry out centering using a center drill: Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 and sot the data as follows. Centering is carried out wihen a HSS drill is used, Therefore, a HSS dell is specified as the type of drill 1 DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE CENTERING TOOL SELECTION SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH /DRILL DIA DRILL@END MILL ALLOWANCE WIDTH (CUTTING) * Values which do not have influence an the result. To always cary out center Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 and sel the data as follows. Centering is carried out when a HSS drill is used. Therefore, a HSS dril is specified as the type of dil DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH BLIND HOLE MIN, DIA. VALUE FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE CENTERING TOOL SELECTION SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH /DRILL DIA DRILL&END WILL ALLOWANCE WIDTH (CUTTING) * Values which do not have influence on the result To never carry out centering: Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 and set the data as follows. DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE CENTERING TOOL SELECTION SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING HS.DRILL POSSIBLE OUT. DEPTH /DRILL DIA DRILL&END MILL ALLOWANCE WIDTH (CUTTING) * Values which do not have influence on the result. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3a77-E P-152 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (12) Designating Whether or not Oriling is Omitted When the workpiece ID needs to be machined shallowly. itis preferable to machine it without driling, taking machining efficiency into consideration. The with driling/without drilling judgment is provided to mest such cases. To designate whether or not diiling is omitted, Change the value at DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH, To omit ariting | Not to omit diling DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH | Must be larger | Must be smaller than the depth | than the depth of machining _| of machining In the case of thru-hole machining, however, drilling is not omitted irrespective of the depth of machining, istobil 920 (0.79) 615 (0.59) 5 (0.20) Unit, mm Depth of machining: = 8 (0.31) For the workpiece above, the depth of machining is "6". Therefore, driling is omitted when automatic process determination is execuled with BASIC TP set for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. When driling does not need to be omitted, reduce the value set at DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE: DEPTH. In this case, select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. Se TYPE 5 22 R.ENDMILL =| Saati 1 DRILL BLIND ga pf 3 FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE | 1000 3 FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE | 1000 6 HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH 250 6 HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH 250 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-153 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (13) Changing trom Drilling to ROUGH ©. FACE | When the workpiece ID needs to be machined shallowly, it is preferable to tum it by the ROUGH 0. FACE process, taking machining efficiency into consideration, The drilingy ROUGH 0. FACE | judgment is provided to meet such cases. To change from driling to ROUGH O. FACE {, change the value at FACE DECISION CUT, INSIDE SHAPE, ROUGH O. Driling-> FACE | ROUGH 0, riling ced FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE Increase Decrease oer #1701472) #100 (390) sits For the workpiece above, change the value at FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE from 1000 to 800. Select TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP £) RousH 1D 2) FeNOMEL 1) ORL BUND PAO, DECIDE TYPE = TYPE 1, TYPE 2, or TYPE 3 (2) ROUGH M, FACET (0) ROUGH. Face L 1 DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH 30] [4 DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH 10 2 BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE 20| | 2 BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE 20 3 FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE | 1000] [3 FACE DECISION CUT. INSIDE SHAPE | 800 4 CENTERING TOOL SELECTION 1 4 CENTERING TOOL SELECTION 1 5 SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 50] | SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING 50 6 HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH | 250] [6 HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTH | 250 /DRILL DIA /DRILL DIA 7 DRILLBEND MILL ALLOWANCE 2| | 7 DRILL@END MILL ALLOWANCE 2 WIDTH (CUTTING) WIDTH (CUTTING) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-8 P54 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS: (14) Mechanism io Determine that a Boring Bar can not be Used for Machining The automatic determination rule lor ID machining is made on condition that the workpiece ID is to be machined using boring bars if possible, taking machining efficiency into consideration, When the boring bar is judged to interiere wilh the workpiece as in the ilustration below, the Use of the boring bar is disabled. In this case, endmiliing is carried out instead of boring. Endmiling is selected when the portion indicated in the illustration below can not be machined using a boring bar (interference occurs) whose diameter is the half of the value sel at BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA, VALUE. BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE/2 1 DRILL BLIND : 2 R. ENDMILL 2 aes 8 ENDMILL The automatic determination rule with BASIC TP set for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. is made on condition that the workpiece ID is to be machined using generally available boring bars it possible, "20" is set at BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE assuming that the teal indicated below is the most slender tool available. 10 (0.39) Unit: mm To carry out boring using 2 smaller boring bar in diameter, set a value smeller than 20 at BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE. = OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-€ P55 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS een (15) Mechanism 10 Determine the Drill Diameter ‘With the automatic process determination function, the drill diameter is determined following the rule explained below. a) “Usable Drill Diameter” is Calculated Usable drill diameter = X-coordinate of the shape to be drilled - setting at DRILL&ENO. MILL ALLOWANCE WIDTH (CUTTING) IW the usable dri diameter is larger than the setting at DRILL MAXIMUM DIAMETER {dimension parameter No. 37), the setting at DRILL MAXIMUM DIAMETER is taken as th usable drill diameter, 1 DRILL&END MILL ALLOWANCE WIDTH (CUTTING)2 2 X-coordinata of the shape to be drilled 3 Usable dril diameter b) When No Dril is Registered as Tool Data ‘The usable drill diameter is taken as the drill diameter. c) When a Drill is Registered as Tool Data The diameter of the registered drill is taken as the drill diameter. Note however the registered drill is not used in the following cases. 1) When the diameter of the registered drills larger than the usable dril diameter 2) When the diameter of the registered drill is smaller than “usable drill diameter x setting at ORILL SELECTION LOWER LIMIT (percent parameter No, 29)" OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P56 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS: (18) Mechanism to Determine the Type at Drill Unlike HSS drils, carbide drills are not available in various sizes. If the carbide drill is judged to be unusable for the intended machining, this is because there is not such a slender dil Define the most slender drill as below. When a more slender dril is desired to be used, a HSS dril is selected. HS.DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTHIDRILL DIA = LD x 190 The minimum carbide drill diameter = D ae The drill type determination rule with BASIC TP set for PRO. DECIDE TYPE. is mad on condition that the carbide drill is to be used, and the most slender drill is designated trom generally available cris HS,DRILL POSSIBLE CUT. DEPTHIDRILL DIA = 250 The minimum carbide drill diameter = 18 451.77) 18 a (0.71) Unit: mm A carbide dil is selected when a thicker tool than the too! illustrated below can be used for machining. Drill type determination rule when a dril is registerad as tool data 1) When a carbide drill is judged to be usable lor intended machining When a carbide dri is registered as toot data, that dril is used. When only a HSS drill is registered as tool data, that chill is used. 2) When a carbide dil is judged to be unusable for intended machining When a HSS diil is registered as tool data, that drill is used. ‘The registered carbide dil is not used. Note that the registered dri is not used in the following cases. ~The diameter of the registered dri is larger than the usable drill diameter. - The diameter of the registered drill is smaller than “usable dil diameter x DRILL Q SELECTION LOWER LIMIT (percent parameter No. 28)" * Usable dri diameter = X-coordinate of the shape to be drilled — setting at DRILL&END MILL ALLOWANCE WIDTH (CUTTING) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. P87 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (17) Mechanism to Determine Whether or not Centering is Executed Whether centering is executed or not is determined by the drill dimension obtained by the follawing equation Drill dimension = LO x 100 (For L and D, refer to the illustration below.) When the dri dimension is equal to or larger than the value set at SHAPE NEEDS. CENTERING, centering is executed. When the drill dimension is smaller than the value set at SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING, centering is not executed. NSS ‘The with centering/without centering determination rule with BASIC TP set for PAO. DECIDE TYPE. is made on condition that centering is to be executed if possible, and “50” is set for SHAPE NEEDS CENTERING. Centering is executed when a drill more slender than the dril illustrated below is used K _ (0,08) 1 10.04) 2 Unit: mm Note that the used drill must be judged to be a HSS drill to enable centering. For the carbide drill, no centering is executed since its tool angle is assumed to be 180°. eS | OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-158 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS. (18) Mechanism to Ornit Drilling When the workpiece ID needs to be machined shallowly, it is preferable to machine it without oiling, taking machining efficiency into consideration. For example, this applied for the workpiece illustrated below in which the top of the drill scarcely entered the inside of the workpiece when machining was compiele. To meet such cases, the rule is made to omit riling when the depth of machining is smaller than the value set at DRILLING MINIMUM HOLE DEPTH. Depth of machining refers to the dimension ilustrated below. (n the case of thru-hole machining, however, driling is not omitted irrespective of the depth of machining, The top of the dril scarcely entered the inside of the workpiece when machining was complete, Omit driling and start with endmiling. Depth of machining OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P4159 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS 4, Shape/Tool Position Data The SHAPE DATA (shape output dala) ralers to ROUGH SHAPE QUTPUT(O=OFFSET, ‘SHIFT. There are two methods to add finishing stock + Finishing stock is added to the machining shape in the roughing process (finishing stock is added in automatic process determination) Finishing stock is added in the LAP cycle (finishing stock is added in the LAP cycle) ‘O" is set at ROUGH SHAPE OUTPUT - Finishing stock is added in automatic process determination, is set at ROUGH SHAPE OUTPUT - Finishing stock is added in the LAP cycle. When “0” is set at ROUGH When *1" is set at ROUGH SHAPE OUTPUT (finishing SHAPE QUTPUT (finishing stock is added in automatic Stock is added in the LAF process determination) cytie) Machining shape in the Final shape + finishing stock Final shape roughing process in the process edit mode Rounding or chamfering in| Rounding or chamfering defined in_| Rounding or charnfering defined in the roughing process in the | shape definition is recognized as | shape definition is recognized as it process edit mode an arc or a taper respectively. is, with the exception of rounding fr chamfering at the portion following the starting point or preceding the end point. Machining shape after the | Uniform finishing is added Finishing stock in the descending completion of roughing inaspective of the shape. portion is small Portion for which surface | Roughing process: Roughing process: roughness ¥ is designated Finishing stock is not added Finishing stock is added as in Prishieg procea the case of surface roughness ‘Not performed Finishing process: Performed Feed Y When the machining shape is [- When the machining shape is ‘not modified in the process modified in the process edit edit mode mode = When surface roughness vy | - When only one surface 3 (9) is designated for the roughness is designated for workpiece the workpiece + When the workpiece contains |- When the workpiece does not the descending portion for contain the descending portion which surface roughness for which surface roughness is designated VY is designated ‘The final shape refers to the turning shape defined in shape definition OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 347-E P-160 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS The TOOL POSITION DATA refers to TOOL INDEX POSITION X-AXIS and TOOL INDEX POSITION Z-AXIS. ‘The tool indexing position can be changed as desired When the tool registered as tool data is used and its tool indexing position is set as tool data, this position is taken as the tool indexing position. (Chuck Work When BASIC TP is selected for PRO. DECIDE TYPE, the tool indexing position is set as follows. TOOL INDEX POSITION TOOL INDEX POSITION XAXIS Between-centers Work A value which is almost equal to the blank material length is set at TOOL INDEX POSITION Z- AB TOOL INDEX POSITION. ZAXIS TOOL INDEX POSITION AXIS OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477- P61 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS a 40.(1.57), 25 10.98) 2 70 (2.76) Variation of Automatic Process Determination Qutput According to the Setting at ROUGH SHAPE QUTPUT(O=OFFSET, 1= SHIFT) (machining shape in the roughing process) WY When is set at ROUGH SHAPE OUTPUT 640 (1.57) ‘The final shape added with finishing stock is output as the machining shape. respectively. aR SR= END PT Z= 25.2 =FAGE> SA=0 END PT X= 55.186 Founding or chamfering defined in shape definition is recognized as an arc of a taper SR=v END PT X = 40.4 Z = 38.083 SR=¥ END PT X= 96.166 SR=9 END PT RADIUS R =20 X = 26 CENTER Cx 2 = 402 cz SA= ‘ SA=0 208 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. S477-E P1862 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS When "1 is set at ROUGH SHAPE OUTPUT ‘The final shape is output as the machining shape. + Rounding or chamfering defined in shape delinition is recognized as it is, with the exceplion of rounding or chamiering al the portion following the starting point or preceding the end point. Lea pi URAL x LM=aL ho- ee FCel ee ie RES L240 Finishing stock added Aes XT=500 in the LAP cycle ees te 3 2 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. B477-E P1693 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (2) Variation of Automatic Process Determination Oulput According to the Setting at ROUGH SHAPE QUTPUT(O= OFFSET, 1 = SHIFT) (surface roughness) 40 (1.57) 70 (2.76) AVAVA (VY) 25 (0.98) c2 #60 (2.36) 040 (1.57) is set at ROUGH SHAPE OUTPUT. Sons gin Shape in the ROUGH OD< process: For the (A) portion, finishing stock is added since surface roughness _is designated. For the (8) portion, finishing stock is not added since surface roughness is designated, Shape in the FIN.OD+ process: Finishing is carried out only for the (A) portion where surface roughness is designated. 1 [ROUGH OD 2 [ FIN. OD— OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. Ba77-E P1684 SECTION 8 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS When “1° is set at ROUGH SHAPE OUTPUT The final shape is output as the machining shape in the ROUGH OD+ process. Finishing stock is added also for the (B) portion since finishing stock is added in the LAP cycle, Finishing is executed for the (A) portion for which surface roughness 1 is designated. 7 [ROUBH OD] 2] FIN. DK OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P1685 SECTION 3 HOW TO USE PROCESS DETERMINATION CONDITIONS (3) Variation of Automatic Process Determination Output According to the Setting al ROUGH SHAPE QUTPUT(O=OFFSET, 1 = SHIFT) Assume that a tool with 35° tool angle is registered as tool data, and that the finishing stock in the X-axis direction is the same as the finishing stock in the Z-axis direction. re Va ROUGH 0O~ When “0” is set at ROUGH SHAPE OUTPUT Ater the complation of roughing, the shape “inal shape + uniform finishing stock" is obiained. This finishing stock is added in automatic process determination. Finishing stock, Shape after the ‘completion of roughing Finishing stock Finishing stock Final shape Finishing stock When “1” is set at ROUGH SHAPE OUTPUT After the completion of roughing, the shape with smaller finishing stock in the descending portion is obtained. This fir hing stock is added in LAP cycle. For the workpiece below which has a 45° ascending taper, the final shape is identical to the shape atter the completion of roughing, ‘Shape after the Finishing stock / completion of roughing No finishing stock Finishing stock Final shape Finishing stock OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-166 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUGH IGF SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Qi: What must be checked before beginning with actual machining? MM: 4 2 (3) 4) a” ) TES RET TATA) “ERZ-2No. ia85 MESS 1 2 Ra Fes 264 Fam La ies Check the following before beginning with actual machining: Tool number, too! offset number Groove culting method Whether or not too! interference occurs during approaching and retracting motions of tools Tool indexing position Tool number, tool offset number As a rule, tool numbers and a tool offset numbers are set automatically by the automatic process determination function. (when the toot that has been registered with a too! number and 2 tool offset number is selected, this is not the case.) The registered tool is not necessarily used. Therefore, do not forget to check the too! number and the tool offset number displayed in the cutting condition table in the process edit mode before beginning with actual machining, Groove cutting method The machining method for the groove which has been defined in shape definition (single groove, wide groove, V-groove) is determined by the automatic process determination function. When a wide groove or V-groove is cut, culting is carried out using two tool offset numbers (offset No. 1, olfset No, 2):to assure accuracy. When two tool offset numbers are Used, too! offset has to be executed al the both ends of the grooving tool. It is dangerous to start groove culting alter the execution of tool offset only at one end. Do ‘not forget to check the groove cutting method. + MIFTHEE* + MIABEE Tea BE TRIATE J~ARHB mane OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P67 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF (3) Whether or not tool interference occurs during the approaching and retracting motions of tools ‘The automatic process determination function determines approaching and retracting motions Of tools in which no tool interference with the workpiece occurs. However, since interference may be caused by the tool shape (holder diameter, etc.), check approaching and retracting motions of tools in process test. Machining at a concave portion is checked for interference. taking the tool shape into consideration. Observe the following two points when checking tool interference. 1) Approaching and retracting motions in ID longitudinal machining During approaching and retracting motions in ID longitudinal machining, the cutting tool is lowered up to the process starting or process end paint. + X-eoordinate of the process start point = Blank material ID — clearance for ID longitudinal machining (dimension parameter No. 68) > Xcoordinate of the process end point = Blank material ID - clearance for 1D longitudinal machining (Gimension parameter No. 68) “Tool change positon Blank material 1D (basic bank materio! T process ait Blank materiel | process stat point (APR. PT) APX rape Catton) | Process endl post (RIN. PT) ATX o— Sy 2) Approaching and retracting motions in ID reverse machining During approaching and retracting motions in 1D longitudinal machining, the cutting tool is lowered along the end face clearance, Set a larger value at FACE CLEARANCE (dimension parameter No, 3) when 1D Jongitudinal machining is executed. End face clearance OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LID. 3477-€ P-168 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF a) Tool indexing position ‘The too! indexing position is set for each individual machining process. ‘The value sat in process determination conditions (at SHAPE/TOOL POSITION DATA) is used as the tool indexing position. ‘When between-centers machining is executed or the opposing lurret specification is selected, there might be cases in which the turret collides with the workpiece or chuck, depending on the turret indexing position. + The tool indexing position that is factory-set prior to shipment is for chuck work. Therefore, change the process determination conditions (SHAPE/TOOL POSITION DATA) and carry out automatic process determination for between-centers machining. For dolails, refer to Section 3, (4) SHAPE/TOOL POSITION DATA. + For the opposing turret specification, the following value must be set at TOOL INDEX POSITION X-AXIS for all of BASIC TP, TYPE 1, TYPE 2, and TYPE 3. ‘TOOL INDEX POSITION X-AXIS = 7227 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-169 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q2: The “chucking impossible” error occurs when automatic process determination is attempted. Aa: ‘The “chucking impossible” error informs you that machining is not possible since the workpiece cannot be chucked. When this error occurs, automatic process determination is disabled and no machining process is created at all. To enable automatic process determination, modify the turning shape in shape definition so that the workpiece can be chucked. ‘The automatic process determination function judges chucking to be possible when there is a portion for ID chucking or OD chucking on the workpiece, a Oy) Conditions tor OD chucking The following three conditions must be satistied. 41) The portion to be chucked (workpiece edge) has an angle of 90°. 2) The surface roughness designated for the portion to be chucked is either ~ or jump, 3) The Z-coordinate of the workpiece contact surface with the jaw is the smallest in the machining shape. Conditions for ID chucking The following three conditions must be satisfied. Note the one-touch (GF judges chucking to be possible even if the chucking diameter is “0”. 1) The portion to be chucked (workpiece edge) has an angle of 90° 2) The surface roughness designated for the portion to be chucked is either ~ or jump. 9) The Z-coordinate of the workpiece contact surface with the jaw is the smallest in the machining shape. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-170 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF *Chucking impossible error OD chucking possibie = 0D chucking not possible: ‘The portion to be chucked (workpiece edge) does not have an angio of 20°. + ID chucking not possible: “The surface roughness is nat ~. *Chucking impossible errore ID chucking possible = OD chucking not possible’ ‘The surface roughness is not ~. ID chucking not possible: ‘The Z-coordinate of the workpiece contact surface with the jaw is not the ‘smallest in the machining shape. OF -e . G—-—---- 1D chucking possi 1D chucking possibia Cchuking i judged to be posse even i tho chucking ciameterie ©. Thorelor, iis ‘not necessary to define the shape for ID chucking in shape definition. Jump OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-6 P71 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q3: The “remained uncut area” error occurs when automatic process determination is attempted. ‘The “remained uncut area” error informs you that the machining method has been created with which an uncut portion is left. The automatic process determination function creates the machining process only for the possible-to-cut portion, An uncut portion is leit on the concave and on the small ID. Uncut portion on the concave ‘When the concave is deep and narrow as illustrated below, an uncut portion is left due to tool interference. Since no finishing is carried out for the uncut concave, the finishing process is interrupted at this position. The automatic process determination function selecis a tool with a §5* tool angle unless the tool for the intended operation is registered as too! data, Uncut portion Uncut portion on the small 1D ‘An endmil (tat dri) is used to cut the small ID where a boring bar cannot enter. ‘An endmill usually has 2 190° too! angle, therefore, an uncut portion is lft if the workpiece has a taper or an arc at ils bottom as illustrated below. Roughing end Uncut portion OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-€ P-172 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Uncut portion on the concave ‘There are two methods for preventing an uncut partion from remaining (1) Modify the machining shape in the process eit mode, The automatic process determination function creates the machining pracess for the Possible-to-cut portion even if the error occurred. Therefore, to create a part program by which the workpiece can be cut without uncut portion, modify the data in the machining process (tool shape data, machining shape) which causes: an uncut portion to be remained. When a modification has been made, carry out process test and check the part program for interference. (2) Register a suitable too! as tool data ;Designate a prior tool ‘The automatic process determination function strictly checks tool interference fram the tool angle data, cutting edge data, and tool width data. When tool interference occurs with the present tool, it is necessary to use another tool which does not cause tool interference. No too! interference occurs if a tool with @ 36° tool angle is used for ROUGH OD> S a > J ANGLE 85°, EDGE ANGLE 3°) and retry automatic process determination, - When the “ROUGH OD->; TOOL ANGLE 55°, EDGE ANGLE 3°” too! and the “ROUGH OD: TOOL ANGLE 35°, EDGE ANGLE 3°° tool are already registered as tool data, designate the latter tool as a prior tool and retry automatic process determination. No tool intorference occurs if a tool with a 96° tool angle is used for ROUGH OD and ‘cutting is carried out in other than the reverse direction. Uncut portion : = When the tool is not registered as tool data, register it (ROUGH OD—; TOOL ANGLE 35°, EDGE ANGLE 3°) and retry automatic process determination, - When the “ROUGH OD~: TOOL ANGLE 55°, EDGE ANGLE 3°" tool and the “ROUGH ODe: TOOL ANGLE 35°, EDGE ANGLE 3°" tool are already registered as tool data, designate the latter tool as a prior tool and retry automatic process determination. When finishing is also required, perform the same operation for the finishing tool, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P73 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Uncut partion on the small [D An endmill lat drill) is used to cut the small ID where a boring bar can nol enter. BLIND HOLE MIN, DIA. VALUE The tool interferes with the workpiece. Uncut portion Roughing endmit! SS a) 2) @) To cut using a more slender boring bar in hand Set a smaller value at BLIND HOLE MIN. DIA. VALUE on the INSIDE MACHINING DATA. ‘screen and retry automatic process determination, For details, refer to Section 9, 3. “Inside Machining Data” To cut using @ formed endmill, The automatic process determination function defines the machining method in which an ‘endmill with @ 180° tool angle is used. To use a formed endmill, change the coordinate value of the driling end point in the process edit mode. To cut the ID using only a dill In the machining process created by the automatic process determination function, the 1D is cut using a drill and an endmill. The “remained uncut area” error occurs when oriling is, designated for the ID in shape definition. To cut the ID using only a dril, refer to Section 3, 9. “Inside Machining Data”. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-6 P74 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUGH IGF Is it possible to cut the descending portion without using a tool for reverse-direction cutting? ‘Aa: The angle along which the tool can be fed in the descending direction varies depending on the too! shape. Max. angle along which the tool can be fed in the descending direction = 90° ~ cutting edge angle = 1001 edge allowable angle for checking interference in machining in the descending direction (TOOL EDGE DATA CHECK MARGIN (ANGLE) At: TOOL ANGLE a2: EDGE ANGLE AB: Cutting edge angle ~ tool edge allowable angle for ) checking interference in ‘machining in the descending direction in sc sora ht kaa ncn denon seen TOOL EDGE DATA CHECK MARGIN (ANGLE) ) When a tool with a 65° When @ too! with a 35° tool angle is wsed toot angle is used cr OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, BA77-E P75 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF ‘When the descending portion is concave ‘When no too! is registered as tool data, the automatic process determination function selects a too! with §5° tool angle for cutting the concave. Therefore, if the descending angle is larger than 29°, a reverse-direction machining process is generated. (Assume that “3” is set at TOOL EDGE DATA CHECK MARGIN (ANGLE).) The following are the methods to cut the descending portion while feeding the tool in tha forward direction, (1) To set a smaller value at TOOL EDGE DATA CHECK MARGIN (ANGLE) (integer parameter No. 21). When “2” is set at TOOL EDGE DATA CHECK MARGIN (ANGLE), a tool with a 85° tool angle can be used for cutting the descending portion with a 30° descending angle. Note however setting a very small value at TOOL EDGE DATA CHECK MARGIN (ANGLE) disables smooth chip disposal and affects surface roughness, (2) To cut using a tool with a smaller tool angle When the descending angle is larger than 32°, a tool with a 56° tool angle cannot be used how small the value at TOOL EDGE DATA CHECK MARGIN (ANGLE) is. In such cases, let the automatic process determination function select a toot with a 35° tool angle. 2) When the tool is not registered as tool data Once terminate graphic edit operation and register the tool data of the toot with a 35° tool angle. Then, select the graphic edit mode again and retry automatic process determination. For example, to use a tool with a 35° tool angle for the ROUGH OD« process, register it as tool dala following the procedure below: 1), Press the function key [F3] (TOOL DATA). The TOOL DATA TABLE screen will be displayed. 2), Move the cursor to the tool number where no too! is registered. 3). Press the function key [F2] (ORDER | ) | *TOOL CODE TABLE* “DATA SETTING” CODE cD= 1 FORM CODE NO.FC (1) ROUGH OD fy TOOL ANGLE At EDGE ANGEL a2 ORDER J)| STICKING OUT -—L HOLDER DIA. D INDEX POSIT, XT ZT = [> IF71 (quit) b) When both 2 too! with a 55° tool angle and a tool with a 96° angle are registered : Designate the tool with a 35° tool angle as a prior tool (mark it with +). Alter that, retry automatic process determination, For details, refer to Section 3, 1. Prior Tool Designation, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3a77- P1768 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF ‘When the descending portion is not concave Descending portion When the descending portion is not concave as illustrated below, the automatic process determination function selects machining in the reverse direction for it, irrespective of the descending angle, Descending portion The following are the methods to cut the descending portion while feeding the tool in the forward direction. (1) To modify the result of automatic process determination in the process edit mode Follow the procedure below: 1) Delete the reverse-direction mac! descending portion, 2) Modity the machining shape in the forward-direction machining process so that the descending portion can be cut also in this process. When finishing is required, perform the above steps for both the roughing and finishing processes. For details, refer to Section 2, 6. “Example 6 (two-touch course)”. ing process (ROUGH OD- for example) for the (2) To define the shape as a concave When shape definition is carried out in the manner as illustrated below, the automatic process determination function creates the machining process in which the portion is recognized as a concave. Shape definition OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477 P77 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF < > 490 (3,94) 90 (3.54) 5 (2.17) (1.77) 45 (0,39)10 Define the shape as indicated below and carry out automatic process determination. BASIC BLANK SHAPE MAT'LNAME —=S45C OUT DIA. OD = 65 OUT LENG. OL = 120 INDIA. 1D = 20 INLENG. IL =0 DZ SHIFT ZS = 20 PZ SHIFT ZO = 20 BLANK SIZE = FREE SHAPE TURNING MACH SHAPE “ sn=~ END PT Z= ~10 E 5 END PT X= 40 START PT SX = 20 Sz = 100 DEFINE DIR. = CCW CHAMFERING OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P78 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUGH IGF BLANK SHAPE [END PT X= 40 fsmrere=@ ] age / END PTZ=0 Sib eri es L ot { € OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-€ P-179 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWEAS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q5: The tool registered as tool data cannot be selected. Check the following seven items, (1) No data is set for tool data items for which data input is essential There are many items in tool data, And data input is essential for some of these items (called the “essential items"). When no data is set for any of the essential items, that tool is not selected. The essential items include TOOL ANGLE, EDGE ANGLE, DRILL DIA. TOOL WIDTH (groove), etc. On the contrary, items such as HOLDER DIA., TOOL INDEXING POSITION, and NOSE RADIUS (groove) are not the essential items. Therefore, the tool is selected even no data is set for these items. (2) “0” is set at TOOL NO (too! data number). When the tool is registered under the tool data number “0", that tool is not selected. (3) The tool desired to be selected is a straight tool ‘The automatic process determination function does not select the following straight tools. ROUGH OD FORM CODE NO, | ROUGH FACE | FORM CODE NO. FG = 2 Fo =3 ROUGH OD FORM CODE NO. | ROUGH FACE t FORM CODE NO. Fo =2 FC =3 FIN.OD@ FORM CODE NO, | FINISH FACE | FORM CODE NO. FO =2 FC = 3 FIN. OD-> FORM CODE NO. | FINISH FACE t FORM CODE NO, FC =2 FC =3 GROOVE OD | FORM CODE NO, Fo =2 ROUGH |D— FORM CODE NO. Fo=3 ROUGH |D-+ FORM CODE NO, FO= 2 FIN. [De FORM CODE NO, FO=3 FIN, [D> FORM CODE NO. FC= 2 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 4 6) 6) ” 3477-E P-180 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUGH IGF ‘The grooving tool desired to be selected does not have a 180° tool angle as illustrated below. Two tools with different ool angles (85" and 85° for example) are rogistered, and the tool with 2 smaller tool angle is desired io be selected In this case, designate the too! which is desired to be selected as a prior tool For details, ror to Section 3, 1. “Prior Too! Designation" The diameter of the drill which is desired to be selecied is outside the selectable range.More than one dril is registered. . ‘The automatic process determination function calculates the usable dril diameter from the X- coordinate of the ID shape. Usabie dri diameter = X-coordinale of the ID shape to be diiled - allowance for arilencmill (in cutting) The dil with a larger diameter than the value calculated using the above equation is not selectod. When more than one dil with a smaller diameter than the value calculated using the above equation is registored, the drill with the largest diameter is selected. In such eases, designate the drill which is desired to be selected as a prior tool The tool width of the grooving tool which is desired to be selected is outside the selectable range./More than one grooving tool is registered. When is designated for surface roughness of the groove, the too! width must be smaller than “groove width ~ finishing stock x 2". When chamfering or rounding is made at the bbottom of the groove, the tool width must be smaller in accordance with the chamlerlround size. ‘When more than ane grooving tool is registered, the grooving tool with the largest tool width is selected. In such cases, designate the grooving tool which is desired to be selacted as a prot tool. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 9477-E P81 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF ‘Whether or not @ registered tool is used in the machining process can be seen fram the tool data number (TOOL DATA NO.) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-E P-162 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q6: Is it possible to recess the workpiece in the OD turning process (ROUGH OD<. FIN. OD«, etc.)? AB: Yes, Refer to the illustration below, Roughing Process Finishing Process Recessing only in tha X- axis direction Deep recessing Shallow recessing Recassing in both the X- land Z-axis direction OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E 183 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF ia] io) @Q (3) Recessing is required only in the X-axis direction, and is carried out in both the roughing and finishing processes. When defining the recess in shape definition, pay attention to the descending angle (taper) When the descending angle is large, cutting must be carried out in the reverse direction, resulting in the “remained uncut area” error. The descending angle must be within the *possible-to-descond” angle. Possible-to-descend angle = 0° ~ (too! angle + tool edge angle + tool edge allowable angle for checking interference in machining in the descending direction (TOOL EDGE DATA CHECK MARGIN (ANGLE) ) Recessing is required only in the X-axis direction, and is carried out only in the finishing process. (shallow recessing) Define the workpiece shape while ignoring the portion to be recessed, and modily the workpiece shape of the finishing process in the process edit mode. Recessing is required in both the X- and Z-axis direction Recessing is carried out only in the finishing process. Define the workpiece shape while ignoring the portion to be recessed, and modily the workpiece shape of the finishing process in the process edit mode. rsorig apa ape Samant rons| ES nga hood ng pi / fexoee \__ > amitarer hae corer nearing boghucnal haps werent Modify the workpiece shape of the finishing process in the process edit mode, while taking tool radius compensation into consideration. When the straight portion (longitudinal portion, end face) of the recess is short and the tool nose radius compensation function is activated, the tool will cut the workpiece exceeding the final shape. ‘The straight portion of the recess must be equal to or larger than the double of the tool nose radius. Nose rain ae ua erage an he cole ‘fw tou aon ad Machining shpat FSH OO proteas OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-E P-1Be SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q7: Is it possible to carry out drilling after the ROUGH O.FACE | process? (changing the machining sequence by changing the machining sequence parameter) AT: ‘The automatic process determination function determines the machining method in which dling is carried out before the turning process (ROUGH O.FACE|, etc.). In other words, the ailing process is given the machining sequence number 1. Therefore, i’ number other than + is given to the ailing process, an error occurs. To carry out driling after the ROUGH O.FACE | process, carry out the following in the process edit mode: (1) Replace the sequence of the diiling process with the sequence of the ROUGH O.FACE | process (2) Modify the final shape and the blank material shape of the ROUGH O.FACE| process. (Expand the shape.) (@)_ Reduce the distance between the dling start point and the workpiece if necessary. Result of automatic process determination 2 [OIRO Ea] Mositicaion in the process edit mode de spe noe CE Bassett Pops he noes 7] eptace th processes. ==o] OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. BATT-E PH185 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF The following operations are possible by changing the setting of the machining sequence parameter, 1) Changing the machining sequence of LONG and FACE in the roughing process 2) Changing the machining sequence of OD and ID in the roughing process 3) Changing the machining sequence of LONG and FACE in the finishing process 4) Changing the machining sequence of OD and ID in the finishing process (1) ROUGH LFACE T (1) ROUGH ID— (2) ROUGH ID+ (2) ROUGH LFACET | —_ Ly Ga Ga The folowing operations are not ‘possible by changing the sling of the machining sequence parameter. 1) Executing the ROUGH O.FACE | process belore the driling process. 2) Changing the machining sequence of a roughing process and a finishing process For example, the automatic process determination function does not determine the method in which the FIN. OD+ process is carried out before the FOUGH ID~ machin process. (1) ROUGH OD- (1) ROUGH OD— (2) ROUGH IF (2) FIN. OD— (@) FIN. ODe (3) ROUGH IF— 3) Executing the rough grooving process before the finishing process Rough grooving and finish grooving are given the same machining sequence. When the machining sequence parameter is set to carry out the grooving process before the finish turning process, the finish grooving process is also carried out before the finish tuming process. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P86 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q8: Points to be taken care of in the finishing process when the final shape has a very small step. At: When the final shape has a very small step as illustrated below, the following points must be taken care of in the finishing process. Normally, the automatic process determination function sets the shape end point in tha finishing process at the position which is distant from the actual shape end point for “finishing stock x 2" ‘Therefore, when the end shape element of the finishing process is an end face, the length of the end face is understood as the “length of the end face defined in shape definition + finishing stock x2", ‘When this /ength is smaller than the tool nose radius compensation amount, the too! will cul the workpiece exceeding the final shape if the toot nose radius compensation function is activated in actual cutting. In such cases, expand the final product shape element of the finishing process in the process edit mode. FIash com (irae ea ol ial oie shape cml i rae a og oh al roc ape samo pe heh ol ese aun corpunston tac tanh toa roe ru caperetan SUN OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P87 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q9: How can cutoff be executed? A9: There are two methods to execute cutoft. (1) Define the shape while ignoring the cutoff portion as illustrated below, and create the cutolf process in the process edit mode. Create the cutoff process as the single-groove cutting process in the process edit mode. To chamier the cutoff portion, create two processes, the "shallow single-groove culling process for chamfering” and the “deep single-groove cutting process for cutofl”. When these two Processes are registered as a user-specific fle (USP file), cutoff can be carried out only by calling them in the process edit mode. Note however a small modification might be necessary depending on the workpiece shape. (2). Define the cutoff portion as a groove as illustrated below. To chamfer the cutoff portion, create the “shallow single-groove cutting process for chamfering” in the process edit made. Groove OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-€ P-188 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF ‘<< Operation Example 1> > Creating the cutoff process in the process edit mode 64 (0.28) S y 0 (1.18) 633 (1.30) 713 | 3: (0.12) (0.12) (0.98) a (1) Define the workpiece shape while ignoring the cutoff portion. BASIC BLANK SHAPE MAT'LNAME —=Sa5C OUT DIA. OD OUT LENG. OL INDIA 1D INLENG. IL DZ SHIFT ZS PZSHIFT ZO BLANK SIZE = ROUND BAR TURNING MACH SHAPE, SR=W, END PT X= 27. SR=W END PT Z= -6 =FACES 25 SR=W ENO PT X= 33 - sR=W “|e PTx= 30 START PT SX = 0 t Sz : DEFINE DIR, CHAMFERING = 0.2 (2) Carry out automatic process determination. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-6 P-189 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF (3) Create a single-groove cutting process in the process edit mode. To chamfer the cutoif portion, create the single-groove culling process A and the single- groove cutting process 8. The single-groove cutting process B is cartied out first and then the single-groove cutting process A is carried out. Single-groove Cutting Process A Single-groove Cutting Process B * > Defining the cutoff process in shape definition 8 430 (1.18) 3 | 25 (0.98) (0.110.11) (1) Define the workpiece shape. Define the cutolt BASIC BLANK SHAPE MATLNAME —=S45C. OUT DIA. OD = 33 OUT LENG. OL NDA ID INLENG. IL DZSHIFT ZS PZ SHIFT ZO BLANK SIZE = ROUND BAR TURNING MAGH SHAPE: = portion as a groove. sh=W [ENO Pr: ~ToNG> z=0 ona “ saw [END PT Z= 25 SPACES SA=W END PT X= 90 [stant PT sx Ea DEFINE OI, ICHAMFEAING = 02 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-£ P-191 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF @) Carry out automatic process determination. To chamfer the cutoif portion, create the “shallow single-groove cutting process” in the process edit mode. For this example, create the “shallow single-groove cutting process” between the process No, 6 and the process No. 7. ry 1 2 JRousH oo 3 frouor race 1 frousn orace 5 /FIN. Ob — 6 |Ftn. Face FIN O.FACE ge 7 [eroove'oo 1) 340.12) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P.192 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q10: Is there any problem when grooving the stepped shape? A10; When grooving the stepped shape as illustrated to the 7" Tight, @ tool mark is left in portion A due to tool approach, Point B and an irregularity is generated on point B since a turning tool is usad to cut portion A and a grooving tool is used to cut the portion below point B. (Neither excessive cut is ‘caused nor uncut portion is left.) Portion A Groove (1) Itis possible to cut the workpiece without a tool mark, Result of automatic process determination ROUGH FINISH of B20 mark stat during rapia toed in is section, a Change the process start point and the process end point in shape definition in the process edit mods. + Xcoordinate of the process start point and the process end point X-coordinate of the cycle reference point = _Z-coordinate of the process start point and the process end point Z-coordinate of the cycle reference point + 1 © : Process start pointiprocess end point aca x 2 Cycle reference point OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-E P-190 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF < > 50 (1.97) 25 (0.98) _, 5 (0.19) % 3 3 0401.57) 950 (1.97) fai] Result of automatic process determination (1) ROUGH oD— REF.PT XS (2) FIN. OD— zs (3) GROOVE OD | START PT XA (4) EW.GRV.ODL - ‘ cureT cp OUTSIDE APR.PT APX =58 ——}> 44 APZ = 25 ——7> 27 RIN.PT ATX = 58 —> 44 RIZ= —~ 27 ~ When OUTSIDE (BAGK) is set at CUT PT GP, the tool can approach the workpiece more salely. CUT PT CP= OUTSIDE CUT PT CP= OUTSIDE (BACK) Process start poiny process end point X 1 Cycle reference point + In the GROOVE | (rough) process, no tool mark is leit because of the cleerance for finishing stock, however, the tool can approach the workpiece more safely when the GROOVE | (rough) process is modified in the same manner as the GROOVE |. finish) process. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P94 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF (2) The irregularity at point 8 can not be corrected with the one-touch IGF. When no irregularity is allowed, make corrections on the part program. ss Pony Portion A Lon eee When te od ace (oto i shor flow he procedure below, No kroguay wil be enero 1) Dafne tho turing shape wo gnaing the groove shape in shape dfn 2) Nadily the shape in tho FIN. OD+ proces in the process et mode. (Mody so that he end fae 0 fiiho PND 5 oe 3) Create the grooving process as illustrated below in the process edit mode. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3a77-E Pgs SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q11: Is it possible to cut the workpiece using a straight tool? To cut the workpiece using a straight (ool as illustrated below, create a machining process in the process edit mode. The automatic process determination function does not select the straight tool which is registered 2 tool data, Therefore, 1o use a special tool such as a straight tool, take the IGF course to creale ‘a part program. With the IGF course, the machining process is created in the process edit mode. Create the machining process in which a straight tool is used as indicated below, (The machining shape is the same as in the machining process in which a normal tool is used.) *MACH, METHOD AMEND 1 PROCESS KIND ROUGH TURN CUTTING DIRECTION OD— TOOL DATA NO. NO ‘TOOL NO. ™N OFFSETNO. ON FORM CODE NO FC TOOLANGLE AI EDGE ANGLE A2 STICKING OUT L TOOL POSITION xT zr 2) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P1968 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q12: Is it possible to cut the workpiece using a button tool? 12: To cut the workpiece using a button tool as illustrated below, create a part program following the procedure below. 1) Define the workpiece shape while ignoring the portion which is cut using a button tool 2) Carry out automatic process determination, 3) Create the machining process in which a button tool is used in the process edit mode. ‘The button tool can not be displayed on the screen in process test. Therefore, to define the tool shape on the MACH. METHOD AMEND screen, use the drawing of a straight tool. Note that the tool shape entered on the MACH. METHOD AMEND screen (tool angle, tool edge angle, holder diameter, etc.) is for displaying the tool drawing in process test, and it has nothing to do with actual = cutting (too! path. When “0” is set at FOOL-BATANG. NO, only the tool path is displayed in process test. (© FRM CODE WO. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-6 P-197 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF The procedure to create the machining process in the process ‘ecit mode is explained below. ‘The machining process expizined below is created assuming the following two points: a) Tool offset is carried out as illustrated to the right b) The tool radius is set at too! nose radius. Pay attention to the positional relationship between the cycle relerence point and the process start point Since there is a steeply descending portion on the workpiece, set "0" at FIN. STOCK LZ, PROCESS KIND ROUGH TURN CUTTING DIRECTION MID OD— oz IEE ot PROCESS KND FINISH TURN PROCESS KIND FINISH TURN CUTTING DIRECTION MID FACE} CUTTING DIRECTION MID OD DPA 2b Xr 7 nates tt ies, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-198 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF : What is the “cutting position (CUT PT CP)"? A13: The cutting position is provided for each machining process to move the cutting tool without interference with the workpiece. Tool movement includes tool approaching motion and too! retracting motion, Approaching motion: tool change position + process start point —» cycle reference position Retracting motion: machining complete —> process end point + tool change position ‘Tho tool path from the tool change position to the process start point, and the tool path from the [process end point to the tool change position are determined on the basis of the culling position. From the process start point to the cycle reference point and from machining complete to the process end point, the tool is moved at the rapid feedrale in the wo-axis control made, ‘Approaching motion: tool change position — process start point > cycle relerence position Determined on the basis ‘The tool is moved at the rapid of the cutting position feedrate in the two-axis control mode, Retracting motion :_ machining complete —> process end paint -» tool change position The tool is moved at the rapid feedrate Determined by the cutting position in the two-axis control mode, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P99 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q14: What is the clearance set at the dimension parameter? Tool movement in one machining process consists of the following thre different motions. 1), Approaching motion Tool change position —r process start point —> cycle reference position 2) Machining cycle Machining is started from the cycle reference point. (roughing, finishing, grooving, etc:) 3). Retracting motion: Machining complete — process end point — tool change position The automatic process determination function calculates the coordinate values of the process start point, process end point, and cycle reference point Irom the clearance values set at dimensions parameters. 0D CLEARANCE (dimension parameter No. 1) Used to calculate the process start point and the process end point for the OD machining process. (0 CLEARANCE (dimension parameter No. 2) Used to calculate the process start point and the process end point for the ID machining process (not including the ROUGH ID, FIN. ID, ROUGH ID, and FIN. ID») FACE CLEARANCE (dimension parameter No. 3) Used to calculate the process start point and the process end point for the end face machining process. ROUGHING X-AXIS CLEARANCE (dimension parameter No. 14) ROUGHING Z-AXIS CLEARANCE (dimension parameter No. 15) Used to calcviate the cycle reference point for the rough tuming process (not including the ID longitudinal rough turning processes, ROUGH IDe-, and ROUGH ID), FINISHING X-AXIS CLEARANCE (dimension parameter No. 16) FINISHING Z-AXIS CLEARANCE (dimension parameter No. 17) Used to calculate the cycle reference paint forthe finish turning pracess (net including the ID longitudinal finish turning processes, FIN. ID~, and FIN. ID) ID PROCESS ID CLEARANCE (dimension parameter No. 68) Used to calculate the process start point and the process end point for the ID longitudinal machining processes (ROUGH ID<, FIN, DH, ROUGH ID, and FIN. ID), ID ROUGHING X-AXIS CLEARANCE (dimension parameter No. 69) Used to calculate the cycle reference point for the ID longitudinal rough machining processes (ROUGH IDX and ROUGH 1D) ID ROUGHING Z-AXIS CLEARANCE (dimension parameter No. 70) Used to calculate the cycle reference point for the ID longitudinal finish machining processes (FIN, IO and FIN. ID). OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P-200 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q15: Is it possible not to retract the tool in the X-axis positive direction during approaching and retracting motions in the 1D longitudinal machining processes (ROUGH ID= and FIN. IDA)? ANS: If the tool is excessively retracted in the X-axis positive direction during approaching and retracting mations in the ID longitudinal turning process, change the X-coordinate values of the process start point and the process end point in the pracess edit mode. ‘The tool moves as explained below during approaching and retracting motions. Approaching motion : tool change position + process start point —> cycla reference position Retracting motion —:_ machining complete —> process end point -+ tool change position The automatic process determination function defines the process start point and the process end point of the ID longitudinal machining processes as follows. X-coordinate of the process start point = IN DIA. 1D (BASIC BLANK SHAPE definition) — ID CLEARANCE (dimension parameter No. 2) coordinate of the process endpoint = IN DIA. ID (BASIC BLANK SHAPE definition) ~ ID CLEARANCE (dimension parameter No. 2) When the portion to be machined and the material ID are not close to each other, there may be cases in which the tool is excessively retracted in the X-axis positive direction. (jo men pt APR. PT APK IN. PAID INDIA 10 (BASIC BLANK SHAPE dointon) Change the X-coordiante values of the process start point and the process end point in the process edit mode. Since the process start point and the process end point are placed al the beginning of the machining shape, they are displayed when the {unction key [F2] (SHAPE AMEND) is pressed. Sot the process start point APX and the process end point RTX near the portion to be machined. Itis not necessary to change the position of the process start point APZ and the process end point TZ. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-£ P-201 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF < > 50 (1.97) BASIC BLANK SHAPE MAT'L NAME OUT DIA. OD OUT LENG, OL INDIA 1D. INLENG, IL OZ SHIFT zs PZ SHIFT 20 BLANK SIZE 450. 1040 {1.57) 980 (3.15) ROUND BAR —9- 4 10 (0.39). © __20 (0,78) + Change retracting and approaching motions of the FIN. ID+ process. Result of automatic process determination APR, PTAPX RIN, PTRTX ool change postion i t J ee APR. PT APX RIN. PT TX ‘The shape is modified in the process edit mode. | Press the function key [F2] (SHAPE AMEND) for the FIN. IDe process. Change the values at APR. PT APX and RIN. PT RTX | from 18 to 38. APR. PTAPX RIN, PTRTX “Tool change poston Qe toon pa 4 * OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, are SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH ‘The tool retracts slightly after finish cutting is ended. This is called “slight retraction”. This is th motion to allow the tool to come away from the finished surface at a cutting feedrate belore iv returns to the process end point at the rapid feedrate, Slight retraction amount = FINISHING NOSE-R MAXIMUM VALUE (dimension parameter No. 4) + finishing stock + 0.1 “Slight retraction” cannot be modified in the process edit mode. When the fool is excessively retracted due to slight retraction, modify it in the part program, Slight retraction is carried out in the block following the G80 (end of shape definition) block, Change its value when modifying it. oot change positon Ef Lh é er point ‘Sigh rotation OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. ing 34 -E P-203 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q18: How to cut the single groove, wide groove, or V-groove. A168: Refer to the table below. Surface Machining Method Roughness 1st Process 2nd Process Single-groove euting GROOVE OD} & sak. GROOVE 0D} J |Fw.GRv opt J vv Wide-groove cutting AW. GAV ODT Vv ff ae vv V-groove euting Rv. GRV OD} J 7 al | Ar RV. GRV OD} FV. GRV OD | ~) die) Ty OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUL 3477-4 © Q17: How to judge the groove to be a single groove or a wide groove. A17: The groove cutting method (single groove or wide groove) is determined from the following data = the groove shape entered in shape definition + the grooving tool registered as tool data = the maximum groove width for single-groove cutting (GROOVING WIDTH MAX. VALUE (Gimension parameter No. 26)) Groove Shape Too! Data Groove Width Groove Cuting Method (Sreove width, vyatnout chamerng ‘rounding When 9 is designated for surlace roughness Usable tool with = groove with Won 9 9 is dosignated for sutace roughness Usable tcl wath = groove wieth fishing stock = 2 A grooving tool whose width is exactly the same as the usable tool width is registered Single groove ‘A grooving tool whose width is smaller than the usable tool width is registered, Wide groove ‘A grooving tool whose width is smaller than the usable tool width is ot registered. Or no grooving tool is registered. Usable tool width = the maximum groove width for single-groove cutting (GROOVING WIDTH MAX. VALUE (dimension parameter No. 26)) Single groove Usable tool width > the maximum groove width for 1gle-groove cutting (GROOVING WIDTH MAX. VALUE (dimension parameter No. 26)) Wide groove Groove width Wide groove When prior tool designation is active, the above judgment is made concerning the prior tool When a grooving tool whose width is smaller than the usable tool width is not registered as a prior tool, the above judgmertt is made concerning the toot without prior tool designation. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, BA77-E P-205 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q18: How is the grooving tool width determined? 18: It is determined as follows. (1) When the grooving tool is not registered as tool data ‘When the tool width is larger than the maximum groave width for single-groove cutting (GROOVING WIDTH MAX. VALUE (dimension parameter No, 25)) Grooving tool width = the maximum groove width for single-groove cutting Unit_mm, Surface Machining Method Roughness 4st Process 2nd Process Single-groove culting GROOVE ODL ‘| 5 (0.20) 5 (0.20) NM, Grooving tool width = groove 5 width GROOVE OD | FW. GRV OD} 4.8 (0.18) iti vv 8 (0.18) Within 4.8 Groove width = 5 7 Grooving toot width = groove | Grooving tool width = groove width ~ finishing stock x 2 | width ~ finishing stock x 2 Wide-groove cutting RW. GRV OD} Within 10 Vv Grooving tool width = groove ‘width — chamfer size x 2 RW. GAV OD} F.W. GAV OD} i Within 9.8 Within 9.8 vv Groove width = 10 Grooving tool width = groove | Grooving tool width = groove width ~ finishing stock x 2- | width ~ finishing stock x 2 — chamfer size x 2 chamfer size x 2 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P.206 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Union Surface Machining Method Roughness ‘st Process and Process V-groove cutting RV. GAV OD) Within 5 v — 5 (0.20) Grooving tool width = bottom car length ~ chamfer size x 2 ALS RV. GRVODI FW. GRV ODS Within 4.8 Within 4.8 vv Bottom length = 5 Grooving tool width = bottom Grooving tool width = bottom egg oh Se plone bate, length — finishing stock x 2 - | length - finishing stock x 2 — chamfer so * 2 charter size x 2 (Finishing stock = 0.1, roundingichamfering = 0) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-E P-207 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF (2) When the grooving tool is registered as tool data Groove Shape Tool Data Groove Width Groove Cutting Method AA grooving tool whose width is exactly the same as the usable tool width is registered. Single groove Tool to be used registered tool Too! width = width of the registered tool Groove with wanour camierng Tune} ‘A grooving tool whose width is exactly the same as the usable tool width is not registered, A grooving tool whose width is smaller than the usable tool width is registered, Wide groove Tool to be used = registered tool with the largest tool width ymen sure Wen sac roughness inte ae wth =r00¥0 with = tasting stock = 2 is designated lor 3 roughness 1s designated for ‘A grooving tool whose width is equal to or ‘smaller than the Usable tool width is not registered. Usable tool with = the maximum groove width for single- ‘groove cutting (GROOVING WIDTH MAX. VALUE mension parameter No. 26)) Single groove The registered tool is not selected. The tool width is determined in the same manner as in the case in which 10 grooving too! is registered as too! data, Usable tool width > | Wide groove the maximum groove | The registered tool width for single- is not selected. groove cutting (GROOVING WIDTH MAX. VALUE (dimension parameter Na, 26)) The too! width is determined in the same manner as in the case in which ‘no grooving too! is registered as too! dala, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 347-E P-208 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Groove Cutting Groove Shape Tool Data Groove Width Method ‘grooving tool whose Wide groove width is equal to or Tool to be used = ssmallor than the = ragistered tool with roo ws Usable tool width is the largest tool registered, wiath A grooving tool whose Wide groove width is equal to or The registered tool smaller than the is not selected. : Usable tool width is not The tool width is ef} | reaistered. determined in the in aasaraioo ‘same manner as in fainpie nner the case in which "chamior sue x no grooving tool is hen is dinate or registered as tool soa = yee ma chatr fal. She x 2 tnhing stock 8 ‘A grooving tool whose V-groove widih is equal to or Tool to be used = Bot ngin | gmalor than the =. registered too! with usable tool width is the largest tool registered. width ‘A grooving tool whose V-groove Width is equal to or The tool width is ae smaller than the determined in the lion iederiraeate [usable tool width is not same manner as in ‘era eeghess registered. == the case in which beget fae a ‘nO grooving tool is pra dooms registered as tool \itscaruptanst data. Orato oo w= goo wt “amir sae 2 isang see OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-€ P-209 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGE cay Q19: Is it possible to use the same tool for both the rough grooving process and the finish grooving process? Ate: To use the same tool for both roughing and finishing, register the tool with a tool number and an offset number. In the too! data, no distinction is made between the rough grooving tool and tha ish grooving tool. Since the usable tool width for roughing and thal for finishing are the same, the automatic process determination function selects the same tool for roughing and finishing when usable grooving tool is registered as tool data When the registered too! that has been selected is given neither tool number nor offset numbar, the automatic process determination functions gives different tool numbers and different offset numbers for the roughing and finishing tools. Therefore, different tools are used even if the same tool data is selected. When the registered tool that has been selected is given a tool number and an offset number, the automatic process determination function selects the same tool for roughing and finishing. (The same tool means the tool having the same tool number.) When no grooving tool is registered as too! data, the automalie process determination function generates grooving tools, by itself. In this case, different tool numbers and different offset numbers are given to the tools though the tool width is the seme. To sum up, To use the same tool for both the rough arooving process and the finish grooving process, register a grooving tool with a tool number and an offset number. To use different tools for the rough grooving process and the finish grooving process, register grooving too! without a too! number and an offset number, OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. 3477-E P2190 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q20: How is the thread cutting process created in automatic process determination? Tiwead stat point (START PT ZA) efinod in shape aefniion ‘Thread end pot END PT 28) Gofinod in shape dalhiton, 20: Reference point XS ¢= START PT XA jin shape definition + THREADING CLEARANCE” Reference point ZS START PT ZA in shape definition + approaching distance Q Start point XA = START PT XA in shape definition Start point ZA = START PT ZA in shape definition End point XB = END PT XB in shape definition End point 28 = END PT ZB jn shape definition ~ (incomplete thread portion P + chamfering distance L) Thread height, H = Pitch x HEIGHT OF SCREW THREAD (‘PITCH)" Chamiering distance L = Pitch x THREAD CHAMFERING DISTANCE (PITCH) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. BA77-E Pati SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF OO ‘Thread end point ZB Reference point Z3_. WO. |THREADING ceaance z + 2 Reference point XS END PT ZB in shape definition START PT ZA in shape definition : spindle speed x pitch + 20 + COEFFICIENT OF CAL. IN CMP THREADS PITCH spindle speed x pitch + 60 = THREADS PITCH Approaching distance Q COEFFICIENT OF CAL. IN CMP Incomplete thread portion P + THREADING CLEARANCE Dimension parameter No. 19 * HEIGHT OF SCREW THREAD (PITCH) Percent parameter No. 17 ‘THREAD CHAMFERING DISTANCE (PITCH) Percent paramater No. 16 COEFFICIENT OF CAL. IN CMP THREADS PITCH: Dimension parameter No. 39 ? OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-E P.212 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF 35 (1.38) M20 P10 10 (0.39) (Cl peaksbaicw it 4 FAX A=20 ZA=35 4 PRX B=20 zB=15 |B . se THREAD> Reference point XS = 20 + 5 x 2 = 30 Reference point ZS = 96 + 9.489 = 98.189 Sian point XA = 20, Stan point = ZA. = 20 Endpoint = XB = 20 End pont 7B = 15 (1,061 + 0) = 19.998 Threed height H = 1.0.x 65 + 100 = 0.95 Ghamfering distance L = 1.0 x 0 +100 = 0 Thess end point 28 Reference point Z5_ o> incaone Bees < ag Reference: : point x3 END RYT 28 in shape definition START PT ZA in shape definition | Spindle speed = 1,692 rpm (cuilting speed V = 100 mimin) ‘Approaching distance Q 4,992 x 1.0 + 20 + 25 = 3.189 Incomplete thread portion P= 1,592 X 1.0 + 60 + 25 = 1.081 THREADING CLEARANCE 5 HEIGHT OF SCREW THREAD ("PITCH) 65 THREAD CHAMFERING DISTANCE ("PITCH) 0 COEFFICIENT OF CAL. IN CMP THREADS PITCH: 25 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-E P2139, SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF ‘The tool moves as illustrated below. ‘The thread shape defined in shape definition is the complete thread portion. The automatic process determination function calculates the reference point ZS and the end point ZB so that the complete thread portion can be assured. The threading tool travel increases if a larger value is set at CUT. SPEED on the MAT. DATA sereen, ‘Thread end point ZB Reterence point ZS. Threading tool travel ‘The automatic process determination function does not check whether or not the end point ZB interferes with the final product shape. Therefore, when the end point ZB interferes with the final product shape, it is necessary to modify the thread shape. In the case of the workpiece illusirated above, interference occurs if the groove width is small Modification is made in the process edit mode. For example, when the end point ZB interferes with the adjacent end face, set a larger value at END PT ZB. (the threading tool travel will be reduced.) ‘When the threading tool travel is reduced, lower the cutting speed to assure the complete thread portion. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 347-E Pate SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q21: How is the ID thread shape defined? A2t: The ID thread shape is defined by the nominal diameter (root diameter), Since the end point of the shape element preceding the thread (end face for the workpiece below) must be dasignated in ridge diameter, the "shape definition impossible” error occurs if a value in root diameter is designated. (ridge diameter = root diameter ~ thread height (HEIGHT H) x 2) The coordinate values of the end point can not be input when the thread height (HEIGHT H) is Unknown, Therefore, it is recommended not to input the end point coordinate(s) of the shape element preceding the thread (end face for the warkpiece below). 35.11.38), s}*om a 8) “10 10.39) By =) Brant Pr sx ‘ SZ penne _ DIR, | [oaMFerING =ERCES Nsa=w. : lesperxe i$ ay [=FACES END PT x= 0 CRAMER lsa= ww [eTAREAD> loa swe c= a kino kT prc |Staar Pr xa. za lenoeT x3. zB laancue & /Pich * HEIGHT OF SCREW her "THAEAD (INTERNAL) LEAD No, Nr cere: HEIGHT | 4 Percent parameter No. 18 [CHAMEER b= pic xe THREAD CCHAMFERING DISTANCE (errr: Percent parameter No. 16 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. B477-E P.215 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q22: How is the tap shape in turning defined? 22: ‘The X-coordinate of the end point of the shape element preceding the tap in tuning (end face tor the workpiece below) is identical to the pre-driled diameter (PR-DAL PD). Therefore, when the Nominal diameter (12 for the workpiece below) is enterad for the end point of the end face, tha "shape definition impossible” error occurs. The coordinate values of the end face end point can not be input when the pre-drilled diarheter (PR-DRL PD) is unknown. Theretore, it is recommended nat ta input the end point coordinate(s) of the shape element preceding the tap (end face for the workpiece below). ‘As the surface roughness of the ID end face which is adjacent to the tap, designate ~. Pre-criling \s carried out taking the incomplete thread portion into consideration 35 11.38) 32.11.26) [stant er sx + No chamfer can be generated for the start point, + No chamfer can be generated in the comer for which "JUMP" is designated. Define a shape element with surface roughness ~ to generate a chamfer. (©: Corners in whieh chamlr i generate [ Sun RGNGR= [aONS> SUR RTSRS | + The chamfer generated is inserted as a normal chamfer. Once the chamler is generated, itis treated as a normal chamfer. To delete the chamfer or to change the chamfer size, call the shape element designation screen of the shape to which that chamfer belongs. + For the groove, chamfers are generated at the inlet of the groave (points A and D) To delete the chamfers on the groove, call the screen and change the setting at chamfar-related items. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, BA77-E PDs SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF (2) Surface roughness of the automatically generated chamfer ‘The surface roughness of the automatically generated chamfer is determined by the suriace roughness of the shape elements preceding and following the corner. ‘The finer surface roughness (designated by a larger number of surtace roughness symbols (7) is designated for the chamter. CHAMFERING SR= WV CHAMFERING SR= Ww CHAMFERING SR= Ww rank CHAMFERING SR= v CHANFERING SA= of When the chamfer size is small and chamfering is executed at a high feedrate, there may be cases in which fine chamfering can not be executed. In such cases, change the surface roughness of the chamfer and reduce the feedrate. For example, if surface roughness Vis designated for the shape elements preceding and following the comer, change it 10 WWW. Note a finishing process in which only chamfering is executed will be generated in this case. OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-E P-219 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q24: How to create a new machining process in the process edit mode by making use of the existing machining process A24: It is sometimes required to create a naw machining process by making use of the existing machining process. For example, when the machining shape in the finishing process is the same as the machining shape in the existing roughing process, follow the procedure below to create the Tinishing process by making use of the roughing process. 8) Copy the roughing process. 1) Move the cursor to the blank column where the roughing process is to be copied using the cursor control keys, 2) Press the function key [F5] (COPY), key in the process number of the roughing process, and press the WRITE key. b) Ghange the machining process (PROCESS KIND) data to finish turning process (F. TURN). 1) Press the function key [F2] (SHAPE AMEND). 2) Move the cursor to the data column of PROCESS KIND, and enter F.TUAN. When the setting at PROCESS KIND is changed, the data set for the ilems following PROCESS KIND is all cleared, Set the cutting direction data, tool shape dala, etc. ©) Sot the cycle reference point, cutting point, process start point, and process end point on the MACH. SHAPE AMEND screen, Note: When the machining method has been changed in the process edit mode, the dala other than the cyole reference point, culling point, process start point, and process end point remains unchanged. When surface roughness V_ is designated for the roughing process, change it to vy for the finishing process. Workload for data input can be reduced by designating yy when creating the ‘roughing process. (The surtace roughness symbol in the roughing process does not influence the surface roughness in actual machining.) OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. ( 3477-€ P-220 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF Q25: Is it possible to change the cutting direction with ease? 25: When changing the cutting direction designated for each machining process in the process edit mode (for example, from ROUGH O.FACE | to ROUGH QDs, from FIN.O.FACE | to FIN. OD«, from FIN. ODe to FIN. OD», etc.), itis not necessary to enter the machining shape again. When the cutting direction is changed on the MACH. METHOD AMEND screen, the machining shape is automatically inversed. In rouging cycle, the blank material shape is also inversod. Since the data for the cycle reference point, cutting point, process start point, and process end Point is cleared, itis necessary to re-set the data on the MACH. SHAPE AMEND screen aller the cutting direction has been changed, PROCESS KIND F. TURN CUTTING DIRECTION OD— Start point ‘The cutting direction is changed on the. MACH. METHOD AMEND, screen. PROCESS KIND F, TUAN CUTTING DIRECTION OD FACE | Start point OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD, 3477-€ P.221 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF < > _30 (1.18) When automatic process determination is carried out for the workpiece illustrated to the right, the ROUGH OD= process and the FIN. 0. FACE | process are created. (PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP) Change the ROUGH OD= process to the ROUGH O.FACE | process. 20 (0.78) ‘When the cutting direction is changed in the process edit mode, the machining shape and the blank ‘material shape are automatically inversed. Result of automatic process determination PROCESS KIND TURN PROOESS KIND, TURN CUTTING DIRECTION OD — CUTTING DIRECTION OD FACE | x Gye oorence (4). point Start point oo The cutting REPT Xs Groston's | \ Isrant er Sk = 62.280 Sz = 30982 hangs 52 = i881 curt Gp = OUTSIDE NaC curet Ge APRLPT AK = 68 METHOD sen, | [APRLPT ROX AZ = 952 ne RIN.PT RIX = 68 RINT ATK AZ = Bre (0) (1) San ae END PT X END PT x 2 2 2202 (2) (e) (3) SR si + END Pr x END PT 2 = 290003 (w) eTAPERS (a SR sR v END PT x END PT x = Y6.703 2 2 = 00882 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD. S477-E P.222 SECTION 4 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO THE ONE-TOUCH IGF When automatic process determination is carried out for the workpiece illustrated to the right, the ROUGH OD+ process and the FIN. O. FACE | process are created. (PRO. DECIDE TYPE = BASIC TP) Change the FIN. ©. FACE| process to the FIN OD+ process. Result of automatic process determination PROCESS KIND. TURN CUTTING DIRECTION OD FACE | X_ Cycle reference point Stan pointy)” bi (2) 3) aay et REF.PT X = 64 Z 22h START PT SX = 60.566 SZ = 18.717 CUTPT GP = FRONT APR. PT AP APZ. RIN. PT RTX= RIZ (1) SR END PT x Zz (2) sR w ENO PT X = 20 (8) sR END PT Z (4) sa w END PT X = 17.434 Z = 30.283 The cutting direction is changed on the MACH, METHOD AMEND screen, 301.18), 20078, 6, -2ese Sets PROCESS KIND —_-F. TURN CUTTING DIRECTION OD — (4) (3) (2) 4) Start point REF.PT x Zz START PT SX SZ cuTPT oP APR.PT APX APZ = TN. PT RIX = RIZ = (1) sr END PT x Zz (2) sR END PT Z = 20 (3) sR END PT X (4) SR END PT x +2 OKUMA MACHINERY WORKS LTD.

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