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Overview of Sex Behavior in Today's Adolescents in Vocational School 2 Tuban

Abdul Rochmad Febrianto 1, Suhartono2, Hyan Oktodia Basuki3, Ubaidillah

Program Studi S1 Keperawatan STIKES NU Tuban

Today's development influences sexual behavior in teen dating. For example, it can
be seen that things that are taboo by teenagers in the past, such as kissing and making out,
are now commonly done by teenagers now. There is even a small percentage of them
agreeing with free sex. This condition is quite alarming considering that this behavior can
cause cases of unwanted pregnancy (KTD). The increasing number of pregnancies outside of
marriage experienced by adolescents has caused the destruction of the future of adolescents
is the next generation who will build the nation towards a better direction, which has far
ahead thoughts for Indonesia. Many adolescents are now falling into the phenomenon of
getting pregnant out of wedlock which has a negative impact on themselves, their families,
and their environment. In adolescents in Tuban Vocational High School 2.
The research design that the author uses in this study is descriptive design with a
quantitative approach, namely describing sex behavior in today's adolescents. With a
population of 35 students and obtained a sample of 32 respondents. The sampling technique
uses the Simple Random Sampling technique and data collection using a questionnaire.
Based on the results of the study, most of the teenagers in Tuban State Vocational
School 2 experienced deviant sexual behavior. Results 19 (60%) students experienced
deviant sexual behavior and 13 (40%) students did not experience deviant sexual behavior.
From the explanation above, it can be concluded that the majority of students in
Tuban Vocational High School 2 in class XI Ak 1 experienced deviant sexual behavior.
Suggestion It is expected that the school to hold an activity that should make teenagers
towards more positive to avoid something that is not desirable, It is expected that counseling
teachers for guidance on information about sexual behavior in adolescents in the learning
process in dealing with deviant sexual behavior, is expected for parents to raising and
guiding their children it would be good for parents to use good parenting such as
authoritarian parenting and providing knowledge about sexual education is very important
for adolescents, so that teens do not seek information from other people or from sources that
are not clear so that children can develop into personal better.

Keywords: adolescence, sexual behavior

Introduction will build the nation towards a better, who

Today's development has also have far-sighted thinking for Indonesia.
influenced sexual behavior in dating The highest percentage of young people
teenagers. For example, it can be seen that according to age group is presentation at
things tabooed by adolescents in the past, the age of 15-24 years, with the
such as kissing and making out are now development of the 15-19 years age group
common among teenagers today. There is at 27.09% and at the age of 20-24 at
even a small portion of them agree with 24.35% (BPS, 2003). About one billion
free sex. This condition is quite worrying people and almost one in six people in the
considering that this behavior can lead to world are teenagers and 85% are in
cases of unwanted pregnancy (KTD). The developing countries. The majority of
increasing number of cases of unmarried adolescents who have sexually active and
pregnancy experienced by adolescents has half of them are married (Soetjiningsih
led to the destruction of the future of 2004). The results of research conducted
adolescents is the next generation who on 1038 adolescents aged 13-17 years of
existence of sexual relations showed that arising from premarital sexual
16% of adolescents stated agreed with relations include bad stigma, gossip
sexual relations, 43% stated that they did and exclusion from the surrounding
not agree to sexual relations and 41% environment.
stated they were allowed to have sexual Based on the background above,
relations (Planned Parenthood Federation
researchers are interested in knowing
of America Inc., 2008). The World Health
Organization (WHO) has revealed that in how to describe sexual behavior in
1,000 women in the world aged 15-19 today's teens at SMK Negeri 2 Tuban.
there were 112 pregnancies, 61 of them RESEARCH METHODS
gave birth, 36 were aborted, and 15 were The research design that the
unknown. author uses in this study is a
According to data from descriptive design with a quantitative
counseling guidance (BK) at SMK approach, which is describing sexual
Negeri 2 Tuban in 2018 noted 2 behavior in adolescents today. The
students dropped out because of sexual population of this study was 32
deviant behavior or unwanted students from State Vocational High
pregnancy (KTD). From the initial School 2 Tuban Ak 1 as many as
survey conducted on students at SMK 2019. This study used a probability
Negeri 2 Tuban, by taking respondents sampling technique with a simple
5 students found that 5 students said random sampling selection method,
they had dated. Of the 5 students, it the sample in this study was 32
was found that 3 students had kissed students.
and 2 students had hugged. RESEARCH RESULTS
The data above, shows the General Data respondents include:
incidence of social deviations in 1. Type Of Gender
adolescent sexual behavior. The Table 5.1 Distribution of
problem is if there is no balance in Respondents by Gender at SMK
self-image. This will result in Negeri 2 Tuban in May 2019
teenagers losing control, not having
the limits of norms, ethics, law and No Gender f Precentage
religion. This influence results in 1. Women 32 100%
changes in the behavior and views of Total 32 100 %
Source: Primary Data Researcher, 2019
adolescents about what may be done.
From table 5.2 it is known that most of
The physical impact that can be
the respondents in SMK Negeri 2
experienced by adolescents if they
Tuban were 32 students (100%)
have sex before marriage is that
adolescents can be exposed to sexually
Respondents' Special Data includes:
transmitted diseases (STDs) if they
1. Knowledge level
have sex by changing partners, then
Table 5.3 Knowledge Level
can experience unwanted pregnancies
so that ultimately they do an abortion,
which is done improperly safe and can No Knowledge f Precentage
endanger the safety of the teenager. Level
The psychological impact caused by
premarital sex is fear, anxiety, regret 1 Well 12 30 %
and guilt. In addition, they are usually 2 Enough 5 20 %
afraid of the effects caused by having 3 Less 15 50 %
such relationships, such as having an Total 32 100%
Source: Primary Data Researcher, 2019
unwanted pregnancy. Social impacts
Based on table 5.3 above, the data masturbation 1 10 %
obtained that respondents in this study with a
are good categories there are 12 (30%) girlfriend
people, just 5 (20%) people, less 15
(50%) people. 6 Swiping
2. Value of Attitude genitals with
Table 5.4 Attitude Value boyfriend
No Category f Precentage Having sex
or having sex
1 Well 12 30 % with a
2 Bad 20 70 % boyfriend
Total 32 100%
Source: Primary Data Researcher, 2019
Based on table 5.3 above, it is Based on table 5.3 above, it is
obtained that the respondents in this obtained the data that most of the
study were 12 (30%) good people, and respondents in this study had
20 (70%) bad people. committed sexual acts holding
intimate hands with a boyfriend of 16
Table 5.5 Distribution of (35%), who had sexually kissed a
Respondents Based on Sexual girlfriend of 8 (20%), and who had
Behavior in Adolescents at SMK committed sexual acts hugging with a
Negeri 2 Tuban in May 2019 boyfriend of 10 (25%), who has ever
No Sexual f Prosentase sexually masturbated or masturbated
Behavior with a boyfriend of 1 (10%), who has
ever sexually swiped genitals with a
1 Do not 13 40 % boyfriend of 0, who has ever had
deviate sexual intercourse or had sex girlfriend
2 Deviated 19 60 % by 1 (10%).
Total 32 100% DISCUSSION
Source: Primary Data Researcher, 2019 1. The Level of Sexual Knowledge in
Based on table 5.3, it is obtained that Adolescents at SMK Negeri 2
the respondents in this study were the Tuban in 2019
majority of sexual behaviors among The results of identification
adolescent students, including the of the level of sexual knowledge based
group of deviant sexual behavior by on table 5.3 above show that the
19 (60%). majority of teenage students in this
Tabel 5.5 Sexual Actions study were found in adolescent
No Sexual F Prosentase students with less sexual knowledge,
Actions (%) which is equal to 15 (50%).
Based on the data above, it
1 Hold hands 16 35 % shows that the majority of teenage
tenderly students in this study were found in
2 Kissing with 8 20 % teenage students with a lack of sexual
a boyfriend knowledge level Notoadmojo (2007),
3 Hugging 10 25 % knowledge is influenced by two
4 with 1 10 % factors namely internal and external
boyfriend factors. The internal factors consist of
Masturbation 0 education, interests, experience, and
5 or
age. While external factors consist of The most dominant factor in
economics, and culture. this study is emotions in individuals,
The most dominant factor in emotions usually occur because
this research is that sexual education is teenagers are less willing to bother to
lacking given to students so students judge things with a cool head.
can better understand which behaviors Naturally play with feelings. Failure to
deviate and not deviate, it is very express emotions is also due to lack of
important for adolescents in knowing one's own feelings and
adolescence curiosity about sexual emotions so that it is mistaken in
problems is very important in forming expressing it. Therefore, the skill to
new relationships that are more mature manage emotions is very necessary so
with the opposite sex. In adolescence that in the process of adolescent life
education about sexual problems must can be more emotionally healthy. The
have been given, so that adolescents emotions most often felt by
do not seek information from other adolescents are emotions of anger,
people or from unclear sources. fear, anxiety, disappointment and love.
Providing education on sexual issues Emotional disturbances experienced
becomes more important especially by adolescents can be a source of
considering adolescents are in an misbehavior.
active sexual potential.
3. Sexual Behavior and Sexual
2. Value of Sexual Attitudes in Actions in Adolescents at SMK Negeri
Adolescents at SMK Negeri 2 Tuban 2 Tuban in 2019
in 2019 The results of identification
The results of the of sexual behavior based on table 5.3
identification of the value of sexual above show that the majority of
attitudes based on table 5.3 above teenage students in this study were
show that the majority of teenage found in adolescent students with
students in this study were found in deviant sexual behavior that is equal to
teenage students with poor sexual 19 (60%), and not deviating by 13
attitude values, which amounted to 20 (40%). Based on table 5.3 above, it is
(70%). obtained the data that most of the
Based on the data above, it respondents in this study had
shows that the majority of teenage committed sexual acts holding
students in this study were found in intimate hands with a boyfriend of 16
teenage students with poor sexual (35%), who had sexually kissed a
attitude scores. According to Azwar, girlfriend of 8 (20%), and who had
attitudes are influenced by several committed sexual acts hugging with a
factors such as personal experience, boyfriend of 10 (25%), who have ever
culture, other people who are sexually masturbated or masturbating
considered important, the mass media, with a boyfriend of 1 (10%), who have
educational and religious institutions, ever sexually swiped a genitals with a
as well as emotional factors in boyfriend of 0, who have ever had
individuals. According to (Walgito, sexual intercourse or having sex with
2003) attitude is very closely related to girlfriend by 1 (10%).
the level of one's knowledge. A Factors that influence
person's attitude towards an object adolescents to commit deviant sexual
shows that person's knowledge of the acts are sexual deviant behavior due to
object in question. internet media, mass media. So that
adolescents have a great curiosity more positive towards avoiding
about deviant behavior in carrying out something that is not desirable.
deviant sexual behavior that is the 2. For Vocational Teachers
more active deviant sexual behavior It is expected that counseling guidance
accompanied by ignorance which in teachers for information guidance on
turn usually endangers adolescent knowledge about sexual behavior in
reproductive health. Adolescents who adolescents in the learning process in
often engage in deviant sexual dealing with deviant sexual behavior.
behavior will get risk factors for Further Research.
adolescents themselves, one of which 3. For Parents
is a loss in their youth and a very It is expected for parents to raise and
serious psychological risk, namely guide their children it would be nice
psychiatric disorders of guilt. for parents to use good parenting such
as authoritarian parenting and provide
CONCLUSIONS AND knowledge about sexual education is
RECOMMENDATIONS very important for adolescents, so that
adolescents do not seek information
CONCLUSION from others or from unclear sources so
From the results of this study it can be that children can develop into a better
concluded that: person.
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