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Persuasive Presentation Assignment

Social Issue – Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

1. To learn and practice the following principles of speech preparation:
o Selecting and researching an appropriate topic
o Effectively using/citing sources in a speech
o Developing clear purpose and thesis statements
o Writing a proper outline
o Creating a speech with an introduction, body, and conclusion
o Using sound reasoning in a problem-solution format
2. To deliver a problem-solution persuasive speech to an audience using an
extemporaneous style delivery.

You are to present a social problem and present a solution(s) to the problem using Monroe’s
Motivated Sequence to organize your presentation.

Minimum Criteria
1. Time Limit: 5-7 minutes. Practice your speech to be within the time frame. If you are
either 30 seconds short or long in your delivery, 10 points will be deducted from your
presentation grade. If your speech is over-time 30 seconds you will be asked to stop. Don’t
miss valuable points simply because you are not prepared.

2. Sources: You must cite at least 5 different sources in this speech.

o 3 of the sources must be from the past 5 years.
o You must have at least 3 sources, which includes journal articles, books, etc. These items
may come from either mainstream journalism, academic journals, or government reports.
o All of your sources must be cited completely and accurately during your speech, in
your outline, and on your Works Cited page using MLA format.
o You should use a variety of types of supporting material (e.g., examples, narratives,
statistics, expert testimony, etc.) Be sure to address issues of ethos, pathos, and logos
as discussed in class.

3. Outline: A typed, full-sentence outline and typed references will be due prior to presenting
your presentation. Outlines with references will be submitted as one document via
SafeAssign on eCampus (Blackboard).

4. Visual Aid: You will need to prepare a professional visual aid as discussed in class
(Power Point, Prezi).

5. Notes during speech: You may have a speaking outline containing keywords and
phrases. If you are reading your presentation, points will be deducted from the delivery
portion of the presentation grade.

Point Breakdown for Persuasive Presentation: Total 200 Points

Outline with references 50
Visual Aid 50
Presentation 100

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