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The RAUSIS Technique for Lucid Dreams:

Complete Tutorial
Induction Techniques

Having dedicated many years towards research in the field of lucid dreaming, a man named Jean
Rausis develop a splendid technique called the RAUSIS method for lucid dreaming. Here’s how
to do it.

The French-speaking Swiss born researcher has a long background in the altering and
manipulating of the conscious state of the mind. So we know there’s a lot of experience brought
into it.

The RAUSIS technique is claimed to enable even beginners to achieve lucid dreaming
within the first attempt. That’s a pretty big claim, and it’s backed by results too.

The concept behind it is pretty straightforward. We can all relate of a time when an external
noise was included in your dreams, right?

Like a phone ring, an alarm or someone simply calling us to wake up. This ability of your brain
to incorporate external noise is what is being exploited. In laymans terms, when your body hears
a noise in real life, your mind INSTANTLY incorporates that noise into the dream to make sense
of it.

The RAUSIS method allows you to fall quickly into deep sleep REM. You will then reach a
hypnogogic state. Let’s look at the method in detail and find out how we can use it to quickly
achieve lucid dreaming.

How to perform the RAUSIS Technique for lucid dreams

There are two basic things you need when performing the RAUSIS method. These are a mobile
phone and your alarm. The procedure is as follows.

 Set your alarm. Set the phone alarm exactly three minutes before the other alarm clock.
Ensure the alarm sound is clearly audible. The time of the alarm is entirely your choice. It
can be any that you prefer whether morning or evening provided you are tired enough to
 Hit the snooze button when it rings. When the first alarm rings, hit the snooze button
immediately. It’s important to tell yourself that the next sound you hear will be in your
dreams. This will leave your mind expecting another sound.
 Listen out for the noise. When you go to sleep, after 3 minutes, the other alarm will
ring. The noise as we saw should be audible enough.
 The noise should appear in your dreams. You will hear it in your dreams.

 You’re lucid! You are now in the hypnogogic state and finally lucid dreaming. At this
point you could literally do anything you want.

In your dreams, when the sound of the alarm starts to ring, actively move away from it. This
causes the brain to block out the noise. If you do not distance yourself from the noise, its very
likely that you will wake up.

A point to note is that when the first alarm rings, you should only slightly and quickly open your
eyes, turn it off and go to sleep knowing that the second alarm will ring. Your sleeping should
not be interrupted and the function of the first alarm is to put you into a short REM state.

What makes the RAUSIS method so interesting is the success rate. Of the 10 individuals Jean
Rausis tested it on, 6 of them managed to lucid dream on the first attempt while the remaining 4
did so within 3 attempts.

Compared with the other ringing techniques, the Rausis method is extremely efficient. Other
techniques will require you to sleep and hope that the alarm triggers during REM. If the alarm
and REM are not in sync, then it becomes difficult to achieve lucid dreaming.

That moment when you get up quickly to turn off the first alarm, your body will want to fall back
to sleep. The voice at the back of your mind telling you that another alarm is going to go off puts
you in a short hypnogogic state where you are partially awake and partially asleep. This
particular state is what we wish to accomplish.

This is a lot like in Inception when they use a song as a ‘kick’ to remind the people in the dream
that they’re dreaming. The noise becomes part of the background of the lucid dream:

Things to remember

The alarm needs to be at the right level of volume. If it is very loud, you’re most likely to wake
up. There is a way to handle this scenario though. Just wake up for a second, reduce the volume
and go back to sleep. If you do it right, you should hear the next alarm in your dreams.

Below you’ll find a lovely little embedded YouTube video of a song that I personally use for my
lucid dreaming alarm ring tone. I just think it sounds perfect and dream-like, and the sound
effects really make me feel like I’m in a dream.

The 3 minutes time lapse is not standard. Some people take longer to go back to sleep than
others. For this reason feel free to adjust the time to 4 or even 5 minutes depending on your
preference. By carrying out these adjustments, you will find the right settings to your time lapse
as well as volume.

Even if the volume of the alarm is adjusted to the right level, your mind may find it challenging
to include the sound in your dreams. The important thing to do is NOT try and force the sound in
your dreams.

This will not work and can make it difficult for the next attempt. Simply thing turn off the alarm
and wait for the next time. Eventually, the mind will get used to the fact that you are not meant to
wake up when the alarm rings and will cause it to find a way to include the sound in your


As a beginner it is alright to expect that you will make some mistakes. Rise above them and
make the necessary corrections and adjustments. In case you don’t achieve lucid dreaming with
the first attempt, take a step back and try again. Compared with other methods, you will be
surprised how quickly you will achieve your goal of lucid dreaming.

Once you have achieved lucid dreaming, try and focus on detail such as the lines and color of
your hands. This will enable you to gain more control over your dreams.

RAUSIS - New Method ! Awesome Instant results ! (Lucid

Dreaming Reloaded)





What the heck ?

Jean Rausis, a swiss french-speaking researcher (Altered state of consciousness) and
psychotherapist, developped this new method after years of research in Lucid Dreaming and
Hypnosis. He claims (and I can confirm) that most people will do Lucid Dreaming on their first
try. I spoke with him on Facebook after I saw a video from him (in french) and I decided to
translate this for you guys because I think it's awesome and everybody should know it (I was
reading a lot on this LD Reddit but never actually participated.).

How does Rausis method works ?

Your brain has the capacity to include external sounds in your dreams. Maybe it happened to
you. You fall asleep and you hear your dog, your phone ringing or other sound IN your dream

instead of waking up. The idea behind this method is to exploit this capacity of your brain to
create lucid dreams IN MINUTES. That is not about waking up in REM, it is about falling asleep
again in REM. Please read carefully. When you fall asleep again, you WILL go in rapid
Hypnagogia & REM. That's the whole point of the method.



Ok, now let's understand how it goes...

What do I need to make the Rausis method work ?

A Phone, A second alarm clock App, that's it.

How to proceed exactly ?

1. Set your second alarm clock App so that when you hit the Snooze, the time between the
alarms is 3 minutes.
2. Set your second alarm clock 3 minutes after your first Alarm clock.
3. Set your second alarm clock App so that the sound it makes when it rings is something
you can hear IRL (bells, watercourse, etc.)

So for example, place a regular alarm clock at 6:30, and the second one (with trigger sound and
custom snooze time) at 6:33.

This is the first part. Then, this is how you use it :

1. When the first alarm rings (the time is up to you, can be in the middle of the night or in
the morning, as long as you're still tired enough to fall asleep again), just TURN IT OFF
ASAP (try not moving too much) and tell yourself that after you're back to sleep, you will
hear the signal (the sound you chose) in the next dream. You have to fall asleep with this
idea. Your mind has to be waiting for the trigger.
2. You fall asleep again, 3 minutes after the first alarm, the second alarm rings (with the
noise), your brain will include the bells in your dream.
3. DONE, YOU ARE IN A LUCID DREAM. Since you know that bells are your signal and
you're sleeping for 3 minutes, that's it ! PROFIT.

4. As soon as you hear the bells in your dreams, MOVE AWAY from the sound source so
your brain will IGNORE (make disappear) the noise of the IRL Alarm clock from your
dream, that is VERY IMPORTANT. If you do not GO AWAY from the bells tower (or
watercourse, or other noise you chose), then your brain will keep hearing the IRL alarm
clock sound again and again and eventually you will wake up. If you fly away from the
noise, your brain will simply ignore the sound of the alarm that is ringing on your bed
beside you.

REMEMBER : You are only supposed to open your eyes for a second, turn off your first alarm
and tell yourself that you gonna hear the trigger. You're not supposed to interrupt your sleep
cycle, just to cut it for a few seconds to create a new short REM in which you will hear the
trigger ! (see below)

How is the Rausis method revolutionnary ?

Well, this nearly works for everybody on the first try. I've spoke myself with Jean Rausis over
Facebook and he explained it to me. He tested this method over several weeks and then gave it to
10 persons. 6 of them had their first Lucid Dream on the first try, 4 of them between 2 and 3

That's NOTHING like classic alarm based techniques where you hope for it to ring during your
REM in the middle of the night. This works without interrupting your sleep cycle. You just
basically open your eyes for a few seconds to turn your first alarm off and to repeat yourself that
you're gonna hear the trigger while you fall asleep again. Then, you fall back asleep and take
your sleep cycle where you were seconds before.

The thing is that YOU WILL always start to fall back asleep with Hypnagogia+REM state.
When you wake up for a second to turn your alarm off (as mentioned above), your brain has to
get back to the sleep cycle. For that, you will experiment a short hypnagogic phase and short
REM phase so your brain can go again into deep sleep. This is what you're looking after. So
YOU NEED to "cut" briefly your sleep cycle (opening your eyes to turn the first alarm off) so
that when you go back in, you DO experience short hypnagogic+REM state where the trigger
will happen.

So you WILL hear the sound during your next dream. This is about repetition of the noise and
self-conditioning. That's why it works better than the CANWILD quoted in the comments,
because you're SURE to be in REM when the trigger is heard.

What else do I need to know ?

Three important things :

A : If the alarm is TOO LOUD, it will wake you up when it rings instead of your brain including
the sound in your dream. If it's the case, no worries, just open your eyes, lower the volume of the
alarm and close your eyes. Just wait for the next alarm while you fall asleep again. Repeat until

your alarm is at the right volume, not too high to wake you up, not too low to not hear it. It is
FIRST ALARM OFF and repeat yourself that you WILL HEAR THE TRIGGER. You don't
have to overactivate your counsciousness or it won't work !

B : When you try the method (considering that the volume is correctly adjusted), your brain
could have troubles including the sound in your dreams. Sometimes it takes too much of an
effort for it to "simulate" something in the dream to explain the noise so it will prefer to wake
you up. If this happens, DO NOT TRY TO FORCE your brain to include the sound in your
dream. This will cause you to overactivate your counsciousness and make it even harder for next
tries. Just open your eyes, hit the Snooze, fall asleep and wait for next noise. Once your brain
hear the sound of the alarm a few times, it will know that it's not made to wake you up and will
eventually start creating something in your dream to explain that noise.

C : If you need more time than 3 minutes to fall asleep again, adjust the time between the alarms
and between your first and second alarms to 4 or 5 minutes. Also, if you feel that the alarm
comes TOO EARLY in your dream (you're not deeply enough into sleep for it to work) just do
the same thing, make it a longer time between alarms. YOU WILL FIND YOUR BEST

That's it ? That's the Rausis method ?

Yes, that's it. It works, I can guarantee. It worked for me on second try and to be honest, my first
try was not really great, I did many mistakes. I'm pretty confident that this will work very well
on first try for most people.

Jean Rausis also says that once you're in a Lucid Dream, look at your hand for a few seconds,
watch the lines in it, the color of your skin, etc. so that your brain focuses on details and make
your dream more vivid. This will reinforce your control over the dream and allow you to move
away from the noise as soon as possible so the alarm clock won't bother you (your brain will just
make a negative hallucination and ignore the sound of your alarm).

FAQ (will keep editing, please just ask below)

[reservationsjazz] : "So the point of the snoozing is to give you multiple chances to keep trying
until you succeed?"

-> You're right, that's how it works. If your brain can't include the sound in your dream (because
it takes too much of an effort to create some content to justify the noise) just snooze and try
again until it does. Your brain will eventually understand that you're not looking to wake up.

[GetOffMyLawnKids] : "Should the sounds be different for each alarm?"

-> No, just make the same sound repeating until your brain includes it in your dream by
simulating something in it to explain the noise. If your sound is bells, it may create a bell tower

in your dream. If it's watercourse, it may have water coming out of nowhere while you're in your
dream, etc. You need to be ready to spot the signal.

[NaranjaOrange] : "does the second sound has to repeat itself indefinitely?"

-> No. In fact, it doesn't matter. If sound does not trigger LD, just snooze. When it triggers LD,
just go away from the sound (in your dream!!) so that your brain will just ignore the sound of the
(real!!) alarm clock and it will not wake you up.

[Rick-Morty] : "I think you are basically supposed to set one alarm to go off while you are in
REM and another alarm to go off 3 minutes later with a bell sound."

-> No. Your regular alarm will wake you up for a few seconds so you can tell yourself that
you're gonna go back to sleep and hear the trigger sound. Then a second one (trigger) that rings 3
minutes after the first one and repeats every 3 minutes. Adjust the 3 minutes to 4 or 5 or even
more if you need more time to fall asleep again.

[Dream_Hacker] : "some people just can't fall back asleep quickly, so this doesn't work for

-> You're right. If you really can't fall back asleep in minutes (like 5 or 10 minutes max.), this
won't work for you.

[ParklandD] : "I can see my wife objecting to the noise of this if I use an alarm, but I have an
idea - I'll make an audio track using Audacity that has bells in it, three times, at intervals of three
minutes. When I put this on headphones, and use it after I've woken up, I can set a long lead-in
time of half an hour or so, and it will have the same effect. Ill experiment with the idea and
report back if I can make it work."

-> I don't think it will work. The idea here is to artificially create Hypnagogia+REM and take
profit when your trigger happens in it. You have to open your eyes everytime to snooze to "reset"
the Hypnagogia+REM (while falling back asleep) and try again and then go AWAY from the
noise in your dream to avoid hearing the sound again. Simply moving to the couch on the first
alarm will do the job.

Testimonials & ideas (will keep editing, just post below)

[poster213] - Success story :

[Zlliksemos] : Tried it this morning/last night, it did work and was lucid but it was very quick.
Good first experience with the method though. When the first alarm went off I woke up and
turned it off, then tried to sleep again, waiting for bells. Went right into dreaming again when I
feel asleep, heard bells but subconsciously ignored them. Bell alarm snoozed, and went off 5
mins later. On the second time the bells went off I noticed and went lucid.

[Jibn] : "I've been using this method for ~10 years now. Never realized this sub had their alarms
timed to REM with hopes of it working. Just putting it on vibrate for me did the job. That slight
buzzing sound is unique to phones set on vibrate so it always kicked in for me. It also helps that
the buzzing is not too loud to that it'll bring me to consciousness. Usually 2-3 alarms does it for
me. But yeah. This method works perfectly. Even with up to 15 minute intervals. I have these
setup in increments before i need to actually wake up. That way i get to LD every morning plus it
helps me avoid grogginess from the shock of waking up."

[WellSpentTime] : "It worked for me. And it's been a while since my last ld"

/// If it didn't work for you, try reading this :
_work_on_second/ (thanks ToxicWorkout)

/// The End

Well, I think I've said everything. Kudos to Jean Rausis for this awesome method.

I hope you enjoyed. Have fun Lucid Dreaming !!!

Why I think RAUSIS Technique WILL work on SECOND

TRY! + Simple Instructions on HOW to do RAUSIS

Alright I saw most peoples results and it seems like most were unprepared, however some people
did hear the bell in their dream but woke up.

Whilst others did not set alarm properly or didnt follow instructions properly and couldnt fall

I have a feelimg I and many others will get it on their second try because this technique does
have a high success rate - some people even though they failed had results on first try

Think of it this way, the first try was the preperation phase. Now most of us will have known
how it works.

The reason I failed is 1. I didnt set alarms properly and 2. I couldnt fall asleep cause I woke up
too late but did have slight hallucination of the bell when I almost fell asleep

To do the technique simply: -Set two alarms can be on one app just test it during day to make
sure it works

-Set the alarm at a time you feel you can fall asleep fast and/or do exercise before you go to bed
so you feel tired

-Set the SECOND alarm 3-5 minutes after the first one for example my alarm is at 5am so I set
second alarm at 5:03am or 5:05am (can be 10 mins after if u dont fall asleep fast enough)

-When you wake up from first alarm close it and immediately go back to sleep, you must be up
for about barely 5-10 seconds.

-As you go to sleep say to yourself you will hear the bell (or whatever sound you used) in your
next dream

-During your dream you should hear the second alarm ring ur dream will create something to
represent it, go away from the 'representation' or you will wake up.

BOOM you should be lucid! If the second alarm wakes you up dont worry just hit snooze (which
should be set anywhere from 3-5mins, 10mins if you need) and go back to sleep!

WARNING: This will most likely work on your second try, the first try is the 'preperation' phase.

Good luck hope I helped!

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