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Day 24 of $QQQ short term up-trend; outline of my AAII presentation last weekend

Posted: 16 Jul 2019 05:36 AM PDT


 GMI: 5/6
 GMI-2: 7/8
 T2108: 67%

Since the first day of the new QQQ short term up-trend, QQQ is up +5.86%, TQQQ is up + 18.19%. Only 3 Nasdaq 100
stocks (WDC, MU, SYMC) have outperformed TQQQ. Rather than trying to identify in advance the rare stocks that
beat TQQQ in an up-trend, I just buy TQQQ. Below is the hand out from my AAII presentation last weekend. It is an
outline of my talk. The focus was a conservative strategy for older persons and trades index ETFs rather than
individual stocks. Most of the terms here are defined in my blog’s glossary. These are my rules and are not advice but
are provided for educational purposes only. Everyone needs a set of rules.

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