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Chapter 25


1. Scope
2. Purpose
3. Definitions
4. Responsibilities
5. Instructions
6. References
7. Attachments
Applies to all works activities being carried out in confined spaces as defined below
under Purpose paragraph

Purpose of this procedure is to outline requirements for protecting personnel of EPC
CONTRACTOR from hazards of entry into confined spaces.

a. A confined space is a space that has limited or restricted means of entry or exit. It is large
enough for a person to enter to perform tasks and is neither designed nor configured for
continuous occupancy. A utility tunnel, inside of a boiler (only accessible, when boiler is
off), inside of a fluid storage tank, a septic tank that has contained sewage, a small
underground electrical vault etc. are certain all examples of confined spaces.

b. Ships and other vessels commonly have confined spaces due to need for
compartmentalized watertight construction. Exact definition of a confined space varies
depending on type of industry. Confined spaces on a construction site are defined
differently than confined spaces in a paper mill. Confined spaces that present special
hazards to workers including risks of toxic or asphyxiant gas accumulation, fires, falls,
flooding and entrapment may be classified as permit required confined spaces depending
on nature and severity of possible hazard.

c. In US entry into permit required confined spaces must comply with regulations
promulgated by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). These
regulations include developing a written program, issuing entry permits, assigning
attendant(s), designating entrants and ensuring a means of rescue.

d. According to the OSHA, a permit required confined space (permit space) has three
characteristics listed in foregoing (which define a confined space) and one or more of
following criteria:
1. Contains or has potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere
2. Contains a material that has potential for engulfing entrant
3. Has an internal configuration that might cause an entrant to be trapped or asphyxiated by
inwardly converging walls or by a floor that slopes downward and tapers to a smaller cross
4. Contains any other recognized serious safety or health hazards.

a. In addition to hazards posed by design of space, work activities can also, pose
serious safety hazards (heat, noise, vapors etc.) that must be taken into account,
when identifying safety measures.
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b. Most common hazard seen in confined spaces is that of atmospheric impact. These affect
air quality and present immediate health hazards up to death. Acceptable atmospheric
conditions must be verified before entry and must be monitored continuously, while
space is occupied. Oxygen concentration, presence of toxic gases and flammable material
are three conditions that must be monitored.
c. Oxygen concentration is considered safe if it is between 19.5% and 23.5% of total
atmosphere. To protect against toxic gases, contaminants have permissible exposure
limits (PELs), which are set by OSHA. Work also, cannot continue if concentration of a
material reaches or exceeds 10% of its lower explosive limit.

2. Definitions regarding certain terms
1. Safety means safety, health & environment disciplines to support project activities
2. Company means an organization carrying out or prosecuting project
3. Contractor means organization that has won project from client
4. Subcontractor means an organization that has won part of a project work from Contractor
5. Client means an organization entitle Company in contractual terms that has entrusted
project to organization of Contractor
6. Personnel means all personnel involved on project site activities
7. Responsibility means job & contract responsibility
8. Training means training imparted for specific safety topic on job on project site
9. Management means organization top, middle & lower management
10. Safety Manager means a person with job title Safety Manager deployed by certain
11. Project Manager means a person as such with PM title deployed by Contractor
12. Engineer means a person appointed by client or client company for an overall project


1. Project Manager responsible for overall obligations, to provide schedule, all resources,
direction, engineering resolutions.
2. Site Manager responsible for overall site prosecution management over works &
3. Site Safety Officer responsible for overall safety management on site & report to Project
Manager / Site Manager / Corporate Safety Manager
4. Construction Manager responsible to arrange all safety related resources & provide site
team all requirements
5. Project Site Engineer responsible to carry out safety issues within section
6. Site Safety Inspector/Engineer responsible to supervise safety measures on site & control
safety issues should bring to site line management to adopt correct measures.
7. Site Foremen responsible for compliance of safety measures as standards or as directed
8. An individual working on site responsible to maintain safety measures. In case, missing,
should bring to site team attention

3.1 EMPLOYER: Project Owner

a. Confined Space: as explained in purpose in foregoing, is an area,
where exists a possibility of exposure to toxic, flammable gases
and/or a deficiency or excess of oxygen.
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b. It shall include all chambers, tanks, below ground areas including
unventilated basements, pipe or similar confined space.
c. A place large enough to be so configured that an employee can bodily
enter and perform assigned work is also, called a confined space.
d. If space has limited or restricted means for entry or exit or is not
designed for continuous employee occupancy is also, considered a
confined space
3.4 Entry: Action by which, a person passes through an opening into a permit
required confined space.
3.5 An Authorized Person is an individual, who is authorized to enter a permit
required confined space and whose name & title is listed on entry permit log
form. (See Attachment 7.1)
a. Standby man is an individual, who is stationed immediately outside confined
space with sole duty to monitor authorized entrants occupying confined
b. Standby man is also, required to assist to implement emergency procedures.
Attendant(s) shall be listed on entry permit. (See Attachment 7.1 Section 4)
3.7 Hazardous Atmosphere is one, which may expose employees to risk of death,
incapacitation, impairment of ability to self rescue (i.e. leave a permit space
unaided), injury or acute illness.
3.8 Engulfment is defined as an adverse condition created by surrounding and
effective capture of a person by a liquid or finely divided/semisolid/solid
substance that can be either respired to cause death by filling or plugging
respiratory system or that can exert enough force on body to cause death by
strangulation, constriction or crushing.

4.1 EPC CONTRACTOR Site Manager is responsible for ensuring that all
overall requirements are understood to be followed by all parties involved in
whatever confined space operations.
4.2 EPC CONTRACTOR Site HSE Manager is responsible for ensuring following
a. Ensuring that EPC CONTRACTOR’s supervision/SUBCONTRACTOR’s supervisor
and management are familiar with this procedure.
b. That whatever, confined space operations being carried out, are in compliance with
this procedure.
4.3 CONTRACTOR HSE Department is responsible for:
a. Providing necessary training for implementation of this procedure
b. Initially, inspecting an area to ensure all hazards/or potential hazards, have been
identified and controlled
c. Testing confined space for atmospheric hazards. Record test results on work
permit for documentation
d. Verifying with supervisor in charge of work that confined space has been isolated
by locking and tagging out of all energy sources, blinds and valves located on
lines leading into or out of confined space
e. Issuing of permits to work
f. Ensuring that employees and subcontractors are familiar with this procedure
g. Arranging training for personnel required to work or supervise in confined spaces
h. Periodically monitor work conditions in confined space
i. Ensuring that contingency plans and relevant arrangements are ready

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(1) Multi Gas detection equipment suitable for testing, flammable gas,
oxygen content, hydrogen sulphide and nitrogen levels shall be
available for conducting pre entry atmosphere testing by trained safety
department staff.
4.4 CONTRACTOR Superintendent and Supervision in charge of work shall be
responsible for following issues:
a. Ensure that this procedure is being applied
b. Carrying out all risk assessments and have work method statements
necessary for doing job
c. Ensure that all tests have been properly conducted and that all other
permits, procedures and equipment, are available before starting work
d. Planning all work as far as, practicable including managing contingency
plans and relevant arrangements
4.5 Standby Man
A standby man trained for conducting emergency response, must be stationed
outside entry into confined space to supervise and monitor entry and to provide
immediate assistance.

a. Prior to a work being carried out, tests shall be conducted to determine whether or
not, a hazardous atmosphere is present, which could endanger space occupying
person/s carrying out task.
b. All deficiencies must be corrected before entries can be authorized.
5.1 Confined Space Entry Preparations
a. Initial preparation for an entry into a confined space, may begin hours
or even days before signing and issuing of actual permit.
b. Test results are to be documented on “Air Monitoring” tag before
c. This section should be in yellow (Safe Work Permit)
d. Mechanical ventilation must be shut off for 15 minutes before
atmospheric testing is performed in order to get representative
e. All live lines leading into or out of a vessel such as a tower, tank,
exchanger, reactor etc. and electrical equipment must be completely
isolated before entering confined space.
f. Unions must be broken and plugged, slip blinds, blind flanges or bull
plugs must be installed at nearest possible location to vessel or
g. All energy sources must be locked out and tagged. ‘Danger tags’ and
lockout devices must be installed as defined by Lockout/Tag out
Program on project
h. Hydraulic and pneumatic systems, must also, be de-pressurized.
i. Where blinding is not possible, such as vaults, sumps, pits, sewers etc.
other precautions must be taken, such as using plumber’s plugs.
j. When plumber’s plugs are used, it is necessary that special care be
taken to relieve all upstream pressure buildup, so that plug cannot blow
k. Continuous monitoring would also, be required during entry into these
confined spaces
5.2 Acceptable Entry Conditions
Conditions, which must exist in a confined space to allow entry and to
ensure safety of all personnel, who enter and work in a confined space
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Space atmosphere must meet following conditions
5.2.1 Oxygen 19.5% minimum 22.5% maximum.
5.2.2 Flammable Gases - 0% maximum or non-detectable.
5.2.3 Toxic Gases/vapours/dusts/fumes - maintained below (Permissible
Exposure Limits) P.E.L.
5.2.4 Radioactivity - Not to exceed country regulations
5.2.5 Engulfment hazards have been eliminated or controlled.
5.2.6 Entry conditions are documented on entry permit.
5.3 Planning Entry
a. Supervisor shall establish need for a confined space entry permit, based on
risk assessment of job and conditions in work area
b. Complete method to carry out activities in confined space must be charted
out on details to avoid time wastage or delay instructions.
5.3.1 Air/Atmospheric Monitoring
a. EPC CONTRACTOR HSE Department personnel or a properly
trained personnel prior to entry shall sample air in proposed work
b. Sample shall establish oxygen concentration, combustible gas
concentration and presence of toxic gas (Hydrogen Sulphide, Carbon
Monoxide etc.) concentration.
c. Source of contaminants shall be clearly identified.
d. Entry into confined space shall be on hold, until cause of
contaminants within atmosphere of confined space have been clearly
understood & following effective control measures put in.
5.3.2 Ventilating the Space
a. Atmosphere of space shall be purged of all toxic or
combustible materials.
b. Ventilation shall be provided in order to ensure that confined
space atmosphere is safe.
c. Exhaust of ventilating equipment shall be designed to protect
workers in atmosphere.
d. If space is being ventilated prior to atmospheric sampling, a
minimum 7 air changes cycles shall be considered to ventilate
enough complete volume changes in space.
e. When setting up ventilation system, consideration should be
applied to fan placement in order to provide best airflow
through space as indicated in foregoing.
Note: Air exhaust port/equipment shall be placed far enough from
entrance to confined space, in order to prevent re-circulation
of polluted air back into confined space.
5.3.3 Isolating Space
1. Supervisor in charge of work shall ensure that adequate controls have
been implemented to protect personnel, who would be working in permit
space. These methods include
2. Blanking/blinding, piping/duct/line removal, double block and
bleed, equipment tag out/lockout and blocking or
disconnecting mechanical linkage
3. System boundaries shall be isolated and equipment be tagged
out in accordance with projects Lockout/Tag out procedure (to
be developed and agreed)
5.4 General Requirements

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a. No personnel shall enter a confined space without being made aware
of contents of permit and conditions attached to permit.
b. A copy of permit must be provided/posted adjacent to entry to
confined space.
c. All hinged or swinging access hatches, doors and covers shall be
substantially blocked, tied or otherwise fixed in open position, until
confined space is secured.
d. Guardrails, barricades or similar protection shall be provided around
confined space access points to prevent persons from falling into
openings or making unauthorized entries.
e. Solvents, which are flammable and/or toxic, shall not be used in
confined spaces, without approval of Safety Department or an
alternative equivalent
f. Hoses supplying hazardous gasses to areas within a confined space
shall be equipped with “excess flow” check valve devices and not
contain patches or repairs within/or in vicinity of space.
g. Dust generated within a confined space shall be controlled
h. Entry shall be prohibited, whenever a flammable atmosphere is
present within a confined space.
i. At least one standby person shall be positioned outside confined
space for duration of entry operations
j. Following equipment shall be available for confined entry use.
k. Employees shall also, be trained in their proper use.
l. These include but, are not limited to:

a. Testing and monitoring equipment

b. Ventilating equipment
c. Communication equipment (i.e. radios)
d. Personal Protective equipment
e. Lighting equipment
f. Barriers and shields
g. Equipment for safety ingress and egress by entrants (i.e.
h. Emergency procedures and notifications
I. Eating or drinking within all confined spaces shall be prohibited.
II. Smoking shall be prohibited in confined spaces.
3. Personnel entering a confined space area should wear a harness attached to a lifeline
leading out of area.
5.5 IDLH (immediately dangerous to life or health) means:
4. A condition that proposes an immediate or delayed threat to life or
5. That would cause adverse health effects or
6. That would interfere with an entrant's ability to escape without help from a permit
5.5.1 Oxygen deficient atmosphere means an atmosphere containing less
than 19.5 percent oxygen by volume.
5.5.2 Oxygen enriched atmosphere means an atmosphere containing more
than 22 percent oxygen by volume.
5.6 Permit Required Confined Space Program
5.6.1 CONTRACTOR or SUBCONTRACTOR as applicable shall
a. Enforce required measures to prevent unauthorized entry
b. Distinguish and classify hazards for a permit required confined
space before employees enter into such space
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c. Produce and co-ordinate procedures and operations necessary for a
safe permit confined space entry
d. Provide necessary equipment to employees
e. Sustain that equipment properly and ensure that employees are
using equipment properly
f. This includes testing and monitoring equipment, communications
equipment, personal protective equipment, lighting equipment and
barriers and shields.
g. Employer must also, make available all necessary rescue
6.1.1. When an unsafe condition arises in or near permit required confined space, entry
supervisor shall discontinue entry and revoke entry permit. CONTRACTOR or
SUBCONTRACTOR as applicable shall retain each cancelled entry permit for at
least 1 year to allow review of permit required confined space program. Problems
confronted during an entry operation shall be marked on appropriate permit, so
that proper revisions to permit confined space program can be made.
6.1.2. Entry permit that records compliance with this section and entitles an
entry into a permitted confined space, shall identify following points:
7. Permit required confined space to be entered
8. Purpose of entry
9. Date and authorized duration of entry permit
10. Authorized entrants within permit required confined space by name or by such other
means, as shall allow attendant to decipher quickly and accurately for interval of
permit, which authorized entrants are inside permitted confined space.
11. Personnel by name currently serving as attendants
12. Individual by name currently serving as entry competent person / supervisor with a
space on permit for signature or initials of entry supervisor, who originally
authorized entry
13. Hazards of permitted confined space to be entered
14. Measures used to seclude permitted confined space and to eliminate or manage
permitted confined space hazards before entry.
14.1. Training
5.7.1. CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTOR shall provide training so
that employee, whose work is regulated by Permit Required Confined
Space Entry Programme obtains thorough understanding, knowledge
and skills necessary for safe performance of responsibilities assigned
under this section.
14.1.1. Training shall be provided to each employee before employee is assigned
responsibilities. If there is a change in assigned duties, employees must undergo
additional training or orientation. If there is a change in ‘permit required confined
space operations’ that presents a hazard, which concerns an employee, who has
not previously been trained in that area. That personnel must be given training
concerning conducting proper operations and required procedures.
14.1.2. Training shall establish employee competence in responsibilities required by this
section and present new or revised operations as necessary for compliance with
these programs.
CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTOR shall document and certify that training for
these procedures has been accomplished. Certification shall include each employee's
name and signature.
14.1.3. Certification shall include each employee's name, signatures or initials of trainers
and dates of training. Certification shall be available for inspection by employees
and their qualified representatives.
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14.2. Emergency Situations
5.8.1 Attendant must be notified immediately, whenever entrant notices a
warning sign or symptom of exposure to a dangerous situation or
personnel detects a prohibited condition. If entrant recognizes a
warning sign or symptom of exposure to a dangerous situation,
evacuation of permitted confined space is necessary and everyone
must exit confined space immediately. If entrant detects a prohibited
condition or an evacuation alarm is activated, exiting confined space
area shall be required.
5.8.2 See Attachment 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 for participant’s duties.
7.1 Duties of Entry Supervisors
7.2 Duties of Attendants
7.3 Duties of Authorized Entrants


CONTRACTOR and SUBCONTRACTOR shall ensure that each entry supervisor:
1. Is aware of hazards that may be encountered during entry including information on
mode, signs or symptoms and consequences of exposure.
2. Confirms by checking that appropriate entries have been made on permit
3. That all tests indicated by permit have been conducted and
4. That all procedures and equipment indicated by permit are provided prior to issuing
permit and allowing entry to begin.
5. Discontinues entry and terminates permit as required by this program.
6. Confirms that rescue services are available and that means for notifying them are
7. Prevents unproved individuals to enter permit space during entry operations and
ascertains, whenever responsibility for a permit space entry operation is transferred
at periods mandated by hazards and operations performed within space that entry
operations remain dependable with terms of entry permit and That permissible entry
conditions are maintained.

8. If an entrant has potential to be exposed to a substance for which, a Material Safety Data
Sheet MSDS/COSHH sheet required to be kept at work, written information shall be
made available to medical facility treating exposed entrant

1. Remain outside permit space during entry operations, unless relieved by another
authorized attendant.
2. Do not enter confined space under any circumstances.
3. Perform non entry rescues, when specified by employer's rescue procedure.
4. Know existing and potential hazards including information on mode of exposure,
signs or symptoms, consequences of exposure and respective/consequential
physiological effects.
5. Have immediately, available all emergency rescue equipment on site and all personal
protective equipment same as used by entrant to use at once in case of requires entry.
6. Maintain communication with and keep an accurate account of those workers
entering into permit required confined space.
7. Order evacuation of permitted confined space, when a prohibited condition exists/
when a worker shows signs of physiological effects of hazard exposure/when an
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emergency outside confined space exists and when attendant cannot effectively and
safely perform required duties.
8. Summon rescue and other services during an emergency.
9. Ensure that unauthorized persons are not allowed to enter permitted confined spaces.
10. To remove personnel immediately, if they have entered permitted confined space.
11. Inform authorized entrants and entry supervisor of entry by unauthorized persons.
12. Perform no other duties that interfere with attendant's primary duties.


1. Should know space hazards including information on mode of exposure (e.g.
inhalation or thermal absorption), signs of symptoms and consequences of exposure.
2. Use appropriate personal protective equipment properly (e.g. such as gloves, aprons,
and coveralls).
3. As necessary, maintain communication (i.e. telephone, radio, visual observation)
with attendants to enable attendant to monitor entrant's status as well as, to alert
entrant to evacuate.
4. Exit from permitted confined space immediately, when ordered by attendant or
supervisor/competent person or when entrant recognizes warning signs or symptoms
of exposure exists/when a prohibited condition exists or when an automatic alarm is
5. Alert attendant, when a prohibited condition exists or when warning signs or
symptoms of exposure exist.

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