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PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM XIL-Physics Chapterd 11 Paget 20 11.46: SOLVED NUMERICALS OF BOOK: PROBLEM # 11.1 (@ The normal human body temperature is 98.4 °F. What is the temperature on Celsius scale? DATA: SOLUTION: Tr=98.45R re=5 rp_32) oe rend gaan re=5 x68 3 Ca 30 (i) At what temperature do the Fahrenheit and Celsius scale coincide. SOLUTION: Let TF=TeC=x 3 ree=2 cr—32) 5. ) 3 x= 2 (K-32 5 X-2) PROBLEM # 11.2 [A steal rod has «length of exactly 0.2em af0 $C. What will bets length at 60°C? DATA: SOLUTION: NON ait = 60-30 = 30°C = 30k L=L {+e AT) 2 (1+ 11x 10%x 30) 0.2 {1 + 0.00033} Self Test (1) ~ © A Steel bar J8J0min length at - 2.5 °C, What will be the change in its length when is at 25°C (B for steel = 33 x 1 (2008) PROBLEM #.4 1,3 : Find.the cfiange in volume of an aluminum sphere of 0.4m radius when itis heated SS trom Cte 100°C. DATAy av 04 m orc 100°C 24x 10°" AT = 100~0= 100°C = 100K Using AV = BV, AT. AV= 7.2 x 10x 0,268 x 100 [v= 0.0019 mw B =3x24x 10% B =72x10°K" PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM XILPhysies Chapter 14 Paget 24 PROBLEM # 11.4 Calculate the root mea square speed of hydrogen molecule at 800 K. DATA: T-s00K 138x lO" UK m=3.32x 10g a m=3.32x 10°" k M ® m Using Vig B58 mi Self Test (2) (@ Find the root mean square velocity of a hydrogen gas molegule at 100°C. Take the sass of the hydrogen molecule 3.32410" Kg and K= 1.38 x 109K 2002 PB) Ans. 21867mis (Gi) Find the root mean square velocity of « hydrogen molteule at 7°C take the mass of hydrogen molecule to be 332x10""Kg and Boltzman.constant, (4998) K= 138x107-K", AMS. Via 1868.6 mis Find rms speed of the nitrogen molec\leg at 27°C. Given the mass of nitrogen molecule to he 4.67x10"%Kg, K=1.38x407 JIK. (1996), ANS. Yen S1S.7 m/s PROBLEM # 11.5 (a) Determine the av 0°C and at 50°C. DATA: — (K.E) T=0°C ¥aqg8273 K se value of fie Kinetic energy of the Particles of an ideal gas at ot xe) <2 Kr eH 3 QabeI0 2273 = 3 x1364 10323 Kies [KE= como" J (b) Determine the kinetic energy per mole of the particles of an ideal gas at 0°C and at 50°C. DATA: K.Epermole @T=0°C+273=273K Gi) T= 50°C + 273 = 323K SOLUTION: 3 KEpermole = 2 RT ” 2 ORE ermole= 348310273 (i KEpemote= 3 48314323 cE per mole = 3402.9 Joulehmotd [RE per mole = 40262 joulemord PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM XiLPhysies Chapter! 14 Paget 32 PROBLEM # 11.6 A 2kg Iron block Is taken from a furnace where its temperature was 630°C and Placed on a large block of ice at 0 °C. Assuming that all the heat given up by the iron is, used to melt the, how much ice is melted? DAT) ‘mass of iron block = my = 2kg ‘Temperature of iron block = T= 650°C ‘mass of ice melted = m, =? . ‘Temperature of ice = T; =0°C Specific heat capacity of iron = C, = 499.8 kg. K Latent heat of fusion of ice = Hy= 336000 Jk SOLUTION: AT=650-0 AT = 650°C = 650K According to the law of heat exchange Heat lost by iran MOS Heat gained by ice mm, C.AT = m Hy m, CAT H, 1 = 28499.8 x 650 += "336000 og PROBLEM # 11.7 In a certain proge’s 400J of heat is supplied (o a system and at the same time 150J of work is done by.the system. What is the increase in the internal energy of the system, DATA: SOLUTION: ang 4005 AU=4Q-AW Aw* 1505 AU = 400-150 Au = [AU = 3503 PROBLEM # 11.8 ‘There is an increase of internal energy by 400J when 800J of work Is done by the system, What is the amount of heat supplied during this process? DATA: SOLUTION: AU = 4003 AQ=AU +AW AW= 8007 AQ = 400+ 800 AQ= 2 1 [A Q= 1200. PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM Xil-hysice Chaptert 11 Paget 93 PROBLEM # 11.9 A heat engine perfnrins 2004 of work in each cycle and has efficiency of 20 percent. For each eyele of opsration (a) How much heat is absorbed? and (b) How much is expelled? DATA: AW=200 E= 20% @ Qn? ) Qa? SOLUTION: @ * 100 ) BW=Q-@ (20 _ 200 200 = 1000- Q; i009, ° (= to0e Self Test (3) ()—Aneat energy performing 4004 of work in eaéh tyele has an efficiency of 25%. How much. heat is absorbed and rejected in exch eyele. 2010) Ans, Qy = 16005, Q: = 12003 PROBLEM # 11.10 ‘A heat engine operates betwegn {wo Feservoirs at temperatures of 25°C and 300°C. ‘What is the maximum efficiency foF this engine? DATA: SOLUTION: 7, =300°C + 273. 8% k Eyx100 « Ty=25 ON QT 298 k E=0.48 % 100 r= 48% Self Test (4) (Find the efficiency of a earnot engiie working between 100°C and 50°C. Ans. B= 134% (1999) (ii) Am ideal heat engine operates in carnot cycle between temperatures 227°C and 127°C and it absorbs 600Juules of heat energy, find the (3) work done per cycle Gi) Efficiency of the heat engine. 2001) PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM Physics Chapter 14 Paget 34 PROBLEM # 11.11 The low temperature reservoir of a carnot engine is at 7°C and has an efficiency of 40 %, If Is desired to increase the efficiency upto 50 %. By how much degrees the temperature of hot reservoir be increased. DATA: T=7°C+2 E,=40% E,= 50% Increase in temp. of hot body = A SOLUTION: 8.-(1-B) 10 B= (1B) siog « {, 2380) s0= (1.88 ji9 S(T; 280) = 27, 2(T,!~280)=T," 3T,~1400= 27, 2T'-s60= 1! 57, -2T, = 1409. Ty! =560k aT, =1400\\ Now increase in temp. of hot body is T,3466.8K AT=T)-T, AT = 560 ~ 466.6 br=ssay Self Test (5) (The low temperature reservoir of a Carnot engine is at S°C and has efficiency of 40%, It is desired to increase its efficiency to 50%. By what degrees should the temperature of the hot reservoir be increased? 2013) (i) The low temperature reservoir of a Carnot engine is at ~3°C and has efficiency of 40%, It is desired to increase the efficiency to 0%. By how many degrees should the temperature of the hot reservoir be increased? [Similar To Q.11.11 of Book Also Similar To Q.2 (D) 2003 P.M] (2004) PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM XILPhysies Chapters 11 Pagsi 35 11.47; SOLVED NUMERICALS OF PAPERS QA A Carnot engine whose jow temperature reservoir is 200K has an efficiency of $0%. It is desired to increase this to 78%. By how many degree must the temperature of low temperature reservoir be decreased if the temperature of the higher temperature 2012) Decrease in temperature of cold body = AT; Solution: ‘As we know that @ When E= 75% {,R) = 15=[ gh x 300 ESSE Top? 400 1, 075 =1- 400 FL coas 700 25 x 400 oD) Ty =100K ....2) Now Deerease in temp. of cold body Y= 200~ 100 | | Self Test (6) @ A Carnot engine Whose low temperature reservoir is at 200K has an efficiency of 30%. It is \desired to increase this to 75%. By how much degrees must the temperatuke he decreased, ifhigher temperature of the reservoir remains constant. ‘Ans. AT;= 100 K ° (4997) Q.2 A 200g piece of metal is heated to 150° and then droped into an aluminium calatimeter of mass $00gm containing S00gm of water initially at 25%e. Find the Jini piuilibrium temperature of the system if the specific heat of metal is 128.100 (ky K, specific heat of aluminum is 903 J/kg K, while the specific heat of water “ob ase aun) Data: For Metal Mass of metal =m,~200gm= 22° kg= 02k ‘Temp. of metal=T, = 150° Special Heat of metal = C, For Calotimeter Mass of calorimeter ‘Temp. of calorimeter = T Specific Heat of calorimeter PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM XILPhysles Chapter# 11 Paget 36 For Water “m= $00 Mass of water= m= 500gm= 20 kg = 05k Temp. of wate Se Secific Heat of water = Cy=4200 kg Final Temperature of Mixture = T =? Solution: Av given that m= m=m=0.5 kg a T.- Ty t = 25% @ According to'Law of Heat exchang. Heat gain by calorimeter & water = Heat loss by Metal AQr+ AQ: = AQ, AQ = mc AT m2 C2.AT; + m3 C3 AT;=m, CAT; ATz=T =T or ATs © T-Ts m2 C(T - T:) +m C3 (T- Ts) = my Cy (Ty- T) ATs ot ST mC, (T~t) + mC; (T-t)= mC (T- 1) m (T-t) (C2+C3)=m,C,(T-T) 02% 128.1 (003 + 4200) 7-23 25.62 150. ~ 2551.3 , =" 0.010415 is0-T T-25 = 001 (150-1) T-25 = 15-00IT T+OOIT = 15425 LOIT = 26.3 = 285 T= TOE Self Test (7) © | A 100gm.Gopper block is heated in boiling water for ten minutes and then it is dropped into 150gm of water at 30°C in a 200gm calorimeter. If the temperature of water Ys Yaised to 33.6°C, determine the specific heat of the material of the cesfortnieter. (for copper Cy = 386 Kg 'C-'), (2005) Q3)_A\scitntist stores 22 gm of a gas in a tank at 1200 atmospheres. Overnight the tank develops slight leakage and the pressure drops to 950 atmospheres. Calculate the mass ofthe gas escaped. (2009) DATA: m) = 22gm= 22x 107 kg Py = 1200 atmosph P Mass eccaped = Am — SOLUTION: According to Boyle's low With mass effect Or mP, _ 2210x950 ae 1200 m= 17.5 x 107 kg [Now required escaped mass is PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM Physics Chaplet 1 Page 37 ~ * Am = 22x 107 = 17.5. 107 Am = 4.5 x 10” kg é or © [ame a5 gran] QA. tats tape pasts Hon Fat heme Sty W'S Poa, epost ove 2.0 x 107 m? moves through 40 cm under a pressure of 1.01 x 10° Nim?. Calculate the increaneinntrnn energy she Sytem chon DATA: i But, che 4Q=2000 Joule ‘aw = PAV : . A’=2x10'm? Or \ = 40em = 40 x 107 in Aw=PAh _.[¥AV=Ah] 05 x 10° Nim? © S| Aw 1.05x 10°X2x 107 x 40x 10 aun? > 3 ‘Ave ='840 Joute @) “SOLUTION: . “ ‘As we know that ee ¥ Self Test (8) “a . @ >> 1200J of heat energy are supplied to the system at constant presstiré.' The internal energy of the system is increased by 750J and the:voluihe by 4.5m3. Find the work down against the pressure and the pressure on the piston. (2003, 1994) Gi) When 2000J of heat energy'is supplied to « gas in.a cylinder at Zonstant pressuré’6f 1.01x10° Nim’, the piston of area of crote-ection 2x10%m" moves through 0.5m. Calculate the work done ani the increase\in the internal energy of the system.’ ee : oO @002 PAM Gi)’ In an isobaric process, when 2000J of heat’energy is supplied to a gas ii'a cylinder, the piston méves through 0.1m under's congtait pressure of 2x1,0ix10" Nim Ifthe area of the piston is 5£10%m, calculate the work done aid the increase,in the internal energy of the system. 8 Se CoS 96) - Ans. AU=9905 5 as ¥, we QS. -A-Carnot engine performs 20003 of work and rejects 40005 of heat Wé'the sink. If.the difference of temperatare between the source and the sink i 85°C, find the temperatures of the source and thésink: = we ost 008) DATA: ( ¥ } 7 . =(12. AT =85°C\~asK gp 8 9999 Say oe cag Temp 6f Heat Source = T, =?” 100° T, Leh AT) ‘Temprof Heat Sink = T,=? e 4 0.3333= a SOLUTION: 8s 4 . 0.3333.» As AT=Ty=Ty 8 ave sRet-aT . Tatsee So - cys PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM xi-Physies Chaptert 11 Paged 38 Self Test (9) ae (@). A Heat engine performs 1000) of work and at the same time rejects, 4000 of heat energy to the cold reservoit. What is the efficiency of the engine? If the difference sJvof temperature between the sink and the source of engine Is 75°C, find the temperature of its source. (2002 P.M) 6. .Calculate density of hydrogen gas, considering it to be ait ideal gs, when the root mean square velocity of hydrogen mioleculed ‘is 1850 msec ‘at O°C and, 1 atmospheric Bressure: ‘@-atmospher =. 1.01 x 10° Nim vhs (2007,3 2004) DATA: = ‘ 1850 nvsee_ sso? 3.03 ¥10 at OC = 27K, P35 4225 x10 1 atmosphere Density. 2 SOLUTION: AS We know that. [p= 0.08853 kg/m] we vw, Jes. 3x1 Oizo ak 1850)" ee engins"pertorms wargQGUR rate ‘of 500 Kiran "The emidissy oF "30% calculate thet loss of heat per four. (2007) «oO DATA: 1 Pa\hotir = 3600 sec , Heat loss pep haw SOLUTION? Sip Work AW <* s¥}Now t to AW =Q,-Q or =Q=. 00") Q, 6x10" 18x10" re IQ Sa 7x10T me ae PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM XILPhysics Chaptoré 11 Pages 39 Q.8 A brass ring of 20cm diameter is to be mounted on a metal rod of 20.02em rmeter at 20°C. To what temperature should the ring be heated? (for brass 0. = 1.9 10° °C-4) (2008) DATA: Diameter of ring = Diameter of rod Initial temperature 19x 107°C 20 For brass = 0 = 1.9.x 107° “Tonio 0 Final Temperature = T, =. [ 19x10" x20 SOLUTION: ” 0.02 As we know that T-T= AL=aL, AT (1) 38x10 Consider length is equal to diameter | T2 - 20 = 52.63 therefore T= 52.63 +20 aL ad a4) Ly h 2 (I) Ad =ad,AT Self Test (10) (@® A cylinder of diameter 1.00em at 30°C belslid into a hole in a steel Plate. The hole has a diameter of 0.9770cni at 30°C. To what temperature must the plate be heated? (a: for steel = 4x10!°C"}), (2002 P.E) 11.48: NUMERICALS FOR SELF PRACTICE; YEAR 2000: Calculate the volume occupied/by 2gram-mole of a gas at 10°C and pressure of one atmosphere . (R=8.313 Jimol-K, latm=h01 x 10° Nim’) Ans. [V=23.3 litrd YEAR 1998: . 540 calories Sf eat is required to vaporize 1g of water at 100°C. Determine the entropy change involved in vaporizing 5g of water, (One calorie = 4.3 Joules), Aus. ASS 3049 = K YEAR 1997) “A glass flask is filled to the mack with 60cm? of mercury at 20°C. Ifthe flask and its Contents are heated to 40°C, how much mercury will be above the mark? (For glass 0=9x10°C and for mercury B=182x10"C). Ans, AV; =0.186em} YEAR 1995; ~ A meter bar of steel is corrected at O°C and another at -2.5°C. What will be the difference between their length at 30°C. (a. = 12 x 10°C), Ans. (AL; = 3x10%m) PRACTICAL CENTRE (KARACHI) VISIT US AT: HTTP://WWW.PHYCITY.COM XiLPhysics Chaptert 11 Pages 40 1994/2003 P.E: 1200 of heat energy are supplied to the system at constant pressure. The internal energy of the system is increased by 750J and the volume by 4.5m’, Find the work down against the pressure and the pressure on the piston. Ans. P=100 Nia} YEAR 199; A cylinder contains an ideal as below a frictionless piston fitted in it. Ifthe gas in the cylinder is supplied 3000J of heat and the piston rises by 0.35m, while the internal energy of the gas increases by 400J. Calculate the work done by the piston. Ans, YEAR 1991: One gram-mole of a gas occupies a volume of 24.93m’ at presstire’wf 500 N/m’, find the temperature of the gas in Celsius. (R=8.313 J- mol'-K") Ans, [= 126°C ° YEAR 1990: At certain temperature the average Kinetic enefgy of hydrogen molecule is 62x10". If the mass of hydrogen molecule js 3.1x10"Ke, find (i) the temperature and (ii) root mean square velocity-of hydrogen molecule. [Given K = 1.38x10” J-K"] Ans. Vem = 2000 m/d ~ YEAR 1989: An iron ball has @ diameter of Sem and is 0.01mm too large to pass through a hole in a brass plate when (he\ball and the plate are at a temperature of 30°C. At what temperature, will tHe-ball just pass through the hole? Ans. [T= 40.3% YEAR 1987: The efficiency Of a heat engine is 50%, If the temperature of the cold reservoir is 300K, find.¢he temperature of hot reservoir, - Ans. [f= 600K) YEAR 1986: 10 Kg of water fall through a distance of 854m and all the energy is effective in heating Uwe water. To what the temperature will the water be raised if it was initially at 20°C. Ans, (f)=22°q YEAR 1985: ‘What is the root mean square velocity of hydrogen molecule at 300K? Take the mass of hydrogen molecule to be 3.32x10”’Kg and Boltzman constant = 1.38x10™J-K". Ans. [em 1934 mig

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