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Members: BSCOE - II

 Escala, JC Del Vincent

 Inoferio, John lloyd
 Kilapkilap,
 Alaban, Rosemae

 What is noise pollution

 Sources of noise pollution
 Effects of noise pollution
 Causes of noise pollution
 Control of noise pollution

Sound – A vibration that propagates as a mechanical wave of pressure and displacement,

through some medium.

Noise – is an unwanted sound. It is measured by dB units.

Characteristics of Noise

 Sound pressure
 Frequency
 Duration
 Time of the day
 Location
 Intermittency

Kinds of Noise

 Variable noise – manufacturing and construction noise.

 Impulse noise – includes unwanted, almost instantaneous sharp sounds (like gunfire).
 Continuous noise – is a noise which remain constant and stable over a given time period.
Example: generators.
 Intermittent noise – noise is intermittent if there is a mix of relatively quiet and noisy
periods. Example: gathering.
Noise Pollution – refers to a type of energy population in which distracting, irritating or
damaging sounds are freely audible.

- In noise pollution, there is no physical part existing, it is just wave that produce
distracting noise.

Sources of noise pollution

 Household sources – any stuff in the house that is creating some distracting sound.
 Social events – gathering, parties, bands, market area.
 Commercial and Industrial activities – industries, production industries, construction.
 Transportation – the sound of cars, motorcycles, aircraft.

Noise Pollution: Effects

Effects on Humans
 Decreases the efficiency of a man – e.g. they cant concentrate in their work, headache,
sleepless nights, cannot rest comfortably and distraction.
 Fatigue
 Lack of concentration
 Abortion
 Causes blood pressure – loud noises is not good for a lady who is carrying a baby, blood
pressure may rise or go low.
 Temporary or permanent deafness – loud noises can affect our hearing if a person is
exposed to a high noise level.
 Interference with spoken communication – there will be miscommunication
 Sleep disturbances
 Cardiovascular problem – in case if there is a party, or karaoke playing nearby, these
ight cause disturbance due to its disturbing sound.

How our mental health is affected

 Impaired task performance

 Negative sound behavior
 Annoyance reactions and levels – the person will be fatigue, the next day the person
wakes up and he/she will have headache, will be different.

Effects on Animals

 Damages nervous system – may lose their minds.

 They become dangerous and attacking
 Death of certain species
 Genetic and evolutionary problems

Effects on vegetation and property

 Poor quality of crops

 Damages buildings, bridges and monuments – plants also need a peace atmosphere,
waves will struck the walls of building that might possibly weaken the building.

How to control noise pollution

 Control at source – stop from where it is originated

 Control in the transmission path
 Using protective equipments

Noise control techniques

 Sound insulation – slowing or stopping the sound waves by physically blocking their
travel from one room to another.
 Sound absorption – introducing somekind of absorbent material into the room in order
to reduce the noise.
 Vibration damping – basically reducing vibrations.
 Public education and awareness – the public must be aware of its ill effect of noise

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