Mup 15 EJ-1218

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*EJ1218* EJ – 1218

IV Semester B.E. (CSE/ISE) Degree Examination, June/July 2015

(2K11 Scheme)

Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instruction : Answer any five questions, selecting atleast two from each Part.


1. a) Explain the register set of 8086 microprocessor. 10

b) With a neat block diagram, explain the architecture of 8086 microprocessor. 10

2. a) Explain the following addressing modes with examples. (6×2=12)

i) Immediate addressing modes
ii) Register addressing modes
iii) Implied addressing modes
iv) Memory addressing modes
v) Program memory addressing modes
vi) I/O port addressing modes.
b) Explain the segmented memory and mention its advantages. 8

3. a) Explain the branching instructions used in 8086 microprocessor with examples. 10

b) Write a program for 8086 microprocessor to sort N elements stored in an
array using bubble sort. 10

4. a) Explain the various assembler directives used in 8086 microprocessor with

examples. 10
b) Explain the string instructions used in 8086 microprocessor with examples. 10


5. a) Explain how a keyboard matrix can be interfaced to a microprocessor for the

purpose of identifying the keys pressed. 10
b) Differentiate between memory mapped I/O and I/O mapped I/O addressing. 5
c) Explain the interrupt vector table for 8086 microprocessor. 5
EJ – 1218 *EJ1218*
6. a) Write the block diagram of 8086 based microcomputer operating in minimum
mode and briefly explain. 10
b) Draw and explain the timing diagram for WRITE operation in 8086
microprocessor. 10

7. a) What is buffering ? What is the need for buffering ? Explain data buffering
mechanism in 8086 microprocessor. 10
b) What is the need for HOLD and HLDA pins in the 8086 ? 4
c) How the memory is organized in 8086 ? What is the memory access
mechanism in 8086 ? 6

8. a) Explain the architecture of 8255 PPI with a neat block diagram. 10

b) Interface a set of 8 simple switches and 8 simple LEDs to 8086 using a 8255
PPI chip. The 8255 should be selected for the following addresses. Write a
program to indicate the status of the switches on LEDs. 10
Port A : 0840 H, Port B : 0842 H
Port C : 0844 H, CWR : 0846 H


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