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The speech chosen for this critique is about Giving Proper First Aid and Cardiopulmunary

Resuscitation (CPR) deivered by the speaker Mr. Benedict Burgos together with his team from
City Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (CDRRMO)-Baybay City,Leyte Chapter
during the whole-day lecture formation of Civic Welfare and Training Services (CWTS) students
last November 9 at Visayas State University-Convention Center.

Mr. Burgos, together with his team, has demonstrated how to apply proper First Aid and CPR to
patients or victims during unexpected events or emergencies in a demonstrative way.

The demonstrative speech was excellently done as the speakers were able to use complete and
appropriate equipment. During the delivery of the speech, there were manifestations that
greatly support the effectivity of the speech toward the audience. First, the speakers were able
to establish impact and connection with the audience through delivering it with funny jokes.
The venue was filled with laughters and enclosed with lively atmosphere. It was clearly
observed on the faces of the audience that they were greatly entertained. Second, there were
people from the audience who raised questions regarding the topics which indicate connection
with the speakers. It means that they actively participate and lend their time on the said event.

For the speakers, they were able to deliver their speech nicely as they managed to stand in front
with confidence, mastery of the piece, and associated their ideas with practical and clear
examples as through clear flashed images. It was observed that the speakers and all elements of
the speech delivery setting was prepared and well-set.

Another good point or strategy that made the speech effective is that the speakers encouraged
and let some of the audience to perform CPR and First Aid actions own their own with their
guidance. Everybody was amazed and it's obvious on the audience's facial expressions that they
were privileged to learn such crucial and important knowledge and perform life-saving skills.

Although the speech was well delivered, demonstrated, very informative and entertaining for
most audiences it can also be observed that the speaker failed to observe audience sensitivity
since inappropriate words such as "chula" and explicits were used, jokes that were sexually
implying was also observed during the speech. Although most of the current generation is
welcoming to such type of jokes, however, there are still audiences that take it as offensive.

Visayas State University is a diversed university with students coming from the 3 major islands
of the Philippines. Three different islands and three varying cultures. The speakers should have
considered that their words may be culturally unacceptable to some and should have filtered
their words amd chose a more subtle way of entertaining the audiences.

The inappropriateness was also directed to one of the students who volunteered to practice the
CPR when the speaker said that the volunteer appeared to be thrusting rather than pumping
the mannequin's chest. As much as others cheered and laughed at that comment, the speakers
were oblivious to the snickers and dissapointed looks of some of the audiences.

In any forms or types of speech audience consideration is as important as the speech being

In addition, lack of assistance from the co speakers was also observed since during the
demonstration the person holding the mic while the speaker was demonstrating was not
consistent considering that there were more than 3 personnels were available on the sides. This
lack of assistance lead to difficulties in demonstrating since the speaker was torn between
holding the mic so he can be heard from the back for there are about one thousand two
hundred audiences or he should just put the mic down so he can properly demonstrate the first

In public speaking it is important to be as presentable as possible, as considerate as possible

and as careful as possible especially if the speech is made in a formal and highly diversed

Submitted By:

BSN-1 students:

Maloloy-on, Jhon Philip C.

Bartolini, Jullana Marie F.

Sarsona, Denise

Serano, Arthur

Mendoza, Sheryllou

Vergara, Marc Lester

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