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Annotated Bibliography

Chen, Grace. “The Pros and Cons of Mandatory Gym Class in Public Schools.” Public School

Review, 29 Oct. 2009,


In this article, The Pros and Cons of Mandatory Gym Class in Public Schools from Public

School Review in May of 2019, Grace Chen explains that schools still need to have PE class

but things in that class need to change to give children more time for activity. The purpose for

writing this article is to explain to teachers and parents that their students are not getting

enough exercise in school and the class format needs to change. The writer is Grace Chen and

she is credible because she uses sources that are well known and she keeps her article updated

regularly. Her information in the article in also credible because it relates to my topic and

explains both sides of the argument.

Dora, Joy. “Should PE Classes Be Mandatory?” Education, 21 Nov. 2017,

Joy Dora in 2017 explains in the article Should PE Classes Be Mandatory that schools are

cutting physical education class because of the lack of funding for the class. This leads to

obesity in children/students and can affect their health and style of living. The author's

purpose in writing this article is to inform people that something needs to change and it

needs to change soon. This is credible because she has many related articles that are up to

date and have the same view as this article. I will use this in my paper by informing by

readers that a crisis is happening in the subject of physical education.

Lane, Stephanie. “Xenia Community Schools Physical Education Teacher” 19 August 2017,

Ntoumanis, Nikos. “A Self‐Determination Approach to the Understanding of Motivation in

Physical Education.” Wiley Online Library, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd (10.1111), 16 Dec.


In this book, A Self‐Determination Approach to the Understanding of Motivation in Physical

Education, Nikos Ntoumanis shows readers that a sequence of motivational processes can

help increase participation in students. Ntoumanis ran a study to prove his theory and his

findings stated the importance of perceived competence and intrinsic motivation

compulsory PE. The purpose of this book is to explain that there are proven ways and

methods to help increase participation by students in physical education class.

Person. “The New PE Runs on Fitness, Not Competition.” Edutopia, George Lucas

Educational Foundation, 28 May 2008,


This video by the George Lucas Educational Foundation shows that some schools are

changing the way physical education class is formatted. Gym class is traditionally filled

with running laps, doing jumping jacks, and playing competitive sports. Now schools are

pulling away from tradition and pushing towards a new era that involves activities like zip

lining, collaborative games, and classroom aikido. I will use this video to show that these

new activities can lead to more participation in class which can lead to less obesity and

better health.
Polish, Jennifer. “Phys Ed in Schools: Improving Health or Breeding Bullying?” Law Street,

18 Apr. 2017,


This article written by Jennifer Polish in 2017 explains how requiring physical education can

be helpful or hurtful. Again this deals with how obesity rates are high and participation is

low, which is an obvious correlation. This article is reliable because the website it is on

does not have any pop ups or ads, it is up to date, and it goes along with exactly what my

topic is about. I will use this article to help explain to readers that there are positives and

there are negatives in requiring physical education class.

“Understanding Physical Activity Intention in Canadian School Children and Youth: An

Application of the Theory of Planned Behavior.” Taylor & Francis,

In this article written by a school in Canada the author explains a study done to test the theory

of planned behavior in predicting physical education intention. The study results say that

in a population of children and youth the detriments display a pattern of change

developmentally. This article and study are helpful for me because it can show me readers

that physical education is important and can lead children to a better lifestyle.

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