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Baldonado, Kent Albert Recto POL1N -Sec1-10:30-12:00

2014630091 Prof. M. Acomular

1. “You can’t fight fate”- Clarence Darby

• I disagree with this statement, Fate or destiny is just a predetermined
course or events. you make your own journey and you can change how the
life would flow. Life is a dependent process you can deal with it
2. “It’s an imperfect system, and we it’s imperfect servants”-Jonas Cantrell
• Justice will never be precise and served properly if the servants play
Fairless. In the movie law abiding citizen, there is a border that shows
empathy and accountability is separated
3. “Law schools got nothing to do with law” -Jonas Cantrell
• Law schools is the basis of how the justice will be served properly, it’s the
fine root of all justices and law. If the law school play fairly, the system
will run smooth and peacefully.
4. “It's not what you know. It's what you can prove in court." -Nick Rice
• The justice system in the movie shows that law is the basis not the
empathy. Nick Rice is dealing with his decisions based on the law he
knows and Clyde isn’t okay with this, He just want a justice served

5. “To achieve victory, we must mass our forces at the hub of all power and movement.
The enemy's "center of gravity”- Karl Von Clausewitz
• Be fit for more than the thing you are now doing. Let everyone know that
you have a reserve in yourself; that you have more power than you are
now using. If you are not too large for the place you occupy, you are too
small for it.

Signature :___________________
6. “Some justice is better than no justice at all” -Nick Rice
• As Nick Rice serve a piece amount of justice to Clyde Shelton, it is shown
as a piece of empathy
7. “And then you realize that the system you’re trying to change. It changes”
-Nick Rice
• Nick Rice is a part of a community changer by means of law. As he
foresees the process of how he will deal with Clyde, He is not aware that
the system is changing and how the people is looking at it.
8. “I don’t give a shit what happened to his family, it’s no excuse”-Detective Garza
• In this move empathy is a wasted manner for the Law. As Clyde doing his
polishing outside, The law servants is mocking on how the system works.
And how do will they deal with it. Is it justice with manner or none?
9. “My wife and daughter can't feel anything. They're dead."- Clyde Shelton
• Vengeance is the root of all the killing. I get the point on how Clyde is
feeling about his family, But the process on how he cleans the law is too
much that other people is being killed without exemptions
10. “The hard part isn't making the decision. It's living with it.”- Jonas Cantrell
• Decision making for me should be executed properly. It should have valid
and efficient researches. As I watched the movie, it shows that the
decision of the law is fairless and inhumane.

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