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?=BQ =4F34;78<D<108
VWLUVZDURIZRUGV and when the alliance partners,
which would include the Sena,
As per the power-sharing
arrangement devised by the

A fter marathon meetings

between the top leaders of
the Congress and the NCP that
announce their CMP, then the
power-sharing formula would
be disclosed.
Congress and the NCP at the
national Capital, the Shiv Sena
(with 56 MLAs) and the NCP
saw them arrive at “complete
unanimity” on all issues relat-
The major engagement on
Friday will be a crucial meet-
(54 MLAs) will get 15 min-
istries each, while the Congress
ing to Government formation ing to be held in the evening (44 MLAs) will get 12 min- >AdfZeVUe`dRgV
in Maharashtra, the political between the Congress-NCP istries in accordance with an
scene will shift to Mumbai, leaders with Shiv Sena presi- approximate ratio of 4 MLAs: Z__`TV_eddRjd3;A
where the senior leaders of the dent Uddhav Thackeray and a one Ministry.
two parties will meet Shiv Sena few of his senior party col- Both the NCP and the
president Uddhav Thackeray leagues. Apart from senior Congress have agreed to give
on Friday evening to hammer Congress leaders, NCP presi- the Chief Minister’s post to the ?=BQ =4F34;78
out a power-sharing deal for dent Sharad Pawar is also Shiv Sena. Though there has
the “Maha Vikas Aghadi”
Government in the State.
“Maharashtra will get a
expected to remain present at
this meeting.
On their part, senior
been a speculation that the
NCP has been insisting on the
Chief Minister’s post being
P olitical firestorm erupted
over controversial BJP MP
Pragya Thakur’s inclusion in Thakur’s inclusion in the par-
Government tomorrow. At the Congress and NCP leaders rotated equally between it and Parliament consultative com- liamentary panel, BJP MP
meeting scheduled, the three have kept Uddhav in the loop the Shiv Sena, the two parties mittee on defence. Meenakshi Lekhi said the party
parties will put a stamp on the on what transpired at the meet- have not yet broached the issue The 21-member commit- seems to have lost its faith in
new Government. We (the ing between the senior with the Shiv Sena. tee, headed by Defence democracy and forgotten that
three parties) may meet Congress and NCP leaders at Given the mood prevailing Minister Rajnath Singh, also Thakur is an elected member
Governor Bhagat Singh the meeting on Wednesday. in both the Congress and the includes National Conference of Parliament. People know
Koshyari jointly on Saturday Given the unanimity NCP, they would not be averse leader and parliamentarian that Thakur was falsely impli-
and stake claim to form a between the Congress and the to giving the Chief Minister’s Farooq Abdullah who is under- cated by the Congress-led UPA
Government in Maharashtra,” =2?RWXTUBWPaPS?PfPabT]X^a2^]VaTbb[TPSTa0W\TS?PcT[P]S^cWTabSdaX]VcWT=2?2^]VaTbb\TTcX]V^]6^eTa]\T]c NCP on all issues relating to the post for full five year period. going detention in Jammu & Government, said Lekhi, who
a confidant Shiv Sena U^a\PcX^]X]<PWPaPbWcaPPc?PfPa´baTbXST]RTX]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPh ?C8 Government formation and But, the two parties, especial- Kashmir post re-organisation is in the panel.
spokesperson Sanjay Raut said the fact that the Shiv Sena is not ly the NCP, will demand their of the erstwhile State into two Thakur, a first-time MP
in New Delhi on Thursday. issues relating to the spoken to Uddhav over tele- pre-poll partner, NCP, and the in mood to impose any major pound of flesh in terms of Union Territories after scrap- from Bhopal, is an accused in
Ahead of Friday’s meeting, Government formation. phone and spoken to him on Shiv Sena. conditions, it is quite likely that important ministries for for- ping of the Article 370 that the 2008 Malegaon blasts case,
Uddhav — accompanied by his Apart from Pawar, his certain issues relating to the After the CWC meeting, the three parties will hammer going the Chief Minister’s post granted special status to J&K. and is currently out on bail. She
MLA-son Aditya and Shiv Sena nephew and former Deputy Government formation. which was chaired by party out a power-sharing pact for on a rotational basis. The committe comprise 12 is facing trial for multiple
spokesperson Sanjay Raut — Chief Minister Ajit Pawar and After the top leaders of the chief Sonia Gandhi, sources the “Maha Vikas Aghadi” If the Chief Minister’s post members from the Lok Sabha charges under the Unlawful
met NCP president Sharad NCP MP Supriya Sule were Congress and the NCP for- said that the Congress and the Government in Maharashtra. goes to the Shiv Sena for full and nine from the Rajya Sabha. Activities (Prevention) Act.
Pawar at the latter’s “Silver present. What surprised many malised the Common NCP would work out finer There will be two compo- five years’ period, then there The BJP strongly defended Thakur’s nomination to
Oak” residence in south in the State political circles as Minimum Programme (CMP) details of the Government for- nents for the power-sharing will be two Deputy Chief her presence on the panel and the panel triggered a political
Mumbai late on Thursday to what was the urgency that and worked out modalities for mation in Maharashtra during formula that will be discussed Ministers — one each from the asserted the Bhopal MP can row as the Congress attacked
night. At the meeting, Pawar prompted Uddhav to meet the Government formation, their meeting with the Sena at Friday’s meeting. The first NCP and the Congress. There help in “framing right method- the Government, saying it was
is understood to have briefed Pawar, immediately after the the Congress Working president on Friday. component will be formalisa- will be discussion on the shar- ology” so that innocents are not unfortunate for the country
Uddhav on what transpired at latter arrived from New Delhi. Committee (CWC) on Former Maharashtra Chief tion of the CMP which will be ing of the major Ministries like “victimised” the way she was that an MP accused of “spread-
the meetings that the NCP and Raut had earlier in the after- Thursday granted in-princi- Minister Prithviraj Chavan an easy task for all the three Home, Urban Development, done by the Congress-led UPA ing terror” has been nominat-
Congress leaders held during noon confirmed in the nation- ple approval to the party to informed the media after a parties. The second component PWD, Revenue, Co-operation Government. ed as member of a defence-
the last two days. They also al Capital that both he and form a new Government in meeting that there was a “com- will be the power-sharing and Finance. Hitting back at the related committee.
reportedly discussed various Congress-NCP leaders had Maharashtra along with its plete unanimity” on all issues arrangement among the three. Continued on Page 4 Congress which criticised Continued on Page 4


R^d]cahfXcWcWT6dYPaPc?^[XRT ?=BQ =4F34;78

n a partial rollback of the
militar y-like uniforms,
in the Rajya Sabha
were seen without their cap on
19?2>=6CA03410A1B Thursday. On the first day of
>E4A4;42C>A0;1>=3B 60H0C7A8<0=8Q =4F34;78 the Winter Session on Monday,
=Tf3T[WX)CWT2^]VaTbb^] their new attire had invited crit-
A bus marshal saved a four-
year-old girl from the
clutches of a kidnaper in a
icism from some ex-Army offi-
cers and Opposition leaders.
On Thursday, as soon as
fWX[TcWT19?WXcQPRZP]S Cluster bus, earning praise the House assembled to take up
PRRdbTSXc^U^__^bX]VbdRW from the Delhi Government the Zero Hour, some members
Q^]SbPbcWThRdaQQ[PRZ\^]Th which promised to reward him from Opposition benches
P]SQa^dVWcX]°W^]Tbc±\^]Th for his exemplary service. Later pointed out to the change in the
X]_^[XcXRb ?% on the child was united with marshals’ uniform. To this
her parents. Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu
9=DC0<44CB7A3?0=4; Arun Kumar, 24, a marshal remarked, “As I have said,
B44:B544A>;;102: deployed in the bus on route nothing reflects like Army...(the
=Tf3T[WX) CWT9=DCTPRWTab³ 728, saved the child from a 17- review) process is on.”
0bb^RXPcX^]9=DC0\TccWT year-old boy who had alleged- overpowered the accused and Following criticism, Naidu
7A3<X]XbcahP__^X]cTSWXVW ly kidnapped the child from took him to the police station. had on Tuesday ordered review
_^fTaTSR^\\XccTT^]CWdabSPh Nizamuddin Railway station. “Realising that something of the new military-style uni-
P]SST\P]STSR^\_[TcTa^[[ The boy had boarded the bus was amiss as the girl was cry- form of marshals in the House.
QPRZ^UcWTWXZTSW^bcT[UTTP]S at Palam flyover around 11 am ing, I alerted the bus driver and “I have decided to ask the
aT\^eP[^UcWTeXRTRWP]RT[[^a on Wednesday. Kumar said he also informed conductor Secretariat to revisit the same,”
became suspicious of the boy’s Virendra. The driver closed the Rajya Sabha Chairman had
2>=6B4AE4B=>C824B credentials after he found that both the bus doors to stop the said on Tuesday.
>= D?E4C4A0=B the girl was weeping bitterly. kidnapper from fleeing. The Their new uniform had
;dRZ]^f) CWT2^]VaTbb^] The marshal questioned driver then took the bus to sparked off criticism, including
CWdabSPhbTaeTS]^cXRTbc^ the boy and his answers only Dhaula Kuan police station,” from former Army chief
[TPSTabX]DccPa?aPSTbWU^a aroused his suspicion of him said the bus marshal, whose act General Ved Prakash Malik,
°d]]TRTbbPaX[h^__^bX]V±cWT being a kidnapper. With the was praised by Delhi Chief who had described the attire
_Pach^eTacWTaTeP\_^UD?22 help of the bus conductor, the Minister Arvind Kejriwal. illegal and a security hazard.
X]>Rc^QTa driver and other passengers, he Continued on Page 4 Continued on Page 4

3T[WX´bPXac^aT\PX] :_UZRdVV\dT`_df]Rc
³bTeTaT´cX[[c^\^aa^f RTTVdddRWVcVefc_`W
people against outdoor physi-
cal activities. “If asthematics,
keep relief medicine handy,”
said SAFAR in health bulletin. ?=BQ =4F34;78
]`_XeVc^cV]ZVW “The main factors working

towards the deterioration of air
quality is extremely low wind
speed and strong near-surface
ndia on Thursday asked
Pakistan to provide consular
to two of its nationals
B0?=0B8=67Q =4F34;78 inversion during the night. Islamabad has arrested and
Low ventilation is leading to sought their safe repatriation.

T he pollution level in Delhi

inched towards “severe”
due to wind losing steam, a dip
the accumulation of pollutants
near the surface,” SAFAR said.
An expert at Skymet
The arrest of two Indians,
Prashant Vaindam and Dhari
Lal, as reported by Pakistani
in temperature and a rise in Weather, a private forecaster, media, came as a surprise as “We hope that these two
humidity on Thursday. Dwarka said moderate winds from India had informed Pakistan Indian nationals do not
Sector 8 crossed “severe plus November 23 would bring months back that they may become victims of Pakistani
category” with Air Quality some relief but it will be tem- have crossed over inadvertent- propaganda,” Kumar said.
Index (AQI) at 729, and Anand porary as another western dis- ly, External Affairs Ministry Following the reports in
Vihar recorded seasons’ high- turbance from November 25 (MEA) Spokesperson Raveesh Pakistani media about the
est PM 10 at 1,729. will again slow dowm wind. Kumar said here at a briefing. arrests, India approached
Experts said the situation is “There are chances of good Kumar said India had Pakistan and requested it for
likely to worsen in the next 24 rain on November 25 and 26. informed Pakistan in immediate consular access to
hours, while some relief is If that happens, pollutants will December last about Lal’s pos- the incarcerated Indians there.
expected from Saturday. be washed away. A long-term sible crossing over to that “We also requested for
System of Air Quality and relief is expected only after country, while information their safety and security and
Weather Forecasting and November 28,” he said. about Vaindam was conveyed also early repatriation,” he said.
Researchn (SAFAR) warned Continued on Page 4 in May 2019. Continued on Page 4
=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A!!! ( RP_XcP[!

3D90<80 tel fee hike, we also want that
some of the other issues per-
BCD34=CBCDA=D? taining to dress code, time
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 restrictions on library hours BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 up. It is proven by research that He said that in last few
must also be looked into," said high level of PM 2.5 present in days, we have seen 30 per cent

everal students from
Jawaharlal Nehru University
Delhi University and
Krishna, another protestor.
Gajender, a research schol-
ar said, "We have raised objec-
A s the air quality in the
national Capital keeps fluc-
tuating from ‘severe to very
the air leads to inflammation of
skin," he said, adding that due
to high pollution level, patients
increase in number of patients
visiting here with skin related
issues and also for anti-ageing
Jamia Millia Islamia, under the tions to certain rules imposed by poor and poor level’, hospitals experience skin allergy and treatments.
banner of Akhil Bharatiya the administration in the hostel in Delhi are flooded with aggravation. Explaining the
Vidharthi Parsihad (ABVP), manual. Earlier we didn’t have to patients complaining of Air quality in the link between pollution and
were stopped by police at pay for electricity, water and san- skin related national capital entered the premature ageing, Dr Kashyap
Parliament Street on Thursday. itation but with this new rule, we problems. Dermatologists at very poor category again on said "Oxidative stress,
The students were protesting <T\QTab^U01E?_a^cTbcX]VPVPX]bccWTUTTWXZTX]9=D^]CWdabSPh AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa will have to end up spending various hospitals said they are Wednesday and is likely to caused by an imbalance
against JNU’s proposed hostel fee more money." witnessing almost 30 per cent turn severe between the free radicals and
hike. Around 160 students includ- march from Mandi House. Ministry following the agita- Students of the JNU have surge in skin related allergies, over the next two days due antioxidants, and inflammation
However, the scuffle ing Delhi University Students "They were marching tion by JNU students against been protesting for the past sev- itching, rashes and premature to prevailing calm winds are the major reasons behind
between Delhi Police, Central Union (DUSU) President Akshit towards the office of Human hostel fee hike. eral days demanding a complete ageing. and increased incidents of skin damage and premature
Reserve Police Force (CRPF) Dhaiya, and ABVP’s state Resource Development (HRD) ‘All we want is a complete rollback of a proposed hike in Dr VK Sharma farm fires. ageing.
ensued after the protesting stu- Secretary Siddharth Yadav were Ministry in Shastri Bhawan but rollback of fees hike. The tem- hostel fees, along with recon- Professor and Head of "While our skin is meant to "Unfortunately, pollution
dents climbed and jumped over detained by police on Parliament were stopped in midway," said porary relief by administration vening of the Inter-Hall Department (HOD) of work as a protective layer and accelerates both these
the barricades mounted at Street. According to Ashutosh Singh. The ABVP is demanding is just a lollipop,’ said Rajiv Administration meeting that Dermatology (AIIMS) said that ward off environmental haz- procedures, leading to break-
Parliament Street resorting police Singh, a member of ABVP, the scrapping of the high-power Mittal, a protestor. had passed the proposed fee hike long exposure to pollution ards, the current levels of pol- outs, irritations, eczema, aller-
to detain them. students began their protest committee set up by the HRD ‘Besides, the rollback of hos- on October 28. leads to early ageing of skin, lution is way too much for it to gy, pigmentations and even
pigmentation, skin irritation endure, resulting in various wrinkles. The patients we are

and other skin related prob- skin problems and premature receiving, report black spots
lems. ageing," said Dr Ajaya Kashyap, and fine lines coming up on
"The number of patients Medical Director of KAS their faces in a fortnight or so,"
with skin problems has gone Medical Centre he said.

d_Uh@=RQS[c`b_dUcd 6d]ad]]Tabbh]SXRPcTQdbcTS
BC055A4?>AC4AQ (HRD) ministry's rank-
=4F34;78 ing and it is important to
ensure that good stu-

anjay Baru, media
advisor to the former
dents can study at
affordable costs," he said.
Besides, Fatima
BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78

Manmohan Singh and

also alumnus of
Jawaharlal Nehru
Nafees, mother of miss-
ing JNU student, Najeeb
Ahmed, visited the uni-
W ith the arrest of two crim-
inals, the Delhi Police on
Thursday busted a syndicate
University on Thursday versity on Thursday and involved in illegal weapons
supported the protest by met a visually challenged manufacturing and smuggling
JNU students against student, who was in Uttar Pradesh and the
the hostel fee hike and allegedly lathicharged by national Capital.
said it is important to the police during the Police said they have also
save public universities protests against hostel recovered two semi- manufac-
so that students can fee hike. t u r e d
study at affordable costs. every year we are spending Fatima Nafees, mother of 'desi katta' (country-made pis-
In a video shared by former almost six billion dollars on Najeeb met Shashi Bhushan tols), firearms making tools and
JNU Students' Union president Indians studying abroad, it is Pandey at the campus and 40 barrels (unfinished), 50
N Sai Balaji, Baru, a JNU alum- extremely important to save expressed solidarity with the trigger springs, three drill
nus and author of the book, public universities." cause of the protesting students. machines , one air blower,
'The accidental prime minister', "Jawaharlal Nehru Pandey had claimed that he three gripper machine, one Meerut, where accused used to catch the accused Asif Ali from
said, "At a time when almost University is one of the best was baton charged by police on punching die, iron rods and manufacture arms. ISBT Sarai Kale Khan," said the
public universities according to Monday depsite telling them wielding electrodes from a The accused have been DCP.
Human Resource Department that he is visually challenged. room in village Radhana, identified as Asif Ali (24), a "During interrogation, the
resident of Aamroha, accused Asif revealed that he
Uttar Pradesh (UP) and Istkar used purchase illegal firearms
(55), a resident of village from Istkar in village Radhana.
Radhana in UP. On his instance Istkar was
According to Chinmoy arrested from his home. Istakar
Biswal, the Deputy was manufacturing illegal
Commissioner of Police weapon in a room in his house
(DCP), South-East district, at village Radhana. Police also
earlier on September 22 this recovered several parts of Desi
year, an arm smuggler, Katta 315 Bore parts of 312 Bore,
Masroor, was arrested, who some machines, tools and other
during interrogation revealed articles of making illegal
that he used to buy the illegal firearms from the possession of
firearms from Aasif Ali and the accused," said the DCP.
then supply the same in dif- "It was also revealed that
ferent areas in Delhi. Asif used pay C2500 to accused
"Raids were conducted Istkar for each firearms and
subsequent to the disclosures further Asif used to sell it to
made by the arrested accused Masroor for C4000. Masroor
Masroor to catch the accused would supply them in Delhi.
Asif Ali who used to supply The accused Istkar revealed
firearms to Masroor but he that he used to prepare two
managed to conceal himself. firearms in a day and it cost
On November 19, the police around C500 per firearms,"
team succeeded in its efforts to said the DCP.

BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78

A 30-year-old cab driver was

killed allegedly after his
scooty hit a divider on Okhla
Estate Road in southeast Delhi.
The incident occurred on
Wednesday late night. "Later, information was also
The victim identified as received from Apollo Hospital
Verma Kumar, a resident of regarding Verma kumar who
Indra Kalyan Vihar in Okhla, was declared brought dead. He
was on his way to attend a party was admitted in hospital by
on Wednesday, when he met passersby," said the DCP adding
with an accident. that a case under section
According to Chinmoy 279/304A of Indian Penal Code
Biswal, the Deputy (IPC) has been registered at
Commissioner of Police (DCP), Govindpuri police station.
South-East district, on "During initial investiga-
Wednesday around 11.51 pm, a tion, Verma's wife told police
police control room (PCR) call that he had left home at 4 pm on
was regarding accident at Okhla Wednesday to go at some party.
Estate road. There is no eyewitness of the
"After receiving the call, an incident so far. The spot inspec-
Emergency Response Vehicle tion suggests that Verma got
(ERV) was dispatched to the head injury when his scooty hit
spot but injured was not found the divider on road. Further
at the spot, however, one dam- investigation is going on," said
aged scooty was found there. the DCP.



=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A!!! ( RP_XcP["

ARdhR_eRS]VUWR\VcVa`ce+5;3 G4 ?^bcTab`dXiiX]V
ing World Health Organisation ed the resignation of Paswan
=4F34;78 (WHO) norms. Third party for giving out a “false” report.
tests including those of the “
?C8Q =4F34;78
A ccusing Union Minister
Ram Vilas Paswan of polit-
Central government PSUs val-
idate the tests done by DJB.
“False investigation, false
report. Paswan has proved that BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78
ical vendetta to malign the
good work done by the Delhi
Government and to create an
Even the samples taken by the
BJP ruled MCDs also passed
the quality tests”, Mohaniya
he is not eligible to be the min-
ister. He should resign from his
post and tender an apology for
A mid a raging controversy
over the quality of Delhi’s
drinking water, posters have T he Aam Aadmi Party
(AAP) on Thursday
issue just before the Delhi added. lying,” he tweeted in Hindi. come up at ITO questioning claimed that the Centre was
Assembly elections, Delhi Jal “We have been working AAP senior leader Sanjay the AAP Government on the “under pressure” to bring a Bill
Board Vice Chairman Dinesh with full transparency. On the Singh asked the Union minis- high number of diarrhoea and to regularise unauthorised
Mohaniya on Thursday alleged other hand, the BIS report is ter on whose provocation he cholera cases registered in the colonies of Delhi in the Winter
that Paswan acted “irresponsi- generic. It lacks details about lied and defamed Delhi city in the last four years. Session of the Parliament due
bly” and “tabled a fake report” parameters and prescribed through his allegations. “The According to a Bureau of to the continuous demands of
in Parliament about the water norms,” he claimed. report on Delhi’s water quali- Indian Standards (BIS) report Delhi Chief Minister Arvind
quality in Delhi. Earlier on Thursday, ty as disclosed by Paswan is released by Union Minister Kejriwal.
Mohaniya alleged that 3X]TbW<^WP]XhPcWTEXRT2WPXa\P]^UcWT391Tg_[PX]bP_^X]cc^cWT\TSXP^] Paswan addressed a press con- completely fabricated as the Ram Vilas Paswan on The Union Cabinet on Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh
“gross irregularities” have sur- CWdabSPh AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa ference where he said that he people whose name is in the November 16, all water samples Wednesday approved a Bill said that now the party want
faced in the process of water did not collect samples but BIS list, have claimed that nobody collected from Delhi failed a which provides for a legal immediate ordinance on this
sample collection in the city. president. It is petty politics one be panic about the water officials did, Mohaniya said. visited their houses to collect quality test. framework to grant owner- matter and the registry should
“We have come to know that a ahead of the assembly elections quality in Delhi. “DJB further Paswan should tell if BIS offi- any such samples,” he said. Refuting the findings of the ship rights to the people living start immediately. “The people
Lok Janshakti Party worker in Delhi, he alleged. plans to collect large number of cials misguided him on the Singh also asked Paswan report, Delhi Chief Minister in unauthorised colonies in of unauthorised colonies have
collected water sample from a “A fake report has been samples from various parts of issue. He should fix responsi- on whose directions he is “lying Ar vind Kejriwal, who is the city, a move that will ben- been cheated earlier also in the
house and not BIS officials. It’s tabled in Parliament and the city and media also will be bility on them, he said. and from where did Paswan get also the chairman of the Delhi efit 40 to 50 lakh people. The same way and we do not want
politics in the run-up to elec- Paswanji has acted irresponsi- invited while collecting the He said 2,300 areas in the report”. Jal Board, has accused Paswan proposed Bill is aimed at recog- a repeat of such an act again by
tions. An issue is being made bly,” Mohaniya alleged. The samples. We work transpar- Delhi had been facing water- The Centre and the city of misleading people on the nising general power of attor- the BJP,” he said.
out of it,” Mohaniya said. DJB vice chairman said an ently and as per the standard of related issues before the AAP government have been trading issue. ney (GPA), will, agreement to The bill will also provide
He said according to media independent agency has again procedure, therefore the DJB came to power. The number allegations since Paswan “The Delhi Jal Board chair- sell, purchase and possession for registration charge
reports, people at two places collected samples from these 11 assessment of water quality is has reduced to 117 now, he released a BIS report on man should answer how 21, documents, which will be a and stamp duty on last trans-
denied that water samples were places and the results will be highly reliable and as per the added. November 16 that said water 88,253 cases of diarrhea were one-time relaxation for this action and also address the
taken from their houses. Water put in the public domain with- WHO norms “, he added. Earlier in the day, the AAP samples collected from 11 registered in Delhi in the last purpose for the residents of issue of income tax liability on
samples have been collected in 48 hours. “Every year, DJB tests Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh places in the city failed quali- four years if the water is clean,” these colonies. account of less than circle rate
from the house of LJP vice He assured residents not to lakhs of water samples follow- also joined issue and demand- ty tests. read one of the posters. Senior AAP leader and charges.


BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 ment, which will complete
2<U^aRX]V_T^_[T BC055A4?>AC4AQ a knife and ran away. the necessary formalities,” he
c^SaX]Z_^[[dcTS =4F34;78

During the treatment,
Riyaz succumbed to Ssigned
outh Delhi Municipal
Corporation (SDMC)
The Commissioner fur-

BC055A4>AC4AQ =4F34;78
A 19-year-old boy has
been arrested by
Delhi Police for alleged-
his injuries and a case
under section 302 of
Indian Penal Code
a ‘Memorandum of
Understanding’ (MoU) with
SBI (State Bank of India) and
ther said that under this
scheme, employees will have to
pay nothing to get its benefit.
ly stabbing his sister’s (IPC) was registered at Allahabad Bank to provide life SDMC also asked these banks

D ays after the report of

Bureau of India (BIS)
claiming that Delhi Jal Board
husband to death in
national Capital. Police
said the boy was in
Najafgarh police sta-
tion and investigation
was taken up,” said the
insurance cover to its sanitation
workers and contract employ-
ees under Pradhan Mantri
to explore reasonable health
insurance schemes also for
these employees, he said.
(DJB’s) water is not drinkable, relationship with a mar- DCP. Jiwan Jyoti Beema Yojna He said that after consid-
the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) ried woman and he was scold- nearby in the same locality. “After receiving specific (PJJBY). ering all other affordable health
staged a protest in front of ed over this by his brother-in- Everyone in family was against inputs regarding the accused SDMC Commissioner insurance schemes, we will
Chief Minister Ar vind law following which the boy the illicit relationship,” said Naushad, a trap was laid and Gyanesh Bharti said that the implement them in future for
Kejriwal’s residence. stabbed his brother in-law with the DCP. accused was arrested from premium amount of Rs330 per the betterment of the employ-
BJP members collected 500 knife on November 17 in “He further alleged that Prem Vihar area. Police have person will be deposited annu- ees.
samples from different loca- Delhi’s Najafgarh area. when he objected for his behav- also recovered the knife used by ally by the civic body. “The With the move, about
tions and accused Kejriwal for The accused has been iden- iour and his illicit relationship, him in commission of murder employees need to fill only req- 14000 contractual and daily
forcing people to drink pollut- tified as Naushad, a resident of he became aggressive and at his instance from his hide uisite form and submit the wagers will be covered under
ed water in name of free sup- Delhi’s Najafgarh area. Police stabbed him on his chest with out,” said the DCP. same to the concerned depart- the insurance scheme.
ply by ruling Aam Aadmi Party said that they have also recov-
(AAP) Government. 19?3T[WX_aTbXST]cP]S<?<P]^YCXfPaXRPaaXTbfPcTabP\_[TbUa^\ePaX^db_Pacb ered the knife used in com-
Recently, Kejriwal ^U3T[WXPbWTbcPVTbP_a^cTbc]TPa0aeX]S:TYaXfP[baTbXST]RTX]=Tf3T[WX ?C8 mission of crime.
Government announced free According to Anto
water and electricity for Delhi collected from Delhi failed General secretary Kuljeet Alphonse, the Deputy
residents however the find- quality tests. Singh Chahal asserted Kejriwal Commissioner of Police
ings of BIS report has forced While AAP government has no right to continue in (DCP), Dwarka district, on
people to give a cross check on has always projected it as peo- power. Pradesh General November 17, a police control
the quality of water being sup- ple’s government Leader of Secretary Ravinder Gupta said, room (PCR) call was received
plied by DJB. Opposition (lop) Vijender “ Problem of drinking polluted regarding a quarrel at
Delhi BJP unit chief and Gupta said, “What kind of water is serious threat in Delhi Najafgarh’s Prem Vihar area fol-
Member of Parliament (MP) government which has left the Kejriwal is busy in self praise.” “ lowing which a police team was
from North East Parliamentary people of the capital to die.” People are very much scared dispatched to the spot.
constituency, Manoj Tiwari BJP leaders collaborated because the water being supplied “When the police team
said that Kejriwal is forcing and circled AAP government is stinking like sewer water. reached the spot, they found
people to drink this polluted accusing them for not provid- How this government is work- that a person was stabbed with
water in the name of free sup- ing clean air and water, the ing that the people are craving knife and was taken to Deen
ply by his Government. basic needs require for the for clean drinking water,” the BJP Dayal Upadhyay (DDU)
According to a Bureau of survival. “Water is indispens- leader questioned. Hospital. In his statement, the
Indian Standards (BIS) report able for life and the government Meanwhile, city is facing injured Riyaz ( 27), alleged that
released by Union Minister which cannot supply potable double whammy due to foul air his brother-in-law Naushad
Ram Vilas Paswan on water is worthless,” said former and polluted water impacting was in illicit relationship with
November 16, all water samples Delhi BJP Satish Upadhyay. health of its citizen. a married girl who was living


<T\QTab^U]^c^aX^db7PbWX\VP]VX]_^[XRTRdbc^Sh AP]YP]3X\aXk?X^]TTa

BC055A4?>AC4AQ =4F34;78 Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh session,” said the DCP. book app based cab near ISBTs,
(UP). “During interrogation, the Railway Stations, etc. The used

W ith the arrest of four

criminals, the sleuths of
Delhi Police Crime Branch on
According to Dr G Ram
Gopal Naik, the Deputy
Commissioner of Police (DCP),
accused revealed that after
releasing from prison in August
2019, Hashim, the gang leader,
to board the cab, overpower the
driver, abduct him, rob his
belongings, and confine him at
Thursday claimed to have bust- Crime Branch, on November wanted to make quick money their place after drugging him,”
ed a gang of highway robbers 20, specific inputs were received following which he planned said the DCP.
who used to target cab drivers that the gang members of robberies along with Satyavir “The bookings sent by the
and passengers in the national ‘Hasim Gang’ would come to Pandey and others,” said the company of the driver would be
Capital. Anand Vihar ISBT, Delhi to DCP. accepted by the robbers to
Police have also recovered commit a robbery. “The accused Satyavir commit further robberies of the
tablets used for drugging vic- “Acting on the inputs a Pandey was working as a driver passengers. After committing
tims, three country-made pis- trap was laid on the spot. After of app based cab owned by his the robberies of the innocent
tols along with four cartridges, a few hours, four persons neighbour and is well versed passengers and drivers crimi-
one app based cab used in com- arrived in a cab but sensing the with the cab business. They nals used to dump the driver
mission of crime and four presence of the police team they planned to loot the app based and cab at lonely places on
robbed mobile phones from the tried to flee away. But, they were cab and use the same for further highways,” said the DCP.
possession of the accused. overpowered by the team after committing robberies of pas- “The accused are also
The accused have been a brief scuffle. During the sengers,” said the DCP. found previously involved in
identified as Hashim (25), search of the accused persons, Explaining their modus several cases of robbery and
Satyabir Pandey (36), Sachin three loaded country made pis- operandi the DCP said that the arms act registered across the
Paswan (22) and Majid Salmani tols and eight live cartridges accused used to phones and city. Further investigation is
(22), all residents of Loni near were recovered from their pos- later these phones were used to going on,” said the DCP.
=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A!!! ( ]Tfb#
4;42C8>=<0=854BC> 5A><?0A;80<4=C 8=B7>AC






?=BQ =4F34;78 Ratna,” he said. ?=BQ =4F34;78 drinking and eating food avail- W^dab^U]^cXRT?Pa[XP\T]cfPb
Members questioned gov- able to them in the cities which X]U^a\TS^]CWdabSPh
?C8Q ;>=3>= country's role in Operation
Blue Star – referred to as the
resolving the world's most
pressing humanitarian crises, W ithout offering any time-
frame for cleaning river
ernment on the `Ganga` clean-
ing projects with Minister for H umans forcing monkeys to
move away from their for-
is not good for their health.
RLJP leader Chirag Paswan 9D364BF8;;8=6C>F>A:
B ritain's Opposition Labour
Party on Thursday
launched its manifesto for the
“Amritsar massacre”.
“We will issue a formal
apology for the Jallianwala
including in Kashmir,
Yemen and Myanmar, and
the escalation of tensions with
`Ganga` the Government in
the Lok Sabha on Thursday
said the drive is a continuous
Jal Shakti Gajendra Singh
Shekhawat saying there has
been improvement in the qual-
est habitats and compelling
them to migrate to cities like
‘Vrindavan’, ‘Mathura’ and
also joined her in raising the
issue saying that in Delhi mon-
keys do not allow children to
December 12 General Election Bagh massacre, and hold a Iran,” the manifesto notes. process and it has sanctioned ity of water of the River Ganga. Delhi for food and shelter fig- play outside their houses. YdSVTb^UWXVWTaYdSXRXPah2WXTU
with a pledge to institute an public review into Britain's Labour has come under 305 projects at an estimated Replying to a question dur- ured in the Lok Sabha on Paswan, however, went on to 9dbcXRT^U8]SXP298BWPaPS
audit into the country's colonial role in the Amritsar massacre,” pressure from Indian diaspora cost of over C28,600 crore ing Question Hour, the minis- Thursday with members asking add that monkeys have been 0aeX]S1^QSTbPXSCWdabSPh
past, which would include an notes the manifesto under the groups for an emergency under the plan as the house on ter said a total of 305 projects government to find a perma- forced out of their natural cWPccWThPaT°fX[[X]Vc^f^aZ±
apology to India for the sub-head “Effective motion passed at its party con- Thursday witnessed members have so far been sanctioned at nent solution to the `man- habitats by humans. [^]VTaXUcWTbd_TaP]]dPcX^]PVT
Jallianwala Bagh massacre in Diplomacy”. ference in September, which raising questions on economy an estimated cost of Rs. monkey conflict.` He said both sides can XbaPXbTS9dbcXRT1^QSTfW^
Amritsar 100 years ago. In 2014, declassified UK implied a call for international and Citizenship bill with Shiv 28,613.75 crore, out of which The issue of monkey’s earn peace if forests are devel- fPbbf^a]X]PbcWT#&cW298^]
Former British Prime Minister government documents had intervention in the region. Sena seeking `Bharat Ratna` 109 projects have been com- `intruding` presence at reli- oped moneys stay back there. =^eT\QTa 'fPbaTb_^]SX]V
Theresa May had stopped short revealed that British military The manifesto seems to for Hindutva ideologue Veer pleted and rest are at various gious places and in Lutyens “ This has happened because c^cWTbdVVTbcX^]^U0cc^a]Th
of a formal apology earlier advice was given to Indian have kept the wording on the Savarkar. stages of implementation. Zone in the national capital was we have destroyed forests”, he 6T]TaP[::ET]dV^_P[^]cWT
this year when she expressed forces prior to Indian Army subject limited to a mention Shiv Sena member The central government raised in the lower house by said. XbbdTX]WXbRP_PRXchPbP
“deep regret” for the colonial intervention at the Golden among other humanitarian Rajendra Gavit demanded launched the Namami Gange BJP MP Hema Malini who said Raising the issue during \T\QTa^UcWTQPa]^cPbcWT
era attack on Vaisakhi to coin- Temple. There have been calls crises such as in Iran, Yemen `Bharat Ratna`, the highest Programme with a total bud- deforestation has led to mon- Zero Hour, the MP from R^d]cah³bc^_[Pf^UUXRTa
cide with its 100th anniversary for a public inquiry into the and Myanmar. As part of wider civilian honour bestowed by getary outlay of Rs 20,000 keys moving to the cities. She Mathura, said large-scale pres-
this year. exact nature of that advice plans for a “New the Union Government, for crore for five year period till 31 suggested that the Government ence of monkeys at religious 0F0A3B5>A;4?A>BH
In the 107-page manifesto from some British Internationalism”, the party says Savarkar and tribal icon Birsa December 2020 to accomplish could develop a monkey safari places was a matter of concern ?A>942CB8=BC0C4B
titled ‘It's Time for Real Sikh groups over the that within its first year of Munda. the twin objectives of effective there in ‘Vrindavan’ and and the government should do =Tf3T[WX)39CT]cW^dbT
Change' launched by Labour years.Further down the same being elected to the UK Rajendra Gavit made the abatement of pollution, con- ‘Mathura’. something about it. _a^YTRcUa^\2WP\_P
leader Jeremy Corbyn, the section, the Labour Party goes Parliament, it would “conduct demand during the Zero Hour. servation and rejuvenation of TMC MP Sudip “People in Vrindavan and 2WWPccXbVPaWBRaP_R^[[TRcX^]
party has pledged to go further on to elaborate its plans to pri- an audit of the impact of His short speech was mostly National River Ganga and its Bandyopadhyay recounted that Mathura in my constituency _a^YTRc:PZX]PSP0]SWaP
on the issue and apologise. oritise conflict prevention and Britain's colonial legacy to confined to contributions of tributaries. He also said Ganga during his visit to Mathura a have been hit by the menace ?aPSTbWP]SETVTcPQ[TP]SaXRT
The document also com- build peace and makes a spe- understand our contribution Munda as he sought the hon- in 2019 has shown improved monkey deftly lifted his spec- with monkeys snatching items Rd[cXePcX^]_a^YTRc2WP\_P
mits Labour to constitute a cific reference to the Kashmir to the dynamics of violence and our for him and then made a water quality trends as com- tacles without the MP even from pilgrims,” she said. The 2WWPccXbVPaWP[[ad]QhcWT
judge-led inquiry into Britain's conflict in the sub-continent. insecurity across regions previ- mention of Savarkar as well. pared to 2014. The minister did noticing it but returned it actor-turned-politician also [T_a^bhRdaTS_T^_[TaTRTXeTS
"injustices of the past", includ- “The Conservatives have failed ously under British colonial “Freedom fighters like Veer not offer any time-frame for when he offered him a fruit said sterilization attempts have °AXbX]VC^3XV]Xch0fPaSb±Ua^\
ing a public review of the to play a constructive role in rule”. Savarkar be also given Bharat cleaning of the river. juice. He said moneys were made monkeys “violent”. BPbPZPfP8]SXP;T_a^bh






cX[[c^\^aa^f 80=BQ =4F34;78 Lok Sabha in a written reply

to a question.
streamlining of land acquisition
and environment clearances,
ATVd[PcX^]1X[[! (c^P
?C8Q =4F34;78 cWT\T\QTabbTTZX]V
A s many as 566 national
highway projects are run-
The Minister’s revelation to
Parliament is a big setback to
premium rescheduling, close
coordination with other min-
“Double the toll amount will
be charged from December 1 for P\T]S\T]cbX]b^\T
From Page 1
The AQI in several parts of
Delhi turned severe due to high
mulation of pollutants.
“There are chances of good
rain on November 25 and 26. If
ning behind schedule owing to
issues ranging from land acqui-
sition, forest and wildlife clear-
the highway development pro-
gramme in the country that has
thrown shining example of
istries, among others have been
“Some of the ongoing
T wice the toll amount will be
charged from December 1
for passing through FASTag
travelling through FASTag lanes
without tags on 537 toll plazas on
national highways across India,”
humidity and calm winds. that happens, pollutants will be ances to poor performance of performance despite sluggish National Highways Projects lanes without the tags at toll Road Transport and Highways cWTd__TaW^dbT^U?Pa[XP\T]c
The AQI for Rohini (410), washed away. contractors, Road Transport performance by several other have been delayed due to var- plazas on national highways, Minister Gadkari said here. aTUTaaX]VcWTQX[[c^PbT[TRc
Anand Vihar (413), Nehru Otherwise, a long-term and Highways Minister Nitin sectors of the economy. In the ious reasons such as delays in Union Minister Nitin Gadkari He said 537 toll plazas R^\\XccTT
Nagar (403) and Bawana (404) relief is expected only after Gadkari told Parliament on past, success of the road devel- land acquisition, pre con- said on Thursday. have become 100 per cent elec-
entered the “severe” zone. November 28,” MeT said in Thursday. opment projects had provided struction activities, law and From December 1, toll tronic toll collection compliant ³:78;C01027?0=:78;C0´
Neighbouring Ghaziabad (412) official statement.Patparganj, “Construction work on opportunity for chest-thump- order issues, contractors’ cash payments will be made only including 17 where FASTags >A60=8B431H22AC
also recorded “severe” pollution Sonia Vihar, Narela, Rohini, Golden Quadrilateral has ing by Ministers in the ruling flow problems, poor perfor- through FASTags under the will be read through hand-held =Tf3T[WX)C^RT[TQaPcT8]SXP]
levels, while the AQI in Greater Mundka, Okhla Phase - II, already been completed, how- party. mance of contractors,” Gadkari National Electronic Toll devices. The Government had 0acP]S2d[cdaTP]S_a^\^cT
Noida (395) and Noida (394) Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, ever 566 projects are behind Gadkari said that on their added. Collection (NETC) pro- already decided that from 0ac4SdRPcX^]U^a^daRWX[SaT]³b
bordered “severe” zone. Karni Stadium tagged under the their completion schedule. part, action was routinely been Regular meetings are held gramme, the flagship initiative December 1, toll payments ^eTaP[[STeT[^_\T]c°:WX[cP
According to the India worst zone in terms of air qual- These projects are delayed taken against contractors that with project developers, State of the Ministry of Road will be made only via FASTag 1PRW_P]:WX[cP±PRd[cdaP[
Meteorological Department ity. mainly due to land acquisi- reported delays under the pro- governments and contractors Transport and Highways. under the National Electronic _a^VaP\\TfPb^aVP]XbTSQh
(IMD), very low wind speed due Concentration of other tion, utility shifting, non- visions of the contract. on expedite the delayed pro- However, there will be one Toll Collection (NETC) pro- 2T]caTU^a2d[cdaP[ATb^daRT
to a western disturbance and gases pollutants - carbon availability of soil or aggregate, The Minister also said that jects and various steps have hybrid lane, where usual toll gramme, the flagship initiative P]SCaPX]X]V22ACX]
high humidity due to shallow monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, poor performance of con- in order to fast-track these been taken in this regard, he will be charged from non- of the Ministry of Road R^[[PQ^aPcX^]fXcW2WX[S5d]S
fog in the morning led to accu- and benzene also were high. tractors,” Gadkari told the projects, various steps such as said. FASTag vehicles. Transport and Highways. 8]SXP^]CWdabSPh

3UDJ\D¶VLQFOXVLRQ DV_R?4A Congress and the NCP said the
two parties have been insisting,
informally though, on Uddhav
next Speaker of the State
Assembly, it remains to be
seen if Prithviraj Chavan also
the Government.
When asked whether the
Chief Minister’s post will be
Thackeray as Chief Minister,”
Raut said. On NCP’s demand
that the Chief Minister’s post

From Page 1 being the Chief Minister be in the fray for the CLP rotational and what will be the has to be on rotational basis,
The crucial Assembly instead of Eknath Shinde. leader’s election. seat sharing formula, Chavan Raut said he “did not” have any
From Page 1 Speaker’s post will go to the “We do not want the The national Capital this said, “All discussions in public information on that.
Uniforms of Rajya Sabha Congress in all likelihood. Government to be remote- week saw marathon meetings domain is purely speculative”. NCP sources said the Chief
marshals were restyled with Senior Congress leader controlled from outside. It between the top leaders of the On Wednesday, the Minister’s post is most likely to
navy blue, with shoulder Prithviraj Chavan is being dis- would be easier to run the Congress and the NCP to Congress-NCP alliance gave its be on a rotational basis, with
insignias, gold buttons and From Page 1 her a show-cause notice for the cussed as the next Speaker. The Government - both in terms of explore the possibility of forg- most categorical indication the first half to be given to the
gold aiguillette — ornamental “Modi has not been able to statement. second choice will be another credible face and decision- ing an alliance with the Shiv about joining hands with arch Shiv Sena and the latter to the
braided cord worn on army or forgive her from the heart’ but She had also earned the former Chief Minister Ashok making process if Uddhav Sena, a party whose ideology is rival Shiv Sena, with Prithviraj NCP. The Congress is likely to
academic uniforms. The she has been given the respon- Opposition’s ire over her com- Chavan. Thackeray becomes the Chief poles apart from the duo. Top Chavan expressing confidence have the Deputy Chief
peaked cap was like those worn sibility on important issues ment that then Maharashtra Before the Friday meeting Minister,” a senior NCP leader Congress leaders Ahmed Patel, of forming a “stable” Minister’s post for the full five-
by Army officers of the rank of such as the country’s defence. ATS chief Hemant Karkare with the Congress-NCP lead- said. Jairam Ramesh and Government soon in the State year term, they said.
Brigadier and above. Earlier, That is why if there is Modi, was killed in the 26/11 Mumbai ers, Uddhav will brief his party On the other side, the Mallikarjun Kharge, its State after a marathon meeting of Responding to a question
the marshals wore white band- anything is possible,” Congress terror attacks due to her “curse”. MLAs about the ongoing talks Congress and NCP leaders will leaders Prithviraj Chavan, senior leaders of the two par- on Congress’s concern that the
hgalas with a safa. spokesperson Randeep Singh She had also attributed the with the Congress and NCP hold talks with their pre-poll Balasaheb Thorat and Naseem ties here.Raut, who has Shiv Sena has to mellow down
The issue was first raised in Surjewala said in a tweet. deaths of BJP leaders Sushma leaders during the past few alliance partners -- the Peasants Khan, and NCP leaders Praful emerged as the key leader to its hardline stance, Raut said
the Parliament on Monday by The Bombay High Court Swaraj and Arun Jaitley to days. All the Sena MLAs have Workers Party (PWP), Patel, Supriya Sule, Ajit Pawar, hold discussions with NCP- the countr y and its
Congress MP Jairam Ramesh granted Thakur bail on health ‘marak shakti’ (killing power) been asked to come fully pre- Samajwadi Party, Swabhimani Jayant Patil and Nawab Malik Congress combine, said to fur- Constitution is based on secu-
who asked Naidu if he was grounds in April 2017 after the used by BJP’s political adver- pared with their identity cards, Paksh, CPI(M) -- in Mumbai were part of the meeting. ther discuss the modalities of larism. “When we accept that
imposing the Martial Law. National Investigation Agency saries. the election certificates issued on Friday morning, ahead of “The NCP and the Government formation, anoth- then you don’t distinguish
Naidu, who was in the Chair (NIA) dropped charges against The parliamentary panel by their respective poll return- their meeting with the Shiv Congress have completed dis- er round of meeting among the between farmers, unemployed.
had, however, dismissed the her under the Maharashtra on defence also includes ing officers and other relevant Sena president. cussions on all issues. There is three parties will be held in Chhatrapati Shivaji took care of
objection and said, “Don’t raise Control of Organised Crime Minister of State for Defence documents which may be At 4 pm, the Congress has complete unanimity on all Mumbai. He also told reporters every religion and caste. So
insignificant queries at such a Act. Shripad Yesso Naik, BJP’s JP required in the coming days. called a meeting of its newly- issues. Decision will be taken that there are no plans of any Maharashtra does not have to
significant hour.” Thakur has often hogged Nadda and NCP leader Sharad It remains to be seen if elected MLAs for electing their on Friday on what the archi- meeting between Congress import new ideas,” he said.
Customarily, the presid- headlines for her controversial Pawar. Uddhav, who is tipped to the Legislature Party leader. It tecture of the alliance will be. president Sonia Gandhi and He also said Shiv Sena
ing officer of the House is statements. Her statement The consultative commit- chief ministerial candidate of remains to be seen as to who The final decision will be Shiv Sena chief Uddhav founder Bal Thackeray had
flanked by two marshals who that Mahatma Gandhi’s assas- tee also includes TMC’s the Maha Vikas Aghadi, will be will be the Congress Legislature announced in Mumbai,” Thackeray this week. publicly advocated that oath
march ahead of the chairman sin Nathuram Godse was a Sougata Roy and DMK’s A elected as the leader of the Shiv Party (CLP) leader. The choice Chavan said. The Shiv Sena still remains swearing on religious books in
to announce the commence- “patriot” had led Modi to assert Raja. Besides the 21 MPs, the Sena Legislature Party in place is between current State He further said that only tight-lipped on who will be the courts should be stopped and
ment of proceedings and also that he would not be able to committee also has Arjun Ram of Eknath Shinde, who had ear- Congress president Balasaheb after all the issues are dis- Chief Minister from it. “You will replaced by the Constitution.
assist the chair in organising forgive her for the Meghwal and V lier been elected as the Sena’s Thorat and former Chief cussed and cleared by the three come to know about it very “So don’t teach us the meaning
the desk and bringing up order comment. Muraleedharan, both Ministers Legislature party leader. Minister Ashok Chavan. Given parties, the alliance will move soon. But all Shiv Sainiks and of the world secular,” Raut
papers. The BJP had even served of States its ex-officio members. Informed sources in the that he is being talked as the towards staking claim to form people of the State want Uddhav said.

:_UZRdVV\dT`_df]Rc entire process of trial and con-

viction of Jadhav and provide
India with consular access. 0DUVKDOWUDSV Dariyaganj, Timarpur, Zakir
Hussain College Nizamuddin
Railway Station and Azadpur.
The arrested accused are Earlier, marshals have also
not tried in civilian court as the
same will attract media glare Also, Gahlot said the num-
re-united a child with his par-
ents who was lost in Badarpur
◆ CHANGE OF NAME ◆ and expose Pakistan’s duplici-
ty in planting evidence against
From Page 1
“My salute to bus marshal
ber of pick pocketing and eve-
teasing cases in DTC buses
Border. Currently there are
about 5,000 bus marshals
I Ashok Kumar Mishra S/O From Page 1 The case of Indian nation- such Indian citizens. Arun Kumar. People like you have decreased significantly deployed in the Delhi ?C8Q =4F34;78
Sarvanand, R/O 355, Naya “Since then, we did not get al Kulbhushan Jadhav is a case On Monday, Pakistani are pride of Delhi. Our 13,000 during past 20 days, ever since Transport Corporation (DTC)
Katra, Chandni Chowk, Delhi-
110006, Have Changed My
Name To Ashok Sharma For Lic
any response to our note ver-
bale,” he said.
The duo was apprehended
in point where he was award-
ed death sentence by a
Pakistani military court with-
authorities had produced two
Indian nationals in court for
entering Pakistan without legal
bus marshals are providing
security to lakhs of passengers.
People are having faith in the
marshals were deployed. “We
have also come across incidents
where the bus marshals have
and cluster buses. However, the
Government’s target is to
deploy 13,000 bus marshals.
A s many as 38 lakh challans
involving a total amount of
C577.5 crore have been issued
No. 113791797 in the eastern city of out him being given consular travel documents. While safety inside the buses,” caught pick-pockets during Kejrwal and Deputy Chief since the implementation of the
PD(8684)C Bahawalpur in Punjab of access. On India’s petition, the Vaindan hails from Hyderabad, Kejriwal tweeted in Hindi. their duties. Such incidents Minister Manish Sisodia also new motor vehicles law, Road
Pakistan. International Court of Justice Telangana, Lal is a resident of Gahlot said a missing have gradually decreased on applauded the marshal. Transport Minister Nitin
The MEA hoped that the had ruled that Pakistan must Madhya Pradesh. complaint was also registered the routes infamous for pick “I am proud of the bus Gadkari said on Thursday.
arrested Indians do not become give consular access to Jadhav Vaindan had been missing on the same day by the toddler’s pocketing and public nui- marshal Arun and conductor However, in a reply to the
victims of Pakistani propagan- and review the death penalty since April 29, 2017 and India parents at Nizamuddi Police sances,” said Gahlot. Virendra for saving a child Lok Sabha, Gadkari said the
da. Pakistan is known to fabri- order. had officially informed station. “Bus marshals have According to the trans- from the kidnapper. Both will “challans are being referred to
cate adverse evidence against On April 10, 2017, Jadhav Pakistan Foreign Ministry as been deployed by the Delhi port department, around 20 be honoured by Delhi courts. Actual revenue is not
arrested Indians, brands them was sentenced to death by a early as May this year sharing Government in both the shifts pick pockets have been caught Government. available”. “As per information
either terrorist or spy, and Field General Court Martial in photographs and other per- across all the buses across the by the marshals deployed in the Within three weeks of available in the database of NIC
even awards death penalty Pakistan. The International sonal details. Vaindan’s family city. We have often been asked bus. deploying the bus marshals, (Vahan, Sarathi), 38,39,406
through sham trial by their mil- Court of Justice on July 17 this had even lodged complaint questions about the need to The marshals have also have caught ten pickpocketers traffic challans in 18 states and
itar y courts without the year rejected India’s appeal for with the police in Hyderabad. appoint bus marshals, and our recovered purse, mobile phones in cluster buses. I also salute the union territories were issued,”
accused being given consular Jadhav’s release but ordered India had also informed motive behind appointing the and cash from the pick pock- passengers who came forward according to the reply.
access or legal rights to defend Pakistan to suspend the exe- Pakistan besides Vaindan, Lal bus marshals has been ful- ets. Such incidents have been and helped in rescuing the The challans involved a
themselves, according to cution. The ICJ had ruled that could also have inadvertently filled”, the Transport Minister largely observed in North and girl and set an example of a true total amount of
sources. Pakistan will have to review the entered Pakistan. said. north east Delhi such as Indian,” said the CM. C5,77,51,79,895, Gadkari said.
=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A!!! ( ]PcX^]$


to make BIS standard manda-
=4F34;78 tory if water supplied in the
national capital is 100 per cent

T he water war in Delhi con-

tinues unabated with Union
Consumer Affairs Minister
“Kejriwal is committing
more mistakes to hide one mis- ?=BQ =4F34;78 and NCR. ments of air purifiers and also BJP MP Rajiv Pratap Rudy,
Ram Vilas Paswan on Thursday take. He is making baseless alle- Members from the BJP displayed mini oxygen cylin- Bhagwant Mann (AAP) and
coming out with a team of 32
technical experts and asking
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind
gations against me,” Paswan said.
He also criticised Kejriwal
for raising questions about the
B oth Houses of Parliament
on Thursday witnessed
MPs cutting across party lines
and the opposition led by the
AAP and supported by
Congress, SP and others were
der. This was opposed by AAP
members Sanjay Singh and
Sushil Gupta. They were sup-
Anupriya Patel(Apna Dal) said
that farmers should alone not
be blamed for stubble burning,
Kejriwal to name his own team credibility of the Bureau of raising the issue of air and involved in heated exchanges ported by other opposition considered as one of the main
of experts (non political person) Indian Standards (BIS), an water pollution in the Capital. for around 10 minutes, when parties including Congress, SP reasons for air pollution in the
to conduct a joint inspection to autonomous body that has In the Rajya Sabha, the Rajya Sabha assembled after and others. national capital region, and
test Delhi’s quality of water developed around 25,000 qual- issue turned into a political lunch to discuss about rising During the second day of demanded that they should be
which the Bureau of Indian announced that it will also set Delhi Jal Board (DJB) vice- ity standards for various prod- slugfest between BJP and AAP, pollution levels. debate in Lok Sabha, Union encouraged to grow crops
Standards (BIS) has termed as up 32 teams to collect drinking chairman Dinesh Mohaniya ucts and services. with BJP MP Vijay Goel flash- After Union Minister of minister Babul Supriyo belted which do not leave stubble.
undrinkable. water samples from across the and member Shalabh Kumar BIS officials on Thursday ing clippings of newspapers Environment, Forest and out a few lines of the popular Rudy pointed out that there
Paswan said a list of 32 city and the test results will be Sharma for the joint commit- claimed that they indeed took with advertisements of air Climate Change Prakash Bollywood song ‘Hawa ke sath many reasons for the increased
technical experts from BIS has put in public domain within a tee to be formed by the Union a sample from one Deepak Rai’s purifiers and also displaying Javadekar read his statement sath, ghata ke sang sang’ in Lok pollution in Delhi because of
been given to Delhi Jal Board month even as the issue Government to test water qual- house. BIS officials claimed to mini oxygen cylinder. In the informing about the steps Sabha to drive home the point uncontrolled industrial waste,
to take samples of drinking reached the Parliament with ity in the national capital. have call details and security Lok Sabha which devoted taken by the Centre on the that the Government is taking existence of toxic exiting units
water to test quality standards. Vijay Goel displaying a bottle Paswan also took a swipe at entry made by the BIS team afternoon for on the debate on issue, BJP member Vijay Goel steps for “cleaner” air. Congress and more vehicles in affluent
“The committee comprising of water in the Rajya Sabha Kejriwal for targeting the study. which collected the water sam- the matter, many MPs alleged that the Delhi MP Shashi Tharoor suggested families. “It is unfair to blame
technical experts from the BIS leading to sharp exchanges “I haven’t done quality check, ple. demanded a stringent law to Government is not taking that a legislative framework be farmers alone.
and the Delhi Jal Board(DJB), with opposition. country’s reputed institution The Union minister and prevent for air pollution. They proper action to tackle pollu- adopted to implement the They should be helped to
should be set up immediately Rejecting the nomination Bureau of Indian Standards Kejriwal have been involved in also accused “Delhi-centric” tion. National Clean Air change the pattern of growing
to take samples from across 70 of Dinesh Mohania, MLA, vice (BIS) has done it. BIS has a war of words over water people to blame only farmers He also alleged corruption Programme (NCAP), which and find financial models on
constituencies and all wards in chairman of DJB, Paswan said developed around 25,000 qual- quality in the city after Paswan for stubble burning while by the Delhi Government in proposes multiple measures stubble etc,” he said. Rudy
the national capital by end of the nominee should be a “non- ity standards for various prod- shared findings of a BIS study, ignoring the “much bigger” distributing 50 lakh masks to combat air pollution. He who is also a Pilot said that
this month,” Paswan added. political” individual and the ucts and services ,” Paswan which suggested that Delhi’s pollution created by the city’s among the people and said the said political differences should many of his foreign pilot
The Union Minister asked water samples should be test- said. The Minister accused tap water had failed quality industrial units and construc- residents of the national capi- be kept aside as there was a friends have already cancelled
Delhi Chief Minister to make ed at a Govt accredited labo- Kejriwal for politicising the tests. According to the study, tion waste and large number of tal are also forced to drink bot- need to work together to trip to Delhi in December
BIS mandatory if he thinks ratory and that the reports water quality issue, saying Delhi, along with Kolkata and diesel vehicles. tled water as tap water was not address this “toxicity”. “A leg- and narrated how US
water supplied in the national should also be made public. “baseless allegations” are being Chennai, failed in almost 10 In Rajya Sabha, brief dis- safe. islative approach needs to be Government implemented
capital is 100% pure. Kejriwal wrote to Paswan made against him and chal- out of 11 quality parameters of ruptions happened during the Goel displayed clippings adopted to implement the strict laws to prevent air pol-
On Wednesday, the AAP on Wednesday nominating lenged the Delhi Chief Minister drinking water. debate on pollution in Delhi of newspapers with advertise- NCAP,” he said. lution in metros.

9P\XPcD[T\PT7X]SaTYTRcb$PRaTU^a\^b`dT >eTa";2B2bc^]^fT]a^[[\PaVX]P[
?=BQ =4F34;78 was held under the chairman-
ship of Maulana Qari
of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind (JUH)
holds the recent Supreme
from the concerned judges.
Rather, there is possibility of
substitute the mosque.
Therefore, the five acre plot in UPa\Tabd]STa?<:XbP]bRWT\T
?=BQ =4F34;78
T he Jamiat-Ulema-e-Hind,
the largest body of Muslim
Mohammad Usman
Mansoorpuri, the President
Court verdict on Babri mosque
unjust and overwhelmingly
further damage.
Therefore, the Working
Ayodhya in an alternative place
as a substitute to the mosque
ginal farmers across India.
PM-Kisan is 100 per cent
breadth of the country will now
start enrolling famers eligible
clerics, has backed filing of a
review petition in the Supreme
Court against its verdict on the
Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind, to delib-
erate upon whether to file a
review petition against the
one-sided. It has confirmed
that the mosque was not built
after demolishing any temple
Committee considers that fil-
ing a review petition will not be
fruitful. Nevertheless since sev-
must not be accepted, it said.
The outfit’s resolution also
lauded Muslims for displaying
T o ensure pan-India, wider
coverage of farmers’
income support scheme --
income support scheme fund-
ed by the Centre which was
launched in December 2018.
for PM-Kisan scheme.
Farmers can now visit
nearby CSCs to get enrolled
Ayodhya issue and has reject- Supreme Court verdict on but there existed a mosque for eral Muslim organizations patience as peace loving citi- Pradhan Mantri Kisan Under the scheme an income and avail the scheme’s benefit.
ed the offer of five acre plot for Babri mosque and whether to several hundred years which availing their constitutional zens during in the face of test- Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan), support of C6,000 per year is CSCs have also been given the
the construction of the Babri accept five acre plot as an was demolished and now the rights have decided to file a ing times. the Centre has now roped in provided to all farmer families mandate to make any changes
mosque saying nothing can alternative land for the mosque. court has paved the way for review petition, Jamiat does not The Jamiat also took a Common Ser vice Centre across the country in three in previous enrolment.
substitute the original mosque. The meeting also discussed construction of a temple over oppose them and hopes that it swipe at the Sunni Wakf Board (CSC) to speed up the enrol- equal installments of C2,000 Any farmer who is already
The Jamiat’s articulation comes other issues concerning the its site. As such the judgment does not produce any negative saying the chairman of UP ment process. The Ministry of each every four months. a beneficiary and wants to
after the outfit’s National countr y and community is the darkest spot in the history effect,” according to the Jamiat Sunni Wakf Board has played Agriculture has tied up with “CSC has been roped in by make changes in his enrollment
Working Committee on including followers’ entry into of free India,” the Committee resolution. a role of Mir Jaafar for the CSC, a special purpose vehicle the Ministry of Agriculture to form like address or nominee
Thursday passed resolutions to ASI-managed mosques and resolved. The Working Committee Muslim of India in the (SPV) under the Ministry of IT expedite the coverage of the can visit CSCs to get it done,”
the effect. wakf properties. “In such a situation we can- of Jamiat Ulama-i-Hind also R amjanmbhoomi/Babri and Electronics, to fulfil the tar- scheme. Over 3-lakh CSCs said CSC CEO Dr Dinesh
The Committee’s meeting “The working Committee not expect any better award seeks to clarify that nothing can Mosque case. get of enrolling 14 crore mar- spread across length and Tyagi.
=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A!!! ( ]PcX^]%

B0D60AB4=6D?C0 Q :>;:0C0 “Instead of such hasty steps
to sell Government units which
²BD27BC4?B20= no company. Rather than fac-
ing that situation, the
>=;H68E4H>D ?=BQ =4F34;78
H ours after Narendra Modi
Government gave its in-
is nothing but a temporary
measure the Prime Minister C4<?>A0AH
Government may consider
going for the people pubic
said he has received notices
from several members to sus-
went ahead with the scheme”.
Congress members later
principle approval to the strate-
gic disinvestment of five pub-
should call an all-party meet-
ing so as to devise a permanent A4;8451H
partnership model in busi-
ness.” Q uestioning `legitimisation`
of anonymous donations
pend business and take up
discussions on the RBI’s objec-
out of

lic sector units, Bengal Chief

Minister Mamata Banerjee said
solution to the ongoing crisis
that India is facing … I hope 1A8=68=68= Saying that Trinamool
Congress never approved of
to political parties by way of
electoral bonds and the pri-
tion to electoral bonds, and dis-
investment of PSUs. "They (the
Tewari said anonymity ren-
dered to the donors was not
the step was a prelude to “dis- the Prime Minister will consult B><45D=3B1DC disinvestment and merger of vatisation of State-owned firms, notices) do not warrant sus- acceptable. Speaker Om Birla
investment of India,” and called the experts during this hour of companies she said some com- the Opposition Congress on pension of other business and did not allow Tewari to go fur-
for an all-party meeting to crisis,” Banerjee said adding “if 8CF8;;=4E4A panies by rationalisation of Thursday staged walkouts from (notices) taken upon priority," ther with his comment when
tide over the economic crisis the Government continues to 70=3;4C74?A>1;4<?4A<0=4=C;H³ employees “employment has both the Houses saying he said. he mentioned ‘PMO’ while
that India was currently in. take such reactive measures come to a halt in several sec- Government has made cor- However, Congress mem- raising the issue. Tewari was
Speaking to reporters at then one day they will end up (NRL) through another public problems in small businesses tors. People are not spending ruption "official". bers were on their feet and held referring to some documents in
Behrampore, Banerjee on selling all the PSUs … they will sector company. and farming … and now the because they don’t have any The Rajya Sabha was protests. Naidu said it was the his possession.
Thursday said that such knee- finally sell the whole country The Chief Minister also Government is experimenting savings,” Banerjee said the way adjourned till noon as prerogative of the Chair to Under the electoral bonds
jerk strategies will at best pro- … they will disinvest the whole attacked the Centre for trying with reckless steps of disin- the Union Government was Opposition parties including decide which discussions scheme, the Government has
vide for a temporary pain relief India.” to digitise India. “I am not vestment. Such steps should be taking merging banks and the Congress protested after the should be taken or not. This offered complete anonymity
and not a complete eradication Earlier the Union Cabinet against digitisation but the way reconsidered.” transferring headquarters like Chair did not allow discussion did not pacify the protesting to those making donations. A
of the financial crisis that India Committee on Economic they are trying to make India Suggesting that the it did in the case of United on the issues. In the Lok Sabha, Congress and other opposition donor could now anonymous-
was in. affairs had given in-principle a cashless society it will not Government should consider Bank of India “it is creating the Congress members party members. The house was ly buy a bond, and deposit it
She said “such steps can approval to the strategic disin- augur well for the economy in “public-private partnership huge problem for State run returned to their seats after adjourned till noon. with the political party of his or
only give you temporary relief vestment in five State-run future,” she said reminding the instead of going for a sale and schemes.” Speaker Om Birla assured them In the Lok Sabha, Congress her choice. eom "This is a big
by bringing in some funds but companies, including a sale of “horrible experience of demon- transfer of ownership “A whole lot of state that they will be allowed to MP Manish Tewari raised the scam.
it will never handle the prob- the Government’s entire stake etization.” Banerjee said, “the schemes run through UBI. If raise issues during Zero Hour. issue during zero hour. He The country is being loot-
lem permanently,” and advised in Bharat Petroleum She said demonetisation is Government has to preserve its the headquarter doesn’t remain Soon after laying of listed said, “despite reservations ed. Please allow us to speak,"
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Corporation Ltd (BPCL), while still haunting India as “a large assets for public welfare other- in this state what will be the papers by Ministers on the table expressed by the Reserve Bank Congress leader in Lok Sabha
to call an all-party meeting to retaining its ownership of number of people are left with wise a day will come when the future of those schemes?” she of the House, Rajya Sabha of India and the Election Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury
get over the crisis. Numaligarh Refinery Ltd very little cash. They are facing Government will be left with asked. Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu Commission, the Government said.


Bengaluru: Ruling BJP in
Karnataka on Thursday expelled >=2ddRjd<f^RcRdhR^j by the party leadership to
persuade him to back out
Singh, another disqualified MLA.
The partys decision to expel
from its primary membership in vain. Urs comes after repeated attempts =Tf3T[WX) 8]SXP^]CWdabSPh
rebels Sharath Bachegowda and Sharath Bachegowda, to "pacify" him. Bengaluru: leader H D Kumaraswamy on Mysuru. bPXSXcfPbaTPShc^f^aZeTah
Kaviraj Urs, contesting the com- who was also secretary of With winning at least six seats Thursday indicated his party would take Responding to a question about his R[^bT[hfXcWcWT]Tf
ing Assembly bypolls as indepen- BJP Yuva Morcha, had ear- crucial for the Government’s sur- a call on its role, in case the ruling BJP party’s role if BJP fails to 6^eTa]\T]cX]BaX;P]ZPP]S
dent candidates, for anti-party lier been appointed vival, BJP has fielded 13 of the 16 in Karnataka loses majority after the win enough number of seats to retain its Tg_aTbbTSW^_TcWPcXcfX[[Ud[UX[[
activity. Chairman of Karnataka disqualified legislators, who joined results of December 5 by-elections to 15 majority, he said, "What will happen then, Pb_XaPcX^]b^UcWTCP\X[
In separate letters to both Housing Board by Chief the party, as Assembly constituen- we will see later, why should I say it now? R^\\d]Xch[XeX]VX]cWTXb[P]S
Sharath Bachegowda fighting from Minister BS Yediyurappa in its candidates cies in the State. How should I know about the R^d]cah
Hoskote Assembly constituency an attempt to "pacify" him. from their :0A=0C0:01 1H?>;;B He also said the "main developments that will happen B_^ZTb_Tab^]^UcWT<X]Xbcah^U
and Urs from Vijayanagara, BJP Yediyurappa had respective target" of his party was later?..." 4gcTa]P[0UUPXabd]STa[X]TS
said, their contest against the par- recently indicated the party constituencies in the bypolls. to defeat the disqualified legislators, "Whether this government will have 8]SXP³bfX[[X]V]Tbbc^f^aZ
tys official candidate was being ticket to disqualified Congress has even decided to expel him, if Among the 15 constituencies whose rebellion had led to the collapse majority or lose it will depend on the R[^bT[hfXcWcWT]Tf
considered as anti-party activity. legislator M T B Nagaraj, Sharath he doesn’t withdraw from the going to bypolls, 12 were held by of the Congress-JDS coalition bypoll results, let the results come out, we 6^eTa]\T]c
BJP on Wednesday had asked Bachegowda has jumped into the contest. Congress and three by JD(S), Government. will discuss it later," he said adding "let’s
the party rebels to withdraw their fray as an independent. Nagaraj as Congress candidate whose coalition Government col- "In a democratic setup a Government discuss it on December 9 (bypoll results E84C=0<708;B8=380´B
candidature by Thursday, the last JD(S) has decided to support had defeated Sharath Bachegowda lapsed due to rebellion by the dis- should have clear majority. In date)." BC0=3>=B278=0B40
day for the process. him and has not fielded a candi- in 2018 assembly polls by over qualified MLAs. The Congress and December 5 bypolls, if BJP doesn’t win The BJP needs to win at least six seats =Tf3T[WX) EXTc]P\P__aTRXPcTb
As the two did not withdraw date. 7,000 votes. JDS, contesting the bypolls on their the required number of seats and get lim- in the bypolls to 15 8]SXP³b_^bXcX^]^]cWTB^dcW
their candidature, the sent the let- Son of BJP MP from Urs has filed his nomination own, have vowed to defeat the ited to two or three seats, they will lose constituencies to remain in a majority in 2WX]PBTPXbbdTfWXRWXb
ters, a copy of which has been Chikkaballapura B N Bachegowda, as independent candidate from defectors (the disqualified MLAs) majority, they will have to resign and the the 224-member assembly, which would Tb_TRXP[[haT[TeP]cX]R^]cTgc^U
released to the media. he had remained adamant on Vijayanagara, rebelling against the and said people would teach them Government will have to go," still have two vacant seats-- Maski and R aTRT]cX]RXST]cbX]XcbcTaaXc^aXP[
After the BJP gave the Hoskote contesting with repeated attempts BJPs decision to field Anand a lesson. PTI Kumaraswamy told reporters in R Nagar. PTI fPcTabEXTc]P\TbTT]e^hc^

2:@QSSecUc?``_V BWdcS^f]X]EP[[Th EXTc]P\d]STabcP]Sb8]SXP³b


´U]_dY_^Q\Uh`\_YdQdY_^µ R^]cX]dTbPUcTafPa]X]V C 2A>A45>AB>;0A


_V`U_`\U_^;QcX]Yb _^bcTabU^abW^_ZTT_Tab =Tf3T[WX) 3XbcaXQdcTS4]TaVh

Jammu: The Jammu & Kashmir mode of denial and victimhood ?C8Q BA8=060A _a^YTRcbfXcWUd]STabP]S
unit of BJP on Wednesday target- unmindful of their role in the PRRT[TaPcTbcWTST_[^h\T]c^U
ed the Opposition for questioning
the Centre’s claim of "total nor-
malcy" in Kashmir post abrogation
past," BJP spokesperson Brig (retd)
Anil Gupta said in a statement
Son hops and businesses were shut and public transport
remained largely off the roads in most parts of Kashmir
the second consecutive day on Thursday, after posters
C Ra^aTX]Ud]SX]VUa^\
of Article 370 provisions and said Reacting to the discussion on warning shopkeepers against opening their establishments AP\Ti=PP\2^2WPXa^U
it is "back to its usual trick of emo- the Kashmir situation in appeared in some areas. 4]TaVhP]S4]eXa^]\T]cPc
tional exploitation" of Parliament and the statements of The posters calling for shutdown also appeared a day BX]Vd[PaXchD]XeTabXch8cbU^Rdb
people. the National Conference and the before Union Home Minister Amit Shah said in Parliament Xb^]b^[Paa^^Uc^__a^YTRcb
It also recommended a "high PDP casting doubt over the that normalcy had returned to the Valley. PRa^bb8]SXPP]S0UaXRPUa^\
level inquiry" into the alleged lack Government’s claim of "total nor- Officials said the shutdown was observed in Srinagar ZFc^$<F
of facilities at MLA hostel follow- malcy" in Kashmir, Gupta said, and Ganderbal districts in central Kashmir, Anantnag,
ing complaints by the relatives of "The opposition is back to its usual Kulgam, Pulwama and Shopian districts in south Kashmir 24;41A0C8>=B>5F>A;3
politicians detained there after it trick of emotional exploitation and in some areas in the north. 58B74A84B30H1468=
was turned into a sub-jail. of people based on false propa- Shop owners did not open their establishments dur- =Tf3T[WX) D]X^]<X]XbcTa
"The return to normalcy in ganda instead of factual data and ing the morning hours they did over the past few weeks, 6XaXaPYBX]VW^]CWdabSPh
Kashmir does not suit their (oppo- with statements laced with they said. Public transport remained largely off the roads X]PdVdaPcTScWTRT[TQaPcX^]b^U
sition’s) narrative of opposing the superlative adjectives to create in the city and elsewhere in the valley. However, a few auto- F^a[S5XbWTaXTb3Ph<X]XbcTab
Government’s decision of August an impression that hell has been rickshaws and inter-district cabs were plying, the officials ^UBcPcT3aBP]YTTe1P[hP]P]S
5 and hence they continue in usual let loose in Kashmir." PTI said. 0caPX]ad]b^]PaPX[QaXSVTc^fPaSb:PcaPP\XSWTPehU^VX]9P\\d^]CWdabSPh ?C8 ?aPcP_2WP]SaPBPaP]VXfTaT

<T\QTabRP]SXbRdbbaTeXTf_TcXcX^]X]=^e!%\TTc)Bd]]XQ^PaSRWXTU D?[Pf_P]T[bdVVTbcb]Tf[Pf P`dP_aT]TdabP]SUXbWTaU^[Zb

!"7 1E8B034=843
Lucknow: Amid reports of
differences in the UP Sunni 0H>37H020B4 ity view and if there is any
member who has any objec-
c^RWTRZU^aRXQ[TR^]eTabX^]b 8=! (58B20;H40A
Central Waqf Board over the tion, it can be raised in the Lucknow: The Uttar Pradesh besides keeping in mind court right to freedom of religion in ^U]Tf_TcXcX^]bbTTZX]V7 1
filing of a review petition in the meeting," Farooqi said. State Law Commission on judgments. India, anti-conversion laws of eXbPbU^acWTDBfTaTST]XTSX]
Ayodhya case, Muslim body Meanwhile, the All-India Thursday submitted a report to "The commission is of the various states, along with a cWT! (UXbRP[hTPa<X]XbcTa^U
chairman Zufar Farooqi said Shia Personal Law Board has Chief Minister Yogi view that existing legal provi- comparative study, recom- BcPcTU^a4gcTa]P[0UUPXabE
members can discuss the issue supported the AIMPLB stand Adityanath, suggesting a new sions are not enough to check mendations of the law com- <daP[TTSWPaP]bPXSX]cWTAPYhP
in their November 26 meeting. of filing a review petition and law to check forcible religious religious conversions and on mission of India and extracts BPQWP
"I have been authorised to declining the offer of five acres conversions. this serious matter, a new law from important apex court
take a decision on behalf of the for the construction of a "The report was submitted is needed like in 10 other and high court judgments A060FA8C4BC>E890H0=
board but if any member has mosque. along with a draft legislation, states," the report said. besides proceedings of the UP >=B=0:418C420B4
objection to it, he can raise it Their spokesman Maulana Uttar Pradesh Freedom of The 268-page report Legislative Assembly. =Tf3T[WX)2^]VaTbb[TPSTa
in the meeting scheduled for Yasoob Abbas said the Shia Religion Bill, 2019," law com- included recent newspaper It said states like Madhya APWd[6P]SWX^]CWdabSPh
November 26 here," Farooqui board was with the All-India mission secretar y Sapna clippings regarding forcible Pradesh, Odisha, Arunachal fa^cTc^:TaP[P2WXTU<X]XbcTa
said. they would abide by the apex has opposed the suggestion, Muslim Personal Law Board in Tripathi told PTI. conversions, international Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, ?X]PaPhXEXYPhP]^]cWTSTPcW^U
The Sunni Central Waqf court decision and would not said he had been authorised every manner. "If there is any The report was prepared covenants on the right to reli- Rajasthan, Chhatisgarh, PbRW^^[VXa[QXccT]QhPb]PZT
Board will take a decision on file a review petition. through a resolution to take a doubt or complaint on the after going through pre and gion, anti-conversion laws in Jharkhand, Himachal Pradesh X]bXSTWTaR[Pbba^^\bcPcX]V
whether to accept land for Responding to media decisions on behalf of the verdict, we have the legal right post-independence laws in the neighbouring countries and and Uttrakhand had made spe- cWPccWTbRW^^[³bRad\Q[X]V
building a mosque in Ayodhya reports about some members board. to file a review petition and we country and neighbouring India. cial laws to ban conversions by X]UaPbcadRcdaT]TTSTS
at its meeting on November 26. of the board favouring the "But most decisions are should not abstain from it," countries like Nepal, Myanmar, It also deals with the con- force, fraud, marriage or allure- daVT]cPccT]cX^]^UcWTBcPcT
Earlier, Farooqui had said that review petition, Farooqi, who taken on the basis of the major- Abbas said. PTI Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Pakistan stitutional framework of the ment. PTI 6^eTa]\T]c


Wayanad (Ker): A 10-year-old ble for the lapse in saving Thiruvananthapuram: and others have Agartala: With the final Bru state so far. The repatriation process has
girl died after being bitten by the child’s life. The Kerala Government been banned. repatriation process hitting a Thousands of Bru families not been successful. So far, only
a snake inside her classroom, as "The teachers are sup- on Thursday decided to Single-use plas- deadlock, the Tripura fled Mamit, Kolasib and Lunglei 144 families (699 persons) have
the State Government sus- posed to educate the chil- ban single use plastic tic can be used Government has written to districts of Mizoram in 1997 and shifted to Mizoram in the cur-
pended a teacher for alleged dren on how to react in such products from January only once before the Centre, saying it could moved to Tripura in the wake of rent phase of repatriation.
lapse in rushing her to hospi- situations. But in this case, one. A decision in this it is either accommodate up to 500 fami- an ethnic conflict. "The State Government is of
tal, officials said on Thursday. the teachers, despite repeat- regard was taken at a cabinet thrown away or recycled and is lies in the State if adequate The Centre, along with the the view that Bru refugees who
The fifth standard student ed requests from students meeting chaired by Chief mainly used by the food pro- funds were sanctioned for the governments of Tripura and wish to stay in Tripura may be
Shehala Sherin was taken to failed to take the child to Minister Pinarayi Vijayan. cessing and food delivery, cause. Mizoram, had been trying to allowed to do so The Ministry
hospital over an hour after the hospital," the Chief Minister After considering the envi- retailers for packaging and In a letter to the Union repatriate them to their home of Home Affairs (MHA) may
incident at around 3 pm on said ronmental and health issues selling finished goods, phar- Home Minister Amit Shah, State over the past one decade, give them a suitable package at
Wednesday, students of the lege hospital, which is about 90 The students have claimed related to mounting plastic maceuticals and agriculture. Chief Minister Biplab Deb said with little success. Several Bru par with what is being offered to
Government vocational high- km from Sulthan Bathery, offi- that the girl was taken to the waste, the Government decid- "Single-use plastic cups, the final repatriation process families have refused to return those returning to Mizoram,"
er secondary school at Sulthan cials said. hospital after the parents ed to ban the single-use-plas- plates, spoons, forks, straws, was scheduled to end on to Mizoram, citing security con- Deb wrote to Shah on
Bathery in Wayanad district Shehala’s father said she reached the school, he said. tic products in the state from stirrers, bowls, plastic flags, November 30, as per the cerns and inadequate rehabili- Sunday.The chief minister, how-
alleged. died before reaching the med- "Her death was unfortu- January 1, 2020, a Government water pouches, juice packs, agreement signed between the tation package. Some have also ever, pointed out that availabil-
Her parents rushed her to ical college. nate. We stand by the family. press release said. pet bottles (under 300 ml), Centre, Governments of sought a separate autonomous ity of land is likely to be a major
four hospitals where no anti- Chief Minister Pinarayi Strong action will be taken Plastic carry bags and plastic garbage bags, PVC flex Mizoram and Tripura, and the council for the community. constraint in Tripura and
venom was administered and Vijayan said the incident was against those responsible for sheets, cooling films, plastic materials, plastic packets, representatives of Bru migrants, "Strong reluctance has been requested the MHA to
they were told to take the child unfortunate and assured strong any lapses in their duty," plates, cups, thermocol and among others have been but only 144 of 4,447 families noticed on the part of Bru think of a suitable
to the Kozhikode Medical col- action against those responsi- Vijayan added. PTI Styrofoam-based fancy items banned," Vijayan said. PTI have returned to their home migrants to return to Mizoram. solution. PTI
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2^]V^QYTRcbc^\^eT the NRC data,”
Sarma added.
The NRC was updated by
engaging over 50,000 employ-
=A2fX[[^][h_dc fP]cbc^Pe^XS
?C8Q 6DF070C8 After the final
NRC was published
ees of the Assam Government
and spending over C 1,200 _T^_[TcWa^dVWWPaSbWX_ T\QPaaPbb\T]c³
T he Assam Public Works
(APW), the original peti-
tioner in the Supreme Court on
on August 31, the
APW had wondered
whether the software
crore of tax-payers’ money, he
said adding that about 3.29
crore people of the State went
Hyderabad: AIMIM
president Asaduddin
C h i e f
updating the National Register used in the updation through a great deal of trouble Owaisi on Thursday Minister
of Citizens (NRC), on exercise was capable to collect documents and par- hit out at the NDA A s h o k
Thursday welcomed Union of handling so ticipate in the exercise. Governments plan to Gehlot on
Home Minister Amit Shah’s much data and if it “I would like to appeal to conduct NRC across Thursday attacked Union
announcement that the NRC was examined by any the Supreme Court not to the country, alleging Home Minister Amit Shah over
would be updated again in the third party allow the Modi Government to that the exercise is only the issue of National Register of
State along with the rest of the Information carry out another NRC update going to cause hard- Citizens (NRC), saying he is
country. Technology expert. exercise in Assam” so that ship to people, espe- now stressing on implementing
The Congress, however, Opposing the people do not have to face cially minorities and it across the country to avoid
opposed the move claiming idea of a fresh NRC renewed harassment, Saikia “the weak”. embarrassment following fail-
that the BJP wants a fresh come as a ray of hope to the Assam, which had faced an updation exercise in Assam, said. Khoda pahaad, nikla updated NRC in the State, the ure of the exercise in Assam.
NRC update without the indigenous population of influx of people from senior Assam Congress leader The All Assam Students’ chooha. Now BJP wants to cost of conducting it all over “The NRC has failed in
supervision of the Supreme Assam. We are definitely hope- Bangladesh since the early 20th Debabrata Saikia alleged that Union (AASU), the signatory disown it, but find one all over the country and other aspects Assam. Even the state unit of
Court, as it wants to exclude a ful but not excited about it. We century, is the only state hav- the BJP wants to keep the to the Assam Accord, has also India,” the All India Majlis-e- of the issue. the BJP has opposed it. Every
section of genuine Indian citi- will express our happiness only ing an NRC, which was first NRC issue simmering to fur- filed a petition in the Supreme Ittehadul Muslimeen (AIMIM) Assam Finance Minister party is criticising the imple-
zens from the religious minor- when the Home Minister’s prepared in 1951. ther its agenda of polarization Court alleging flaws in the chief tweeted. Himanta Biswa Sarma on mentation of NRC in Assam.
ity community and include announcement fulfils the gen- “An official’s bias and vest- along religious lines. final NRC and its hearing will The proverb suggests a big Wednesday said the state gov- The NDA spent crores on it and
illegal migrants from a lin- uine aspirations of the people,” ed interests led to the publica- The final NRC was pub- be held on November 26. effort for little gain. ernment has requested the the result has been a failure,” he
guistic minority group. APW president Abhijeet Sarma tion of a flawed NRC.... Names lished under the supervision of The AASU is a signatory to Literally, it means finding Centre to reject the final updat- told reporters here.
Shah had announced in said here. of genuine Indian citizens were the Supreme Court and, “sig- the Assam Accord, a 1985 doc- a mouse after digging a moun- ed National Register of Citizens Responding to a question
Rajya Sabha on Wednesday The updated final NRC left out while those of illegal nificantly, the apex court has ument that provided for “detec- tain. (NRC) in the state. that Shah has announced in
that the NRC update process which validates bonafide immigrants were included in accepted the validity of the final tion, deletion and deporta- “Modi wants all Indians to Welcoming Union Home Lok Sabha that the NRC will be
will be carried out afresh in Indian citizens of Assam, was the final NRC,” the APW chief NRC”, Saikia said. tion” of illegal foreigners from yet again stand in line, detain- minister Amit Shah’s state- implemented across the coun-
Assam concurrently with the released on August 31 exclud- claimed. “Shah’s announcement Assam. ing undocumented Indians & ment in the Rajya Sabha that try, Gehlot said, “The Congress,
rest of India. On the same day, ing names of over 19 lakh The APW has submitted a about a fresh NRC update in AASU Advisor Samujjal leaving minorities & the weak the NRC process will be carried the BJP and all other parties are
senior Assam minister applicants in the state. petition in the apex court high- Assam indicates that the Bhattacharya said they were at the mercy of babus. Nowhere out across India, Sarma said the saying what has happened in
Himanta Biswa Sarma said the In 2009, the APW — a lighting the alleged discrepan- (Narendra) Modi Government not satisfied with the final in the world are people put State Government is happy Assam... The result which has
State Government has request- non-governmental organisa- cies in the final NRC. is unwilling to accept the deci- NRC but have full faith in the through such hardship, he that the Centre has “listened to come out after spending crores
ed Shah to dismiss the NRC in tion — had filed a petition in “We will file another peti- sion of the Supreme Court,” Supreme Court and “we have said. their heart” and that the exer- of rupees is in front of
the current form. the Supreme Court that led to tion in the Supreme Court Saikia, the leader of the oppo- approached the highest court to He was referring to reports cise will begin after the everyone. Amit Shah’s is talking
“The Union Home the start of the updation exer- soon demanding an IT audit of sition in Assam Assembly, redress the grievances of peo- over the Assam Government Citizenship (Amendment) Bill like this to avoid
Minister’s announcement has cise of the NRC in 2015. the software used for preparing claimed. ple of Assam”. urging the Centre to scrap the has been passed. PTI embarrassment.” PTI

3_]`\QY^dQWQY^cd =Tf_^[XcXRP[Ua^]cbcPaaX]V
f_dUbcY^1ebQ^WQRQT :D<0A274;;0??0= Q
with the declaration of the
film stars to work together.
Though the DMK leader-
Mumbai: A complaint of
“cheating” has been filed
against Shiv Sena chief Uddhav
T he movies in which they
starred together were some
of the all time hits in Tamil.
ship is yet to go public with the
party’s reaction to the coming
together of the two super stars,
Thackeray and two other lead- Even when both of them the AIADMK has pooh-
ers in Maharashtra’s declared their political dreams poohed the development as the
Aurangabad district for seeking in 2018, nobody in Tamil Nadu ularist to the core. script of a Tamil potboiler.
votes in the name of Hindutva, had thought that they would Though the candidates “Rajnikanth is yet to launch his
but not forming Government join hands to forge an alliance fielded by him finished poor political outfit while Kamal
with pre-poll ally to fight the election. fourth and fifth in the 2019 Lok haassan was taught a lesson by
BJP, an official said on Rajnikanth and Kamal Sabha election, Kamal Haassan the Tamil Nadu voters in the
Thursday. Haassan were two different did not lose heart and declared Lok Sabha election.
A written application in in the name of protecting poles of Tamil films as well as that he would stage a come It is not that easy to launch
this regard against Thackeray Hindutva. cultural sphere. While back by taking up public issues. a political party, sustain it and
and two other party leaders was On their appeal, the com- Rajnikanth was known for his But when six of his top rung win election,” said Udaya
submitted at the Begumpura plainant said he and his fami- mannerisms and style, Kamal leaders deserted him and Kumar, Tamil Nadu Minister
Police Station in Aurangabad ly members, voters in the of Haassan projected himself as a joined the BJP, the actor saw for revenues.
district, around 325km from Aurangabad Central con- total actor of global standards, the writing on the wall that pol- Chief Minister Edappadi
here, by a BJP supporter, stituency, cast their voters in though he was no different itics was a different game and Palaniswami was more aggres-
0eXTf^UcWTX[[d\X]PcTS?P]YX\2WdaRWSdaX]VcWT$cWTSXcX^]^U8]cTa]PcX^]P[5X[\5TbcXeP[^U8]SXP8558X]?P]PYX^] Ratnakar Choure, on favour of Jaiswal, the Sena -BJP from the former in style and he needed extra adrenalin to sive in his reaction. “Both
CWdabSPh ?C8 Wednesday night, the official alliance candidate from the substance. take his rivals head on. Rajanikanth and Kamal
said. seat. When Kamal Haassan as He made an announce- Haassan would meet the fate of
“We received the applica- With an aim to bring the the early bird in launching his ment recently that he would Shivaji Ganeshan, the super
FX[[QaTPZWTPSb^U 2^]VbW^d[S]^cQPRZ tion for the same and have for-
warded it to Special Branch,” he
Sena-BJP alliance to power in
the state, BJP supporters of the
constituency also voted for
political outfit Makkal Neethi
Meiam, Rajnikanth choose to
play the wait and watch game.
not hesitate to join hands with
Rajnikanth for the sake of
Tamil Nadu. In a State which is
star of yesteryears who had to
bite the dust following the
rejection of his party by the
cW^bTcahX]Vc^_^PRW BT]P6^ecbP]b$)$ According to the com-
plainant, during the campaign
Jaiswal, following which he
won, Choure said.
Haassan went to the extent of
taunting and ridiculing
looking for a third alternative
other than the AIADMK and
Tamil Nadu electorate.It is not
easy for film actors to establish

BT]P<;0b)BPccPa 2<_^bc)0cWPfP[T
for the October 21 Assembly
election, Thackeray, newly-
elected Sena MLA Pradeep
After the results, the Sena
snapped ties with the BJP (fol-
lowing differences over power-
Rajnikanth from all available
platforms for the latter’s soft
approach towards Narendra
the DMK, the announcement
by Haassan and the warm wel-
come accorded to it by
as mass leaders like M G
Jayalalithaa, two persons
and J

Mumbai: Shiv Sena MLA Abdul Sattar on Jaiswal (Aurangabad Central) sharing formula) and did not Modi and Amit Shah. Kamal Rajnikanth was a once-in-a- known for their charisma and
Thursday warned that heads of those who try to Mumbai: The Congress should not back the and the party’s former MP form Government with its pre- Haassan went to the extent of lifetime development. The not by the image of super
poach his party’s legislators will be broken. Shiv Sena and the NCP in Government for- Chandrakant Khaire sought poll ally, he said in the appli- lambasting the Hindutva party political narration of Tamil stars,” said Palaniswamy while
Sattar, who represents Sillod constituency in mation in Maharashtra if it is not going to get votes for the Sena-BJP alliance cation. PTI and declared himself as a sec- Nadu has undergone a change reacting to the developments.
Aurangabad, said poaching or buying out leg- the chief minister’s post on a rotational basis,
islators was not legal in a democratic set up. Union Minister Ramdas Athawale said on

The legislator made the remarks even as the Shiv Thursday.
Sena, NCP and Congress are working out a coali- Athawale’s comments came amid reports the
tion in Maharashtra, which is placed under the Shiv Sena and the NCP may share the Chief
President’s rule since November 12. Ministerial post for two-and- a-half years in the
“BJP will not be able to poach any MLA. But
those who try to poach MLAs will have their
heads broken, and as a special case, we will make
arrangements to treat them at a hospital,” Sattar
Government that the Congress is likely to join
as the third player and may get the deputy Chief
Minister’s post.
The Congress and the NCP are at present
said. in the process of forging ties with the Shiv Sena Hyderabad: Union Minister G from Secunderabad here, and the unions of TSRTC should be
“Poaching or buying out legislators was not to form the Government in the state, Kishan Reddy on Thursday other BJP MPs from Telangana referred to the Labour Court or
legal in a democratic set up. It is not some retail which is under President’s rule since November said the Centre would take met Gadkari in the national not, in two weeks to decide the
shop to (buy MLAs out),” he added. The BJP and 12. The Shiv Sena, which contested the October steps to ensure that the strik- capital. legality of the stir.
Shiv Sena contested the October 21 Assembly 21 Maharashtra Assembly polls with the BJP, ing TSRTC employees get jus- The RTC employees’ Aswathama Reddy hoped
elections together and won 105 and 56 seats walked away from its ally over the issue of shar- tice. unions was confident that jus- that the state government
respectively. The two parties, however, fell out ing the Chief Ministerial post on a rotational “Union Transport Minister tice would be done when the would take steps to refer the
after the Shiv Sena persisted with its demand of basis for two-and-half years. The BJP had reject- Nitin Gadkari has assured that matter was referred to the employees problem to the
sharing the Chief Ministerial post for two-and- ed the Shiv Sena’s demand for rotational Chief he will speak to the Chief labour court, employees union labour court.
half years on a rotational basis. PTI Ministership. PTI Minister, and do justice to the leader Aswathama Reddy told A formal response had not
workmen by speaking to the reporters on Wednesday. come till Thursday evening
Telangana Government on The Telangana High Court from either the RTC manage-
their problems..” Kishan Reddy had directed the Commissioner ment or the State Government
told reporters in Delhi. of Labour to take a call on on the employees’ unions
Reddy, Lok Sabha member whether the ongoing strike by stance to resume duties. PTI
=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A!!! (

UPRTQ^^ZR^\SPX[h_X^]TTak /CWT3PX[h?X^]TTak X]bcPVaP\R^\SPX[h_X^]TTa


of Gen Zia-ul-Haq’s murky cold
Pakistani military for posterity. After Gen Zia’s
son, Ijaz-ul-Haq, of being complicit in the con-
Asif Nawaz Janjua.
Academy Sandhurst, the UK. He was a no-
the political intrigues of the Islamabad-
EHDWHQEDFNDQ\ZD\EHIRUH Rawalpindi axis and could not tolerate overt-
7LOOGDWHWKHUHKDVEHHQQRH[SUHVVUHDVRQFLWHGIRUXQGHUWDNLQJDFRVWO\ ly political, Machiavellian and bigoted col- re-scripting the official narrative was aware of the Pakistani following among extremist ele-
ORJLVWLFDOH[HUFLVHLQVWUHVVHGWLPHV'RHVWKH15&OLVWPHDQWKDWDOORXUSDVW leagues like Lt Gen Hamid Gul (also known pertaining to his Kargil debacle involvement, unambiguously ments in Pakistan. But that does
as the “father of Taliban”). The hardcore sol- and was forced into officially stated the reason to keep the mis- not behove a former leader of a
DWWHPSWVDWFHQVXVZHUHIODZHGDQGGLVFULPLQDWRU\"7KHUHLVQRVSHFLILFSROL dering instincts of Gen Janjua militated reneging his past alliances with sion a secret as, “It was decided nation, let alone a professional
F\LQWKHFXWRIIGDWHDVFURVVERUGHUPLJUDWLRQVKDYHKDSSHQHGEHIRUH3DUWLWLRQ against the wheeling and dealing style of some the Taliban and supposedly that any effort to work with the soldier. Recently, he belligerent-
DQGHYHQEHWZHHQDQGDWGLIIHUHQWWLPHVDQGLQGLIIHUHQW6WDWHV$UWLFOH Pakistani military staff, who partook shady joined the global “war on terror.” Pakistanis could jeopardise the ly stated the obvious and the
political initiatives. Prominent among them
was a mediocre though ambitious Brigadier,
However, “tricky Mush” had
unprecedented standards of
C>30H mission. They might alert the tar-
gets.” A former CIA official,
worst kept Pakistani secrets by
admitting that they had trained
EHDUELWUDULO\GHSULYHGRIKLVKHUQDWLRQDOLW\%\WKDW\DUGVWLFNWKHFXWRIIVHWDW Pervez Musharraf, whom Gen Janjua aptly duplicitousness, which were <DB70AA058B Bruce Riedel, had quoted former Kashmiri militants and that ter-
The patent Pakistani saga of the long
inevitable in his blow-hot-blow-
cold belligerence at the Agra
34B?4A0C4C> Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI)
chief, Gen Ziauddin Khawaja, as
rorists like Osama bin Laden and
Jalaluddin Haqqani were
DQGHYHQQDWXUDOLVHGRYHUYDU\LQJWLPHOLQHV+RZFDQZHWKHQKDYHDQDWLRQDO night of the Generals soon consumed the summit, as indeed, his continued A4<08=A4;4E0=C saying that Musharraf “knew “Pakistani heroes.”
FRQVHQVXVRQDFXWRIIGDWH"%HVLGHVWKH15&LVDUD]RU·VHGJHZDONDVDWWKH upright Gen Janjua as he died a mysterious patronage of terror outfits was 0=3<0:4B bin Laden was in Abbottabad.” Recent video clips released
PRPHQWLWUHHNVRIUDFLDODQGUHOLJLRXVGLVFULPLQDWLRQ$QGZKDWRIWKHVWDWXVRI death. Slamming it as “murder”, his family either India or Afghanistan-fac- Osama bin Laden had moved by a Pakistani politician,
WKH6WDWHOHVVDVVXPLQJDOORIWKHPZRQ·WJHWUHGUHVVIURPDWULEXQDO"%DQJODGHVK members suspected certain disgruntled col- ing. >DC;0=38B7 into the Abbottabad compound Farhatullah Babar, where
leagues, who could not match up to his exact-
ing standards. Providentially, “tricky Mush”
Musharraf ’s continued
deceitfulness in handling terror
C7>D67>5C4= when Musharraf was in power
and had lived there ever since.
Musharraf is seen stating the
obvious — the disingenuousness
IURP,QGLDWKDWLWZRQ·WEHGHSRUWLQJSHRSOHDFURVVWKHERUGHUV+RZFDQZH was to become more famous later as he organisations frustrated and riled CAD4 Brazenly, Musharraf was left of Pakistani double-speak on
and ensconced himself as the Chief Executive
the Americans to start taking uni-
lateral and direct strikes via BC0C4<4=CBC70C lamenting that the US had “vio-
lated” Pakistan’s sovereignty by
terrorism — confirms it yet
again. While civilian politicians
IULHQGO\RIRXUQHLJKERXUVJLYHQWKH&KLQHVHULQJRIGLSORPDF\LQWKHUHJLRQDQG and then the President of Pakistan. drones. The US got increasingly <0H40A=78<0 conducting the Osama bin Laden have not exactly covered them-
H[SHFWLWFXVKLRQRXUSXVKEDFNGULYH%HVLGHVSUHYLRXVH[SHULHQFHVKDYHVKRZQ The incorrigibility, recklessness and concerned about Musharraf ’s
5>;;>F8=6 raid, while meekly washing his selves with glory, military men in
WKDWWKRVHGHSRUWHGKDYHDJDLQUHWXUQHGWRWKHFRXQWU\:KDWWKH%-3EDGO\PLV ruthless ambitions of “tricky Mush” were soon commitment to nail the most hands of any complicity. Pakistan like Gen Zia and Gen
to emerge in his misadventures in Kargil, wanted terrorist, Osama bin 0<>=6 However, by then, Musharraf had Musharraf have done far more

where he apparently kept even his own Prime
Minister Nawaz Sharif in the dark. This devi-
Laden. Former US President
Barack Obama had forewarned 4GCA4<8BC lost all credibility inside and
outside of Pakistan. Had it not
systemic and institutional dam-
age with the ISI directly under
in the backdrop of reconciliatory moves
of expecting any change in the
Pakistani fate with Musharraf’s
4;4<4=CB8= been for the timely intervention
of the Pakistani military, “tricky
their charge.
The Chairman of the US
IHUHGIURPWKLVLGHQWLW\SROLWLFVVLPSO\EHFDXVHWKH\FRQWUROOHGWKHHFRQRPLF between India and Pakistan, which includ- patent grandstanding and mega- ?0:8BC0=1DC Mush” would have been convict- Joint Chief of Staff, Gen Joseph
ratically-elected leaders on both sides were
lomania as the only leader capa-
ble of doing the needful by say-
C70C3>4B=>C ed for various wrongs after hav-
ing been disobliged by all polit-
Dunford, had told the United
States Senate Committee on
seemingly thawing the freeze. The shame of ing, “I argued for years that we ical parties, including Nawaz Foreign Relations during a
the Kargil result notwithstanding for Gen
Musharraf, he was soon to manipulate what
need to move from a ‘Musharraf
policy’ to a ‘Pakistan policy.’”
5>A<4A;4034A Sharif’s Pakistan Muslim League
(N), Benazir Bhutto’s Pakistan
Congressional hearing in 2017, “I
think it’s clear to me that the ISI
QDWLRQDOLGHQWLW\%HVLGHVLWPXVWUHDOLVHWKDWPLJUDWLRQKDVFKDQJHGJHRSROLWLFV he himself called a “counter coup.” He ban- In 2011, Osama bin Laden >50=0C8>=;4C People’s Party (PPP), which ques- has connections with terrorist
ished the man, namely Sharif, who had
superseded two other senior officers to
was found just half a mile away
from the Kakul Military
0;>=40 tioned his role in her murder, or
even Pakistan Prime Minister
groups.” Till date, the likes of
“tricky Mush” are responsible for
HYHUZURQJUHDVRQRIYRWHEDQNSROLWLFVE\YDULRXVSDUWLHVKDYHQRWRQO\EHHQ make “tricky Mush” the Pakistani Military Academy in the garrison town of ?A>54BB8>=0; Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek- the sort of infamy that they
apolitical bet. He punished a senior general
Abbottabad when the American
journalist David Ignatius even B>;384A e-Insaf (PTI), which spurned his
attempts to coopt him as his
afford on the institution of the
Pakistan military, and by that
:KDWWKH%-3VKRXOGKDYHGRQHLVFRQFHQWUDWHGRQVWRSSLQJLOOHJDOLPPLJUDWLRQ in the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) after alluded to the said “safe house” Prime Minister. extension, Pakistan as a nation.
KHUHRQDQGFRGLILHGQHZERUGHUSURWRFROV coming under intense pressure to admit a to be arranged by the Pakistani Today, Musharraf is desper- (The writer, a military veter-

presidential referendum which he won was Intelligence, on the orders of Gen ate to remain relevant and makes an, is a former Lt Governor of
heavily rigged. Musharraf. Former White House outlandish (though often true) Andaman & Nicobar Islands and
Almost immediately, Musharraf set about Chief of Staff Leon Panetta, who statements that may earn him a Puducherry)


R^]cX]dTc^_[PhcWTVP\T Pd]XeTabP[\TSXd\^]TcWPc ]^]eX^[T]RTP]SR^\_PbbX^] P]h<;0CW^bTfW^cahc^
cWa^dVWcWT=A2_a^RTbb ^dab^RXP[P]S\^STa][XeTb caXTb^eTacTaaXc^aXP[SXb_dcTb caTPccWT\PcPW^b_XcP[
¯BXcPaP\HTRWdah ¯0\XcPQW1PRWRWP] ¯3P[PX;P\P ¯0QSd[BPccPa
1bUdXY^[_^VUUXY[UYc^UUTUT actor had no interest in politics.
Haasan has his own ideology

Sir — This refers to the article, and if Rajinikanth joins him,
LQFOXGLQJWKH%KDUDW3HWUROHXP&RUSRUDWLRQ/LPLWHG %3&/ LVRQHVXFKPRYH “Power shift in Colombo” =TWadD]XeTabXch9=DXUX\_[T\T]cTSfX[[\PZT won’t there be a clash between ide-
$QGLQDILUVWLWZRQ·WDOORZRWKHUSURILWDEOH368VWREX\LQXVXDOO\GRQHWRNHHS (November 20) by Ashok K TSdRPcX^]d]PUU^aSPQ[TU^abcdST]cbUa^\TR^]^\ ology and principles? It would be
LWVVKDGRZSUHVHQFH0RQH\WKXVJDLQHGIURPWKHWUDQVDFWLRQFRXOGVSXUUHY Mehta. Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s vic- XRP[[h_^^aQPRZVa^d]Sb>eTa#_TaRT]c^UcWTbcd better if Rajinikanth came out with
tory wasn’t surprising. As one ST]cbPc9=DWPX[Ua^\UP\X[XTbcWPcWPeTP]X]R^\T^U his own plan to mitigate the suf-
HQXHDPLGXQFHUWDLQW\RYHUWD[FROOHFWLRQVZKLOHDWWKHVDPHWLPHDOVRKHOSWKH who has lived in Sri Lanka for [TbbcWP]C _Ta\^]cW8cXbbPScWPcb^\T^UcWT\ ferings of the poor and the down-
*RYHUQPHQWNHHSLWVILVFDOGHILFLWLQFKHFNDQGPHHWGLVLQYHVWPHQWWDUJHWV³ more than 10 years as an expatri- \XVWcWPeTc^Sa^_^dc^UcWXb_aTbcXVX^dbX]bcXcdcTXUcWT trodden and then step into the
DJDLQVWDWDUJHWRICODNKFURUHIRURQO\CFURUHKDVEHHQ ate banker during the real prob- UTTWXZTR^\TbX]c^U^aRTCWT_a^cTbcbQhcWTbcdST]cb political arena alone like actors-
lem days, Sri Lanka’s path over the cWdbWPeTc^QTd]STabc^^SUa^\cWTXa_Tab_TRcXeTPb turned-mass leaders MGR and
RXUSUL]HG1DYUDWQDVZKLFKZHUHFRQFHLYHGZLWKDSRWHQWLDOWREHFRPHJOREDO Easter Sunday bombings did play \^aP[bd__^acc^cWT\CWTEXRT2WP]RT[[^a^U9=D< the help of grassroots supporters
JLDQWVFRPHWRWKHEULQN"7KHUHDVRQVDUHPDQ\SURPLQHQWDPRQJWKHPEHLQJ a major role in a return of fear 9PVPSTbW:d\PabW^d[Sbh\_PcWXbTfXcWcWTbcdST]cb and created a niche for themselves.
H[FHVVLYH*RYHUQPHQWFRQWUROZKLFKOHGWRWKHFODVSLQJRIWKHGHFLVLRQPDN and, perhaps, resulted in the 8cXbd]U^acd]PcTcWPcWTP[[TVTS[hbW^fTSaT[dRcP]RTc^ c^bcdST]cb³W^bcT[UTTbQdcR^d[SRdcR^a_^aPcTcPgc^ M Pradyu
desire for a stronger leader. \TTccWT_a^cTbcTab^af^aZ^dcPb[PQbhbcT\ cWTcd]T^UC #$[PZWRa^aTBcdST]cbbW^d[S]^cQTSXb Kannur
ple-oriented democrat. T]c.CWT6^eTa]\T]cRP]]^cbWXaZcWTaTb_^]bXQX[Xch^U cX[Tc^fPaSbbcdST]cbP]SPRRTSTc^cWTXaYdbcST\P]Sb
detained since the abrogation of
DOORFDWHGUHVRXUFHV:KDWDERXWWKHFUXFLDOLVVXHRIZRUNHUV·UHWUHQFKPHQW"7KHUH doctorate in Sanskrit literature Rajinikanth — point at the heavy Government fear that they will
DUHDOUHDG\WUHPRUVEHLQJIHOWDV%3&/HPSOR\HHVKDYHFDOOHGIRUDQDWLRQZLGH Sir — The brouhaha over the and has been awarded by the dose of “masala” in store for the speak the truth? India is a demo-
appointment of Firoz Khan as Rajasthan Government. Moreover, people of the State. cratic nation. The ruling
VWULNHRQ1RYHPEHUDPLGIHDUVRIMREORVVHVDQGUHFUXLWPHQWIUHH]H:LWK Assistant Professor of Sanskrit at our Constitution guarantees not Sir — The recent war of words Rajinikanth is known to be a Government must maintain the
XQHPSOR\PHQWDWDIRXUGHFDGHKLJKRISHUFHQWFDQWKH*RYHUQPHQWDIIRUG the Banaras Hindu University just equal education opportunities between actor Rajinikanth and highly disciplined man, straight spirit of federalism.
UHVHQWPHQW":KLOHWKHUHPD\EHEDLORXWZLWKWKHEX\RXWVWKHIXQGLQIXVLRQVKRXOG (BHU) is unacceptable. Like in any for students but also equal expo- the ruling party leaders in Tamil forward, honest, spiritual and Kshitij
other university, Khan was sure for teachers. Students must Nadu and the unexpected turn of committed. He is not the one who Via email
EHXVHGUDWLRQDOO\E\WKH*RYHUQPHQWDQGQRWEHIULWWHUHGDZD\RUHYHQHQGXS appointed as per the guidelines set end the protest. events — actor-turned politician would bow before corruption.
DVKXJHNLFNEDFNV$OVRLWPXVWLQLWLDWHELJVWUXFWXUDOUHIRUPVLQVWHDGRIVHOOLQJ by the University Grants M Shadab Kamal Haasan expressed his From his earlier statements and BT]Shh^daUUTTSQPRZcc^)
MXVWLOOPDLQWDLQHGSURSHUWLHVWKDWFRXOGZHOOKDYHEHHQLWVDVVHWV Commission (UGC). He holds a Bengaluru intention to join hands with his hesitation to begin a party [TccTabc^_X^]TTa/V\PX[R^\
=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A!!! (

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eema was just 14 when she left her home in
FOHVDSDUWQHUVKLSEHWZHHQWKH&HQWUH6WDWHVXUEDQORFDOERGLHV 8/%V  was rescued two years after being trafficked. But
n’t end. Stigma and the fear of local traffickers, who
WLDO7RPDLQVWUHDP$+WKH*RYHUQPHQWQHHGVWRDFWDVDQHQDEOHU threatened her with sexual violence if she dared
Bureau (NCRB) numbers, of these, 86 per cent BDAE4H
were girls who were trafficked for commercial sex- 2>=3D2C43
ual exploitation. In fact, the National Family Health 1HC74
Survey (NFHS-4) found that every third woman, 8=C4A=0C8>=0;
$WWKHEHJLQQLQJRIWKHVWFHQWXU\DVOLGHRIVXSHUYLVRU\DOWHU since the age of 15, has faced gender-based vio- F><4=³B
LQJORDQVHVWDEOLVKLQJVSHFLDOHFRQRPLF]RQHV 6(=V DQGLQIUDVWUXF vive rape and other sexual violence, face signifi- way gender-based violence (GBV) is First Information Reports (FIRs) in rape, sexual assault, family violence,
WXUHGHYHORSPHQWDWWDFKHGZLWKKLJKHFRQRPLFJURZWKKDYHGULYHQ cant barriers to obtaining justice and critical sup- covered and reported in the news media police stations, something that was female genital mutilation and traffick-
SULYDWHVHFWRUSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQXUEDQKRXVLQJGHYHORSPHQW+RZHYHU port services. Besides stigma, one of the biggest can influence the way our communities neglected earlier. It also criminalised var- ing. At the same time, there were pro-
LWKDVODUJHO\UHVXOWHGLQWKHGHYHORSPHQWRI0,*DQG+,*KRXVHVOHDG obstacles is lack of information and awareness. A perceive the issue,” she said. ious kinds of attacks on women, includ- gressively higher proportions of women
recent report on sex trafficking in West Bengal 4G?4A84=243 Lagipoiva Cherelle Jackson, an ing stalking, acid attacks and stripping. as sources in GBV stories.
found that about 59 per cent adolescents did not >=;8=401DB4 award-winning journalist from Samoa, “Women journalists have made sig- “In 2005, women were 38 per cent
know how to protect themselves from trafficking, A4?>AC43 agreed. “The media is a powerful tool nificant contribution to changing the of the people seen, heard or spoken
and 72 per cent did not know about services that B7>ACC4A<0=3 in fighting GBV because they not only narrative and defending human rights about in the stories, compared to 46 per
&HQWUDO*RYHUQPHQWWRFUHDWHDQHQDEOLQJHQYLURQPHQWWKURXJKVWDWX could help them. Even when they do seek justice ;>=6C4A< report on society but help shape public through their reporting on gender- cent in 2015, a rise of almost 10 points
WRU\DQGVXSHUYLVRU\DOWHUDWLRQVLQODQGDFTXLVLWLRQUHDOHVWDWHPDQ and other medical services, they often suffer 4<>C8>=0;0=3 opinion and perceptions,” she contend- based violence,” stated Krishanti in 10 years. At least three quarters of
DJHPHQWDQDO\VLQJDUFKDLFUHJXODWLRQVJRYHUQLQJWKHUHDOHVWDWHVHF humiliation at police stations and hospitals, espe- ?BH27>;>6820; ed. The Chief Editor of JiG, Jackson said Dharmaraj, Executive Director, Centre those who experience gender-based
WRUVWUHDPOLQLQJFOHDUDQFHVDQGDSSURYDOSURFHGXUHVUHTXLUHGIURP cially if they belong to socially and economical- that the language used by the media was for Women in Global Leadership violence are women and yet, they con-
&HQWUDO*RYHUQPHQWDJHQFLHVVXFKDVWKH0LQLVWU\RI(QYLURQPHQWDQG ly marginalised communities. critical and it had to be careful not to (CWGL). The CWGL, a global women’s stitute less than one half of people inter-
)RUHVWDQGWKH0LQLVWU\RI&LYLO$YLDWLRQ What can the media do in such a scenario? normalise sexual harassment, objectify rights organisation based out of Rutgers viewed or are the subject of these sto-
0RELOLVDWLRQRIVXFKKXJHUHVRXUFHV IXQGLQJFRQVWUXFWLRQFDSDF Does it have a role to play? Can it use its influ- women or blame survivors. University is the founder and coordina- ries,” said Sarah Macharia, GMMP
ence to shift the discourse on violence against 7030E>8343 Studies have shown that gender tor of the ‘16 Days of Activism Against coordinator.
women, human rights and empowerment? Can A4?>AC8=6 inequalities tend to get reinforced by Gender-Based Violence’, an interna- However, even women journalists
it help survivors like Seema? How can the media 24AC08=BC>A84B media content that contributes to the tional campaign used by activists around are reporting fewer of the stories.
be leveraged to change perceptions and end gen- 0B0A4BD;C>5 normalisation of sexual assault and the world to eliminate of all forms of Macharia pointed out that in 2010,
WLRQULVNVDQGSURMHFWGHOLYHU\VKRXOGEHHQFRXUDJHGWRSDUWLFLSDWHE\ der-based violence? C74B48=2834=CB other forms of sexual violence. There is GBV. women journalists reported 41 per cent
WKH*RYHUQPHQWVE\DGGUHVVLQJVHYHUDOVWUXFWXUDOLVVXHV These are some of the questions that came up a tendency to reproduce stereotypes that “Women journalists who cover sto- of the stories, compared to 30 per cent
3XEOLF3ULYDWH3DUWQHUVKLSV 333 FDQSOD\DQLPSRUWDQWUROHLQ at the International Conference on Population and associate violence by men as a symbol ries about gender-based violence are in 2015, a fall of 11 per cent in five years.
EULGJLQJWKHJDSEHWZHHQKRXVLQJGHPDQGDQGVXSSO\DVLWFDQEH Development (ICPD+25) Summit held in Nairobi of their masculinity and power. Many human rights defenders in their own Last year, a survey conducted by the
LQVWUXPHQWDOLQDWWUDFWLQJSULYDWHFDSLWDOIRUILQDQFLDOO\YLDEOH$+SUR recently. Hosted by Centre for Women’s Global news reports of violence against women right. They often face challenges, includ- International Women’s Foundation and
MHFWV7KH333IUDPHZRUNFDQEHHIIHFWLYHO\XVHGWRDGGUHVVVRPH Leadership under its Journalism Initiative on tend to represent women as victims and ing misogynistic attacks online and Troll Busters found women journalists,
LVVXHVLQKRXVLQJGHYHORSPHQWVXFKDVODQGDYDLODELOLW\DSSURYDOGHOD\V Gender-Based Violence (JiG), in partnership as responsible for the violence. offline, as a result of their work. who experienced online abuse, report-
IXQGLQJDQGDIIRUGDELOLW\E\WKHHFRQRPLFDOO\ZHDNHUVHFWLRQV (:6  with the United Nations Population Fund Unfortunately, this is what has hap- “They also face the challenge of ed short-term and long-term emotion-
7KHKRXVLQJVHFWRUKDVJUHDWSRWHQWLDODVLWLVWKHPDLQHQDEOHU (UNFPA) Regional Syria Response Hub and the pened in Syria, according to Jafar dealing with their own trauma as they al and psychological effects. About 40
RIWKHHFRQRP\LQWHUPVRIFRQWULEXWLRQVWRWKHH[FKHTXHUDQGHPSOR\ Dart Centre for Journalism and Trauma, the ses- Irshaidat, communications specialist, help another girl or woman secure jus- per cent had avoided reporting certain
sion focussed on the importance of the media in UNFPA, Syria. “We found that the tice,” says Sarah Macharia, Global Media stories as a result of these incidents.
PHQWJHQHUDWLRQ7KHVHFWRUDOVRVXSSRUWVDQFLOODU\LQGXVWULHVDQG either shifting or perpetuating attitudes toward media could play a harmful role in gen- Monitoring Project (GMMP). The In India, the #MeToo movement has
KDVDKXJHPXOWLSOLHUHIIHFWRQWKHHFRQRP\3URSHUQXUWXULQJFRXOG gender-based violence in the context of the erating stereotyping and perpetuating GMMP is the largest and longest-run- been a catalyst to tackle GBV violence
KHOSLQFUHDVHLWVVKDUHWRSHUFHQWE\7KH&HQWUHFRXOG ICPD. certain myths about GBV. Their news ning research and advocacy initiative on in the media with many women jour-
H[SORUHIRUPLQJDQRGDODJHQF\XQGHUWKH0LQLVWU\RI+RXVLQJDQG “Violence against women is a human rights reports also harmed survivors directly gender equality in the world’s news nalists coming out to share their stories
8UEDQ3RYHUW\$OOHYLDWLRQWRIDFLOLWDWHIDVWWUDFNGHYHORSPHQWRI$+SUR violation. Violence is about silencing us and the by disclosing their identities and shift- media. of sexual assault and harassment.
MHFWV7KLVQRGDOERG\FRXOGEHDV\QFKURQLVLQJDJHQF\EHWZHHQWKH media is about breaking the silence. The media ing the blame away from the perpetra- Implemented collaboratively with However, hardly any media organisation
SULYDWHVHFWRUFRQVXPHUVOHQGLQJLQVWLWXWLRQVLQYHVWRUVYDULRXVKRXV has a critical role to see that this silence is broken tors. So we are working with the media grassroots and national-level women’s has provided physical security, legal
LQJUHJXODWRU\DJHQFLHV6WDWH*RYHUQPHQWVDQG8/%V and women’s voices are amplified,” said Ing on how they can change the narrative,” rights groups, other civil society organ- advice and psychological support to
$QRWKHUNH\DVSHFWWKDWLVZLGHO\QHJOHFWHGZKLOHSODQQLQJDQ$+ Kantha Phavi, Minister of Women’s Affairs of he said. This is where women journal- isations, associations and unions of women journalists affected by sexual
SURMHFWLVPDLQWHQDQFHSRVWKDQGRYHURIXQLWVZKLFKFUHDWHVQHZ Cambodia. ists are making the difference. In India, media professionals, university students violence and sexual harassment.
Phavi pointed out that the Government of one of the important examples of how and researchers around the world, the Women journalists face a triple risk:
XUEDQVOXPV,WLVRIH[WUHPHLPSRUWDQFHWRUHSRUWWKLVDVSHFWWRJHQ Cambodia was committed to the ICPD+25 goal the media used its influence to impact GMMP aims to advance gender equal- Risk as every other woman; the same
HUDWHVXVWDLQDEOHEHQHILWVRIWKHFUHDWLRQRIWKHVHDVVHWV$VSHUDUHSRUW of zero sexual and gender-based violence by ensur- positive change was seen by the ity in and through the media by gath- risks as their male colleagues and risks
E\'HORLWWHRQ$IIRUGDEOH+RXVLQJWKH*RYHUQPHQWKDVWDNHQPDQ\ ing prevention and care services for all women and reportage, by women journalists in ering evidence on disparities in portray- that impact them specifically because
VWHSVWRERRVWWKHVHFWRUEXWFKDOOHQJHVVWLOOUHPDLQ)RULQVWDQFHZKLOH girls. However, the persistence of social stereotyp- particular, around the Delhi gang-rape al, representation and voice of women they are women journalists. Unless
5DMLY$ZDV<RMDQD 5$< HQYLVDJHGDIXQGIRUWKHPDLQWHQDQFHRIDVVHWV ing and social attitudes towards women prevent- in December 2012. This led to public compared to men. impunity for attacks on women journal-
FUHDWHGXQGHUWKHVFKHPHZLWKDRQHWLPHFRQWULEXWLRQIURPWKH&HQWUH ed them from seeking help and services. This is mobilisation and the enactment of the The latest GMMP study showed a ists ends, these risks will continue to
LWFRXOGQRWEHLPSOHPHQWHGDWDZLGHUOHYHO where the media can help as it continues to play Criminal Law (Amendment) Act 2013. decline in stories that focussed on gen- impact their work.
7KHZULWHULV'LUHFWRURIDPDMRUUHDOHVWDWHJURXS a crucial role globally in key conversations. The This mandated the compulsory filing of der violence, including issues such as (The writer is a senior journalist)

worldwide. Of these, one in three is couples could barely afford a roof over from the UN and other agencies Pradesh (UP), Andhra Pradesh, West traceptive use, resulting in a higher firmly within the post-2015 develop-
found in India, yet the nation was not their heads and had to keep their points to the declining rate of child Bengal, Rajasthan, Bihar, likelihood of early and high-risk ment agenda, recognising the need to
among the 116 countries that sup- romantic impulses in check till their marriages in India between 1991- Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, pregnancies. It also put her at risk of end child, early and forced marriage.”
ported the UN Resolution. In fact, earnings reached subsistence level, 2011. The IHDS, too, found that an together contributed to 70 per cent sexually transmitted infections and Alex George, Senior Consultant
barring Afghanistan and the well into their mid-20s. increasing proportion of women of child marriages in the country, with intimate partner violence. Child for Child Rights, at Child Rights
Maldives, other South Asian nations, In 20th and 21st century India, were delaying marriage, but the four districts of Rajasthan — marriage also makes young girls Focus advocates effective policy
too, ostensibly failed to ratify the res- poverty is again the overarching rea- mean age of marriage for women in Bhilwara, Chittorgarh, Tonk, and more vulnerable because it leads to enforcement and stronger legal
1>E@=1<47C0 olution, despite persistently battling son for the anomaly in conjugal well- the country continues to remain Ajmer — and Lalitpur from UP, being lower education attainment and actions. The Prohibition of Child
the challenge of child marriage and being, but its outcome is the exact low. As of the second wave of IHDS “hotspots” for the occurrence of diminished opportunities to develop Marriage Act, 2006, which makes it

e celebrated the fifth its concomitant adverse impacts. A opposite. In a 2011 research paper released in 2011-12, almost 41 per child marriages in India. social networks. Another UNICEF illegal for girls to marry before the age
anniversary of the historic peek into history throws up another titled Delaying Marriage for Girls in cent of the women in the age group Says an elderly resident of Tonk, report of 2005, Early Marriage: A of 18 and for boys under 21 years, also
UN resolution on ending ironical picture. India: A Formative Research to Design of 15-32 years were married between himself married at the age of five, Harmful Traditional Practice, points must be implemented stringently.
child marriage yesterday. Hence, the The Elizabethan and Jacobean Interventions for Changing Norms, 16 and 18 years of age. “There are a lot of child marriages in out that at 67 per cent, India has the Actions, however, speak louder
time is ripe to assess how far India has eras, spanning the mid-16th to early UNICEF found that poverty in An analysis of data from the our community due to poverty and highest levels of domestic violence than words. A small village in Tonk
succeeded in its goal of reducing the 17th centuries in England, were Rajasthan was the biggest reason for National Family Health Survey, poor literacy. My wife came to stay among women married by the age of has been taking the lead in monitor-
number of child brides. The UN res- some of the most conservative peri- fathers pushing their daughters into (NFHS-I) along with IHDS-II, indi- with me when I was 15 and she was 18. What does the future hold for ing child marriage and leading dis-
olution, which came into effect in ods in history, replete with tales of an early marriage. cates that the percentage of women just 12.” Citing his personal experi- these girls-women in a society con- cussions with other community
2015, is fundamental to building docile women and chauvinistic men. These data are ratified by the in the 20–24 age group, who were ence, he avers that child marriage is fronted with unprecedented social members on its damaging effects.
strong international standards that Yet early marriages were rare. India Human Development Survey married before 18, declined from 56.8 antithetical to marital happiness and and economic challenges and a rapid- Last year, the village was declared
recognise child marriage for what it Although the minimum legal mar- (IHDS), conducted by the National per cent in 1992–93 (NFHS-I) to 36.2 health, as it puts a major burden of ly transforming anthropological and child bride-free under the UNICEF’s
is: A violation of fundamental human riageable age was 12 years for girls and Council of Applied Economic per cent in 2011–12 (IHDS II). responsibilities on the boy and entails demographic landscape? Laadli Samman (Honour your
rights. According to a UNICEF 14 for boys, records reveal that the Research (NCAER) in collaboration However, the number of child numerous health problems for the According to Heather Hamilton, daughters) campaign. A small step
report released in 2014, titled Ending mean marriage ages ranged from 25 with the University of Maryland, marriages and its prevalence among girl. Child marriage has been found Global Coordinator of Girls Not but with a gigantic portent for girls
Child Marriage: Progress and for women to 27 for men. USA, in 2004-05 and 2011-12. The girls remains very high even in to have negative consequences on the Brides, a global partnership of more to thrive and live their dreams before
Prospects, child marriage is most com- Historians assert that in medieval IHDS includes a household module recent times. According to the 2011 young bride’s health, economic than 1,300 civil society organisations being shackled in premature matri-
mon in South Asia and sub-Saharan England, the primary reason for late as well as a module administered to census, 7.4 million people were mar- opportunities and her children’s from over 100 countries, committed mony.
Africa, with South Asia accounting marriage among labourers and the 33,510 married women aged 15–49 ried before the age of 18 years, 88 per health. Early marriage negatively to ending child marriage, “The UN (The writer is Editor at NCAER.
for 42 per cent of all child brides middle class was financial. Young years. A ray of hope offered by data cent of whom were girls. Uttar affects the bride’s autonomy over con- resolution situates child marriage Views expressed are personal.)
=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A!!! ( \^]Th 

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S ethurathnam Ravi (S Ravi)
is the former BSE Limited
Chairman and Founder and
ly for those coming from the
smaller bank. That is a very big
challenge, there will be a lot of
Bank had authority over just
C50 crore, now as part of
Indian Bank, he or she can
were set up a decade ago, the
investments were made at par.
Now the banks will get a good
Managing Partner of Chartered learning and reevaluation that manage C200 crore. The deci- premium for them. And many
Accountants’ firm Ravi Rajan will need to take place. sion making will become a lot of the subsidiaries were in

& Co., an advisory and accoun- faster and that should help non-banking areas like insur-
tancy firm, headquartered in What about the customer, the small to medium segment ance, pensions, these are not
New Delhi, India. In his tenure they also get emotionally of businesses. your core business. In housing
spanning more than three attached to a bank? finance, the banks themselves
for the spectrum bought in decades, S Ravi has gained The customer will have to And with the reassurance of were capable, so why were
BPhbXcfX[[_a^eXST auctions.
This is a great break-
extensive experience in the
field of banking and finance,
look at it is a very different way
and that will need to be artic-
no job losses things will also
be smooth?
they set up? To access a new tal-
ent pool and new investments.
WTPSa^^\c^cT[R^b through in the economic
reform system and will have a
financial and management
consulting; including mergers
ulated by the new banks. See
what has happened to the PMC
A branch consists of 8-12
people and those jobs are going
It is a competitive market in
sectors like housing finance, =Tf3T[WX)>]=^eT\QTa $! (PbZX[[STeT[^_\T]cRT]caTRd\
?C8Q =4F34;78 positive impact on and acquisitions, valuations, Bank and smaller banks are nowhere because the brick and and if teh banks can unlock \d[cX_da_^bTWP[[fPbX]PdVdaPcTSQh3X_P[X:WP]]P8]ST_T]ST]c
the growth and development of rehabilitation & restructuring feeling the pressure. The choice mortar will remain the same, good value by divesting the 3XaTRc^a2WPXa_Tab^]2^a_^aPcTB^RXP[ATb_^]bXQX[XchBZX[[
ndia Inc on Thursday wel-
comed the Government’s
to defer receipt of
telecom sector and the econo-
my as a whole, PHD Chamber
of Commerce and Industry
of companies and turnaround
strategies, auditing of compa-
nies and banks among others.
for the customer is stark, would
they want to stay with an iden-
tity or move to a newer bank
some banks might have
branches next to each other so
some realignment might hap-
firms, they should.

So do you also believe that

spectrum auction installments President DK Aggarwal said. He spoke to The Pioneer’s where their money is safe? So pen, but people will not lose bank employees have realised 3TT_PZBX]VWP[2^?0<3Bd]XcP1WPabPcBPa_P]RWEP]X6aP\
due from telecom service Deferment of spectrum auc- Kushan Mitra on the recent I believe customers will move jobs. Also, the skillsets of that a larger bank is also bet- ?P]RWPhPcP]S^cWTabT]X^a^UUXRTab^U70;P[^]VfXcW[PaVT]d\QTa^U
providers, saying the move will tion installments will provide a decision by the Finance to safer banks. bankers are changing, there will ter for them in the long run? eX[[PVTab^UEP]XfTaT_aTbT]cc^fXc]TbbcWTTeT]c
provide headroom to the sec- pronounced relief to stressed Ministry to merge several be a lot of demand for the See this is the single most
tor currently facing stress, gen- telecom service providers lead- Public Sector Banks. So you believe that customers younger people who are more important aspect, the emo- =A;H?;0=B>?BBCA0C46H3DA8=65>66HF40C74A
erate job opportunities and ing to their continuous opera- after having seen what hap- aware of aspects like digital tional aspect. The bank
drive consumer demand. tions, ease their cash outflow and What according to you is the pened to PMC bank will be banking. Also, you have to employees have to be taken
The Government on give them window to make biggest challenge of the bank- happier to accept the merger? remember that other than care of, how do hold their
Wednesday doled out a C42,000 payments for statutory liabilities ing mergers announced by the I think customers have HDFC bank, most private sec- hands through the entire
crore relief to debt-laden tele- and interest on bank loans, Finance Ministry? seen that the government has tor banks in India have had process. I would set up task-
com companies after it agreed Aggarwal said. There are some challenges pumped in a lot of money into their own challenges, so you forces for all these major chal-
not to take any payments for As the telecom sector is that come across, the biggest of the banks and they will see that must not think that it is only lenges. There is another huge
spectrum they use for the next one of the major growth driver course is the emotional uncer- the government is supporting the PSU banks in trouble. challenge as well, in the IT
two years. of economy, this move is wel- tainty that will play on the these banks. From a customer space, just to collect and sani-
The Union Cabinet head- comed as it will generate minds of the bankers them- viewpoint you feel safer and What about the subsidiaries tise data. The margin money is
ed by Prime Minister Narendra employment opportunities for selves. When you have spent an even as borrowers, the small- of many of these banks? different for different
Modi approved giving Bharti the potential workforce, drive entire career in one place it can er, weaker banks were not Like Can Fin Homes of types of borrowers in different =Tf3T[WX)CWT^RRdaaT]RT^UU^VTb_TRXP[[hX]=^acW8]SXPSdaX]VcWT
Airtel, Vodafone Idea Ltd and consumer demand sentiments be very unsettling to leave. The extending credit and now that Canara Bank? banks, now collecting that data fX]cTa\^]cWbXbPR^\\^]fTPcWTa_WT]^\T]^]7^fTeTaXcWPb
Reliance Jio an option to avail in the economy, provide further second thing is uncertainty on situation should change. At Almost all these sub- is important and should have QTT]Tg_TaXT]RTScWPcX]aTRT]chTPabcWT_PccTa]P]S^RRdaaT]RTb_P]
a two-year moratorium on impetus and pave way to the career front, because some- the same time, the powers will sidiaries are either joint-ven- a dedicated taskforce ^UU^VX]cWTbdQR^]cX]T]cWPbd]STaV^]TRWP]VTbfXcWbTeTaP[
payments they were supposed achieve USD 5 trillion econo- one will suddenly be dropped be realigned. Hypothetically, a tures or already partially divest- behind it and then finally take _^RZTcb^UFTbcTa]P]S4PbcTa]aTVX^]b^UcWTR^d]cah]^fP[b^
to make in yearly installments my going forward, he added. into a new ecosystem especial- General Manager in United ed. Keep in mind when these a decision. fXc]TbbX]VcWTca^dQ[Tb^\TfTPcWTaTUUTRc5^VRPdbTbaT_TaRdbbX^]b


?C8Q =4F34;78 number, when surrendered or make available the Mobile
permanently disconnected, Number Revocation List ?C8Q =4F34;78 of loans during the month. As ment said. 8?D=8E4AB8CH>A60=8B4B1>>:4G7818C8>=
much as C1,05,599 crore was
T rai on Thursday asked telcos
to submit, on a monthly
basis, lists of permanently dis-
after a certain time period gets
re-allocated to some other cus-
tomer, but many service deliv-
(MNRL) to the stakeholders for
transparency and efficiency
and to enable the interested A s part of a Government-
mandated outreach pro-
given towards new term loans
while C46,800 crore was dis-
As per the Finance
Minister’s directive, outreach
programmes were conducted
connected mobile numbers on ery platforms/ systems are not parties to clean up their data- gramme, public sector banks bursed as new working capital by banks in participation with
the authority’s website in a bid updated by the earlier cus- bases thereby not sending one disbursed a record C2.5 lakh loans, the Department of private banks and NBFCs in
to enable companies which use tomer, who may either not be time password etc. To someone crore of loans during the festive Financial Services said in a 226 districts from October 1-
subscriber mobile numbers for using the service regularly and other than their customer...,” month of October, the Finance statement. 9 in Phase-I and 148 districts
identification and authentication hence do not find a reason to Trai added. Ministry said on Thursday. So fresh lending, including from October 21-25 in Phase-
to keep their systems updated. update his mobile number, or MNRL, the digitally-signed In a bid to boost con- new term loans, was 60 per II, it said.
The latest move by the Telecom due to lack of awareness of list of permanently discon- sumption and revive the econ- cent of the total disbursement, Public sector banks active-
Regulatory Authority of India potential danger due nected mobile numbers, would omy, Finance Minister Nirmala it said. “This is a turnaround ly reached out to their cus-
(Trai) is aimed at ensuring that to mobile number reuse, thus be published on Trai’s website Sitharaman had in September story. Banks are fully capi- tomers in these camps and
banks, insurance companies creating huge potential of an every month, allowing various asked banks to reach out to talised and in a position to made concerted efforts towards
and others would have a ready identity/profile take over on re- agencies to independently customers and signal their will- meet any kind of credit require- activities such as sanctioning of =Tf3T[WX)0cWaTTSPhQ^^ZTgWXQXcX^]fPb^aVP]XbTSQhcWT
list (without names) of mobile allocation of a mobile number,” download and easily clean up ingness to lend following all ment,” Finance Secretary Rajiv loans as per prudential norms, D]XeTabXch8]U^a\PcX^]P]SATb^daRT2T]caTD8A2^UcWT8?
numbers that are disconnected. Trai said in a statement. their database using their own prudential norms. Kumar said. opening of accounts along with DX]XeTabXchPccWT\PX][XQaPahQ[^RZ^UcWTD]XeTabXchEXRT2WP]RT[[^a
This, in turn, will prevent There is no platform/sys- workflows, it said. For instance, Under her direction, out- Two years of sustained Aadhaar, mobile seeding of ^UcWTD]XeTabXch?a^U<PWTbWETa\PX]PdVdaPcTScWT4gWXQXcX^]
service delivery platforms tem available by which banks it said, a bank could download reach camps or loan melas efforts by the government have accounts and popularising the ATVXbcaPaAPeX3PSWXRW2^]ca^[[Ta^U5X]P]RTAX]Zd6PdcP\P]S^cWTa
from using those numbers and other stakeholders can get the list, check each number and were conducted across 374 dis- turned around the public sec- BHIM app, it said. bT]X^aUPRd[ch\T\QTab^UUXRTabP]SbcdST]cb^UcWTD]XeTabXch_aTbT]c
for any authentication pur- the information about perma- if it is one of their customers’, tricts across the country during tor banks, he added. The drive also simultane- ^]cWT^RRPbX^]0RR^aSX]Vc^cWTX]RWPaVT¯;XQaPah^UcWTD]XeTabXch
pose, say through one time nently disconnected numbers they can flag it and let the cus- October 2019. Credit to NBFCs during ously galvanised similar out- 3aBPeXcP<XccP[¯Pa^d]S^]TWd]SaTS_a^\X]T]c_dQ[XbWTabRP\T
password. and deregister them. tomer update with a currently- State-owned banks dis- the month of October 2019 was reach efforts in individual Ua^\PRa^bbcWTR^d]cahTgWXQXcTScWTXa_dQ[XRPcX^]bP[[cWaTTSPhb^U
“And whereas a mobile “...Therefore, in order to operated number. bursed a record C2,52,589 crore C19,627.26 crore, the state- branches of banks, it added. cWT4gWXQXcX^]


New Delhi: Gold prices on Thursday declined by C53 to C39,007
per 10 gram in the national capital on marginal appreciation in New Delhi: Niti Aayog Vice

rupee, as per HDFC Securities. In the previous trade, the pre- ?C8Q =4F34;78 lation an integral part of gov- system, while working on the Chairman Rajiv Kumar on
cious metal had closed at C39,060 per 10 gram. ernance, the prime minister country-specific tools. “CAG Thursday urged India Inc to
Silver prices also witnessed a marginal correction of C20 to
C45,830 per kg as compared to C45,850 per kg on Wednesday.
“Spot gold prices for 24 Karat in Delhi were trading down by C53
P rime Minister Narendra
Modi on Thursday exhort-
ed auditors to develop techni-
said auditors must resort to
technical tools to iron out any
chances of fraud in organisa-
audits several international
organisations and provides tech-
nical support to other countries ,I&RQJ1&36HQD that according to Central gov-
assess and review the impact of
their CSR initiatives.
Speaking at the ‘CSR
on marginal rupee appreciation. The wedding demand is set to cal tools to check frauds and tions and give a new identity to as well. You can start an organ- ernment, the Maharashtra gov- Impact Conclave’ here, Kumar
cheer spot gold markets in India,” HDFC Securities Senior Analyst improve efficiency in new India. isational mechanism through DOOLDQFHFRPHVWR ernment would be bearing also said that companies
(Commodities) Tapan Patel said. PTI Government departments as Modi, who addressed the which the teams that audit such C5,000 crore of the total should focus on nutrition and
well as play a role in making CAG conclave for the second firms can share their experi- SRZHULQ0DKD C1.08 lakh crore cost.” innovation as part of their
India a USD 5-trillion economy. time since 2016, said India is ences and share best practices in “And then we came to a CSR mandate.
Modi also emphasised that moving towards a USD 5-tril- those countries/organisations,” 80=BQ =4F34;78 conclusion that once we form “India has excellent exam-
the government wants to move lion economy target and “you the PM said. the Government in the state ples of CSR. Going forward, the
to evidence-backed policy
making by 2022 and the the
Comptroller of Auditor
(auditors) have a big role in the
same. Whatever you will do
directly affect our
In order to improve effi-
ciency and transparency, Modi
said the auditors should organ-
P rime Minister Narendra
Modi’s highly ambitious
Bullet train project of the
then we will inform the Central
Government that the State
Government will not bear the
corporate CSR should focus
more on two additional areas
like nutrition and innovation as
General (CAG) can contribute policy making, efficiency, deci- ise a hackathon that will help National High Speed Railway cost of the high speed train pro- a part of their CSR mandate,”
as a think tank by focusing on sion-making, business, invest- find solutions to many issues Corp (NHSRCL) between ject and will spend the same he said.
big data analysis. ment, ease of doing business being faced. Mumbai-Ahmedabad may hit money on some other pro-peo- Kumar added, “I think cor-
“We must challenge the and more”. The apex auditor should a roadblock if the Congress- ple schemes,” he said. porate must find a way to do
frauds. Both internal and exter- He also asked the CAG to also focus on process audit for NCP-Shiv Sena combine comes The party source said that well by doing good. ‘Doing
nal auditors need to find inno- think from the perspective of better efficiency, he said adding to power in Maharashtra. the State Government will good’ must be integrated in
vative methods to catch frauds. a think tank and not just from that the CAG must come for- Modi and Japanese Prime spend the amount for farmers’ business practices in line with
We must need to encourage the a point of view of an auditor ward as a catalyst for good gov- Minister Shinzo Abe had welfare. conscious capitalism by mak-
core values of auditors for the whose job is to find faults. ernance and not restrict itself jointly laid the foundation The 508-km Ahmedabad- ing self-interest a ver y
same,” Modi said while Digital audit and digital gov- to statistics and steps. stone for the Bullet train pro- Mumbai high speed train small part of our way of doing
addressing a conclave of the ernance can strengthen insti- “You are working towards ject in Ahmedabad in project is slated to be complet- business.”
CAG on transforming audit tutional memory for several converting CAG to CAG+, September 2017. ed by 2023. The gap between the social
and assurance in a digital organisations, he said adding and this has helped the nation A senior NCP source told The NHSRCL, which is good and the corporate good
world. He said a lot of attempts that audit firms around the as well,” he said while appreci- IANS that “during the first responsible for undertaking should be studied, he added.
have been made in the last few globe are moving towards ating the new initiatives taken meeting of the three parties in the construction, has, till date, He also urged the National CSR
years to control frauds in gov- crowd-based solutions. by the Government auditor. Mumbai last week, discussions acquired over 48 per cent of the Network to work with the Niti
ernmental organisations. The CAG should also adopt Earlier, Modi unveiled a were held on the Ahmedabad- land for the project and also Aayog for an objective impact
Stressing the need to make the best global practices and statue of Mahatma Gandhi in Mumbai Bullet train project in floated tenders for several assessment of the five years of
evidence-based policy formu- instill them into the Indian the CAG complex. which we informed the leaders works. the CSR initiative. IANS
=4F34;78k 5A830H k=>E4<14A!!! ( \^]Th

De`T\dd]ZaRdUZgVde^V_eUcZgV 8]SXP8]R³b<0
WRZ]de``WWdVeX]`SR]h`Vd #$_RX]>Rc
New Delhi: Corporate India wit-
nessed merger and acquisition ?C8Q =4F34;78 performance,” Somany added. 8>2>C74A?BDB=>CC>
?C8Q <D<108 Shares of Bharat Petroleum Bharat Petroleum Corp Ltd after and auto indices tumbled up to deals worth USD 1.5 billion The decision to set up a uni- 1835>A1?2;78=CB
Corp Ltd (BPCL) and Shipping taking out Numaligarh refinery 2.23 per cent. through 28 transactions in
ndustr y body Ficci on fied regulatory body to supervise

quity indices slipped into Corp of India (SCI) tumbled on from its fold. Realty, capital goods, finance, October, registering a 45 per cent Thursday hailed the centre’s the activities of financial services Meanwhile, Oil Minister
the red on Thursday as Thursday after the Cabinet It also approved the sale of IT and teck notched up gains of decline over the same month last to the sale of its providers in the International Dharmendra Pradhan on
the government’s latest approved sale of government’s an entire 63.75 per cent gov- up to 0.45 per cent. Broader BSE year, a report said on Thursday. stake in BPCL, SCI and Financial Services Centre (IFSC) Thursday hinted that public
reforms push failed to stem stake in these companies. ernment holding in Shipping midcap and smallcap indices According to Grant Concor, saying that the move will add to the ease of doing sector firms such as Indian Oil
profit-booking amid the pro- Shipping Corp stock Corp of India (SCI) and a 30.8 slipped up to 0.73 per cent. Thornton’s latest M&A would strengthen the perfor- business for firms that set up a Corporation (IOC) may not be
tracted US-China tensions. dropped 6.29 per cent to close per cent stake in Container Elsewhere in Asia, bourses Dealtracker, there were 28 M&A mance of these companies and base in IFSC and Ficci welcomes allowed to bid for buying gov-
After a choppy session, at C64.05 on the BSE. During the Corp of India (Concor). in Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tokyo deals worth USD 1.5 billion in bring in fresh investments for this single window facilitation, ernment stake in Bharat
the 30-share BSE Sensex ended trade, it declined 7 per cent to The government currently and Seoul settled in the red amid October this year, while in the both modernisation and he said. Another notable deci- Petroleum Corporation Ltd
76.47 points, or 0.19 per cent, C63.50. The scrip of BPCL holds 54.80 per cent in Concor reports that the US-China trade same period last year 47 such expansion. sion of the government is the (BPCL), for which a buyer may
lower at 40,575.17. Similarly, plunged 5.66 per cent to close at and will retain 24 per cent stake deal was unlikely to be signed deals were announced worth “It is encouraging to see the relief provided to the telecom have to shell out as much as
the broader NSE Nifty closed C513.80. During the day, it post sell-off but without any veto this year. USD 2.8 billion. government take further steps to sector by way of deferment of C90,000 crore.
30.70 points, or 0.26 per cent, tanked 6.15 per cent to C511.10. powers or management say, European equities were also While the overall M&A push the reforms agenda as receipt of spectrum auction “Since 2014, we have a clear
down at 11,968.40. Both BPCL and Shipping Corp Disinvestment Secretary Tuhin trading on a negative note in deal value and volume in well as address some of the crit- instalments due from telecom vision that the government has
Kicking off the country’s had hit their respective 52-week Kanta Pandey said. their respective early deals. October declined as compared ical pain points of industry. service providers for the year no business to be in business,”
biggest privatisation drive, the highs in early trade. Container On the other hand, HUL Meanwhile, the Indian rupee to the year-ago period, on a The decision to undertake 2020-21 and 2021-22, the indus- Pradhan told reporters here.
Union Cabinet on Wednesday Corp stock fell 0.49 per cent to gained 1.15 per cent, L&T 0.89 pared initial losses and settled 5 month-on-month basis, there strategic disinvestment and try body said. “We have examples of 2-3 sec-
approved sale of the govern- C575.15. In intra-day, it dipped per cent, Bajaj Auto 0.82 per cent paise up at 71.76 against the US was an increase, showing signs transfer management control “This move should provide tors such as telecom and avia-
ment’s stake in five PSUs. The 0.78 per cent to C573.45. and SBI 0.81 per cent. currency on Thursday amid of improved sentiments. in entities like Shipping some headroom to the telecom tion where ushering in private
Centre also doled out a C42,000 During the early trade these “Concerns over delay in softening crude oil prices and “This was driven by the cor- Corporation of India (SCI), sector in the country as it is see- participation has led to cus-
crore relief to debt-laden telecom scrips had shown mixed trend. US-China trade deal and Fed weakening of the greenback vis- porate tax cut, which has Bharat Petroleum Corporation ing a lot of stress. We must tomers benefiting from price
companies after it agreed not to In the biggest privatisation minutes fuelled negativity in a-vis other currencies overseas. improved both investor senti- Limited (BPCL) and Container ensure the viability of the sector cuts, efficiency, and better ser-
take any payments for spectrum drive ever, the Union Cabinet on markets across the globe. While Forex traders said the rupee ment and confidence. This also Corporation of India (Concor) and Ficci hopes that this is the vice. And yesterday (on
they use for the next two years. Wednesday approved sale of domestic blue chips are finding rebounded after China said it resulted in the average deal size are welcome,” Ficci President first step in that direction with Wednesday), several reformist
However, trading sentiment government’s stake in blue-chip it difficult to maintain positivi- will strive to reach ‘phase one’ more than doubling from USD Sandip Somany said in a state- more support in the offing from decisions were taken.”
remained risk-averse after the oil firm BPCL, shipping firm ty due to excessive valuation. trade deal with the US. 24 million in September 2019 to ment. the government,” according to Pradhan, however, did not
US-China trade negotiations SCI and cargo mover Concor as “Focus will be on next week’s At the interbank foreign USD 55 million in October Further, the decision to give Somany. say if IOC or Oil India Ltd,
were further complicated by a US well as decided to cut share- Q2 GDP data which is expect- exchange market, the rupee 2019,” the report said. greater operational authority to Finally, on the labour code, which already has a stake in the
legislation supporting Hong holding in select public sector ed to be below the 5 per cent opened at 71.83 against the US The energy sector domi- the board of National Highways the industry body noted the refinery and also supplies crude
Kong protestors. firms below 51 per cent to reported in Q1. At the same time, dollar. During the day, the nated October’s M&A in terms Authority of India (NHAI) and approval accorded by the gov- oil to it, will take over the unit.
Majority of the sectoral boost revenue collections that Nifty50 is trading at one year domestic unit fluctuated between of values with 64 per cent con- enabling it to securitise user fee ernment to the Industrial Asked if public sector units
indices also succumbed to prof- have been hit by slowing econ- forward P/E of 19x and 26x on a high of 71.72 and a low of 71.89 tribution to total M&A deals, receipts for raising long-term Relations Code. will be allowed to bid for the
it booking amid elevated valu- omy. 12 month trailing basis which and finally ended the day at 71.76 driven by the largest bet on funds from banks is another “This forward movement is government’s 53.29 per cent
ations, traders said. The Cabinet Committee on does not provide much leeway to against the US dollar. On India’s clean energy with Total major positive, Somany said. noteworthy and we hope that with stake, he said: “Nitty gritty and
Tata Steel was the top loser Economic Affairs (CCEA) perform in the short-term,” said Wednesday, the domestic unit SA’s 37 per cent stake acquisition “The roads and highways this move we have moved further details of the disinvestment
in the Sensex pack, dropping approved sale of government’s Vinod Nair, head of research at had settled at 71.81. in Adani Gas for USD 0.9 billion. sector will get a further fillip ahead on having in place balanced process will have to be worked
3.35 per cent, followed by Bharti entire 53.29 per cent stake along Geojit Financial Services. Brent crude futures, the Other sectors that attracted through this move; and given its labour regulations in the country out but when I say the govern-
Airtel down 2.52 per cent, Yes with transfer of management Sectorally, BSE metal, oil global oil benchmark, slipped major deals during October multiplier impact, we hope to that take account of the interest of ment has no business to be in
Bank 2.43 per cent, ONGC 1.98 control in the country’s second- and gas, telecom, energy, basic 0.51 per cent to USD 62.08 per include pharma, automotive, see other related sectors also both the employers and the business, it is indicative of pos-
per cent and ITC 1.96 per cent. biggest state-owned refiner materials, consumer durables barrel. banking and energy. PTI witnessing improvement in their employees.” sible future course of action.”

NIFTY 50 12025.65 12028.20 11956.90 11968.40 -30.70 Script Open High Low LTP ULTRACEMCO 4110.00 4115.00 4065.00 4075.40 OFSS 3044.95 3047.45 2928.60 2973.00 REDINGTON 119.70 119.70 111.65 112.25
ZEEL 337.70 364.00 320.20 343.00 36.00 ZEEL 337.85 353.20 320.30 345.25 KNRCON 256.00 288.00 247.65 250.15 ADANIGREEN 99.00 99.20 96.40 96.95 KAJARIACER 525.95 525.95 514.95 519.70
EICHERMOT 21550.00 21998.00 21450.00 21940.00 450.20 IBULHSGFIN 210.00 235.00 204.90 231.65 DABUR 469.10 473.50 462.25 464.10 CORPBANK 27.45 27.45 24.95 24.95 COROMANDEL 470.40 471.15 461.00 463.65
DRREDDY 2828.00 2890.00 2810.20 2879.15 40.50 RELIANCE 1547.50 1556.30 1528.60 1537.25 OMAXE 192.00 192.00 181.05 181.70 NETWORK18 25.65 30.60 25.55 27.70 FINOLEXIND 567.25 577.95 565.15 565.95
ADANIPORTS 368.00 376.25 368.00 371.80 5.10 IDEA 7.77 8.13 6.21 6.64 RAJESHEXPO 700.45 712.40 698.50 708.15 DALBHARAT 844.45 856.65 840.00 852.80 TATAMETALI 576.60 576.80 571.00 571.65
HINDUNILVR 2027.00 2059.95 2017.00 2047.00 20.50 YESBANK 66.60 67.20 63.90 64.25 COALINDIA 201.00 203.40 195.95 196.65 INDIACEM 77.80 80.45 77.40 77.95 METROPOLIS 1440.40 1444.95 1425.95 1440.90
SBIN 329.25 332.85 326.55 331.95 3.15 BPCL 549.70 549.70 511.10 513.80 GODREJPROP 868.00 874.45 845.05 859.60 ACC 1484.00 1494.50 1470.75 1473.15 PHILIPCARB 124.25 124.60 122.25 122.70
LT 1405.00 1417.90 1385.00 1392.50 11.70 RBLBANK 346.25 363.35 333.40 334.80 NBCC 38.00 38.10 36.75 37.25 CAPPL 344.00 345.25 295.75 306.65 IEX 143.70 145.00 142.80 144.85
ICICIBANK 498.10 503.80 491.25 499.00 4.00 LT 1404.00 1417.50 1386.20 1393.00 TVSMOTOR 454.60 460.80 447.30 448.45 ASHOKA 96.30 102.10 93.65 93.95 HUDCO 43.40 43.40 42.05 42.20
NCC 67.20 70.00 61.60 62.00 PVR 1780.00 1809.00 1763.40 1796.05 BALKRISIND 842.50 854.80 841.55 843.45 RELAXO 569.00 577.25 560.65 571.30
BAJAJ-AUTO 3152.40 3209.00 3144.00 3186.65 24.25
SBIN 329.80 333.00 326.65 331.35 JISLJALEQS 11.20 11.50 11.00 11.20 SUVEN 305.00 307.50 293.45 294.60 KANSAINER 537.75 538.55 526.65 532.40
HDFCBANK 1270.25 1287.00 1268.35 1281.95 8.60
AAVAS 1701.45 1746.00 1679.50 1691.60 BEML 962.00 972.95 949.10 952.15 CARERATING 480.75 480.75 475.00 476.95 SANOFI 6907.50 6997.00 6858.25 6899.05
CIPLA 482.60 492.30 476.60 485.00 2.40 BHARTIARTL 443.90 443.90 422.45 426.25 IBULISL 63.20 69.80 63.20 66.45 FORCEMOT 1015.10 1020.00 998.20 1013.55 FINEORG 2058.10 2110.00 2041.00 2048.45
HDFC 2202.00 2216.00 2186.20 2210.40 9.45 MARUTI 7125.25 7203.80 7007.00 7019.25 BOSCHLTD 15195.00 15894.75 15195.00 15795.20 CANFINHOME 396.00 402.00 393.25 396.60 CENTRUM 23.40 23.50 22.00 22.90
TCS 2112.00 2126.60 2107.40 2117.40 8.85 INDUSINDBK 1475.00 1500.15 1438.30 1446.30 TEJASNET 104.90 114.10 98.20 101.70 PFIZER 4065.00 4135.00 4044.00 4127.80 ZENSARTECH 186.90 192.00 184.00 189.90
HCLTECH 1138.60 1148.50 1131.55 1135.50 2.70 KOTAKBANK 1604.90 1605.00 1587.05 1595.35 SPICEJET 111.45 111.95 107.35 107.70 VBL 750.00 750.00 726.40 732.10 TORNTPHARM 1747.00 1763.25 1729.00 1738.55
POWERGRID 195.80 196.95 194.00 196.00 -0.10 TATAMOTORS 167.95 170.10 163.05 164.20 COLPAL 1538.25 1546.20 1508.95 1512.25 QUESS 532.25 532.25 516.80 520.10 GSPL 217.00 219.30 214.50 215.05
INFY 715.50 721.45 710.50 712.15 -0.85 TATASTEEL 399.55 399.55 383.50 385.20 UNIONBANK 58.40 59.05 57.40 57.60 SWANENERGY 101.95 102.60 100.85 101.45 VGUARD 228.60 230.00 226.95 227.30
ASIANPAINT 1727.90 1734.85 1711.00 1719.00 -4.50 RNAM 362.00 385.40 360.70 380.60 PETRONET 277.90 284.30 271.00 272.55 GODFRYPHLP 1155.00 1179.00 1147.40 1153.60 PGHL 4274.00 4352.00 4258.00 4269.55
KOTAKBANK 1603.45 1604.90 1587.50 1595.15 -4.30 ICICIBANK 497.00 503.70 491.25 498.25 PIDILITIND 1332.00 1336.00 1296.00 1299.55 AJANTPHARM 1004.00 1024.95 989.60 1006.15 MPHASIS 908.20 908.20 882.00 889.35
BAJAJFINSV 9085.00 9117.00 9032.00 9050.00 -29.25 HDFCAMC 3647.90 3795.90 3646.00 3769.95 RPOWER 3.32 3.61 3.29 3.61 SHREECEM 20330.70 20724.85 20250.55 20378.10 BAJAJCON 236.20 240.60 234.10 235.25
NESTLEIND 14240.00 14280.15 14121.10 14180.00 -48.65 ABCAPITAL 86.00 99.85 85.40 95.80 BRITANNIA 3143.70 3143.70 3063.00 3071.50 INDIANB 124.30 124.30 120.00 120.75 PGHH 11042.00 11206.00 10884.00 10912.15 HONAUT 27550.00 27750.00 27295.00 27690.75
BAJFINANCE 4140.00 4160.00 4112.00 4121.00 -17.55 AUROPHARMA 444.00 448.65 426.80 429.60 TATAMTRDVR 77.00 78.20 74.65 75.35 GRANULES 129.10 132.00 128.65 130.45 PRESTIGE 298.70 300.15 290.15 291.70 ALLCARGO 93.85 97.55 93.60 96.20
RELIANCE 1545.00 1556.00 1528.55 1540.50 -7.15 INFY 714.05 721.40 710.80 713.75 MANAPPURAM 167.80 168.85 160.85 161.80 BDL 343.00 362.00 341.00 349.20 TIMETECHNO 58.45 58.45 52.55 53.50 UNITEDBNK 9.21 9.46 9.06 9.30
INFRATEL 243.95 245.65 231.30 239.60 -1.30 ADANIPORTS 367.00 376.20 367.00 372.25 INFIBEAM 44.05 50.85 44.00 49.15 HSCL 61.50 65.80 59.40 65.00 LAKSHVILAS 19.45 20.20 19.15 20.20 JINDALSAW 81.05 81.75 79.30 79.55
SRTRANSFIN 1150.00 1150.00 1120.95 1129.45 HAVELLS 673.80 675.50 651.10 654.60 STRTECH 123.65 124.35 120.00 120.45 AEGISLOG 180.00 187.00 179.00 184.75 TAKE 97.75 97.75 95.70 96.00
WIPRO 248.40 249.50 247.00 247.25 -1.65
ASIANPAINT 1723.15 1733.55 1711.05 1719.80 ITDC 390.20 390.20 375.30 375.30 NIITTECH 1638.00 1638.00 1491.05 1496.85 HEIDELBERG 189.80 189.80 187.00 187.40 APLAPOLLO 1535.80 1570.95 1528.80 1551.85
SUNPHARMA 450.00 454.45 443.60 447.05 -2.95
HDFCBANK 1271.80 1287.55 1268.20 1283.15 JAICORPLTD 100.00 101.65 98.20 98.90 NOCIL 103.90 105.35 102.60 103.15 BIRLACORPN 637.20 644.40 621.00 637.10 TCNSBRANDS 699.75 704.85 687.60 695.50
TECHM 775.00 780.00 762.80 765.00 -6.40
DISHTV 18.54 19.38 14.90 15.83 GODREJCP 715.00 729.30 707.00 725.50 LINDEINDIA 654.25 658.30 625.15 627.90 VINATIORGA 1898.65 1900.00 1885.00 1889.90 SCHNEIDER 67.10 67.25 65.70 66.10
HINDALCO 190.20 192.90 188.05 188.90 -1.85 BANKBARODA 99.40 100.45 98.35 98.60 UJJIVAN 296.00 298.60 290.15 291.10 RVNL 24.35 24.40 23.90 23.95 JKTYRE 67.50 68.35 66.80 67.75 CENTURYPLY 172.05 172.05 169.15 169.75
HEROMOTOCO2477.00 2499.90 2436.55 2441.90 -28.60 TCS 2110.00 2126.75 2108.15 2117.05 MUTHOOTFIN 696.00 704.05 685.50 687.00 EDELWEISS 126.10 130.90 123.75 124.30 MAHSCOOTER 4804.00 4830.00 4730.00 4769.00 TIINDIA 457.00 463.10 449.90 450.75
ULTRACEMCO 4110.00 4110.00 4064.00 4064.00 -50.05 DLF 214.25 218.85 209.00 216.80 JUBILANT 534.00 540.75 518.80 523.80 DEEPAKNI 348.45 355.00 346.00 351.10 NATCOPHARM 556.50 572.50 553.65 555.45 KALPATPOWR 450.30 465.50 446.60 459.80
JSWSTEEL 248.00 248.95 244.15 245.30 -3.40 HDFC 2201.40 2216.45 2186.65 2211.10 NMDC 102.30 102.30 99.25 99.65 3MINDIA 22360.10 22773.55 22360.05 22589.30 IFCI 8.00 8.00 7.30 7.33 VSTIND 4400.00 4488.95 4394.65 4426.05
TITAN 1163.00 1170.00 1144.00 1146.60 -16.25 JINDALSTEL 139.30 140.45 135.15 136.05 BOMDYEING 78.80 79.20 76.25 76.65 BEL 111.60 111.60 109.80 110.40 RAMCOCEM 806.00 806.00 788.95 791.30 GDL 90.15 92.20 90.15 90.60
INDUSINDBK 1480.10 1502.05 1437.60 1448.00 -21.30 ADANIPOWER 60.90 63.40 60.05 61.50 TATAELXSI 816.00 822.75 795.75 798.70 ABBOTINDIA 12650.00 12760.00 12350.00 12382.30 VIPIND 445.55 445.55 436.55 438.55 CRISIL 1516.00 1520.80 1501.50 1515.05
GRASIM 795.30 797.00 775.30 777.40 -12.25 ADANIENT 205.80 208.95 202.00 205.55 BHARATFORG 457.05 457.80 445.70 450.30 HINDCOPPER 41.45 41.50 38.55 38.95 CENTRALBK 21.85 22.80 21.70 21.80 MRPL 48.45 48.45 47.45 47.60
BRITANNIA 3113.00 3113.00 3061.65 3065.00 -51.30 VEDL 142.75 142.75 138.70 139.00 CADILAHC 249.50 255.75 247.70 254.20 BLISSGVS 137.75 138.70 135.70 138.40 KRBL 190.45 204.10 187.00 199.70 ENDURANCE 1095.15 1108.50 1089.00 1091.85
M&M 560.50 562.65 550.20 550.90 -9.55 INFRATEL 260.00 260.00 231.45 241.80 DIVISLAB 1760.85 1779.55 1738.20 1745.45 ATUL 4157.45 4183.00 4136.35 4162.10 ASTRAL 1082.60 1083.15 1053.80 1063.60 PRSMJOHNSN 67.00 68.70 66.50 66.65
VEDL 142.00 142.35 138.80 139.00 -2.45 AXISBANK 748.00 748.05 735.10 737.15 TV18BRDCST 22.90 24.85 22.80 23.15 RELCAPITAL 17.15 18.80 17.15 17.15 MEGH 52.20 53.30 51.85 52.10 WABCOINDIA 6200.05 6243.95 6200.00 6201.75
NTPC 117.40 117.40 114.80 114.95 -2.10 CONCOR 605.00 605.00 573.45 576.70 ICICIPRULI 504.50 504.50 497.30 499.55 CUMMINSIND 562.00 574.35 557.55 561.15 MOIL 142.25 143.50 142.25 143.05 THYROCARE 563.00 563.00 556.80 560.30
AXISBANK 749.00 749.00 734.30 735.35 -13.40 ITC 251.50 251.50 245.10 245.70 RAYMOND 724.00 724.00 687.70 692.60 FORTIS 142.30 143.00 139.20 140.15 BALMLAWRIE 198.00 198.00 194.00 194.30 JKLAKSHMI 283.95 284.10 280.00 281.95
IOC 131.40 131.80 128.40 128.55 -2.35 BAJFINANCE 4137.45 4156.40 4114.60 4123.05 IBVENTURES 142.55 150.45 141.65 149.70 UBL 1225.55 1245.80 1223.80 1226.75 JSWENERGY 71.80 72.50 70.05 70.25 MAHABANK 12.85 12.97 12.47 12.68
HDFCLIFE 576.00 592.00 573.25 589.15 SPARC 159.45 165.00 157.50 159.85 NAVINFLUOR 920.15 920.15 901.40 903.30 BAJAJELEC 310.50 319.00 306.30 310.85 PHOENIXLTD 709.90 726.40 709.90 717.60
TATAMOTORS 166.95 170.10 163.00 164.30 -3.10
NTPC 118.00 118.00 114.85 115.10 POWERGRID 195.10 196.80 194.00 195.55 WELCORP 136.55 137.90 135.20 136.40 GESHIP* 307.55 308.60 295.95 298.10 JKCEMENT 1175.00 1176.25 1163.75 1166.45
UPL 553.20 559.80 542.00 542.55 -10.30
SUNPHARMA 450.00 454.25 443.85 447.20 DBL 418.00 436.55 412.25 414.50 ITI 89.80 89.80 86.60 86.90 LAXMIMACH 3350.00 3365.00 3310.00 3316.75 TTKPRESTIG 6051.00 6051.00 5951.15 5973.10
MARUTI 7150.00 7200.00 7004.80 7017.00 -135.75
HINDUNILVR 2026.95 2060.25 2017.55 2049.65 WIPRO 250.00 250.00 246.95 247.50 GODREJAGRO 465.65 477.70 465.65 474.55 MINDAIND 344.35 359.00 344.35 352.30 SYMPHONY 1188.00 1196.45 1175.00 1185.80
ITC 251.40 251.40 245.05 245.65 -5.05 LICHSGFIN 418.60 422.00 412.00 412.85 DELTACORP 198.00 200.75 193.40 194.60 OBEROIRLTY 517.10 519.00 501.50 507.00 HIMATSEIDE 127.40 137.90 126.60 135.35 JSLHISAR 72.75 73.65 70.60 70.85
GAIL 124.50 124.50 121.40 121.85 -2.65 ASHOKLEY 83.15 84.25 82.15 82.45 NESTLEIND 14230.00 14271.20 14129.05 14167.60 JAGRAN 47.55 53.50 47.55 50.90 NLCINDIA 54.50 54.50 53.15 53.30 SUNDRMFAST 472.75 472.75 463.65 468.00
ONGC 133.70 134.50 130.60 130.80 -2.90 CASTROLIND 151.65 160.75 151.15 152.05 KEC 280.00 294.20 276.15 279.50 ASTRAZEN 2683.20 2770.00 2676.20 2692.50 GALAXYSURF 1529.60 1560.75 1525.00 1534.75 THERMAX 1025.00 1030.00 1011.00 1014.75
BHARTIARTL 442.50 442.50 422.20 426.85 -10.45 SBILIFE 943.05 945.45 916.00 929.45 WHIRLPOOL 2283.10 2288.10 2161.00 2203.30 TRENT 497.40 498.00 491.15 493.20 MAHLIFE 385.00 390.85 380.40 384.30
YESBANK 66.90 66.90 63.80 63.80 -2.05 L&TFH 99.80 99.85 95.60 95.95 ALBK 25.20 25.25 24.05 24.25 AKZOINDIA 1937.40 1963.05 1932.00 1947.95 GEPIL 699.55 707.80 686.60 690.95
TATASTEEL 399.00 399.15 383.25 385.75 -12.95 JUBLFOOD 1588.00 1615.00 1560.00 1591.95 SADBHAV 138.00 140.30 119.00 120.55 CYIENT 398.35 400.00 395.00 398.60 ASTERDM 149.55 150.95 145.00 145.05
COALINDIA 203.00 203.65 195.80 196.20 -6.85 BERGEPAINT 485.00 487.00 478.00 481.20 HINDZINC 213.00 215.65 210.25 214.60 DEEPAKFERT 96.50 98.50 96.35 97.00 SYNGENE 327.70 329.95 325.00 326.65
BPCL 549.00 549.00 511.00 512.10 -32.50 CANBK 225.90 226.50 220.85 221.80 MINDTREE 719.00 722.15 707.45 710.10 ZYDUSWELL 1490.00 1516.55 1462.00 1507.05 DCMSHRIRAM 316.35 316.50 310.80 312.75
IRB 81.00 89.35 80.65 85.30 ERIS 411.40 419.95 411.00 417.45 FDC 201.70 201.95 191.60 193.65 MINDACORP 94.30 94.65 93.00 93.55
1,)7<1(;7 SUNTV
501.00 515.65
69.80 69.80
268.25 271.20
288.40 292.70
400.00 401.00
419.25 422.45
600.95 602.00
2179.00 2251.75
MFSL 512.00 521.20 500.30 507.30 PERSISTENT 670.00 690.00 667.35 687.35 NH 297.35 304.35 295.80 299.95 ORIENTELEC 193.30 193.30 185.20 187.80
MOTHERSUMI 132.30 132.30 121.40 122.50 INTELLECT 159.30 159.85 152.55 154.05 TIMKEN 851.50 855.75 823.70 828.25 SUPRAJIT 175.80 177.90 171.45 176.45
NIFTY NEXT 50 28360.80 28360.80 28099.30 28132.60 -113.35
INDIGO 1427.50 1443.50 1384.45 1400.90 GNFC 193.00 193.80 190.25 190.70 WESTLIFE 356.60 358.50 347.00 348.95 TVTODAY 295.70 297.20 292.10 294.55
IBULHSGFIN 209.50 235.30 204.55 232.70 24.50
BHEL 56.00 57.10 54.50 55.40 JBCHEPHARM 380.00 391.85 370.00 389.00 MMTC 18.85 18.95 18.10 18.25 SOMANYCERA 175.00 183.30 175.00 180.70
GICRE 248.30 275.00 242.15 268.80 21.70
PNB 63.90 64.75 63.10 63.25 AUBANK 817.85 826.00 811.20 817.15 ITDCEM 59.90 60.45 58.35 60.05 DHANUKA 316.50 316.50 302.00 307.05
BOSCHLTD 15060.00 15895.00 15060.00 15849.95 790.25
HINDPETRO 302.50 302.50 285.00 287.00 DCAL 121.00 123.50 118.55 120.15 WABAG 165.15 169.50 162.55 165.85 GHCL 204.90 207.70 204.90 205.90
HDFCAMC 3646.60 3796.50 3646.60 3761.50 135.45
SAIL 37.90 37.95 36.10 36.20 ENGINERSIN 104.95 104.95 103.20 104.10 FLFL 401.00 415.75 401.00 414.45 CARBORUNIV 308.95 314.60 305.00 305.85
NIACL 148.50 155.45 146.95 152.95 4.90
SIEMENS 1540.00 1550.80 1524.65 1543.70 DCBBANK 177.10 181.50 176.00 178.80 HAL 802.00 827.00 793.10 803.00 EVEREADY 53.25 54.70 52.75 54.25
HDFCLIFE 576.40 592.35 573.00 589.55 14.85 DMART 1823.00 1850.00 1812.95 1819.95 FSL 41.00 41.65 40.15 40.25 SYNDIBANK 29.50 29.85 28.70 28.80 LAURUSLABS 337.35 340.95 326.60 332.15
DLF 213.40 218.90 209.00 216.70 4.60 CIPLA 484.70 492.00 476.80 485.50 CHAMBLFERT 158.70 158.75 151.55 152.55 HFCL 17.45 17.45 17.10 17.20 NBVENTURES 65.00 65.30 63.35 63.60
CADILAHC 249.00 255.90 247.70 254.10 4.65 GICRE 247.95 275.00 242.70 267.75 ABFRL 214.40 215.60 209.00 210.05 GSKCONS 8700.35 8844.05 8700.10 8820.75 SHK 115.00 115.40 111.20 112.15
GODREJCP 714.00 732.00 706.75 725.00 11.75 LUPIN 785.00 787.65 769.00 770.75 TATACOFFEE 81.50 83.50 79.45 82.70 IOB 10.10 11.26 10.10 10.93 BLUEDART 2220.00 2220.00 2111.00 2125.95
BANDHANBNK 530.00 537.50 521.00 534.00 8.30 JUSTDIAL 563.55 563.55 544.45 547.95 IDBI 33.85 34.15 33.30 33.35 ALKEM 2085.00 2100.00 2060.00 2094.90 VARROC 437.10 443.60 437.00 439.75
ICICIGI 1350.50 1380.00 1335.10 1375.00 18.00 M&M 563.00 563.00 550.45 551.60 KEI 534.50 543.00 516.05 520.45 TEAMLEASE 2615.00 2615.00 2455.60 2469.45 SONATSOFTW 301.15 303.20 299.60 302.65
UBL 1229.60 1245.95 1222.50 1227.05 5.00 JSWSTEEL 247.90 248.95 244.10 245.40 OIL 159.20 159.25 154.40 154.95 NHPC 23.65 23.70 23.30 23.40 LAOPALA 141.00 144.85 139.15 141.35
BAJAJHLDNG 3713.95 3718.00 3680.00 3714.00 11.95 IGL 423.30 438.55 412.05 418.85 TATAINVEST 820.00 849.35 820.00 832.10 ABB 1458.00 1458.00 1436.00 1439.60 GPPL 85.60 85.95 84.90 85.35
MARICO 356.90 359.25 353.05 356.40 1.05 MGL 1036.00 1052.55 1025.50 1042.50 LALPATHLAB 1594.00 1617.00 1576.80 1581.35 SJVN 24.90 24.90 24.55 24.60 HERITGFOOD 315.60 318.00 312.00 313.60
SRTRANSFIN 1133.50 1144.50 1120.05 1129.00 2.50 EICHERMOT 21690.00 21978.20 21453.75 21957.30 CHOLAFIN 318.25 321.00 316.10 317.40 JAMNAAUTO 45.70 45.70 43.55 43.90 GUJALKALI 406.50 418.00 402.65 405.80
HINDZINC 214.25 215.80 210.00 214.00 0.40 HINDALCO 190.00 192.85 188.05 188.60 CUB 213.95 215.95 213.00 214.55 SHANKARA 312.00 325.50 307.80 309.35 TRITURBINE 115.00 115.00 96.50 96.65
SHREECEM 20290.00 20574.95 20216.60 20318.05 28.10 DRREDDY 2837.65 2885.00 2810.70 2879.15 GMRINFRA 21.00 21.35 20.50 20.70 SUZLON 2.40 2.45 2.35 2.41 EMAMILTD 322.00 322.30 312.15 312.85 VMART 1695.75 1707.30 1675.80 1700.60
MCDOWELL-N 612.10 617.55 607.05 609.80 -1.80 TATAGLOBAL 306.45 311.90 301.20 301.90 APOLLOTYRE 168.00 168.10 164.90 165.25 RCF 50.55 50.55 48.90 49.05 APARINDS 447.05 488.00 446.40 465.10 STARCEMENT 97.55 97.55 96.50 96.95
DMART 1829.80 1849.90 1810.00 1820.85 -5.35 TITAN 1160.00 1170.15 1144.15 1148.20 NIACL 148.50 155.55 147.00 153.65 IPCALAB 1151.40 1151.40 1114.00 1120.45 JPASSOCIAT 2.13 2.15 2.07 2.14 MAHINDCIE 144.80 147.25 144.80 146.25
BANKBARODA 99.35 100.50 98.35 98.60 -0.30 BAJAJFINSV 9084.00 9115.10 9031.15 9050.60 PCJEWELLER 31.50 31.50 30.45 30.60 PNCINFRA 200.00 201.95 189.70 191.95 MAXINDIA 76.00 82.00 76.00 79.90 MHRIL 220.00 221.25 215.80 216.55
AMBUJACEM 201.60 202.20 200.30 200.95 -0.65 ICICIGI 1354.00 1379.75 1335.25 1374.55 ORIENTBANK 60.00 60.00 57.65 58.30 ADANIGAS 147.05 147.35 146.00 146.30 CHENNPETRO 136.45 137.20 133.80 136.65 JCHAC 2000.70 2000.70 1953.05 1970.05
SIEMENS 1548.00 1551.60 1524.10 1536.05 -7.15 HEROMOTOCO 2473.50 2499.90 2436.00 2442.20 PAGEIND 22942.00 22942.00 22050.00 22193.60 INDOSTAR 193.80 208.45 190.75 195.70 SUPREMEIND 1143.55 1143.55 1123.20 1136.20 RATNAMANI 957.75 970.00 938.10 963.95
CONCOR 603.00 603.00 573.25 575.15 -3.00 ONGC 134.90 135.00 130.65 131.00 MARICO 355.00 359.35 353.20 356.75 CROMPTON 254.50 254.50 250.25 252.15 IFBIND 681.20 681.20 661.40 667.60 GMDCLTD 58.90 59.20 58.30 58.40
NHPC 23.65 23.75 23.30 23.35 -0.15 FEDERALBNK 88.50 89.45 87.45 87.85 SUNTECK 390.00 390.00 376.05 379.10 IDFC 34.05 34.30 33.35 33.60 J&KBANK 33.70 33.70 33.00 33.05 VTL 897.45 899.85 869.05 881.95
ASHOKLEY 83.00 84.20 82.15 82.40 -0.60 APOLLOHOSP 1429.10 1462.00 1427.40 1455.15 EQUITAS 89.65 90.10 87.80 88.20 GLAXO 1663.00 1681.65 1646.30 1656.55 ISEC 306.95 306.95 300.00 300.25 INOXWIND 33.90 33.90 32.00 32.20
PEL 1774.30 1795.00 1753.75 1761.60 -12.70 IOC 131.05 131.75 128.35 128.90 AVANTI 524.90 535.00 516.70 523.45 TRIDENT 60.20 61.60 58.70 61.20 WELSPUNIND 53.85 54.85 53.35 53.95 CHOLAHLDNG 489.45 490.50 484.60 486.95
ICICIPRULI 503.30 504.90 497.30 499.60 -3.70 BANDHANBNK 531.55 537.05 520.00 533.90 TATAPOWER 55.75 56.15 54.60 54.80 LTI 1726.70 1730.75 1689.00 1693.00 PARAGMILK 150.10 150.55 145.30 147.05 UFLEX 199.00 201.00 199.00 199.55
ACC 1487.00 1495.00 1471.00 1471.50 -12.25 BANKINDIA 74.80 74.85 72.85 73.10 NAUKRI 2594.95 2618.15 2550.10 2573.80 REPCOHOME 288.90 292.65 285.00 289.20 BASF 947.00 965.90 937.80 948.25 HATHWAY 19.95 20.25 19.90 20.10
BERGEPAINT 485.50 487.45 478.05 481.00 -4.20 GRASIM 795.00 798.00 776.00 778.70 M&MFIN 331.00 333.30 327.30 328.75 AMBUJACEM 202.00 202.00 200.45 201.00 SREINFRA 9.00 9.26 8.70 8.91 ORIENTCEM 75.20 77.00 74.80 75.95
PGHH 11020.00 11097.25 10850.00 10919.00 -97.65 ESCORTS 672.00 675.85 650.35 652.10 IRCON 429.80 443.90 427.40 432.30 PTC 56.40 56.40 55.20 55.75 BAYERCROP 3748.10 3866.00 3746.05 3798.90 AIAENG 1647.00 1647.00 1632.00 1633.50
LUPIN 783.95 787.95 768.70 770.10 -7.75 TATACHEM 646.00 650.00 637.70 638.75 EXIDEIND 188.45 191.35 187.00 187.85 EIHOTEL 148.90 149.55 147.25 148.10 BAJAJHLDNG 3710.10 3718.45 3681.90 3691.95 CCL 219.70 219.70 208.20 211.35
SBILIFE 942.45 945.45 916.00 929.95 -9.75 GAIL 124.80 124.80 121.40 121.90 PNBHOUSING 572.85 575.25 551.00 556.15 GUJGAS 194.25 197.80 193.00 193.90 JMFINANCIL 93.25 93.60 92.20 92.55 SKFINDIA 2290.00 2290.00 2177.35 2182.80
DABUR 470.00 473.90 462.40 463.75 -5.05 BIOCON 265.00 265.00 253.55 254.20 GREAVESCOT 137.40 138.00 132.55 133.20 GSFC 71.00 71.90 70.50 71.05 FCONSUMER 22.85 23.10 22.30 22.65 TVSSRICHAK 1800.80 1887.00 1785.85 1792.45
PNB 64.00 64.75 63.10 63.20 -0.70 PFC 119.80 119.80 114.00 115.05 RALLIS 178.00 187.00 176.60 181.25 INDHOTEL 152.00 153.90 150.95 151.50 KPRMILL 670.05 672.00 660.60 660.95 SHILPAMED 299.00 301.25 295.05 301.10
PETRONET 277.00 284.35 270.95 271.80 -3.55 WOCKPHARMA 278.10 280.00 263.80 265.00 HEG 1016.00 1022.30 997.00 1009.75 ADVENZYMES 179.45 183.60 173.90 175.40 FINCABLES 359.65 359.90 354.65 355.60 CERA 2444.50 2476.00 2440.00 2457.25
DIVISLAB 1763.55 1779.95 1740.10 1740.10 -23.50 UCOBANK 21.30 22.20 19.00 21.14 NATIONALUM 42.65 42.65 41.15 41.25 ESSELPRO 150.25 155.00 147.70 153.95 APLLTD 550.00 557.55 543.50 546.50 MAHLOG 396.50 397.05 394.15 394.90
INDIGO 1426.65 1443.05 1385.00 1406.00 -20.65 COFFEEDAY 55.65 55.65 51.00 55.60 VOLTAS 708.20 708.25 700.25 703.60 ANDHRABANK 19.75 19.80 18.80 19.00 FRETAIL 327.60 334.45 327.60 333.20 LUXIND 1339.10 1339.10 1303.00 1311.60
NMDC 102.30 102.30 99.15 99.70 -2.10 HCLTECH 1131.55 1148.20 1131.55 1136.40 POLYCAB 947.00 950.00 934.90 949.40 GODREJIND 446.35 451.00 435.25 436.00 NILKAMAL 1294.00 1342.75 1294.00 1318.40 MAHSEAMLES 377.55 382.10 375.85 377.40
COLPAL 1539.40 1545.50 1508.10 1509.00 -33.25 DHFL 21.15 21.15 19.15 21.15 RITES 306.00 311.15 302.95 305.85 PIIND 1459.75 1459.75 1415.25 1431.55 EIDPARRY 191.00 191.00 184.60 185.65 TNPL 180.05 180.70 178.55 180.35
PIDILITIND 1330.55 1334.50 1296.00 1297.85 -30.25 MCX 1160.00 1168.00 1136.20 1148.30 VENKYS 1702.60 1712.40 1626.85 1671.75 KTKBANK 75.00 75.00 73.50 73.70 JSL 39.45 39.45 38.45 38.65 DBCORP 142.90 142.90 140.00 140.75
PFC 117.50 117.70 113.80 114.85 -3.10 GLENMARK 359.15 359.20 348.15 349.60 IBREALEST 67.00 70.45 64.70 70.30 GILLETTE 7000.05 7025.20 6927.15 6961.65 BLUESTARCO 793.65 798.60 788.00 790.00 RCOM 0.63 0.63 0.63 0.63
HINDPETRO 302.00 302.00 284.85 287.20 -8.70 BATAINDIA 1686.00 1690.60 1633.60 1638.30 MRF 63145.40 63336.55 62421.15 62534.95 SUDARSCHEM 396.90 396.90 386.25 388.40 CGPOWER 14.58 14.58 13.80 13.89 SCHAEFFLER 4362.95 4362.95 4324.05 4327.40
HAVELLS 671.65 675.70 651.00 651.05 -20.60 RECLTD 144.25 144.35 137.95 138.20 HEXAWARE 339.50 347.75 337.85 339.00 BALRAMCHIN 144.65 147.25 143.90 145.90 CREDITACC 777.00 784.70 769.50 776.90 MASFIN 725.20 726.50 720.00 722.45
AUROPHARMA 444.00 448.70 426.60 429.60 -13.95 PEL 1779.10 1792.20 1753.80 1764.55 RELINFRA 31.60 33.65 31.60 31.60 RAIN 102.50 105.45 101.10 102.25 JYOTHYLAB 181.00 181.00 177.00 177.35 SOLARINDS 1049.70 1049.90 1044.30 1045.00
BIOCON 263.75 263.95 253.35 254.25 -8.55 CEATLTD 955.00 973.75 946.30 949.05 AMARAJABAT 744.75 750.15 737.30 745.95 BBTC 1114.00 1115.00 1093.20 1097.60 IIFL 153.00 153.00 144.00 144.85 GULFOILLUB 864.00 864.00 859.00 859.25
OFSS 3065.00 3065.00 2926.20 2963.00 -101.55 UPL 552.60 559.80 542.00 544.25 SRF 3216.00 3224.00 3135.00 3144.25 GICHSGFIN 151.45 157.30 149.50 155.50 GET&D 173.75 179.00 170.00 170.50 CHALET 345.05 375.35 345.05 371.80
L&TFH 99.20 99.40 95.60 95.70 -3.35 IDFCFIRSTB 43.00 43.70 42.75 43.05 STAR 402.50 403.70 395.30 400.45 SOUTHBANK 11.20 11.27 10.88 11.00 LEMONTREE 61.00 61.00 58.60 58.80 SHOPERSTOP 348.90 350.50 347.00 347.05
PAGEIND 23004.00 23004.00 22050.00 22199.05 -796.50 TECHM 772.20 780.10 762.65 764.70 GAYAPROJ 89.20 91.20 69.40 69.40 NESCO 627.00 628.55 613.00 614.75 INOXLEISUR 361.25 363.85 357.70 361.00 SIS 942.75 950.65 939.40 945.85
IDEA 7.75 7.95 6.15 6.65 -0.40 GRAPHITE 304.05 306.30 298.25 301.60 MOTILALOFS 738.35 764.00 730.00 745.00 LTTS 1445.10 1450.05 1421.35 1443.15 MAGMA 37.50 38.95 37.10 38.95 SFL 1320.00 1320.00 1320.00 1320.00
MOTHERSUMI 132.20 132.20 121.40 123.25 -9.05 BAJAJ-AUTO 3154.35 3210.00 3144.25 3188.95 COCHINSHIP 415.00 424.55 411.40 414.15 RADICO 309.00 311.95 304.05 307.05 THOMASCOOK 149.00 149.70 143.80 145.40 SHRIRAMCIT 1332.90 1332.90 1331.20 1331.20
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05?Q 3D108 played an important role in the 1PVWSPSQaX]VX]VcWTc^cP[STPcW
05?Q F0B78=6C>= conflict-ridden region, serving c^[[U^acWTSPhc^&U^[[^fX]V
05?Q E84==0 UXVWcX]VTPa[XTaX]cWTSPh

P resident Donald Trump

spring and that Iran has been
slow in providing answers to A US aircraft carrier's passage
through the Gulf is the lat-
in particular as a defender of
Gulf monarchies against exter-
sought on Wednesday to
distance himself from US
envoy Gordon Sondland as he
T he UN nuclear watchdog
on Thursday urged Iran to
explain the presence of urani-
explain the test results.
The 2015 deal between
Iran and world powers has
est demonstration of the super-
power's enduring military pres-
ence in the West Asia aimed at
nal threats, most notably Iran.
But Trump's tweet and his
calls for Gulf leaders to pay for
made an explosive appearance um particles at an undeclared been faltering since last year reassuring allies, experts and their security suggested a move =TcP]hPWdbRWXTUaXeP[UPX[TSc^
before an impeachment hear- site, as a landmark deal aimed when the United States pulled officials say. to redefine the relationship -- U^a\P]TfV^eTa]\T]cQhP
ing, while also asserting that his at curbing Tehran's atomic out and started to reinstate In a potent symbol of mil- born on an American battle- FTS]TbSPhSTPS[X]TSPbWX]V
testimony had exonerated him activities threatens to collapse. punishing sanctions on Tehran, itary might, the Abraham ship in 1945 when Saudi King WXbW^_Tb^Uc^__[X]VcWT[^]V
entirely. The International Atomic leaving the other signatories Lincoln carrier and its atten- Abdul Aziz bin Saud and US cX\T8baPT[X_aX\T\X]XbcTaP]S
“I don't know him very Energy Agency (IAEA) said in struggling to salvage the agree- dant warships cruised through President Franklin D. Roosevelt _dbWX]VcWTR^d]cahR[^bTa
well. I have not spoken to him a report made public last week ment. the Strait of Hormuz this week. first held talks. c^fPaSP]d]_aTRTST]cTScWXaS
much,” Trump told reporters at that its inspectors had “detect- Over the past few months, The voyage came after There was further dismay T[TRcX^]X][TbbcWP]PhTPa
the White House, after the ed natural uranium particles of Iran has breached several parts United States President Donald last month when the US
ambassador to the EU testified anthropogenic origin at a loca- of the deal it signed with the US Trump wrote in a tweet last walked away from its Kurdish =4C0=H07D270A643
that he followed the presi- tion in Iran not declared to the as well as Britain, China, month that “going into the allies in Syria, opening a door 8=2>AAD?C8>=20B4B
dent's orders in seeking a “quid ?aTbXST]c3^]P[SCad\_fPeTbfWX[TW^[SX]VWP]SfaXccT]]^cTbPUcTab_TPZX]Vc^ agency”. France, Germany and Russia, Middle East is the worst deci- for Turkey to launch a military 9TadbP[T\)8baPT[bPcc^a]Th
pro quo” deal with Ukraine. cWT\TSXPPQ^dccWT7^dbT8]cT[[XVT]RT2^\\XccTTcTbcX\^]h^UDB0\QPbbPS^ac^ The agency's acting head in which it committed to scal- sion ever”. campaign against the Kurds VT]TaP[^]CWdabSPhU^a\P[[h
In an October 8 tweet, cWT4da^_TP]D]X^]6^aS^]B^]S[P]S^]FTS]TbSPhPbCad\_fP[Zbc^fPaScWT Cornel Feruta said IAEA and ing back its nuclear programme But since then, the US that was divisive even in RWPaVTS?aX\T<X]XbcTa
Trump had described his <PaX]T>]TWT[XR^_cTaX]FPbWX]Vc^]T]a^dcTc^CTgPb 0? Iranian officials would meet in in exchange for sanctions relief. military has taken action to Washington. 1T]YP\X]=TcP]hPWdX]PbTaXTb
ambassador to the European Tehran next week to discuss the But Britain, France and emphasise its long-standing The apparent shift in US ^UR^aad_cX^]RPbTbcWa^fX]VcWT
Union as “a really good man
and great American.” Trump ?aTbXST]cCad\_d]STa\X]TS matter, adding that the UN
body had not received any
Germany have said they are
extremely concerned by Iran's
presence in a region where the
US has deep strategic interests.
policy comes at a time of ris-
ing hostility with Iran.
went on to read from notes on
Sondland's ongoing testimony, ]PcX^]P[bTRdaXchbPhb?T[^bX additional information.
“The matter remains unre-
actions in stepping up its ura-
nium enrichment and other
It conducted massive train-
ings, announced the deploy-
Since May, tensions in the
Gulf have increased with
saying it demonstrated he did Washington: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says there is clear evi- solved... It is essential that Iran breaches. ment of more troops and cre- attacks against tankers, fol-
not pressure Ukrainian dence that President Donald Trump has used his office for his works with the agency to Enrichment is the process ated a maritime coalition head- lowed by drone and missile B4A180=58=0=24<8=
President Volodymyr Zelensky personal gain. She says doing that “undermined the national secu- resolve this matter promptly,” that produces fuel for nuclear quartered in Bahrain to protect strikes on key Saudi oil facili- ?;0680A8B43?73C74B8B
to investigate his political rival rity of the United States.” he told IAEA member states at power plants but also, in high- shipping in the troubled Gulf ties. 1T[VaPST)0d]XeTabXchX]BTaQXP
Joe Biden. “It was a very short The California Democrat says lawmakers involved in the a meeting of the agency's board ly extended form, the fissile waters. Iran was blamed, but WPbSTcTa\X]TScWPccWT
and abrupt conversation that he House impeachment inquiry haven't decided what charges they of governors. core for a warhead. The Abraham Lincoln's denied involvement. V^eTa]\T]cbUX]P]RT\X]XbcTa
had with me,” Trump said. might bring against Trump. A diplomatic source told On Monday, the IAEA transit through the strait, which Despite the attacks on its WPb_[PVXPaXbTS_Pacb^UWXb?W3
“'What do you want from She says they don't know if they'll try hearing from additional AFP that the IAEA would send confirmed Iran's stock of heavy earlier this year was rocked by ally and having one of its own CWTbXbX]PQ[^fc^?aTbXST]c
Ukraine,'” the president quot- witnesses. a high-ranking technical dele- water for reactors has sur- a string of attacks that drones shot down, the US has 0[TZbP]SPaEdRXRb_^_d[Xbcb
ed Sondland as asking him. Pelosi also says she doesn't want to hold up the inquiry to gation to Iran next week. passed the 130-tonne limit set Washington and its allies blame avoided equivalent retaliation.
“Here is my response, that wait for federal courts to decide whether some witnesses can tes- The particles are under- under the agreement. on Iran -- accusations Tehran S ending the carrier 8B8BB0HB8C8B1478=3
he gave. Just gave. Ready? You tify. She says the House investigation “cannot be at the mercy of stood to be the product of ura- Heavy water is not itself firmly denies -- was the first for through Hormuz “is certain- <0;80A<H0CC02:
have the cameras rolling?” a court.” AP nium which has been mined radioactive but is used in a US carrier since April. ly supposed to send a message 9^WP]]TbQdaV)CWT8B8BVa^d_
“Here is my answer: 'I want and undergone initial process- nuclear reactors to absorb neu- “This show of force is part of defiance and strength after WPbR[PX\TSaTb_^]bXQX[XchU^aP]
nothing. I want nothing. I all over,” Trump said. Biden in exchange for a White ing, but not enriched. trons from nuclear fission. of a 'say-do' gap that is emerg- months of being humiliated PccPRZcWPcZX[[TS"b^[SXTabX]
want no quid pro quo. Tell Democrats are investigat- House summit. While the IAEA has not Heavy water reactors can ing between verbal US securi- by Iranian escalation”, said <P[XTPa[XTacWXbfTTZ
Zelensky to do the right thing,'” ing Trump for allegedly abus- Sondland said he “never named the site in question, be used to produce plutonium ty guarantees in the region and Krieg.
added the president, who reen- ing his office by pressing a for- received a clear answer” on why diplomatic sources have previ- for nuclear weapons as an actual American inaction,” said The strait, which separates ?>?4<44CBC708;0=3
acted the exchange several eign power -- Ukraine -- to the White House suspended ously said the agency asked alternative to enriched urani- Andreas Krieg, a professor at Iran and the United Arab 1D3378BC?0CA80A27
times to the reporters gathered interfere on his behalf in the security aid to Ukraine, which Iran about a site in the um. King's College London. Emirates, is a chokepoint for a 1P]VZ^Z)?^_T5aP]RXb\TcfXcW
on the South Lawn. 2020 US election. is battling Russian-backed sep- Turquzabad district of Tehran The IAEA has also said one “It is a desperate attempt to third of the world's seaborne CWPX[P]Sbbd_aT\T1dSSWXbc
“Then he says: this is the In his testimony, Sondland aratists, but that he also “came where Israel has alleged secret of its inspectors was briefly pre- reassure allies in the Arabian oil. The shallow waterway is _PcaXPaRW^]CWdabSPhX]PVX[STS
final word from the President of said he was ordered by Trump to believe” it was tied to the atomic activity in the past. vented from leaving Iran, call- Gulf.” just 50 kilometres (30 miles) 1P]VZ^ZcT\_[T^]cWTUXabcUd[[
the United States. I want noth- to seek a “quid pro quo” deal in investigations sought by Sources say the IAEA took ing her treatment “not accept- For more than seven wide, making it a vulnerable SPh^UWXb0bXPc^daPX\TSPc
ing.” “I would say that means it's which Ukraine would probe Trump. samples from the site in the able”. decades, the United States has shipping lane. _a^\^cX]VaT[XVX^dbWPa\^]h

V ²CX\TU^aaTP[
=P]PZP]]Xe T[TRcX^]_XcRW =QXY^TQQc@=
?C8Q ;>=3>= PLOOLRQVKXQJU\ Birmingham: British opposi-
tion Labour leader Jeremy
0?Q E>B1DA6B>DC7
P akistani Prime Minister
Imran Khan has been con-
ferred with a Lifetime
years of farming.
Some animals died of
hunger. Others were sent pre-
Corbyn on Thursday sets out
his party's manifesto for next
month's election, promising
Achievement Award at an
awards ceremony in the UK to
coincide with the 550th birth
R esidents call this drought-
stricken community a “for-
gotten town”.
maturely to the slaughterhouse
to reduce the number to feed.
With tears running down his
the most radical plan for
change for decades.
The party's programme of
anniversary celebrations for The flat, dusty roads to face, Van der Merwe said he pledges includes nationalisa-
Guru Nanak. Vosburg are surrounded by now relies on donations of tions, a huge investment in
The awards, hosted at the withered fields. The streams animal feed so the rest can sur- public services and corporate
Mayor of London's headquar- feeding the community of a few vive. reform, which Corbyn insists BaX;P]ZP]?aTbXST]c6^cPQPhPAPYP_PZbPaXVWcVaTTcbWXbQa^cWTa<PWX]SP
ters by the UK's All Party thousand people have gone “If we didn't have hope, we are “fully costed” and deliver- APYP_PZbP[TUcPUcTaP__^X]cX]VWX\Pb?<X]2^[^\Q^BaX;P]ZP^]CWdabSPh 0?
Parliamentary Group (APPG) dry. Signs warn drivers of wan- would not be here anymore,” he able.
for British Sikhs and London dering cattle and sheep but said. “We have to have hope On Brexit, the key issue of Colombo: Sri Lanka's contro- minister tweeted, reaching out
Assembly Member Onkar there are none in sight. and faith. There are a couple of the December 12 election, he versial Rajapaksa clan on to all Sri Lankans.
Sahota alongside British Sikh The months-long drought times when we have felt it is not has promised to strike a new exit Thursday tightened its grip on Mahinda Rajapaksa took
groups, honoured achieve- is affecting most of southern worth it.” Two of his fellow deal with the European Union political power with President the oath as the new prime min-
ments across different fields. Africa. The United Nations farmers have killed themselves and hold a second referendum Gotabhaya Rajapaksa swear- ister at the Presidential
London Mayor Sadiq estimates that more than 11 due to the stress, Van der on Britain's membership. ing-in his elder brother Secretariat, three days after
Khan, Deputy Mayor for Social million people now face crisis Merwe said. Opinion polls show Labour Mahinda as the prime minister, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa was
Integration and Mobility levels of food insecurity in Northern Cape province trailing Prime Minister Boris amidst apprehensions among sworn in as the president.
Debbie Weekes-Bernard and places like Zimbabwe and will need over USD 28 million Johnson's Conservatives but the minority Tamils and Former prime minister Ranil
APPG for British Sikhs Chair, Mozambique, where two in drought relief over the next the opposition is still hoping to Muslims on the new dispensa- Wickremesinghe, former pres-
Labour Party politician Preet cyclones wiped out crops ear- three months to assist 15,500 galvanise voters like it did in tion's policies. ident Maithripala Sirisena and
Kaur Gill, were among some of lier this year. affected farms, according to the last vote in 2017. Mahinda Rajapaksa other political leaders were
the speakers at the event, co- Among the hardest hit farmers' organization Agri-SA. Ahead of the manifesto assumed duty in his new capac- present on the occasion.
hosted by the Sikh Network areas is South Africa's So far, South Africa's gov- launch in Birmingham, central ity on Thursday itself. The 74- “I wish to congratulate and
and Sikh Federation UK – Northern Cape province, ernment has pledged USD 2 England, Corbyn claimed the year-old leader will function as extend my warmest wishes to
British Sikh groups known for where many farmers are strug- million. programme was “full of popu- the prime minister of the care- Hon Mahinda Rajapaksa,
pro-Khalistani affiliations. gling to keep their families and The World Food Program lar policies that the political taker cabinet until the general Prime Minister of the
“I invite Sikhs from all animals alive while revenue says southern Africa has establishment has blocked for election in August 2020. Democratic, Socialist Republic
around the world to come to falls and debt piles up. received normal rainfall in just a generation”. “I'm honoured to have of Sri Lanka,” President
Pakistan,” said Sahibzada Commercial sheep farmer one of the past five growing He repeated the attacks on taken oaths as Sri Lanka's new Gotabhaya Rajapaksa tweeted.
Jahangir, Imran Khan's Louis van der Merwe, 64, broke seasons, with small-scale farm- the rich and powerful that Prime Minister. I look for- This is Mahinda
spokesperson for trade and down as he described losing ers feeling it most. have been a feature of Labour's ward to serving all Sri Lankans Rajapaksa's second innings as
investment in UK and Europe, more than 400 sheep and 450 Some like 55-year-old campaign so far, arguing that as we take our country forward the prime minister. He was
as he accepted the Lifetime springboks in the past two Gertruida Buffel, have resort- after nine years of Tory aus- with a new vision to further premier for a brief period in
Achievement Award on behalf years because of the worst ed to sharing their own food terity measures, it was “time for develop and protect it for future 2018 amidst a major political
of the Pakistani Prime Minister. drought he has seen in 45 with their animals. real change”. AFP generations,” the new prime turmoil in the country. PTI
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SXbX]cTVaPcTcWTbhbcT\cWPc f^d[SWPeTb_T[ccWTT]S^UR[PbbXR
R^[^daRPbcTP]SaT[XVX^] fPcRWTbPbfTZ]TfcWT\QdccWTaTXbP
aTbdaVT]RTP]SW^fbPhb0HDB78 B70A<0
hey say it right. Wearing a come from. Understanding your
^]V^X]V$cWTSXcX^]^U watch will never go out of heritage, your roots and your
cWT8]cTa]PcX^]P[5X[\ style. With rapid develop- ancestry is an important part of
ment, almost all products that peo- carving out your future,” says he.
5TbcXeP[^U8]SXPbPXS ple used have changed but this The brand has recently launched
cWPccWTSPaZT]TS doesn’t seem to be applicable to its latest collection of Ladies
RX]T\PWP[[Xb wristwatches. However, it is no Classics Quartz timepieces.
W^\Tc^SXeTabT longer a piece of machinery to tell But it is not the only one in the
bTcb^U_T^_[T the time but has become more of game. There is Carl F Bucherer’s
a style statement. So the oft- Manero Flyback with its rose gold
SaPf]QhcWT repeated phrase that development case and vintage racing silhouette
\PVXR^URX]T\P of technology is a threat to the which almost has an heirloom
°8W^_TfT classical and traditional watches quality. However, those who would
R^]cX]dTc^\PZT can be debunked straight away. prefer a classical racing style with-
UX[\bfWXRWRP] Watch designers strongly believe out going over the top, there is the
that the classical wristwatches TAG Heuer Autavia with the been used in watches but Girard
SXbX]cTVaPcTcWXb will always be about individuali- bright brown dial. Perregaux’s hybrid carbon fibre
^SSbhbcT\^UZTT_ ty. The micro-trend of the 90s and fibreglass which is light, tough
X]VbXSTbSdTc^ As for the trends, the market has become prominent. Hero and colourful is what makes it spe-
R^[^daRPbcTP]SaT[X seems to be literally exploding products from 40s-70s, the cial.
VX^]QaX]VX]VdbP[[ with a variety of options, whether golden age of wristwatches,
it comes to colours, surface tex- are being reimagined and B<0ACF0C274B
X]c^^]TR^\\d]Xch± tures and the interplay of case and recreated for a new genera- Whereas Johnson
WTbPXS strap materials, which have rarely tion smitten by great design Verghese, VP, MD, Fossil
been used as boldly since the 1960s with a vintage touch. India, feels smartwatches
and 1970s. Indeed, many brands For the purest exam- have really picked up
³8P\ZTT]^] and their designers are recalling ple of old is the new new, and is something that
cPZX]Vd_a^[Tb the styles from those eras, there is Patek Philippe will keep growing in
reworked in new ways by adding with a 1955-vintage the years to come.
cWPcfX[[VXeT a bit of digital touch. 'triple calendar' “The market has
\TcWTb_PRT Calatrava model witnessed
P]S^__^acd]Xch E8=C064 featuring no less tremendous
Retro is the new cool. Archival than five hands changes in the
c^aTP[[hX]eTbc designs have seen a resurgence running off its way watches
VTc\hcTTcW since last year, a trend which sees centre post. have been
X]c^cWTRWPaPRcTaP]S no signs of abating. Designs have designed, mar- they add to the style quotient of being the most chosen example. always been the key options in
the imprint of the time when <0C4A80; keted and bought. one’s outfit and have created a the wristwatch categor y.
Tg_[^aTXc8fP]cc^ watchmakers were keen on mak- It is not just From traditional notable space for themselves in the 20C27 C74 2>;>DAB Depending on the look and com-
cPZTd_a^[TbcWPcfX[[ ing a statement. enough to display time watch pieces to market. A shift has been registered Adding to the blue and green fort level that a consumer aims to
P[[^f\TcWTZX]S^U William Besse, International or look good, brands are smartwatches that offer from the usual gold and silver mix that the year kicked off with, achieve — formal, casual or
Sales Director, Frederique putting their minds to the world on the wrist to bracelets to newer additions like watches are now available in a sporty, the aforementioned cater
[TeT[^U_TaU^a\P]RT Constant, observes the same trend. the material that goes into hybrid watches that were rose gold and other colours which practical rainbow of colours. The to either of the requirements.
fWXRW8fPbPQ[Tc^ He feels that youngsters are opt- making a watch. So there are designed for consumers are getting popular as it is possi- standard collections are going “However, utility-driven designs
Tg_TaXT]RTX]1WPaPc ing for their grandparents’ watch- military-grade alloys, ultra- who wanted the best of ble to create an entire spectrum of beyond black, blue and white. are on the rise, silicone straps and
es. “This generation wants to hard composites, near-mag- both worlds, the market colours with metal with new tech- There are some seriously cool mesh straps with easy-to-do
P]SITa^8]TTSc^]^f bring the golden era back. They ical metals and even silicon. now has timepieces for nology. “The trend can be attrib- salmon dials while Tutima has magnetic buckles make their
\PZTbdaTcWPc8^][h consider them to be more classic Zenith Defy LAB saw a every user’s varied require- uted to two main factors — shift maroon brown ones. Rolex has way to the market space.
R^]]TRcfXcWUX[\bP]S and elegant and that is why the production of silicon balance. ments and preferences,” says in global fashion trends which is added some light blue marble in Interchangeable straps have also
straps are back. They have a very The brand also uses its Aerolith he and adds that watches are not reflected in watches and an the mix. emerged as one of the latest
RWPaPRcTabcWPc clear dial. I feel, youngsters under- case material — essentially alu- designed just with the purpose of increased consumer demand for trends where consumers like to
RWP[[T]VTP]SX]b_XaT stand that sometimes it’s impor- minium foam — but is far from telling time but also to compliment variety,” he feels. Well, even the BCA0?B switch between metal and leather
\Tc^QaX]V^dcP]Tf tant to know where you are head- the oddest case material out there. the look of a fashion conscious classics have been converted into Johnson Verghese shares that or between different colour
ed without reflecting on where you Carbon and ceramic has often consumer. As fashion accessories, smartwatches today. Michael Kors metal and leather straps have straps,” says he.

213;D?D856EDEB5 missions into space every sec-
<P[W^caP ond day and we have not been
<^]VPfW^f^] back to the moon since 1972
but this just feels right. The
P]>bRPaX]cWT1Tbc3^Rd\T]cPah :DB70=<8CA0 steering wheel, for example,
BW^acBdQYTRcRPcTV^ahU^a_a^ has one of the coolest designs
SdRX]V?TaX^S4]S>UBT]cT]RT $XGL¶VODWHVW$ and a positively nice layout
with everything being where
VHGDQLVOLWHUDOO\ it is supposed to be, including
the horn.
bPXS4ZcP WHFKQRORJ\RQ How does it drive? Well,
Audi, burned heavily by the
°FWT]8WTPaScWTUX[\³bR^] ZKHHOV dieselgate fiasco, is only intro-
RT_c8Z]TffTWPSc^S^cWXb± ducing the A6 in India in the
E arly to mid 1990s were a
strange time to grow up.
No matter how much we
45TFSI garb. It means that it
has a 240-horsepower two
litre petrol engine, which isn’t
6d]TTcPSSTS°FTPaTV[PSc^ might complain about the a bad thing given that carmak-
state of the economy nowa- ers expect an impending war
QaX]VPR^]RT_cPb`dXaZhPb days, India was pretty much on diesel. And while the throt-
?PVV[PXc^]bRaTT]± bankrupt back then. There tle pedal now has a computer
were very few cars on the road between the engine and your :QY`eb>QdY_^Q\E^YfUbcYdiS_^VUbbUTQ^
but for those of us who lived right foot, when you press it, X_^_bQbiT_Sd_bQdUd_C_[Q7Q[[QY
³?^bbXQX[Xch^U in leafy South Delhi colonies
and were exposed to an extent
ical. There were no processors
anywhere. The steering and
a horn in the middle. There
were two buttons on the side
designers have retained the A6
signature straight window line
this car can move very fast and
get to high speeds even faster.
9d\P]YX "´ to Western influences, which throttle controls were linked and that was a major upgrade and from the front, Audi’s There were times I felt that the
7^[[hf^^SPRc^a_a^SdRTa became more pronounced directly to the wheels and the from the older Hindustan design language is clear. The traction control kicked in a bit `b_V_e^TS_^dbYRedY_^d_dXU`b_WbUcc_V
after cable TV landed on our engine. As for safety, well, the Ambassadors, which my dramatic change is inside, too hard, especially around
3F0H=49>7=B>=bPhbcWPccWT Xe]Q^c_SYUdiQ^TQSQTU]YSbUcUQbSX
shores and older shows by Maruti Suzuki Omni still sur- grandfathers owned with a which is one heck of a car to tight turns, but I was driving
_a^b_TRc^UR^\X]V^dcfXcWP Hanna-Barbera, the American vives from that era. If you look metal ring between the hub play around with. in urban conditions. This 1]YTQgU\\QddU^TUTWQdXUbY^WY^S\eTY^W
cWXaSUX[\X]cWT9d\P]YXUaP]RWXbT animation studio filled many at the ‘A-Pillars’ on that car and the steering. I was only in the A6 for makes the close to nine kilo- UTeSQdY_^YcdcQ^T_dXUb`b_]Y^U^dSYdYjU^c
c^cP[[hST_T]Sb^]cWTPdSXT]RT of our screens. One of the (those are the pillars that hold This brings us in a nice half a day but I would love to meters a litre real-world fuel
shows was called The Jetsons the windshield in place), you’d segue to the new Audi A6. spend more time exploring the economy figures I got quite C_[Q7Q[[QYbUSUYfUTdXUX_^_bQbiT_Sd_bQdU
aTPRcX^]c^U^acWR^\X]VbTR^]S and even though it depicted a see that compared to any This car, once called the Audi features of what this car can impressive indeed. Ride and _^RUXQ\V_V4QYcQ[e9[UTQVb_]4b@bUUdY
_Pac9d\P]YX)CWT=Tgc;TeT[ 1960s version of what we other modern car, they’re 100, has always been the com- do. The touchscreens, for handling were excellent, 2Q[cXY5hUSedYfU4YbUSd_b:QY`eb>QdY_^Q\
FWT]PbZTSPQ^dccWT_[P]b expected the future to be, barely there. pany’s large executive sedan example, have tactile feed- although I must add the caveat E^YfUbcYdi:>EQ^T@b_VUcc_b8>FUb]QYdc
U^acWTcWXaS_Pac9^W]b^]bPXS there were these concepts of When I started driving in and is now in its eighth itera- back. While they’re touch- that I only sat in front while on FYSU3XQ^SU\\_b
°CWPcST_T]Sb^]cWTPdSXT]RT flying cars and three-day the mid-1990s, sneaking out tion. The old A6, which did screens, you feel like you’re the move, because this car @b_VUcc_bFUb]QY^db_TeSUTdXU]UccQWU_V
workweeks, neither of which in my mother’s Maruti-800, fairly well, initially suffered in pressing something solid. The really feels better behind the,
FWT]fT\PSTcWTUXabc^]TfT came true. entertainment was a cheap, sales compared to the screens are not reflective and and I repeat, very nice steer-
cW^dVWccWPccWTR^]RT_c And as 2020, a year where off-brand tape player where Mercedes-Benz E-Class and even though Audi’s ‘Virtual ing wheel. That said, when I gXYSXXUdQ\[UTQR_ed9[UTQµc`QdXRbUQ[Y^W
fPbd]X`dTP]SfTfX[[ we thought, as children at retrieving magnetic tape from BMW 5-series because it real- Cockpit’ has been around for did sit at the back, you realise `UQSUY^YdYQdYfUc8UcQYT²9[UTQµcfYcY_^
bTTfWPcWP__T]bFT least, that space travel would inside by using a pencil ly got a bit old compared to a few years, it seems better laid that the eighth-generation A6 U^S_]`QccUcR_bTUb\Ucc2eTTXYcdXe]Q^Yc]
be a normal thing, the future became a bonafide skillset. those two models. Which out in this new car. Sure, the feels almost as large inside as dXQdU]`XQcYcUcVbUUdXY^[Y^WQ^T`Ubc_^Q\
has turned out to be rather dif- The steering didn’t even have makes the quantum leap in the car has not gone down Volvo’s a slightly older A8. TUfU\_`]U^dRQcUT_^bUc`USdV_bQ\\V_b]c
X]V_Paccf^B^ ferent. I am not making a latest model quite dramatic, minimalist route, but the So would I buy one? If I _V\YVU8UXQcc`_[U^UhdU^cYfU\i_^ceRZUSdc
bP\TcWX]VP__[XTb value judgement here, the though not from the screens, those dedicated to the was driving myself, almost \Y[UU^fYb_^]U^dUS_^_]YScg_]U^µcbYWXdc
WTaTc^^FTfX[[ future is just not what I overall profile ventilation controls, feel just certainly even though the Y^dUbVQYdXTYQ\_WeU^eS\UQbTYcQb]Q]U^d
ZTT_^daThTb expected it to be front. Audi’s right. Everything about this fully-loaded ‘Technology 2eTTXYc]Q^TCSYU^SU9Q]c_]UR_TigX_
^_T]P]SWTPSb when I was in new Audi feels like you are Edition’ I was driving costs five RU\YUfUcdXQde^dY\i_eb]YccY_^RUS_]Uci_eb
Class 6. controlling a spaceship lakhs more than the standard
c^cWTVa^d]SP]S That brings from a sci-fi but one. But the technology is _RcUccY_^i_ebWYVdcgY\\^_dRUS_]Ui_eb
bTTW^fcWTbTR me to cars. Back you’re not in a film worth it if are not being dri- W\_bi9dYcQbU]Y^TUb_VdXU`_dU^dYQ\d_T_
^]S_PacUPaTb± in 1991, there because you have ven around. Sure, some fea- ceSXUhdbQ_bTY^Qbig_b[dXQddXUg_b\TSQ^µd
CWTf^a[S^U weren’t too many Johnny Jhakaas tures like the lane-assist have dQ[UYdcUiUc_VVi_e³
of them. And while cutting across in to be disabled in city condi- @bUcYTU^d9[UTQUh`bUccUTXYcQ``bUSYQdY_^
2WaXbEP]0[[bQdaVb we can rave about his motorcycle tions, although it is useful on Q^TWbQdYdeTUd_:QY`eb>QdY_^Q\E^YfUbcYdi
Q^^Z9d\P]YXU^d]S classic designs and in front of you. the highway and you miss a Q^TcQYT²:>EU]RbQSUcdXUYTUQ\_V
XcbfPhc^cWTbX[eTa the good old days, make Yet sitting inside heads-up display, which would cdeTU^dSU^dUbUT\UQb^Y^WQ^Te`X_\TcdXU
bRaTT]X] (($A^QX] no mistakes, the cars of today this car, you have really been icing on the XYWXUcdcdQ^TQbTc_VcSX_\Qb\ibYW_ebQ^T
FX[[XP\bfPbXcb are a million times better and genuinely feel like cake, but this package is a real- S_]]Yd]U^dQcgU\\QcdXU`QccY_^d_`ebceU
safer than the cars we drove you have been trans- ly nice one and the latest A6
\PX][TPS during that time. Cars those ported into the future. is a car I can imagine driving \UQb^Y^W_fUbdXUS_ebcU_VQ\YVUdY]U³
days were extremely mechan- Sure, we are not flying for days on end.
=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A!!! ( eXePRXchjU^^Sl #

B y 2050, many scientists esti-
mate that the world food
supply will increase sharply from
today’s level to meet anticipated
demand from a global population
of nine to 10 billion people.
Meanwhile, the coming decades
are expected to bring higher and
more variable temperatures,
increasingly severe droughts,
floods and storms, and condi-
tions that will make achieving
food security more complicated
and uncertain than ever before.
Emerging biotechnologies
are opening new niches in the
food landscape that can help

feed the world’s burgeoning pop-
ulation with fewer resources in
more extreme and unpredictable
environments. With debate over
the impacts of meat production
intensifying, we have been track-
ing US attitudes related to plant-
based alternatives through
CWTfPcTaP]Sb^X[^UP_[PRTPaTbPXSc^X\_PacPb_TRXP[cPbcTc^cWTSXbWTbcWPcPaT_aT_PaTS Michigan State University’s Food
Literacy and Engagement Poll.
cWTaT?DB7?4B7?0=CSXeTbX]c^cWTU[Pe^dabc^UX]S^dcfWhcWTbTRP]´cQTaT_[XRPcTST[bTfWTaT The results reveal a growing
appetite for plant-based meat
among consumers, especially

few years back, I was similar claims are made on of the leaf and the granular millennials and Generation Z. sorts, vegetarian CNET reporter We also identified very signif-
on my way home from behalf of lighter than a whiff texture of the khoya were the Joan E Solsman found it to be so icant generational differences in
Delhi to Bageshwar in idli in Udupi or karimeen gifts imparted by the local <40C;>E4AB close to real beef that it “grossed attitudes. Nearly half (48 per cent)
Uttarakhand. We had started polichattu in Kumarakom soul and water but that we Many scientists and advo- her out.” of respondents under 40 were
early without breakfast, deter- harpooned as per demand in think would be like stretch- cates recommend eating less Fast-food chain White already eating plant-based meats,
mined to hit Almora by the Vembnad Lake. ing the rubber band to break- meat as a way to make modern Castle’s “Impossible Slider” won while just 27 per cent of those aged
lunch, but we lost time steadi- The seduction of myriad ing point. lifestyles healthier and more sus- several awards at the 2019 40 and over had tried these prod-
ly and pangs of hunger Hyderabadi biryanis is over- Food has a complex rela- tainable. Most recently, the wide- Consumer Electronics Show in ucts.
became unbearable just after powering primarily due to tionship with memor y. ly publicised EAT-Lancet Report, Las Vegas. In 2019, Burger King These results closely paralleled
we crossed Haldwani. This is slow cooking in tightly sealed Personal nostalgia of a time produced by an international introduced the “Impossible a 2019 survey commissioned by
when my son suggested that utensils over charcoal-fired and place as well as delicious team of health, agriculture and Whopper” to rave reviews, and Impossible Foods, which found
we take a detour and have stoves and using choicest delights shared with agree- sustainability experts, recom- on September 20 the Impossible that over half of millennial and
lunch at Naukuchiyatal, cuts of well-marinated meat able companions many mended consuming less than Burger became available for pur- Generation Z respondents con-
where he said he had once — kid not lamb. Long- moons ago impart unique half an ounce of red meat per day. chase in California grocery sumed plant-based meat at least
tasted dal, which was out of grained rice and aromatic qualities that are not neces- Americans are among the stores, competing with Beyond once a month, compared to just
this world. To cut a long story, spices are all imported not sarily based on fact. We world’s top meat consumers. The Burgers and other plant-based one-fifth of US adults ages 55 and
we reached this dhaba and locally grown. allow ourselves to be mes- World Economic Forum esti- offerings from Beyond Meat. up.
were fortunate to savour the It’s the same story with merised by the spells caste by mates that in 2016 Americans ate More companies are introduc-
sublime lentils. The shop coffee. In the Indian context, Bikaneri bhujiya or Jodhpuri the melt-in-the-mouth legend and lore about the an average of 214 pounds of meat 2DA8>DB2>=BD<4AB ing meat alternatives across the
owner, who doubled as the fruit and betel leaves, too, mirchi bada or kachauri. Can Awadhi kebab. The finely extraordinary properties of per person. By contrast, With these products gaining country. Food giants Kellogg and
cook, modestly deflected all qualify for this distinction. one be certain that their minced meat is smoked, ten- special soil irrigated by spe- Argentinians averaged 190 wide media coverage, it’s no sur- Hormel will soon launch their
praise by informing us that Terroir is the French word allure is engendered solely by derised and cooked on a cial water to return to that pounds and Europeans averaged prise that the latest results of our own new plant-based product
the magic was worked by the that defines the micro climac- soil and water? Deep frying lagan aka mahi tawa. Not to fabulous dal from 152.5 pounds per person. biannual, nationally representa- lines, called “Incogmeato” and
soil where the lentil grew and tic region where the soil and skills handed down genera- forget the trade secret propri- Naukuchiyatal Tal. It was Rising concern about cli- tive survey of over 2,100 people “Happy Little Plants” respective-
the water from the spring water combine to impart a tionally are an integral part of etary spice mix used both to cooked in a brass pot with a mate change has spurred a flur- suggest perspectives on meat ly.
used to boil them. Of course, distinct personality to the producing the irresistible sev. flavour the patties and sprin- narrow mouth and the spices ry of Silicon Valley biotech star- alternatives are shifting rapidly. The new generation of plant-
the freshly ground turmeric, produce — grapes, aromatic The recipe for namkeen kled over to enhance the were lovingly ground by tups focussed on plant-based In February 2018, 48 per cent of based meats aren’t intended to
coriander seeds too had con- rice and more. While most of resembling Bikaneri bhujiya experience. hand on a slab of stone. alternative meats. Although veg- respondents said they were substitute for other vegetarian
tributed their bit. Ever since us are ready to concede this, changes in Ratlam in Madhya Sweets are no different. Water undeniably con- gie burgers and vegetarian unlikely to “purchase foods that products already on the market or
I have been intrigued by the when it comes to cooked Pradesh and Bhavnagar in Surely it’s the quality of the tributed a lot to the lentils as “meats” frequently comprised of look and taste identical to meat, target a specific set of health-con-
query what role do soil and food, the answer is not easy. Gujarat. It is more than the full fat milk or curds that it does in other locations to soy, beans and lentils have been but are based on ingredients that scious consumers. They have been
water actually play in shaping So much depends on the change of place that trans- exert the decisive influence Scotch and Darjeeling being around for decades, this new gen- are produced artificially.” By designed to reduce the global
the flavour profile of any recipe — traditional or forms the taste. The master on how the peda, barfi or brewed but let’s not forget the eration of products has the sus- September 2019, that number had impact of beef while appealing to
dish — an internationally improvised — skill of the per- craftspersons have played kalakandi is going to taste. oak Sherry casks and the tainability benefits of being made fallen to 40 per cent. everyone.
renowned ‘signature delicacy’ son cooking, vessels used around with cloves, pepper- Almora in Uttarakhand quality of the first or the sec- entirely of veggies, but taste ever Our survey found that during With millennials are expected
like Hyderabadi Dum ki and the supporting cast of corn, tomatoes or a blend of boasts of a singori that essen- ond flush hand picked “two more convincingly like meat. the previous 12 months, 35 per to become America’s largest living
Biryani, Galauti kebab in sweetening and souring spices to carve out a separate tially is kalakand wrapped in leaves and a bud” by experts. In 2018, the US Food and cent of respondents had con- adult generation, their willingness
Lucknow or street side snacks agents, aromatic substances niche for their products. Of a delicately fragrant leaf of a Doesn’t Milton remind us so Drug Administration approved sumed plant-based meat alterna- to embrace plant-based meat
like Banarasi chaat and local and spices common or exot- course, no one from Indore tree that grows on the hillside aptly that “They also serve the plant-based “Impossible tives. Of that group, 90 per cent products suggests continued suc-
sweets lesser known than ic. Indian cuisines create a will admit that the deep fried nearby. Old timers also claim who stand and wait,” remain- Burger,” which relies on an ingre- said they would do so again. cess for this emerging biotechnol-
Bengali chhena-based ones? symphony, combining dif- Girode and oh so sweet that the ‘original’ singori ing invisible most of the dient from genetically modified Among those who had not yet ogy. It also has implications for
Geographical indicators ferent notes and micro notes, Makke ki kees can be enjoyed owed all its fame to unadul- time. yeast to incorporate “haem,” an eaten plant-based meat alterna- agriculture, the food industry,
are usually exclusive tags for that draw a hard to pierce veil anywhere else where the cli- terated khoya supplied by the 2^dacTbh)4g^cXRPcWT[XUTbch[TP]S iron-containing molecule into tives, 42 per cent were willing to food security and environmental
produce unique to a region, over ‘soil and water.’ mate is different from their villagers in Lodhiya. One fT[[]Tbb\PVPiX]T^U the product, allowing its meats to try them, while 30 per cent of that sustainability around the world.
be it vines, whiskies, tea or Take for instance the beloved Malwa. Down South may argue that the fragrance CWT?X^]TTaVa^d_ “bleed.” In an endorsement of group remained unwilling. °0?CWT2^]eTabPcX^]

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a strong belief and faith in
what we do and that’s the
only way we can come to
the successful path. That’s 70AB78C18B7CQ =4F34;78 as he is training like he is, behav-
the way and the approach ing like he is and giving his best
we are having and that’s
how we work and operate.”
He also had a word of
I ndian record goal scorer Sunil
Chhetri remains an irreplaceable
part for the team feels head coach
to the national team he will be with
us, I can assure you about that,”
Stimac said of his team’s captain.
encouragement for the I Igor Stimac as the former Croatian However, the coach said that
League players and said defender referred Indian captain the current team also has players
that he will be keeping as ‘valuable’ to his side. who can score goals and he is
close tabs on Indian play- Currently the second highest hopeful of them stepping up and
ers in the league and their international goal scorers among getting the job done for India.
good performance can active players, only behind “But I hope at the same time
earn them national team Portugal’s Cristiano Ronaldo (99), that I will have chance to find out
call up. Chhetri is the most-capped play- few more like Sunil Chhetri, I hope
“I am here to show er and also the all-time top scor- that once Jobby Justin starts play-
that the Hero I League is er for the Indian national team, ing games, he will start scoring
for us as much important with 72 goals in 115 appearances. goals, so I can have him in the
as Indian Super League The 35-year-old forward has national team. I hope a few other
(ISL). I am here to give my been in prolific form in 2019 as players like Seiminlen Doungel
support to all the players well scoring seven goals in 11 from FC Goa will start playing in
that are going to participate games but since netting India’s centre-forward position in few
in the upcoming season only goal in the 1-2 loss to Oman games and Manvir Singh start
and to send them the mes- in September, he has not found the scoring goals. So we have differ-
sage that all those who are target in the last three matches of ent options because they are a dif-
8]SXP]U^^cQP[[cTP\R^PRW8V^aBcX\PRP[^]VfXcW cTP\\T\QTab_^bTU^aPVa^d__W^c^VaP_WSdaX]VcWT "cWTSXcX^]^UcWT7Ta^8;TPVdT^UUXRXP[[Pd]RWX]=Tf3T[WX^]CWdabSPh ?X^]TTa?W^c^ having Indian passport are the 2022 World Cup qualifying ferent kind of players. I am very

the possible candidates for campaign. excited about all that,” he added.
70AB78C18B7CQ =4F34;78 The 52-year old former senior Indian national And on Thursday when asked
Croatian coach is hopeful that team. I am here to tell them if he (Stimac) has found any play-

lue Tigers head coach Igor with time Indian football will also that all the Indian er in India who can replace
Stimac was left disappoint- rise to the next level and will be senior players came Chhetri in the future, he said, “I

ed after his team failed to able to rub shoulders with the through I League and that’s am trying to do everything possi-

win any of the two 2022 World best in Asia and the world. the way. It’s upon them ble so that Sunil keeps scoring
Cup qualifiers away games “I am a very realistic per- how they going to perform, goals. You are all mentioning
against Afghanistan (1-1 draw in son, in regards to expectations how they going to present replacing Sunil, I don’t know why
Dushanbe) on November 14 mines are not different to yours. themselves and how they you saying that. He is not going
and Oman (0-1 defeat in And I said in the beginning that going to represent their anywhere. He is there, alive and fit
Muscat) on November 19 to vir- if we all stick together and pos- clubs. There is another and doing his best in to keep scor-
tually get out of reckoning a itive it will be easier for all of us message I’ll send to them, ing goals.”
berth and the Croatian tactician to gain better results. There are ‘I will come to watch the “He had some great chances if

on Thursday cited injury to key always some negative com- games live whenever I can’ you remember one in the game
players like Pronay (Halder), ments because of higher expec- to support once again against Afghanistan, which nor-
Adil (Khan) and Rahul Bheke as tations but we got what we got, whatever they do. To show mally he scores nine out of ten
the main reason behind the
country’s early exit. \PX]aTPb^]U^a8]SXPV^X]V^dc^UF2aTRZ^]X]V we cannot go beyond that. It’s
a long process, it will take time,
them that they should not
feel lonely and forgotten
times. It didn’t happen that day but
that doesn’t mean something has
Speaking at the sidelines of Constantine, who resigned after dual in the second minute and unhappiness at the clubs for not you know all the problems we because they have great changed in his game.”
the launch of the 13th edition of India’s group-stage exit in the it took us ten minutes to warm playing Indian players as strik- are facing, we need to be patient importance for Indian “He is very valuable to us, his
the Hero I-League which starts Asian Cup earlier this year. up on us for an unexpected sit- ers in the domestic leagues. and need to be altogether with football future.” body is like 29-year old, so as long
from November 30 and will be “When we look back at the uation which occurred there, we “Can you mention to me
telecasted on DSport, Stimac results we need to be positive couldn’t let Pronay coming out one player with Indian passport
said, “In regards to the last two and the simple reason is the facts and staying there with nine playing as striker and scoring
games we played, we came back are there — in the last World men in such an important goals in the leagues? Why are
home bit disappointed with the Cup qualifiers, there were five game.” you expecting that we are going
results. But that didn’t under- consecutive defeats, now we “The second injury was to to score goals in the internation-
mine our fate and believe in have two defeats and three Adil Khan, who was ok before al games if we don’t have a sin-
what we do. We faced big diffi- draws.” the game and there was no gle striker in the league?”
culties in regards to opponents, “In the last qualifiers after injury risk. I had an individual “And I don’t work with the
climate differences which are not five games we were with zero meeting with him before the players on a daily basis, I work
something we are trying to points now we have three points. start and told him that if there with them five days before the
make an excuse. But the injury And we have more games to is any doubt in his mind about game, but the good and impor-
problems were something we come and we are on our way to he can or he can’t, I will leave tant thing is that we are creating
find it most difficult at the achieve what we promise we are him out. But he said, ‘No, I am chances.”
moment. Losing the most going to lurk on, that is compet- ok, I can start the game coach, “India is not anymore team
important players in regards to ing at the 2023 Asian Cup doing I don’t feel any pain, no doubt at who is going somewhere and
stamina, to character, not hav- better than before once we get all’ but when you go into the fearing someone. No way. India
ing Sandesh (Jhingan) and there and preparing teams for game, you make few tackles, few wherever it goes, it goes without
Borges (Rowllin) there, missing the future and going into next different movements and all fear, it goes to play football and
Pronay (Halder) in first couple World Cup (2026) qualifiers that, the pain starts coming face it’s opponent, never mind
of games, also having early with much better and higher back and unlucky for us, he who that is. And we are going to
injury during the game against expectations, That’s the work we couldn’t keep playing longer.” win the games to try to do that,
Oman were the obstacles, big are providing at the moment, “And at the end, in the sec- we are not holding back inside
enough, to stop us from gaining building up for the future and ond half there was Rahul Bheke of our box and fighting for our
better results.” giving opportunities to young also, who received another big lives, we are there trying to play
The team is at fourth spot in and new players who are many pain in his groin which was an football whoever it is, on the
Group E table with three points in this team in regards to Asian old injury he was facing, these opposite side. This is what we
from five matches. They haven’t Cup to gain experience and are the things you are not building upon, New Brave India
won a single match out of the become our future stars,” he said. expecting to happen especially — India with a heart, with the
five played so far in this second Discussing about the in early stages of such an impor- courage to play football, never
round of the qualifiers. injuries to Pronay, Adil and tant game,” he added. mind facing problems with
But the coach said his team Rahul during Oman tie which There is a lot of talk about defeat because that’s the only way
has done better than the previ- affected India’s game plan the India’s inability of scoring goals upgrading your game, bringing
ous one which was coached by coach said, “Pronay had suffered in the games and when quizzed and developing new quality into
Englishman Stephen shoulder relocation after one about that, Stimac expressed his your team.”

7_\TU^DbY_ a final score of 250.1. India are currently

top of the table with three Gold medals,
followed by China (two Gold, one Silver,
one Bronze).
<P]d4[PeT]X[3XehP]bW Manu shot 244.7 to notch up the top
R[PX\c^_W^]^dabX] prize in the prestigious season-ending
tournament. The Haryana girl beat a classy
bW^^cX]VF^a[S2d_5X]P[b field for her maiden WCF Gold.
Elavenil shot a score of 250.8 to edge
?C8Q ?DC80= past Taiwan’s Lin Ying-Shin (250.7).
Romania’s Laura-Georgeta Coman fin-
<P]d1WPZTaX]PRcX^]SdaX]VF2 5X]P[b B08CfXccTa
ndia’s young shooters touched another
sensational high with Manu Bhaker,
Valarivan and Divyansh Panwar
the Gold with a junior world record in the
women’s 10m air pistol event, while the 20-
ished third with a score of 229.
Divyansh then ensured that women
didn’t hog the limelight completely with his
winning Gold medals in their respective year-old Elavenil claimed the top honours stellar performance. He qualified third for
events for the country’s best-ever show in in the women’s 10m air rifle competition. the final with a score of 627.1.
the ISSF World Cup Finals here on Later, another teen sensation In the final he steered ahead of
Thursday. Divyansh, who is all of 17, finished on top Hungary’s Istvan Peni (250) and Slovakia’s
The 17-year-old Manu fired her way to in the men’s 10m air rifle competition with Patrik Jany (228.4) to clinch the top prize.

?C8Q <>D=C<0D=60=D8

N ew Zealand targeted the

wicket of “freak” Ben
6WRNHVRI*HQLXV through the first two sessions
against a New Zealand bowl-
ing tight lines.
Earlier England’s top three
Stokes on Thursday as they on 241 for four, with the 28- played their part in getting a
battle to get back into the first year-old all-rounder unbeaten safe start with Surrey pair
Test against England at Mount on 67. Rory Burns (52) and Dom
Maunganui. “He’s a special talent. He’s Sibley (22) putting on 52 for
The honours were even a bit of a freak at times,” New the first wicket before Burns
when the New Zealand-born Zealand short-ball specialist and Denly added 61 for the
Stokes went to the middle just Neil Wagner said after Stokes second.
before tea on day one with clubbed his bouncers four Captain Root, however,
England 120 for three. times to the boundary. took 21 balls to get off the
But by stumps, with Stokes and Joe Denly (74) mark with a two and then
Stokes in imperious form, the put on 83 for the fourth wick- wafted at a wide next delivery
score had doubled and et to lift England after they from Wagner and was caught
England will resume on Friday had slowly accumulated runs 1T]Bc^ZTbaTcda]bPUcTa bcSPh_[Ph 0? behind.

05?Q 1A8B10=4 two runs.
But good partnerships of 49 between

A ustralia seized the advantage on the

opening day of the first Test when they
bowled Pakistan out for 240 just before
Shafiq and Mohammed Rizwan, who
made 37, and then 84 with Yasir Shah (26)
enabled the visitors to achieve a respectable
stumps at the Gabba in Brisbane on score.
Thursday. Rizwan, who was counter-attacking
After the visitors resisted stubbornly in fearlessly, fell controversially with Cummins
the first session, reaching 57 for no wick- appearing to have just overstepped the
et at lunch, pace trio Mitchell Starc (4-52), mark, only for TV umpire Michael Gough
Josh Hazlewood (2-46) and Pat Cummins to give the benefit of the doubt to the bowler.
(3-60) tore through the Pakistan batting Pakistan had earlier caused a major sur-
order to put the home side in charge at the =PbTT\BWPWRQTU^aTcWTbcPac^U bcSPh_[Ph 0? prise when they left out experienced seam-
close of play. Asad Shafiq, who played a lone hand, scor- er Mohammad Abbas, opting instead for
Australia seized the initiative after ing 76 well-made runs. pacemen Shaheen Afridi, Imran Khan
lunch when they reduced Pakistan from 75 Shafiq came to the crease with his side and 16-year-old Naseem Shah, who were
for none to 78 for four, then 94 for five. 75 for two, then saw Haris Sohail (1) and impressive in their lead-up game against
Pakistan were rescued from disaster by Baba Azar (1) fall for the addition of only Australia A.
=4F34;78k5A830H k=>E4<14A!!! ( b_^ac %

AZ_\ CVg`]feZ`_Z_4Zej`W;`j
?C8Q :>;:0C0
?C8Q :>;:0C0

30H=867CC4BC<0C274B T he pink ball feels like a 8U8S^]³c[XZTCTbc


ndian cricket will finally “heavy hockey ball” to
embrace the pink revolu- Virat Kohli, who is \TX]c^[XZX]VXc8U
tion after initial reluctance ?;0H8=6A42>A3>54027C40< extremely wary of the chal- b^\T^]TVTcb
when Virat Kohli’s seemingly CTP\ ? F ; BdRRTbb lenges its weight, hard- TgRXcT\T]c^aQ^^bc
infallible galacticos lock horns ness and colour could pose Ua^\fPcRWX]VcWT
0dbcaP[XP $ $  
with a deflated Bangladesh in while fielding. QPcc[TQTcfTT]QPcP]S
their maiden Day/Night Test BaX;P]ZP " !  %%%% “One thing that sur- QP[[P]SVaTPcbTbbX^]
starting here today. =TfITP[P]S !  $ prised me was the fielding ^UCTbcRaXRZTcX]\h
It took India a new BCCI B^dcW0UaXRP !   $ sessions. In the slips balls
regime under maverick former ?PZXbcP] "  ! """" hit so hard it almost felt
captain Sourav Ganguly to take like a heavy hockey ball, all _T^_[TcWPcbW^d[S
4]V[P]S "  ! """"
the pink ball plunge, a good those synthetic ball that R^\TP]SfPcRWCTbc
FTbc8]SXTb "  "  RaXRZTcQTRPdbTcWTh
seven years after the IX\QPQfT    
we're used to play with in
International Cricket Council the younger days,” Kohli d]STabcP]SfWPc³b
approved the format to revive 78674BC8==8=6BC>C0;B said on the eve of the V^X]V^]±° :>7;8
interest in Tests. match.
Ganguly convinced the $&("STR ?PZXbcP]eFTbc8]SXTbPc3dQPX ! % & “It's purely because of visibility and the ability to
Bangladesh Cricket Board to $ #'STR 4]V[P]SeFTbc8]SXTbPc1Xa\X]VWP\ ! & the extra glaze on the ball, pick that colour makes it
agree to a Day/Night Test just #'! BaX;P]ZPe?PZXbcP]Pc3dQPX ! & ' it is definitely much more even more difficult. The
a few days before their team ;>F4BC8==8=6BC>C0;B harder. For some reason it decision making has to be
was to land in India. felt heavy and even the very precise like the idea of
The bone of contention $' 4]V[P]Se=TfITP[P]SPc0dRZ[P]S ! & ' throws took a lot more off stumps. Even when we
was the SG pink ball, which %' IX\QPQfTeB^dcW0UaXRPPc?^ac4[XiPQTcW ! & ' effort than the red colour practised yesterday we felt
many still believe is difficult to (" FTbc8]SXTbeBaX;P]ZPPc1aXSVTc^f] ! ' to reach the wicketkeeper.” as if the ball is far but it hits
sight after sunset. Add to it the 78674BC8=38E83D0;B2>A4B India had their first you very quickly.
dew factor, which players brush with “The extra glaze of the
"! 0iWPa0[X?PZXbcP]eFTbc8]SXTbPc3dQPX ! % &
believe aggravates the bowlers' the SG pink ball is making it travel
!#" 0[PbcXPa2^^Z4]V[P]SeFTbc8]SXTbPc1Xa\X]VWP\ ! &
problems. ball after faster. It hits the hand
But Ganguly found Kohli 14BC1>F;8=68=0=8==8=6B they wrapped hard. It should excite
on the same page and the cur- up the open- everyone. Sometime
'#( 3TeT]SaP1XbW^^FTbc8]SXTbe?PZXbcP]Pc3dQPX ! % &
rent Indian captain took just ing Test inside you have to change
“three seconds” to agree to %!" ?Pc2d\\X]b0dbcaP[XPeBaX;P]ZPPc1aXbQP]T ! ' ( three days in the template. I think
the Board President’s idea. 508B4;540CDA4B Indore. we have to be very
So far, the build-up to the India had a precise and our
Test has been smooth. A sell- 9^TYQfc 2Q^W\QTUcX In such a gloomy scenario, session under skills will be
out crowd for the first four days the skipper may find some lights at the Eden tested in
has been managed, something <YfUVb_]!* `]9CD inspiration from his pacers, Gardens on this Test.”
that has been the primary goal DE2CDA@CED"$ especially Abu Jayed, who Wednesday.
of playing the traditional for- impressed in the Indore Test. “I think dur-
mat under lights. consolidate their position after ing the day, high
Amid all the hype, there is another series victory. SQUADS catches will be very
also the small matter of India While a handful of Indian India: Virat Kohli (c), Rohit difficult. With the
bracing up for a 12th successive players have pink-ball experi- Sharma, Mayank Agarwal, red or white ball you
home series victory. ence, having played three Cheteshwar Pujara, Ajinkya have the idea of when
The challenge for the play- domestic seasons of Duleep Rahane, Wriddiman Saha the ball reaches you but
ers would be when the dew Trophy under lights, the (wk),Ravichandran Ashwin, with the pink ball if you
comes in to play after the sun Bangladeshi squad would be Ravindra Jadeja, Rishabh Pant, don’t look at it your palms
sets early and it remains to be facing the challenge for the first Mohammed Shami, Ishant are gone.
seen how both the teams and time. Sharma, Umesh Yadav, “Fielding ses-
the groundsmen cope with the Bangladesh have struggled Hanuma Vihari, Kuldeep sion for me was far
pink ball. in batting and only Mushfiqur Yadav and Shubman Gill. more challenging.
The Cricket Association Rahim posted a 50-plus score Bangladesh: Mominul Haque People are going to
of Bengal has made all efforts in the Indore Test. (c), Liton Das (wk), Mehidy be surprised how
to turn the match into a carni- A^WXcBWPa\PQPcbPc]TcbSdaX]V8]SXP´b_aPRcXRTbTbbX^]^]cWTTeT^UcTP\´bUXabc3Ph=XVWcCTbcPVPX]bc1P]V[PSTbW 1228CfXccTa Having been handed the Hasan, Nayeem Hasan, Al- challenging pink ball
val for fans with several gim- captaincy after Shakib Al Amin Hossain, Ebadot can be.”
micks. So, there are pink-ball Sheikh Hasina, are also expect- inside three days with an Sharma and Mayank Agarwal Hasan’s suspension for failure Hossain, Mossadek Hossain, Visibility in twilight
mascots, Army paratroopers to ed at the venue. innings and 130 runs victory — — has been the story of the to report corrupt approaches, Shadman Islam, Taijul Islam, has also been cited as one
deliver the match ball and a The menacing pace attack the 10th innings win for India. season in Indian cricket. Mominul Haque is struggling Abu Jayed, Imrul Kayes, of the biggest challenges
galaxy of sports and political of Mohammed Shami, Ishant The pace attack along with Already at the top of the to handle the pressure, made Mahmudullah, Mohammad the historic match could
dignitaries, including Sharma and Umesh Yadav the blazing form of the new- World Test Championship worse by his batsmen’s contin- Mithun, Mushfiqur Rahim, pose.
Bangladesh Prime Minister wrapped up the Indore Test found opening duo — Rohit standings, India would look to uing flop-show. Mustafizur Rahman. “Not having a great

AcRTeZTV^ReTYh`f]UYRgVSVV_YV]aWf]+ >`^Z_f] ³?PRTabfX[[QT\^aTTUUTRcXeTd]STa[XVWcb´

?C8Q :>;:0C0 the eve of the Test here. lateral movement on a green =4F 34;78) Former opener probably have to use them
The current Bangladesh wicket. Gautam Gambhir feels the under lights as well as it will

B angladesh captain
Mominul Haque on
Thursday rued that his team
team have no pink ball
experience even at the
domestic level and they
“It”s about being strong
mentally and have to be
more patient. The idea is to
India and Bangladesh cap-
tains need to be innovative
while handling their pacers
be of more help as compared
to if it’s a 1 pm start.”
The India opener said
didn’t get a practice game to only had four sessions, play session by session. It’s with the pink ball, including it will be a challenge to pick
prepare before taking on including two in Indore, about learning from the using them frequently under the wrist spinners.
India in their first-ever before their first ever D/N past.” lights for more effectiveness. “One thing I realized
QTPcX]VFTbc8]SXTbX]cWTUX]P[C!\PcRWQh% ad]bc^
Day/Night Test. Test. Mushfiqur Rahim was “...Captains will now was under the lights it was
fX]bTaXTb$ 1228CfXccTa
“We did not get any “It’s new for everyone. the lone half-centurion in need to use their fast bowlers really difficult to pick the

opportunity to play a prac- We had very good prepara- Bangladesh innings as they differently,” said Gambhir, wrist spinner because
tice match and at that tion we hope we can capi- crashed to an innings and who had led India Blue to the sometimes if you don't pick
moment (when it was talise on that. We will look 130-run defeat inside three final of the Duleep Trophy it in the hand and you pick
decided) we could not do for the opportunities and we days in Indore. tournament which was it in the end once you

anything. The only way to are excited to play the first “We made some mis- played under lights in watch the scene,” he said.
prepare for us was by ever pink ball Test for the takes in the first innings. 2016, on ‘Star Sports’. But once, its artificial
preparing mentally. But def- country,” the skipper said. There was no partnership in “In red ball crick- lights and has a black
initely, if you play any Test The skipper urged his the top order. We did not et they use them theme as well so I am sure
?C8Q ?A>E834=24 match with the pink ball, batsmen to be more careful have proper shot nd go for- early in the morning wrist spinners will play a
you have to play practice <dbWUX`daAPWX\QPcbSdaX]V]Tcb while facing the pink ball, ward. We hope to rectify our but in the day and huge role under the lights.”
bTbbX^] 0?
T he Indian women’s cricket team complet-
ed a 5-0 series whitewash over the West
matches,” Mominul said on which is likely to have more mistakes,” the skipper said. night matches they will PTI

Indies after half centuries from Veda
Krishnamurthy and Jemimah Rodrigues,
complemented by the bowlers’ clinical show, 1WdeX:d[STT_QPRZU^aFX]SXTb bTaXTb 370F0=508;B
steered the side to a 61-run triumph in the
fifth and final T20 International in Guyana.
Rodrigues (50) and Krishnamurthy (57
not out) shared 117 runs for the third wick- ?C8Q BDA0C
et as India Women scored 134 for 3 after
electing to bat.
Rodrigues needed 56 balls for her 50,
which was studded with three boundaries,
O pener Shikhar Dhawan’s (24 off 22 balls) lean
patch continued but Delhi still managed to
register a comfortable 77-run win over
while Krishnamurthy’s unbeaten 57 came off Maharashtra in their opening Super League
48 deliveries, which included four hits to the match of the Syed Mushtaq Ali Trophy T20 tour-
fence. nament here on Thursday.
In the West Indies run chase, the Indian Delhi made 167 for
Women bowlers produced a disciplined five after being invited to
performance to restrict the hosts to 73 for 7 bat and then produced a
in their allotted 20 overs. disciplined bowling effort
Opener Kyshona Knight was the top- to bundle out
scorer with 22 while Shemaine Campbelle Maharashtra for 90 in
remained not out on 19. 17.2 overs. Part-time off-
For India Women, off-spinner Anuja Patil spinner Nitish Rana stole
grabbed two wickets for just three runs while the show with the ball
Radha Yadav, Poonam Yadav, Pooja Vastrakar 1228_aTbXST]cB^daPe6P]Vd[hRP_cPX]EXaPc:^W[XP]SRWXTUbT[TRc^a<B:?aPbPSP]S^cWTabT[TRcX^]R^\\XccTT\T\QTab with figures of four for 17. 05?Q <03A83 Instead, the three-time
and Harleen Deol took a wicket each. _^bTU^a_W^c^PUcTacTP\bT[TRcX^]\TTcX]VU^acWTd_R^\X]V[X\XcTS^eTabbTaXTbPVPX]bcFTbc8]SXTb 1228CfXccTa Meanwhile in the grand slam champion was


3D108) India’s Jemimah Rodrigues on
?C8Q :>;:0C0 included in the last series as
specialist batsman had to go
Asia Cup in the UAE.
His younger cousin
other two matches,
Punjab thrashed
Jharkhand by 109 runs
G reat Britain rested Andy
Murray and squeezed into
the Davis Cup quarter-finals on
cheering from the side as Kyle
Edmund played brilliantly to see
off Mikhail Kukushkin 6-3, 6-3
Thursday jumped to the fourth position in
the batting chart, while slow left-arm spin-
ner Radha Yadav is placed second among
A fit-again Bhuvneshwar
Kumar on Thursday
returned to the Indian teams
out without getting a match.
It is learnt that Samson was-
n’t seen as a back-up keeper.
brother Rahul was, however,
dropped from the squad with
the seasoned Kuldeep back in
with skipper Mandeep
Singh top-scoring with
an unbeaten 81.
Thursday after clinching an all-
or-nothing doubles rubber to
beat Kazakhstan.
before Dan Evans was beaten 5-
7, 6-4, 6-1 by Alexander Bublik
to leave the tie in the balance.
bowlers in the latest ICC Women’s T20I for next month’s T20 and Senior opener Shikhar the mix with his partner in At the Lalbhai Britain will face Germany in But Jamie Murray and his
Player Rankings. ODI series against West Dhawan, despite his poor crime, Yuzvendra Chahal, Contractor Stadium, Madrid today night in the last partner Neal Skupski, making
Besides Rodrigues, young Shafali Verma Indies, while all-rounder run of form, gets another go who made his shortest format Baroda defeated eight. Also, Serbia will face his Davis Cup debut, held their
also made significant progress, after playing Shivam Dube was rewarded at the top while in-form comeback in the last series. Rajasthan by 15 runs. For Baroda, opener Aditya Russia and Spain take on nerve to prevail 6-1, 6-4 over
stellar roles in a stunning 5-0 series sweep. with a maiden call-up in the speedster Mohammed Shami Krunal Pandya, who had Waghmode stuck a quick-fire 88. Argentina. Bublik and Kukushkin, who
Rodrigues moved up three places to 50-over format. and left-arm spinner Kuldeep been a regular feature in the While in the last game, riding on blazing The British team knew might have felt the strain after
fourth position and teen sensation Verma A side strain and a ham- Yadav were back in the short- T20 setup for a year has been fifties by K L Rahul and skipper Manish Pandey, defeat would ensure an early exit returning to the court following
gained 57 slots to reach 30th position as India string injury forced seamer est format after some time. dropped, with Ravindra defending champions Karnataka thrashed Tamil just as France, the tournament’s their singles.
leapfrogged the West Indies to fourth posi- Bhuvneshwar to come back Another veteran Kedar Jadeja back after a break. Nadu by nine wickets to begin their Super League top seeds, had already crashed Djokovic booked Serbia’s
tion in the ICC Women’s T20I Team midway from the tour of Jadhav has also managed to The pace bowling depart- campaign on a winning note. out a few hours before at the place in the quarters as he eased
Rankings. West Indies in August. hold on to his ODI place ments in both squads bear a Karnataka chased a stiff 159-run target in just hands of Serbia and Novak past Benoit Paire to send France
Another India batter to advance is Veda The Indian squad bears a despite the presence of familiar look with 16. 2 overs as Rahul (69 not out off 46 balls) and Djokovic. crashing out.
Krishnamurthy, who move from 61st to 49th. full-strength look with skip- Shreyas Iyer and Manish Bhuvneshwar and Shami Pandey (52 not out off 33 balls) hammered a It made the gamble to leave Djokovic beat Paire 6-3, 6-
There are now three Indian bowlers in per Virat Kohli back at the Pandey in both squads. leading the way. It is expect- pedestrian Tamil Nadu attack in the premier Murray out of the singles all the 3 after Filip Krajinovic won a
the top five as left-arm spinner Radha Yadav helm and his deputy Rohit Seamer Deepak Chahar, ed that Jasprit Bumrah will domestic T20 tournament. more bold, even if the Scot close encounter 7-5, 7-6 (7/5)
has moved up from fifth to second spot. Sharma also not opting for a who recently had a brilliant join the duo soon and, along Earlier, put into bat, Tamil Nadu posted a appears to be struggling for fit- against Jo-Wilfried Tsonga to
Deepti Sharma, who took eight wickets break. T20 series against Bangladesh with Deepak, could be the decent 158/7 on the board with their skipper ness after his lengthy duel with give Serbia a 2-0 advantage,
in the series, has retained her fourth position Kohli coming back meant was recalled in the ODI squad main four pacers in white ball Dinesh Karthik leading from the front with a Holland’s Tallon Griekspoor on making France’s doubles victo-
while Poonam Yadav is fifth. that Sanju Samson, who was after he played in last year’s format. brisk 43 off 29 balls. Wednesday. ry irrelevant.

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