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How Small Habits Can

Lead to Big Changes
The power of taking microsteps.

Sarah Mazzetti

By Arianna Huffington

Nov. 13, 2019

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On April 6, 2007, I woke up in a pool of my own

blood. I was two years into building The
Huffington Post. A divorced mother of two
teenage daughters, I had just returned from a
week of taking my eldest daughter on a tour of
prospective colleges, and, since she had
insisted that I stayed off my Blackberry
during the day, I would stay up each night
working. And so, the morning after we
returned home, I woke up burned out and
exhausted — and collapsed. The result was a
broken cheekbone, several stitches over my
eye and the beginning of a long journey.

In the days that followed, I found myself in a

lot of doctors’ waiting rooms, which, it turns
out, are great places to think about life. And
that’s what I did. I asked myself a lot of
questions, like: Is this what success really
looks like? Is this the life I want to lead?

The answer was no. And the diagnosis I got

from all the doctors was that I had a severe
case of burnout. So I got deep into the growing
body of science on the connection between
well-being and performance, and how we can
actually be more productive when we
prioritize our well-being and take time to
unplug and recharge.

So I decided to make a lot of changes to my

life. I wanted to start sleeping enough. I
wanted to start meditating again, which I had
learned to do as a child. I wanted to change
the way I worked so I could be more
productive, more focused, more energetic and
less tired and stressed.


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But making changes in our lives and creating

new habits isn’t easy, especially as we
approach resolution season: A study from the
University of Scranton found that 92 percent
of people fail to keep their New Year’s
resolutions, and another found that 80 percent
will have already failed by the second week of

That’s why at Thrive Global, the company I

founded to help people improve both their
well-being and performance, our behavior
change system is built on the idea of
microsteps. These are small, actionable and
science-backed steps you can take to make
immediate changes in your daily life. It’s the
idea that if you make the steps small enough,
they’ll become too-small-to-fail. And as
research has shown, starting small makes
new habits more likely to stick.

People are tired of being sick and tired. They

want to work and live in a way that doesn’t
overwhelm them. And making even very
small changes in our trajectory can, over time,
lead us to a very different destination. By
making our microsteps too small to fail, we
can make those first, small changes on which
we can begin to build a new and healthier way
of living and working. There’s nothing wrong
with aiming big — but we can help ourselves
by starting small.


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Here are 10 of my favorite microsteps in a

handful of areas of life. Each can serve as the
foundation for continuing to make more
changes in your life.


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Pick a time at night when you turn off your

devices — and gently escort them out of your

Our phones are repositories of everything we

need to put away to allow us to sleep — our to-
do lists, our inboxes, multiple projects and
problems. Disconnecting from the digital
world will help you sleep better, recharge
more deeply and reconnect to your wisdom
and creativity.

Set an alarm for 30 minutes before your


When you think of sleep as an actual

appointment, you’re much more likely to grant
it the time it deserves. Setting an alarm
reminds you that if you’re going to get to bed
on time, you need to start wrapping things up.

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Sit down when you eat, even for a few


Eating on the run can make us feel like we’re

being productive or saving time. But mindless
eating while we are multitasking can lead us
to consume more calories and is more likely to
lead to bloating and indigestion. Make it a
meal, instead, and you’ll be less tempted to
snack afterward.


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Turn a sit-down meeting into a walking


Instead of sitting in a conference room, try

walking with a colleague during a meeting.
You’ll be less likely to peek at your devices,
and the movement can help get the creative,
problem-solving juices flowing.

Turn off all your notifications, except from

those who need to reach you.

The more our phone buzzes at us, the more it

conditions us to release cortisol, or “the stress

Do an audit of your phone’s home screen to

reduce time-sapping distractions.

Take just a few minutes to determine which

apps you really need to access. Keep only
“tools” that add value — not apps designed to
consume more of your attention.

Let yourself be bored.

Next time you’re waiting in line, waiting in

traffic or waiting for someone who is late for a
meeting, embrace it instead of immediately
looking at your phone or iPad. Unstructured
moments can lead to inspiration, creativity,
reflection and connection.


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Block time on your calendar to manage your


Studies show that it takes an average of 25

minutes to refocus after being interrupted, so
setting aside time for email can help you avoid
constant inbox distractions.

Set aside a specific time (even 5 minutes)

each day or week dedicated to worry time.

Write down or reflect on your worries and

concerns. Don’t set any expectations about
solving your worries or generating solutions,
though you might find that solutions come
naturally once you start reflecting.

Declare an end to the day, even if you haven’t

completed your to-do list.

Effectively prioritizing means being

comfortable with incompletions. Once you’ve
handled the day’s essential priorities,
recognize that in any interesting job it’s
almost impossible to do all you could have
done in any one day. By taking the time to
recharge, you’ll return to work the next day
ready to seize opportunities.
A version of this article appears in print on Nov. 18, 2019, Section B,
Page 6 of the New York edition with the headline: Microstep Your Way to
a Healthier Lifestyle. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe

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