Bricklaying Story Leadership

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A story is told by John C.

Maxwell of a man who came across three bricklayers busy

at work. The man asked the first bricklayer what he was doing. “I’m laying bricks,”
the worker replied. He then asked the second bricklayer the same question. “I’m
putting up a wall,” he said. The passerby then asked the question one more time,
this time to the third bricklayer. The response: “I’m building a cathedral.”

As this story illustrates, three different workers can do the exact same task but for
very different reasons. The first may have labored exclusively for the paycheck. He
saw his work as exactly that, a task that needed to be completed regardless of the
outcome. When the bell rang, he was out the door. The second was likely motivated
by a sense of completion and was proud that his bricklaying would result in the
construction of a wall. Perhaps he would add a few extra minutes here and there in
order to see the goal to completion. But the third was no doubt driven by a deep
desire to fashion a religious structure that would enhance worship and bring glory to
the divine. Every brick was a step towards that grandiose vision and aspiration. No
doubt that such a person would do whatever was needed in order to see his glorious
visualization come to fruition.

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